#it did very little damage but i just had to never stop clicking and it worked. eventually.
cats-thoughts · 1 year
Valkyrie (feat. Laura Brehm) ~ Varien
(note: this song is part of a trilogy! I highly recommend listening to Valkyrie II: Lacuna and Valkyrie III: Atonement to get the full experience!)
okay definitely not the most creative answer, but this song is very Ender Knight.
basically, it's a mc oc of mine, an explanation for why so many roleplay worlds have limited lives now.
In the past- very past, I'm talking Indev Minecraft- there were many gods, and one of them was the god of the infinite. Alongside it was its sister, minor god of the Farlands.
The god of the infinite brought respawn throughout every world it went to. Alongside this, it always respawned itself (whether it wanted to or not) and could theoretically take respawn away from anything.
The other gods were afraid of that power and in an attempt to kill the god of the infinite, accidentally killed its sister, farlands, as well. The weapon was an overwrite of respawn, a permadeath blade, but when they tried to use one on the infinite- well, it didn't work. Unfortunately being basically the god of respawn, it literally cannot NOT respawn. Farlands wasn't so lucky, though.
Infinite, Blinded by rage, set about the goal of killing literally everything. Forever. And obviously, the other gods tried to stop it. It was a very, very long fight, between the Infinite and all of the other gods. It wasn't the best fighter amongst them, or even the best magic user. It just kept coming back. Every time the Infinite respawned, it got all of its energy back and was fully healed. A Million Papercuts, and whatnot.
The gods would kill it, and it would be back within seconds, back to flinging itself at them over and over again until one died, and then another, and so on. So eventually they started sending new gods after it, weak but in great supply as the world churned them out to replace dead gods, one after the other, to hold their own for as long as possible before dying. 300 years of fighting, never letting the Infinite rest or respawn, and it finally tired out.
It fell into a deep sleep, (sometime during beta, near 1.9) and the other gods locked it in the void for what they hoped would be eternity.
Unfortunately without its magic, respawn became strained, more and more worlds turning Hardcore (words deleted upon player death, leaving nowhere for the player to respawn, and therefore they simply never do) and infinite respawn worlds becoming rarer and rarer- now there were worlds where you only had 3, or 10, or 100. Or ones where you had to kill other players to steal their respawns.
So they brought it back, locked in a mortal form, without any memories or powers. Now it wanders worlds, exploring, utilizing the fact that it never seems to stay dead to defeat monsters and bosses and escape even the most dangerous of situations unharmed. And everywhere it goes, infinite respawn follows.
It's so traumatized <3
This was literally inspired by the fact that I played a Minecraft map and then, instead of being good at the game and defeating the bosses like I was supposed to, like for example dodging the attacks, I just. Stood still and rapid fired my weapons at them until I died, and then did the same thing again after I respawned. I got over 1000 deaths. I did TRY to play the game as intended but despite having played this game for like. 8 years. I'm SO bad at it you have No idea I am just Awful at it-
0 notes
dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
I’ve been rereading you Royal Consort au and haven’t stopped thinking about it. I just know social media during that entire au was fucking insane
Dash Baxter opened his phone one school morning in his senior year after oversleeping for an hour—he may have worked out a little too hard, or he really did have a cold, like his mother claims—and was overwhelmed with messages from his friends.
They all say the same thing.
Have you seen this!?
Is it true?!
I can't believe this is happening!
Will we go to jail? I can't go to jail!
He scrolls through them with heavy confusion until, eventually, he clicks on the link Kwan sent him since the mention of jail seemed like a higher level of importance than whatever new gossip was going about.
Someone was likely pregnant. That was always what Pauline gossip the most about.
His best friend tended to catastrophize, so he figured it was better to help him calm down first.
The link takes him to a news clip showing a crowd of people surrounding a very familiar house. It wasn't the first time the Fentons had been on the news, but they were usually covered by local stations, and it was generally due to the damage the inventors had caused.
Dash knew they were only talked about when things were slow and a fluff story needed to be thrown in. Oh, back in freshman year, when ghosts first appeared, the Fentons were much more important, but now ghosts are a part of everyday life, and sometimes Dash forgot other cities didn't have the same issue.
Nothing the Fentons did was noteworthy, especially to have the Lois Lane covering their story. Yet, here in the palm of his hands, on the morning of a regular school day, he watched as Lois Lane did just that.
"Reporting live from Amity Park outside the residence of the Royal Consort to the Infinite Realms, I'm Lois Lane. Only a few minutes ago, the Justice League members- Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman- had entered the building hoping to speak to the Consort on a diplomatic mission. The tension between humans and the Realms has been at an all-time high since the Anti-Ecto Acts were passed. Although they were overturned in the last United Nations session, there has still been no comment from King Phantom and no guarantee that a war is not on the horizon." The woman says, holding her mic close to her face while the cameraman pans over the crowd of people outside of Fenton Works.
Dash feels like someone dumped iced water on him and then slapped him with a rubber fish. He is scared, confused, and a little offended. Still, the video continues as Ms. Lane explains the Realms, the political backlash the USA put the rest of the world in, and a brief overview of the humans' chances of winning if a war did break out (not high).
She then admits that their team had gotten a tip, claiming that the Consort has been married to King Phantom for the last three years, and despite not publicly announcing his title, he had all the power of his status.
There were only two "he"s in the Fenton household and Dash knew for a fact Mr. Fenton would never cheat on his wife. Which left only one.
Oh gods.
As Ms.Lane speaks, the door to the house opens behind her, and the three high heroes of Earth outstep.
Along with Danny Fenton, who is squished between Wonder Woman and Superman with a flabbergasted expression, the crowd goes wild as Ms. Lane loudly shouts, "The Royal Consort, Daniel Fenton, husband to King Phantom, is being escorted by some of the most important members of the Justice League to a secondary location for peace negotiations. There is hope for humanity yet."
The clip ends with a close-up of Fenton's wide-eyed stare, which shows him looking terrified—the same expression he used whenever Dash cornered him to vent some of his frustrations.
Dash is left sitting in utter silence and rapidly growing horror. He had been mocking a royal, physically harming a royal, and, worst of all, he had been attacking Danny Phantom's husband, the same being who had been his personal hero for the last three years.
"I'm going to jail." He whispers "I'm so going to jail. Or I'm going to be executed. That happens to people who almost start wars right? Oh, gods."
The rest of the A-listers are panicking all over the city but not nearly as Dash Baxter, who was wondering how much time Fenton would give him for a head start.
It didn't help that Wes messaged Everyone on the basketball team with a gif of a dancing cat wearing sunglasses and the words "I TOLD YOU" in bright, bold colors.
He had repeatedly told them to leave Fenton alone. If they didn't, Phantom would retaliate, but no one had taken his word for it since the boy had originally claimed Phantom and Fenton were the same person.
Dash put his phone down and stared at the wall of his room. He liked that wall. It was covered in posters, pictures of his friends, memories of his best games, and now, with the floating shelves, his teddy bear collections.
He would likely never see it again.
"Oh gods"
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kissitbttr · 10 months
Hi lovely! Your cake tasting fic was literally immaculate. I was just thinking about how r and miguel met, and how cute it would be to see a blurb where he gets all flustered when he sees her for the first time? You are amazing! Xoxo
sending u lots and lots of kisses MWAH MWAH thank u baby😚😚😚 anyHOWWWW i’m so glad someone asked for this! I’ve been waiting for it TEEHEE! now i did mention a little bit on the cake testing fic how they first met, sooo i might just have to expand from there yuhyuh!
this turned out a bit onger than i expected lol but I hope you'd enjoy it regardless!
miguel masterlist
miguel meeting his wife for the first time
“the laboratory is 80% damaged, miguel. we need to get it fixed or else we can no longer continue our work.”
miguel sighs deeply, pinching his eyebrows with his index finger and thumb. the ungodly amount of research papers stacked neatly in the corner of his working desk, along with bunch of scrunched papers on top.
“jessica, no ahora”
she rolls her eyes at his stubbornness, arms crossed over her chest. his eyes glued on the monitor, framed glasses perched on the bridge of his thick nose bone
“you need a break.”
“I don’t” he disagrees. if anything, he needs to put on more hours of work. “i can’t leave before everything is done. we’ll get it fixed next week.”
“that’s what you said last week, miguel” jessica points out, eyes scanning around the room. “look at this mess! the HQ haven’t got fixed in months! if you want this building to be safely secured and leave no casualties in the future, you have to do what i say.”
again, miguel disagrees. shaking his head without looking up. “and i said, no.”
but jessica refuses to be told like that, shrugging her shoulders like it’s nothing. “well too bad, because i already found someone who’s willing to work on it and you’re meeting them”
that seems to catch his attention, his pen dropping off between his finger as his head whips towards jessica’s direction.
“i’m not going to be responsible for many injured people in the future. not when we have too much enemies coming to bite our asses so i suggest you get down from there and come here”
miguel has a temper. a very short one, and it’s not easy to control it when he’s surrounded by people who’s trying to tell him what to do. it’s supposed to be the other way around.
but miguel has no energy to fight back, so instead of telling her to fuck off, he just nods his head.
“alright fine” an upset mutter falls from his lips before he makes his way down the stairs. hands on his hips. “where is he?”
jessica scoffs, “why do you always assume everyone is a he?” she chuckles lightly at miguel’s quirk eyebrow. “you can come in now, ms. y/l/n”
the sound of his office door clicks after that, and miguel seems to be less than impressed because he has no energy in him to talk to people other than himself,
yet, his jaw drops instantly soon as he sees the person who walks through it,
a woman—a very gorgeous one—who looks like to be in her mid twenties makes an entrance as her heels click against the marble floor, carrying what seems to be a tablet and folders. she’s dressed in a grey long tight fitting dress that falls down to her ankles with a cropped beige colored cardigan completing the whole look as an outer, leaving only the left shoulder exposed. a smile appears on her face as she fixes the frame of her black reading glasses.
miguel has never seen a more beautiful woman than the one he’s staring at right now,
“ms. y/l/n, this is miguel o’hara. the head of Alchemax and leader of Spider Society.” jessica smirks at the way miguel is gaping right now, as he makes no intention in hiding it away.
guess, her 70% of her plan is slowly working.
“ugh! come on, jessica you’ve known me long enough to stop saying my last name” she giggles, “mr. o’hara. my name is y/n. it is very nice to meet you. jessica had told me many things about you. i am so impressed with everything you had done”
‘fuck, even her voice is pretty’ he thinks
he regains his composure, clearing his throat before taking off his glasses. “thank you, y/n. you and jessica are close?”
with a nod, she responds, “we go way back. haven’t been off each other’s arms for a long time. hard to keep me away from this woman”
so jessica had been hiding her away from him? that’s rude.
“oh hush. always with the sweet talk” jessica waves her off with a smile. “miguel, y/n has plans on remodeling the hq for us. i’ve told her about what needs to be done and so forth. she has already inspected the lab, cafetería, training rooms. this smart woman right here came with conclusions in just five minutes.”
a blush creeping into y/n’s cheeks, shyly tucking a loose hair behind her ear which makes miguel’s heart warms at the sight,
“i’ve seen her work and i wouldn’t just bring anyone when it comes to our matter. she’s the perfect person for this. now since i have so many things to catch up on, i hope it’s okay for me to leave you two and have her explain it all—“
“yes” miguel replies a bit too quickly, causing the two women to raise their eyebrows. this makes him slightly bit embarrassed at how eager he might have come off. “i mean-yeah, of course. it’s not like i was doing anything. have a bit of a time off.”
“i though you said—“
“that’s enough jessica. thank you” he nods at her, shooting her a tight smile. “i would love to hear it.”
a giddiness blooms in his chest when y/n gives him a toothy grin. and it may become his favorite thing to look at,
“alright then. i’ll see you later. bye, sweetheart” jessica waves at her friend before walking out of miguel’s office and shutting the door behind her,
now it’s just them,
y/n’s gaze averts back to his tall figure. she had heard stories about miguel o’hara. jessica loves to spill teas about her partner and had showed pictures of him when y/n was curious on how he look like. he is indeed handsome.
but now, looking at him in person? fuck, even the greek gods are no match to him
beautiful bronze skinned, broad shoulders, high cheekbones with sharp jawlines. she glances a bit at his toned chest then down to his torso for a bit. abs rock hard enough to be seen through the working shirt he’s wearing. this man built like he contains zero body fat.
however, his mesmerizing red eyes are what got her hooked.
“it’s very nice of you to make the time for this, mr. o’hara. i know you are a very busy man and i hate to be the one who’s preventing you from your work.”
miguel’s head shakes, giving her a small genuine smile. “no apologies necessary. and please, call me miguel”
“okay then, miguel” she nods, returning his smile. “may i begin showing you what i’ve been working on?”
miguel’s arm extends towards a large wooden table, allowing her to walk first. “by all means” he folds his arms behind his back, following her from behind.
he’s very much struggling not to look at her ass while she moves,
“okay, so” she lays her things flat on the table, getting to work quickly. “i’ve planned a pre-design for your laboratory, given that the lab is one that needs extra precautions and highly detailed instructions, i’ve figured i should get that one done first. and here” she unlocks her tablet before tapping one app, showing the minimum design. “there are important keys that needs to be highlighted. i need exact measurements of how many people will be coming in and out of your lab, objects you’re thinking of storing, etc. because it will determine the amount of space i’ll be working on”
miguel doesn’t know jack shit about what she’s talking about but fuck, it sounds incredibly sexy to his ears,
“jessica had explained to me before that there will be less than fifteen people working in there. i would advise to create a fingerprint for entry. and it will require more space, more equipment and materials for me and my team to be able to carry on with our tasks. but i need you to not worry, miguel. i’ve done the trials and errors to limit the damage that might occur with the calculations.” she pushes her tablet for him to see clearly, colorful scribbles of geometry with shapes and patterns,
not only that, but she has a few mockups too. giving him a small vision on how the area would look like once it’s done.
miguel’s eyebrows raise, moving a bit closer to where she stands. “christ. this is amazing. you did that in…?”
“a week” she finishes with a smile, nails tapping against the table. watching how his eyes amazed at her small simple work “some would take more than that but, i take my work seriously, i don’t like postponing.”
his eyes move upwards to look at her, impressed by the details and efforts she had done with it. one thing about miguel, is that he is very much attracted to people who are putting their careers above anything,
and she has ticked that box,
“indeed” he lets out a breathe, nodding. “does that mean you don’t have a lot of free time?”
she thinks for a while. “not much definitely. but it’s not like i’m missing out on anything. what do people do nowadays? partying and gossiping? i rather not.”
he chuckles in amusement, “understandable. i thought that you might be into those kind of stuff.”
“and what gave you the assumption?”
he raises his shoulders. “you look young. young people like to have fun.”
“and how old do you think i am?” she asks with arms crossed,
he pinches his eyebrows. “28?”
she hums with a small laugh. “i’m 26”
miguel’a eyes widen slightly, “makes me older than you, then”
“how old are you?”
“really?” she asks in disbelief. “i thought older.”
“yeah. around 40ish maybe.”
