#in comparison to other hajime drawings lol
mildcicada · 4 years
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I feel like i forgot how to draw
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austajunk · 2 years
Also, before I forget (hi, oumaede anon again <3 lol)! What are your thoughts on komanami? This is a ship I can go down with... So. Much. Pain. And a glimmer of wholesomeness, if only Chiaki got to interact a little more with Nagito. Just... The potential of it all! I... I'll shut up now. Thanks for listening to my ramblings.
Oh, anon. Look at my blog. Why would you get me started on rambling about KomaNami?! Don’t you know they were my first hardcore deep passionate ship for the second game?!
*cracks knuckles* Okay, here we go. I would like to get this rant outta me.
I think there are two different variations of the KomaNami ship and that’s with Human Chiaki Nanami and AI Chiaki Nanami. And I’m gonna talk about how they both relate to Nagito in a platonic/romantic shippy kind of way.
To put it simply, I think AI Chiaki kinda gets Nagito more than her human counterpart. She challenges him more too and can easily forgive and understand him when he eventually gets her killed. Her entire attitude is like “As long as it’s me and not everyone else here, I don’t blame him I suppose”. Not to mention, Nagito can easily spot that Chiaki likes quiet places too and tells Hajime not to distract her during her games and such. He’s also concerned for her whenever she wanders off or tries to do things like guard the party in the first chapter.
I showed one of my other friends the first trial of the second game again and I just love it so much tbh. This first showdown that clearly initiates a dynamic between them both.
There’s this moment when Nagito and Chiaki challenge each other. “There’s evidence that Nagito’s suspicious… I think” “Oh… in that case, care to tell me what that is? 🙂 “
And then afterwards Nagito’s just like *clapclap* every time Chiaki does anything. She draws a map for the second class trial and Nagito is the only one to be like “Omg, thank you, our lord and savior, Chiaki!”
It’s so funny since it just feels like such an inverse of ToGiri and their dynamic in the first game. It’s friendlier, but still antagonistic and draws you in.
Kyoko: Byakuya, you’re full of shit.
Byakuya: Ugh. Ruin my fun today, why don’t you?
Whereas KomaNami is more like:
Chiaki: Nagito, that’s wrong.
Nagito: Yessssssss prove me wrong. So good. Now whip me pls.
Byakuya constantly underestimates and tries to work against Kyoko. But Nagito recognizes this potential in Chiaki immediately and is one of the few characters to not write her and her talents off. He welcomes it and maybe even wants to encourage it. <3
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In comparison, I think her human counterpart likes and appreciates Nagito, but doesn’t understand or get him. Despite that, she is protective over him as her beloved classmate and sees his value, simply preferring Nagito to just do what he wants without faulting him for it as well. The only time she draws a line is when he pulls a gun. Which… fair enough. Holy shit. Nagito obviously has a great respect for her and fangirls over her being their class rep for moment in his usual crazy spin and Chiaki continues tapping away at her game, but smiles warmly at him. Also he has an interest in challenging and testing her Hopeful ideals as well.
I would talk about the scene where Human Chiaki dies and Nagito’s reaction to it, but that’s it’s own post with multiple interpretations too.
If we take in the retcons of the anime, then it’s by Izuru KamuKura and Nagito and the rest of the class that AI Chiaki took her appearance and personality. As AI Chiaki tells us this, we see a shot of Hajime and Nagito meeting her for the first time in NWP, indicating they are the two more important people that factored into her existence. I can even go so far as to say in instances of Nagito’s strange protectiveness over Chiaki (expressing worry over her guarding the party alone in Ch1, her confronting Fuyuhiko on Ch2, and running after her when she ran off frantically in Ch4 and tsking her for wandering off), you could say it’s a subconscious thing for Nagito after interactions with her human self. I can go further and even mention that when Human Chiaki was killed, she was alone… so if in Chapter 4, Chiaki disappeared in a strange labyrinth location, it only makes sense that for some reason, Nagito would be concerned enough to follow her.
How about that? I have lots more to say but let’s cut it here as a long post. ^^
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kimmysfandomblog · 6 years
Hajimeme and Kaito? :^)
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Look, there is no other answer for this XD Hajime initially looks plain, and in a way that looks only at how he looks like, he is. Short brown hair is common, and his design is rather plain,especially in comparison to all of the others who were Ultimate students. The only thing that made him look different was his ahoge (lol) and his pretty greenish yellowish eyes!
