#in which Ian makes it to Mexico 100 days after leaving Mickey there
takeyourpillsbitchh · 2 years
Wishing a happiest anniversary to the lovelies Vey and Evie and a special amount of I love you’s for giving us the beautiful gift that is @galladrabbles 💜 Here is my submission for the special anniversary prompt, 100🥰
3 months.
14 weeks.
100 days.
2,352 hours and 55…56…57 minutes.
In hindsight it’s really not that long. But he never thought he’d get here.
His feet buried in soft white sand.
The sun shining down on clear blue water making it sparkle like a midnight sky.
Soft squaks of seagulls, gentle waves lapping at the shore and a cool breeze against his heated, freckled skin.
“What I tell you, man?”
Tattooed fingers hand him another shot of tequila. Blue eyes shining at him like the sun on the sea.
“Fuckin’ beautiful.”
And it’s like 100 days never even passed.
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