“that’s quite offensive, love” he fakes a gasp, shoving his hands into his pockets as he watches her scramble through more papers,
her heart skips a beat at the nickname, though she doesn’t think much of it. “it’s a compliment. the older the better, i’d say”
miguel smiles at that, walking around the table so now he stands across from her. “what did you and jessica talk about?”
“about me” he confirms. “you said that the two of you had talking about me.”
“oh, well” she begins, standing up straight to look into his eyes and miguel swears his knees almost give up. “she told me how much she admires you. your intelligence, bravery. your work ethic. told me all about the good things you had done for the people—“
“i don’t know about that”
“which” she cuts him off. “i am so, undeniably impressed by. keeping the universe intact while trying not to lose your fucking mind is hard, i could tell. I don’t know how you do it. makes me admire you too”
he stares at her as if he’s searching for a trace of doubt or a lie on her face. when he finds none, his heart softens. never in his life had someone come up to him and say how he’s doing a great job. let alone being impressed.
“thank you— i needed that actually” he laughs a bit. “wish people could say the same.”
“in my opinion, i don’t think you need to know about what other people think or say. you’re a grown man, correct?” she taps the eraser of her pencil on one of her sketchbook, eyeing any misguided lines she needs to work on. “if they don’t appreciate that, might as well kick their asses into a new universe”
a genuine chuckle escapes him, nodding in agreement. “i keep that in mind” he clears his throat, thinking about whether or not to make a small talk,
she notices the long pause between them before speaking up, “please, i hate awkward silence. you can talk to me, if you want to, miguel” her head shoots up at him with a playful tone,
“is architectural the only thing you’re doing?” he finds himself curious at her line of work,
“apart from this, i do a little bit of interior design. not too far off from architectural but not exactly the same either. i love anything that goes from there. putting ideas in my head before making it into a reality. also, it’s warming to see how i can help my clients dream come true” she responds simply, a small smile engraves on her pretty features.
“i also am studying in biochemistry at the moment. having a bit fun with molecular study.”
that perks his interest. “biochemistry?” he asks in a surprise tone. “i’m no expert in architectural but i don’t think it has anything to do with that.”
“it doesn’t” she confirms, picking a ruler before sketching out more details on the design. “i do it for fun.”
“for fun?” again, his question comes out in surprise, “why’s that?”
“i just think that learning shouldn’t be limited to one, you know? i like knowing about things. doing more things. the more knowledge, the more you have room to grow. plus, learning about molecules is interesting. might take it seriously on that one”
‘holy fuck, she’s perfect’
“that’s a— wow—“ he huffs out a heavy breath, can’t exactly tell if he’s impressed or intimidated. earning a soft giggle from her.
so, she’s gorgeous, brilliant and ambitious.
“how about you? jessica mentioned about you specializing in genetics. is that some sort of science thingy? because it sounds pretty fucking cool”
miguel scratches the back of his head. “something like that. i more focused on DNA’s, genetics pairings, human genome. all sorts of that. pretty boring if you ask me”
“doesn’t sound boring” she scoffs. “if anything, i find it very attractive when men are willing to learn about science. and i’m not just talking about the glasses, but the brains as well. you ticked every single quota, miguel”
she points at the working glasses he has on, causing his eyes to bug out at her boldness. y/n watches how he shyly takes it off, flustered at the compliment. she smirks as if she keeps trying to keep score on how many times she’s succeeded,
“okay, so” she continues, palms resting on the table before shifting the tablet. “let’s talk about your office. is there something you’re willing to change? because, not to be rude but your infrastructure is quite—shit. keep this up in two months then the apocalypse might have come early”
miguel bites back a laugh at her choice of words, scanning over his office walls, ceilings and monitors. “what do you suggest?”
she pauses, biting the end of her pencil before her eyes begin to do a 360 walkthrough. the sight is almost too perfect for miguel.
“we could do something about elevating the ceilings. make it a bit higher. and i see you have lesser—safety features? which could be quite concerning. we need to install biosafety cabinets, more detection systems and fire protection. I know you’re no ordinary man and could probably handle all the damage that might happen in the future but, it is my responsibility to ensure my client’s safety.”
miguel feels like a lovesick fool right now. and an asshole. he hadn't been listening a lot to what she had to say, merely focused on the way her pink glossed lips moving and how her fingers would occasionally fiddle against one another,
he imagines how her mouth would feel like, molding against his. there is no doubt in his mind that he would immediately be entranced with it.
"miguel? you listening?"
her sweet voice pulls him out of his train of thought, eyes blinking rapidly before meeting y/n's confused gaze,
"oh--y-yeah! yeah uhm.. that sounds great, would love that” his nervous chuckles makes her smile. “you’re really quick with it, aren’t you?”
“just doing my job, mr.o’hara” her tone is professional and prideful. “i’ll work quickly on the building designs, exploring more concepts for it and run a few test drives. however this might steal a bit of your time, from your job. weekly meetings are needed during this process. i’ll bring the mockups, sketches, models and everything. your inputs and feedbacks are required since this is your building after all. would that work?”
spending more time with her? oh, absolutely. he’d make it work,
he gives her a nod. “of course. i’ll clear my schedule off for it, just let me know when”
“excellent!” she exclaims with a bright smile, clapping her hands. “i will do my best to get it done as quickly as possible for you, miguel. i made a promise to jessica and i intend to keep that promise. it’s a long process but i need your full trust on me, okay? do you trust me?”
“yes” he answers without hesitation. “i trust you.”
“great! okay, that is all i have for you today. do you have any questions?”
miguel doesn’t like the idea of it ending here. not seeing her again until next week? that doesn’t feel right.
“you have a boyfriend?”
y/n halts at his question, looking at him with a confused yet amused expression. lip quirking in curiosity. “getting personal, aren’t we?”
“fuck, sorry, hermosa. you don’t have to answer that”
her heart skips a beat at the nickname. he just called her beautiful?
she eyes at how his gaze cast down the floor, head shaking. probably mentally kicking himself at the bold question he had thrown at her,
but she finds it adorable,
tilting her head to the side, she responds. “no. i don’t have a boyfriend. they are not quite up the standards i’m looking for.”
“yeah?” miguel takes a step forward, eyebrow raising. “and what are they?”
“my standards”
he finds it attractive at how she doesn’t like settling for less. she knows her worth without coming off too cocky nor bitchy about it,
“am i not allowed to know?”
“you can fuck around and find out” she smirks, pushing her tongue against the inside of her cheek. “i like to see them try.”
“you like seeing men on their knees begging for your time?”
she nods. “i live for it.”
he feels his cock growing hard at that,
“are you free, this friday?”
she bites down on her lower lip, watching how his biceps almost ripping his shirt off when he crossed his arms,
“i’m a busy woman, miguel”
“so am i” he responds quickly. “say dinner or a drink, anything. an hour or two tops, how about it?”
the way he’s looking at her should be illegal. he has this glint in his eyes. primal, confident. and it’s extremely charming in her own opinion,
she hates how it makes her heat rises,
with a hum, she slowly gather up her things, stacking the compiling files on the tablet. tucking them against her left breast.
“pick me up at 7. don’t be late. and i’m choosing where we should go. it was nice meeting you, mr. o’hara. i will see you then” with that she gives him a smile and a subtle wink before turning around to exit out of his office. leaving miguel completely speechless but enamored.
“fuck. i’m in love” he exhales a dreamy sigh
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kitkatscabinet · 1 year
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Pairing: John Price x reader
Summary: While on leave John runs into an older but still familiar face, he let you slip through his fingers once and he’s determined to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Word count: 1.3k
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The first few days of leave are always a difficult adjustment. It takes conscious effort to pull himself from the commanding mindset that is captain. More than a few times John’s rolled out of bed earlier than necessary out of nothing more than habit, halfway out the door before it sinks in that he’s not on base. He’s never quite sure what to do, he’s very few friends outside the military and there’s an instinct hammering at his mind, to move, to do something. There are only so many books one can read or exercises be done.
That’s why it is a relief when he tries to find a shirt for the day and realises too many are ruined with stains or simply don’t fit anymore. Even if the crowded bustling of the store sets him on edge, eyes instinctively scanning his surroundings for threats. It’s only when he notices, his feet slowing to a stop as he stares. It can’t be you… can it?
He watches intently as you turn to the side, letting him see more than just your profile. Just like that John feels like a lovesick boy once more, staring longingly from across the classroom as you chewed the top of your pen absentmindedly.
There are crinkles in the corners of your eyes where there wasn’t before, but almost everything else is the same, is so clearly you. He’s moved closer before he can stop to think, a confident swagger in his gait as he approaches with a warm smile.
You haven’t really seen him yet, probably don’t recognise him, not that you could be blamed for that. It isn’t until he’s already at your side, hand raised and your name on his lips before it clicks how creepy he must look. Some random man seemingly accosting you in what he’s just now realising to be the children’s section.
The damage is already done though and you turn to assess the new presence in your space with a slightly furrowed brow. He watches as your eyes flicker across his face for some sign of recognition, arms crossed as if to guard yourself. He starts to open his mouth, rapidly trying to backpedal before you punch the air from his lungs with a single word. Not just any word, but his name.
“John?” There’s surprise in your tone and just a little bit of confused breathlessness that he knows he’ll be revisiting in his dreams that night. He’s so stunned that you remember him that it takes a few moments before he nods, eyes never once leaving your form. “Oh my god, how long has it been? What nearly… twenty years, fuck. That makes me feel old” you laughed, still somewhat in disbelief.
Surreptitiously his eyes dart to your left hand. Ring finger bare with no signs it had ever been claimed and it’s with smug satisfaction that he notices your eyes trailing over his from too. He especially doesn’t miss the way your eyes linger on his biceps, trailing down his thighs before quickly darting back up to his face.
“You look good, a far cry from the boy I knew in high school that’s for sure.” He blinks at that… were you flirting with him?
“And you’re as stunning as ever” your eyes widen slightly at his reply, the surety in his tone leaving you a little flustered.
“Oh stop it, now I know you’re pulling my leg” you try to deflect and he frowns, did you really not see yourself the way he did? That would have to change, quickly.
“I’d never lie about that. Thought you were gorgeous in high school but you’re even more perfect now” there’s an alarming amount of conviction to his words, a confident nonchalance that leaves you reeling. It’s probably for the best that a little voice calls your name before running up towards you, lest you say something incredibly embarrassing.
Price watches with a slightly strained grin, of course someone had given you a kid already. No ring didn’t necessarily mean no partner, though John was of the opinion that whoever it was needed a swift kick up the arse for not giving you one.
The boy stops his excited chatter abruptly, turning to him in blatant curiosity. “Who’s that?” The attempt at a whisper is a little hilarious but Price plays along.
“Ah, this is John, a friend from high school”
“Oh, so he’s old like you then.”
“Charlie!” You scold in embarrassment and just a little bit of horror, eyes darting back to John to assure no offence was taken. He’s quick to offer a reassuring smile and a shrug.
“The lads not entirely wrong”
“Yeah, but his mother’s already on my case about swearing. Last thing I need is her blaming me for atrocious manners too. Speaking of, where are mine! John, this is my nephew Charlie.” The introduction allows for a small tendril of hope to unfurl in his chest once more. Using his guardian's apparent distraction, the kid tries to sneak both the toys in his hands into the basket now placed at your feet. Unfortunately for him, he’s still too young to have properly grasped the concept of stealth. You make a chiding noise, hands on your perfect hips, and John has to wrench his gaze back to the kid before he starts to picture it’s his own hands grabbing you instead.
“Ah! I told you, one. Now go put one of them back” there’s no room for argument in your tone but still the boy narrows his eyes somewhat defiantly. Bottom lip jutting out like that will make you change your mind, obviously it doesn’t.
“Listen to ‘em kid” he grumbles. It's a habit, years of disciplining young boys thinking themselves men that has the statement slipping. An apologetic look is thrown your way but you seem grateful, no sign of annoyance at his potential overstep. Charlie, on the other hand, does not look impressed with his interference. It’s nothing short of adorable, and for a split second he thinks the stink eye resembled a look he’d received many a time from Soap. Holding back a chuckle, his eyes never leave the kids as he gets the distinct impression he’s being sized up. Finally the kid blinks, turning with a huff as he reluctantly trudged off to return the toy.
You turn to apologise once the kids out of ear shot but John waves you off, “nothing to apologise for love.” Once again his words are rewarded with your flustered face as you shuffle nervously from foot to foot.
“Let me take you on a date” the words leave his mouth without much thought, any plans to woo you going straight out the window. You blink in astonishment and just as Price readies himself for rejection your new nephew appears once more, obviously still upset at not getting his way. Tugging at your hand insistently, done with today's expedition. A sigh of exasperation leaves your lips as you gently scold the impatient boy. Holding out your phone you grin,
“Here, give me your number, I’ll text you a time and place.” Dumbfounded, his hands shake a little as he hurries to fulfill your request, almost outright dropping your phone as you lean in to whisper, “I’ve been waiting twenty years, hope you’re ready to live up to expectations.” Taking your phone from his grasp, you lean in to give him a light kiss on the cheek, pulling away all too soon to cater to your demanding nephew. With one last wink and a wave Price watches in a daze as you leave, eyes drawn to the sway of your hips as a hand runs down his face.
The clothes could wait, he needed to get home as soon as possible, before the memory of your scent and the feel of your lips on his skin faded. Though as he walks swiftly to his car it occurs to him that it was the visible love you held for your nephew that really stirred something in him. You clearly loved kids, and John had always wanted his own, he just hoped you'd agree that sooner was better than later.
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hugmekenobi · 4 months
S3: The Bad Batch (4)
Chapter Four: A Different Approach
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Gif by @azertyrobaz
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Ever since Eriadu, Clone Force 99 had been a fractured squad. Months have passed but you're finally back with the Batch but Omega is still out there and you won't stop until you find her again.
Chapter Summary: A reunion may be on the cards sooner than you thought
Masterlist for S1 and S2
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, gambling, again we have my interpretation of headspaces, limited use of y/n, fluff and mild angst, discussion of character death, protective reader and Hunter, reader and Crosshair kinda get into it
Word Count: 5.3K
Author's notes: Now we're getting into part of the series where each episode allows for a bit more creative license which I'm very excited about! It starts with the end of this one and I hope y'all like it! Also, with regards to tagging people, I'm only tagging the users who still officially register when I do it. Please, please let me know if you want tagged/for me to try your username again!!
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Sparks flew from the control as Omega did her best to stabilise them, but it was proving to be a rather challenging task. “I could use some help up here! Our comms are down. I can’t contact Hunter!”
From down below in the shuttle, Crosshair was also doing his best to get things under control but the smoke, electrical malfunctions and the persistent screech of the alarm told him that was a very unlikely outcome. He analysed the screen dictating the state of the ship. “That’s not the priority. The ship sustained heavy damage.”
“I can see that.” Omega retorted.
Crosshair made his way back up to the co-pilot’s seat, with Batcher following close behind. “Get the stabilizers back online!”
“That’s what I’m trying to do.” Immediately after she said that a large spark of electricity crackled from the console and the ship was torn out of hyperspace and spiralled towards the planet ahead.
“We have to land.”
“A little hard to do when nothing’s working.” Omega snapped at him as she fiddled with the steering but to no avail.