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He's so cute TTvTT
Now okay, a HUGE part of it is that, for whatever reason, physical appearance does little for me comoared to actual personality. Hinata... god Hinata has such an appealing personality! He isn't sacharine sweet and always good, or at least appears that way, like Naegi. He isn't always shy and never really standing up for himself like Saihara. Yes, I know there is WAY more to those characters, but this is based on the overall character feel.
Hinata feels real. While what he does because of his beliefs and emotions of that time is probably more extreme than what the average person would do, those feelings that brought him to that decision were relatable. When you want to believe you are better, and outwardly say so, but inside you're tearing yourself apart in insecurity... that's relatable.
And it wasn't just his character development, but his actions. While he draws a line of where he is unwilling to cross for his friends, he will still do what he can to help them. He will sass them, tease them, inwardly insults them, even, but he cares so much for his friends. That's what a lot of friendships are like, really XD
He's really sweet without it feeling fake, and he finds a way to not only move on from his own Despair, but help his friends move on from theirs. He's a leader with insecurities, and he is mostly capable of leadong the trials, with a few nudges here and there when needed. He makes stupid mistakes, some less serious than others, and he rises from them through his own power.
Oh man, I could gush on and on about why I fond Hajime so attractive XD It's a pretty much known fact that I do, though XD
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Alright, so like Komaeda, this is weird XD
Kaito and Himiko are always at the top of my favorite characters list for V3... it is honestly hard for me tonchoose between them because while Himiko is the character type I always wanted (a girl magician/mage whonis smol and cute and sleepy!), her story and development in V3 was just.... not as solid as it really could have been. Whereas with Kaito, I absolutely did not know what to make of him other than he was either loved or hated by the community (ranked fairly low in those initial polls too), but then I played the game and fell in love with his character XD he had pretty good development considering jow horrible character development could be in V3 (though I give the game points for actually trying to give every character development and relevance in the story).
However, while his face is pretty handsome and his hair is cool, and I do like the star/galaxy print on the inside of his coat.... his uniform overall is kinda ugly XD
The main thing I like about Kaito is that he's a lot more complex than in first view. He was raised by his grandparents, and as a result says some pretty stupid stuff, maybe outdated as well. He is kind of an idiot, but I stand by the belief he knows more than he lets on. The reason he sticks close to Shuichi as opposed to Hoshi seems to be vecause he had Shuichi's motive video. He knows exactly what to say and when to say it for Shuichi to let go of his anxiety. While people jate that he takes all of Shuichi's credit, they fail to understand why he does it: Shuichi doesn't want to be the one who holds responsibility if things go wrong. Shuichi os even thankful for it, even if it is coming off egotistical lol. If Kaito wanted to steal Shuichi's glory, why wouldn't he have tried to do the same for Kaede? When she was berated by half the class after failing to get them through the false exit, he encouraged her instead of taking over, because that is what she needed, a way of knowing that even if she hurt her classmates that way, she was only doing what she thought was right and it was a mistake rather than an intention to harm.
I do think V3's writing is clunky in the failure to make things more clear, and especially refraining from possibly rubbing people the wrong way, and Kaito is one of those characters that people might really hate for the misogynistic things he says and being insensitive, but if he was written where it was clear that someone pointing out hiw wrong he was would make him change then I doubt we'd be having so much discourse.
Kaito is that "idiot hero" type that inspires people to do better, but by doing so feels the need to hide what bugs him. These idiot hero types are such soft spots for me XD My first fancrush was on a character like that, who realizes as the game progresses how his version of what a hero was had been wrong. Kaito gets that all at once near the end, and due to not knowing how to handle it (I am sure it was a lot of shame at himself for what could have happened), he shuts Shuichi out until there is not time. He comes back, springing back up with promises of working together again.
This is a very messy response, sorry XD what I am trying to say is that Kaito shows a willingness to change, and that shows such a strength in character when you admit to yourself you did wrong and try to rectify it.
Now as for if I find him attractive... I can't say that I do, but it's because I ship him so hard with Shuichi XD I am pretty sure lol. The way he smiles and says Shuchi's name? Ooooof, what a guy!! 💖💖 While I do ship him with Kaede a bit, it is his relationship with Shuichi that attracts me to him! And though he comes off egotistical, he really does mean well and wants the best for his friends.
