#celebrity body swap
petew21-blog · 3 days
Race you there
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Max Verstappen. My enemy, nemesis you could say. Why? Cause he now beat me many times, taking trophies, getting the media attention, getting sponsorships I used to have. I still do have many to be honest, I'm Lewis Hamilton, so they still want me. But I'll be 40 next year, my career is coming to an end and thanks to Max, I think about it more and more often.
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He has it all now. Beautiful girlfriend, great team, nice life, all the wins and shit loads of money. And he's 26 now se he still has many years ahead of him. Still more races to win, money to spend, people to fuck... I can't say that I hate my life. No, my life is great. But I just feel like my life on the race is not fullfilled yet.
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I would give anything to be young again like Max and just enjoy the rush.
"Anything?" a voice echoed in my head.
"Who is this? What's happening?"
"No need to worry about that. Your stupid little human brain wouldn't even comprehend it if I would tell you. So, you wanna be young again? Young like MAX?"
"Yeah, the same age. If you are some sort of trickster then do not make me a Child or something. I specifically want to be young like Max to race and have my career ahead of me. I want to be able to win all the trophies again"
"And so you shall. All I need is to get something from you. What do you offer?"
"Are you like the devil or something? I don't want to offer my soul to you"
"Quite the opposite. But no one works for free. I am asking you, to give me permission to use your old body whenever I want."
"What would happen to my old body when you won't be inside of it?"
"Don't worry about that. All you need to worry about now is, what race you wanna win next and what sponsors to choose. We have a deal?"
"Deal" I said and then everything. And I really mean EVERYTHING shifted.
I found myself naked and in a shower. I looked down to find out my skin tone now was much lighter then before. Fuck, what did that entity do. Am I really a new person now? Did the reality shift completely?
Someone opened the door.
"Max, you gonna be long? I need to take a shower too before we head out for the interview and then the race."
MAX?!? I looked out of the shower and immediately recognised one teammate of Max's. I kept on staring at him in shock.
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"Dude, you're wearing your cap in the shower again? You're nuts. Tell me again why are you doing it?"
The question was for me now. I need to respond quickly:"Eeeh. Luck?"
"Yeah, right. Like you need luck. Winning everything, haha. Ok, hurry up. I need the shower too."
He left the room. I looked back at my new body. It wasn't as buff as my previous one, but it was lean, slightly ripped and had a pretty nice dick (not as big as mine) that was getting harder every second. "You gotta wait little one. Got a race to win, so I gotta concentrate now."
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After many races in my old body. I was now holding the trophy again. Finally happy. And I am pretty sure, this isn't the last one.
In the distance as I was celebrating I saw my old body, observing me mischieviously. It's the entity now. I wonder if Max is in that body too. But then my body winked and grabbed my old crotch to make me laugh.
Whoever is in that body, I am thankful for this one and I hope they will have a great time there
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Story request from inbox: Lewis Hamilton is jealous of Max Verstappen's victories and swaps bodies with him. Please keep me anonymous.
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headswapstar · 7 months
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Amy's head on Mikayla Demaiter's body. Female version of Leonard's head on Penny's body with breast expansion. Female version of Sheldon's head on Megan fox's body
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celebtf · 24 days
Archie Andrews and FP Jones swap and become each other
My son's best friend
The night was cold and windy, the storm had moved over-seas and settled down in the small down Riverdale. The tree's gaught the wind and went back and fort, hitting the windows. The rain smacked on the roof very loud.
FP Jones sat alone in his couch this stormy night and watched some TV, some half shitty show that he really didn't pay attention to, he was just very bored since his son Jughead had left for the night to hang out with his best friend Archie. Jughead didn't really tell FP what they used to do, but Ofcourse FP was curious.
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Tonight would just be one of those nights were FP stayed up, waiting on his son coming home, eat a late dinner and then go to sleep so he could rest for work tomorrow.
* Knock Knock * somebody knocked on the door to the trailer three times * Knock Knock Knock * again, Fine said FP to himself and turned the TV off and went over to the door.
On the other side of the door was a smal cup with a note. FP picked the note up first not wanting to touch the cup, you never know it could be something conected to a crime, then FP don't want to be a suspect or getting in jail for something.
" I gave you this cup because I heard what you said, take a piece of someone's belonging and drop it in the cup "
FP was not buying it, why would anybody wanting to help him? Was this some kind of joke? He put the note in his pocket and went back to his TV-show, he probably missed the good parts now.
" Hey dad, we are home, Archie followed me home from Pop's. I know, I'm late "
FP looked over at his Son and his best friend, he couldn't punished him for being late, he remember how he was back in the days.
" It's alright son, I'm happy you're home" FP smiled at his son and his best friend and started thinking back when he was younger and about his friends, how he wished he could go back in time and re-do everything again.
" Archie grabb the helmet and jacket, I will drive you home on my bike, it's late and it seems like it's about to start raining"
Archie grabbed the helmet, said goodbye to Jughead and sat behind FP on his bike, grabbing around FP's waist to hold on.
FP got home and it was dark in the house, he took a quick look it to Jugheads room, he was sleeping. FP walked back out to the living room/ Kitchen and put the two helmets down, that's when FP remembered the cup he had placed on the Kitchencounter. He looked and and decided to give it a try, what did he have to lose, probably nothing since it wouldn't work.
FP took the second helmet, he picked up a ginger color hair and drop the hair in to the cup, a small orange smoke came out, FP just did it, he drank the mix and first everything was normal, then he felt his beard fade away, and his stomach started to form a strong six pack, and his pecs and biceps started to muscle up. FP could feel his skin change, like the time went back, his dark circles disappered and he lost the cap and his hair grew out longer and ginger.
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" Damn Jughead will love this new body of mine"
Hiii I'm back, I had my work and then my Appendix broke so I had to get rushed to the ER and have surgery. And I have been working on something for the bigger fans that and can... 🤫
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bigboysfalldeep · 7 months
the nick jonas experience - posession
I always had one rule: never target a celebrity.
It's just way too risky; there is simply no way to just vanish and start a new life inside a new body. Still, one young man always tickled my fancy: Nick Jonas.
I contemplated for months: was taking over his beautiful body worth the risk? My decision was taken from me when he announced a concert very close to me, a couple of hours by car, and instantly my mind was set on my newest target. I bought a ticket and spent the coming months obsessing over him more and more. I loved the way he kept teasing his fans by acting all cocky, geared up in leather, and showing off his well-formed body.
During the two-hour drive, I kept going through the coming operation. I would wait, enjoy his music, and once he's done, exhausted, happy—whatever he would be, I'd strike.
When he entered the stage, I couldn't believe my eyes. Nick was wearing a tight green leather tracksuit, showing off his thick bulge for everyone to see, and I couldn't turn back now, not after my dick grew so hard inside my jeans.