The ship entered the atmosphere and started to plummet towards the ground.
Omega pulled hard on the lever to even out the ship as the ground grew ever closer. It was all she could do before it crashed landed and skidded along the surface.
When it finally came to a halt, Omega opened the glass roof to allow them all to get some air and eventually exit the wrecked vehicle. She looked in dismay as the controls fully shut off and the last dying spark flickered. “This will take forever to repair.”
Crosshair exhaled a sore sigh as he got his bearings, but that soreness was soon replaced by irritation as the hound pushed insistently on the back of his chair. “No. there’s no time for that.” The dog’s fussing got too much for him. He stood up to allow her to jump past him and off the shuttle.
“We need to get the nav reader online to extract the coordinates to Tantiss for when we go back.” Omega said, turning to look at him.
He couldn’t understand how she’d only just escaped that hell and was already talking about returning. “We’re not going back.”
“We left the other prisoners behind.”
“And the Empire is going to be searching for this ship and us.” He grabbed the pack with the blasters and hopped out of the shuttle. “We have to move. I scanned a spaceport a few clicks east. We’ll start there.”
Omega followed his example and let him lead the way to the spaceport.
With the establishment of the new plan being they would get to the spaceport and sneak onto a shuttle, they acquired their disguises and the two of them blended in with the civilians of the town.
They walked past the various troopers in the town as casually as they could so as not to arouse any unnecessary suspicion.
Omega warily analysed the situation ahead as they reached the spaceport. “It’s too well-guarded. We’ll never slip past all those troopers undetected.”
“I can take out at least half before they know what’s happening.” Crosshair stated confidently.
“Or… or we could try a way that doesn’t involve blaster fire.” Omega countered.
“Like what?” Crosshair asked, his voice filled with doubt.
“Watch and learn.” With that, Omega calmly led the way to the ticket attendant.
“Oh, I can hardly wait.” Crosshair said with a sigh as he followed a few paces behind.
“Hello. We’d like two tickets on the next shuttle please.” Omega requested pleasantly.
“Chain codes?” Came the standard reply from the attendant.
“About that. We lost our chain codes.” Omega said coyly.
“No chain codes, no passage.”
“Right. But you see, a problem for us could be an opportunity for you if, say, you knew of an alternate way of booking passage without a chain code.” She advanced towards the desk.
The attendant leaned forward. “Are you insinuating that I should take bribe?”
“If that’s what you want to call it.” Omega replied, feigning innocence.
“I do. And that could be arranged… for 15,000 credits.”
Omega’s composure slipped slightly upon hearing that price, “For two tickets?” She exclaimed.
“Per ticket. And it’s non-negotiable. You’re lucky I’m not charging extra for the creature.”
“Where do you expect is to get 30,000 credits?”
“Sounds like a you problem. Don’t come back without the credits.” The attendant waved a hand in dismissal.
Omega hung her head in defeat and left the port with Crosshair.
“Well, that went well.” Crosshair remarked sarcastically.
“Stow it.” Omega grumbled.
“Storming the spaceport would be easier than finding 30,000 credits.” Crosshair hissed as they aimlessly wandered the streets of the town.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
“Don’t be naïve. Every second we’re here, we’re at risk.”
They came to a stop outside a bar.
“The quite wasting time complaining.” Omega argued before two troopers exited the bar and they both averted their gaze, but the opening of the door had given Omega another idea. “I think I know how we can make some fast credits.”
“Of course you do.” Crosshair mumbled as he saw her getting ready to make her way into the bar. The fluttering of a scrappy piece of paper caught under a nearby crate grabbed his eye before he entered, and he came to a sudden stop as he picked it up and saw what- or rather who- was on it.
Omega noticed he had stopped and when she turned back to enquire what was wrong, the question died on her lips as she saw what he was looking at. Only half the information on the sheet was news to her, but the rest made her eyes widen in shock. By the looks of things, you had been on your own for the time she’d been on Tantiss and clearly, you’d stopped hiding. And judging by the harsh language and substantial reward offering, the Empire wasn’t too happy about that. Now, not only was there the trouble of how exactly this information would go down between you and Crosshair but she also couldn’t count on the fact that you were back with Hunter and Wrecker. She glanced up at Crosshair and, despite the fact that most of his face was covered, he could not conceal the emotions that flashed behind his eyes. “Oh… um… she- well back when- I’m sure she would’ve told-” She broke off with a sharp breath as she struggled to find the words to say.
“Doesn’t matter.” Crosshair said dismissively, crumpling it up and putting it away before he carried on into the bar. The fact that Omega seemed to already have an idea of what your… situation… gave him enough of a timeline to go off of.
“One thing at a time, right girl?” Omega said with a shaky breath, patting Batcher’s side as the hound nuzzled into her. Putting her mind onto the task at hand, she too entered the bar.
The bar itself was relatively busy, especially compared to how Cid’s had usually been, and it gave Omega the chance to study her potential adversaries from their booth by the wall unnoticed.
“That’s your plan? You want to hustle someone?” Crosshair repeated sceptically. What had they taught this kid?
“I’ve done it before, and I prefer to think of it as a temporary requisition of funds.”
“And bet with what? We don’t have anything.”
“They don’t know that.” Omega said with a cheeky grin.
“And if you lose?”
“Well… I guess we’ll be in more trouble.” With that, she made her way to the card table in the middle of the bar and sat across from the Trandoshan and got her performance ready to go.
To say that Crosshair was surprised would be an understatement, the kid was winning every hand against the Trandoshan and securing credits within a matter of minutes. Whatever experience she’d gained with the rest of his squad was clearly something to be admired. Although the mental image of Hunter even allowing her to hone such a skill felt very out of place, he was quietly grateful for it right now.
The bar came to a sudden hushed silence as the door opened. Omega heard Crosshair clear his throat in warning and she looked to the entrance to see an Imperial officer flanked by two troopers enter. She studied them carefully but remained at the table as she won the next hand much to the Trandoshan’s disappointment. “I think I’ll quite while I’m ahead.” She said in response to his pleas for another game. Having an Imperial official here complicated matters and it was time she, Crosshair and Batcher left.
“Leaving so soon?”
Omega turned her head to face the officer as he stood by the table.
“You’re in my seat.”
The Trandoshan let out a low snarl before he departed and gave up his seat to the man.
Crosshair tensed as he saw the Imperial sit but Omega waved him back.
“So, you think you’re good at this game?”
Omega replied with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders.
“Want to try against a, uh, real opponent?” He suggested to the young girl. “I insist.”
“Your mutt don’t seem to like me.” He said as the dog released a series of growls.
“She’s harmless.” Omega said in reply as she organised her cards.
“She’s a distraction. Get rid of her.” He demanded.
Omega signalled to Crosshair to take her out.
Crosshair got to his feet, clicked his tongue, and led Batcher to wait outside.
The Imperial watched them go. “Never seen you or your dad around before.” He commented.
“We’re just passing through.” Omega replied as she watched him flip the next card and the rise in murmurs indicated that both he and the crowd seemed to think her time was up.
“Eh, I’ll admit you’re not bad. But you seem to have misunderstood your enemy.”
Omega only smirked, “Did I?” She placed her cards down and flashed the set of the three Eastern Stars. Game over. “I’ll take those 20,000 credits.” She grew nervous however when his two guards made to approach the table.
He held a hand up to stop them. “I concede. You beat me fair and square.” He gave her the credits. “Nicely played.” He left the table.
The Imperial went back to his men and one of them addressed him.
“Sir. Patrol found a crashed Imperial vessel on the outskirts of town.”
“I wasn’t notified about any shuttles arriving today.” He angled back to look at the two strangers with a newfound sense of suspicion. “Now, hang on a minute.”
Omega gathered the credits in her bag and, now that Crosshair had returned, she got up to leave with him, but the familiar voice of the Imperial stopped them both.
“We’re not done here.” He chuckled coolly. “You haven’t paid your fine.”
“What fine?” Omega asked.
“Gambling’s illegal in these parts.”
“What?” Crosshair snarled as he made to step forward, but Omega’s arm stopped him.
“The law is the law. Now, all you gotta do is pay the fine. And I’ll be on my way.”
“How much?” Omega asked him as she did her best to keep her disgust at bay.
“Ten thousand credits… unless you prefer to be arrested instead.”
Omega got the credits out and handed them over.
“Excellent. Consider your fine paid in full.” He said smugly. “Try and stay out of trouble.” He dipped his cap and left the establishment.
Omega sighed in relief. “Let’s get out of here.”
Crosshair caught her shoulder. “How many credits do we have left?”
Omega checked the bag. “Thirty-five thousand. Enough for two tickets and a little extra.” She made the first move to leave.
“Crosshair, where’s Batcher?” Omega asked anxiously as she scanned the area for her companion.
“Oy. You looking for that hound?”
The two of them turned to look at the young boy speaking to them.
“You know where she went?” Omega queried.
“Sure do, but the answer’s gonna cost you. Ten thousand credits.”
The fact that he was a child made no difference, Crosshair sighed and stood intimidatingly over the boy. “I’m getting tired of this.”
“Okay, okay.” The boy backtracked. “Five, but that’s my final offer.”
Omega touched Crosshair’s arm to call him off before she gave the boy the money.
The boy examined the credits before he supplied the information, “That Imperial officer and his troopers snatched the creature and headed for the cargo docks. Down that way.” He pointed. “Nice doing business with ya.” He ran away from them before they could change their mind about the money.
Omega started off in the direction of the docks.
She angled back to face Crosshair. “You heard him. Batcher’s this way.”
“And the spaceport is that way. Forget the hound. We have to get off this planet.”
“We never would be escaped without Batcher. I’m not leaving her.”
“You’re making a mistake.”
“I’m not abandoning her!” Omega angrily tossed the bag of credits at him. “Take the credits. If you wanna go, then go. I’ll find my own way.” She stormed off.
Crosshair watched her go but before he got ready to go his own way, he felt guilt coil in his gut. It was becoming very clear as to the impact she could have on someone and explained why his squad had cared so much for her since he too found himself following her rather than doing the more sensible thing of leaving from the spaceport.
“Fine. We’ll do this your way.” Crosshair agreed begrudgingly as he placed the bag down before Omega scaled the gate to the cargo docks herself. “But my skills are being wasted.” He offered his hands as a means to boost her over the top.
Omega gave him a warm smile, “Noted.” With his assistance she was able to climb over the gate with ease.
Crosshair made the quick climb after her and together, they snuck through the docks looking for where Batcher was being kept.
Omega then heard a series of whines and she saw Batcher’s cage. “There’s Batcher.” She signalled to Crosshair before she analysed the situation around her. “Shouldn’t we free the other animals too?”
“Don’t push it.” Crosshair replied.
They had managed to covertly make their way around to get better access to the centre console but before they could make a move, that dull voice spoke up.
“I thought you’d come searching for your mutt. Yeah, unfortunately for you, Lau has a very strict pet policy. No license means a hefty fine.”
“How much this time?” Omega asked, pretending to play along as the two of them were swiftly surrounded by troopers.
“How ‘bout you give me all my money back? Credits won’t do you any good when Hemlock shows up.” He saw the shared looked between them. “Oh, did you think I wouldn’t piece it together when I found that crashed shuttle? Nothing gets by me. I run this town.” He drew his own blaster. “So, hand over the credits and surrender.”
Omega sighed, “Alright.” She chucked the bag to the Imperial. “Let’s try things your way.” She murmured to Crosshair.
“Finally.” Crosshair waited until Omega ducked to cover before firing the first shot, but he noticed his hand was still no unsteady and his aim was more compromised than he liked.
Omega used the chaos of the firefight to get to the controls and release all the animals, the resulting stampede thinning out the Imperial forces and reuniting her with Batcher.
“I’ll handle this. Take Batcher, and power up the ship.” Crosshair ordered. He provided her cover fire as she got the ship ready and when he saw a break in the blaster fire, he made his move towards the step.
Once he was on board, Omega got the cargo ship in the air and into the safety of hyperspace.
You had remained on the ship to study Tech’s datapad and the various planets and their coordinates whilst the other two dealt with the lead on this particular planet, but its name escaped you- you’d been to so many in this sector already, the names of them were beginning to blur together.
You were doing what you could to try and determine the next, more efficient course of action whilst the others were out but the words and data on the screen were moulding into one pile of unintelligible information. You put the datapad down for a minute and rubbed your eyes as you huffed a tired breath from your lungs. You stretched your neck and adjusted your posture but before you picked the datapad back up, a faint chirping caught your ears.
You swivelled in your chair to see the communications light flashing and you knew you weren’t supposed to be hearing from Echo any time soon. So, when you patched the encrypted message through and untangled it to find coordinates to the moon just outside of Ryloth, you knew there was only one other person who could’ve sent it.
You jumped out of your chair and cleared the steps of the Marauder in one leap before you sprinted to find Hunter and Wrecker.
“What’s wrong?” Hunter asked urgently as he saw you come running towards them.
You shook your head as you glanced between them. Your breath was heavy from the running but also from excitement as you said, “It’s Omega.”
“Look, I hate to be the one to say it, but what if this message is a trap?” Wrecker broached carefully as the ship flew through hyperspace.
“Who else would know those codes?” You disputed.
“But if the Empire has her…”
“If it’s a trap, then we’ll get out of there but if it is her… we need to be there, Wrecker.” Hunter said as the ship disengaged from hyperspace, and he entered the landing cycle. There was no sign of another ship yet, but he opened the door anyway.
“There’s no one here.” Wrecker murmured, wringing his own hands anxiously.
“Then we wait.” You said calmly though your own heart was pounding.
“The Empire will be able to track this vessel. We need to ditch it.” Crosshair advised as he entered the cockpit after getting rid of the hat and face covering that he had donned back in Lau.
“We will. I’m heading to a remote location, and I sent a coded transmission for Hunter and Wrecker and (Y/N) to meet us there.” Omega responded. She only hoped you’d be with them too.
Now that this reunion was approaching ever closer, he found himself unprepared for what was to happen next. “Omega. It’s- it’s been months. You don’t know if they’re still ali-”
“They’ll be there.” Omega interrupted sharply.
The ship exited hyperspace and as she peered out the window, she saw the welcomed sight of the Marauder waiting there.
Omega dashed down the ship’s steps but paused as she saw no immediate sign of any of you.
A few hours had passed but there was still no sign of the ship and nerves were starting to get the better of you all.
Hunter had begun pacing the length of the cockpit, you had not stopped fidgeting with your vibroblade and alternated between that and examining the hilt of your lightsaber, and Wrecker was busying himself around the rest of the ship.
You saw the uneasy expression on Hunter’s face, and you pulled yourself together enough to be there for him. You caught his shoulders and looked deep into his eyes. “Just wait, take a breath. She’ll be here, Hunter. I know it.”
“But-” He broke off as he heard the sound of a ship landing and a whole different type of nerves overtook him.
Wrecker made the first move to look outside and what he saw filled him with pure joy. “Now there’s a sight!”
Take your time. You caressed Hunter’s cheek with a comforting and utterly relieved smile before you ran outside to join Wrecker.
