#in this case it was me pondering about why you see so many round / stocky but muscular horses with roman noses and short manes in
scalpelsister · 10 months
oh! Mizu's horse Kai is named after an extinct japanese horse breed :)
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The Long Bedtime Story
Word count: 5,000
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Fanfic for Supernatural.
Chapter 1
Loud bar in a small town, that’s where Sam and Dean found themselves. Unwinding after a hunt they couldn’t help over hear a small group of people talk about strange goings on. Turning their attention to them and straining their ears they eavesdropped keeping as inconspicuous as possible.
“It’s really strange,” the one closest to them said. “They never show up this frequently. It’s kind of concerning if you ask me.”
“Nah, relax,” a stocky man on the opposite side of the table dismissed. “Nothing we can’t handle. ‘Sides, we were warned this may happen every now and then.”
“You boys still on that?” A young brunette woman asked striding over with two beers in hand. “Honestly, if it really bothers you we can bring it up when we get back. She’s gonna tell ya to relax and never mind it. They’re just demons, we’re more than qualified to keep them away.” She slid a beer to another young woman sitting at the table before taking a seat. “And we’ve checked around town, it’s fine.”
Dean looked to Sam raising an eyebrow. Sam mirrored the look before they not-so-tactfully made their way over to insert themselves in yet another conversation.
“Hey fellas,” Dean says with a grin. “Ladies,” he winks to the chagrin of the two women present.
“Can I help you?” One of the guys asked annoyed.
“Don’t, mind him,” Sam excused. “He gets nervous in crowds.” The whole table eyed them suspiciously. “I’m Sam, this is my brother Dean. We’re new in town and were just, wondering what kind of interesting things there were about the town.”
The table was silent contemplating how to respond. Finally one of the girls spoke up. “Put them away boys,” she smirked. “I’m Amanda, this is Tom, Braiden, James and Kristen.” The table relaxed a little, their hands still on their side arms. “Didn’t anyone tell you eavesdropping is rude?”
“We weren’t —“ Sam began.
“Save it,” Kristen interrupted. “You’re not exactly subtle.”
James continues to eye them. “Seeing as you don’t seem the least bit concerned with the topic at hand, I take it you’re hunters?”
“Or at the very least traveling exorcists,” Braiden chuckled.
“Nah, too cute and too good looking to be any kind of priest,” Kristen disagrees. Dean smirks glancing at Sam and then back to Kristen. Tom greets him with an ice cold stare causing Dean to clear his throat and avert his gaze. Sam smirked in amusement at the discomfort. “Yeah, we’re hunters,” he confirmed. “Look, we don’t mean to overstep, but if you need help we’re pretty good at the whole demon thing.”
They all looked at each other for a moment. “Yeah, why not?” James says with a smile. “We’re just about to head home. Why don’t you come along? I’m sure the matriarch would love to meet you.”
“Sounds great,” Dean says eagerly. Sam rolls his eyes as the group stands leaving their money on the table and putting their empty bottles together in a group. After saying farewell they exit and head out into the growing night to their cars. “Nice ride,” Amanda comments as they pass the impala. Dean grins, “Thanks, she’s a smooth ride too.” Amanda giggles continuing to walk.
“She’s 19 and bites,” Braiden warns walking by him with a smirk. Dean raises an eyebrow looking at Amanda again as she climbs into a jeep with Tom. Braiden, Kristen and James pile into a beat up truck as Sam and Dean load into the impala and follow behind.
A short ways away from town they come across a well wooded property with a large victorian style house set far back at the end of a long driveway. Glancing around Sam noticed a few other houses dotting the property and a fairly good sized farm. Pulling up to a car park, a short distance downhill, the group found their spots among the several other vehicles before heading up to the main house.
The porch light was on and a few windows on the main floor had a soft inviting glow, Dean almost didn’t hear the footsteps coming up behind them. Instinctively Dean whipped around, hand on his pistol, to confront the pursuers. He was surprised to find a group of 9 kids ranging in age from what looked like 6 to 13 all in jean or leather jackets and tee shirts.
