#prompt material
finemealprompt · 5 months
DP x DC Prompt #14
When J'onn offered to go to the distress signal, alone, he wasn't sure what he was expecting. Other Leaguer's were on standby, of course, but J'onn didn't sense any danger. In fact it was almost ... suspiciously quiet.
That's why when he came across a child who was bleeding so much he shouldn't even be alive he was more than concerned. The kid just smiled at J'onn, made a pun, did some sort of ... dance move? And then promptly passed out.
J'onn suddenly understood how Batman had an "adoption addiction."
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emacrow · 2 months
Commander Johnson, I-I think I found what or who been stealing our extra spare material supplies
Astronaut Jennifer said in the com as she stared, standing stiff as a board if it weren't for the gravity of Mars making it difficult.
What she was staring at couldn't be human but yet so close and eldritchic- alien like as the inner part of her mind was screaming danger danger, That Is Not A Human Being, Run RUN RUN,HIDENOWHIDENOWNOWNOW
It's look like a adult, a very slim and very tall adult if it weren't for the fact that his skin was tanned with a bit of splash of starlights all over, wearing a suit made of galaxies covered in red Mars rocks, his hair was white, whiter then the clouds on earth, ears pointy and curled a bit as if it wa to shield or reflect to what its was hearing(but they has moved back in a aggressive manner thar remind her of snuffles when threaten) and eyes glows so ominously Neon Green with black instead of white surrounding the iris, splatter of star like freckles that looks like he almost has two pupils mixing into a slits like in each of them.
Teeths razor sharp and thick, as the thing looks like it was growling at her with his body arch over, hands with extra digits of long blacken claws like nails dig into the dirt, hiding all the stuff that the alien had stolen along with a lil head of another mar baby, it weren't for the fact there was no sounds in space, she would've been screaming float running back to her headquarters base.
She was only patrolling the part of the base where they were trying to grow plants in one of the green houses they painstaking made on Mar, but then she saw the glow of unnatural green slipping out of the sealed tight glass.
Curiosity took the best of her as she put on her suit and went to check at that spot is where she find what seem to be a native Mar creature and its baby hoarding all the missing stuffs that they had lost in the base, along with the missing robot, opportunity as the top of it's hoard pile in a makeshift hole(it's a Nest and she has enter this creatures domains) near a small pool full of of oddly frozen water that glowed luminous.
It was a stand off between her and the creature not moving an inch until Jennifer's coms responded back as she flinched, her heart dropping snd face paling dramatically when the creature's ear flick a bit as it heard the static electric device.
"J-J-J-Jennifer, do you copy? I repeat, Do you copy?!?" Commander Johnson spoke a bit frantic.
Unawared of the danger he had put Jennifer in when she flinched, the creature lunged, Jennifer scrambling to turn around and hop/run back into the safety of the base as fast as she could.
Like inspiration for @tinycoded360
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duskvortex · 1 year
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Sharktober day 5 - candy shark
Who wants a fruit gummy shark?
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starkeyisthelastname · 3 months
a lil disney moment with Drewsph. 😩💖
The Florida breeze felt cooler now that the sun had set, lightly hitting you in the face as Drew’s larger hand held yours to pull you through the crowd. Your relationship was still relatively new, and filled with excitement and adventure as the two of you were still getting to know each other. It was Odessa’s birthday celebration, and this was your first time hanging out with everyone. You were a little insecure about their friendship, knowing how close they were and how she always seemed to be around with every little thing he did. Drew had reassured you that their relationship was strictly platonic, and if anything made you uncomfortable that he would talk to her. That’s one thing you loved about him is that he was honest with you and genuinely concerned about all of your feelings, not just the good ones.
“Wait here for a minute, beautiful.” Drew said softly, letting go of your hand. You watched as his tall frame walked over to the rest of the group, telling them something as he motioned back over towards you. You didn’t miss Odessa’s pout, choosing to ignore it as you focused your attention on something else. It was when your boyfriend came back, towering over you as he took your hand in his once more. “They are gonna go do another ride, I thought you and I could spend some time alone together.” He said, knowing you two hadn’t had much of it today or the last few months with Outer Banks pushing it’s filming to get done.