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Once the concert slowly came to an end, I made my way toward my car, just to leave my old vessel behind—it wasn't a bad body, but nothing compared to the heart throb that is Nick Jonas.
After years of doing this, it was the easiest thing to do. I focused all of my being on leaving the fleshy husk behind. I can't simply take over anyone's body. Part of their soul, their consciousness, stays behind—locked away, chained, simply unable to move, think, or fight back. The guy might be able to take his body back, but why would I care?
As an astral being, I was able to ascend into the sky, watching all those thousands of people leave the stadium. Nick should be in his private quarters right now, and with a little luck, I might be able to strike.
Nobody could see me; some could feel my presence, however, when a cold shower ran down their backs, their arms, or their legs. There were so many potential new hosts, but I wasn't letting anything sway my mind when I had come thus far.
I made my way through the hallways, thin corridors, and wide open spaces when I finally picked up a trace. I spotted a few security guys and decided to follow them, and sure enough, they brought me right toward Nick's door.
I licked my nonexistent lips in anticipation, reading his name printed on the door: Nick Jonas.
However, walls, doors, and concrete didn't mean anything to me right then. I entered the room, and there he was: Nick, in person.
He was sitting in a chair talking to a few people, chatting happily about the successful concert. The closer I got, the more I had to control my urge to jump him, force myself into his fleshy self, and take him right in front of all of these people. 'Patience,' I thought, but I couldn't help myself and approached him nonetheless.
"Just give me a few more minutes, alright?" Nick said in a husky voice—probably due to him performing for hours now. His team nodded, and one by one, they left while I was hovering in front of him, just inches away from his face. 
Nick was stunning: sweaty, thick, and, most importantly, handsome. I hesitated; this was the last chance to stop, to admire him now, but to leave him and find any other hot guy to take over.
But then he turned his face and let out a long, guttural sigh. My entire being was shacking, and if I had a body right there, I would have wet myself.
Nick grabbed his phone and started to text someone, but that didn't bother me. I swirled around his body—I learned that the back is the easiest way to enter someone else's body—and placed a hand on his shoulder.
His body shuddered once; even through his leather jacket, he must have felt the cold embrace of my presence. Bewildered, he quickly got up and turned around.
"Hello?" Nick said his voice was rough and husky. "Somebody here?" 
I just grinned and placed my hand on his neck. Making contact with a warm human body always shocked the target; it wasn't natural to be touched like that. 
Nick opened his mouth to say something, but he froze. His body grew hard and stiff; all of him was tensing more and more. Gently, I drew a line from his neck down to the small of his back, following his spine, and even though I wasn't touching his bare skin, he opened his mouth and let out a low growl. It's to prepare his body for my entrance; think of it like unzipping a costume—a fleshy meat suit.
The muscles on his back relaxed barely, while the rest of him got even harder. I enjoyed this moment any time I took over a new body. The simple blissful joy and anticipation of entering a new host always made my entire being vibrate.
Using both of my hands, I reached out, touched him, felt him, and watched the tips of my fingers vanish inside his back. Right then, his body reacted by bending his back as waves of pain and pleasure flooded his being.
"Fuuuck." Nick moaned breathlessly as my hands and arms sank into him. It felt so good, causing my form to pulsate vibrantly. I used all of my strength to stay invisible, but the pleasure running through me made it so hard, yet I couldn't let him see me, not now.
Nick managed to turn himself around, probably aware of something happening. He stumbled toward a huge mirror on the wall, pushed the chair out of the way, and steadied himself against a small table.
I was clinging on to him, enjoying his attempt to figure out what was happening. He looked into the mirror and ran a hand across his neck, his face, and through his sweaty hair. This meant, however, that I was able to look at his reflection as well. His eyes looked a little foggy already, telling me that he was a very suitable pick.
Slowly, carefully, I pushed deeper inside of him—a sensational feeling—as all of me started humming. I hold back a deep moan, but he, on the other hand, is unable to do the same, and a fierce grunt escapes his lips.
Shaking his head, he tried to shake this feeling—me—off, but I wasn't letting him leave now. My arms were sliding into his sleeves, filling his entire chest with my blissful humming and vibrating self, causing him to let out more low grunts and groans.
"What is happening to me?" Nick's entire body went stiff, and all of him tensed harsher than ever before. My slim form wasn't filling his upper body fully, so I needed to enlarge myself a little bit, putting even more pressure on his body and, more importantly, on his mind. I needed him exhausted, so he wouldn't be able to fight back.
Just then, my fingertips reached his own, and I was able to get a hold of them. I was shaking when I first moved his fingers, his hands, and his arms—just an overwhelming feeling for the both of us. I could see the confusion spreading across his face when I started to stroke him, his neck, and his firm chest.
It felt so good—running my fingers across his skin, along his jawline, and further down to his chest. Feeling my fingertips brush over his leather jacket made me vibrate even firmer. At the same time, I tried to calm him down a little to soothe his mind.
Still shaking his head, he tried to regain composure and control, but I wasn't letting him do that, was I? The more I stroked him, the more his muscles bulged. His arms were so thick already, and once his biceps started to bulge even harder, his bulky form tested the limits of his clothes.
Still, I pushed even further and stepped inside him. Right then, he let out another breathless yet deep moan, and I was forced to steady ourselves against the table again. A gigantic smirk spreads across my lips when I feel his body vibrating and tingling due to my moving inside him.
Nick's breathing quickened rapidly; all of that pleasure and pressure were taking a toll on him already. But I knew he was able to withstand and overcome. 
I felt all of him reacting to me invading his body: his entire chest was hard as a rock, his arms bulged firmly, and so did his thighs and calves. Like putting on thick leather boots, I slid down his legs and right into his feet. In response, Nick leaned his head back, groaning audibly.
Now, I was able to get a firm stance, so I was able to move my hands freely, but part of him was clinging on to his form. Together, we moved our hands across his chest, and again and again, we kept stroking him.
With a firm thrust, I pushed my hips into him, like I was fucking him from behind. Nick winced once, and I felt his cock growing bigger now. He was so large and so hard that his member was visibly tenting inside his tight leather pants. I knew he felt it too, because right away, he grabbed himself firmly, rubbing the palm of his hand across his thick dick.
"Fuck, this feels good." He groaned under his breath as more waves of pleasure flooded his system. To make it even more enjoyable, I thrusted against his hand once, then twice—he shouldn't miss out on this sensational experience. 
Nick purred happily as we kept stroking his dick and chest at the same time, but I wasn't done yet. After I took a deep breath, I moved my head into the back of his, the first attempt to merge ourselves, or more precisely, to take over his body completely.
Instantly, he froze again as our minds began to intertwine. I felt all he felt: he's scared, confused, yet aroused and somewhat excited. Nick didn't know what was happening, and I liked it that way.
