jirayus · 1 year
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" can you guess what i'm dressed up as ~ ? " you're clearly dressed as a racing driver but .. is that .. dog ears on your head ? " i couldn't decide .. so i just decided a were-racing driver was the best ! i'm cute, aren't i ? ruff, ruff ~ "
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seibmoz · 1 year
open: fox.
there's fresh blood splattered on her face, staining cheeks with crimson drops. she reaches up, attempting to clean it off but only making it worse as it smears messily. a deep sigh falls, an ache in her bones; she's so tired. " you good ? a horde like that .. " she shakes her head, moving forward to hold out her blood-covered hand. " well, it could've been a lot worse. "
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chessmanz · 11 months
❛ what are you smiling at? ❜
there is a small smile on his face, one that lingers for a few moments before it disappears. there's something amusing about watching her struggle to reach an item from a high above, her on her tippy toes trying to grab it only for cheng to effortlessly snatch the item. " you're too confident in your height, shorty. if you can't reach something, just ask for help. you'll hurt yourself otherwise. " and the smile appears again, a bit wider this time as he hands the item to her. " i heard it's good to drink milk and get lots of sun if you want to grow taller. you should try. " / @maidmyth
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fatalelity · 11 months
@trustschaos said : “ you think i don’t notice but i do. i can tell something’s wrong. ”
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there are days where the weight of her specialty crushes her. she loves her job, she loves being the ambassador of life when a fetus becomes a human after they take their first breath — she loves watching families fall in love with one another at the arrival of a new life. but then on the flip side came with the harsh reality —— addison montgomery is never one to judge but there was something uniquely cruel about the fact paramedics barely recovered a newborn from a back alley trash can. it wasn't fair. she could never get used to it — no matter how much she advocate and educate there never seem to be enough knowledge to go around.
safe haven laws exist for a reason.
it's been hours since she last operated on that baby and all addison could think about was that sweet baby boy being left alone, afraid, and cold in the elements.
then, she catches onto the words that drag her out of her morose train of thoughts. arms dangle, torso bend and lean against the brick ledge as she slumps — somehow, the chaotic city view is more calming than the thoughts in her mind.
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" i . . . yeah — i'm fine. " addison rasps, her voice creaking from inutility. slowly, she straightens her back before clearing her throat. the heaviness within her is crushing ... everything is just so complicated. there's a tentative smile hanging on her lips, a twinge of discomfort.
strange isn't it ? she's always been chasing for people to care about her and yet the second someone shows even a margin of concern, addison freezes. maybe this was why she rejected mark sloan. maybe this was why a part of her kept hoping he would cheat and sleep with someone else —— she couldn't handle being cared for, even if she wants it so desperately.
" don't you have an ED to run? " wry chuckles leave her mouth, the corner of her sleeve quickly brushing against the damp spot on her cheeks.
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prompts for emotionally stunted idiots / accepting
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lunawish · 5 months
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❝ you didn't hear anything, did you? ❞ edelgard inquires breathlessly, cheeks still warm from the adrenaline of seeing a rat scurrying metres away from her soles. the high pitched screech was instinctual, guttural almost. she's slain beasts, conquered nations, forced lords into submission unflinchingly so, yet before a rodent she's reminded of the darkness that swallowed and upended her life.
her gaze shifts tentatively towards @lunarrepel, attempting to read shadowheart — wondering how her companion would respond to the seeing her without the composed mask of a monarch, the mask of a leader. / sc!
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sldier · 4 months
shinra’s in disarray.
too many controversial things have happened, upheavals that have swept through and overshadowed any semblance of positivity that could be said about either shinra or SOLDIER. whispers circulated in the canteen, rumors spread that this was the fabled “beginning of the end of the era of SOLDIER.” zack, ever entrenched in the stubbornness of his youth and far too enamored with his SOLDIER aspirations, brushed these off, refusing to acknowledge any truth hidden amidst the idle talk. sure, times are messed up right now, but they’re all exaggerating.