You nodded, smiling softly as he gave you a contagious one back that made your heart flutter. He then squeezed your hand, leading you up towards a more private area where the two of you could watch the fireworks that were about to start.
“Now you gotta put these on.” You heard Drew’s voice from behind you and the sound of a sack rustling. You turned your body to face him, seeing him pull out the pair of ears that you had picked out earlier. You giggled, letting him place the sparkly pair of mouse ears on top of your head before you watched him pull out the pair he chose. Something about seeing Drew Starkey in a pair of ears, had you feeling butterflies. The pair of gold colored Mickey Ears, fit on top of his buzzcut, making you grin as he gave you a sheepish smile.
“You’re cute.” You said, admiring him. He was more than cute. He was tall, pretty to look at, sexy, protective, goofy, and everything you could ever want in a man.
Drew smirked, a hand coming over his chest as a playful gasp left his mouth. “Me? What….?” He said with laugh, coming to place his hands on your waist. You nodded, biting your lower lip out of habit as you glanced up into his gorgeous cerulean blue eyes. He leaned down, taking one hand off your hip to gently cup your cheek.
“Well if I’m cute, then you are fucking stunning and you keep biting that damn lip it’s gonna make me show you things that aren’t so sweet.” His voice a little lower, that raspiness coming out making your heart race.
The first loud boom of the firework, startled you making you jump slightly, earning a chuckle as he turned your body to face the colorful sky. He wrapped his arms around you, his tall body holding you close. “I want you to know I’m falling for you hard sweetheart.” He whispered, his light scruff tickling your neck as his lips planed a soft kiss onto your smooth skin.
You were falling for him too, hard and fast… 💖
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uriswhumpchamber · 3 months
Whumpee looking at the camera, mouthing "you hear this guy?" in the middle of one of Whumper's rants.
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lesbianladysif · 2 months
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@the-alethiometer requested: His Dark Materials + favourite scene and favourite location
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Short DPXDC Prompts #799
Danny gets caught by his parents. He’s been stuck in their basement lab for months. Out of nowhere a natural portal opens up underneath him and he falls. The Justice League are having a meeting as a green tear in the sky opened above their meeting room and a very injured young adult is unceremoniously dumped onto the floor.
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ghost-bxrd · 20 days
Calvin Rose finds a catatonic teenager roaming the streets and… well, the poor kid looks dead on his feet, and it’s raining cats and dogs, he can’t just leave him there.
And, it’s fine. He’s just passing through (can’t risk more with the Court still at large) and will be back on the road come morning. And he’ll sleep easier knowing he kept the kid from certain death.
So, really, how the hell did he end up with the very same kid riding shotgun and nagging him to turn up the radio to Phoebe Bridgers?
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 months
Drabble prompt? A whumpee that went from sarcastic to silent. And then finally raw, ridiculous rage.
cw: whumpee-turned-whumper, whumper-turned-whumpee, creepy whumper, mentions of past torture, current torture, electric baton is used (idk what its called), dehumanization, whumpee is muzzled, defiant whumpee, captivity whump
Day 1.
Whumpee relaxed against the wall as much as they could, shoulder blades aching with the dull pressure building up between them. Their wrists were pinned to the blank-white wall above their head.
Whumper looked them over, mouth set in a knife-thin line. They studied Whumpee, and they felt their skin crawl.
They were an insect pinned to a corkboard.
No. They refused this identity. They refused outright and wholeheartedly, nauseous at the thought of becoming something other than themself.
"Like what you see?" Whumpee tilted their head to the side, strands of hair falling across their face. They forced a smile-- I'd bite you if I could.
Whumper crouched down. "I've waited a long time for this, old friend." He spat the word out like a curse.
"I know you missed me just so, so much." Whumpee strained against their chains until their face was inches away from Whumper. "Didn't you?"
