#in a way they're still more YOU than the 'sona ever was but
inksandpensblog · 1 year
Can stick-sonas come to life?
I launched a thread off of one of Tulip's posts a little while ago, but I don't want to continue to derail them so I'm making this its own post.
I asked what happens if a stick that's meant to be an avatar of their animator comes to life? But I'm realizing that I may not have been clear about my definition of "avatar" here, so I apologize for that.
When I say "avatar," what I really mean is more along the lines of "stick-sona." Not a self-insert, since it's not really used to tell stories (and I think if the creator did start telling a story with it then it would stop really being a stick-sona, because at that point it starts to become its own character separate from the creator), and honestly not really a mascot either, because it's representing one creator instead of an entire group of them.
So, AvA fandom, I have a challenge for you.
Think of your stick-sona. The stick you draw when it's supposed to be you, whether you're interacting with the characters or with your audience. The stick you draw almost like a signature; more to show the hand you had in the creation of an art piece, than as an actual part of the art. The stick you use to make announcements. The stick you use when you share life updates. The stick you answer ooc asks with. The stick you use when you want to preserve your privacy online but still give your followers some visual means of identifying you.
And ask yourself:
What would it mean, for your 'sona to come to life?
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duckchu · 7 months
Duckyyyy, I seriously need a change from the KDA!reader stuff going around, could I mayhaps beg of you for anything romantic with whatever heartsteel boy you feel like writing for with a Pentakill reader?
(I seriously recommend listening to Pentakill if you like old metal, I can also help give a brief description of Pentakill if you need it)
While Pentakill is (musically) my least favourite band from lol, I'm a Sona main and a Mordekaiser simp, I know them by heart, 🎃 (this sounds way more threating than it was meant to lmao) (and I do not know them by heart, I just love Sona and Mordekaiser and would very much enjoy being stuffing to a sandwich if they're the bread if you know what I mean
And you know what? I'm feeling like writing them all so enjoy my lovely pumpkin
Also sorry for kinda insterting Battle Academia Yone in there but I couldn't stop myself
Enjoy 🖤
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(mmm wife gif)
You're a hottie AND you're in THE Pentakill? He was instantly hooked on you when you two met
Though you weren't as keen on him, thinking of him as just another fanboy
After some time of him bugging you and trying to impress you as much as he can, you warmed up to him
Eventually landing yourself into a relationship with him
Everyone in both bands thought you two were just a short phase
But then the public learned about you
And my god, was it a storm
Especially since everyone suspected you were dating someone...more like you
But you two are still going strong
He loves your style, especially if your outfits include some chains (he's a kinky man what can I say)
Though he also enjoys your style outside of the stage, no matter how much it differs from your metal queen image
Honestly he just loves when you look happy
Probably wrote a few songs about you, which he will never show you, since he thinks you're too cool for love songs
Honestly? Wasn't interested at the beginning
You're from Pentakill? Ok, don't care
Honestly you were the one who fell first
He had no idea, untill he noticied you telling Sona you thought he was cute using sing language
After that he started noticing you in his surroundings more often
Especially if you wore tight clothes
I mean he's not a pervert, but you look really good
Finally Alune made him realise he's in love
Oh shit he is
So after some time to gather courage he goes in an confesses
Thought it wouldn't be a problem to do it in front of Kayle, since why would she know sing language
He may be stupid but you still love him
But rumours spread fast
So next day the press was on the asses of both of you
Honestly doesn't care. He loves you and that's what matters
Though the rest of Heartsteel might care
Oh well
You two met before Pentakill was even a thing
So he isn't intimated by you being in the band
He's actually very happy for you
Though he does miss the days when you two were just teenagers and could hang out more frequently
Especially since now you usually were with the band or touring
I mean he was happy with you
But he might not have gotten past his little high school crush on you
Ah, the old days, when he thought dying his hair pink would impress you
Now he knew he just had to tell you that he liked you in that special way
You two might have lost some time, but now you have plenty of it to make up for it~
Him? With you? Nooo, this had to be joke
A joke so good Karthus spilled his morning coffe out laughing
Oh wait, you actually were? Oh shit
No one ever thought the intimidating metal diva would be with someone like him
Everyone was sure he would be dating another popstar to break up after a week
But it's been half a year since the news broke out and you two are still going strong
He loves seeing you on stage
You're so...