Hunter braced his hands on the back of the pilot’s chair. He needed a minute to gather himself. This was the moment he had been seeking out for months but part of him couldn’t quite believe it was happening.
“Wrecker!” Omega cried in relief as she ran towards him and let him pick her up.
“I wasn’t even sure your message was real!” Wrecker said with a happy laugh as he held her close.
“I knew you’d show up.” Omega closed her eyes and let the comfort of his strong hold overtake her.
“We wouldn’t have missed it.”
Omega opened her eyes to the sound of your voice, and she smiled brightly as she saw you standing just behind him.
You knelt down with your arms open as Wrecker lowered her.
Omega fell into your embrace and nuzzled into your shoulder. “I wasn’t sure if- I thought you might’ve been-” She pulled away with a teary sniff.
You tilted your head as you tenderly wiped away the tears that had slid down her cheek and stroked a hand through her hair, the longer length of it a painful reminder of how much time had truly passed. “I’m right here, nothing happened to me.” You didn’t need to worry her about past events right now- that rehashing undoubtedly would come up later- but this current moment was something to be celebrated and not clouded by anything else.
Omega went to clarify what she meant but Wrecker’s words stopped her.
“We crossed the galaxy four times looking for you.” Wrecker revealed, wiping his own tears away.
Omega glanced past you as she heard Hunter’s voice and the sight of him created a feeling of pure elation that she wasn’t sure she would never experience again.
“But you’re the one who found us.” Hunter said with a smile from the doorway of the Marauder.
Omega started to run towards him.
Hunter darted down the steps two at a time and came to his knees as he held his arms out to her.
Your heart swelled and the emotions of the moment got stuck in your throat. That sight had been one you had been waiting to see for quite some time. You sensed and visibly saw how relaxed and content he looked, and you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
Wrecker put a friendly arm around your shoulder as you both go to your feet, and he saw your reaction to their reunion. He too felt himself getting caught up in it all. Finally, things were looking up.
“We missed you, kid. We never stopped searching.” Hunter said affectionately and as he tightened his hold on her and felt her reciprocate, for the first time since Ord Mantell, he felt truly at peace. He pulled away but kept his hands on her shoulders, “But how did you escape?”
Omega hesitated before saying, “I had help.”
Hunter looked past her to see… well to see his brother descend the stairs of the ship, but what hit him was far more complicated than the relief he had been experiencing a mere second before.
You all followed his eyes and whatever happiness and lightness that had been surrounding you all immediately vanished and was replaced by a palpable tension as you all faced the clone that walked down the steps.
Your hand automatically came to cover your lightsaber.
Omega gaze darted between you all and she saw the shift in body language as well as the serious and distrusting expressions on all of you. It appeared she may have miscalculated as to how this smoothly this particular reunion would go.
“We can do this now and remain by a ship the Empire will be currently tracking, or we can get out of here.” Crosshair said simply.
Hunter placed a guiding hand on Omega’s back and jutted his head to Crosshair as the rest of you boarded the ship.
Crosshair followed them, with Batcher now close on his heels and the Marauder entered hyperspace once more.
Omega stood in the middle of the hallway. None of you had so much as made a sound or really moved since the ship had begun the journey back to Pabu and it was getting rather unbearable. “So… I got a dog! Her name’s Batcher.” Omega said with an uneasy laugh into the dead silence of the ship, but it got no reaction. The four of you continued your standoff with Crosshair positioned down the hall of the ship closest to her room/gun turret and the rest of you closer to the cockpit. All of you had your arms crossed and you, Hunter and Wrecker looked particularly guarded. She took that resulting quiet as her cue to perhaps let you all have it out right now. She took a seat and called Batcher over to sit by her feet and waited.
It was Crosshair who broke the silence first, “Where’s Echo?”
“Working with Rex.” Hunter replied briskly.
Crosshair released a soft hum in acknowledgement before he asked the question that he’d been putting off since he’d deduced it from how Omega had talked to him all those months on Tantiss, “And Tech… he’s- he’s really gone?”
“Yeah. It-” Hunter released a sad sigh, “It was a mission gone wrong and he- he sacrificed himself for us so we could get away. He knew what he was doing but… yes, he’s gone.”
Crosshair’s jaw tightened. He knew exactly what mission Hunter was referring to. “So much for Plan 88.” He couldn’t help but say, the grief and tense situation getting the better of him.
“What?” You remarked with a glare.
“You were supposed to stay hidden.”
“We couldn’t do that.” Wrecker said grimly. “Not when it looked like you were in trouble.”
“We couldn’t leave you behind, Crosshair.” Hunter added quietly, some of the fight leaving him as he recalled the events of Eriadu.
“Why? You never had trouble doing that before.” Crosshair retorted harshly.
“Excuse me?” You growled.
“Hey, it’s okay, don’t-” Hunter came to stand in front of you, but you stepped past him.
You couldn’t help it, the protectiveness that hit you was all you could act on. “You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to throw your choices back in his face. You were offered a different path, but you decided the Empire was where you wanted to be. And yet, despite all of that, the moment we found out you needed us, there was no real alternative. We never knew what had happened to you, but we didn’t need to. All we knew was that you were in trouble. We all knew the risks of ignoring that plan… Tech knew the risks. Don’t you dare-”
Crosshair wasn’t prepared to explain what happened to him yet, so he kept up with his provocation instead, “You want to talk about risks? What are you playing at staying around with them?”
Hunter and Wrecker both looked sharply towards Crosshair.
Your posture stiffened. “I don’t know what-”
“I may have been out of action but I’m not blind. If the lightsaber on your belt didn’t give it away, the wanted poster I just saw sure as hell did.” Crosshair spat as he flung it towards you.
You unfurled the paper, and your breathing became irregular saw this was one of the more detailed wanted ads that had been circulated. You crumpled it back up and then glanced to Omega who could only offer an apologetic grimace that she couldn’t warn you earlier, “That’s what I was trying to tell you.”
You looked back to the clone, “Crosshair, I-”
“You’re a Jedi and that wasn’t something you felt the need to share?”
“Every day.” You said tightly, “But I couldn’t chance something happening-”
“Well, something’s happened now, hasn’t it?” Crosshair bit back angrily. “Do you have any idea the danger you’ve put us in? Do you even care? You’d be doing us a favour by leaving.”
Even Omega joined Wrecker in shaking her head at him this time.
“Crosshair.” Hunter cautioned as he saw the guilt and shame that flashed across your face as your mask of composure slipped. “She’s not going anywhere. We’ve handled it so far.”
“You don’t know what the Empire is capable or what she is. I read what she’s done, and they won’t stop-”
“We’ve got it handled.” Wrecker repeated again as he noticed the way your shoulders started to heave.
Your jaw clenched. “You weren’t there. You don’t know-”
“I was there on Devaron.” Crosshair snapped. “I was there when you decided to join us. I was there when you decided to spend every day lying about what you are.”
“Crosshair.” Hunter warned again and there was no mistaking the protectiveness in his tone or his stance now.
Crosshair picked up on Hunter’s reaction, but he wasn’t to be dissuaded. “You want to judge my decisions, but you betrayed-”
“You don’t get to talk about betrayal, Crosshair.” Hunter interjected coldly as he came to stand by your side.
You only let out a bitter laugh. “Yeah, I made my choices in the beginning but when would you have liked me to tell you, Crosshair? On Kaller? But would that have been during or after your attempts to kill the Padawan? Or perhaps you would’ve preferred it on Kamino when Tarkin was there, and you were talking about how great the Empire was and how the Jedi were traitors and what happened to them was justified? Or would you have liked to have a sit down during one of the many occasions you were already actively trying to kill us? Tell me, when should I have entrusted you with this part of me?”
This time he didn’t have a response for you, he just shifted uneasily on his feet and glanced down at the floor.
You continued to speak but there was a distinct sadness to your voice now, “I wished I had been honest with all of you from the start. Truly I do. But after everything that’s happened, I’m glad you’ve only just found out because looking at you now, knowing what I do, I can’t be certain that if you had known what I was on Kaller, that you wouldn’t have tried to kill me too.”
Crosshair went to speak but found that he couldn’t immediately offer the reassurance that was needed.
“You’re our brother, Crosshair, and you’re welcome to stay on Pabu with us but don’t expect any of this to be easy.” Hunter said, placing his hand on your back in support.
“He helped me get out of Tantiss. He’s different now.” Omega remarked quietly.
Wrecker grunted and nodded towards his brother, but you and Hunter made no such moves, instead you both retreated further into the cockpit.
You sat in one of the passenger seats and stared at the paper again as you read the painful reminders of how you’d acted when you’d been separated from them. He’s right, you know.
“No, he’s not.” Hunter disagreed firmly as he knelt before you and untangled the wrinkled piece of paper from your hands. He paid it no attention as he threw it away. He came back and placed his hands on your shoulders as he crouched before you. “Are you alright?”
You breathed deeply and nodded. And you?
Hunter also nodded before he got to his feet and sat in the seat across from you.
“So, when did this happen?” Crosshair asked, gesturing to the two of you. The way you both were behaving wasn’t totally different to how things had been in the months before Kaller, but there was a definite shift that marked something more official. There had been a lot he’d missed out on.
“After Tipoca City.” Omega informed him as Batcher eagerly greeted them.
Wrecker enthusiastically petted the hound as he moved closer to Crosshair and Omega. “About time, right?” He added with a hint of humour in his voice, but the stern looks from the two of you had him clearing his throat awkwardly.
Crosshair simply hummed in reply and found himself wondering just quite how difficult things were about to be.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @andreaaxy, @dominoeffectsworld, @nightmonkeysstuff, @arctrooper69
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spicerackofblorbos · 2 months
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click me for the event information and masterlist!
Invisible String - Taylor Swift Levi Ackerman x gen!reader
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And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?
☾ content/warnings ➼ blood, death, canon world, reincarnation au, modern au, college au, soulmate au ☾ wc ➼ ~800 (yes I know I said drabbles I'M SORRY)
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Various earthy colors streak in your vision as you feel yourself catapulting through the trees. The harsh breeze of the cool summer air is the only nice thing about this moment, as you find yourself once again zipping from tree to tree as if your life depended on it – which it very much did.
Heavy stomping from behind you sends chills up your spine as you do your best not to look behind, something you know will be more of a detriment. But not that it mattered, because suddenly you feel your ODM cords snagging on something. Instead of flying to the next tree, you’re pulled up into the air.
With fearful and widened eyes, you are now staring face to face with a 14-meter blonde titan who held you up by the cords like a fish on a line, blue eyes piercing straight through you. As if you were nothing to it.
You whimper, your fingers desperately squeezing on your levers as if that would help your situation – it was obvious that your gear was damaged beyond repair. Your squad mate Eld is yelling your name, telling you to hold on. He was on his way.
Hold on to what, though?
“I’m sorry.” You cry out before you’re flung through the trees, back hitting flat against a tree branch before falling for who knows how long until you impact onto the muddy and leaf-littered forest floor.
You’re unsure of how much time has passed. You’re not dead, but the raspy and shallow breathing told you death was on its way. You couldn’t feel your fingers and toes, nor could you wiggle them. Weirdly, you felt no pain – whether that was from the injuries or shock, you couldn’t say.
You’re staring up at the treetops, sun rays breaking through the upper tree branches that sway in the wind. How pretty.
Someone is calling your name again. It seems so close, yet so distant, and while you wish you could look around to see who it was that needed you, your body fails to respond.
“Hey.” A shadow falls on your face. After a few slow blinks, your numb brain finally registers that it was Levi towering over you. His brows are furrowed, eyes downturned, cheeks red and lips frowning at the corners.
“Why do you look so sad, Captain?” You whisper, your voice hoarse. A few coughs escape you, red spraying all over your face and a little on Levi’s dirt-stained shirt.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be here.” He whispers down at you. There’s a tremble in his voice, something you’ve never heard before. You watch him pull out his cravat and dab at your face, all while keeping his gaze on yours.
“No, I’m sorry I couldn’t-“ Another cough. Another spray of red.
“Stop. You did well.” He places a calloused hand on your cheek, using his thumb to wipe away the warm tears that had slid down the sides of your face. The cold metal of his wedding band, the one matching yours, serves as a comfort as you feel yourself struggling to breathe.
“I love you.”
“I love you. You’ll see me again, I promise.”
Idle chatter surrounds you as you stare hard at the textbook in front of you. Your teeth bite down hard on your bottom lip, irritation evident in your expression. Passersby might think it’s because you’re studying a frustrating topic, but really, it’s because most would think to be quiet in a library.
Clearly college students don’t get the memo.
In a huff, you push yourself away from the desk you had claimed an hour ago and start for the in-library café for a caffeine boost. For once there’s no line and you sigh through your nose as you step up to the register, lips parted as you look at your tea bag options.
“What can I get you?”
The most deadpan tone you’ve ever heard comes from a man about your age, black hair almost covering his stark grey-blue eyes that pierce straight into you. His eyebrows are furrowed, lips in a thin line. He’s wearing a gray button down, the top button open to show a necklace with a single gold ring looped on the chain. Something pulls on your heart, followed by a strange tingling sensation throughout your body.
“Have I met you before?” You ask, dumbfounded. He feels familiar to you.
“No. I just transferred here.” You don’t miss the subtle flash of unknown familiarity in his eyes as well. “What can I get you?” He repeats.
“Uh, hot water please. And an earl grey tea bag.” You can’t stop staring as you pull out your student card.
You both stare awkwardly at each other for another minute after closing the transaction before he finally looks away, clearing his throat.
“Thanks.” You smile softly then turn on your heels in the direction of where you left your things.
After a few steps, a sudden visual of green fabric flapping in the wind makes you stop dead in your tracks. You blink hard and suddenly you’re back in the library. Twisting your head, you look back at the familiar barista, whose eyes were still stuck on you.
You hope you’ll see him again.
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syerkrustydawgz · 1 year
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‼️SPOILERS (If you haven't watched Prime yet)‼️
Why were people so quick to call Nine a villain-- Sonic was unaware he had been 'using' Nine to get the shards back into place and had gotten agitated by the fact Nine had the last shard- (He also gets hissy fits and agitated when things stop going his way and very VERY impatient because he's desperate to fix what he broke and this only led to more damage) As someone once said, indirect positive manipulation. So much praise came out of Sonic's mouth and yet he failed to see that it was negative at the same time. It could be seen as pity, lying- all that junk.
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"Whoa Tails looks upset-" "Tails is never upset-"
Because he doesn't show it around people. As others say, he's supposed to be the 'smarty'. Tails never told anyone else but Sonic how he felt about things. He already has self doubt and compares himself to Sonic a lot anyways. (Frontiers) Whatever Sonic does, he does. Nine however, had all the little hints click as soon as Sonic opened his mouth at the end of the last episode.
Sonic has never told Nine the real reason behind collecting shards. Nine lashed out because Sonic can't stop seeing him as 'Tails', someone he isn't. I think it's so stupid and messed up to paint someone as a bad guy because they got their hopes up on having a literal person in their life only to be backstabbed. He's aware that he'll cease to exist if the shards are put back together, that's only one of the reasons he took the shards. I'd do the same if I knew everybody would 'die' just so someone's friends I'm compared to can exist again.