Whumpee saw something flash in Whumper's dark eyes--pain, terror-- and then it was gone. Delicate scars peeked out from Whumper's turtleneck and out his shirt sleeves, faded but ever-present.
Whumper placed a hand on Whumpee's cheek, running a thumb over their lips. He smiled, vicious and sharp.
And the only answer Whumpee received was a backhanded slap. Their head cracked against the wall. Stars and bright colors flashed before them, burning their vision with stark whiteness. Copper filled their mouth, just as roaring filled their ears. 
They saw double. Two bright lights. Two walls of tiled white. Two of Whumper, with two leather jackets and too many rings to count. When their vision refocused, Whumper was standing again, twirling something in his hands.
Something that zapped and glittered blue at its tip.
"Aw, Whumper, trying to be something you're not?" Whumpee coughed out. The side of their face burned.
Whumper snarled, raising the electric baton. He jabbed Whumpee in the ribs.
Whumpee inhaled sharply-- white, white, white-- behind their eyes. Bright agony everywhere, ingrained in their bones. They couldn't breathe.
Whumper hit them again. And again. And again. "I'm going to ruin you, like you--" Another harsh zap. "Like you ruined me."
Day 7.
Whumpee didn't look up when Whumper walked into the room.
Their throat ached and their tongue felt like cardboard inside their mouth. They swallowed, nervous, and tasted iron.
Whumper whistled. "Eyes on me, Whumpee."
Whumpee groaned.
One eye was swollen shut, the other blackened and purple. Where had Whumper learned to punch like that? Without holding back?
They shuddered.
Whumper kicked them. "C'mon," they teased. "No comeback? No wiseass response?"
Whumpee's vision blurred. They couldn't lift their neck to look up, even if they wanted to.
"Pathetic," laughed Whumper. "God, you're nothing. I can't believe I was ever scared of you."
Whumpee's ears rang.
Yeah. That sounded about right.
Whumper grabbed their face with rough hands.
Whumpee tried to pull away, but Whumper slammed the back of their head into the wall-- fuck-- until they fell still.
Horror became a reality. 
Something hard was shoved between their teeth. Leather fitted over their face, straps tightening around their head, cinching it in place. 
And it was over. 
And it was only just beginning. 
Whumpee gagged. 
Their mouth tasted disgusting. 
They went numb. They didn’t want to feel that disgusting thing in their mouth. 
In their mouth? 
This was too much. 
They couldn’t take it.
The burning threatened to turn into sobs. Leather over their mouth and in their nose and in every part of them. Eating at them. Sticky blood dripped down the side of their face, smeared into their hair and skin.
They couldn’t breathe. 
Kill me. 
Please. Humiliation flooded every fiber of their being. Please.
And Whumper laughed, stroking the top of their head. "Not so tough now, huh?"
Whumpee closed their eyes, breaths coming in short, ragged gasps, like each and everyone would be their last.
Day 15.
When Whumpee was conscious, they were aching.
At some point, they had thrown aside their dignity and become something else entirely. Biting and hurting and-- oh god, everything throbbed with that furious agony that had been the only constant in this white room, now splattered with dried blood stains.
Whumper entered the room whistling. He glanced at Whumpee, helpless and weak, with the bruises from the muzzle straps still on their face.
Whumpee kept very, very still.
Not scared. Not scared not scared not--
"I never heard you say thank you for taking the muzzle off yesterday."
Whumpee clenched their hands into fists until their nails bit into their palms and drew blood. The bright crimson blood cleared their mind.
Not scared--
--Not pathetic--
They waited.
Very still.
Very quiet.
Whumper wrenched Whumpee's chin upwards. 
Not pathetic--
Whumpee, eyes wild, snarled. But their voice was raw. "Fuck-- fuck you."
Whumper had long stopped seeing Whumpee as a threat. He lightly traced a finger down Whumpee's throat. Whumpee seethed, trying and failing to twist away. They flushed fever red at the treatment.