He secretly wants you to step on him and call you mommy
But he can hold back
For now
Holy shit
The hottie from Pentakill
And him
It's like a dream come true
Although he is worried what his mom will think
She doesn't care
As long as you treat him well, she will welcome you with open arms
Sett loves how ferocious you are
He finds it so hot how intimidating you look on stage
Especially since you have such an effect, even against Mordekaiser and Yorick, who look...well scary
Won't tell you that, but you inspired him so much
He just loves when you mix up your stage style and home style
Like wearing just a normal blouse with that gorset belt? You look great!
He of course loves you for so much more
For example how you always take care of him
Turning into a big softie whenever he needs your help
Or the way your eyes light up when you see in the crowd at a concert
Though the music is not his taste, he will do anything for his partner
He won't admit it, but in the depths of his files there's a whole set of outfits he designed for Pentakill, inspired by you of course
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
23 asks! Thank you!! :}} 🎀
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Originally I added the bandages to mirror my real hands being covered in Band-Aids when I made my sona. :0 (It was due to cat scratches and dry skin don't worry-)
Now they represent my "artist hands".... and my still really dry skin XDD
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Oh yeah absolutely. His crab arm is so heavy that if he falls into the water he'll sink 😬 he cant move it fast enough to help him swim to the surface.. good thing Blue Beauty is always nearby! <XD
It also takes a lot of energy to move and he deals with sore back/shoulder muscles a lot. The way the crab arm formed, its like all the muscles in his back are used to lift and operate it. When he walks around he kind'a uses it as a crutch or a third leg. His legs each take a step and then his crab arm lifts forward and clunks on the ground.
"tap tap.. CLUNK. tap tap.. CLUNK."
Despite all this though, Louis still really likes his new arm and isn't bothered much by all the hardships it brings :)
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Thank you so much!!! :DD I'm hoping I get over this soon 🥺
As for Grim's eyes, I mention that coloring mistake in the tags of this post. It was simply a matter of me misremembering what Gengar looks like :// But I'm thinking I'll keep his white eyes anyways. He looks a lot more friendly that way :}}
THEY HAVE SPARKS?? THEY'RE INDIVIDUALS?? I thought they were just mindless clones! Man.. That makes things in the show even darker-- <XDD
And ohhh, yeah I can see it. I wonder why they decided to add him of all characters? He does have cool shades tho XDD
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Yeah, that's the idea. <:/ I have yet to plan out how she died tho-
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There she is!! :DD She looks great!! :}}
And thank you, I'm hoping I get well soon too 🙂💔
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She never has to stop! I've decided that my characters can eat as much as they want, whenever they want, however they want, and suffer absolutely no consequences what so ever.
Cici just seems to be taking advantage of this ability more than the others <XDD
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:DD Thank you!! I'm so glad you like my interpretation of the Octonauts! :}}
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Oof. Always disappointing to hear people finding me through stolen artwork..
But yeah, you're at the source now! :} Just remember, if you find my artwork anywhere else other than here? Its stolen ://
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I simply misremembered what Gengar looks like and colored his eyes wrong :/// (I talk about it in the tags of this post) But I think I'll keep them white. He just looks so friendly and soft with white eyes.. 🥺
As for Sylveon, I like to think that tying his ribbons around others like that is his way of giving them a hug :}} Since Grim is so r o u n d, there's not many places the ribbons can comfortably tie and not be in Grim's way. His ears are the perfect spot! :}
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Ohh! They look so round and cozy!! :333
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@yourstrulylightstar283 (Referencing this post)
Thank you! :}}}
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@circadiananomaly (24k post in question)
Thank you! I'm hoping this is all over soon as well. :'(((
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Like, my Pokémon Violet team? :0 There will not be any new members no.. you can only have 6 Pokémon in your party at a time!
