#in terms of mystreet he would be number two
bunnimy · 1 year
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my two favs of all time. british ro'maeve and black hair blue eyes #2
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stone-man-warrior · 5 years
October 16, 2018: 3:38 pm:
October 16. 2018: 2:27 pm:<br><br>This entry is to document a some things goi... StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-16T18:38:35-0400 - Updated: 2018-10-16T18:38:35-0400
October 16. 2018: 2:27 pm: This entry is to document a some things going on right now. Intruder in my home an hour ago. So much Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne gas that I cannot recall many details of the intruder. I took a walk to the end of my driveway as usual. I locked the doors before leaving the front porch. The windows were all closed. I returned from a five minute walk, and did some browsing on the internet, and filled out an online insurance quote form. I made a phone call to the insurance company for further information. The phone call was hijacked by a third party using a StingRay surveillance device or similar device. I called Liberty Mutual Insurance company, and the the person I spoke with, Lauren Stewart, indicated that she was a representative of the insurance company. While on the telephone call, with someone who portrayed themselves as a representative of Liberty Mutual, I encountered the intruder who had been hiding under a blanket. The intruder demanded that "weed". I don't have ant "weed". The intruder was injured resultant of self defense, and left the house under his or her own power. There may have been two intruders. I don't remember the details, no one can remember these kinds of details, that is why the terrorists use the Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne gas mixture. I finished the phone call, my questions were answered, but the fake representative had become upset, was not as friendly or cheerful as when the phone call was initiated. The fake representative was in contact with the intruder at the very same time that I was on the telephone call with the fake representative, Lauren Stewart, and, at the very same time that I was defending myself. On the phone call, the words "Reena's run through", also, "he just killed Yuseph" (something close to that). This is an example of something that I call "three-dee-Chinese-phone-call", where the phone call itself seems to come to life as a result of speaking with someone on the telephone, and then suddenly, someone shows up in person, seemingly from nowhere, and with the Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne gas in the house and exposure to it for some time, the person that has intruded into the house actually seems to have jumped out of the phone call. This is not really believable, I understand that this explanation is not believable, but more importantly, the Screen Actor Guild Seventh Day Adventist terrorists understand completely that ANY EXPLANATION of this "3-D Chinese Phone Call" will not be believed by anyone who hears about it no matter how the individual victims who survive one of these kinds of intrusive terrorist attacks explains what happened.  (no disrespect to the people of China is intended). Afterwords, I took another walk outside, and was not aware of what had happened at that time, I had forgotten, but remembered the words from the fake representative "Reena's run through". I saw Lorena Chapman's car, "The Priestess", drive hurriedly past my driveway and then into the Screen Actor Guild Seventh Day Adventist terrorist headquarters at Harrold and Joan Phillips at 507 "MyStreet". I think the intruder may have been Loreena Chapman, "The Priestess". I looked around a little bit and listened for noises or other clues as to what may have taken place while  engaging with the intruder, and basically trying to remember that there was an intruder. I remember an intruder now, hiding under a blanket in my living room. If Loreena Chapman is dead as a result of the self defense associated with her intruding into my home, then, the United States of America and it's people will be much safer than they have been in many, many years. Upon looking around on a third walk in my yard after the intrusion, I noticed that the Jeffrey and Sandy Monroe Screen Actor Guild Seventh Day Adventist cannibal Vatican terrorist family cell marijuana plantation had been trimmed such that two of the plants had been topped off, trimmed, cut, or otherwise raided in such a way as to visually appear to have been mangled to some extent, and not carefully trimmed, as the Monroe terrorist marijuana growers are known to do. I have described in a previous post here, that the Monroe terrorist marijuana is located on two separate growing areas, one is a primary grow site that is carfully manicured and cared for, the other seems to be a secondary grow site that they leave grow on it's own without maintenance. I believe that the secondary grow site is being used as a tool with which to provide video through the existence of the surveillance cameras they have around the area, and manipulate that video content as to reflect that the marijuana is on my property, which it is not. I have no marijuana. I do not grow marijuana. I would very much like to have some marijuana for the benefits it provides by using it. To grow marijuana, for