#in all ways except physical i am a elderly little white dog with the tear tracks
i know im like. lucky to have this problem but picking a health insurance plan is literally the worst fucking user experience on god's green earth. just make it easy for me to figure out if my provider is in-network (bc on some of the various levels WITHIN THE SAME PLAN she isn't!!!) and which ones have don't have coinsurance without googling each individual alphabet soup plan. i know websites have the capability to show me this all on one page
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nyacat39 · 8 years
Things Forgotten Chapter 5
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The story of the attack and some much needed rest on Ray’s part... or is it?
After Barry and Eddie had gotten over their… bickering for the most part. Barry decided to lead them to the Library… or rather was pushed into leading them as Rachel had no clue, Cereal was a dog and Eddie… well Barry didn’t necessarily like him all that much.
“Mind if I ask what brings you here?” Eddie asked, looking up at Rachel as he spoke. Barry wanted to turn around and tell him to mind his own business when Rachel spoke up before him.
“I… wanted to see the ghost Barry was talking about.”
“Which one would that be?”
“Wait what do you mean by that?” Barry questioned as he stopped walking, his forgotten fear starting to grow once again.
“Rumor has it this place has multiple ghosts… A Bloody Doctor who appears more to people with blue eyes, a passing apparition of someone from the murders… it’s a new one every time a funeral happens, a crazy woman who enjoys to bring physical pain to others and one who's usually seen in the Graveyard.”
Barry nearly lost his nerve right then and there. Rachel stopped him from bolting and tried to calm him down, though Eddie seemed to just smirk at the reaction Barry had to the mention of multiple ghosts.
“... appears to people with blue eyes?” Rachel muttered to herself as she held Barry back from running off. The familiarity of that was practically biting at her brain… but for some reason it just wasn’t coming to her. She knew that she had told him earlier that he could leave if he wanted… but maybe this was just her being selfish… but she didn’t want to be alone.
Never again…
“... Hey are you crying?”
Rachel seemed to snap out of her thoughts at the question from the confused Eddy. Was it directed at Barry? Or..
Why… are there tears on my face?
Barry’s panic was slowly replaced with worry.
“... I guess I am…” Rachel responded, wiping away the tears… still not knowing exactly what caused them. The small dog was nudging at her leg, trying to get some attention from her with little whines and large eyes.
Eddie seemed to just stare with confusion.
Eventually, with much hesitation from Barry, they arrived at the Library… it was still dark and the only light in the room was from Rachel’s phone… until the lights to the room came on suddenly. Both teen’s startled they turned to see Eddie near the light switch.
“... What? There’s no windows in this room, so you can turn your phone’s light off now.”
“Stop being a mini Nick…” Barry muttered in an annoyed tone. Eddie seemed to catch the words though and seemed very annoyed.
“Will you quit calling me a ‘Mini Nick’... I don’t even know who Nick is!”
“Fine, stop being a Nick Jr.!”
“... That’s not much different Barry…”
“Screw it it’s easier to say!”
“So is Eddie you know!”
Rachel couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable with the arguing between the two. She tried to retreat from both of them by going around one of the bookshelves and sitting down while covering her ears. It was a way for her to try and block them out… but also as a way to try and block out the memories she had of her parents having one of their arguments and fights. She did this whenever her friends or someone she knows starts to get into a fight… this was just her coping mechanism by this point.
She sat there for a little while and felt herself almost falling asleep… until she felt Cereal trying to crawl his way onto her lap.
“... Did Barry let you off the leash?” she asked, letting the puppy crawl onto her lap and nuzzle up closer to her. She smiled at this, having wanted a puppy for such a long time… this was the closest thing she could get now. That and Barry let her puppy sit when he needed one, so it always felt like she was an actual dog owner when this happened.
She wrapped her arms around the little guy, pulling him in for cuddles… and a few puppy kisses from the happy little white dog. The fluffy terrier stopped as one of his ears twitched and turned his head away from her… before growling. Blinking in confusion she glanced up in the direction the little dog was looking in.
