#in honor of august 15th being in *checks watch* 45 mins
fahclove · 2 years
Dreamy Drabble Day 14: Road Trip
From @deancaskiss’ s drabble writing challenge. (The Final One!!!) Feat: The Mekakushi Dan
It felt as if the whole van tipped as they rounded the corner, sending the entire Mekakushi Dan falling into each other.
“Watch the turn, Leader!” Momo cried through a mouthful of Marry’s hair.
“Sorry,” Kido mumbled from the front seat, face bright red. 
Kano laughed, “Seems our impeccable leader forgot to practice before agreeing to drive two hour–Hey!” 
His teasing was cut off by Seto jabbing his fingers underneath the headrest and into his neck. Kido would’ve done it herself, but she was too busy white-knuckle gripping the steering wheel, staring dead ahead at the yellow and white lines. 
“I think I’m gonna be sick,” Shintaro mumbled from the back, head buried in Konoha’s jacket, who looked entirely unbothered by the situation. 
“Not on me!” Hibiya screeched, trying to get to the seat in front of him. Momo and Marry beat him back until he gave up and curled into a ball. “I can’t believe I’m in the back. I should’ve been in shotgun,” he muttered to himself.
“Sorry, kid, I called dibs!” Kano laughed.
“No, seriously, I think I’m gonna be sick,” Shintaro repeated. Konoha opened up the window and made a gesture for Shintaro to stick his head out of it. 
“Master’s bright green,” Ene cackled. “You know, guys, I have the perfect song!”
Everyone groaned as Rolling Girl blasted through the speakers, Ene humming the song quietly in the background.
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