As his thoughts became my thoughts, his body reacted again: he started drooling heavily, his eyes lost focus, and they turned vacant, slowly yet steadily. A soft groan escaped his wet lips as his mind got overwhelmed.
In a last, futile attempt to regain power, he closed his eyes, fighting back. His head dropped down, his chin on his chest, as he tried to locate me to remove the parasite inside his head—a cute attempt, but an attempt in vain.
I felt my form spread even further through his body; all he felt was a heavy, tingling sensation—a warmth filling his entire being. Knowing this feeling all too well, I moaned, filling his mind with even more images of pure pleasure.
Nick was powerless, and to make him give in, I put even more pleasure and pressure on him. As I got full control over his arms, I began to stroke him again, just like he had before. Invading his mind revealed all of his most sensitive spots, so I played him like a fiddle. I stroked him hard through his leather clothes.
I knew he was into leather, seeing him wearing all sorts of leather jackets and pants, as he knew how good he looked in those. It was easy for me to take advantage of that, as the simple feeling of leather on his skin made all of him hard.
"Who are you?" He thought, feeling my presence finally. But I didn't kiss and tell; instead, I grabbed his dick again. Nick was already leaking, staining his boxers with his precious cum, much to my enjoyment.
Then I got control over his legs and took a firm stand. It wasn't unusual for hosts to cave in during a takeover, but I've gotten used to it by now.
We moaned in unison as I began to thrust again and again, right against the palm of our hand, while I used the other to stroke our chest. It felt so good to use his voice; I instantly leaked even harder, feeling the steaming liquid press against my skin.
Nick enjoyed this just as much as I do, but somehow he didn't want to give in to me.
"Pleasee." He begged, but I made a sly smirk spread across his lips instead. I rubbed our hand across our dick again and again, encouraging it to leak more and more.
We started to grind together, moaning together, when our heart accelerated rapidly. Our entire being bulged so hard because all of our muscles grew so much bigger, and all we could think of was to cum.
I kept edging him on, but I was in control, and he didn't release himself; instead, I let the pressure build up.
As I finally overlayed my mind with his, I felt him panicking. "Whatt?" We moaned—the most exciting feeling for me—but Nick was torn between pain and pleasure.
With one more heavy thrust, I simply overtook his mind. To feel my form encompass another, not join him but be him, was the most sensual feeling I knew. That was the first time I came as Nick Jonas, staining his underwear and leather pants with my hot cum. One load after another, I let go of my old self and became him at once.
We started to drool heavily as I chained him, gagged him, and locked him away. Our eyes were unfocused and partly rolled back into our skull. Swaying slightly, I took control over his now vacant body. 
His fingers, hands, arms, and shoudlers became mine, causing his muscles to nearly tear apart as they adjusted to me even more. I grew bigger as his skin now covered me perfectly.
I filled his chest, his stomach, and his thighs, and I grew larger as well, regaining my composure. Finally, his legs became mine, and I stopped swaying instantly.
I opened my eyes, looking at my beautiful reflection. Smirking, I took a step closer, one hand still at my wet crotch, the other noew tracing my firm jawline. 
"This felt so good." I used his handsome voice—my voice—for the first time, causing my dick to pulsate again, shooting another dry load. I ran a hand through my sweaty hair and licked my lips. It felt so good to finally be him; I couldn't stop smirking the whole time. 
I took a long and close look at my reflection. I had only seen Nick in videos or photos, but I never imagined seeing him for real, let alone being him one day. I couldn't stop my dick from twitching. I loved this so much.
"Fuuck." I moaned; hearing his beautiful voice echo through me made me grow harder again. I had been running dry for a while now, but it just felt too good. I gave in to my desire and encompassed all of my upper body.
I closed my eyes for a moment and felt the core of me hum again. I never felt so good.
Subconsciously, I kept on stroking my dick and my chest, enjoining the feeling of leather again. I looked so hot in this body, and I didn't care for the risks. 
"This body is perfect." I purred and opened my eyes, unable to resist the urge to touch myself again.
As I took a deep breath, I smelled me for the first time, and in response, I let out another long guttural moan—a mixture of sweat—and his cologne invaded my nostrils, a smell I would grow to love so much.
I didn't catch myself tracing the outlines of my cock again, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. If it were for me, I would have masturbated there at least a dozen more times. I felt my new body craving so much more, yet I had to play it cool.
No one can know.
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mrwavellswaps · 2 months
Who would you Swap, Hypno, TF?
Chris Evans, Tyler Hoechlin, and Hugh Jackman
Ooooh this is a close one honestly. But I think I’ve got my answer.
First all I would Swap with Hugh Jackman. He always just has such a raw air of masculinity that between those three I don’t think I could help myself. I like to imagine doing it via some sort of mind transfer device. Maybe trick him into wearing one somehow, if not just getting it on his head by force, and then putting a matching device on myself. Activate the transfer and presto! I’m Hugh Jackman now. His manly body all mine to do with whatever I please.
I know he’d probably try and figure out how to reactivate the device to switch us back so I’d be sure to destroy the one on my head as soon as the swap is complete. Can’t risk losing this body. After that I probably wouldn’t be able to help taunting Hugh, now I’m my old body. Probably groping at everything I stole from him and making sure he knows it belongs to me now. Forever!
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After that the decision honestly gets even tougher but I think in the end I would probably hypnotise Chris Evans. I’ve always thought Chris looked very hot whenever he grew out his beard so one of the first things I’d make sure of after hypnotising him would be that his facial hair becomes a more permanent fixture for the most part. At the very least I’ll make sure he doesn’t go clean shaven. Not to mention if I’m going to be Hugh Jackman from now on, I’m going to want another A-list celebrity at my side who I can create scandal with. Specifically using my control over Chris to get him to make public displays of affection towards me while we’re out together such as kissing me on the cheek while I wrap my hand around him. No doubt causing a stir as the media pick up on it.
Later down the line I’d probably end up having to announce Chris and I as a new couple. But as a whole I’d have my control over him be subtle. Making him want to be close to me and making him fall in love with his fellow movie star Hugh Jackman. But maybe once in awhile when the two of us are alone I’ll turn my control over him right up to 11 and make him my complete hypno slave who’s on his hands and knees begging to worship me.
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And finally that means I’m going to be TFing Tyler Hoechilin. I’ve honestly went back and forth a lot on what I’d wanna do with him. I thought of TFing his body somehow maybe to make him bigger and/or hairier. I thought about transforming him into Henry Cavil, a fellow Superman. But I’m the end in think I’m gonna go with something inanimate. Something I can wear so I can have the pleasure of knowing Tyler will be with me whenever I’m wearing it. I could turn him into a watch, maybe a cap for me to wear, or perhaps a nice shirt. Maybe if I’m feeling extra naughty I’ll turn him into a pair of underwear and he can have the pleasure of holding my new cock and balls. But don’t worry, I’ll make sure that whatever I turn him into he’ll find plenty of pleasure in being worn by me. In fact he’ll crave it.