“Ah, now there’s a sight I never thought I’d see again.”
Rachel froze. Her heart felt like it was pounding hard against her injured ribs and she felt like she absolutely had to either run or fight in that moment. That voice was far to familiar for her to ignore… and it sent shivers of fear down her spine. Everything seemed to slow down in that moment as she took in the sight before her.
From the light brown hair that had spatters of blood on it, to the creepy smile with a trail of blood going down from the corner of said smile and past his chin. His mismatched eyes, with the left one being the only one of the two that was real, while the right was like someone took one red and one green eye and mashed them together behind a pair of glasses. The growling from the dog was the only thing that remained constant.
Rachel’s eyes were wide as she stared in shock at the man… She felt her heart stop in terror when she felt his hand on her cheek, more specifically the bruise that was there. His touch was like piercing ice and felt all the more painful on the bruise.
“You know… whoever did this should be glad they didn’t damage your beautiful peepers.”
Instantly Rachel lashed out, her hand holding onto something she grabbed from her bag, causing the man’s eyes to widen as he vanished from the sudden strike… from the chipped knife. Heart pounding once again with her other arm holding tight onto the now whimpering dog, Rachel rushed from her spot and towards the other two and more importantly… the door.
The two guys saw her rushing and were confused when they saw her running… and the knife in her hand. Or rather the fact her hand wasn’t even on the handle and her hand was dripping a little blood.
“Whoa Rachel what’s-” Barry started only to be cut off by the look of fear on Rachel’s face.
“Run…” As soon as she finished that line the only door to the room slammed shut and the lights went dark. Barry and Eddie both immediately jumped, with Barry making a rush for the door and Eddie trying the lights… both to no avail as the door was locked and the lights wouldn’t turn on. Barry started slamming his weight into the door as he tried opening it but it still wouldn’t budge.
“What the hell?! Who the hell puts a lock on the outside of a room?!” Barry exclaimed as he tried to find the lock but to no avail. Rachel rushed over and tried slamming her weight into the door along with Barry, though being careful to not ram Cereal into the door with her. The small dog still whimpering in her arm.
Barely thinking Rachel nearly raised the knife to slam into the door when Barry caught her wrist.
“Don’t use that it might break!... Wait when did you get this?” Barry asked before helping her with adjusting her grip from the blade to the handle so she wouldn’t cut her hand anymore than it already was.
“Guys I think we have a bigger problem…” Eddie spoke up, and as the other two turned to see what he was talking about… all the books were practically flying off the shelves, effectively scaring Barry into redoubling his efforts to get the fuck out of there… and letting out the most girly scream anyone in that room had ever heard.
Rachel’s mind was scrambling for something… anything to help them get out of this, as she noticed some of the storm was heading their way from how Eddie flinched back from a book coming right at him. Immediately her attention went to the bookcases. She quickly handed Cereal to the auburn haired kid… who was confused on why he was suddenly holding a tiny white dog now.
“Barry come on!”
“... Basically after snapping Barry out of it,” Rachel said with Barry interrupting her soon after that was said.
“She slapped me… then had me help her in pushing a bunch of bookshelf's into place to knock the door down. When we did… the uh Reverend found us and suddenly the lights were fixed and working again,” Barry wrapped up, rubbing the back of his neck.
Nick could only stare at them with disbelieving eyes… but he did take notice that Barry did look bruised up as well. Probably from being hit by a few hard covered books.
“As I explained on the phone I was sleeping when someone screamed… then I come to see the library destroyed and these two crashing through the door,” the Reverend explained. His story wasn’t as long as the others as he had been sleeping for most of it… but one question remained.
“Wait… how’d ya get here so quick?” Barry asked.
“... I live in the building out back.”