Nine didn't deserve what he had went through. He already got caught, almost got Sonic killed with Chaos Sonic, the Knuckles & Rouge of New Yoke don't even trust him because they misunderstood the reason for why he did what he did. This is the second time Nine has taken a shard and been labeled as a bad guy yet again because nobody understood how he felt-
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He literally and I mean literally got pissed at the sight of Tails and even mentioned it- 'I AM REAL- just not your real friend'
He is h u r t i n g- he is conflicted- he and I quote cannot trust anyone but himself-
It's so painful to see people see the points of interactions just to ignore it 😭
edit: I'm also gonna add this. At the beginning of prime when Sonic and Nine first met, Nine was not very trusting of him. In response to Nine's trauma he brings up how things were with him and Tails. This does not make Nine feel better, it's still Sonic believing Nine is Tails. Nine was led to believe that if Tails had a chance then maybe he did too, even if how they met was completely different and at the worst timings. This is why Nine feels constantly hurt whenever Sonic denies or compares him. Sonic never gets Nine's name right, he says "Tails Nine" and Nine has to constantly correct him. The fact he adds Tails only makes Nine more agitated.
He only wanted a clean slate because he believes that with Sonic his life could be better too. Just like Tails'. He wants what Tails has. He thinks he's better than Tails. But he is aware now that it won't happen because again, all he was to Sonic was 'Tails'. A Tails that needed to be 'guided' and put back in his 'place'.
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harlowsbby · 1 year
Games Women Play
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Requested, the reader and Jack have been married but it’s a rocky marriage so when he goes on tour she ends up seeing someone else and having an affair with a married man, all ends up crashing and burning in the end.
You always felt disgusted after you did it because deep down inside you knew what you were doing was wrong and unforgivable, if Jack knew what you were doing he’d leave without a second thought.
You looked down at Joey, and watched how his chest rose and fell due to him have a peaceful slumber. Grasping and pulling the robe on you tighter you got up from your shared bed with Jack to take a shower. You always took showers after sleeping with Joey because you felt like in a way it was washing away your sins.
After you showered you did the rest of your morning routine before heading downstairs to greet your daughter Mariah who was most likely already awake. Mariah was 6 years old and she was very bright and smart no matter how hard you tried you could never put anything past her.
“Good morning my love.” You greeted her as she watched cartoons on the couch with a mouth filled with Fruity Pebble Cereal. “Good morning mommy! Did you sleep good mommy?” She beamed with excitement when she saw you were finally awake, she quickly ran over towards you and hugged your legs. “I did sleep good, what about you my little angel?”
She shrugged her shoulders, “I had a nightmare again last night.” You cooed and brushed a few strands of hair out of her face, she had Jack’s exact curl pattern and hair texture. “Just about daddy I miss him lots mommy.” She pouted the brim of her eyes starting to fill with tears.
“Don’t cry baby how about this before you go to school you can call him? How does that sound.” Her mood instantly picked up as you took out your phone and clicked on Jack’s contact after a few rings he picked up.
“Daddy!!” She grinned and held the phone but she smiled even brighter when Jack appeared on the screen. He had his cap on backwards and had a plain white tee on. Mariah left into the room to talk to Jack while you cleaned up the kitchen.
You’d say your marriage with Jack started getting rocky the minute left for tour, this tour was going to be exactly 4 months long he’d spend 3 months in the states and 1 month out of the states, you had needs womanly needs that needed to be attended and taken care of and maybe having an affair wasn’t the way to take care of those needs but the damage has already been done.
You haven’t really spoken to Jack much since he’s left mainly because you were still upset with him and still wasn’t over the argument the two of you had.
“So you’re just leaving us? And for 4 months what am I going to tell Mariah, oh I’m sorry sweetie your father would much rather spend his time away on the road than with his own fucking child!?” You spat at Jack and tossed his clothing into his suitcase. He groaned and massaged the side of his face he didn’t feel like arguing but clearly you did.
“I need to support the two of you don’t I? This is my life and my career Y/N you can’t like I won’t be flying the two of you out within a month.” You just rolled your eyes and kept throwing his stuff inside his suitcase. “Are you even listening to me Y/N?”
“You’re talking aren’t you.” You snapped. Jack stood up and made his way over to you he tried taking the clothing out of your hands. “Just put it down alright and talk to me can we talk about this.” “Nope.” You pulled away from him and walked over to your dresser pulling out some of his socks. “You’re leaving tomorrow right? So I need to pack your stuff.”
“Just fucking stop alright Y/N stop acting like the damn victim in this shit.” The victim? He’s the one that wanted to leave Mariah and You for 4 months you had ever right to play victim. You paused what you were doing and faced him, he looked at you in sorrow. “You’re the one leaving us Jack did you even think about me? Or Mariah how she’d feel or how this would impact her not having her father here.”
He looked down at his shoes you shook your head in defeat. “Of course you didn’t you know I think it’s best I go sleepover Neelam’s tonight. I’ll see you whenever you get back.” He didn’t stop you from leaving only because he knew he was wrong he should’ve talked to you about this but instead he just sprung it on you like nothing.
flashback over
“Mommy here you go.” Mariah handed you the phone letting you talk to Jack. “Hi my pretty baby.” Rolling your eyes you propped the phone up on a box of rice so he’d be able to see you while you did the dishes. “What’s up?” You blankly asked. “What’s up?” He questioned. “You’re still mad at me, I’m sorry Y/N alright I already feel guilty and horrible for what I did.”
“You should feel horrible you know Mariah’s daughter and father dance is this Friday and guess who won’t be here, his name rhymes with whack.” He chucked. “Oh so I’m Whack Harlow now?” You stiffed a laugh not wanting him to know you found it funny. “I’m being serious Jack she missed you.. I miss you.” You mumbled that last part but he heard you. “You miss me huh?” He grinned.
“Fine I miss you but don’t let it get to your head.” You told him but it was too late because he was already smiling from ear to ear. “I miss you too baby but look I have to go but I’ll look you later on tonight alright?” You nodded and blew him a kiss and he blew one back before hanging up, you smiled and sighed in relief you were happy the two of you made up.
“Good morning baby.” Joey’s voice came from behind you he placed his hands on your ass giving you ass a quick squeeze making you squeal and lean into his touch. “Good morning handsome how’d you sleep?” With your head on his chest you looked up at him his dark green eyed starring into your eyes. “I slept good especially since last night.” You giggled and turned around in his arms now facing him. “How about we go a few more rounds when I drop Mariah off.”
“Sounds good baby.” He leaned forward placing a few kisses on your lips you moaned and rubbed your body against his, your core started to heat up. “I want you now.” You moaned into his mouth. “You do huh? You sure you can take it because last night the way your eyes were rolling I swear you were about to meet God.” You slapped his chest and pulled back.
“Whatever I’ll show you otherwise.” He grinned and grabbed a banana. “I’m sure you will, don’t be long baby I’ll be waiting.” The entire time the two of you were in the kitchen Mariah was recording Tik Tok's on her iPad but what you didn’t know was that in the background of one of her unpublished videos was Joey and You making out in the kitchen.
“It feels good to be back home in Louisville.” Urban stretched and nodded. “It sure does even if it’s for the weekend.” Jack was back home in Louisville for the weekend since it was Mariah’s father and daughter dance tomorrow.
He didn’t let you know he was coming he wanted it to be a surprise he even managed to stop by the store to get you some flowers. He got an alert from his phone and it was a email from his ring camera company, for the past few weeks the ring camera hasn’t been working but Jack had gotten someone to come out and fix it just for them to say it was unplugged.
“My ring camera isn’t working again? I pay too much for this shit not to be working.” Jack was growing irritated seeing the email from the ring camera saying the camera wasn’t working again. “Maybe someone is unplugging it again? Maybe it’s Mariah.” That was a possibility but Mariah wasn’t tall enough to reach the plug. “I don’t think so but I’ll just talk to Y/N about it.”
Urban heard there was a few rumors going around in Louisville saying how a few neighbors saw some man coming in and out of your house and random times of the night, he wanted to bring it up to Jack but he figured how wasn’t the time.
After the Uber dropped Urban off Jack was now heading back home he was a bit nervous mainly because he hasn’t seen you for awhile or Mariah, but when he pulled up to the house all his nerves faded away he was ready to be surrounded by his girls.
Approaching the door that’s when he noticed the ring camera was indeed unplugged. He knocked on the door within a few minutes it flung open revealing Mariah and Yourself. “Daddy!!” She squealed and wiggled around in your arms wanting to be put down. “Jack?” You questioned but nonetheless let him in.
“What are you doing here?” You questioned him and watched him tickle Mariah, he looked up at you. “I couldn’t let my little girl go to the father daughter dance without me now could I?” Mariah giggled. “Nope!”
"Hey baby what happened with the ring camera? I noticed it was unplugged." You forgot you unplugged the ring camera you only did it when Joey came around since it altered Jack whenever someone or something was near the door. "Oh I did that I was touching up the front door with some paint." You lied he nodded and thought nothing of it.
You were thrilled Jack was here but at the same time what were you going to do with Joey, for right now he was back home with his wife but you knew he’d be back over tomorrow. “What’s been going on? Any new gossip or tea at school.”
Mariah rolled her eyes at Jack’s attempt to seem cool. “Let’s go play tea party daddy.” He looked back at you making sure you didn’t need him for anything. “You’re good go have fun, make sure you put some makeup on him baby girl.” Mariah grinned and nodded and took a horrified looking Jack upstairs.
You wanted to text Joey and warn him not to come over but with his history of cheating on his wife she had every single password on his phone so she’d most definitely question him if she saw a message from some women she’s never heard of. The only thing you could do was simply pray he wouldn’t show up.
Jack had just gotten finished getting ready for the father and daughter dance, you were downstairs doing Mariah’s hair when he came into the kitchen. You practically drooled seeing him dressed up in an all black fitted suit and the way his hazel brown colored curls hanged and stuck up in any and every direction had you clenching your legs and that’s something Jack noticed.
“You good over there baby?” He devilishly smirked. “I’m so good are you good?” You squeaked out he chuckled. “I’m doing good but when you’re done you think you can come help me in the bathroom real quick?”
You quickly finished up Mariah’s hair and made your way into the bathroom. “Jack? Where are you.” You whispered yelled. “I’m right here baby.” Before you could’ve even then around he had you pushed up against the sink with your ass pressed up against his crock. “I fucking missed you so much Y/N.” You moaned as he nibbled on your ear-lope and made his way down to your neck, you shivered when he blew on your neck.
“I missed you too Jack so much baby.” He begins to suck on your neck very softly you can feel the pressure start to increase as he sucks harder, you moan feeling his dick pressing against your ass through his pants, he was always so big. “Jack please I need you.” He pulls away and admired his working giving it a nod in approval. “You might wanna cover that up baby.” You groan inspecting your neck seeing he left a hickey the size of Texas.
“Mommy, Daddy? Can we take a picture together on my iPad.” Mariah’s voice came from the other side of the door, Jack opened the door letting Mariah come inside. “Of course Princess, where is it I’ll go get it.”
“It’s in our room under the bed.” Jack nodded and made his way upstairs. Making his way into your shared bedroom he looked around confused seeing a pair of sweats that weren’t his laying on the bathroom floor tucked under a few used towels. But he shook his head letting it go he just figured Clay or Sunni might’ve came over since they tended to use your bathroom.
Taking the iPad from under the bed he opened the camera roll he was scrolling through pictures laughing and smiling at little videos Mariah had taken of the two of you but he stopped when he saw a video of Mariah doing some Tik Tok trend, in the back was a video of you but the thing is you weren’t alone.
“What the fuc-.” He was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. “Who is it?” He heard you yell, Jack took the iPad and hurried down the stairs. “Who's at the door?” You shrugged your shoulders. Jack opened the door and came face to face with Joey.
Jack looked Joey up and down noticing a bouquet of red roses in his hands and a box of Hershey chocolate Jack noticed Joey had the same snake tattoo on his arm just like the man in the video, that’s when he put two and two together this man in-front of him was the man that was kissing on his wife.
“Jack, honey who is it we’re about to lea-.” You stopped in your tracks seeing Joey and Jack standing there. Jack had a look of disbelief and disappointment all over his face. “Are you.. are you having an affair?”
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seriouslysam8 · 8 months
what’s the best way for a reader to give constructive feedback to an author?
You don’t unless they specifically ask for it.
This is a fun little hobby for most people. The last thing someone wants doing their hobby is to be criticized. I’ll be honest with you, 99% of the “constructive criticism” I have received over the years is really just opinions disguised as constructive criticism.
I have four people I trust to give me constructive feedback for my stories. Only four. They know where I’m going, they know my thought process, and I have built a rapport with them. They know me and my writing well.
I hate nothing more than to get some “constructive feedback” review from someone I’ve never heard from because it’s almost always just bitching that I’m not doing what they would do. They don’t think x fits or they would have done y and then they stick on some “it would have made the story flow better” or “it would be more believable like that.” Like stop. I’m on track to write a million words about two emotionally damaged boys in fanfiction. I’m not writing a novel to publish where it needs polished and edited down for length. I don’t care that you have that opinion. It’s my story and I’m writing it.
Even the very few actual technical constructive criticism I receive, I hate because I could write a technically correct story if I wanted to given taking a shit ton of creative writing classes but I choose not to because it’s more fun to word vomit about our favorite characters and not worry about length or is that POV necessary or whatever else. Most people don’t care either about the technicalities of writing when they write fanfiction because you can explore so much more in fanfiction that would never be published in traditional fiction for a multitude of reasons.
Unless someone says “hey I want to be a published author one day, constructive criticism welcome!” then don’t leave it.
If you don’t like a story, then click the x. If you like a story, motivate the author to keep going by saying nice things. If you like a story but think it could be better if they did x, then just focus on the parts you do like.
People bitch about fanfiction stories being abandoned. They bitch about stories being taken down off sites. This is why. People thinking they need to leave constructive feedback that is almost always just opinion. I had so much “constructive feedback” on Legerdemain that I deleted the story and almost stopped writing in the fandom completely because I was so demotivated. Even when I asked people to stop and explained reviews are motivation to me, they wouldn’t. They kept coming.
Do not not it unless an author asks for it. End of story.
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totallynotbat · 4 months
A Crafter and a Crow
Tickle Fic, No like click off
I basically turned some of Phil’s vods into one big story, you have been warned for spoilers, this is only the beginning of a possible long series, with multiple time jumps in between.
Friendship only, no ship tags!
TW: Sleep deprivation and Angst.
Philza blinked slowly as he watched Tubbo build in his giant laggy factory, while he didn’t understand what is happening half of the time when Tubbo is rambling to him about everything and anything about what works and what doesn’t work, he liked that Toby was happy.
Phil wasn’t happy on the other hand, he knew that, in fact, he was very tired. He couldn’t stop thinking about that dream he had, it felt so real and yet not real, like hallucinations almost, vivid or lucid dreams. 
The birdhouse was gone last he checked, but the hummingbirds were still there, free, some even following Phil around from all over the island.
Why couldn’t Phil be free, why was he stuck here.
“Phil? Are you alright?” Tubbo asked, concerned about the crow.