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writingwhimsey · 8 months
Congrats on your milestone!!!! 🥹🎊🎉 May I request a crack fic with Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi (or your warlords of choice) Body Swap or Roommates? 😂Sorry Hideyoshi 😅🙏🏻
Sorry this one took so long, but well...oh this one was fun! Also... it MAY have gotten a little on the long side *cough* 3500 words *cough* I hope you enjoy! Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide body swap crack for the win!
A Wish Gone Awry
Hideyoshi glared at Mitsuhide as he held him against one of the castle walls. Mitsuhde, looked unaffected as always, giving Hideyoshi a teasing silver smile. “Oh, Hideyoshi I had no idea you felt so strongly about me.”
“One of these days you’re going to have to let me in.” Hideyoshi replied, still angry. “I will find out your secrets and if it’s anything I don’t like…”
The chatelaine sighed as she watched the exchange. “Can you two stop already?” She asked as she came up to them, putting a hand on each of them and trying to force them apart. “We’re all on the same side, so let’s just not try to hurt each other okay.”
Hideyoshi sighed as he released Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide just smiled as he brushed his robes back into place. “You really don’t need to worry about this.” Hideyoshi told her, patting her head in that brotherly way of his.
“Yes little mouse. One would think you’d be used to seeing us like this by now.” Mitsuhide replied, that cheshire smile on his face.
“Well, I don’t like seeing my friends fighting.” She replied, glaring at them both. “Unless this is some kinda weird foreplay for the two of you, I don’t wanna see it again.”
Hideyoshi blinked as he looked at her. “W-what…”
Mitsuhide practically doubled over laughing. “Oh, little mouse, you are so entertaining.” He told her. “I haven’t laughed like that…in a long time.”
She just glared at the two of them, doing her best impression of Hideyoshi’s scold face. “Just TRY to get along will you?!” She was then walking off in a huff.
Later that night, the chatelaine sat out on the veranda outside her room after a bath. Her mind kept wandering to Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide even as she looked up at the stars. As she gazed up, her eyes found a shooting star. Though it seemed childish, she closed her eyes and made a wish on that star.
“I wish Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide could understand each other and learn to get along better.” She whispered to herself. She did not know that her little wish would kick off events that would cause chaos the likes of which she had never dreamed could exist.
The next morning…
Hideyoshi woke and stretched early in the morning. He had been up late the previous night…having to stop Lord Nobunaga from eating too much konpeito…and then having to find another hiding place for it.
Hideyoshi sat up and let out a yawn before rubbing his eyes. He honestly felt even more tired than he thought he would. His neck ached in a way that suggested he had been looking over reports instead of making the castle rounds.
Slowly, his senses came to him and that was when the familiar scent of incense tickled his nose. It wasn’t the usual sandal wood and tobacco scent that filled his room. No this scent…it was the incense Mitsuhide burned.
Hideyoshi’s bleary eyes instantly came into focus the room around him suddenly sharp and clear. “This…this isn’t…this is Mitsuhide’s manor…how in the eight hells am I here?”
The door was sliding open then and Kyubei entered. “My lord, what are you doing in bed? This isn’t like you.”
Hideyoshi blinked. “What…what are you talking about?” He asked. “This…this is some kind of joke isn’t it?”
Kyubei sighed. “My lord, this is exactly why I am always telling you to take better care of yourself.”  He said. “I’ll have the maids get you breakfast together.” He was then leaving.
Hideyoshi was getting up and running over to the desk and picking up a hand mirror. He looked into it and found Mitsuhide’s face staring back at him. “That…that bastard! I don’t know what he did, but I know this was his doing somehow.”
Meanwhile MItsuhide…
Mitsuhide woke with what appeared to be a pounding headache. He was no stranger to discomfort, but it was usually an aching back or neck from sitting up all night looking over reports and sending out letters. This…this felt like stress.
It was then that Mitsuhide was hit with a familiar scent…sandalwood and tobacco. “My, my…” He murmured as his eyes opened. “How did I end up here?” It was surprising to him that as he spoke, he didn’t hear his own voice, but Hideyoshi’s.
“Curious.” He muttered before getting up and looking down at himself. His hands weren’t his own…the body wrapped in a green night robe and not the familiar lithe frame he was used to, but bulkier. He was then picking up a hand mirror when he was ready to test out the theory that had already been forming in his mind.
“Well, well what an interesting turn of events.” He mused as he looked at the reflection showing Hideyoshi’s face.
A maid was coming in then, carrying a tray. “I have your breakfast ready Lord Hideyoshi.” She said, bowing. “The princess is already here trying to get Lord Mitsunari to eat his breakfast. She said that was something she didn’t want you to have to worry about.”
Right…Hideyoshi’s motherhen nature. And our little seamstress trying to help everyone else. He thought to himself. “Yes, yes that is just like her. Thank you.” He said.
The maid seemed surprised by the manner in which Mitsuhide spoke to her, but bowed. “Well… if you need anything just let me know.” She replied before bowing and exiting.
“Oh right, Hideyoshi talks to his maids more.” Mitsuhide mused. “Oh well…of course this is an opportunity I cannot afford to waste.”
Hideyoshi, in Mitsuhide’s body was scouring the castle for that sly kitsune in a Hideyoshi suit. I have to find myself. He thought as he searched everywhere. He had gotten ready and headed out to his own manor as quickly as possible, but was told Lord Hideyoshi has already left for the day.
“Ugh, I have to find that bastard.” Hideyoshi muttered under his breath, still having a hard time believing that every time he spoke it was Mitsuhide’s voice he heard instead of his own.
“It’s been hours…and he;s not even TRYING.” Hideyoshi muttered as he continued to look through the castle for Mitsuhide.
Hideyoshi turned at the sound of the princess’s voice. “Oh….uh…”
She smiled at him. “I hear you’ve been looking for Hideyoshi. You aren’t going to provoke him again are you?” She asked.
“Of course not.” Hideyoshi answered, a frown on his face…er Mitsuhide’s face. Wait…that wasn’t a very Mitsuhide-like answer. He thought. He groaned internally. “I…I mean why ever would I do that?” Hideyoshi replied, doing his best to think like Mitsuhide.
The princess gave him a funny look. “Are you feeling okay, Mitsuhide?” She asked.
“Yes, perfectly fine.” Hideyoshi answered, still having a hard time answering to that name.
“You know, you both really do work too hard.” She said, a concerned look on her face. “I think you’re both a lot more alike than you realize…I just wish you two would get along.”
Hideyoshi felt guilty looking into her eyes. She really was so kind and caring…that’s why he wanted to look out for her. “Do you know where Mit…I mean Hideyoshi is?”
“Last I saw him he was headed into town.” She answered him, her eyes still holding concern.
“Did he mention where he was going?”