me, would be a suicide mission. If any American Citizen in the State of Oregon decides to take advantage of the newly provided rules that make marijuana use considered as a recreational activity, then, those American Citizens will be killed by the Seventh Day Adventist Screen Actor Guild Vatican terrorists, and their crops will be sold to Screen Actor Guild members, and the revenue generated is used to fund the further killing... the further slaughtering, of US American Citizens. No help has come. The people, the agencies, the military... all of the US American people associated with the responsibility of protecting the United States of America from harm, from terrorist attack, from hostile takeover in the form of a coup... all of them are still too occupied... one more time... the responsible people are OCCUPIED by the Screen Actors Guild, by their fame, by their entertainment which is provided and designed to OCCUPY them, the responsible people are too enthralled in the television, in the movies, in the social media, and even in the deceptive qualities that are put into motion in real life... they are too busy with all of that to ever find the truth that lies in the fact that the very people who are hypnotizing our public safety personnel in the USA are in fact the very people who are killing, torchering, raping, beating into submission the children of those public safety people. In many cases, the families of the public safety personnell of this nation are being brutalized, their family members are reporting to there mothers and father who are the public safety personnel, and STILL... these people will not respond to the cries for help. Not even when they can see it with their own eyes, hear it with their own ears... and smell the scent of death within their own homes and work places. The reason... someone who is a famous rock star will show up, and explain that what is going on is not important, that it's all part of "the Show". That statement along with some autographed hats and tee-shirts, a copy of the latest album, and front row tickets to the next upcoming music show, and some free admission tickets to Hollywood Movie's for a year... that is all it takes to bribe a public safety officer in the USA, at the expense of dead American babies, and the Constitution of the United States of America. One of the word used by the terrorists for describing USA citizens is: Emerycan. Listen for it... you will hear it today. To sum this up: I was attacked, while on a phone call. I was in my home. There were a number of terrorists involved. It was an attempted murder. There may have been more than one intruder, I don't remember. The use of poison gas to kill me, an American, in his home, in the USA, by terrorists armed with poison gas, happened today. It happened yesterday. It happened that day before that... and so on for the past ten years at least. And, terrorists armed with poison gas have been attacking me at my home for more than twenty years, however, not everyday like they do now. No one will help. The American Citizens in the State of Oregon, USA, are all dead. The US National Guard are all dead. The Oregon State Police are all dead. The American babies, however, most of them are not dead, instead, they are being brutalized, torchered, and trained to kill American Citizens. But hey... don't worry about it, there is a good re-run of "The Apprentice" on television tonight, I guarantee it. So, when you hear the sound of screaming children and babies, just turn up the volume on your new giant size plazma-screen television with Dolby Surround Sound, that way, you won't have to do your job. Assholes.
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+1'd by: Simas Mileman
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-16T19:03:30-0400
October 16, 2018: 3:51 pm: In a previous, recent entry here I explained that the Circle K convenience store on A street in Grants Pass Oregon is a terrorist cell and that it's members are a group of terrorist soldiers who are some of the impostor Oregon State Police that I report about here on this page. I told of the notion the the members are skilled in the art of Pantomime. I also explained that the members can be identified by the style of sweatshirt the they wear, and the they call themselves, and are well known locally as "Circle Jerks", or "Jerks". That is a terrorist term, it is not my term, I suggest that everyone learn that term. Learn to hear it when it is spoken. Chances are very high that if you should hear someone say the word "jerk", they are not calling you names, they are summoning a terrorist soldier with coded language... the word "jerk" is coded language, it means "terrorist soldier of the Circle K Market on A Street. This entry is to advise that I have a similar sweatshirt to that of the Circle Jerks. The Jerks wear Oregon State Police issued sweatshirts, black with embroidered OR State Police Logo. Mine is a bit different however. It looks the same from a distance, but when you look closer you will find that my Official Oregon State issued black sweat-shirt clearly says: OREGON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-16T20:42:28-0400 - Updated: 2018-10-16T21:18:20-0400