“Don’t worry about me Toby, I’m fine!” Phil called out, attempting to brush it off like always.
Tubbo climbed down, walking over to his friend with worry, sitting next to him. “I can tell you are not fine. What’s wrong?” 
The older turned his head, revealing the bags under his eyes, which Tubbo looked with concern, before glaring at Phil firmly.
“Come on, let’s warp back to your place.” Tubbo pulled out his waystone and warped with Phil back to the wall, all the way up top at Phil’s base, Phil stared at the two empty beds of where his kids used to be, along with their items, looking away quickly to not show his guilt, as he was dragged downstairs and placed on a couch. 
“Mind telling me what’s wrong with you?” Tubbo spoke rather softly and slow. “I want to know what’s wrong Phil, you aren’t normally so tired and monotone, it’s just us, so we can talk if you want.”
“I can’t sleep Toby…” Phil mumbled, glancing off into the distance as he took off his backpack to reveal the clipped and damaged wings.
“Not after that dream it…” Phil felt a small sting at his heart in memory of that dream, seeing his kids things with a hope they were around, begging Cucurocho to bring his family back, he wants them back, he wants it back to normal. 
Phil didn’t even realize that he was tearing up and sniffing…was he crying?
Tubbo looked at the older with a look of empathy, never seeing Phil in this state, ever.
Tubbo held out his arms, Phil immediately hugged him in a warm embrace, Tubbo rubbed the olders back as he sobbed. Tubbo tried to brush it off as a dream to try to help calm Phil down when he was first told, he can tell that Phil was starting to question that statement.
“I don’t know what’s real anymore Toby…” Phil hiccuped, his words slightly muffled as he sobbed into Tubbo’s shoulder.
“I know.” Tubbo spoke, softly rubbing Phil’s back, in an effort to calm him down. “You’re okay, it’s gonna be okay Phil.” 
The two sat in silence, aside from occasional hiccups here, followed by sobs. Tubbo wiped Phil’s eyes, giving a weak smile to the saddened crow.
Tubbo did gentle rubs on Phil’s sides, making Phil flinch, Tubbo was confused at first, before remembering, “Oh right, your ticklish.” 
“Tohohoby…dohohont…” Phil giggled quietly, trying to bat his hands away.
“Don’t do what? Don’t do this?” Tubbo snuck his hands under the light black sleeved jacket to scribble along Phil’s sides, the older squeaked and leaned back on the couch, wings flaring up as he laughed.
“Hehehey-! Tubbo-! Hahahaha! Hehehehehe! Hahahaha!” Phil just broke into a fit of wheezy laughter, giggling wildly and squirming around. 
Tubbo grinned as Phil wiggled around in a fit of giggles, the inventor trying to get every spot he could reach.
“Hmmm, need to do some fixing about this.” Tubbo teased, scribbling at Phil’s ribs, going in between the sensitive bones. “Seems like we got a little case of a giggle monster here.” 
“Mmm! Hehehehe!” Phil squeaks, moving his arms above his head out of instinct, Tubbo immediately wiggling his fingers into Phil’s underarms. 
“Awww, who’s a giggle monster, you are! You are!” Tubbo teased, making Phil immediately drop his arms down, pushing at Tubbo’s hands. 
“Tuhuhuboo! Nahahaha!” Phil wheezed.
“I can’t believe I forgot you were ticklish! Look at you, wiggling around like a worm, so cute!” Tubbo grinned, making Phil’s already red face go darker.
“Quhuhuhuit itit! Ahahaha!” Phil was trying to slap Tubbo’s hands away, the younger didn’t go away, he just moved down to his hips, squeezing them rapidly.
Phil squealed, letting out a small snort, making Tubbo squeeze them again, the older having the same reaction.
“What a cute little lee you are Phil, you are fun to tickle!” Tubbo teased, tracing his hips.
Phil’s laugh just flowed out of his mouth, he was giggling, high pitched giggling to be accurate, he melted at the soft tickling Tubbo gave him.
“Awww!” Tubbo cooed, rubbing his thumb on his ribs, making Phil flinch and wiggle around.
“Ehehehehe! Tohohoby!” Phil squeaked, squirming around as much as possible. “Thahahat tickles!” 
“I know it tickles! That’s the point!” Tubbo smirked, raising a hand up to scribble at Phil’s neck, nails digging into the black feathers spreading on him.
Phil squeaked, soft giggles making his way out as he turned to mush in Tubbo’s hands. “Nohoho! Nohot neheheck tihihickles! Hehehehe!” 
“Oh! That was a giggle! Aw! Bit of a ticklish neck, huh Phil?” Tubbo teased, wiggling his fingers into the soft feathers of his ears, making them twitch and flap around. 
“Ehehehe! Nahahat my ears! Hehe!” Phil was blushing a light red, giggling, as small tears of mirth build up at the corner of his eyes, turning to mush in the younger’s hands, his ears have always been a melt spot. Phil made a small strangled squeal as Tubbo touched his stomach, he wasn’t laughing to his fullest yet, Tubbo needed to change that.
Tubbo wiped the man’s eyes, smiling at the giggles that slipped out. “Now let’s see, how about…here!” He dug his hands underneath Phil’s shirt, scratching at his stomach.
Phil squeaked, breaking into giggles as Tubbo scribbled at his sensitive skin. “Nohoho! Plehehease! Nahahat there! Hehehehe!”
Tubbo cooed, wiggling and spidering his fingers over Phil’s belly, making Phil squeal and giggle happily at the light fluttering fingers. Tubbo smiling at Phil’s laughter, nuzzling his face into Phil’s neck, nibbling gently.
“Hehehehehehe! Nohoho!” Phil leaned his head back and just laughed, wings flapping happily. 
Tubbo smiled, stroking his hands through Phil’s wings, making Phil whine slightly.
It took Tubbo a moment to figure out what was going on. When he did, he felt a smirk spread across his face. He ran his hands through Phil's wings again. Phil pressed his lips together, but he couldn't stop small giggles from slipping out. 
“Hehehe-! Tuhuhubbo! Hehehehe!” Phil pressed his hands into his face. 
“Does this tickle Phil?” Tubbo teased. “I think it does yes it does! Look how giggly and blushy you are~!” He scribbled into the feathers.
“Ehehehehe! Nohohoho! Hahahaha!” Phil giggled, trying to wiggle away to hide his blushing red face.
“Tubbo! Hahahaha-!” Phil squeaked, leaning back against the couch. The sensations fluttered on his wings, unbearable but they also felt nice, Phil then let out a small chirp. 
Tubbo blinked, stopping for a minute, looking over at the flock of crows perched on the window, then looking back at Phil and scribbling into his wings again, hearing another chirp leaving Phil’s mouth.
Tubbo gasped. "You chirp?!" He grinned and cooed softly as Phil nodded, running a hand through Phil’s hair as Phil hid himself into his hands. “That’s adorable!”
Tubbo continued poking and prodding at the mans wings, Phil giggling with occasional chirps slipping out.
“This is so cute Phil, oh my gods.” Tubbo cooed, slowing down after a couple of minutes. “I wanna try something…” He spoke, scooting closer.
“Ready?” Tubbo asked, Phil nervously nodding, Tubbo leaned down and blew a raspberry on the back of Phil’s neck, making the older squeal, cackling. 
Phil squealed, small snorts peppered in-between his laughter, wiggling around as much as possible, pushing at Tubbo’s head gently with his hand. 
Tubbo smiled, slowing down, doing light traces on Phil’s ears, making him melt and giggle quietly. Tubbo grinned, blowing a mini raspberry behind his ears. Phil’s laugh lit up the entire room at this point, Tubbo couldn’t even help but to laugh with him.
“There we go, nearly done.” Tubbo spoke, looking at Phil’s exposed stomach, gently poking it, making Phil squeak and flinch.
“You ready or do you need a few?” Tubbo asked, resting his hands on Phil’s stomach. 
Phil held a hand out to stop for a break, Tubbo nodding, giving him a few minutes to breathe, after a couple of minutes, he rested his hands on Phil’s sides. 
“I’ll be gentle I promise.” Tubbo spoke, wiggling his fingers on Phil’s sides as he lifted his shirt up again, moving onto Phil’s belly, which made him flinch with a small grin.
“Let’s see, ticklish here…?” Tubbo poked at his side, making Phil squeak. 
“How about here?…” Tubbo moved his hands to his belly, tracing his hands on his skin.
“Ehehehe! Hehehe! Nohoho! Hahahaha!” Phil began to giggle again. Tubbo smiled, tracing his nails on his stomach.
“Nahahat fahahair! Ehehehe!” Phil squeaked.
“It’s fair with cheer up tickles!” Tubbo smiled, scribbling at his belly. “And you definitely needed some!”
Tubbo fluttered his fingers on Phil’s stomach before one finger began circling the avian’s bellybutton, his circle getting smaller and smaller. 
“Round and round the garden goes the little birdie~” Tubbo teased in a sing song voice. “One step…” His finger wiggles closer. “Two steps…” Closer…
Tubbo then traced the rim for a couple seconds before dipping his finger into the giggle spot. “Tktktktktktk!”
Phil then screeched like a bird, cackling wildly. “TUHUHUBBO! HAHAHAHAHA! THAT TICKLES SO BAHAHAD!”
Tubbo smirked, blowing a raspberry on Phil’s bellybutton, shaking his head to brush his hair on his skin, grinning at the scream that left Phil’s mouth.
“AHAHAHAHA! PLEASEHEHEHE! TUHUHUBBO!” Phil squealed, laughing wildly, small tears of mirth at the corner of his eyes as he leaned his head back.
Tubbo grinned, slowing to a stop, rubbing the fizzing in Phil’s stomach, Phil melting into the touch, Tubbo gently scribbling where his wings met his back.
“Dohohont-! Nohoho! Hehehe!” Phil hiccuped, small snorts peppered between his giggly laughter.
Eventually, Phil’s eyes closed, dropping down, giggling getting quieter, Tubbo stroking Phil’s hair. 
“…sleep well Phil.” Tubbo smiled, the avian falling asleep peacefully.
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smallraindrops-blog · 4 months
Phobetor being the largest in the family a n d being a copy and paste of Y/N got me fucked up.
Imagine like, Theseus, seeing who he thinks is Y/N in the distance and marching up to demand a battle since his Father keeps rejecting him. However, the closer the he get the bigger Y/N gets, yes he tall but not that tall, and he's never seen Y/N in so much black, and oh god, that's not Y/N. That's his spooky ass son Phobetor staring straight at him.
Theseus probably complained to Zagreaus during their next battle about how the Nightmare Fiend tricked him and how he plans on getting back at the Godling for scaring him. (Phobetor is confused as to why Theseus wants to fight, lasttime he was in Elysium, he was visiting his grandfathers.)
Omg anon, ‘spooky ass son’ got me rolling on the floor. 😂 😂 Unfortunately for Phobetor, this kinda thing happens to him a lot. I hc that he and Odysseus meet at some point and it went like this:
Odysseus (visibly pale but trying to keep his cool): good gods, I thought Y/N got bigger. My lad, what the hell did your parents feed you?
Phobetor: …Food?
Odysseus: yeah that would do it, huh?
Here u go have a fun little short. I hope you guys like teenage Phobetor. I place him at the mental age of 16/17 here.
Elysium was beautiful as always, the fields were quiet and peaceful with the gentle rustle of grass. The river lethe drifted on, the mist trailing over the rocks. It was one of Phobetor’s favorite places.
if he was a mere shade, he certainly wouldn’t mind settling in here. 
He shifted the box of goods in his arms, all gifts for his grandparents. Dad had given it to Phobetor before shooing him out of the home, lecturing how he needed to visit his grandparents more.
With a grimace, Phobetor did have to admit it had been a while. His duties had increased and time had slipped away from him. 
Maybe he should offer to treat them to lunch, he mused as he went down the beaten path. Phobetor won’t be able to join since every time he had gone to the marketplace he caused a panic merely by walking in. 
He winced at the memory of making a sweet old lady pass out when he picked up her dropped bag of food for her. He still felt bad about that one even though his family had assured him it wasn’t his fault.
It was so faint he wasn’t sure if he actually heard anything, then it came again. it was his father’s name and Phobetor sighed when he realized what was happening. He twisted around, spying a blonde shade in the far distance. 
The man was very loud, his voice carrying over Elysium.
Whoever this was, he was not the first nor would he be the last to mistake Phobetor for his Father. There had been an unpleasant run in with Lord Ares when the new war began.  
“ -you coward!” The shade called out, getting Phobetor’s attention once more, lifting his beefy arms as he gestured wildly, still ranting. Phobetor kept his eyes locked on the man as he vanished the box away. It wouldn’t do for the gifts to get damaged.
Lost valor, impotent, heights.
The sensations, the weight of the shade’s fear bloomed on his tongue like fine wine. None of the fears were unusual but his mouth watered at the taste anyway. Darkness shifted around his chest, little sharp claws digging into his stomach, pleading for a meal. 
Phobetor ignored it. This wasn’t the time or place.
“You own another battle and as the champion of Elysium-“
It clicked suddenly. This must be Theseus.
Phobetor glanced past Theseus, hoping for a glimpse of the infamous Minotaur that haunted countless mortals’ dreams and huffed when he realized it just was the shade.
Theseus stopped, staring at Phobetor with narrowed eyes. Phobetor met Theseus’ stare, keeping his own expression polite. Then Theseus’ blue eyes widened. He didn’t move nor did Phobetor for a long moment.
Phobetor decided he had no choice but to meet Theseus part way, anything else would be rude of him. He vanished for a moment then reappeared right in front of the Champion of Elysium, looming over him.
Before he could greet the shade, Theseus stumbled back, his skin gone a pale gray. Without missing a beat, the shade promptly turned around and took off.
“Ah.” Phobetor realized that he might have gotten too close to the shade. Personal bubbles and all that. Phobetor watched in mild amusement for a moment then cupped a hand around his mouth.
”I shall inform my father you wish to battle him, Great Champion of Elysium,” His voice echoed ominously over the landscape. A few nearby pink butterflies froze in the air before dropping dead, vanishing in a burst of pale light.
“Oops.” Phobetor muttered with a guilty glance toward the burnt grass, summoning the box once more. He resumed his walk, humming Morpheus’ newest song to himself.
He hoped Grandpa and Grandfather had some treats for him. Maybe some hard honey.
“Looks like his highness found us.” Father commented, holding up his hand as a sign to pause their fight. Phobetor rocked on his feet, watching as the prince of the underworld ran up toward them.
Out of all of his uncles and aunts, Zagreus was Phobetor’s favorite. 
He never seemed to mind him or the fear and panic he caused. One time, when the family was staying at the House of Hades and he was very small, Uncle Zagreus had taken him on an escape run.
Although Zagreus did get chewed out by Phobetor’s parents afterward when Zagreus died and left Phobetor alone. 
Uncle Zagreus was grinning when he made it over, his sword on his shoulder. “You should be aware that Theseus got his eye on you.”
”Me?” Phobetor blinked, pointing at himself. Father lifted an eyebrow, quietly waiting for Zagreus to explain.