...Then again there's Patty.. the Hoppip that Anastasia replaced.. I miss her.. 🥺💔💔💔
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I hope I feel good too.. 😔😔😔
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like them!! :}}}}
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(Post in question)
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Me reading this ask ksjnakjn 🥺🥺💞💞💞 that was all basically on point!! :DDD
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I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea how to explain that :'(( 💔💔
The very best I can explain my art process is; "I just.. draw it. And if it doesn't feel right, I just draw it differently until it does feel right." Its all down to muscle memory and drawing what "feels" right. I don't think I'm able to explain that-- 😭😭😭 I'm very sorry! <:'(((
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Woah! What a critter! :00 ✨✨It looks great! :DD
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WAAAHGG THANK YIU!!!- Oh crap you ok tho--
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@littlelightfish (Post in question)
:DD Thank you! I'm so glad you like him!! :}}}
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He'd be amazed! :00
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wrenwreakinghavoc · 6 months
I would love to hear your thoughts on Nosk if you ever got the time to erite about it. Your artwork of it was a delight; I loved Ghost being lit up in orange. 10/10 lighting!
First of all - THANK YOU SM FOR THE COMPLIMENTS!! I haven't tried shading like this in. Months, like I said
Second of all
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(Also thanks for the excuse to draw my Vessel sona)
Don't get me wrong I don't hate Nosk, they're one of my favorite characters in Hollow Knight and media in general. I absolutely adore the concept behind them and the SUSPENSE through those tunnels leading to the big reveal still remains one of my favorite scenes to come back to in HK. The design and concept behind them is very neat and the overall feeling of that first time you enter the arena and see that cutscene is just. Wonderful.
That said, my issues are all about the actual fight. Specifically the attacks.
Nosk has arguably one of the most interesting buildups to a fight in HK, and is in one of the most creepy areas of the game, considering the arena and atmosphere of the fight too, I was expecting this to be a hard boss. I was expecting really difficult and potentially creepy attacks. The OST is one of the most anxiety inducing tracks in the game. Yet the entire fight just amounts to them.. running around? Occasionally jumping onto the ceiling? It feels like a rip off.
Nosk literally only has three attacks and they're all easy to dodge/cheese, if they were just small parts of the fight, it'd be fine, but instead 50% of the fight is just Nosk running across the arena, which is easy to dodge with or without the use of hiding under the platform(still one of the funniest ways to cheese a fight honestly).
Nosk has a bunch of hanging CORPSES in their den, so I thought that maybe they'd have a close up attack where if you got too close it'd trigger them swiping close range, kind of like this:
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Extremely low budget explanation but STILL
The attack with screaming and the infection getting everywhere? NICE! Nosk on the ceiling shooting orange juice at you? GREAT! But the fact those are basically the only two good attacks in this fight with THREE really just. It weighs it down for me man.
By this point in the game(I mean I had to Google where Nosk was since I only saw art of them on my first playthrough since they're hidden), plenty of bosses had phases, too. I feel like the fight could've easily been more anxiety inducing if they had a few phases.
For example:
Phase one - same as current fight + close range attack
Phase two - running attack happens less, potential variations of other attacks, speed up things a bit
Phase three - more orange juice, maybe webs(since that's how the other creatures in the background appear to be captured), could potentially do some jumping version of the running attack(like jumping around the arena aggressively making them harder to do damage to without being hit)?
I'm obviously not a game designer, but I do like rambling about things and potential ideas that could happen to make things better.
The Nosk fight on its own isn't even terrible, it's just the fact that it doesn't live up to the buildup of the way to the fight and the cutscene in the beginning, let alone the absolute panic the OST makes me feel.
I know I probably repeated myself a lot and this is very scattered, but I hope that you somehow enjoyed seeing me ramble aggressively about a fight in a silly bug game that I think has issues anyway.
In conclusion Nosk has an amazing concept, design, OST, atmosphere, and some alright attacks, but really could've benefitted from some more attacks/phases.