“Got cha!!” One of them exclaimed triumphantly. The other kids giggled in unison as a very tired chaperone trudged behind them. “How..... many times..... must I say...... no running in....... groups!” He placed his hands on his knees and stood panting for a few minutes before standing up straight again. “Running in groups makes you a very obvious target. You’ll scare off whatever it is you’re hunting doing that.” He froze stiffening his back, Dean peeking around to see a girl of about 11 holding a knife to his back. “Obvious distraction, makes a surprise attack a lot easier.”
All the kids turn and point their weapons at the chaperone giggling. He sighed rolling his eyes. “Alright, alright, that was smart. Dumb, but smart. Just remember that sort of a tactic gets significantly harder if what you’re hunting is smart, especially if you’re in a small group. Alright?” A chorus of agreement arose as they all relaxed their weapons.
“Night training going well?” Amanda asked amused.
“Man, I wasn’t supposed to be on babysitter duty,” the man said annoyed. “I teach lore and history. I’m not the physical exertion type.” He pouted before sighing. “But yeah, they’re sharp. Managed to finish early even.”
“Impressive,” Amanda commends before looking over at the group and tilting her head. “Alright, that’s a wrap. Lets get you inside.” The kids cheer before filing toward the house, murmurs and chatter filling the once quiet air.
“What is this, a home for hunters-in-training?” Dean asked watching the procession.
“Not exactly, least not completely,” Kristen said pulling Tom along with her. “All the kids get basic self defense training, learn signs to be wary of, what to do if they find themselves in a worst case scenario. Some continue on to become hunters, others find researching lore more appealing or spell work being their thing. A lot of the time though? They come back to help out, take care of the place, teach the next generation. Things like that.”
“Not everyone though,” Tom added. “There’s a small handful that move out and away to do things other than hunt and magic. Pretty sure one little dude wound up working for NASA. I think his acceptance letter is framed somewhere inside.”
“That’s not including the ones who stay for a little.” The 11 year old said stopping on the porch. “We get a lot of kids and some grown ups that just stay for a night or two before heading out again. Mom doesn’t like leaving people on the street if she can help it.”
“Mom?” Sam asks.
“Yeah, though, she usually likes to go by Auntie. Most of the grown ups do actually.”
“You guys coming inside or what?” Braiden asks from the door.
“Uh yeah,” Dean says rousing from his stupor. “Got a magical menagerie here, takes a bit of getting used to.”
The last of the group make their way into a spacious foyer, what looks like a greeting desk to the right, an office behind it, and a large living area to the left. The far left wall had a large staircase leading up to a second floor balcony and numerous doors. The far wall in front of them had a doorway going further into the house and who knows what other room. The boys gaped at the architecture as the kids dispersed, some going upstairs and others into yet another side room.
“Staring with your mouths open is great way to catch flies,” a young african american woman came out of the room behind the desk. “I’m Lanai, and I don’t think I’ve seen you round here before.”
“They’re hunters passing through, heard about the demons and decided to come with us.” Tom said leaning against the counter. “Sam, Dean.”
Lanai raises an eyebrow. “*The* Sam and Dean?”
“You know who we are?” Dean asked.
“You know them?” Kristen asks from a nearby couch.
“Of course, Olivia speaks highly of them. Remember? Her hunter friends with a wayward angel who always seem to get in the worst trouble?” She smiles. “Was wondering when you’d wander over yonder.”
“Wait, Olivia?” Sam says surprised.
“Oh shit, that’s them?” Kristen says sitting upright. “Damn, you guys are legends.”
“That good or bad?” Dean asks.
“Mostly good. Though, we are aware you have some dirty laundry.” She smirks.
“So, where is Olivia?” Tom asks.
“Out, doing her rounds,” Lanai replies putting a few books away. “Should be back in a few. She never misses bedtime. As for me, I’m heading to bed. You guys are good to lock up right?”
“Wh-wha, wait, n—“ Braiden stammered.
“Great, night!” She waves and makes her way up the stairs with a smile. Shortly after she disappeared around the corner at the top, a flurry of feathers was heard causing Sam and Dean to turn and face the front door.
A young woman with rusty red hair looking to be about mid 20’s smiled wide at her surprise guests. “Sam! Dean!” She ran over and gave them both a tight hug. “What brings you way out here?”
“Finished a job near by, heard demons fancied this area and decided to check things out.” Dean said.
“So you eavesdropped?” She asked raising an eyebrow.
