#in all it's free formy off the top of the dome glory
sickiebangtan · 5 years
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♡  hobi repeating a mantra in his head every time he has to get on another damn rollercoaster. hold it in, just hold it in--keep it down--at least until we finish recording. he must really love these boys, otherwise he’d just tell them hell no and sit his bottom down. 
♡  the first coaster sends his stomach in his throat with the first steep drop. this is why he hates these things. how can a human voluntarily put themselves through this? it’s a real fight and an honest miracle that he doesn’t vomit as he’s jerked left and right and pulled up and dropped down. unfortunately, he’s sure the staff member filming right next to him has caught the nausea plastered all over his face the whole time, the hard swallows and all. but the adrenaline distracts his nausea enough to keep his breakfast in his stomach where it belongs, for the time being. 
♡  hobi standing by the railing to wait for the others, looking like his soul has left him, a lot paler and unsteady on his usually light dancer feet. the other members are too wrapped up in the excitement of the next ride as they skip down the ramp, passing hobi with a clap on his back, but taehyung loops an arm around his neck and walks more his pace. hobi pats tae’s hand and tries to make it comical that he has to sit down and take a breather when really he’s praying a moment at the nearby bench will stop his world from spinning for a second. 
♡  “you don’t have to do it, hope-ah,” yoongi mutters in his ear while they wait in line for the next one. getting the ‘okay’ from yoongi is like getting the decision from the law itself. he’s concerned. he can practically hear hoseok’s mind willing himself to ignore his motion sickness, and it isn’t working, clearly. he hasn’t quite recovered from the first ride and yoongi honestly would like for hoseok not to give into the peer pressure this time around. he rubs at the back of his dongsaeng’s neck and hoseok closes his eyes, leans back against the pressure of yoongi’s fingers. “you braved your first coaster. i won’t call you a coward anymore. just sit this one out.” he says softly. but hoseok just shakes his head. he’s sat out one too many times in the past. he thinks how his actions of pushing along can inspire his fans. he gives yoongi a smile even though he’s still green in the face. “i’m fine, really.” 
♡  hoseok being particularly stubborn each time the others suggest he stay behind as they reach the queue for the next thrilling ride. his stomach is starting to gurgle audibly in a defiant state of upset, but he’s saddled himself up into 3 more rides before namjoon suggests they go find a place to eat lunch. really, he’s just looking for a reason to get hobi to rest for a while longer than ten minutes. 
♡  hobi sipping on water and trying not to gag as taehyung’s pretzel and cheese dipping sauce keeps wafting up his nostrils. jimin rubbing his back and telling him it’s okay to admit the rides are making him sick. hoseok wearily waving him off and blowing out a shaky exhale. “don’t worry about me,” his voice is thin behind his fist. the day at the theme park is almost over. he can do this. 
♡  the gentlest ride sends him over the edge. the boys had chosen it for their last one for the day, one that was more hoseok’s speed, but hoseok ends up begging for someone to stop the ride before he’s scrambling out of the contraption to heave violently over the railing. the cameras have been thankfully put away for the day. 
♡  jungkook holding hoseok still as his stomach squeezes acid and breakfast over some bushes below, because he’s so freaking dizzy. he’s been dizzy for hours, and his body’s loudly protesting through long-winded retches and vile gurgles up his throat. jin, namjoon, and yoongi shield the scene with their bodies, surrounding hoseok and jungkook while jimin and taehyung go get water bottles and paper towels to help clean hobi up. it’s horrible and embarrassing for this to be happening in public, but at least his members are worried for him, not laughing at him. he should know better--his brothers will always have his back. 
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