”Yup. He kept calling you The Nightmare Fiend and blaming me for some reason.” Zagreus laughed, slapping Phobetor on his back. “Good job!”
”Why me? I was just visiting Grandpa and Grandfather.” Phobetor glanced at his Father who merely shrugged.
”Who knows with that fool.” Father grumbled. “Just ignored him. That's what your Grandfather and I do.”
”Or you could fight him, I would pay good money for that. Tell the others I said ‘hi’. ” Zagreus said before he took off.
Phobetor mused over it, thinking about how Theseus had run for his life during their first meeting and decided it would be unkind to scare the poor thing like that again. 
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" want me to model these for you?"
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Satin and Lace for my lover
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AN: Alice - I had to return to the world a dabbled in for my party gift bag for you, back for my 500 follower celebration - Nick and his spoiled lover.
Beta’d by @lfnr-blog-blog-blog. Dividers by @firefly-graphics, moodboard and banner by me
Main Master list | Challenge Master list 
Summary: Nick hasn’t been paying attention to you recently, so it’s really his fault when you act out to get it. Never mind that you know you’re going to enjoy the consequences.
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Relationship: Nick Fowler x Spoiled Brat! Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
CW: Reader is a little shit, Manipulation, Immature behaviour, light bondage, Daddy Kink, implied overstimulation, implied oral (f receiving), somewhat toxic relationship, Romanian pet names
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You knew Nick would be pissed when you got home. It’s not that you weren’t allowed out; he’d never cage you like that, and he provided bodyguards for you protection. It’s just that you’d said you were popping out for an hour or two, six hours ago.
You could hear the mobile phone going off, again, in the breast pocket of Louis, your chief bodyguard. There was no doubt that it was Nick asking for an update, and your thought was confirmed when Louis’ started stammering in reply and looking very uncomfortable.
“No, Sir. She said she wanted to go into one last shop.  Yes… she did say that an hour ago…”
You smiled to yourself as you looked through the racks in the high-end lingerie store. Poor Louis. He was unfortunately collateral damage in your little game to make Nick pay attention to you.
The former CIA agent had been extremely busy recently with his machinations, and while intellectually you understood that in his line of business some associates had to take precedence over you, the emotional, pampered part of yourself was royally fucked off. And, if you were being totally honest, what did Nick expect? He’d treated you so much like a pampered princess that you’d grown used to it, so when he withdrew his affection, even without it being purposeful, it stung.
Were you being bratty? Sure? Would it help in the long run? Absolutely.
Most people were scared of Nick.
Scared of his anger, his power.
The way he could crush them like the insignificant insects he saw them as.
But not you. You revelled in it. His passion and his anger turned you on, and you knew that no matter what he threatened, he’d never hurt you. At least not permanently. What were a few bruises to your ass compared to the rapture of him between your thighs, feasting on your pussy until you cried tears of pleasure instead of pain.
You heard Louis hang up, and then let out a long sigh.  Maybe it was time to end the poor man’s misery?  
With your choices in hand, you walked over to the counter, placing down the pile of lace and satin. You didn’t even listen to the cashier when she told you the total for your purchase, just handed over the black card that Nick had given you. You could almost feel the tension leaking out of your bodyguards frame at the realisation that his torture was almost over.
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Your heels clicked on the marble floor as you entered your home, Nick’s opulent mansion. You had the bag full of lingerie hooked over your arm, the rest of your purchases being brought in by Louis’ subordinates.
“Where the fuck have you been?”
As Nick’s voice sounded out through the entrance hallway, your troupe of bodyguards turned baggage handlers all started before scurrying away at high speed. None of them wanted to accidentally become the focus of his ire. You remained outwardly calm though. You didn’t respond straight away, instead taking off your coat and hanging it up, before checking your reflection in the hallway mirror.
You could feel his gaze upon you, heavy with a hint of darkness and you repressed a shudder of arousal. Turning toward him, you shot him your sweetest smile before sashaying over, an over-exaggerated sway to your hips. Stopping in front of him, you lifted a hand to push a rogue lock of his hair back off his forehead, but he captured your wrist in an iron grip and glared at you.
“And good afternoon to you, too, Nicky. I had a lovely morning, and I think you should give Louis a raise. He really was most helpful and accommodating, despite the numerous phone calls he had to deal with.”
“Why are you testing me, prinţesă?”
You ignored his question, instead lifting up your small shopping bag into his eye line.
“Would you like me to model these for you?”
His eyes flicked quickly from the bag and then back to you. You continued to smile sweetly, but knew from the flare of his nostrils that you’d won, at least this round. His grip on your wrist lessened and you pulled it away, before turning and walking towards the curved staircase.  You took a few steps up before you looked back over your shoulder. The only move Nick had made was to turn and watch your ascent.
“You coming, Nicky?”
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“And then I found this delightful little restaurant and had the most delicious empanadas for my lunch. I’ll have to take you there. You’d love it…”
You rambled on about your day as you stood in your walk-in closet, trying on the first lingerie set; chartreuse satin with cream lace. Nick had followed you into the bedroom without a further word and settled down on the edge of the bed, as you’d given him a kiss to the cheek, before walking through the closet doors.
Outwardly you were calm, giving off an unaffected air. Internally though, your heart was racing. Heat and slick was pooling between your legs and your skin prickled from the tension in the air. When Nick was this quiet, this stoic, he was angry, and he was going to punish you for your immature behaviour. You couldn’t wait.
Smoothing the skimpy fabric over your curves, you stepped out and stood in front of him. Nick had discarded his suit jacket, his shirt sleeves were rolled up and his tie lay loose across his shoulders. He looked like the powerful world player he was. And he was all yours.
“What do you think?” You gave a little turn, showing off lingerie from all angles.
“Hhhmmm.” His noncommittal noise had you turning back to him, but you should have known it was a ploy. His hand shot out and he dragged you onto his lap. You landed with a squeak and looked up into his blue eyes as his other hand cupped the back of your head.
“You wanted my attention,dragostea mea. Now you have it. For the rest of the afternoon, in fact. I’ve cleared my schedule, so I hope you have plenty of ideas on how to keep me entertained?”
Before you could answer his lips crashed onto yours, harsh and demanding. You whimpered and involuntarily ground down on his already hard length, as you opened your mouth and let him in. You gripped his shirt, uncaring of how you were ruining the expensive garment. Nick twisted on the bed, tumbling you off his lap to lie flat on the bed. Taking advantage of how your hands were still holding onto his clothing, he grabbed his tie and quickly wrapped it around your wrists, binding you. He grinned down at you and you smiled back.
“You gonna punish me, Daddy?”
“Oh, dragă. I told you. I’m gonna give you all the attention you wanted. Whether you can handle it or not is another matter entirely.”
You squirmed under his gaze as he unbuttoned his shirt and discarded it, before doing the same with his pants and underwear. God, you loved this man. His physicality, his power, his whole aura. It oozed from every pore. He was a gangster and you were his moll. The Persephone to his Hades.
He leant over you, his eyes dark, and his fingers gripped the waistband of your new panties, the crotch already sodden from your arousal. He pulled, ripping the delicate fabric and discarding it across the plush carpeted floor. You couldn’t be cross with him -  there would be more where that came from.
He shoved your thighs apart and wedged his shoulders between them. His fingers slid up your slick folds, spreading your wetness and you whined at his touch.
“I hope you’re ready for this, pisi.I’ve got a lot of attention to give you.”
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @tuiccim @yarnforbrains @sidepartskinnyjeans @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @ohsymphony @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @talia-rumlow @poppunksnowwhite
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tineteenieworld3 · 2 years
I’m sorry, when will people get it through their fucking heads that saying El isn’t ready for a relationship isn’t ablest. Don’t just throw words around because they benefit your narrative. El is a fictional character that is shown to have grown up in a lab her entire life and has only known abuse. She has never existed in the real world and her childhood was stolen from her. That’s why she’s not ready for a romantic relationship. Watch the goddamn show and just stop saying shit without knowing the damage/effect it can have.
Ableism is serious, it needs to be discussed with respect and not as a way to make a completely wild point just because you don’t like how people are understanding El’s character. A fictional character that isn’t real and grew up as a science experiment is not ready for a relationship. She wasn’t ready when she only just got out and had a father figure for the first time. She didn’t understand what is was like to have her own opinion and style until Max showed her and gave her a chance to exist as a person and not a weapon or someone’s girlfriend/daughter. People aren’t just saying she’s not ready for a relationship without evidence and factual stuff taken from the show. Stop throwing heavy words around without giving a shit about the actual issue of ableism. El is struggling to understand social cues, struggles in school, etc. because she’s literally never been a normal child before because she grew up in a lab. Like what is not clicking? She grew up in a lab, like shit we got her whole back story in season 4 and got to see exactly what happened to her and what it was like, did people just not watch that? I’m sorry it’s very frustrating, I cannot stand when very serious issues are used as little tools that people can throw around to fit their opinion.
They said in a post (tik tok, not shocked) Saying El isn’t ready for a relationship is ableist, do your research.
Like dude….you need to get off your fucking phone. Stop using things real people deal with as something to just throw around with characters that aren’t fucking real and aren’t even confirmed to have (they said autism so I’m using that) autism in the show. Of course you’re allowed to have your opinions and believe that she is, that’s totally fine, but that’s still a headcanon. El Hopper was not confirmed to have autism or anything else actually, she was confirmed to growing up in a lab her entire life and then being further traumatized after that. I’m sorry, it’s very frustrating, cause saying that stuff takes away from the seriousness of actual ableism and it diminishes the word. Headcanon her as being autistic, shit do it for all of them I love that and support that, but to then go around calling people ableist for analyzing their characters is ridiculous because it is still a headcanon and not confirmed by the show.
You’re going through a lot of hoops to even get to the point of:
El isn’t ready for a relationship=ableism
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coffieshiro · 2 months
"Angel without wings"
Based on: CountryHumans
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Before you start reading, I want to warn you about the harmful scenes. If you are sensitive to graphic scenes, please do not read this.
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tw: blood, disturbing scenes, mention of abuse, drastic, sadistic, amputation, cannibalism
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The loud creak of the old wooden stairs echoed along the deserted basement walls. The wooden door leading to the depths of the basement banged open, making a distinctive grinding noise. There was little noise, one might think, until the sound of drops dripping from a pipe in the ceiling reached ears. The nostrils were filled with the smells of old wet soil and the fine fresh air that came through the small window located just below the ceiling. The cold that engulfed every corner of the basement would give goosebumps to anyone's body. Including the resident of a small basement... Rarely, who would like to live in such a hole as a basement? Hardly anyone. Poland, he knew very well the feeling of being chained to the same place for most of his time with no way to escape. Right at the beginning of the war, he isolated himself not on his own, but with the strength of two powerful countries. Unfortunately for him, he suffered the most damage. He sat like a corpse in the same place, watching the two men as they descended with a slow, almost rhythmic step. He stopped deliberating and looked at his elegantly polished shoes. And as his eyes slowly climbed upwards... He saw two very familiar faces. The Third Reich, together with the Soviet Union. Both of them had on their hands the blood shed in the war of innocent civilians, now living in slavery of a second life, because in this one they have nothing to look for. They had their earthly sins on their shoulders, which they had committed more than once, never being ashamed of themselves, showing the world their every single act, which was a terror for anyone who was afraid of death or suffering. The Reich leaned its face towards the face of Poland, baring its fangs shining in the moonlight. The moon turned out to be the only source... Until the Communist lit a small, miserable lamp. Reich nodded in thanks before clicking his tongue, tracing every bruise on the Pole's body with his eyes. He looked back at Poland's eyes, which were wide open. Reich couldn't hide his quiet, low chuckle.
— You're looking at me almost as if there was a ghost standing in my place... — the German cooed, his voice dry and rough. The Pole's mouth, although stained with blood and surrounded by scabs from a cracked lip, stretched into a wide smile... "Not even a ghost could do as many evil things as the Reich did in a whole year..." This thought ran through Poland's head. They rested on Poland's lips, waiting patiently to be avoided... Until he came up with something better.
— The revelation of the ghost instead of you would be like the revelation of Holy Mary in Faustina, that is, salvation... — He spoke in a rough, hoarse voice from exhaustion that echoed around the room, thickening in both of their heads. Well... The Reich couldn't allow such behavior. According to his rigorous discipline, insulting a victim and his rebellion meant reprehensibleness. Therefore, through him, the Pole had to bear the consequences for his empty words thrown at such a serious person of the German. And for every self-respecting Pole, rebellion against sophisticated opponents was advisable. So why would he hesitate to use such beautiful words against the rigorous person of the Reich? Soviet listened to the entire conversation in silence... He knew that integration between their conversation would be detrimental to both parties. Therefore, his eyes quickly turned to the Reich. The Nazi raised his hand high in an attack, using his hand against the Pole. Before the Communist could look around, Poland was pressed against the cold, numb wall, panting as a large, scarlet stain spread across his cheek. The German rubbed his hand, sighing with obvious advantage.
— Did you see that? He tried to talk back to me... Fucking blasphemer... Perhaps we have too little discipline... — Reich cursed under his breath, looking at the Soviet. Soviet only, without much commitment, for a change and to relieve the tense aura, lit a cigarette. He blew smoke from his mouth, sighing loudly.
— I told you that sooner or later he would start to rebel... You said that the more rigor, the less opposition, and there you go... Still not enough — His words evaporated from his mouth like a bitter afterthought. He quietly muttered under his breath, humming until his face was right next to the Pole's face, who was looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. The Russian blew a cloud of smoke into his face, causing the Pole to choke heavily. The Russian looked at Reich as he took another puff of smoke. Orders rested on the German's tongue, unable to wait to once again scold the Soviet for his carelessness... Until he noticed how intensely the Pole was choking on smoke. He liked it... That's why he looked back at the Russian.
— Do it again... — he gestured with his hand at the choking Pole. A mocking smile appeared on the Soviet man's lips, and with unconcealed pleasure he once again blew thick smoke from his mouth. Poland struggled to catch his breath for a long time, and the fact that the Russian cigarettes were intense, penetrated his throat, scratching him from the inside mercilessly. Tears came to Poland's eyes as he struggled to breathe and also fought for enough fresh air. But the more he tried, the worse he got at it. The smoke next to his face appeared continuously, making its way around to his throat, irritating him from the inside. Loud cackling filled the basement walls, intoxicating cigarette smoke filled the room, irritating even the Reich himself. There was no end to the laughter... Poland saw through the fog, his vision was affected as tears covered his eyes... Every now and then he was able to see the darkness that was caused by huge migraines...
࿔‧ ֶָ֢˚˖𐦍˖˚ֶָ֢ ‧࿔
Only after a few minutes was the room covered with a thick cloud of smoke ventilated through a small window. It was one of many things that turned out to be useful. Poland leaned his head against the wall, panting. Glistening tears ran down his thin cheeks, pooling under his chin. Eyes bloodshot to the last vein, making his eyes almost actually look naturally red. His voice was hissing with irritation, and his clothes, flimsy and dirty with blood, smelled only of disgusting Russian tobacco. He closed his eyes as his nostrils filled with the smell of fresh air... The conversation between the Russian and the German was honestly incomprehensible to him... He heard everything as if through water. Until... He felt a sharp pain branching out between his eyebrows, causing a loud scream from the Pole. He raised his bloodshot eyes to see the Soviet above him. With a broad smile, Soviet put out a cigarette on his eyebrow, pressing it as hard as he could. He listened with undisguised pleasure to the tearful gnashing of Poland's teeth as he shook his head. A burn mark remained on the eyebrow, turning it black mixed with blood.