“Really very obviously too,” Amanda added.
The woman snickered patting his head. “You’re smooth Dean, I’ll give you that. But, your subtlety needs some work. And eavesdropping is rude man.”
“You think I’m smooth?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
She rolled her eyes. “To an extent.”
Sam chuckled in the background. “It’s good to see you again, Olivia.”
“Same to you,” she smiled warmly. “So, how long were you thinking of staying?”
“Figured we’d stick around for a few days, see what we can help with.” Sam answered. “That is if it isn’t putting you out.”
“No no, that’s fine! I should have a room or two open you can use,” she said pondering. “We haven’t been at max capacity in a while so, most we should have to do would be freshen them up a bit. Vacuum, dust, maybe changed the sheets....”
“We’re used to motels in the not greatest of places. I’m sure your rooms are fine.” Dean assured.
“Hmm, alright. I guess you have a point. Let me go see what I have for you boys.” She smiles one last time before heading up the stairs. Sam and Dean sit on the living room’s furniture and settle in until she gets back. Amanda eyes them from a near by chair for a moment before speaking up. “So, you know her?”
“Uh, yeah, we do,” Sam responds. “She appeared around the time.... uh..... when Lucifer got out.”
“Yeah, makes sense,” Kristen muses. “That was around the time she didn’t stick around much. Least, more than usual. She never really left the house or the property for that matter unless one of the former residents needed her. She was always hands on, pretty good teacher too.”
“What does an archangel teach anyway?” Dean asked.
“Enochian for language and magic, exorcisms, runecraft, and help with combat practice,” Olivia says from the banister. They all turn to face her jumping a bit in surprise. “I’m even know to do a little history lessons. Managed to find you two rooms, one across the hall from the other. C’mon, I’ll help you settle in.”
“Then in that case, I’m heading home,” Kristen says standing with a stretch. “Curiosity has been satisfied, and I’m freakin tired. See you tomorrow.” She waves taking Tom with her. Braiden moves to follow when Amanda stops him. “Can Braiden stay the night?” She asks.
Olivia raises an eyebrow crossing her arms and puts on her best ‘mom face’. Amanda clasps her fingers together pleadingly. “You know the rules, miss.” Olivia says sternly before smiling. “Behave, alright?” Amanda smiles and jumps up. “I promise!” She grabs Braiden’s hand and runs up the stairs giving Olivia a quick hug before heading to her room.
“You really think they’ll behave?” Dean asks.
“No,” Olivia admits. “But I trust them to at least be safe.” The boys shrug and nod in agreement before grabbing their bags and following her up the stairs. “Breakfast is at 8 am, and it’s a school night so the kids will head off at around 8:30. Morning chores usually start at 7, you are welcome to help out but don’t feel obligated to. 9 o’clock starts our childcare services so it’ll be a little loud. I don’t think anyone has any appointments for help finding employment so, other than routine house chores should be relatively quiet until the kids get home at 3.”
“Wow,” Sam says impressed. “You sure are busy throughout the day.”
Olivia smiles. “It’s not so bad, after 50 years of practice the routines are second nature. Plus, not like I’m doing it on my own. Everyone helps out where they’re able.”
“You’ve been doing this for 50 years?”
“Hobby of mine turned passion project,” she smiled. “I’ve spent a long time earthbound. As the years went by, things steadily got worse and people found it harder and harder to get by. I saw a way to help ease concerns, even just a little bit, and decided to do something about it. I’ve poured, well, what could be considered a soul, into this.” She stared off thoughtfully with a soft smile. “May not have changed the world, but it made a world of a difference to whoever found their way here.”
“You’re probably the nicest angel we’ve come across,” Dean observed.
Olivia cringes a little. “Yeah well, pretty sure I’m one of the very few who have lived among humans for long enough to want to help. They didn’t really like the decree to hold humans in high esteem.”
“Who knew,” he responded somewhat bitterly.
Olivia clears her throat. “Believe it or not they’ve actually mellowed out from when I knew them more..... intimately.”
“Oh, well, think they need to work on that a little more. Bedside manner still needs some improvement.”