I wrote more about this fight than I did for my English essay on Thursday so I don't know what that says about me but do with that what you will
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sardonic-the-writer · 17 days
how do you think your sonas would fare after being dropped into the hunger games universe? :] just for fun question, no pressure lol
this is all just if they got dropped into the games, even though that'd never happen considering they're all much too old to be reaped. just bear with me. i misread this ask at first and don't want to go back and fix it all
winner. easy. with his knowledge of traps, how to set them, make them out of nearly anything, and just plain utilize them, he'd get a bunch of kills in like that. along with his knowledge of every terrain there is out there, he could live off the land fairly long too. tracker is a bad ass, and he's not afraid to slaughter people. he's been doing mercenary work for a few decades, and survived being a trans man in new mexico during the sixties. he can take a little bit of murderous competition. that's practically his day job on the regular
he, along with tracker, are some of my sonas that are more likey to win based on pure skill alone. while trackers win would be thanks to battle knowledge, shrimp would probably pull some katniss evergreen shit and worm his way out of sticky situations. utilizes his smart mouth more than anything else. probably would struggle with actually murdering people. likes to make others turn on each other instead so he doesn't actually have to do the killing: which i should mention he's pretty good at. you don't spend so much time around serial killers and vigilantes without picking up a few tricks
probably dies a couple nights in. he's just some guy that only got off of drugs a few years ago, bro is not surviving a situation like this. maybe he skirts by for longer than expected by making friends with some strong players, but even in his original universe he's generally a very behind the scenes person, so sponsors and things are few and far inbetween. sorry my guy
he has no plot armor in this universe, so he would be one of the first ones to die. and not even to another person either. in fact, i see him dying after immediately being found by a career pack or something, only to run into a tree and crack his head open. he can kill, sure, but ironically he probably doesn't because he'd be really awkward about it. like uh please hold still iim trying to. ah nevermind. there you go.
he literally almost wins, or just flat out does. he'd just stay invisible for most of the time, and if there wasn't a tracker in his arm, then the game makers would be entirely powerless to stop him from just fucking off in some tree until it all ends. one of my more battle adept sonas, but i don't think he'd even be involved in the games in the first place considering he's almost a hundred years old. bonus; if he ever met katniss he'd make a comment about how similar she looked to a certain mutant he knew back home
if he found a weapon, he'd be fine, man. after spending so long hunting down monsters, he'd fair against humans pretty well. he still probably wouldn't win without at least some effort, just because he still makes plenty of mistakes, but i see him in the top five easily no matter what
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radioghosts-freakster · 4 months
WE VIEW OUR S/I'S THE SAME WAY AWESOMEEEEEE :DDDD i could split them up into different parts of my personality but they're all me :3c just cooler looking
It's always felt like that to me to some degree!! Like, yeah sure maybe this isn't an all encompassing view of who I am but it is a part of me that I know about/notice regularly, so I decided to build an entire piece of myself into a person - and it's me, but it's also like... just a slice of myself given agency fr 💖
Java's a specific side of me, Amber's a specific side of me... it's sorta like to view the whole picture you gotta view all my s/is for what they are y'know? Mash 'em all together and then you might get a better picture, but it's still not quite the whole story of me either cuz I'm always evolving and changing as time goes on! Shapeshifter vibes, man, seriously 🥰
Also it's fun af to create characters that really scratch that gender envy/dysphoria itch!! I wanna be a wolf/fox/human hybrid creature with magical soul powers, ears and a tail? SURE LET'S DO THAT *and they suddenly exist*
I wanna swap between my s/is at will?? SURE WHY NOT *hyperfixates so hard on Java* xD
Having so many s/is and sonas is literally the best feeling ever to me!! It feels so fulfilling in ways that aren't physically possible! When I was first creating Spitz a while ago (my Undertale s/i) every once in a while it felt like my hands were supposed to be on fire like theirs, but they weren't and I was actually kinda disappointed to realize that... it was a strange feeling 🥺
But then as I created more and more sonas and committed to their lore, it felt like I was building myself the way I wanted to be built! It started to feel more like gender euphoria than dysphoria if that makes sense! Anyway, I'm really enjoying every second of this! Java is especially scratching that itch for me rn hehe 😉
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josiedoe · 8 months
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funny weird fursona from ages past hours while i wanna take this opportunity to share my art, i kinda also wanna reach out to everybody who had cringy neon old fursonas and oc's that they're embarrassed of or feel like they need to shittalk every time they mention them bc "theyre totally better at making characters now i swear!" this is my fursona splash. i've changed sonas a few times, but none of them will be as important to me as her. she's not there yet, but next year in february, on my birthday, she will be 9 years old. i made her feb 22nd of 2015, my 9th birthday. i stopped using her eventually, because i thought i'd grown out of her. i used to show her to people and laugh about how stereotypical of a mary sue she was, how she had a demon AND angel form, how i'd ship her with characters from whatever media i was interested in at the time, how she had super secret sparkle powers that could do anything and how she's "not me anymore" then i remembered how crushed i felt when my friends at the time first started calling her one. i was knee deep at that point in thinking mary sues were dumb, and felt really bad about it when a friend said she was a huge mary sue and how i should probably change her. they even got mad when i said i didnt want to and told me i "couldn't take criticism". ive tried so hard over the years to distance myself from her while trying not to be too hard on her, to enjoy her in an "ironic, more experienced way" and regard her as what NOT to do.