October 16, 2018: 5:48 pm: The photo below is of the Jeff and Sandy Monroe Screen Actor Guild Seventh Day Adventist cannibal Vatican marijuana grow site. This is the grow site that I suspect is being manipulated by use of the video surveillance cameras they have there. I suspect that this grow site, and the video of it, are manipulated to appear that the marijuana is on my property, it is at 434 "MyStreet". The other grow site is regularly maintained, it is located to the right of this, and is also at 434. There are four marijuana plants in front of that red Volkswagen, and to the right. The bottoms where the roots are were made by Jeff Monroe and are fashioned together with stiff wire and other things I cannot determine. There are tomato plant style supports assassinated with each plant. This grow site is there to provide confusion and the confusion is supported by more confusion obtained by the Monroe's radio receiver they have that is able to capture the sounds of my voice through the implanted radio broadcasting microphone that was put into my jaw in 2011. The Monroe's are Seventh Day Adventists, and are not allowed to use the marijuana they grow. Marijuana use is strictly forbidden by the Seventh Day Adventist religion. The Monroe's are skilled horticulturists and are able to grow anything very well. They are even skilled and trained to grow mold. I have seen Jeff Monroe add moisture to the buds of these plants and inject the buds with moisture. Seventh Day Adventists are able to produce a variety of different kinds of mold such that identifying  that mold is present is difficult. They grow mold intentionally for the purpose of poisoning US American victims with the mold. Some varieties of mold are fatal if ingested and not treated. This photo was taken from my driveway across the fence and to the North. This place I was standing when the photo was taken is a place where the Monroe's shoot at me with a cross-bow regularly. The cross-bow is a Parker brand cross-bow and it uses ten inch or so arrows called bolts. The bolts they use have a long razor style tip. The bolt ammunition they use is modified with a sound transmitter that is used as a homing device. When they shoot me and miss, as they have so far, they get the children terrorists from the Nathan Phillips terrorist Vatican training center at 520 "MyStreet" to go an find the lost arrow-bolts. The transmitter inside the shaft of the bolts is used to sound a bird call, and the arrow-bolts are easily found by the child terrorists. The money generated from the sale of this marijuana is used to fund the killing of US American Citizens. The Monroe's sell their marijuana to the members of the band ZZTop, Frank Beard, Dusty Hill, and Billy Gibbons. They sell to other Screen Actor Guild terrorists as well, including Dean Zelinsky, manufacturer of Dean Zelinsky Guitars. They sell to others as well, and some of the marijuana that the Monroe's grow is intentionally grown with mold in it so that they can kill American Victims. A marijuana mold victim will need medical attention, and will go to a doctor. There are no doctors anymore who treat American Citizens, only terrorists associated with the Seventh Day Adventist church and the Screen Actors Guild are treated for medical conditions, everyone else gets exterminated at the fake doctor offices.
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StoneMan .Warrior - 2018-10-16T22:54:51-0400
October 16, 2018: 7:38 pm: Last night I wrote about the sound of a small gasoline engine that I have heard being used in the night time ours locally and how the sound from the engine provides the impression of the use of a electricity generator. This entry is to elaborate just a little. The generator sound of the small gasoline engine is present right now. Last night when I decided that the sound was worthy of an entry here and to explain what I was hearing and from where, I walked around in my yard and out to the end of my driveway searching for the direction from which the sound was coming. It took longer to determine where the sound was coming from than I expected it to take. The wooded areas here are filled with large trees, there are buildings nestled in the wooded areas. The direction from which sounds come from is often difficult to determine. The sounds bounce off of the trees and buildings. The trees themselves are a source of a naturally occurring reverb that is made from sounds that are reflected off of them. With all of that said, it was challenging last night to locate the direction of the sound of that small gasoline motor. I should have wrote about this last night, but did not. That generator motor sound was coming from two locations at the same time last night. That is w=one of the reasons I was having so much trouble with knowing which direction it was coming from. After I wrote about that sound being at Sunflower, I went back outside, and the sound had stopped from Sunflower, I actually was outside when I heard the thing stop running. I noticed a nearly identical small engine sound coming from the opposite direction to the South, and that secondary and more distant sound of a small motor was coming from what I guessed as Opel Lane, which is the nearest cross street on Russel Road South of my location. Tonight, the small gasoline motor sound is present and distant, however, I am not interested in figuring out from which direction it is coming. The sound is distant and the reverb of the trees makes the direction illusive.
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