Now this kinda surprised Nick… this was actually the first new thing he learned about the old man in a long time. He honestly thought the priest lived further away or at least somewhere bigger, but here he was… living in a smaller house out in the back of the very church he works at.
“This is all nice and everything… but what the hell is going on?” the voice of Joan caught everyone by surprise, except it caused the Reverend to sigh.
“Apparently thine church is now an open congregation at night…” the elderly priest muttered to himself.
Nick was mostly shocked till the realization of what his sister’s appearance here meant settled in for him.
“... Don’t tell mom and dad…”
“To late bucko. Dad’s engine is the loudest out of the vehicles you know,” the black haired young woman pointed out, causing Nick to shift uncomfortably as he had clearly not been thinking when he did everything that lead him to this point.
The sound of Eddie snickering at Nick getting in trouble nearly got the tired teen angry… until the Reverend himself sent a glare to the young boy, causing him to look away and shift uncomfortably from the stare.
“... Hi Joan…” Rachel said, waving her uninjured hand to the black haired girl, who blinked before waving back.
“Hi Ray…. Let me guess Barry did something stupid and you tried to bail him out. Only to have Nick get roped in?” Joan questioned, thinking that she had put it all together… but stared at the auburn haired kid in confusion on just where he stood in this cluster fuck.
“HEY! It wasn’t my fault this time!”
“I honestly don’t care at this moment who's at fault here… I just want my Library at least set back up for tomorrow so I can go back to sleep before the sermon tomorrow,” the priest sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose.
“... Alright. Nick we’re helping out before we go home.”
“Why me?”
“Because you snuck out of the house just to come here at three in the morning smart ass.”
“... You probably should have just gone to bed Nick…” Rachel muttered before yawning, the effects of the day finally wearing on her.
After they finished cleaning the Library… and thankfully had no other instances with ghosts. The group left the building with only Eddie staying behind… as the Reverend said he would be contacting the boy’s parents about his little late night excursion.
There was an awkward silence between the friends as Joan was still angry with her younger brother. A proper goodbye was unable to be said as the older sibling pushed him into their dad’s truck and she got into her “death machine”, both starting the cars and driving off.
Barry and Rachel on the other hand got into the boy’s car… and immediately the pink haired boy began searching his glove compartment for something, as Rachel sat in the passenger side seat with the sleeping puppy on her lap… and all the pain she should have been feeling coming back to her. Especially from the cut on her hand.
“HA, knew putting a First Aid kit in the car would be a good payoff!” Barry exclaimed, pulling out the box and opening it up. First he pulled out some disinfectant, then some gauze and finally some bandages.
“... Why do you even have that in your car?”
“... You never know if something happens when you're out. Look let’s just not question anything at the moment and get that cut treated.” Barry stated, holding his hand out for her so he could properly treat the injury. The blond looked between him and her hand for a moment, before slowly extending it so it could be treated.
She winced from the pain caused by the disinfectant being sprayed into the open wound before feeling the gauze being gently placed on it. Finally the white bandages began to wrap around, making sure it was tight… but not to tight that it was unbearable.
“... You’re… surprisingly good at this…” she commented once he finished up and she inspected his work. Barry just smirked with pride.
“What can I say? When you get into as many fights as I have you gotta know how to patch yourself up… especially since you got banned from a hospital for punching a Doctor in the face… for five bucks.”
“... I still can’t believe you actually went through with that when Katie was clearly joking…”
“Heh I’m impulsive, remember?”
“Plus you had a crush on Katie,” Rachel smirked a little as Barry blinked and looked away with a bit of embarrassment.
“That was eighth grade Rachel… I got over it in Freshman year. She clearly wasn’t interested after all… so I’m not going to push her.”
You guys would have been cute together though… Rachel thought as she stared at her bandaged hand. A feeling of familiarity spreading over her as she did, leading her to looking away from it and over to the dog that was still fast asleep on her lap…. And her mind wandered again as she heard Barry start the car and begin driving them back to his place.
