#in my jerma retirement era
tenelkadjowrites · 4 months
i've been putting off making a formal announcement on this blog but i think i've reached a point where i can say the blog as everyone knows it is...done. the hiatus has turned into a retirement of sorts.
basically, going forward, there is no promise of any fics being posted, no more tag lists, no more icon/header changes for a hwa fic, etc. fics can be posted randomly and not just be focused on hwa, it'll be about whatever catches my attention and i want to write a fic on. this could mean months upon months with no update. it could mean i never update again. idk i am not really focusing on it.
so yeah, thats the short version. longer version under the cut.
the thing about running this blog is that over time it ended up being whatever idea i had needed to be tweaked in order to feel comfortable post it here. that could be trying to put smut scenes in, or thinking about the dynamic and how it would come across to an audience, or if i went too long without posting and it would weigh on me.
after my move to toronto, i hit burn out with the blog. i missed writing original works, and i missed the genre exploration i liked to do with original pieces such as horror. i dealt with a sort of nagging guilt if i didn't post on here for long periods of time and i felt like if i kept pushing against how my brain was going, the fics posted here would suffer in quality.
ppl who have read this far know that i don't pay attention to the amount of notes i get on my fics. i write the ideas because i want to write them. that's been my rule and once i got the sense i was writing for the blog and not writing cuz i wanted to, i realized i needed to step away from it.
so going forward, the only time this blog will be updated is if i got a story idea that naturally and organically was planned as a fic in my head. this could mean no more hwa fics ever again. it could mean fics about random video game characters. it could mean more star wars fics. or it could mean i don't update for a really long time. i don't know what form it will take. i'm not really focusing on that.
while this blog was my primary focus, i met a lot of amazing people and ended up meeting people that now mean so much to me. i had tons of nice messages sent to me. i never thought i'd get 3k followers here and that wasn't my goal, it just ended up happening.
if you read all this, thanks, and thank you to everyone who took the time to read anything i posted, it means a lot. i'll be at the toronto ateez show if anyone wants to say hi.
my main blog is @hologramhoneymoon - you can follow me there for a lot of random reblogs from a lot of random things.
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ideahat-universe · 7 months
Surviving the BaldCoin halving.
Are you familiar with the BaldCoin Halving? You're on Tumblr! Of course you don't know the halving! But you are Jerma fans for sure.
Well. I have a secret to reveal. Jermamites haven't been making compilations out of the bottom of their heart for fun.
We've been doing it for BaldCoins. That's right. We were all mining for BaldCoins.
Every time a person watches a Jerma compilation a miner program runs and mines for a BaldCoin.
There are many rules to mining BaldCoins and I won't bore you with the specifics BUT I will say, since Jerma has initiated the Soft Retirement Protocol, it will now be harder to mine Jerma content for fresh BaldCoins.
After all, once a particular clip has been used in X amount of compilations it stops yielding BaldCoins.
The Jerma economy is going to enter deflation. In order to make good BaldCoins you have to really innovate the way you make compilations.
You're going to want to be the first person to make a video based on the latest Jerma antic.
You're going to go back into the green screen well and find something new to use.
You're going to have to travel back in time and edit streams at an era where Jerma played games for more than 4 hours.
It's going to be hard. I don't know how Cheltie will survive.
Corax is doing the smart thing and making more non Jerma content so when the inevitable happens and we've ran out of videos to make unique compilations from, Corax will have carved a niche as an animator that reviews random things for fun. He'll be like Noodle, except he has a nicer sounding voice, and doesn't act like a dick.
Me? Not sure. There was like five months where I just made Jerma compilations one after the other and I think I lost the muse that compelled me to make Jerma content.
My Jerma archive needs organizing. I downloaded the entire Elden Ring series but upon reflection it's a lot of Jerma playing the game like a jackass and doing much worse than virtually everyone else that played the game. There were Vtubers who don't play Fromsoftware games that played Elden Ring better than Jerma does.
So I need more compilations from Elden Ring and not hours of Jerma brute forcing bosses that people naturally beat in less than 30 minutes.
Jerma says he'll be making some interesting videos but I won't be holding my breath because the last time Jerma said X channel was just going to only have X content it didn't get used for that purpose at all.
Just to make a fine point of what's basically happened as a result of his soft retirement:
Jerma won't play anymore Nancy Drew games (Drew Crew is dead)
Jerma won't play Flavor of the month games (five months after it was popular but still)
Jerma will never complete his obligations on making the Catboy Jerma streams.
Jerma Wrestle is cancelled (barring it doesn't get absorbed by Charlie's wrestling show)
Jerma award shows are cancelled (not enough content produced)
Jerma Holiday streams are probably cancelled.
The Jerma debt will never be fulfilled.
The axe dodge stream is probably cancelled.
Streams where people play Co-op games should be on the table but Jerma acted like it would be a huge inconvenience to play a a co-op games so that's probably also cancelled.
So what's left? Very random things based on the very few interests he still has which is to perform (because he's a theater kid at heart) and do like streams of him reacting to consumerism. Oh an House Flipper. I don't know why but we'll always have House Flipper.
So we're like 12 streams a year now at best.
But I've been through this before. Jontron era gamegrumps, Yathzee19, I'm going all in on Neuro Sama. That Chatbot is peak content.
For now though, enjoy probably my favorite Jerma Compilation edit.
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