#what the heckie are these options LMAO
brokeniisms · 1 month
Cloud Strife has appeared! What to do?
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Throw salt
Play dead
Kneel down
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sunsetsgod · 6 years
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*cough* BRO
i think you want a relationship
literally just tell them
but then again if you’d rather it be something like ‘let’s randomly cuddle/kiss/make out/wake up together bc we fell asleep together/be domestic but not define the relationship leaving all parties involved confused because are we dating and it’s open or are we together together or are we friends who do this stuff or what’ then i hope you’re up for a hell of a lot of confusion in the future because if you go to them and say ‘hey i wanna kiss you but i don’t wanna date you’ and they say okay and then you do all that stuff but you never actually say you guys are dating then they’re gonna wind up confused as heckie about what they can and can’t do with other people and so if you’re friends right now then your options are 
tell them and whatever they say, they say [aka truthful communication of your feelings aka something healthy]
don’t tell them
do the weird not-in-a-relationship-but-we-make-out thing and risk losing them way worse in the future because that’s the kind of thing that messes up relationships of any kind, the not-having-communication
actually have a relationship with them
you choose, but my advice? say something. if they dont wanna do that, your friendship will most likely [99% chance] survive. if they wanna do op 3, that’s y’all’s choice, more power to ya, good luck. if they wanna do op 4, congrats!! im happy for you and maybe then u would come off anon so i could properly congratulate u if u do op 2 and ur feelings fade, well, okay then that’s that. if u decide op 1, go from there but always always communicate in a direct way about everything. i know feelings can be weird and hard, so maybe a phone/video call is the best way to go after the initial saying something because that is really hard to do over the phone lmao. the Most Advice i have rn is if ur gonna tell them, communicate Everything All The Time About You Guys’s Relationship Status. DTR like hell. good luck
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bigcatsfan · 7 years
tagged by @adachisyuto
1: Are you named after someone? myself lmao
2: When is the last time you cried? like two days ago
3: Do you like your handwriting? its ok
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? turkey yo
5: Do you have kids? ew
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? maybe?? im kinda annoying so who knows
7: Do you still have your tonsils? nope
8: Would you bungee jump? but would it be over water or ground bc water, yes, ground... maybe no
9: What is your favorite kind of cereal? cinnamon toast crunch fam
10: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? depends on the shoe yo but generally lmao no
11: Do you think you’re a strong person? physically? no... mentally??... also no 12: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? vanilla lmao bc im a bland bitch
13: What is the first thing you notice about people? uhm... that they exist?
14: Red or pink? pink
15: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?  uhm lol
16: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? no shoes but gray shorts bc pjssssss
17: What was the last thing you ate? pizzaaaaaaa
18: What are you listening to right now? this horror movie
19: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? lmao bubblegum pink pls
20: Favorite smell? lEMON
21: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my sister
22: Favorite sport to watch? tennis
23: Hair color? faded blonde/pink v nice thank u
24: Eye color? they blue
25: Do you wear contacts? heckie no i am too scared to put my finger near my eye for things other than makeup 26: Favorite food to eat? pasta any type of pasta give me pasta
27: Scary movies or comedy? scary movies
28: Last movie you watched? sinister 2
29: What color of shirt are you wearing? gray
30: Summer or winter? winter
31: Hugs or kisses? uh both maybe is that an option
32: What book are you currently reading? the novice by matharu taran
33: Who do you miss right now? uhhhhh my grammy
34: What is on your mouse pad? uh normally a puppy but rn i’m using a table w/ no mouse pad
35: What is the last TV program you watched? xfiles tbh
36: What is the best sound? *xfiles theme*
37: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? uh
38: What is the furthest you have ever travelled? to cali lmao
39: Do you have a special talent? crying bc i love something so much
40: Where were you born? illinois usa bc corn fields
i tag uhm... uhm... @sobicentric @swordfishhotkissnight and no one else bc i don’t have friends on here lmao
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