#in any case flirt with him or throw salt lmao
brokeniisms · 4 months
Cloud Strife has appeared! What to do?
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Throw salt
Play dead
Kneel down
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hatsukeii · 4 years
I just squealed in my living room because I got a songfic idea and I AHHHHHHHH my mom thinks I have a problem lmao sorry madre
I’m gonna make it up to you with some pure fluff.
No angst, no mental issues, no tragic event, just fluff.
And it’s also not a request because I’ll do those later lol procrastination
And for once I’m giving you a non depressed Tsukishima so cherish the moment while it lasts because depressed Tsukishima is gonna be back
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Frozen// Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Word count: 2000+
Warnings: Mild to no swearing
Summary: It’s fluff hours
Your entire body feels hot, as if everything inside of you is burning up. Your nose is tinted red as a blush spreads through your cheeks, a snowflake floating down and landing on the tip of it. Thank god it’s pitch black at night, or you would just dig a hole and crawl into it out of embarrassment. The coat that is draped around you only adds to the effect, warming your body up like a radiation heater. It’s a pretty big coat, considering the fact that it belongs to someone who’s a whole foot taller than you. You hug yourself under the thick fabric, taking in the scent as you snuggled into it. It’s snowing like crazy in the empty streets of Miyagi, and the only thing keeping you somewhat warm is this huge ass trench coat that Tsukishima was nice enough to borrow to you. “Dude, are we there yet? It’s cold as hell out here. I came to sketch flowers, not let you haul my frozen body back home as a statue.” You scoff, letting out a dry chuckle. “No one asked you to give me your coat. And just hold on, we’re almost there. Just take your coat back, I don’t want you getting sick.” The blond rolls his eyes, his face breaking into that iconic shit eating smirk. “You look like you’re getting pretty comfy with it.” “Shut up! I’m trying to be nice over here!” Tsukshima’s fingers fiddle with each other in his pant pockets. Just a few minutes ago, when he saw you start shivering, he didn’t hesitate to take his thick coat off and throw it at you. He would rather die than admit it, but he felt like a million butterflies hatched from his stomach, and made their way all the way up to his chest as well. Under the dim moonlight, if you pay enough attention, you should be able to notice the beet red in the tips of his ears. Although it’s negative two degrees out, he only feels slightly colder than usual. He’s wearing about three layers, not including the coat he gave you. A tight fitting long sleeved shirt, a slightly thicker shirt, and a wool sweater is enough to keep him warm. In addition to that, he’s also extremely flustered, his entire body tingling with warmth. He’s trying his best to flirt with you, teasing you and poking fun at your tiny figure who is now making sweater paws with his coat. His heart is thumping so wildly that he’s somewhat nervous about you being able to hear it. In his bag, a camera, a notebook, his phone, and his pencil case make occasional shuffling noises. Maybe that’s why you can’t hear the drums hammering in his chest, threatening to reveal themselves.
“Right ahead, they start blooming right under that bridge.” You point to a wooden bridge, a field of moon flowers starting to bloom in the pitch black night. The moon reflects off their surfaces, letting them illuminate the area around them a beautiful hue of maya blue. Tsukishima’s eyes sparkle in the moonlight as he stares at the flowers in awe. “Wow, they’re really pretty.” You chuckle, glancing back at him cheekily. “I told you, they look awesome don’t they?” The blond ignores you, completely mesmerised by the blooming moon flowers as he wanders onto the bridge, you trailing closely behind him. He grabs his bag, and sits down, back pressing against the railing. You take a seat next to him, hugging yourself in his coat. He reaches into the relatively large laptop bag, pulling out a camera case. You watch him fiddle with the settings, more so observing his face more than anything else. You watch as his eyes squint slightly as he tries toggling a knob, before bringing the camera up to his face and testing it out, before pouting slightly, continuing his toggling. Finally, he stands up, walking to the edge of the bridge as he snaps a photo of the moon flowers. He walks back to where you are, plopping down next to you as he pulls the picture up, blowing some snowflakes off of the camera. His lips curl up into a rare smile as he stares at the photo.��“Nice.” You try your best to stay calm, but deep down inside, you’re about to squeal like a crazy fangirl. You didn’t think he could get any more handsome, but Tsukishima Kei looks like a whole ass god in front of you right now, the cold hues of the night complimenting his looks perfectly as tiny snowflakes make their way onto his lashes. The peaceful smile on his face is soon replaced by a sly smirk. “Enjoying the view or something?” If you knew better, you should’ve been able to tell how much he enjoyed the fact that you were staring at him. He doesn’t care if it’s just some random person that admires him, but when it comes to you, everything matters. You snap out of your tiny trance, going beet red. “I just dozed off with my eyes open, don’t get cocky idiot.” The boy chuckles, pulling his pencil case and notebook out of the bag. He takes a look at the photo, before starting to sketch. You sit there, not knowing what to do. Here you are, alone with the person you’ve liked for a solid two years, sitting in peaceful silence as he sketches moon flowers. This is everything you could possibly ask for, except you’re terrified to say anything. You hold your words back, not wanting to jeopardise the close friendship you managed to form with the cold middle blocker. You rack your brains, desperately trying to think of a way to interact with him.
“Hey Tsukki?”
The blond glances at you, pencil still in hand.
“It’s sad boy hours, wanna rant?”
He leads his eyes back to the semi-completed sketch, continuing to swipe tiny strokes on the paper.
“You want me to start?”
You nod, hugging yourself tighter.
