#in my defense. the switchblade had 0 attack cooldown meaning i was effectively playing 1.8 combat again
cats-thoughts · 1 year
Valkyrie (feat. Laura Brehm) ~ Varien
(note: this song is part of a trilogy! I highly recommend listening to Valkyrie II: Lacuna and Valkyrie III: Atonement to get the full experience!)
okay definitely not the most creative answer, but this song is very Ender Knight.
basically, it's a mc oc of mine, an explanation for why so many roleplay worlds have limited lives now.
In the past- very past, I'm talking Indev Minecraft- there were many gods, and one of them was the god of the infinite. Alongside it was its sister, minor god of the Farlands.
The god of the infinite brought respawn throughout every world it went to. Alongside this, it always respawned itself (whether it wanted to or not) and could theoretically take respawn away from anything.
The other gods were afraid of that power and in an attempt to kill the god of the infinite, accidentally killed its sister, farlands, as well. The weapon was an overwrite of respawn, a permadeath blade, but when they tried to use one on the infinite- well, it didn't work. Unfortunately being basically the god of respawn, it literally cannot NOT respawn. Farlands wasn't so lucky, though.
Infinite, Blinded by rage, set about the goal of killing literally everything. Forever. And obviously, the other gods tried to stop it. It was a very, very long fight, between the Infinite and all of the other gods. It wasn't the best fighter amongst them, or even the best magic user. It just kept coming back. Every time the Infinite respawned, it got all of its energy back and was fully healed. A Million Papercuts, and whatnot.
The gods would kill it, and it would be back within seconds, back to flinging itself at them over and over again until one died, and then another, and so on. So eventually they started sending new gods after it, weak but in great supply as the world churned them out to replace dead gods, one after the other, to hold their own for as long as possible before dying. 300 years of fighting, never letting the Infinite rest or respawn, and it finally tired out.
It fell into a deep sleep, (sometime during beta, near 1.9) and the other gods locked it in the void for what they hoped would be eternity.
Unfortunately without its magic, respawn became strained, more and more worlds turning Hardcore (words deleted upon player death, leaving nowhere for the player to respawn, and therefore they simply never do) and infinite respawn worlds becoming rarer and rarer- now there were worlds where you only had 3, or 10, or 100. Or ones where you had to kill other players to steal their respawns.
So they brought it back, locked in a mortal form, without any memories or powers. Now it wanders worlds, exploring, utilizing the fact that it never seems to stay dead to defeat monsters and bosses and escape even the most dangerous of situations unharmed. And everywhere it goes, infinite respawn follows.
It's so traumatized <3
This was literally inspired by the fact that I played a Minecraft map and then, instead of being good at the game and defeating the bosses like I was supposed to, like for example dodging the attacks, I just. Stood still and rapid fired my weapons at them until I died, and then did the same thing again after I respawned. I got over 1000 deaths. I did TRY to play the game as intended but despite having played this game for like. 8 years. I'm SO bad at it you have No idea I am just Awful at it-
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