Why… did the Reverend seem so familiar… and more importantly… why was Doctor Danny haunting the church?
The minute the two returned to Barry’s home and they entered the basement, Rachel collapsed onto the couch her clothing bag was near and was fully intent on just passing out right then and there. Even though questions raked her mind, the fact it was so late at night and she was tired overpowered that confusion though.
She heard Barry say something… probably a good night she wasn’t sure. After all as soon as her head was in a more comfortable position on the couch she passed out into the realm of dreams, leaving Barry alone in the waking world.
It was far to quiet. Rain was falling but she couldn’t hear the droplets hitting the ground… couldn’t hear them hitting the puddles either. Rachel could feel it… but it was like the entire world was on mute.... Everything around her had no sound to it… and she was the only one who seemed to make noise.
She saw people walking by and around her… and some through her which startled her. Some of them were talking… but there was nothing… not even one of the people who walked through her acknowledging her existence. She tried to talk to someone… ask them where she was or what was going on… but none seemed to hear her… as if she wasn’t there at all.
The street is crowded… but…. I’m alone… the thought came to her naturally. When the thought passed the rain came down harder, forcing her to try and find shelter from the falling water. She noticed quickly as she hurried that she wasn’t wearing shoes… she was in her socks and the outfit she wore before falling asleep. She found herself standing under the canopy of a store, her arms wrapped around herself to try and warm herself up.
Something was thrown over her head, startling her into pulling it off… only to find it was a dry coat. Glancing over to the side she gasped in fear at who she saw smiling at her… it was Eric. He… he looked exactly how he did after he was killed.
“What’s wrong? Don’t like seeing what you’ve caused?” his voice was mocking and cruel. Rachel backed away from him, dropping the coat onto the cold ground below.
“... I… I didn’t-”
“Oh but you did… After all everything is always your fault isn’t it?”
She tried bolting after that… only to bump into someone… no something else. It was the stitched up corpses of her parents… sewn together carefully with multiple lines of different thread colors, twisting through their skin, the sown up smile looking much more grotesque than she remembered and the stuffed arm to replace her father’s bad one.
“It’s your fault we’re stuck in this unhappy relationship. If you didn’t exist this would never have happened!” the amalgamation spoke with both her parent’s voices… her mother’s going off into one of her laughing fits at the end. They held a knife in one of their better hands, the blood of her mother still dripping from it and pointed it at her. Rachel was horrified and tried to back away… but felt arms wrap around her, holding her in place, forcing her to watch the display of her parent’s desecrated corpses slicing into one another… all the while blaming her for what they were doing.
“It’s alright… remember… You wanted to see your parents again, even though you tried desperately to forget your crimes,” the voice of Doctor Danny whispered into her ear, freezing her in fear. Eric reappeared next to the monstrosity that was once her parents with that mocking smirk.
“Such a selfish girl you are,” Eric laughed. “Dragging others down and ruining lives to make yours better.”
“Tha-That’s not…”
“It’s like I said once before, you’re soul is unfit for judgement. It’s reflected beautifully in your peepers after all,” Danny responded, cutting her off and sending her heart pounding in fear. She started to squirm and struggle to get away… only for the hold to disappear and for the others to vanish.
Struggling to catch her breath from the fear she had, she took notice that her surroundings were much different now. She was in a large alleyway now, flashing lights of police cars were seen outside of it, a police line was blocking the opening and… there was a body lying face down on the ground. One arm was far out in front of it, pointing in her direction as if they had been reaching for someone or something in that direction, blood was pooled around his head and… what appeared to be a scythe was being held in the other hand.
Her heart practically stopped… when she saw that the hand was bandaged up in once clean white wraps… now stained with blood. Rachel’s mind barely able to process anything as her body hesitantly moved towards the body, every step she took had her entire form shaking, from the chilling rain that fell but also from an overwhelming sense of disbelief that she had no understanding of. Her vision began to blur from the tears entering her eyes.
