#in the wise words of hannah montana nobody's perfect!!
ask-alphabetboyluvr · 5 months
i know you mentioned not being offended, but you seemed pretty offended by the end of it 😂
my question was answered in the first few paras where you mentioned your real life doesn't resonate w what the plot of the book is, so i'm glad my question was answered
as for the rest of it, oof
like i don't remember saying that you shouldn't write something that deviates from my preferences, nor did i say i want the two in otte to have a happy ending and live happily ever after, my question was simply why write something that puts you through emotional hurt bc you know that would make it difficult for you to complete when people could potentially end up wanting more, which again, was answered, idk where you got the 'cookie cutter' ending idea from, because again, i never said anything about that, also bc otte doesn't even have an ending to begin with lmao
i never asked you to not write a fic that doesn't fit my standards nor was it an attempt at that bc i'm an avid reader of angst and would love an angsty ending if there's going to be one at all, all i was wondering about a complete book
half of your reply wasn't even what i was looking for?? it was simply unprovoked and hurt me a little because i try to put forth my question as respectfully as possible nor would i encourage you to stop writing bc i like your fics, i could expect a lil niceness too right? or does that irk you too 😂😭??
the hashtags apart from the first few paras were rude for no reason, especially when i made it clear i wasn't tting to be offensive and it never was my intention
thanks for answering i guess
also, another question, is there a posting schedule for the 'slut war' book? or would it be like bd?
i was annoyed, not offended!! and i've also slept on it so am a lot more chill about it now. you caught me at a bad time and that's on me, so I'm sorry for being a bit defensive with it all. if i'd have waited until this morning to answer it then yeah, you probably would have gotten a different answer.
that being said, tonally, your ask came across a bit rude to me--it questioned my motives in a way that I didn't really get, and made me feel like i was a bit stupid for publishing in the first place. it might just be your typical way of typing, but it's the kinda way i type when I'm fighting with someone lol, so it had my back up!! especially that final little lmao!!
you've also gotta bear in mind that I don't really have much of a presence on tumblr and that the otte was published 9 months ago, when my presence was even smaller. i really didn't/dont have reader expectations. it felt like you were calling me ingenuine and that's a shitty thing to be made to feel like!! especially when I've always been very open/honest with you guys about things!!
the story to me is done. it was never intended to be a fic!! or to have a resolution!! that's what I meant by people wanting a cookie cutter ending--you wanted something different to what was written. the ending is the ending.
i think i always strive to be kind, and I definitely wasn't trying to be unkind--but I'm also not a doormat and I do have feelings too, so even if you didn't intend for it to come across rudely, it kinda did and I responded accordingly.
the last thing i want is to leave a bitter taste in peoples mouths, though, so hopefully we can chalk this up to a misunderstanding/bad timing/me being a little reactive.
as for slut war--yes, it will be like bd!! I'm trying to commit to having the first 5 or 6 chapters ready for upload by the time bd is done so that we can have a steady couple of weeks of updates as we get into the story. it'll be shorter--a little over standard novel length, probably around 140k!
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kurthorton-moving · 1 year
idk what kinda replies y'all are gonna get because when i looked at something just now the response kurt gave me was "in the wise words of hannah montana: nobody's perfect"
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almadosol · 7 months
“nobody’s perfect,
i gotta work it; again and again til i get it right”
words from a wise woman,
Hannah Montana
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ihatetrashcans · 3 years
In the wise words of Hannah Montana, “Nobody’s perfect”.
- Marco, probably.
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wandaromanova · 3 years
2 and 15
in the wise words of hannah montana, nobody’s perfect. but thank you <33
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hazelandglasz · 5 years
klaine, “we work out at the same gym and you always look super legit but i know you sing hannah montana in the shower and you know i know” au heehee
On AO3
There are a lot of reasons why Kurt goes to this particular gym.
One: it’s two minutes away from work, which means he has no excuse not to go before going home.
Two: all things considered, it’s fairly cheap.
Three: there are no mirrors in that gym, except in the changing rooms, so there are no possibilities for some hunks to just flex and admire themselves.
Four (last but not least): the Super Legit Cutie.
SLC is just another patron of the club, one who happens to visit the gym around the same time as Kurt.
Who appears to be around his age.
Who is, as the moniker would suggest, very, very cute, unbearably so even, and doesn’t look out of place on the different machines he uses with an ease Kurt can only envy from afar while he sweats his cheesecakes away on the rowing machine and the treadmill.
Every now and then, they run side by side. The first time it happened, Kurt nearly had to save his neck from breaking because he stopped running, jaw dropping, at the way SLC’s thighs looked in motion in his teeny, tiny green shorts.
Dear Lord on a cracker, these shorts are s-i-n-f-u-l, accent on the full.
