palefairyheart · 7 years
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palefairyheart · 7 years
Help me, for I am stuck
Darkness, lying unconscious in the confining catacombs. The cold act burns within my soul. His insduous face burnt forever into my mind. Never again will I hear the playful laughter of children because the pessimistic attitude you displayed. Help for I am stuck. I cannot escape I cannot run. I Cannot scream. I cannot plea. I cannot flee. Help me for I am stuck. You and your hostile act . Help me for I am stuck Stuck in the catacombs. Stuck forever .
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palefairyheart · 7 years
I want to know what makes you tick What keeps you up at night What leaves you breathless during a dream I want to know what makes you nervous, what brings a smile to your face, what ignites your flame I want to know the good things, the bad things, the disturbingly dark secret things, I fell in love with your soul, I want to fall in love with you too. I want to listen to your angry rants your sad sighs and your happy scoffs. I want to know deep down what you are built of I want to see what holds you together what has broken in you what has fixed. I want to love you for the good, the bad, and the insane.
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palefairyheart · 7 years
/Eros was the Greek god of love, son of Aphrodite and either Ares or Hermes. In some myths, he was considered a primordial god, a child of Chaos, who blessed the union of Gaia and Uranus after which the universe reek mythology. She was the wife of the god Eros./ I see myself as Psyche. I am basic and I have nothing special until you are around. As I said, I believe my soul can mend others. I have a powerful soul that calms the air. I become powerful with you around. You are magic. It appears to be an illusion but I know you are real. Your very existence makes me question reality. You are Eros and I am your mortal.
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palefairyheart · 8 years
Where is the love? It sucks when you are disabled.  I’m working towards bettering myself. One day I would like to have a job. I am planning to go to college. Please remember I am still sick.  It takes time to get better. Please don’t say harsh things to me. I am still valid and I still deserve the chance in life. I want to get better first.
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palefairyheart · 8 years
Date the girl whose hair is a mess and steals your t-shirts and kisses you in front of boys who look at her admiringly. Date the girl who wants to dance in the rain with you and make tea for you and make you laugh so hard you snort tea out your nose. Date the girl who cares so much that she can tell something is wrong just by looking at you. Date the girl who will wrap her arms around you for no reason and pay attention when you talk about the things you love, even if she doesn’t love them herself. Date the girl who looks like a lazy sunday afternoon instead of a saturday night. Yeah. Just date that girl.
Unknown (via what-strange-lives-we-live)
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palefairyheart · 8 years
USELESS Thats what I would feel
I’M ANNOYING That’s what I was taught
SHUT UP Thats what I was told
YOU’RE FAKING Thats what they would say
ALONE That’s how I would feel.
UNWANTED A feeling all too real
RAZORS They took the pain away
DRUGS They made it all okay
FOOD It comforted me in times of need
WEIGHT GAIN It wouldn’t stop
LOVE The internet made it easy
LOOSING CONTROL Hooking up with strangers every night to feel alive.
HELP ME 8 hospital stays
KILL ME That’s where I am today
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palefairyheart · 8 years
Home isn't home
Probably the worst thing you could choose from is having a roof over your head or having a fridge full of food that is healthy. He chose a roof over our head and now all I can worry about is a fight with hypoglycemia. Hypothermia or hypoglycemia? Great options, right? I wish poverty wasn’t real..:
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palefairyheart · 8 years
“Every light in the house is on!” “You don’t need this light on!”  “You can pay the electric bill” “Why do you need all of these lights on?” Why?  Why do I need these lights? The light can make a difference in my day. It determines whether my life is bright or burnt out that day. I like to be in the light. The light brightens up the darkness that I radiate. The lights are important because they help me to brighten myself. I feel safer in the light, Alive, Calm, Happy, but most of all, I feel bright.
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palefairyheart · 8 years
America.  Living in America is one of the most unfortunate things that can happen to you; the only thing worse than living here is living in a third-world country. 
America, the country where if you do not have a college education, you mean nothing to society. The country where if you aren’t at LEAST 1,000 USD in debt from college loans, you are failing at life. This country is built off of greed glued together with globs of hatred.  America, the country where even if you are a hard working individual, you still have no chance of crawling above the poverty line. The country where people who are disabled are considered lazy even though they have x-rays to prove that their bones are shattered. The country where it’s easier to get a prescription of Perks and sell them to take care of your family than to get help from the government, and when they find out that you are doing such, you face life in prison for just trying to take care of your loved ones. The country that you WILL face jail time if you steal a loaf of bread because you’re hungry. The country where it’s still acceptable to talk down on someone because they can not afford the luxuries in life. The country where racism still happens, The country where the “illegals are taking our food stamps” When they aren’t even eligible for the program Welcome to America.
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