#in which i wasn't very succesfull
wardengrill · 4 months
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♪♪ It's nine o'clock on a Saturday The regular crowd shuffles in There's an old man sitting next to me Makin' love to his tonic and gin
He says, "Son, can you play me a memory I'm not really sure how it goes But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete♪♪
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petew21-blog · 3 months
Just a party, part 3
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"Number 14 and 16"
"Guess it's you and me again." Ben took my hand and we went to the room we were assigned"
We left Ezra and Jason back there. Poor Jason, he was really fed up with Ezra. Hope he'll survive the night in that pip squeak body.
We opened the door of the room. I went on the bed. Ben right down next to me
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It was awfully quiet. We wanted to have a party, we were overworked, stressed and probably needed a drink to loosen up a bit. We knew immediately that we both felt the same way. And we headed to the bar of the building.
The emplyees were serving us, asking about our needs and desires. Creepy but somehow nice. I bet the studio must have pay a massive ammount to get us to this event. But they all say that this one even is worth working for Hollywood. It fullfills you.
"You know, we didn't have much time to explore our bodies by ourselves before. With the Comic Con and so on, giving out all the autographs. I'm pretty sure that all the fans that will try to sell stuff with 'your' signature are gonna be pretty sad. I tried to perfect your signature Henry, but it still looks like someone else did it."
"Even better then. Those who really appreciate it get to keep it anyway and the ones trying to sell won't be as succesfull'
"Henry? You know I'm now the one wearing SUPERMAN's body? You don't have to act like him all the time."
"I don't honestly. I am just being polite most of the time. A decent human being."
"How about you show me how my BATMAN body looks like? You know what? Let's call each other by the name of our bodies, ok? To make the experience worth it. I wanna know what it feels like to be you"
"Ok then HENRY, now I wanna show you now what it truly feels like to FEEL that SUPERMAN body"
Henry in Ben's body lowered down to give Ben a head. He unzipped his pants and took out the beautiful hard cock he was already familiar with:"I think it looks even better from this angle" And the he took it in his mouth
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It might have been the fact that I knew my cock so well. The way it responded to my tongue circling around the top, sucking his balls made me sure I was making Ben feel good. But I can't let him cum yet.
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Suddenly my phone rang. I just looked up at him. He only winked at me and picked up.
"Hey, this is... HENRY Cavill. Sure, I got time. New TV series? The Witcher? I am not sure about that"
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I looked at him aggresively. Playing Witcher is my dream, he can't deny them.
"Jeez. Ok, I really want it. When do we start? Ok, thanks. No, I can't talk that long, there is something I need to take care of. Bye."
My blow job was coming to an end. Then I stopped. Can't let him finish that easily.
"Please, go on!"
"Can't do that HENRY! You got an ass to breed. And I wanna have fun too"
I took his hand and dragged him to the entrance hall.
"The room is too far, let's go to one of the closests, I wanna fuck you there."
We took the first door on the right. Passionately making out on the way. Ben pushed me against one of the lockers. Wait, that wasn't a closet. We must have entered the lockers of the employees. We kept on going.
Suddenly we noticed voices from a room around the corner. We stopped and I showed Ben a finger on my lips to shush him. We went closer to get to hear them
"All right. As I have said before, we are now on the full capacity of our guests. They are very busy right now. Each and every one of you has an envelope with a name of the actor or other famous person they get to swap with today. For those of you who haven't read it, the reason of the swap is the Writers and actors strike. You will get a brand new life of a popular person, their money in exchange for absolute loyalty and diacretion about the swap. I am deeply sorry to everyone who wanted to go back to their bodies sometimes in the future, but we have to get rid of them. The actors in your bodies can't let anyone know about this. Is anyone against this?" nobody responded which led us to believe that they agreed"
"Ok. We now have 48 minutes until the door of the rooms get locked completely, sealing our guests inside making it easier for us. We will be going over some details with each and everyone of you. Starting with Miguel who will be receiving Henry Cavil's body..."
I looked in shock at Ben in my body. He was also horrified about what we just heard.
"We have to warn everyone!" Ben said to me
Suddenly a manly voice above us said very calmly:"Haha. But we won't let you, gentlemen" the man above us was Chris Hemsworth, holding a taser. Something was telling me, that Chris wasn't the one controlling his body anymore, or the one of his friends who swapped with him
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To be continued...
Story request from inbox by Anonymous: That Hugh and Ryan story was Great! Maybe you can do a swap involving Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill?
And also continuation for part 2.