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this is the first ever drawing i did of her. another oc of mine turns 9 on my bday, and ill do art of her too, but this is where i made her. she was a drawing of firestar that i got bored drawing and decided to slap some neons on from the ms paint advanced preset colors. as you can see, she hasn't really changed much. her name used to be colordrop, because i had a stuffed bunny around that time with the same name. i think i renamed her to splash because i liked splashkittyartist. is the art good? no. did i really care? not really! i didnt even know it was bad at the time, because it honestly wasn't. i just wasn't as far in my art journey as i am now. im glad i never deleted my deviantart account, and i plan at some point to go through and save the images that are important to me on a google drive of some kind. aslong as im able to remember and keep her, she's an important part of myself. she's still me, just from a different time, and also so much more than that. im not sad about her, not in a nostalgic "i wish i could go back way". im happy, if anything, because i only recently realized we shared a birthday. isn't that cool? to not only have an oc that was made on your birthday, but reaches milestones with you? when she turns 18, i'll be 27. when she's 27, i'll be 36. i think that's pretty neat. i think it's important for every artist, if they struggle with this, to look for their old oc's and fursonas and whatnot from when they were kids and instead of looking at them through a lens of "im better now, do you see how bad i used to be at this whole character making thing though? its funny.", instead be kind to your old creations and go "wow, i had alot of fun with you. i wonder if i can have even more." if you're able to, start using them again. write with them again, even if its small and silly and more out of whimsy and joy than actual plot development. i implore you to be kinder to kid you. even if kid you wasn't very kind themselves. if you would look at another kids drawing and oc and go "wow thats amazing! you're so creative!", then you should regard what you made then with the same enthusiasm. put your own work on the fridge if nobody else did. anyways, ramble over. i'm very passionate about this subject because i lived it, and i deeply enjoy reclaiming what i was made to feel embarrassed of. so moon darkraven, demon wolf with an anime scythe and scene bangs and red eyes and neon colors that don't mix, i think you're doing great. i hope you're doing well, wherever you are now, and that so is the person who made you. happy early birthday to me and my special little gal
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your-local-uwu-artist · 2 months
HAIIII how about 1, 11, 26, and 34 for the OC ask game :3
alola >:D
1.Have you ever picked up a habit from developing/writing one of your own characters? And if so, who and what?
i don't think so actually. generally I give my habits (and habits from friends and family and other irl people) to ocs instead. I have picked up some odd habits from drawing and cartoons in general though, especially anime. mostly cause my brain can't exit artist mode and i'm constantly thinking about how i would draw stuff, so it's like that 'making weird faces when your drawing an expression' but instead it's 'over exaggerates my every movement because i am thinking about how i would draw that movement'
11.Which character has been through the most design changes?
gosh! a lot of pokemelody characters have beeen through DRASTIC design changes but not like, the most. so probably my sona character! here's a sketch i did once showing the basic progression. during the redesign segments though there's a bunch of mini phases of drafts that didn't stick. they've been through a few different eras. I like to split it into three main eras! the primative era (defining traits are galaxy hair and high fantasy aesthetics) the Sailor era (this era had the most story as a self insert oc, defining design traits is a sailor-fuku outfit and pigtail buns.) the confused era (era where i rebooted my sona but was still figuring stuff out, this era's defining traits is a visible ribcage, and way too busy/unfocused of a design) And finally the modern era! (simpler and more focused design but has a couple other forms with the shape shifter aspect. notably while theres still some scrapbook/sewing aesthetics the entire body is now bjd/doll instead of being a confusing mix)
fun facts about the design/s
-sailor era design had no heterochromia and had my irl brown hair, because i was younger and cringe culture was still super prominent: specifically that part where every 'character design tips thing' would tell you to avoid stuff like heterochromia and fangs and cool colorful hair unless they god forbid look like a mary sue.