Her legs gave out on her once she reached the dead person. She noticed then that… her outfit was different… and her hair was much longer as it fell in front of her face… just like when she was younger before she started to cut it short after her fifteenth birthday Her blurred vision remaining on the body right in front of her. Her hands wrapped around the bandaged one as she began to sob.
In the back of her mind she had no idea what was going on… why she was crying over this unknown person. But what she did know was that… if she was reacting like this, this person must have meant a lot to her.
“You see… you even destroyed the one you cared most about… All because of your promise to him,” the voice of Danny broke her from these thoughts. She was still crying and in the same area… but now she was in her clothes from earlier in the day and her hair was back to being short. She felt her hands still holding the bandaged one in a gentle embrace. A hand roughly grabbed her face and made her look at them… it was Eric once again.
“How long until you end up getting the other’s in the same situation? I bet that either Barry or Katie will be the first to go!” Eric laughed… before something slashed through him, turning his expression from sinister to surprise.
“Why don’t you just shut the fuck up already!”
Rachel’s eyes widened as Eric vanished after the blade slashed through him… and the fact that the body was now sitting up and staring at her, alive and well. She still couldn’t quite make out his face but she could tell he looked annoyed… especially since the hand she was once holding pulled out and slapped her upside the head. Her now free hands went up to rub the slapped area… it wasn’t that painful but it still hurt.
“And you need to stop blaming yourself for all this shit!”
“...” she stared up at him in confusion… why… why wasn’t he blaming her for anything? The others she’s seen that could speak in this nightmare blamed her… why… why wasn’t he?
“... Why?”
“What did you get stupid over the years? My death wasn’t your god damned fault and neither was that… whoever the fuck that bastard was… I dunno did you kill that little shit?”
“... No…” Rachel muttered, sniffling a little as tears kept flowing. She couldn’t remember who this guy was… and she was regretting it.
Why can’t I remember him?
There was a moment of uncomfortable silence before she felt a hand on her head and heard an irritated sigh from the guy.
“Seriously quite blaming yourself. It’s almost annoying as you apologizing all the time. Just stand up and fucking move your ass along.”
Rachel looked back up to the man, right to where his eyes would be and in almost an instant the shadows she saw that covered his features began to vanish, showing a young man with bandages wrapped around his face, black hair poking out from behind the hood and a little in his face and a pair of mismatched eyes… the left one being a bright yellow while the right was a solid black. He sent her a grin, as if he could tell she was able to see him clearly now.
“Promise me that… You will promise me that… won’t you Ray?” The distortion she had heard in his voice was gone… and when she heard it the tears practically started a new as she reached a hand up to touch his face… one that had a name come to her immediately.
“Zack…” as soon as the name left her lips she realized that she was awake, her face was still wet with tears… And Barry was sitting on the couch across from her, staring at her with a mixed look of confused and concerned.
“... Whoever this Zack person is… if he’s making you cry I’m gonna kick his ass,” Barry stated after recovering from the confusion part. Rachel just blinked at his response, not entirely sure how to take it… after all she just woke up and wasn’t one hundred percent awake quite yet… but one thing was certain to her.
What… happened to Zack? Did… he actually die? If he did… how did he? And… why did I forget about him?
Earlier that same day in a city alley, the few people who passed by it could see things being thrown around… and large dents appearing in some of the trash cans as if something hit them with a lot of force. When everything seemed to be broken or thrown around the phenomena would change locations to a different alley way.
Though if you were lucky… depends if you use the term loosely or not, one would actually see someone actually causing this destruction in a fit of anger. The sound of rattling chains was not helping him out in anyway shape or form… it only served as fuel to his growing anger. However after trashing this last alley the man, Zack, slumped against one of the walls, still agitated but a little calmer now.