Between the shorts, the ease with the machines and the rocking body, SLC is what one could call a Gym Bunny if one was into that sort of name calling.
(Kurt, it seems, is one such individual, given the right amount of alcohol.)
Except for one little bit of information that Kurt treasures like a well-curated McQueen accessory.
See, most of the Gym Bunnies have one thing in common: even without the mirrors, they like to posture as Alpha Males, testosterone-vaganza, my muscles have muscles, etc.
True, SLC is more on the compact size, but his muscles cannot be denied--did Kurt mention the Thighs? Yes, they deserve their capital letters.
(And their own altar of worship, Kurt volunteers his bed as tribute to their grandeur.)
As gay as he may be, SLC does follow that pattern of looking, well, extra-manly.
But Kurt caught him off-guard in the showers--okay, that sounds even worse outloud than it did in his head, rewind.
But Kurt heard something in the showers that made him reconsider the whole Gym Bunny scenario.
One evening, Kurt was already exhausted by his long day and he decided to cut his training session short--45 minutes was more than enough, right, especially after a day of getting yelled at for no good reason by an incredibly annoying customer and then missing the last slice of pizza and having to deal with the rest of his day with a plate of grated carrots.
Healthy, sure, but at what cost?
Cutting his training session short brought him back to the changing room sooner than usual--which means Kurt ended up in the changing room before the big rush of late comers, regular leavers.
Right in time for SLC’s post-training shower.
And that’s how Kurt heard him sing.
For starters, there is the fact that prior to that moment, Kurt had never heard the man’s voice, and what a shame it was. SLC sounded like a smooth singer, with just a little raspiness to make it interesting.
And then.
There is the choice of song itself.
“No way to know for sure
I’ll figure out a cure
I’m patchin’ up the holes …”
Kurt had to pause in his tracks. Hannah Montana? Really?
Not that there's anything wrong with Miley Cyrus earlier body of work, of course. It’s just so unexpected in his present environment …
“Nobody’s perfect, oohoo
I gotta work iii-iit
Again and again till I get it ri-iight…”
Kurt can only applaud SLC for his commitment to the song. If anything, he’s a dedicated performer and Kurt salutes him.
Besides, there is something in this choice of song that tugs on Kurt’s heartstrings.
A vulnerability, almost, and a desire for growth and change with which he can relate.
Kurt loses himself in his thoughts, in his wishes to find a kindred spirit, in his regrets about high school.
“And if I’m messing up sometimes, heey,
Nobody’s p--oh, hello?”
Kurt looks up in alarm and finds himself face to face with a towel-clad SLC.
A towel, and nothing else.
Sweet rollerblading Jesus.
Kurt would like to thank the goblin in a teapot on the Moon for the opportunity to be blessed with such a vision.
SLC is clutching his towel--wise move, hombre--and looks hesitant. Probably because Kurt is staring and has not said a word, like the world’s biggest creep.
“Hi!” Kurt scrambles to stand on his feet, thanking whomever is to be thanked for wearing a not totally atrocious outfit today of all days. “I--sorry, I was just--”
“No worries, no worries.” SLC rubs the back of his neck which has turned an alarming shade of red. “I wasn’t sure what you were doing here, I’m usually, well, usually alone this time of the afternoon.”
“I wasn’t stalking you.”
A frown appears on SLC’s face. “I didn’t say or think you were--should I?”
“N-no, no, just a coincidence.”
“A happy one, then.” SLC takes the couple of steps separating him from Kurt and holds his free hand. “I’ve meant to introduce myself for a while now. I’m Blaine.”
Kurt blinks, and blinks again, before shaking Blaine’s hand. “K-Kurt.”
“Nice to meet you Kurt.”
The smile on Blaine’s face is boyish and small and adorable. Kurt can feel his own cheeks stretched by a smile of his own, and he can only hope that it doesn’t bare a resemblance to the expression on Mowgli’s face in the Jungle Book.
Then something Blaine just said finally registers and is processed.
“What do you mean, you wanted to introduce yourself for a while?”
The flush on Blaine’s skin intensifies. “I mean--I’ve seen you. Around.” Blaine steps back to his locker, hiding his face in his belongings. “Around the gym, you know.”
“For a while.” Somehow, Blaine’s embarrassment makes him more approachable, and Kurt doesn’t feel as awkward as he previously did. ‘Who’s the stalker now?”
Blaine snorts and looks at Kurt over his shoulder. “Not a stalker either,” he says, his smile visible in the crinkles around his eyes. “Scout’s honor.”
Kurt cannot stop smiling. He turns to his own locker, fishing his shoes and bag. “Were you really a scout?”
“I could tell you all the tales of summer camps adventures around a cup of coffee?”
Kurt is 99% sure there is steam coming out of his ears. “Uh?”