-i think i've said this before but a year or so after I added that front bangs super long back hair short thing (plus litterally had my hair cut to match) a popular/influential artist made a character with this trait and it suddenly became a more common design trait. obvi i'm not trying to 'gatekeep' the design or claim i'm the first guy EVER to come up with it. but i would be lying if i didn't say i feel 'ahead of my time' and think it's funny to joke about this super big artist that def doesn't know i exist having 'copied' me fndjask
-one main design shift is the shift from the angel aesthetic to adding in some demon aesthetics
-all throughout the confused era the angel wings changed color according to mood, the chart used was to inconsistent and complicated though so this trait ended up being lost.
-starting with the confused era and sitll present in modern era my sona is a shapeshifting shiny mimikyu :3 and the idea is that their humanoid form is like, lowkey hollow, so the mimikyu body is inside
-despite having more inhuman traits i'd actually say modern era sona takes more inspo from my irl appearance than any previous design
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26.What's your favorite relationship/dynamic between a set of OCs?
afndsjkfna i can't choose because i love different dyanmics for different reasons fnsdjkaf. ummm heres some honorary mentions!
-Sunny and Daisy, they're dorks in love, nice simple and wholesome! good ol' healthy loving relationship! classic malewife x girlboss lowkey
-kazumi and fukusha have this thing where they hate each other's guts, it's fun!
-SCOTT N TIP i've only posted about them once and they're lowkey co-owned sorta? (i designed them on my own and then an irl friend of mine took a likeing to them and started writing short stories with them, we'd like to make a point and click game series called 'Dectective Cardimen Scott + Tip' with them someday :3) Scott and Tip's designs litterally came from a little excercize I did on designing duos. Scott's a private investigator and was looking for an assistant, the enthusiastic Tip took up the job! they have this cartoon-inspired dynamic where their relationship is vague and up for interpretation. They're business partners and roomates at the least :3
34.What scene that you've written/imagined is your favorite?
hmmmmmmmmm generally speaking i prefer the like inbetween anti-climatic slice of life-y scenes but theres this climatic/hyped-up scene in arc '1.5' of Pokemelody that I'm excited for in the theoretical future where i make this a thing. arc 1.5 is the start of a redemption arc for the final villain of arc 1, the plot is the villain searching for someone she did something unforgivable too with the goal of apologizing.
also scenes where the characters are finally happy and content and theres shojo sparkles to express this my beloved.
scenes i include a lot of because they're what i want to see more of is like, characters having weird inhuman-physical traits both as casual details that are dispersed throughout but also like, when it's directly addressed or played around with. I feel like everything only ever gives me little hints of that sorta stuff and fanfic focusing on it is hard to come bye so i guess i'll just have to do everything msyelf around here lmao.
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northwest-cryptid · 3 months
My Fem Presenting Aki model is honestly so good right now, I'm so happy with it. I'm gonna just kinda Go Off about it so I'm sorry but...
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Some things I love about this model right out the gate:
They finally have actual high entia wings, which has been a design point of Aki for literally MULTIPLE YEARS now.
I've put in a ton of references to shit I enjoy, like how the Four Directions tattoo I usually wear on my cheek is now the tattoo from XC3 or how one of their eyes literally has the Ouroboros while the other has Aki's original constellations.
Aki now has a mechanical arm, a gift from an old friend.
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It also bears the insignia of Aki's old colleague and other half (literally), Cryptid. along with a decal of The Zohar (can you tell I like the entire Xeno-Series?)
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As an avid pin collector I also jumped at the chance to throw these on them:
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I currently have two main outfits for them. The first being inspired greatly by the look I first drew them in, just very heavily revised.
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I still love the original look don't get me wrong, but I've been wanting to experiment with merging Aki's two (masc/fem) on screen appearances with my real life appearance, or at least things I enjoy about it. So I wanted to give Aki something closer to my own hair for once with the darker center part. I'll absolutely give them at least one outfit with a cute messy bob cut though, and yea I'll absolutely bring back their brown hair because brown/black hair goes underappreciated. I also wanted to add in the head wings because I feel like that's the single most glaring aspect of Aki that no one has ever got right and it's one of the main things I love about Aki's design. However I'm really happy with this look as simple as it is.