Tsukishima sighs, glancing at you once more, before looking down. He contemplates his options. Should he rant about a real issue that had been bothering him forever, or a random thing that happened during school? He weighed the options, comparing the stakes.
“Sad boy hours are the best. I get to rant to you as much as I can. I’m gonna get it out there and just tell you this. There’s this girl that I like a lot.”
Your heart drops, but you play it off and wiggle your eyebrows at him.
“Ooooh Tsukishima salt lord Kei has a cruuuuuush~”
The blond rolls his eyes, feeling his cheeks go warm.
“Shut up and let me talk shortie. There’s this girl I really like, but I can’t tell her anything because if I do she might stop being friends with me. I can’t afford to let that happen, so I stay silent, but it hurts knowing that someone else can swoop in and take her any day. I- damn, she’s just amazing. It’s hard not knowing what she thinks about me. She might hate me, or she might like me back. I wouldn’t know until I ask, but I’m too scared to do that. It’s been bothering me since last year and quite frankly it won’t get out of my head.” He goes silent, waiting for your response.
“Dude, same. I feel you. I’ve liked someone for years, and yet I still haven’t confessed to him. Honestly it bothers me too, but I don’t know what to do myself. I can give you advice, but I won’t act on it because I don’t know how to. The risk is too high and I can’t lose another close friend.” You stop, playing with the hem of the thick coat as wind blows around you two.
“What do you think I should do then?”
You huff out, a puff of steam coming out from your mouth.
“You should totally just tell her. She would understand if she was a real friend. If your feelings end up unrequited and she stops being friends with you because of that then it’s just immature. To be honest she probably likes you too, I mean who wouldn’t? You’re literally top tier boyfriend material, there’s no way she hasn’t fallen for you yet.” Pointing at him, you wave your index finger in circles around him, hyping him up. Although you’re slightly disheartened by the fact that Tsukishima already likes somebody, you’re still determined to help him get to whoever this girl is. As long as he’s happy, your issues can wait.
The blond chuckles dryly, his mind racing.
“It’s not that easy you know. Are you sure this is gonna work?”
You slyly smile, nodding your head furiously. You’re all here for Tsukishima confessing to the girl of his dreams even if it hur-
“It’s you.”
Wait what?
Your mind goes blank for a second, trying to process the words that just came out of his mouth. His statement echoes through your head loud and clear. Your mouth slowly drops, hanging open as it curls up into a wide smile. You start to laugh until you grab your stomach and double over. Tsukishima stares at you in confusion. “What?” You wipe the tears in your eyes, continuing to laugh your ass off while you shake your head. “No way, there’s no way you like me. Never in a million years. Dude stop joking around and call your crush, I wanna see her reaction! Plus, I’m not good enough for you, you’re literally the definition of perfecti-”
You shut up as you feel a pair of lips on yours, and a hand pulling your chin in. You gasp in surprise, not knowing how to react. It’s like you’re suddenly hypersensitive to everything around you. The glow of the flowers seem more vibrant than when you first got here. The wind felt colder than it should have. The moon is blindingly bright, like a flashlight in a cave, illuminating everything. You can feel every single snowflake that lands on you, tingling your skin. Feeling the grip on your chin that loosened, you pull away slightly, eyes agape and face dusted red as you stare back at Tsukishima’s eyes. Those goddamn eyes that get you every time. His permanent frown is now a tiny, but slightly melancholy grin. 
“Does that prove it?”
You don’t know what to say. Your composure is completely broken. The thumping of your heart is heavy and you can’t hear anything apart from that. Your face is completely red, warming you up better that his coat ever can. You try your best to make a clear sentence. “Kei I- I wa- Tha-” Giving up, you do the only thing you can think of to show him how you feel. Grabbing his sweater, you pull him into another kiss, this time squeezing your eyes shut as you appreciate the moment. You know that the moon flowers are still blooming, the snow is still falling, but you don’t care. All you want is for time to be frozen for this. You wish for this moment to last forever, although you know it’s impossible. Just you, and Tsukishima, pouring out your feelings for each other in a field of glowing flowers and silence in the darkness of the night. His hands find their way to your cheeks, cupping them tenderly as he smiles. This is the best he’s ever felt in a really, really long time. It’s as if a weight had been removed from his chest. He no longer has to hide his emotions. This is enough to show him everything. His notebook lays next to him, the pencil rolling off of it and onto the bridge. The half finished two page drawing is made visible by the moonlight, and it isn’t just a drawing of the flowers.
It’s you. He was drawing your expression when you saw the field of flowers, along with the blooming wonders in front of him.
The two of you stay in that position, lips connected, until you feel your lungs give out. Pulling away, you give out an audible gasp, giggling to yourself.
“Well that felt nice. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that.”
The world might’ve still been spinning, and everyone might’ve still been sleeping soundly in bed, or they might’ve been doing whatever they were doing as the world moved on.
But just for a few moments, you swore that time was frozen for the two of you.
Frozen by Sabrina Claudio
Lyrics from Frozen
A shit ton of weird flower searches on google
@sunshines-and-tatertots @izzyphantomgamer @tiger1719 @trashcanweeb @just-another-bored-writer @justachillgirl @random-fandomlover @kaylacinderella @talks-a-lot-of-stuff @macaronnv @inlwlevi @mariechan123 @tiredgr3mlin @bokutokoutarou @for-ests @burnt-tomato @letshaikyuu @estherwritess @emsvegetables @artsamber @fullmetalfangirl21 @sakusasgarbage @agentvicinity
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Wow for once Tsukishima is happy on this blog lmaooo
Have fun reading this thing that I spent like hours on
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