#in his head everytime george would met jp he would be listening toxic by britney spears
eloeloanna · 8 months
George’s pov - what was his opinion on JP
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This is for entertainment purposes only. Don’t sue me Paul (or Yoko (or Sean).
Check my readings! Did McLennon ever happened here What John thought about Paul here What Paul thought about John - part 1 here | part 2 here What happened between John and Paul in Paris here What John thought of Paul's appeareance here What Paul thought of John's appeareance here John's feelings + In my life + Paris' tea here Paul's feelings + Paris' tea here Was Paul jealous of Stuart? here Was John jealous of Tara? here Was Paul jealous of Cynthia? here Relationship - questions related to that topic here What happened between John and Paul in Keywest 1964 here What happened between John and Paul in India here MORE here
I think at the beginning, George thought that his relationship with the other Beatles was okay, as a band and as friends; until it wasn’t 😂. John and Paul left him. Obviously that gesture wasn’t well received by George, and even he found it suspicious. I think they tried to convince him with some shit, and he eventually thought everything was okay. Until George suddenly knew. I’m not very clear If it was him or other person that told him. But I can see him knowing something more about the nature of the relationship of his friends, and fighting with his thoughts about it. “This can’t be true”. I think that at that time George saw them like a marriage (very strong and bitchy partnership 😂😭), but that was a lot.
George took his time to accept what was going on with them, and did it with humility. He knew that this wasn’t a bad thing. It was a pure and organic thing they had. I think he tried to get closer to them, since now he “knew” and “accepted” them, but it wasn’t possible. These bastards were in his own world - they fought, they initiated shit, did their insane things, and treated him like he was a child. George in a different moment of the timeline started to doubt his inicial thoughts, thinking that those pricks were together for instant passion and intelectual stimulation (oppossed to the love they had at the beginning), and didn’t care that much about the band. I think George was very frustrated about how his ideas were treated by JP, they just wanted to do their shit. So when he had the opportunity, he left.
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