#in honour of twitter circles going away or something idfk because that breakdown was entirely in those.
aethercurrent · 11 months
The Incident in the last tags was in relation to leer aka eden rewrite.
check-ins required gdocs. which, like, fine, whatever. bothersome since that thing is laggy as SHIT on my end but i'll live.
i thought
now, you see, i'd been having a wretched time. lowest of the lows i'd had in a while. working on leer had been nothing but the little bit of joy i had at the time. it's nice to work on something experimental and seeing it come together after all! then, The Incident. i paste leer into gdocs thinking it'll be fine.
leer, experimental as it is, is in screenplay format. meaning fully edited and formatted, it looks like this.
Tumblr media
leer was nearly finished at that point. it had 60k of its 77k words.
all the formatting was gone. uploading the darned thing didn't make the formatting work either, because the universe fucking HATED me that day. so guess which person going through a hysterical breakdown laugh-sobbing as it progressed, was forced to re-align already aligned text. because the mods said it needed at least the base formatting.
and THAT's why i have a blood feud with gdocs
also read leer please
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