‘I’ll be sure to let them know,” Olivia smirks. “Alright, I’ll let you guys sleep. Pay no mind to footsteps you may hear, just me walking around.” She turns to face them half way out the door. “They house is well warded against everything, right down to the frame work. Rest easy.” She smiles warmly again as they wave goodnight.
“Place feels just as safe as the bunker,” Sam comments preparing his bed. Dean looks around his room and nods in agreement. “Kinda reminds me of a more successful and better balanced version of what Victor tried to do, y’know?”
“Yeah, now that you mention it.” Sam pauses. “Look, I know we trust her and all but, maybe.”
“We should stick around just in case?” Dean finishes. Sam nods. “Well, you heard them in the bar. No shortage of demonic problems going on so may as well. I’m sure they won’t mind.” After a bit of silent unpacking and settling in they say goodnight to each other and close their doors.
Small feet running outside their door woke them the next morning. Checking the clock, Dean groans rolling over trying to ignore the noise. 6:10, much earlier than the promised wake up time of 7. After staring at the ceiling for a few minutes silently yelling to himself, he gets up groggily shuffling to the door. He swings it open in time to see Sam emerge from his room and inspect the hall as well. They just noticed a small child hurry around a corner and heard them stomp down they stairs when the gentle waft of breakfast drifted by. ‘Bacon,’ Dean’s brain registered as he started shuffling quickly toward the staircase with an eager smile, Sam quickly following suit having smelled toast and sausages.
Following a small procession of children into a large dining hall like room, they could hear chatter and singing. Some of the kids joined in, others would try to change the song. Dean didn’t care, he wanted his bacon.
“I smell bacon,” he said to no one in particular. “Where do I find it?”
“We have to finish setting the tables first,” a small child said setting out some silverware. “Auntie ‘Livia, Auntie Amanda and Auntie Lanai are cookin in the kitchen. Uncle Braiden is lookin for some strawberries and raspberries.” Dean looked around and saw a few other kids setting out napkins, plates, cups and even some place mats at the 4 very long solid oak dining tables. “This place looks like friggn Hogwarts,” he observed.
“Here,” another child said handing him a wash cloth. “You guys can wash some of the tables down,” he said handing Sam a bucket of warm soapy water. “Someone had late night snack so we need t’wash ‘em down.”
Sam paused before taking the bucket. “Sure, we’ll be happy to. Right Dean?” He glanced over at dean who was staring at the cloth. “Uh, yeah. It’s the least we could do.” He smiled. The child smiled back before returning to washing his section of table. “I didn’t sign up for chores,” Dean whispered grumpily when they were a few steps away.
“Dean, it’s really not that bad,” Sam said as Dean began angrily washing. “Not like they’re asking us to do anything absurd. And we get breakfast out of it.”
“Yeah, that’s true.” Dean muttered.
Braiden and two teens come in a few minutes later with some berries, milk and biscuit mix disappearing into the kitchen. Hooked on a Feeling was being belted out with some of the kids dancing near the door completely distracted from their breakfast chores. Braiden comes out shortly after with the teens and various juices as they begin to fill the cups on the tables. The rest of the house files in and takes their seats, Sam and Dean following suit after they finish washing the table. They head into the kitchen to dump the now cold murky water into a sink and find the three cooks dancing along to the song. Olivia smiled wide when she saw them. “Almost done, go ahead and find a seat.”
Dean mirrored her wide smile and hurried to find a seat, Sam rolled his eyes and followed to a near by table sitting across from his brother. Olivia and Lanai giggled seeing them leave with anticipated excitement before gathering large plates of food and bringing them out. One by one they filled the plates with what was requested, some had waffles and bacon, others had pancakes and eggs, each plate a unique combination of breakfast classics. “A little to start,” Olivia said serving the brothers, “and once you’re done, you may have seconds. Provided there’s anything left.” She smiled as Dean looked around concerned, it had been so long since he had good home-cooked bacon and he wasn’t about to miss out.
Olivia watched as all the mouths happily chowed down and chatted to each other with a smile. She found it amusing how Dean got up three times for more bacon taking it as a compliment before announcing the time and ushering the kids out to finish getting ready for school. 8:30 sharp they all left, Olivia and three others carting them off in well worn mom vans.
Shortly before 9, a knock was heard at the door, Dean answered and saw a young woman with a toddler standing here a little frazzled. “Hello?”