The princess shook her head. “No. He seemed to be in a rush though…the maids have said he’s not acting like himself.”
Hideyoshi nodded. Well of course not. Because I’m him and he’s me! He then let out a small sigh. “I wish I could help, but I must be off. I have to find him.” Then without thinking he lifted a hand to pat her head as he always did.
The princess looked up at him with wide eyes. “Mitsu…hide…?”
Hideyoshi let out an awkward cough…once again a not very Mitsuhide-like thing, but he couldn’t think about that right now…also he hated lying and deceit. “I just…thought you looked like…you were missing your big brother.” He said…yes that sounded like something Mitsuhide would say.
“Well…I am…but…it’s weird when you do it…” She replied, though something in her eyes said that the gesture still felt the same. Almost as if she could detect the truth.
“Well…I’ll see you later.” He said before quickly hurrying off. He didn’t want her to know. This wasn’t something that needed to get out.
Hideyoshi made his way into town guilt riddling him at how he left the princess looking…and to top it off he knew he was supposed to take her into town shopping later. That might have been one of the reasons she had looked so sad and concerned. He loved taking her shopping and spoiling her.
“I’ll just have to make it up to her another time.” He thought as he continued through the town. I have to think…where would Mistuhide go upon finding out he was in MY body?
Hideyoshi’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone crying. Hideyoshi, though he was in Mitsuhide’s body, couldn’t help himself from being himself. He made his way over to the sound of the crying and that was where he found several familiar faces…all women he considered friends in the town.
“Excuse me ladies, what seems to be the matter?” He asked.
The women looked up at him, surprise in their eyes. “Oh, Lord Mitsuhide…” Sodoko said. “We… pardon us…it’s nothing.”
“Have you ladies…seen Hideyoshi by any chance?” He asked, almost hesitantly.
“Oh that…ugh…yes we’ve seen him.” Another of the women answered, her voice sounding angry.
“Is…is he why you’re all so upset?”
Sodoko and the other women exchanged a look before she spoke up. “Yes…he was… he was being rather mean. Normally he is kind when refuting our offers…but he practically ignored us all. It’s just…it’s not like him.”
Hideyoshi groaned once again. I knew that damn kitsune would be ruining my reputation. “I’ll make sure to find him and straighten him out for you ladies.” Hdieyoshi said. “I am so sorry for what he has done.” He was then handing them all handkerchiefs he happened to carry before walking off.
The women were all staring after him in utter confusion.
As Hideyoshi continued to search for Mitsuhide, he kept running into various people he knew… and they ALL had an encounter with “Hideyoshi” and were all saying how out of character he was and describing insane antics that Hideyoshi would never do.
“It’s going to take me YEARS to undo the damage he has done in just a single day…assuming I can ever get back to my body.” Hideyoshi muttered as he made his way back to the castle after having learned someone had seen “Hideyoshi” heading back there.
Meanwhile Mitsuhide…
After causing some trouble in town, Mitsuhide in his Hideyoshi suit, headed back to the castle. When he walked into the halls, he happened to see the princess walking around, carrying some missives, she appeared to be delivering. Though she was lost in thought and not paying too much attention to her surroundings.
Oh little mouse…you have made this TOO EASY. He thought with a grin as he walked up behind her. “There you are.” He said, leaning down to speak directly into her ear.
The princess jumped and let out a shriek of surprise. She was then reaching back and slapping his chest almost on instinct. She blinked in surprise as Mitsuhide caught her hand. “H-Hideyoshi?” She asked. “I would…”
“Were you expecting someone else?” He asked, wearing a cheshire grin, somehow making that expression appear on Hideyoshi’s face as if it belonged there.
“I…I would have thought…that it would be Mitsuhide…” She replied, looking so confused.
Mitsuhide grinned. “But it is me.”
“Yeah…speaking of Mistuhide was looking for you earlier.” She replied. “He… he didn’t seem like himself.”
Mitsuhide had to school “his” expression, though amusement still danced in “his” eyes. Oh, I bet he is just frantic. “Yes, well he can continue to look for me for a while.” Mitsuhide replied, relishing this opportunity. “Why don’t you and I take a break together and go into town?”
The princess looked up at him. “I have some work to finish up first…and don’t you have a lot to do? I thought we were going to go shopping later when we were both finished with work?”
Ah, yes, Hideyoshi would make those plans. He thought. “Something has come up then, but I m free for a bit now. Come with me.” He said, reaching for her hand and beginning to gently tug her along.
“Hideyoshi…” She said, her voice sounding so confused.
Mitsuhide really couldn’t help himself now. He pulled the princess to a secluded hallway and was then backing her against the wall. “Don’t you want to spend some time with me?” He asked, lifting a hand to place fingers beneath her chin.
“I…Hideyoshi…what are you….” She replied, her eyes wide and heart pounding.
Mitsuhide really couldn’t stop himself. He knew he was supposed to be Hideyoshi…and Hideyoshi was still in denial of his true feelings for the Oda princess…Mitsuhide was however not under the same delusion. He regularly teased her like this, letting himself enjoy whatever he could from her. He knew Hideyoshi harbored the same feelings for her, but kept himself in denial… insisting she was just his “little sister.”
“What? I just want to take you out and spoil you.” Mitsuhide replied, beginning to stroke her chin.
Her breath seemed to catch…similar to how it did when he teased her like this in his own body. It seemed she had strong reactions to the both of them.
“Hideyoshi…” She was then reaching up and smacking his hand away. “What in the hell has gotten into you? You really aren’t acting like yourself at all.”
Before Mitsuhide could respond, Hideyoshi was approaching in his body. “There you are, you sneaky bastard!” Hideyoshi shouted. “And just WHAT are you doing to her?!”
Mitsuhide pulled away from the Princess, smiling nonchalantly. “Nothing to concern you.”
Hideyoshi glared at him before rushing up to him and grabbing him by the ear and dragging him off. He then looked back at the princess. “Sorry, but there’s something VERY important I have to discuss with him.”
The princess watched them both head off, utter confusion on her face. “It’s…it’s like they’ve switched personalities or something…” She muttered in a daze as she worked to slow her clamoring heart.
Hideyoshi dragged Mitsuhide to an empty room in the castle. “What in the eight hells have you done, Mitsuhide?!” He asked once they were alone.
Mitsuhide shrugged. “I was just making sure you were a bit more honest with your desires.”
Hideyoshi looked at him. “I mean what kind of twisted magic or trickery have you pulled off to have us switch bodies? And for what purpose? To utterly ruin me?!” 
“I have done nothing. I have no idea what caused this.” Mitsuhide answered. “I know everyone calls me a kitsune, but I really don’t have any magic. If I did YOU would for certain know now.”
Hideyoshi groaned. “The ONLY reason I am not punching you right now is because I don’t want my jaw to hurt later when I get back into my own body.”