A minor detail I actually like a lot and could easily "fix" with some quick bone work but kinda refuse to because I think it adds a lot; is that their mechanical hand doesn't articulate in the fingers.
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While I could easily just move some bones around in the hands I honestly really like this more as a feature than a bug. Just because I figure someone out there is gonna go "okay but is this just because you don't know how to fix it"
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No. It's an intentional feature. I might "fix" it later, but I think it adds a lot of character and makes it feel like a mechanical hand and not just a reskin of an arm.
The second outfit is geared more towards my need to over-design everything I see ever, and it's where most of the stuff shown above is seen.
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I basically kit-bashed 3 outfits together and I'm absolutely in love with this absolute mess of an outfit.
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I gave them the slight smug expression because I need to be able to be a smug bastard sometimes.
The hair on this outfit is a bit of a nod to an older OC design I have that I do not have any good pictures of but here ya go:
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Funny callback haircut to my old Fem-Sona.
I find it kind of ironic that people have gone from He/Him'ing me non-stop to referring to this Aki almost exclusively as "She/Her" and I'm just sitting here like "oh my god it goes both ways" because I accidentally caught myself doing it too, but I digress.
It's very hard for me with how masc presenting I am, to often depict myself in a feminine manner at all and associate it with "me" I typically look at it and go "yea that's a Girl™." So it's been really nice/cool to see Aki like this and kinda point excitedly like "THAT'S ME FUCKER! THAT'S ME!"
I'm just having a very "HER PRONOUNS ARE THEY/THEM" moment lol.
I really do look at this avatar and go "I Think I Hauve Covid" it's so nice. They're so cute and I love existing in this digital flesh.
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cog-go-boom · 8 months
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sup y'all gamers alike - i'm FROSTBITE THE BAT and this is my blog!! thought i'd make one to spare some time n all LOL. you can ask me things, and i KNOW you want to !! (can't help but want to, considering my sheer amount of swag)
so ask away, i will happily answer. fair warning though: if you're annoying i will bite you, if you're mollymawk i will bite you, if you're graham i will bite you. brian DNI i know where you live
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to the LESS INFORMED about who I AM lemme introduce myself real quick. SO, AGAIN, i'm FROSTBITE THE BAT but you my friends can call me the creature that haunts the corner of your eyes. I LOVE EXPLOSIVES. COG GO BOOM. COG GO BOOM. COG GO B
you may see me around sellbot hq. i chill there with cathal and spam usually - but to the cooler ones of you, you might've seen me on high roller's high roller. like the WHOLE ASS co-host. i'm cool like that. and to the LAST group of people who may recognize me - i'm the guy behind the desk at pace place. always working hard so deserving of a raise (wink wink nudge nudge pace please i want a raise) (playing flash games takes energy dude give me a raise i will explode)
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[[OOC:]] Hi! This is the ask / RP blog for Frostbite The Bat, my TTCC sona! If you want to talk to me, and not the character, speak to me at my Toontown blog (@cathalbravecog) or my main, (@frostbite-the-bat).
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Frostbite will reblog art from me and fanart from others, and other things they may like and want to reblog - so you may see some of that! This is not only an askblog for them - this is THEIR blog.
Also, Frostbite will not go out of their way to interact with somebody unless I know the person behind it personally. You always must interact with them first! This is because, as stated on my Toon blog, I don't go out of my way to interact with people first in general. So you won't see them initiating conversations with other ask/RP blogs.
While staying close to canon - Frostbite still has their own "canon" tied to my and my friend's lores and other silly things around our Toons. Other people's Toons and THEIR relationships with other Toons and the Cogs will be mentioned, so that's a heads-up in-case Frostbite ever mentions, for example, Mole's relationship with Graham and Flint.
ALSO!!! Toontown is kid friendly, however this blog is not! Frostbite WILL swear A LOT and crude-ish jokes are not completely off the table. And btw, yes, Frostbite IS a cog. They're not the most consistent with if they want to hide that on this blog or not.
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Rules are a subject to change!
Sillyness is encouraged! But please try and be respectful, don't bring personal things and discourse into this - RP stuff is okay! Frost has beef with other characters, some that goes deeper than it seems. But also keep in mind Frostbite can be a rather rude character.
