#in the Titans dick is the smart leader with a plan. they all have skillsets and that is his. its not all he is but in a team setting
Nightwing #100 was fun and a good celebration of Nightwing's history and progress. The Titans set up was really cool to see and I hope DC follows through with putting the Titans into the spotlight.
It can't be in the Nightwing series. I can't think of anything more damaging to The Titans as a team and to Nightwing himself than to have the entirety of the Titans crammed into a solo series.
This is why we have team series and solo series. People don't read Titan series for stories 98% focused on Grayson with every other Titans character relegated to a cameo support role. People don't read Nightwing for stories revolving around his Titans' leadership duties.
The best part about the Titans is that it's a diverse group of personalities and skillsets. Every character gets a chance to shine, every character has a distinct personality and goals. They aren't Dick Grayson's backup dancers or personal cheerleading squad. And Dick's book should be where he gets to just be himself doing stealth missions and clandestinely fighting assassins, without trying to be the perfect leader that's always got a plan.
I liked Nightwing #100 and I've liked the other times Titans characters have crossed over into the series. But this can't just be it. They have to have a Titans series. They have to.
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