— God... Don't panic... It's just a cigarette... — Soviet raised both eyebrows in amusement as he listened to the faint gnashing of teeth. He looked at Reich, who was baring his fangs in satisfaction. His rigorous desires were satisfied when a dying Poland appeared in his image. His punishment was meted out... But something was missing... Something he had wanted to do for a very long time... But he didn't know when or how... After all, he had a Soviet at hand now. Did this mean that his plan could be implemented? Of course... However, it was a plan he preferred to wait for another day. It required quick precision and caution. If his idea is interpreted correctly, everything will go as smoothly as he wants, or maybe even better? With a gesture of his hand, he ordered the Russian to leave the basement area. Well, the Soviet had no other choice, so he left the cellars in a hurry, leaving Reich with Poland. Reich followed his partner's steps, but just before he left, he turned to Poland, smiling carelessly.
— Do you believe in the existence of angels without wings? — his question was... well, unusual. Poland was stunned. Angels without wings? He wasn't entirely sure how tricky a question that was... He looked up, flapping his own wings. Pole's angelic wings, two meters long, spread out next to the wall, reflecting the moonlight. The flapping of wings only fueled the Reich's desire to implement his idea... Receiving no answer, he answered for him.
— That's what I thought... — He growled before leaving. The creak of the door closing tightly behind him rang out to Poland's ears. Poland mentally cursed himself for not being able to answer such a simple question. Angels without wings... Was it some kind of metaphor referring to simple people with good hearts? Well... It only seemed so to him. For the moment, however, he rested his head on his wings. Soft and warm to the touch, they were the only source of warmth on every cold night that voluntarily circled the entire room. He made himself comfortable. Even with his wrists and ankles tightly bound, he was able to get into a comfortable sleeping position. It was the only thing he could do, the only soothing thing. His eyelids drooped over his eyes, and the quiet wind lulled him to sleep. As if on command, Poland fell asleep, regardless of the difficult conditions to which he had become accustomed.
࿔‧ ֶָ֢˚˖𐦍˖˚ֶָ֢ ‧࿔
Today's waking up was much more brutal, as he received a rough blow below the chest, knocking him to the cold ground. Poland barely regained consciousness, and to his vision it turned out to be the Reich together with the Soviet. The sight didn't surprise him at all... Until he noticed one of the many things that terrified him... Bow saw. He saw every object in their hands, all of them were torturing him painfully. However, the bow saw was something completely new. Hence the fear. Terrified by his eyes, he looked for an answer, trying to break free from Soviet's strong grip. His wings began to flutter as if terrified, thanks to which he was somehow able to lift himself a few centimeters above the ground. Soviet gritted his teeth, grabbing him tightly, pinning him to the ground.
— Where the fuck are you going?! No matter, you stay here! And don't you fucking dare move even an inch, otherwise I'll crush your bones! — he warned through gritted teeth, holding Poland's wrists, painfully pinning them to the ground, almost as if he wanted to break and crush them. The Reich, via the Soviet, grabbed Poland by the wings, tugging at its feathers every time one move was able to poke him too hard. Before Poland knew it, the bow saw had sunk its sharp ends into the base of the wings. The room echoed with Poland's loud scream as he pulled his wing with all his might. It turned out to be as effective as anything. The saw dug harder until it was right next to the bone. Blood spattered towards the Reich, catching on the Pole's back. Soviet grabbed Poland tighter, tugging at his hair every time he moved too suddenly. Reich sawed until he could cut through the bone. He used all his strength, trying to inflict as much pain as possible to Poland's detriment. God rest the soul of Poland, screaming into the sky when its path crossed with these earthly monsters. Unfortunately for him, the torture lasted for centuries. The smell of blood filled the room, bit by bit, reaching the nostrils of all three of them. Blood splattered on the walls, leaving characteristic colors behind. Drop by drop, it slowly left the Polish wing. His worst fears came true when the Pole lost feeling in his right wing, leaving behind a sloppy, bloody mess. The amputated wing fell with a bang, and Reich bared his fangs at the mess he had created. The smell of blood turned out to be tempting enough for him... However, he had to put his cannibalistic desires on hold for later when Soviet began to grumble, putting his effort into pinning Poland to the floor.
— Reich, for God's sake, hurry up before he get away! — Soviet screamed, pinning Poland to the ground again. Poland responded by sobbing like a maniac, throwing himself all over the floor, trembling and writhing in the depths of pain. He bit into Soviet's shoe with his teeth, trying to hold back his consciousness, focusing on something else. The torture continued, no matter how hard he tried to inflict pain on himself, he couldn't distract himself from the macabre of his wings. Soviet made eye contact with the Pole while he was biting his shoe until his jaw gums started bleeding. The Soviet's eyes widened as if on command as he grabbed the Pole's hair, pulling him away from the unusual activity.
— What are you doing?! Have you lost your mind?! — he screamed, attracting the attention of Reich, who started sawing the next wing. Poland cursed in macabre, sobbing, choking on tears, digging his nails into the concrete floor. He kicked his legs, sobbing, his words falling from his lips like a prayer.
— IT HURTS...! IT HURTS SO HELL...! I'D RATHER DIE THAN EXPERIENCE THIS...! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE CUTTED CUT...?! YOU UNDERSTAND...?! — he screamed as he kicked his legs, trying to distract himself from the painful ordeal. The communist widened his eyes and looked on in disbelief. He saw a lot, but no one else reacted to pain like Poland. He would beat himself up and hurt himself just to focus his consciousness on less pain than the one that gave him migraines. The Reich paid no attention to Poland's sobbing. They were almost everyday life for him, maybe even routine? More and more blood flowed. It flowed down to the floor, forming a small stream of blood, slowly resembling a river. The Pole's sobs were the single most active of all sounds. It spread so quickly that it could probably be heard from the next apartment. The red liquid that spread all over the back in small amounts was absorbed by the clothes, which did not bring any relief. The two main wings were sawed off... For the Reich it was two minutes, for Poland it was an eternity. There are still two smaller wings left... The cannibalistic hunger of the Reich was not tamed at all, as time passed it grew with unstoppable force. However, the Communist's constant remarks were distracting. So with a roll of his eyes, he continued cutting the next wings... Fortunately for the Pole, they were not as massive as the previous ones, so the amputation took less time than before. Almost as if his prayers had been answered and restored to the state he was in now. However, the red liquid flowed in the same stream as during and after the amputation. The cries stopped only fifteen minutes after the bloody macabre. Meanwhile, the Reich and the Soviet left Poland in a bloody mess, leaving him to inhale the heavy smell. His body lay still for a long time until another long sob escaped his lips. He sniffled, trembling in fear and desperation as he was deprived of the greatest gift his entire family could have received. Tears covered his stunned face, covering him in chaos. The quiet sobbing soon turned into brutal, loud screaming, hitting every wall. He used his raw elbows to support himself as he crawled towards the stairs, grabbing onto the wooden rungs, digging his nails into them. He shuddered in bitterness, screaming loudly at the top of his lungs.
— YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO TAKE MY PROPERTY...! - He sobbed, letting out loud grunts of despair. He continued again.
࿔‧ ֶָ֢˚˖𐦍˖˚ֶָ֢ ‧࿔
— THIS WAS THE LAST THING I COULD HAVE...! — He sniffled, digging his nails into the cracks in the rungs. He put his head on the surface. In his own bitterness he found something more... Not only sadness. He felt how deep inside him, everything that held any hope was shattered. It broke into small pieces, leaving behind painful wounds. However, every wound leaves a scar as the wound heals slowly. But what will be able to heal Poland, healing his wounds?
Poland undoubtedly recalled the Reich's previous question... He actually understood what he meant... He was the one who became an angel without wings
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grumpy-zane · 1 year
((Alcohol cw -- Scruffshipping Ft. Dareth and Ronin.
Metal fingers clicked against the glass with every poke, nudging it further down the bar in little scoots. Ronin watched its progress, passing the time as Dareth spoke loudly to someone on their way out. He was only half paying attention, the other half was lost somewhere in sleepyland, floating lazily down an alcoholic river. His mind was so out of it that it took him a moment to register the bartenders hand hovering patiently by the glass, waiting for him to finish playing with it.
Ronin watched him pick it up and rinse it with the rest of the cups, the soapy cloth ran around and inside, rung out beneath the running tap with the rest of the dishes.
He tried to picture himself where Dareth was, imagining the hassle of cleaning up an entire bar. He would want a drink or two to make it less of a slog, and with such a selection it would be difficult to pick which would be most effective. And yet, Dareth never pulled a bottle and poured one for himself.
Now that he was thinking about it, he had never seen the man drink, not even during any 'save ninjago' parties that occured ever so often. He was always tending, always mindful and watching, and always the guy driving. It was jarring to say the least.
"Don't you ever unwind?" Ronin asked half mumbling, resting his head on his prosthetic arm.
"Yeah, when I get home I relax or pass out." Dareth shrugged.
"What's your favorite?"
"Favorite what?"
"Cold, hot, on the rocks?"
Dareth blinked and shook his head with a smile, "oh, no, I don't unwind, not by that definition."
"Why not?" Ronin exhaled, fully resting the side of his head on his arm. The cold metal playing felt nice on his warm flushed face.
Towel dryed classes clinked gently against their fellow counterparts as they were placed on their shelves, ever so gently as to not damage them. The foot of each bottle were pushed back into their proper places from where they had been pulled and misplaced throughout the night. A dusting rag ran up and down the shelf dividers, wiping away the grey fade of a lightly coated woodgrain.
Noises of cleaning without words or a usual hum, noises that held the question suspended in the air.
Dareth stepped away and grabbed the broom from the kitchen, his shoulders slumping when he realized that Ronin wasn't alseep but watching intently. It was a question he dreaded the day of, but felt as thought it was bound to come up. Ronin had questions just as Dareth did, and pushing them aside just made them more important.
"Well, I uh, just haven't had alcohol." Dareth dismissed as he pushed the broom around.
"Mmmhm. Yet you know every flavor of every drink?" Ronin asked.
"Not every, but enough," Dareth said dryly. He was running out of 'cleaning filler' to stave awat Ronins fleeting attention, any anything excessive would lead to even more persistence. Once the broom was back in its proper place, he took a seat beside him and rested his elbows on the counter out of habit. "I don't drink because I'm an alcoholic. Er, a recovering alcoholic."
Ronin processsed what he said and snorted, "okay you don't have to make that dramatic of an excuse."
"Hah! I wish it was," he ran his fingers in circles, "I havent had a drink in.. lets see.."
The finger counting caused Ronin to snort a chuckle, "sounds like you've recovered if it's been that long."
His tone was joking but Dareth shook his head anyway. "Maybe, but I'm not going to find out."
"Mh," he yawned and sunk further into his now crossed arms.
"I think I would be in real trouble if I had one and had to work surrounded by it. I don't think I could stop myself from having another."
Dareth watched him slowly blink, his mind elsewhere or perhaps trying hard to think. It wasn't easy to tell when Ronin was plotting, it looked very similar to his overthinking gaze.
"So no wine dates in the park, got it," Ronin mumbled and closed his eye.
He laughed and got up from the stool, "alright, time to close up and go home, Roni. You can fall asleep some place more comfortable, like my place." Seeing that he couldn't pilot REX to save his life.
"Like you," he sucked in and stretched.
"Sure, if you're fine with me drooling." He snickered. ))
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agerestorybits · 2 years
nails and polish
Warning-nail biting
Janus didn't like his fingernails. There were brittle and would spilt or flake. They never stayed nice or at an even length because they kept catching on things and getting little rough edges that he hated the feel of. He wore gloves to prevent any damage to them. Mostly from himself as he got in the habit of biting and chewing on his nails when they got uneven in the hopes of fixing them without having to hunt down a nail file or clippers.
The issues with the gloves was they made using things like touch screens, tiny buttons and small toys frustrating. Tear inducing on a bad day and Janus was already having a bad day.
That was why he was in soft comfy clothing sitting with Patton on the floor surrounded by toys. Patton had to reassure Janus that he didn't mind taking care of him for awhile. "You've been stressed a lot lately, You need some relaxing time." Patton said as he clicked Lego pieces together. Janus did agree with that and so he focused on working on his Lego house he was making.
He had removed his gloves so he could pick up the pieces better. He was struggling a little bit but it was still fun.
Until one of his nails caught slightly on a piece. The previously smooth edge now had a small dent in it. He tried to ignore it before glancing over to see Patton was too busy to notice.
Maybe if he was quick. He brought his hand up to his mouth and started chewing on the rough edge.
"Janus." Patton said causing him to jump before tearing up from being startled. Patton was quick to pull him into a hug. "oh I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you. You just can't chew on your nails." Patton said gently taking Janus' hand away from his mouth.
"icky!" Janus said shaking his hands a bit, squirming as Patton grabbed a wipe to clean Janus' hand before grabbing the yellow gloves. "No! nononono! No oves!"
"You can't bite your nails slitter." Patton said waiting for Janus to calm before he put the gloves on.
"I be good! Prom-est!" Janus said with wide teary eyes. Patton couldn't say no to that.
"What if we found something else to cover your nails?" Patton asked.
"No oves?" Janus sniffled. Patton kissed Janus' forehead as he brushed away his tears.
"We'll try baby." He said relieved that Janus relaxed. He gave Janus his teether ring that look like a curled up snake. Something to bite while Patton filed smooth his nails.
Patton wished that Roman was here, he would be able to figure out how to cover Janus' nails without gloves. Patton looked around his room for something that might work and stopped when he noticed the small box of nail polishes. He hesitated, he didn't want Janus eating nail polish if it didn't work. Then again they could just try something else if it didn't work.
"You want painted nails Hisser?" Patton asked grabbing the box and opening it showing off a small pastel rainbow.
Janus' face lit up and he happily wiggled, "pink please!" he said pointing to the light pink. That wasn't the color Patton expected, mostly because the yellow was one of Janus' favorite shades.
Still he smiled and gently took Janus' hand so he could paint his nails. "Can't bite polish." Janus stated around the teether.
"That's right! Very smart!" Patton praised.
"You thought of it!" Janus said poking Patton with his free hand.
Patton laughed. "I did! We are both pretty smart then."
Janus made a happy squeak noise. He chewed harder on his teether as he watched his nail get covered in the soft pink color. He looked down at the half built legos. "I'm done playing."
"That's ok, you can't play with wet nails. Maybe we should watch something while they dry?" Patton suggested.
Janus nodded happy. Patton finished painting his nails and Janus watched as he cleaned up. "Can't help. Wet nails." Janus said giggling.
"Sassy snake." Patton said ruffling Janus' hair.
Janus looked at his painted nails. As soon as they were dry he felt the edges, coated in the polish they were smooth. Safe. He would need to paint his nails more.
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