Inbox request: Your stories are soo good, love the Chris E. and RDJ swap. Maybe a second part involving some actors from dc, like Ezra Miller and Jason Momoa swapping to try new roles & running into Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck in the rooms?
Part 2:
Part 4:
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
you’re amazing
could you do some more Paul Aron? love ya
summary: angelina exposes y/n and paul, leading to a very succesfull hang out.
pairing: paul aron x driver! reader
word count: 671
warnings: make outs/??
lowercase intended!
playing truth or dare with the boys was absolutely hilarious. a bunch of funny things had happened already when ollie asked her the next truth “if you had to kiss anyone in the team, who would you kiss and why?” he looked at her with raised eyebrows as he already knew the answer “paul, because have you seen paul?” she laughed, her cheeks going slightly red as she had just exposed herself to the whole internet “i mean, facts” ollie said, trying to diffuse the tension.
what y/n didn’t know is that later that day, paul would be asked the same question. “y/n, 100%” he answered immediately, making robert laugh loudly “you have to say why!” robert exclaimed “easy, I'm straight and she's hot” the estonian winked at the camera, as if he hadn't just admitted his crush on his teammate.
“she actually said you as well” angelina said behind the cameras “actually?” paul asked with raised eyebrows, smirking when the woman nodded “well, i guess we know what i doing after filming” robert choked on the water he was drinking as he started laughing.
later that day, paul went up to y/n as she walked next to ollie, grabbing her arm to turn her his way. “oh, hi” she smiled at him, sneaking a wide eyed glance towards ollie who laughed faintly at how obvious she was “hi, so, i was wondering if you want to hang out later? maybe at mine?” y/n could have sworn that her heart stopped “yeah, for sure…umh what time?” paul smiled, somehow relieved she said yes “is four good? i'll send you the address” “i'll be there” he gave her a smile before walking away, trying to hide his red face. she turned back to ollie -who had been there the entire time- before letting out a low squeal of happiness.
y/n stood in front of paul's door, taking a deep breath before knocking. the door opened immediately, as if he was standing in front of it waiting for her knock. “hey” he couldn't contain the smile that formed in his lips, not that he even tried to. “hey” she answered, shy smile on her lips.
approximately an hour later, they both sat on paul’s bed playing mario kart in silence. not an awkward silence, y/n was just insanely concentrated on winning the game -which wasn't necessarily hard as paul was too busy looking at her.
“y/n?” the boy asked, putting his control down and moving his body to face her “hm?” the girl hummed in response, not tearing her eyes away from the screen. “angelina told me what you said” he looked at her, slightly amused by how focused she was on winning “and what was that?” she was about to win, she couldn't stop now. “that you want to kiss me”
she stopped. “she told you?” he nodded “oh that traitor” she muttered to herself “sorry, i thought i had more time before the video came out” she didn't exactly know what she was apologising for “that's alright, i'm glad she told me” he had a small smile on his lips “really? and why is that?” the girl raised her eyebrow. “because i said you too” the amount of confidence he had was immense, and it bothered her. so she faked confidence too “is that why you invited me then?” her confident voice made him weak, but he wasn't going to give in. “maybe..” fuck. his voice made her go even closer to him “so what are you waiting for?” she whispered against his lips.
he didn't wait any second. he closed the gap in between them with a long awaited kiss. his hands went to the sides of her face, bringing her closer as they kissed. it wasn't soft and tender, it was sloppy and desperate. the amount of waiting they had both done was way past softness. they stayed like that for a while, kissing, playing mario kart, and then kissing some more.
authors note:
i wrote this a while ago and i thought why not post it.
its kinda shit
im really sorry for being so absent, im going to try to upload at least once a week now<3
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moonisneveralone · 2 years
I jist watched The White Lotus and here are my thots.
Spoilers obviously and Hot takes maybe. probably gonna change my mind about some of this.
So I started with Season one Yesterday and then got to season two today. OH MY LORD.
I really like it.
Overall I love analysis Relationships especially romantic ones in movies and shows so this gave me a lot to work with.
Rachel and Shane. Honey that shit was sick. Like every intrraction they had was so filled with assumptions. Like they had such different upbrigings but were so sure it was just gonna work out how each of them inagined it. I don't think I have to explain much why Shane is a dick. Pampered and Spoiled mommys boy who looks down on people with less money.