Such a wish is hard to grant ^^;
(I guess the one thing we learned is that kindness for others is very much a turn on for me, huh? XD)
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arimayusa · 7 years
thoughts on the tokyo ghoul movie
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so I saw it yesterday and woAH the movie was amazing, but I ended up knocking out before I finished typing up all my thoughts, but now that i'm done with all my work for today, it’s time to post my opinions about the live action tg movie!! :D
(this is really long and includes a bunch of spoilers about the movie so it will be under the cut)
Masataka Kubota is an awkward adorable dork, case closed & Hide was really well casted too! 
his cheerfulness and loud attitude really emphasized how opposite and introverted Kaneki is in comparison
I was happy to see that Kaneki’s desk was littered with books (like a crap ton of books), basically mplying he was a literature major without actually stating so + showing his love for books
SEN TAKATSUKI!!!! (sadly she wasn’t there but at least her name was mentioned)
omg Kaneki had such a stupid grin after looking at his calendar marked with "date with Rize"
only noticed it cause I saw it at the TG cafe, but Kaneki had a picture of him and Hide in elementary school taped on the top of his desk
the whole date with Rize was super awkward (especially the pasta part lol) but I think it created a strange (in a good way) tone leading up to the surprise of Rize’s reveal
omg the actress who played Rize was so good too :0 like the the shift in the pitch of her voice from shy and cute to the deeper, sensual one like in the anime when she revealed that she was a ghoul was so gooood
pretty sure the two people I went with were weirded out by how much I was giggling as Kaneki got flung around like a ragdoll by Rize
I thought the funeral scene was a nice touch, showing how Kaneki's been alone for so long (except for Hide of course)
Hide's drawing of a ghoul from the manga was still included even though it didn’t happen in Anteiku in the beginning (instead it was by on Kaneki's Campus notebook which was also on display at the TG cafe)
when Kaneki hallucinates Rize in his room, her shadow was a centipede on the ceiling!!! 
that was a neat reference thrown in for the fans since we don't make it to Aogiri arc in the movie
that was one of the many things that only manga readers would've understood (which made the movie even more fun for me since that means if was made with that intention and care)
askdflkef when Touka threw cake at Kaneki after getting pissed off I was just like "lmao he's gonna get you a cake for your wedding later you know"
once again, of course Nishiki was perfect casting
I laughed a little too hard when Kimi was embarrassed & Nishiki kept staring at her chest with a blank stare while Hide and Kaneki just kinda stood at the door to his room
the Kaneki licking Hide's face scene™ was so funny (there’s all the Hidekane we gonna get y’all)
one thing that was real cute (cause it happened several times throughout the movie) was Touka telling Kaneki that he was an idiot and to stop crying and after the 1st time (when he learned he could drink coffee), Touka started saying it in a teasing tone rather than an angry one
the scene where Mado and Amon were introduced was actually pretty intimidating, it was right after they killed Hinami’s dad and Mado had Amon smash the ghouls hands with a rock that got bloodier as he continued (luckily the hand was off screen) in order to open
Amon's actor whoo boy (even my mom thought he was hot lmao)
oh my the scene where Mado held up the donut and asked "can you fall in love with this,” Amon was just staring at the donut (but we all know he was nodding inside guys)
(ok now this is me writing the day after aka today and I'm already forgetting the order of certain scenes so this may be slightly out of order rip)
Yoriko was so cute!!!! her actress was really pretty I wish we saw more of her... 
I thought the food scene was kinda awkward though since it's wasn't at their school, but it was funny when Kaneki asked to have some too and Touka wouldn't let him have any
I was trying to look for Touka's bunny charm but I didn't notice it!! I did see something on Yoriko's bag though???
the “shuu” kanji scene was done a little differently but I liked it more
lol Hinami first asked Touka how to read the kanji but she didn’t know (because Touka-chan is bad at Japanese) so Kaneki explained
then Touka was just like "haha yeah that's it" pretending that she had just forgotten and Hinami straight savage calls her out, saying that Touka didn't know in the first place
Kaneki and Hinami both giggled at Touka and ahhh it was so cute, they felt like a family
the process in which Amon, Mado, and Kusaba determined who Ryouko and Hinami were made A LOT more sense in the movie than the animeit showed almost the entire process of them finding evidence starting from simply a string of fabric left behind on Hinami’s father’s clothes
*winks aggressively at Ishida and the director for the graffiti of a scythe and XIII in the background*
Hajime made his cameo the same way he did in the manga (and BOY DID I WANNA SLAP HIM RIGHT THERE that kid has a shady look on his face already I stg)
oh yeah the kagune! I thought they looked pretty decent actually
I liked how the scales shimmered and stuff, but of course some scenes kinda looked too CGI-y (especially the fight with Nishiki)
#blessed that they included the "I would be sad if you died Touka-chan scene"
the training montage with Kaneki and Touka / Amon was so cooooool (ok stfu Alyssa you just loved it cause you got to see strong Touka & shirtless Amon)
omg Kaneki apologizing after landing a hit on Touka for the first time was adorable ok
Touka's overalls when they went to HySy were really cute. I want to draw it when the movie comes out online later
idk why but I kept laughing at the little wrist watch radios that Amon and Mado had on their arms to contact each other???? it was just really weird and funny to see for some odd reason
ohh ok probably one of my favorite scenes was when Kaneki just started fucking speeding towards Amon's car which caused him to jam the brakes (bc some random hooded dude is just sprinting towards you in the middle of the street what else would you do)
then Kaneki just freakin jumps on it all slow mo and flips it over because he's dramatic like that
idk if this was in the manga but Doujima rotated and grinded Kaneki's kagune during the fight (which made more sense then a lollipop that Amon just swings around)???