Mitsuhide gave Hideyoshi an amused smile. “You may as well. I earned a few slaps from some of your lady friends in town earlier today.”
“Why you…”
Before Hideyoshi could finish his sentence, the pair were being interrupted by Masamune. “There you two are.” He said, a gleam in his eye. Though he did look a bit confused. From his perspective Mitsuhide was the one holding Hideyoshi against the wall and looking angry. “What is this?”
Hideyoshi instantly let go of Mitsuhide. “It’s nothing. What’s going on?”
“We’re having that banquet for the lass tonight.” Masamune answered. “Or did you two forget? If you still need a moment alone…”
“My, my…” Mitsuhide murmured. “To think we could ever forget something so important.”
“Of course we didn’t forget.” Hideyoshi replied.
“Well come on before she gets to the banquet hall and we aren’t able to surprise her.” Masamune replied.
“Of course.” Mitsuhide replied.
The trio walked out of the hall and towards the main hall. Hideyoshi muttered under his breath to Mitsuhide, “We’ll finish this later.”
They just had to make it through until they could get their bodies back…however long that took. Hideyoshi prayed it didn’t take long.
They arrived at the banquet hall, Hideyoshi almost taking his usual seat before Mitsuhide was pushing him towards the “correct” seat. The Princess soon arrived and a bright smile came to her face as she saw them all gathered. “What’s this for?” She asked.
“A show of appreciation for all of the hard work you have been doing.” Nobunaga answered.
“I made all of your favorites, lass.” Masamune said. “Be sure to dig in.”
The banquet began and soon everyone was digging in. Though it didn’t take long for everyone to notice that Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide were not acting like themselves. They were all surprised when “Mitsuhide” ate his food as a normal person would instead of all mixed into one bowl… ”Hideyoshi” was mixing everything in one bowl.
This…has no flavor? Hideyoshi questioned in his mind as he ate as Mitsuhide. He…he really CAN’T taste?!
Mitsuhide however grimaced as he ate as he normally did. Now that he was in Hideyoshi’s body… he could taste. Now I understand why Hideyoshi and Masamune are always getting on me… this is terrible.
It was at this moment the pair realized that they were being watched by everyone else, their eyes wide. That was when they remembered they were supposed to be the other and acting as the other one did. They quickly swapped trays without a word.
“What is going on?” Nobunaga asked, as he looked at the pair.
“You two haven’t been acting like yourselves at all all day.” Ieyasu added. 
“I heard from the girls in town that Hideyoshi was especially cruel…and Mitsuhide was being nice.” Masamune added.
“And when I’ve talked to you…you both have seemed more like each other than yourselves.” The princess added.
Hideyoshi let out an awkward cough. “Well…uhm you see…”
“It appears we have somehow…switched bodies.” Mitsuhide finally spoke up.
Hideyoshi glared at him. “And how do you expect anyone to believe that?!” He asked.
“They can tell something is wrong.” Mitsuhide replied. 
The others were looking at them, hard. While it didn’t seem plausible…the proof was undeniable. “I would say this was an elaborate scheme by our resident kitsune…” Masamune began.
“But Hideyoshi would never go along with something like this.” Nobunaga declared. “That must mean it is true.”
“But HOW?” Ieyasu asked.
It was then that the princess gasped. “Oh my! This…this might be all my fault.”
“Are you a sorceress little mouse?” Mitsuhide asked.
“No…at least not that I know of. But last night…after seeing you two fighting AGAIN…I…I made a wish on a shooting star that you two could understand each other better… I had no idea that it could lead to THIS! I am so sorry!”
Hideyoshi was patting her on the head. “It’s alright. I don’t blame you.”
“No, you clearly blamed me.” Mitsuhide replied, grinning.
“If it was truly your wish that caused this, then perhaps another wish can fix it.” Nobunaga suggested.
“That would be a logical strategy.” Mitsunari agreed.
“I can try…but I don’t know if that will work.” The Princess replied.
“She did wish for them to understand each other.” Masamune agreed. “You twi might not go back to normal until you DO have a better understanding of each other.”
Ieyasu let out a sigh. “This is all utterly ridiculous…and such a pain in the ass.”
“I’ll go and see if I can make another wish to undo it.” The Princess declared jumping up and running to the veranda.
Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi looked at each other. They could only hope that another wish would correct it. There was no telling if they would ever be able to truly understand each other.
After a few moments the princess returned. “I hope it works.” She said.
Mitsuhide was patting her on the back. “There there little mouse.”
“Why exactly did you make that wish in the first place?” Hideyoshi asked.
The princess sighed. “Because I care about you both and I am tired of always seeing you guys fighting.” She answered. “Especially when you both actually have a lot in common. You’re both so kind…”
“I am not all that kind, little mouse.” Mitsuhide corrected her.
“Not openly, but you are in your own way.” She replied. “Hideyoshi’s kindness is open and warm like the sun. Yours is always hidden behind a veil of deceit to seem like you are only serving yourself, but you really DO care about others.”
Masamune was grinning. “Seems like the lass understands you both even if you don’t.”
Both Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi were blushing and looking away at the Princess’s words. Whatever would come…they both wanted to protect her and would treasure her and her pure heart.
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dulafer · 6 months
MATT'S LIFE (An actor living another actor's life)
Imagine you discover your double. He's an actor with a gorgeous girlfriend, great life, money in the bank and a future to steal.
I've been working on this for a year? I think it's finished but you never know. Any feedback really appreciated - [email protected]
Here's link to download:
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I re-read book 7 and yeah it still slaps
bonus headcanon shenaniganery:
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derekwriteskink · 1 year
To play the cello
Gabriel sat at home alone, he had just seen Hauser perform and even though he thoroughly enjoyed the show, he couldn’t help but feel jealous. “He’s handsome, he can play cello and everyone loves him.” Thought Gabriel. He couldn’t relate. Look wise he was far below average, had no musical talent at all and was widely regarded as an annoying asshole. Gabriel was looking out his window as he thought about what it would be like to be Hauser. A shooting star passed by and as Gabriel’s eyes darted towards the light of the star, he felt lightheaded. Gabriel passed out and when he awoke he felt a warmth next to him. Gabriel opened his eyes and jumped back in shock, his head hit off of the back frame of the bed. There was a woman next to him! Which was certainly different from Gabriel’s usual type…The woman in the bed leaned in for a kiss and Gabriel made a run for the door. But as he reached the door he realised that he was naked and awkwardly stepped back into the room. “Asshole!” Shouted the woman as she quickly threw on her clothes and made her way out the door, all while shouting obscenities at Gabriel. After the woman left Gabriel stood there confused as he pondered how he ended up in this situation. He was in a fancy hotel that was far out of his budget. Gabriel scrambled through the room’s closet searching for something to wear. He opened the door and saw several suits among other clothes. He picked up a blue suit, dress shoes, socks and a black t-shirt. He saw underpants but dreaded the thought of wearing someone else’s underwater. As Gabriel got dressed he was shocked by his body hair “I don’t remember being this hairy” thought Gabriel but he pushed the thought away as he finished getting dressed. He then went to leave the room but he felt a strange urge to check his reflection. Gabriel walked into the bathroom and as his eyes caught a glimpse of his reflection he was shocked. He looked exactly like Hauser. Convinced that he was dreaming Gabriel gleefully explored his face and body. After a few minutes of contact he began to realise that he wasn’t dreaming. He was actually Hauser! He was overjoyed but anxious at how he could live a life that he knew so little about. Gabriel stood there with his brain on overdrive as his anxious thoughts were replaced by Hauser’s memories. Gabriel was overwhelmed as Hauser’s life became his reality. He began to tremble as his reality was being overwritten. The new Hauser stood confidently as his old memories of being Gabriel felt like a distant memory. Hauser grabbed his valuables and a rose and left the hotel room eager to live his life.