It also sucked that he very much looked down on Rachels work. However from what we can see it wasn't like Rachel was always doing her best work (which is hard when you're constantly fighting poverty) but still. Rachel also married someone who she completely disagrees with. Fundamentaly and on top of that she's deeply insecure about her position in his life. If your answer to "Why did you get married(that fast)" is to say "He's very convincing" and it's not even with a tinge of humour then that shit don't sound right to me. She married a rich asshole, but she did marry him.
Then the Mossbachers? Girl bye. There's a Theme going on there for sure. First of all the succesfull mother and the trophy husband mirrored in the Sister and Brother Dynamic.
I think it meant something here that the thing that brought then close again was a damsel in distress and knight in shining scuba Outfit Situation. I think they needed the hirachy inverrted to let go of their pride. Like all the therapy and expensive gifts didn't do it for them. It took a percieved life or death situation.
And how can I forget Kai and Paula. In my opinion everything about Paula was super performative. She didn't really care for the indigenous Hawaiians or Kai. I think somewhere she was also using Kai to get back at Olivia. She really made up that poetic Justice shit and used Kai's feelings of inadequacy to execute it. And I know she's fucked up enough to do that cause she was willingly hanging out with Olivia even though she thinks she's shitty. She also let Kai take the fall and did nothing to help with the situation, then had the audacity to show up the next day with a book about colonialism. The biggest eyeroll on that. Also she might have made the case harder to win if Kai's brothers ever did try to sue. Kai is a dumbass for even listening to her and entertaining these Ideas that someone else cooked up for him without veryfying if it's possible. Like at least have a phone on you in case something goes wrong. I'm all about Robin Hooding but not from amateurs.
My opinion is this harsh because Kai dissapeared after he ran away and it's because he was discarded narratively yes, but also explicitly by Paula.
Belinda you absolute sweetheart you deserved better, but we knew you weren't gonna get it.
Tanya....she should have helped Belinda instead of starting a thing with a guy she met days ago, because then maybe she could have survived. Listen Greg was suspicious as hell from Minute one and he was only down to fuck. Now you wanna move to where he's staying and get married. She deserved the Macarons rant....not the gay murderplot though.
Season Two my beloved.
I agree season two is less of a murder mystery but it lays out opportunities for crime better. What I mean is in season one there were a lot less possible victims while watching. This season though, there were a couple of storylines that could have ended in murder. That was fun.
I'm not sure I like the we find out who died in the finale type structure though.
It was heavily foreshadowed. Especially in the Opera. Goodness.
Portia.... Miss Maam maybe just maybe deal with your depression? Lockdown knocked all of us out, but just deal with that shit and when your boss makes you stay in your room for the whole vacation then maybe quit your job. She was an interesting succesor to thr people Tanya exploits though. Yes Tanya appears helpless and sad, but she's very selfish and cruel. I'm not suprised her Assistants stole her meds on the way out.
Fuck the Di Grasso guys. They're all the same shitty men just from different times. The fact that Bert couldn't see how he made his wife bitter maybe even to the point it killed her? And Dominic inviting a Sex Worker to stay with him in the room between his father and his son while trying to mend his relationship with his wife who is angry at him for cheating? Gooddamn. Then Albie? Fuck you. His need to prove himself better than his father and grandfather, but still wanting to be the night in shining amour to feel some type of masculine. So much so that he lied to his own mother about his fathers behaviour. Yikes.
Lucia....no notes. Why? This man hat 50.000 lying around he batted an eye, but not because it would hurt him, take his money. Fuck him and his son. Whatever.
I wanna stop writing for now....so i'll talk about the others another time.
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The sun had nurtured nature back into life over the past month. It was warm, even the breeze of wind no longer made shivers run down your spine. Today was good, albeit not only the weather. The paint had began drying on canvas some time ago; in the right company watching it dry was one of the few wonders of the world. Alec breathed deep, exhaling long. It had been a while since he had gotten a birthday this good. Well, what was a birthday to him was just a late Sunday afternoon for his mother - he neverminded. She had also had a very succesfull day in the way she was allowed to leave the grounds of the nursing home (although always accompanied by a nurse) and attend a Sunday service with her son. Their local church didn't ring the bells in her mind but she had loved it nonetheless; faith had been the one thing that had never been swallowed by the fog overtaking her mind. Only growing stronger after the news of cancer.