besides some of the awkward shots in the movie, my only other criticism was that some of the fight scenes were drawn out way too long
Amon and Kaneki's was ok for the most part, but Touka and Mado's fight felt REALLY drawn out. they kept just standing and talking a lot
I tried it on when I was at the cafe but seeing Kaneki wearing the mask during his fight was way cooler and the shot of him unzipping it was noice 
when Kaneki started losing his sanity during the fight with Amon, Kubota had this really psychotic laugh that made me giggle a lot ahhh
yo guys there was a bloody tear from Kaneki's ghoul eye that dripped onto Amon's right eye (his future ghoul eye)... like much wow such foreshadowing director/ishida
near the end, Amon brings flowers to Mado’s grave, but sadly Akira doesn’t show up cryy
all in all I thought it was a very enjoyable, pretty accurate adaptation (definitely one of the best anime live actions & *cough* better than the anime)
I went with two people who knew very little about TG, except for it’s premise, and they thought the movie was really good themselves (although a little too much blood in one of their opinions). Throughout the movie there was a bunch of hidden stuff for fans & probably a bunch more symbolism that I missed so I can't wait to rewatch it in the future (I wish I could go see it again this week tbh) and find even more stuff!!
oh one more thing! the credits were really pretty with BANKA playing in the background and there was some cool art during the scroll
I got pictures of three of them: the Owl/Dog/Ape, Touka's kagune, and Hinami's kagune!
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mildcicada · 4 years
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Its him....hajime meowta
#my art#sometimes...i just want to draw my faves as cats okay. i narrowed down what cat breeds i wanted hsjime to be to american short hair#american wirehair + british shirthair. theyre kinda common cats? (not the wirehair as much lol) which fits hajime. but i went with wirehair#i went with the wirehair bc theyre loyal cats that are active but not? so much so? and theyre similar to american shorthairs in being prett#mild mannered. while a lot of cat breeds in comparison r very lovin and attention seeking in comparison.#so theyre not demabding and quite independent? which i felt fit him quite well.#AND ALSO the thing that rlly made me chose that breed is that theyre said to be really in tune with others emotions?#and like they tend to offer comfot and companionship when others are feel ling down. which i felt fit hajime so much !! the sdr2 characters#have repeatedly said that hajime is a comforting presence and when giving suggestings to what his ultimete may be saying things like#ultimate serenity and ultimate counselor etc etc. and they often open up to him and stuff !!!#i thought ab british shorthair for a lot of the same general personality traits. and also bc of how much more reserved they are. like they#want their personal space lol. and american shorthairs are basically THE middle ground. the most average and basic of cats#theyre loveable but not in ur face yknow? i also liked them bc theyre pretty sociable and strong !!#but in the end i chose to draw hajime as a wirehair lol#WAA i just realized i typed sm.#should i tag this? i feel weird doing so lol#i drew this quickly today mostly bc i felt so weird not posting for that long. im wroking on the requests !! pls im just very slow at#finishing a drawing lol. ive been working on the first request for like 3 days and irs not even halfway done?? its not even that complicate#i just a rough time when i first started the drawing djdnjdjd. BUT STILL??#when i just want to draw somethint quickly i always revert back to just. cats.#i just like looking into the different breeds and stuff dindidls#oh i just realized i gave no context to this drawing in the caption huh#danganronpa#hajime hinata#dr#dangan ronpa#now i have to think or a stupid cat pun for the caption 😔#''hinata''->''meowta'' thats not even that good 😔 dissapointed in myself that thats all i could come up for disjjssnsj#the painting in the background is Nuferi by Nicolae Perțache btw! : )#this is purely indulgent. no one cares ab why i decided what exact cat breed hajime would be except me : )) but so is everything else i pos
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