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Officially (but unofficially because my boss wasn't supposed to tell me yet) I'm getting moved to the boss I don't like!!! My current boss likes her and I had to be like "yeah so my concern here is that I have repeatedly see her through her teammates under the bus and undermine her direct reports and she's a terrible listener so."
But my manager did flag what I had said about my lack of interest in this role so now the VP is going to have a one on one to discuss the change with me 😅🙈🤣
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petew21-blog · 8 hours
I am John Cena
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Jesus why did I go to the movie industry in the first place, can you explain this to me, Robert? You have been my agent for 10 years now."
"Yes, sir"
"Then you know I only did those movie for fun. I still wanna fight and even the shooting of the movie is fun. But man, those interviews, the autographs, the mean fans. I just don't know if I can deal with that anymore."
"Sir, there might be a way how to help you"
"Disappear from the face of the earth, sure."
"No, sir. There is this organisation. They hodt parties in a big mansion, like a hotel, but these parties are only for the incited A-list celebrities. They get to swap bodies with their colleagues and... have fun"
"Why didn't you apply for me? That could be amazing"
"I... did. But they don't consider you an A-list celebrity. Sorry, sir. But, I managed to get the thing needed for the swap. It's not permanent. Only if the other person dies and the other person basically has nowhere to swap back to"
"Wait, this could work. I got Oscars to present the award tonight. You could go as me. I could enjoy some peivacy and free time in your body. And you could enjoy popularity for once. How does that sound?"
"Don't you... don't you maybe wanna swap with someone more attractive to have sex with? A woman maybe? Could be interesting"
"I don't doubt that, but with my body I can have as much sex as I want. What I want is some peace and quiet."
After the swap
"Ok, Robert. Enjoy the Oscars. Try to think of some funny bit, but don't embarass me too much. Something funny, but not that worthy remembering"
John was now sitting in Robert's living room, with his wife and children. Enjoying free time. His wife turned on the TV and the Oscars were just now playing
His own body. Presenting the award. Naked.
Jesus, Robert. I said NOT worth remembering
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Inbox story request: Could you do a swap between John Cena and his agent?
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headswapstar · 8 months
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celebtf · 2 months
Mysterio's new Trip
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As Mysterio tumbled through the air, his mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. Fear, anger, and frustration mixed together as he fell towards the unforgiving ground below. His grand plans had crumbled beneath him, shattered by the relentless determination of Spider-Man.
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As Mysterio fell down in to the water, everything went black and the cold water hit him from the back, he let out a big grunt. It was so cold, it was really freezing. Mysterio thought to himself that if he survived this he would seek his revange on The Avengers. Mostly Spiderman, it was Spiderman that had ruined everything for him. Mysterio had the money, the fame, everything, even the girls and boys after him and that stupid kid had to ruin everything.
Mysterio could feel himself lifting up from the water and over the city, he could feel the coldness from the wind brushing against his wet cold skin.
" Hey, wake up, hello " Mysterio felt a kick, he was alive. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a man standing over him. The man was tall and not the most muscular man but probably could hit hard, the man was dressed in green, alot of green and had long black hair, in his and he was holding something that probably could be used as a weapon.
" So you're finally awake, thank god, I didn't know what I would do otherwise, throw you out in space " Mysterio didn't notice that he weren't on earth.
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" Loki " Mysterio rolled his eyes when he saw that Loki was the one that had saved him. " Happy to see you too" Loki just laughed and started to walk around in the room.
" I saw you crash into the water, I did you a favour, atleast give me a thank you " Mysterio countined to roll his eyes. " So I heard you wanted to take down The Avengers, I can help you with that, but I need a favour back Ofcourse "
Mysterio was sceptical and started to think to himself, how could Loki help him?
" Ah, Mysterio, my dear friend. I require your unique talents for a little scheme of mine." Old friend? Mysterio looked at Loki with a stare.
Loki took his staff and started to swing it in the room the same time as he startes to chant something. A green haze started to full up the room, and Mysterio started to lose sign of Loki.
Mysterio felt a crack in his back and fell down on the ground. His legs started to grow muscles and and his boots started to torn up and his feets bust out. Mysterio's thighs started to grow to, a lot and his stomach formed a new set of abs, a hard and better sixpack, Mysterio was in shock and fasinated over this change, his ass got fuller too, it became big and bubbly. Mysterio's new arms started go get muscular and big and he started to feel his jaw get sharpened, his cheekbones got rounder and his eyes started to sting, his Hair came undone and started to bleach.
" Loki.. what are you doing to me "
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" Let's get your new uniform.. Captain "
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Loki showed me my new reflection, and I have to admit.. I looked good. I was so strong and handsome and tall, I was till before but now I'm even taller.
" So I can see that you like it, Captian " Loki looked at me and I smiled and told him him how much I liked it and that I was very greatful.
So what's the plan Loki, how am I going to take down The Avengers? I was walking around Loki's places to test the limits in Captains body.
" Leave that up to me, just follow and we will get what we want"
Suddenly I was the Green smoke again and Loki was gone.
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" Thor and Captian.. I mean you and me are going to be good partners "
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thethingything · 2 years
I just realised it's the system's birthday next month and I have no idea how to feel about that because we already had a weird enough time with birthdays while Lucy was the host and actually identified with that being their birthday.
idk I just feel really weird about it
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mrwavellswaps · 1 month
Swap, Hypno, TF
Henry Cavill, Ryan Gosling, Jake Gyllenhaal
Another great set of options here! But I think I already know who I’m swapping with.
Jake Gyllenhall. Like come on it’s gotta be. That man is just so fucking gorgeous. I’ll be honest though it’s a very close call between him and Ryan Gosling. I adore both of them and if Jake hadn’t been there I absolutely would’ve swapped with Ryan no question. It’s one of those that’s so close that my mind could change depending on the day but right now I’m dead set on Jake and his incredibly sexy looks.