Fucking piece of shit… fucking chains… he thought with a scowl. Bandages on his face eternally having blood going down and staining the once white tape. His brown sweatshirt’s hood was up and had splatters of blood that was both his own… and some other unfortunate people’s, the red pants he wore seemed to be free of stains along with the black boots he wore.
First I’m out trying to find Ray again… BUT THESE PIECE OF SHIT CHAINS KEEP ME LOCKED IN NOTHING BUT ALLEYS ALL THE FUCKING TIME! Making it fucking more difficult than it already is! Then when I do find her by sheer dumb luck, THIS ASSHOLE IS TRYING TO FUCKING KILL HER! IF ANYONE’S GOING TO KILL RAY IT’S GONNA BE ME! Then after I take care of the shit stain and make sure he’s dead, I try to talk to Ray again after… how long? Fuck it I dunno… BUT THESE PIECES OF SHIT PULL ME TO A DIFFERENT ALLEY AWAY FROM HER!
He punched the wall as his anger returned for a moment before something… new caught his attention. The sound of something… breaking. Confused on if he broke the wall or not Zack glanced down at his hand only to see it wasn’t the wall… it was the chain.
The damn things that had been on his wrists since he woke up after losing Ray a second time since escaping the hellhole… he had tried breaking them since day one and found quickly no matter what he tried they wouldn’t break. They kept him tied to the alleys and anytime he tried leaving them they always pulled him back violently… and now they were breaking.
A smile started for form on his face as laughter started to bubble up as they finally broke off… and vanished as if they never existed in the first place. He laughed hard and loud enough that some people passing the alley got very scared and hurried off as they heard the insane sounding laughter. After finally calming down from his laughing fit, Zack noticed that the other chain was also gone, then turned his attention to the opening of the alley.
Glancing down at his now freed wrists and the opening again he took a few hesitant steps to the opening, not entirely sure if this was a trick or not. Standing at the opening now he stuck his arm out and didn’t see any chains reappearing… nor did he feel anything trying to pull him back into the god forsaken alleys again. He nearly started laughing again when he realized… he was truly free now.
Now he had one thing on his mind… Find Ray.
With that he stepped out of the alley and began his search anew.
Rachel managed to get Barry to calm down… or rather stay and not go off to try and fight someone who was more likely than not dead. They were now on the main level grabbing some brunch, seeing at they woke up at 10:23… or at least Rachel did, and Rachel was hoping to avoid having to talk to Barry’s parents. She had nothing against them really… it’s just his parents almost seem desperate for their son to get a girlfriend… or at least have some form of a solid plan for his future. She really just doesn’t want to get roped into it.
Rachel went simple with her brunch, grabbing a bowl of cereal out of a box that was thankfully not chewed up. Barry made sure to feed his puppy before himself… with some wet dog food and a few dog treats in his bowl. Soon after Barry grabbed a frying pan and some non stick spray.
“I’m willing to make scrambled eggs and bacon if you want any,” Barry grinned, but Rachel politely declined. The pink haired boy shrugged and got to work cooking his own meal, while she enjoyed her Lucky Charms.
“... You could get a job in a restaurant,” Rachel brought up as she watched him crack a few eggs into the pan on the heated stove top. Barry flinched at the comment before addressing his friend for a moment.
“... What?”
“... You’re not that bad at cooking… plus you seem to enjoy it… so you could apply at a restaurant if you still don’t have a job.”
“Um… I don’t know… You know me I might get annoyed at someone and start a fight... you know…” Barry responded, as he turned his attention back to scrambling the eggs. Rachel looked down at her own food in thought for a moment before she got another idea.
“... The bakery I work at is still hiring… I could try to help with your impulse control while you work there.”
Barry paused for a moment before turning his attention back to the blond.
“... You think that would work?”
“... Well it’s either that… or the Grocery store Katie works in… After all Nick doesn’t have a job yet…. Besides… it’ll be a good way to get your parents off your back.”
“Alright point taken… I’ll think about it.”