Blaine pulls on a t-shirt--thank God, Kurt needs his brain okay--and cocks his head to the side. “If you’re free, maybe we could grab a cup of coffee, I would tell you all about being a boy scout in the middle of Ohio and you can tell me more about yourself, confirm a theory of mine.”
Kurt considers it. He is still tired, sure, but this is a far better prospect for his evening than the rerun of Project Runway and the industrial ramen waiting for him at home.
“Deal,” he finally replies. “If by coffee you mean pizza.”
“Of course.”
“And if you explain your choice of shower song.”
Blaine’s cheeks turn a tender shade of pink. “Of course.”
“Then lead the way, oh rockstar.”
Blaine smiles and shoulders his bag. That’s when Kurt finally pays attention to his outfit.
Gym attire Blaine was hot and legit, sure, a true Gym Bunny.
Civilian attire Blaine?
Preppy and Brooks Brothers material and Kurt wants to tear that bowtie off with his teeth.
“Come on,” Blaine says, “I know where to get the best pizza in the city.”
(Not that evening,, but a couple of pizza-coffee dates later, Kurt gets his wish.)
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wolfythewitch · 5 years
Hey nonnie, can you leave my friend alone? They're only human & they honestly didn't know. In the wise words of Hannah Montana, nobodys perfect. Thaaaanks.
Bdxjdgdjd thank you! 💕💕
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sambergscott · 6 years
internet “cancelling” culture is so toxic oh my god!!!! yes, what terry said was wrong. there’s no avoiding that. but he’s a human and in the wise words of hannah montana, nobody’s perfect. we all say horrible/ignorant stuff sometimes. what’s important is that he LEARNS from this situation. “cancelling” him rather than continuing to educate him on his ignorance is not the way to go imo.
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5 reasons your first job is important
When I first turned 16, I couldn't wait to start working. I was so excited for my first job. It was like my first step into independence. As I entered my second job, which I landed thanks to God, I felt more prepared. I never realized how much I truly learned until that very moment. My first job taught me:
Communication skills
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Working in fast food jobs, I quickly learned all about the ins and outs of customer service. It's deeper than just making customers happy. You figure out how to interact with a variety of people and adjust your work style accordingly, and how to solve problems even with difficult customers. As I've gotten more jobs over the years, I've realized about 90 percent of all types of jobs require some sort of customer service so it's a great skill to have. Communicating with customers is one thing, but I also learned how to talk effectively to superiors. It can be intimidating at first to approach your boss or manager with things, but remember they're just people too.
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If you're anything like me, you just want a first job for extra spending money. But take a moment to pat yourself on the back for making the time commitment of working and building experience on your Resume. You should be proud of yourself, especially if you're a student. I've worked hourly jobs in both high school and college. It can be tough to find that work/school balance and still attempt to have a social life. Keep your priorities in order and evaluate what is most important to you.
Teamwork makes the dream work
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Similar to communication skills, teamwork skills will impress employers and can apply to any job you'll ever have. Working with different personality types towards a common goal can be difficult, but it's crucial and extremely valuable. Also, forming strong relationships with your co workers will pay off if you ever need to ask for help, not to mention you'll look forward to coming in to work.
Mistakes are normal
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I went into my first job trying to be the perfect employee and the best at everything. While it's an awesome goal to have, it just wasn't realistic. I had to realize that it's impossible to know everything, and nobody wants to work with a know-it-all anyway. In the wise words of Hannah Montana, everybody makes mistakes. Learn from them, take in any constructive criticism and know how to recover from your mistakes at work to keep moving forward.
Make the best of boredom
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Once I started working, I thought it would be like a revolving door of customers. I never thought about the slow, down time I might have. Instead of standing around, use that time as an opportunity to show initiative. Look for things that need to be done like tidying up or prepping things for the next rush. You'll definitely stand out to your boss as a top notch employee and they'll appreciate your hard work.
If you're searching for your first job or already working, keep an open mind and soak up as much information as you can. You never know how valuable those lessons or skills will be in your future career.
To get more interesting, motivating career blogs visit: www.tamilemployment.in
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10 Worst Takes of 2019
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In the wise words of Hannah Montana, “nobody’s perfect.” That includes the analysts that work for major networks. So, that’s who I’m talking about in this article. Several YouTubers inspired me to start creating content. How about an old fashioned top-10 list? These aren’t in any particular order. They are just the 10 worst takes that I found while scrolling through twitter for around 20 hours,…
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peachyydaze · 7 years
in the wise words of hannah montana, "nobody's perfect"
in the wise words of hannah montana, “nobody’s perfect”
i first started writing this post june 1st. its now june 19th. swag.   when i first started writing this post, it was a whole lot of self-loathing and me being angry with myself. i decided to keep that part out as i want this to be a positive place where i can leave my anger and shit behind.   the month of june has been very off for me. i think its got me so messed up because im transitioning to…
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