That said I think I’ve just gotta go with another technology based swap for this. A special pair of headsets perhaps. How I’d get Jake to put it on is the tough part. I’d need to find a way to get close to him first. Maybe I use this device to switch bodies with multiple other people who are close to Jake. Every switch getting me closer to him until finally I’m in the body of someone he trusts deeply. Enough that can convince him to put the device on for a laugh when the two of us are alone. Slipping one headset onto him before slipping the other onto myself and without a second thought, activating the device.
Both my face and Jake’s going slack as the swapping device does its thing. Transferring everything that made us who we were through the currents flowing between the two helmets. Slowly flooding my consciousness into Jake’s mind and vice versa. And of course both of us getting massive erections in the process which seemed to be a common side effect when switching bodies with men.
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It would’ve been a long and tiring process to finally get this far but it’d be well worth it once I finally had Jake’s body. Immediately throwing off the headset as soon as the swap was complete and standing up to get a good look at the body I’d been striving towards. Meanwhile the real Jake would be too confused and dazed by what had just happened to even make sense of the situation. Only looking up at me in horror as I tested out my new voice and felt up the new body I had hidden underneath the suit he’d been wearing. The newfound bulge in my pants threatening to break out at any second as I reach down and rub a hand across the outline of Jake’s thick cock.
Of course I need to take care of the original Jake somehow but I don’t think that’d be too hard. Once he finally processes what’s happened, he’ll probably start to panic at the sight of his imposter feeling himself up and slowly undressing. By this point I’ll have already stamped on the headset to ensure it can’t be used again before letting him know that the swap can’t be undone now. Giving him the choice to either keep quiet and I’ll make sure he has an easy life from now on or I’ll find some other way to keep him quiet. And since I’d just stolen his body, I don’t think he’d doubt my threats.
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Moving on however I then need to hypnotise someone. And I think you all know who I’m going for. Ryan Gosling of course. And now that I’m in Jake’s body it shouldn’t be hard for me to get close to these other high end celebs like myself. As soon as the opportunity presents itself, I’ll lace a drink of his with a hypnotic potion that’s got my new body’s cum mixed into it. And as soon as he drinks it, he’ll become a complete hypno slave to me.
Can you imagine? Ryan Gosling kneeling at the feet of Jake Gyllenhall. Willing to do anything he’s told. A former straight man being turned into a gay slut. Always eager to let me ruin his tight and once virgin hole at any chance we got. Practically begging me to cum inside him every time as each load I bred into him with Jake’s cock only drove him further under my control.
With Ryan being so attached to me I doubt he’d ever want to leave my side for long. Telling the world that the two of us have decided to become a couple would be inevitable in the long game I imagine but that wouldn’t be all bad. The publicity would probably do wonders. I’d have to make sure Ryan acts as normal as possible when we’re in public though… but I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to let a few of his new slutty elements shine through the cracks from time to time. Maybe with him telling a reporter that I really “opened him up” to a new world of possibilities with a quick wink.
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Lastly though a TF is in order and we still have Henry Cavill on our list. I’ll be honest I had no idea what to go for TF wise at first but I think I’ve finally figured it out.
Once again getting close to Henry at some point or another shouldn’t be too hard thanks to my new body. And as soon as no one is looking I’ll whip out an ancient spell. One that if performed correctly will immediately begin to transform Henry’s body. Or rather force it to shrink away into nothing. Or so you’d think at first glance.
As his body seems to vanish, his clothes would fall to the floor in a heap. But there would be something left underneath those clothes. I’d pull apart the heap and reach into Henry’s crumpled pants only to pull out Henry’s cock and balls!? It was the only thing left of his body though at first glance it would certainly be mistaken for a dildo. However upon closer inspection it looked and felt very real from the way the balls swayed to how the cock reacted to the slightest touch.
Now for the real test though.
Assuming I was alone where nobody could walk in on me, I’d slip the disembodied cock into my mouth and started sucking. Feeling as it swiftly began hardening in my mouth. Being sure to use every dick sucking trick in the book until Henry’s cock finally blew a load in my mouth. And as soon as it did, the suit I was wearing started to rip.
Henry’s body and soul essence had all been trapped inside this dlido-like form of his cock. However this meant that anyone who drank his cum would gain his strength and muscle mass albeit temporarily. Hence my suit tearing a fair bit after I swallowed thanks to my body bulking up quite a fair bit. And naturally I didn’t waste any time checking out the results. Loving the look of an even bigger and buffer Jake Gyllenhall staring back at me.
Needless to say I was gonna be using Henry’s cock a lot. Thankfully it replenishes itself endlessly as far as I know so there isn’t a real limit. I can drink from it as much as I want and bulk Jake’s body up whenever I please. Hell I might even let Ryan drink from it as well. Lord knows it’d be hot to see him hulk out with some extra muscle as well. Giving Ryan and even thicker muscle ass for me to dominate! But I think I can say for certain that I’ll be the one using it’s power most of the time. All the extra muscle is bound to feel addictive. And who know? Maybe my body will start to adapt and hold onto some of that extra size even after the effects wear off. Only one way to find out I guess.
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Now this one was fun to type up! Also wanted to give a quick shout out to an old story by @fantasyvessels called Trading Places With Gyllenhall which definitely inspired me a little here. Glad I was able to track down where they got those images from and make a hot gif outta it. Go check that story out as well if Jake is your thing!
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legonerddude · 2 months
Celebrity body swap Roleplay looking for long term
Or someone who can act like a celebrity pretty well. I’m the one swapping with the celebrity you are playing you then are me
Now I like Sofia Vergara,kaley cuoco,Kim Kardashian, kira kosarin ,Ariana Grande,Bryce Dallas Howard,Billie Eilish, Margot Robbie, Taylor swift,Valkyrae , Beyoncé,pokimane,Emiru,Loserfruit,Zendaya, dixie, or Charlie damelio would want those but if you have suggestion go for it 
So I like body swap as seen above and I was thinking we could do a celebrity body swap where you play the celebrity and we swap bodies and you have to teach me to be famous and for more details would we start to date at all or maybe even tell close friends and family about what happened okay two plots both the same in a way but not 
So option A- The celebrity swaps us you the celebrity gets tired of being famous and want a normal life you had a spell to swap bodies permanently with anyone. I happen to bump into you and say “I’m so sorry mam” I then help you up and walk away you decided to swap with me and said the spell swapping us then and there. “What the hell” I would say and turn around see my body and scream. Now we can date or if you don’t want to that’s fine. We can’t tell anyone we swapped because the spell doesn’t allow that.
Option B- we swap for no reason I am chilling at home with my cats and legos watching ninjago happy. While you are doing whatever like showering or yoga. We swap for no reason and we can date if you want or not it’s fine. And do we tell Friends and family or keep it a secret.
If interested please dm me I can't wait to talk with you 18+
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