After a beautiful ceremony she'd felt good enough to agree to afternoon painting - arranged by Alec thinking it would do her mind and soul some good, while also providing a nice activity for what was supposed to be his birthday. The bench on which they sat on was surrounded by puddles of forget-me-nots, the scent of approaching summer lingering on the trees arching over the forgotten family of two. Not much had been said between the two but words weren't necessary. The young man was more than comfortable in the meer presence of his mother who'd taught him many years ago to find sound in silence - that way it would never be overbearing. The days in which she found her forgotten son comfortable, not quite a stranger but not who he really was either, were days that had become fewer and fewer over the last half a year. Hence why he now never took for granted the moments in which, maybe even just for a passing second, she thought she might know him. She laid down her paint brush, glancing over at the figure of Alec seated next to her. Their canvases were slightly tilted away from one another to provide the privacy needed for their creations.
"I think I used to love painting," she stated after a moment. Her tone seemed content. Alec hummed in return, giving an encouraging nod. She had bought him his first paints when he was five-years-old, he still had collections of her artwork from over the years.
"What did you paint?" the question was gentle, although he still seemed to forget how to approach his mother as he would a stranger. The needed carefulness wasn't always there. Still, he smiled and it often helped to assist her in dropping her defences.
"Ah- just something that came to mind," she chuckled at her choice of words, shrugging, "if I ever used to be good, I'm certainly rusty now." She was magnificent. After motioning for him to look over, Alec scooted closer from the other end of the bench. Observing the carefully laid out acrylics on canvas (they used to be her favourite medium), it didn't take him longer than a moment to recognize what she had painted. More so where she had painted. Quickly blinking away the involuntary tears that had began pooling in the depths of his aquamarine eyes, Alec came to terms with the fact his mother had painted their home. There was no mistake about the stone path leading up to the front door, the garden that was in full bloom- the house she had not seen in what felt like an eternity at this point. A house she no longer remembered.
"As I said, I feel a bit rusty," she continued, breaking the silence that had fallen over the moment.
Alec was quick to recover, shaking his head and hurrying out a bewildered chuckle. "I was just taken aback by how truly wonderful your work is- this is.. wow." He swallowed, overtaken by what almost felt like nervousness. "And you came up with this scenery just now?"
"Yes, although.." she paused, observing her creation as if she was just seeing it for the very first time as well, "it feels homey."
"Yeah." She sounded certain. "What did you paint?"
Having almost forgotten he'd created something as well, the young man stammered over his words in an attempt to come with an excuse not to show. He rubbed the back of his awkwardly, a hearty laugh bubbling to the surface.
"It's alright, I reckon I wouldn't have felt comfortable sharing my work at your age either."
The silence that fell upon the two felt heavier, albeit still warm. Had he just dared, he would've shown his painting of the same exact house she had painted - but in fear of frightening her on such a lovely day, Alec decided it was best to stay silent.
"How old were you again?"
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dlrbrsblog · 3 years
First of all, I hope you are all well. Actually, I wasn't planning to write this kind of thing about this subject, but what I saw on social media forced me to write this. There is a great misunderstanding and injustice in this case. Of course, I think both sides are wrong. I believe that we should be objective and interpret it that way, but everyone acts subjectively and takes sides. If what I wrote here or my previous words made you think I was just supporting Lewis, that's not true. Yes, I love him so much, I'm proud of him, and I take him as a role model, but that doesn't mean I won't tell him when he's wrong. What bothers me is the rhetoric after the race. These words, which go on to racism, aren't pleasant at all. When Lewis was happy, they said it was unsportsmanlike. But if Lewis had crashed, Max would have been delighted, wouldn't he? And when Max said when Romain Grosjean crashed, "It's a race and accidents like this happen", why didn't anyone talk about it? Plus, right after the crash, Lewis said, "Is Max okay?" he asked and expressed this on his social media accounts. Moreover, Lewis was punished and what he did, didn't go unpunished. Yes, he still won because he is a good driver and had a good race. He deserved to win. Do you find it right to judge him as a "serial killer" and act as if he made this accident on purpose? Don't you think this is an exaggeration? As I said before, both of them may have thought at that moment, "he will give me the space." Please be objective and don't say hurtful things. It doesn't matter who you stand for, Lewis or Max. This is a sport, not a war. Everyone is now divided into three categories.
- Supporters of Max,
- Supporters of Lewis and
- Those who choose to be objective.
All this just doesn't feel right to me. Sport exists for peace, not to distance people from each other.
And dear Sir Champion Lewis Hamilton, it was a very successful race and you got what you deserved. Some roads are stony and difficult, but there is no road that cannot be overcome with a little perseverance, effort and love. I want you to know that I'm by your side in everything good or bad. They are always stereotyped succesfull people. Don't mind these. I love you champ!
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