Rachel smiled a little as she went back to her cereal. By the time she finished Barry finished cooking his own food and set up his plate. As he was about to take the first bite he realized something rather quickly.
“OH! I almost forgot… Katie’s coming by in like,” Barry paused to check the time before continuing. “Half an hour.”
“... Oh,” Rachel said with wide eyes. She didn’t think Katie would be free so soon… or would have thought to come to Barry’s home first. “... Does she know I’m here?”
“I kinda told her… you know her she would kick my ass if I didn’t tell her that her best friend was over,” Barry laughed as he recalled the first time he actually met Katie, back in his final year of Middle School. Mostly how she punched him to the ground, all because Rachel accidentally bumped into him and he was about to beat her up but stopped when he saw her eyes… only to have Katie rush in and deliver a surprisingly strong right hook, and when he looked up at her how he thought she looked like an angel.
“... Then you’d try to flirt with her again if she did.”
Barry nearly spat his food out at that from a held back laugh. He instead coughed a bit after forcing himself to swallow before speaking.
“You...remember that... huh?” He coughed and hit his own chest a little. Rachel glanced away from him as he calmed himself from his coughing fit. She was about to answer when the doorbell rang. Barry was about to get up to answer the door, but the blond beat him to it as she stood up to answer the door.
The minute the door opened, it was revealed that Katie was standing there, her tired looking hazel eyes widened at seeing the blond was the one who opened the door. Rachel was about to say something to her but was cut off by her friend pulling her into a hug.
“… I’m sorry…” the brunette muttered as she hugged her friend.
“... For… what?” Rachel asked, wincing a little from the pain in her ribs but was relieved of that when the brunette let her go.
“... For… For not telling you about Eric… and how big of a dick he actually was…” Katie answered, looking down at her feet in shame. “If… if I had then maybe…”
“Okay I know we ask Nick this all the time… but did you get any sleep last night?” Barry’s voice caught the two girls by surprise. He stood a comfortable distance from Rachel and had a concerned look when he saw how tired Katie was.
“I… I only got two hours…” Guilt clouded those tired eyes as she spoke, Barry and Rachel both glanced at each other before the pink haired boy went over to Katie and put a supportive hand on her shoulder.
“Look… What happened to Eric wasn’t your fault alright? It’s… It’s like those crime shows Nick watches ya know. Abuse is just… just hard to talk about… I think…” Barry tried to help, but ended up muttering the words at the end… he had no real idea what it was like. Rachel’s eyes got clouded as memories of her childhood came back…
“... You just didn’t want it to happen again… If you spoke out… you were afraid it would only get worse…”
Katie and Barry both froze and stared at Rachel. Barry gently placed a hand on her shoulder, not knowing if she was injured there or not, and Katie just hugged her… albeit more gently than before. She had told both of them about her parents… they both just felt bad for bringing back those memories.
After a while they all calmed down, Barry finished his food… or what he could since he nearly lost his appetite from guilt, and the trio retreated back to the basement and watched a comedy to try and lighten the mood. Both girls were a little surprised that Barry’s parents hadn’t come to check on them till he reassured them that his Dad was on a business trip and his mom had to work early today.
After the movie and some lighthearted conversations, Katie going off on some anime about aliens she watched, Barry joining in and asking what episode she was on, Rachel not being to sure what they were talking about but was actually interested from how it was described. They nearly got the anime up to watch before Katie stopped them.
“We should get back to our apartment… I mean classes start up again tomorrow for us and I need to drop my car off at Mom’s.”
Barry offered to drive them back, which they accepted after Katie followed through with dropping the car off and grabbing her of stuff. When they got there before she got out of the car Katie stopped and turned back to Barry… and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, surprising both the boy and Rachel.
“Thanks Barry,” the brunette said after the kiss then got out of the car. Leaving behind a stunned Barry and a surprised Rachel to follow after her… leaving the boy alone in the car questioning if that was real or not.
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