“Hi,” she said with a stressed smile. “You new here? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”
“Uh yeah,” Dean stuttered. “Yeah, I just got here last night. I’m Dean. Here, let me help you with that,” he said taking the heavy bag she brought.
“Oh, thanks!” she said handing it off. “I’m Brenna by the way.”
“Nice to meet you,” Dean said escorting her inside. Lanai walks in just as Dean puts the bags down by the desk. “Hey Brenna, let me take him for you,” she said taking the toddler from her.
“Ah, thanks! He just had breakfast so he should be fine until lunch. I’ll be home late today, sorry.”
“No, don’t be sorry. We’ll see you when we see you, alright?”
“Ok. Again, thank you so much.” She smiled before turning and hurrying out. Lanai smiled at the toddler preparing for more to come by as Dean watched the woman leave.
Two more toddlers and a boy of about 6 showed up shortly after that and the house was loud well into the evening. Apart from the occasional yard work needing to be done, many of the adults left in the house were keeping it orderly or tending to the garden outside while Olivia made frequent trips out to other parts of the country to help her grown wards with whatever they may need.
Sam joined in with the gardening and yard work while Dean stayed inside. He jumped at the opportunity to clean and keep up the weapons kept in the basement. It was more than a basement, resembling an arena with a separate armory type room and kept everything from blades to guns and even magical artifacts and weapons. That’s where Sam found him along with most of the older teens when dinner was ready. “Hey,” he said entering the armory. “Olivia sent me down here to get you for dinner.”
“Dinner already?” Dean asked surprised. “What time is it?”
“6 pm,” Sam answered.
Dean and the teens blinked in disbelief before checking their own watches. “Wha—“
“Yeah, you’ve been down here all day. They’re just finishing up so put whatever you’re working in away and come up.” Sam tapped the door frame and turned to leave. “Oh, and Olivia wants you to make sure you wash your hands.”
“Ok dad,” Dean dismisses reassembling the rifle in front of him. The teens snickered doing the same with their pistols.
“Seriously,” Sam said. “Some of the stuff down here produces ‘supernatural particles’ that don’t exactly react well if ingested.” Dean looked at him with a raised eyebrow slightly concerned. “And she trusts kids coming down here?”
“Young adults and up, provided they prove they can adhere to the rules,” one teen explained. “Seriously, one kid forgot one time too many and got really sick. If it were not for Olivia supervising he would have been screwed.” Dean stares at him in disbelief, Sam doing the same flicking his eyes between the group. “So yeah, wash your hands.” He pats Dean’s shoulder before leaving the room again. Dean stares off into space for a moment before finishing up and heading out for Dinner.
“So,” Dean trailed off. “Supernatural particles? Really?” One teen, a young man of about 15, smirked with a chuckle. “We couldn’t come up with a better name. Basically, it’s the side effects of touching the magical weapons and casting certain spells. Some ingredients too if not handled proper.” he explained thoroughly scrubbing his hands. “She’s got a charm to make sure nothing really leaves the room, but I guess anything left on skin can make it through.” Dean paused thoughtfully before scrubbing his own hands and joining the rest of the family for dinner.
Homemade fried chicken, peas, mashed potatoes, pork chops, corn, green beans, rice, and bread stuffing were served that night. The dining hall was alive with chatter and Olivia watched happily as everyone ate.
8 pm rolled around much faster than most of the young kids may have liked, their evening play time never seeming to last long enough, and the call for bedtime routines to start rang out. Disappointed groans and a few pleading whines gave way to compliance as each young child marched off to their rooms, then most of the teens followed after helping clean up. Any remaining teens geared up for their shifts to patrol the property to make sure the sigils were in tact and no monsters or demons were posted up. Any child who were going on night hunter training left the house with their chaperone at 9:30 leaving the house nearly silent once again as the handful of adults finished locking up for the night.
Sam and Olivia sat at one of the tables and chatted as Dean struck out with Lanai while she finished closing the main desk. Making her way in chuckling dismissively, Dean trailing behind making one last attempt at flirting, she takes a seat next to Olivia. “Not going home?” She asked.
“No, not right away,” Lanai answered with a sigh. “Been a while since I’ve hung out with you. Kinda miss it.”