Frost will reply with just text, reaction images, doodles, re-used pieces of art, and brand new pieces of art from time to time! Please do not ask them things in hopes of getting your response drawn. It depends on what I think is funny to reply with and if I'm in the mood to draw.
If I don't answer your ask, please don't spam it to me again. I either ignored it for a good reason - or I am working on a more detailed response!
Again, be respectful and mindful of boundaries I or Frostbite may set. As long as I don't make a statement, though, feel free to annoy them a little bit, it's funny. If a line's crossed I'll let 'ya know!
NEW RULE!! After some thought, magic anons are no longer allowed! You can still give things and throw pianos at Frost, but changes for a certain amount of asks are not allowed anymore - for my own well-being since this is for fun, and having M!A's makes me want to draw for every ask received, even when not needed.
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Regular outfit
HR Show fit (Anytime this is used, I'll use the [HR Show Fit] tag!
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thekrows-nest · 8 months
(anon) There's actually another idea, but it hinges on having a specific Dove to depict. Whereas I don't actually have an OC or 'sona. Plus there's learning better figure drawing and anatomy *sob* But we won't talk about that
Is there like, a "canon" or placeholder Dove? Does Krowie have any preferences? Probably not huh.
If not I do actually have a usable name to start from and could try to invent someone from there. Maybe try a few different genders and appearances out
I've been wondering about a placeholder Dove, since I know that like, if there were ever to be a Krow game (not saying there will be, but if there were) there would HAVE to be something.
The most I have thought of as "general canon" for Dove is thus: Dove works at a coffee shop/cafe along side Gabby (In my head) is a little shorter than Gabby (Gabby is like 5'9" so she's fairly tall for someone afab) My inclination is that they moved to Columbidae City, so they're not a born and raised resident, so they're unfamiliar with a good chunk of the history and stuff of the city.
If peeps want I could try to design a placeholder Dove for the funsies. Could be an interesting challenge as well.
Anyway. I'd still love to see more of your ideas nonnie. I always love seeing the creativity of y'all. It's amazing and flattering how you all want to engage with my little OC's in such a way.
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smilepebble · 2 years
questions 20 through 25?
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
i think when aqua and amber still lived in their hometown, they would sing little songs together sometimes. neither of them are super talented singers, but amber thinks aqua's voice sounds pretty. (their psmd versions still like to sing together)
luna also sometimes quietly sings when shes doing chores around the team base, and blossom loves to listen to it.
topaz and azure sometimes hum whenever they're focusing on something.
21. Your most artistic OC
realizing now i don't often make my ocs artists lol. but luna likes to knit (she made the scarf she wears when she was human!), and an older oc of mine, pluto is a sculptor!
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^ this is pluto. everyone say hi to them
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
aqua and amber are sometimes mischaracterized i've noticed, which i don't mind that much tbh since it gives me a pretty good insight on how others see them. aqua is sometimes seen as just. immovable(?) sometimes. she has very subtle changes in character depending on who shes around, and those little tells can give away a lot of what she truly feels. of course there are characters that shes a lot less subtle with (amber, rillaboom, etc.).
as for amber, sometimes shes seen as a lot more innocent than she actually is. amber doesn't act all friendly and silly because shes innocent, but because she chooses to act that way to brighten everyone's spirits. she has a lot of sorrow and anger deep down.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
aqua is absolutely one of these characters. her original character was a lot more openly anxious, and had this really obvious strong act what would be destroyed the second anyone got mad or upset at her. if anyone did get upset at her she'd start apologizing profusely.
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(very early rp screenshots circa march 2020. look at this. who even is this.)
aqua's actual character still ended up with some of these characteristics, but they're a lot more hidden now. she is still very anxious, but her strong act is almost impossible to break down now. its actually only happened like. twice ever since her character was properly established. she still apologizes unnecessarily but not in the same way she used to. also her strong act isn't very obvious, and a lot of other characters just think shes an asshole lol.
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24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
honestly not sure, since there's so many to choose from. i think ill go with blossom though, since she seems like she'd be fun to hang out with :)
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
i feel like i should say sunrise since she was my sona for years, but honestly i think luna and i are more similar. luna is more carefree than i am, and shes a lot more talented at knitting and sewing than i am but i tend to relate to her a lot nowadays.
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