#in plain sight 2 dawnstar
unfortunatish · 8 months
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Rlly wanted to do an update soooo
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dragonologist-phd · 4 years
From the Deadfire asks, #1, 2, 6, 7, 10 for each of your Watchers?
thank you!!
1. What did your Watcher make of the Deadfire Archipelago? Was it their first time there, or had they been there previously?
For all of her traveling, it was Desta’s first time visiting the Deadfire. She did enjoy it- there’s a lot of beautiful sights!- but she would have enjoyed it more if the gods weren’t pestering her the entire time she was there.
the rest are answered here!
1. What did your Watcher make of the Deadfire Archipelago? Was it their first time there, or had they been there previously?
Rudi had never been there before and she was...not a fan. Between the recent destruction of Caed Nua and being stuck on a boat, there wasn’t really much of a chance of her liking it. She warmed up to it a bit in time, but mainly she just missed consistently having solid ground under her feet
2. Did they have a favourite location?
She did rather like Poko Kohara- there wasn’t much there, but it reminded her a bit of being back home in the Plains. And once she got the menagerie on her ship, she spent a lot of time hanging out there with all her pets!
6. What was your Watcher’s ship(’s) name(s)? Did they enjoy being Captain of a boat? Would they rather have been back at Caed Nua?
The Sea Lion- get it, cause she has Sol with her, and they’re on the sea? XD
She didn’t like sailing enough to say she liked being a Captain, and she was happy enough to leave all that behind once her quest was over. But she did enjoy the big hats that came with the job!
7. Did they have a favourite quest or side quest? How about a least favourite?
Her favorite might have been sneaking into Fort Deadlight- it involved stealth, revenge, and throwing a giant party as a distraction, so it was fun all around!
For least favorite...the Forgotten Sanctum freaked her out a bit. It went from “eh more crazy mages need my help” to “ok this is freaky even by Watcher standards” way too fast
10. Where do you imagine your Watcher’s life takes them after the events of Deadfire?
Rudi went back to the Dyrwood and rebuilt Caed Nua. She really considered that place her home, and she wanted to be close to her family in Defiance Bay again.
I think she and Maia actually break up for a bit while Rudi’s rebuilding Caed Nua and Maia is back with the RTC, but after a while they reunite and eventually get married!
1. What did your Watcher make of the Deadfire Archipelago? Was it their first time there, or had they been there previously?
Miervaldis had passed through before, but never stayed for long. He likes it well enough; it’s too hot for his tastes, but he enjoys sailing and finds being around the ocean very relaxing
2. Did they have a favourite location?
He liked exploring a lot of the old temples, and his favorite was the Hanging Sepulchers, (Meeting a death guard is like the Miervaldis equivalent of meeting a rock star)
6. What was your Watcher’s ship(’s) name(s)? Did they enjoy being Captain of a boat? Would they rather have been back at Caed Nua?
Winds of Berath. He enjoyed it well enough- he was pretty hands-off, mostly just handling navigation and letting the crew handle themselves unless he really needed to intervene. He was probably better suited to that than Caed Nua, where he had to deal with people a lot more.
7. Did they have a favourite quest or side quest? How about a least favourite?
Anything involving restoring souls to the Wheel (or Xoti’s lantern) was something he enjoyed, as he saw that as part of his purpose as a Berathian. He was also my only Watcher to complete Modwyr’s sidequest (none of my others use swords) and he got a lot of satisfaction when he finally was able to let soul peacefully move on.
The Beast of Winter quest was...complicated for him. It reminded him a lot of home, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but he didn’t enjoy being in Rymrgand’s realm at all
10. Where do you imagine your Watcher’s life takes them after the events of Deadfire?
He and Xoti hang around the Deadfire for a bit- she has some business left with the Dawnstars. Other than that, he’d go wherever he felt called, doing missionary work with Xoti and trying to find a balance with the gods after the destruction of the Wheel
Deadfire Ask Meme
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unfortunatish · 9 months
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First drawing of 2024 ^^
And as promised, experimenting with a new artstyle!
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