"Say, thank you." Whumper reeked of alcohol and expensive cologne.
Something twisted inside Whumpee and they saw red.
Whumper sighed in seeming disappointment. He ran a thumb lightly over Whumpee's bleeding lips. 
Whumpee visibly shuddered. And then bit down. 
Hard. With all the strength they had left in their body.
They spat blood out. Not their own. A feral light filled their eyes– they didn’t look quite human– bruised but undefeated. Wild. They yanked against their chains until the metal broke the skin, and they did not even stop then.
"Fucker-- Let me go! You-- you--" they yanked again, and again, trying to get at Whumper. "When I get my hands on you, you'll-- you'll be begging, do you hear me? Fucking begging!"
Whumper stumbled back and his expression darkened. "What is wrong with you?" He clutched his injured hand close to his chest. "By the time I'm done with you, you'll be the one begging.” Not a threat, a promise.
Whumpee was past caring. They thrashed against the chains. More than anything in the world, they wanted to get their hands around Whumper's throat. They wanted to destroy him.
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ghoulisheous · 2 years
Bruce Wayne runs into a ghost boy in Gotham. He does what he does best and immediately starts investigating, as best as he can without the suit and without raising suspicion about the Wayne family. Ergo, Brucie Wayne tries to keep the conversation flowing without making it seem like an interrogation. Which is.. granted it's a little hard explain why some rich guy is invested in the afterlife of a ghost. But there's hope that it could be swept under the rug as billionaire eccenticities. And the teen definitely isn't suspicious he's Batman.
Danny is suspicious about why this rich bastard is interested in him. Why another rich bastard is interested in him. But all the man's questions seemed more or less harmless. Until Danny let slip how he protected his town and the man asked who he was working with. Apparently the answer he was looking for was more "adult hero mentoring you" and less "more teenagers." He was.. not happy
Queue the line "You're not my dad."
And.. suddenly Bruce thinks he might be in some very familiar trouble. He swears he never goes out of his way looking for this. But his other kids are going to have a thing or two to say anyway
Or, Danny's suspicions turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy and Batman's adoption instincts kick in. The Brucie Wayne persona is just a hair too disarming. They both have regrets
Self-fulfilling prophecies are a bitch
I really just wanted the line "You're not my dad" and that just being.. an immediate trigger phrase. Bruce is instantly just like "Wanna bet?"
He might as well be a sleeper agent.
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simonepelicaneel · 1 month
action? Call of Green?
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paintpanic · 1 year
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Kirbtober Day 10: Magic!
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
What if- What if DC x Subnautica Below Zero
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Shadow Leviathans Batfam, Frozen Leviathan Wonder Woman, Glow Whales Superfam, Iceworms Speedsters, Cryptosuchus Cyborg, Brinewings Arrowfam; Eyejelly Marvel, Feather Fish Hawkwoman, etc I am open to further ideas
Bonus DP crossover of the Phantom crew crashing on the planet or getting stuck there when visiting Sam or Tucker who is working there.
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transsextual · 6 months
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beautiful sunny day today ^-^
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legobiwan · 11 months
Okay, I was going through some old drafts this morning and I might (might) go back to my "The Council sends Obi-wan to Serenno during the last months of the war under the pretense that he's betraying the Republic and wants to train as a Sith" story at some point over the next few weeks. It's been a very long, sun-hot minute since I've posted anything even remotely having to do with Star Wars in my writing, but this paragraph tickled me as I know where this story goes :D
“So then what? I saunter up to Dooku’s front door, politely knock, and entreat him to hear out my fabricated tale of betrayal?” Obi-wan gave an ugly chuckle, shaking his head. “I know the man funds various arts and drama causes within the Confederacy, but I fear his critical analysis of my performance would be a rather short and painful epitaph to this particular mission.”
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anima89 · 1 month
Batfamily- prompt drawing
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First picture is drawn by me. I don't know where I found the promt, (2nd picture) probably Pinterest tho. :)
Wanted to share it here bc I find it funny.
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