“Aww, I feel special,” Olivia cooed.
Lanai rolled her eyes playfully pushing her with a laugh. Shortly afterward one of the kids make their way down the stairs again rubbing their eye. “Jacob?” Olivia asks turning to face the boy. “What are you doing up?”
“Hmm, can’t sleep,” he said tiredly. “Can I sit with you guys?”
Olivia looks suspiciously at him for a moment before beckoning him over. “Sure, sit right here,” she pats the seat next to her. He shuffled over and plops down into the seat and rests his elbows on the table. “Hey,” he said nodding to the Winchesters. “Sup,” Dean responded with a nod back. “Mom, could you make me some ramen?” He asked turning to Olivia.
“You just ate not even two hours ago,” she retorts.
“Yeah, but you make really good ramen and it might help me sleep.” Olivia eyes him suspiciously again before giving in without much fuss. “Alright, alright. I should have enough fixings for a small portion,” she said standing. “I think I have some chicken stock, that ok?” She asked making her way to the kitchen.
“Yeah, that’s good,” Jacob said watching her leave. “Could you put those spiral thingies in it too?”
“Surimi?” Olivia asked accidentally banging a pan. “I don’t think I have any left. I’ve been meaning to get some herbs and things, I’ll put that on the list just in case.” She poked around the fridge looking for ingredients.
“It’s fine if we don’t have them, chives and veggies are ok too.” As Olivia begins to cook and hum, Jacob turns his attention to Sam and Dean. His face becomes serious and his eyes loosing any semblance of tired haze. “So what are you doing here really?” he asks narrowing his gaze.
Taken aback, they both stutter glancing at each other and then back to the boy. “Jacob!” Lanai scolds trying to keep her voice down. “What? You really think they showed up here by chance?”
“That is not—“ she started scolding again.
“Look, we didn’t intend to find this place,” Sam cut in attempting to diffuse the situation. “But she did invite us over a while ago.”
“We were never able to get a chance to go looking for it,” Dean added. “We always had a case or something more urgent come up. Honestly, we didn’t even realize this was the town she mentioned until we heard her.”
Jacob held his intense gaze before relenting. “Alright, you’re cool I guess.” he finally determined with a shrug. “But I’ll kick your ass if you try anything, alright?”
Dean chuckled. “Yeah, ok.” Sam and Lanai chucked too before Olivia reappeared with a piping hot bowl of homemade ramen a few minutes later. “I managed to find a few of your surimi,” she said with a smile. “I’ll be sure to pick up more ingredients to make them next time we go into town.” She placed it in front of the boy along with a pair of chopsticks. “There’s also mushrooms, carrots, parsley, chives, cabbage, some spices and the last of the rice noodles.”
Jacob smiles wide. “Thanks, looks great.” Olivia pats his head and returns to her seat. “So mom,” Jacob said slurping up a few noodles. “I’ve been thinking, you never really talk about what you did ‘before’.”
Olivia cocked an eyebrow. “Well, before includes an awful lot. It would take quite a long time to get through it all. Now, what prompted that?”
He shrugged. “Just curiosity I guess. No time like the present to start,” he replied nonchalantly gulping down a mouthful of soup. Olivia stared at him thoughtfully, pursing her lips to one side. Lanai started scolding him again before she stopped her. “Alright, you have a point,” she said finally. Jacob stopped his slurping to stare at her, Lanai mirroring his look, and even Sam and Dean raised eyebrows at this. “Wait, really?” Jacob asked wiping his mouth.
“Sure, why not. Might get you to sleep even,” she smirked. He smiled back shimmying in his seat to get comfortable to listen.
“So, wait,” Sam began. “What exactly does that mean?”
“Means what it means,” Olivia replied.
“So before means....?” Dean pressed.
“Everything, from as far back as I remember. Barring the really boring uneventful things.”
“So then, that includes....” Lanai alluded with a hint of excitement.
“Yes, Heaven and all,” Olivia confirmed. The trio of adults smile with intrigue completely ready to stay up all night. “I guess I’ll call it, ‘The Long Bedtime Story’. Now, I suppose I should start from the very beginning...”
I apologize for any typos I may have missed. Also any word salad, I tend to get carried away with descriptions. Hope y’all enjoy!! 🥔
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