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he’d bring up gossip like that to yukako at night. ‘did you hear? the rookies think shinra’s crumbling in on itself. talk about seeing the glass half empty, huh?’ if their schedules permitted and were free from missions or training, he’d find himself in her room, lounging on her bed as they talked, and talked, and talked. about everything, about nothing— laughter filling the air until zack retired to his own room, always having been disciplined with his sleep schedule. it was their shared reprieve, a brief respite just for them. SOLDIERs during the day, but just two kids at night.
…yukako went missing one day. at first, he assumed it was due to a mission assignment, maybe abroad to some distant location. but the higher-ups were tight-lipped and furrow-browed whenever her name was brought up, as if she had managed to stir some serious trouble before her disappearance. back then, he’d figured it was just them being stressed about the situation, about yet another SOLDIER up and leaving, but looking back at it now, he realizes the situation was far more serious than that.
days had turned into weeks. his texts went unanswered, his calls never went through. he must’ve looked like a man obsessed with the way he tried every single night. the previous rumors morphed and evolved into something he couldn’t just brush off. another SOLDIER went M.I.A, and they’re saying she was actually outed as a wutai spy. hey, did you hear? a reactor was destroyed too. zack had jumped to defend her, and the bite in his tone was enough for the cadets to straighten up and scramble off.
they’re all exaggerating again. a reactor? he didn’t hear anything about that! the rumors gnawed at him, but this time, he didn’t have her there to talk to about them.
and so, zack existed in a stressful limbo for a while. he trained extra hard, but his focus was never fully there. what happened to you? yukako, they’re saying awful things about you. come back already so you can set the record straight.
then a year passed. he’d finally achieve his promotion to 1st class, but he wasn’t as happy as he used to be when he always talked about it to yukako. …angeal’s gone. zack had grieved in the comfort of aerith’s arms for hours that day, but he didn’t allow himself to be totally consumed by the tragedy, no, that’s not what angeal would’ve wanted of him and that wasn't the type of person zack was anyway. yukako’s gone too. but how do you mourn someone whose fate is unknown?
behind the veil of zack’s awareness, another reactor was targeted and destroyed, and that’s the line shinra draws. he remembers the day he was summoned to the director’s office, his eyes had flickered curiously towards sephiroth who was standing ominously nearby, as if on hold for some sort of instruction. when he stopped in front of the director’s desk, it came out hard and cold: yukako selassie, the person he had bonded with and grown up with in the ranks ever since joining at 13 years old, is a traitor. a terrorist. a wutai spy. over the past year, she had been targeting various reactors.
it was silence from him, but in the silence, his heart had tightened and his fists had clenched. so much frustration and exasperation over the year channeled into his grip strength, the black leather creaked in the quiet office. ‘you waited a year… you waited a year, and you didn’t tell me.’ it was more fitting to say that they hid it from him as long as they could.
@kudakenai: ❛ are you here to kill me? ❜
...the question brings zack back to the present, to the now. so… she knows.
there was no ‘hello’s. no, ‘it’s been so long, it’s so good to see you again.’ she looks the same as the last day he had seen her, or maybe he had just looked at the photos they had taken on his phone so much that her image is ingrained in his brain. he’s changed enough for the both of them after all, in her own words.
one year’s worth of change. look at me: this is what i became. i finally made 1st. are you proud of me? ...you weren’t there the day i got promoted.
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“ yukako… what’s going on? ” what’s happening? nothing makes sense and hardly anyone will explain it to him. first the SOLDIER desertion, then the rising tension with wutai, then genesis, then angeal— this isn’t what being a SOLDIER should be like, should feel like. frustration, confusion, restlessness. heartbreak. i’ve been through it all already. why are you doing this to me too?
he steps closer to her, a single step after standing still for what felt like forever. followed by another, then one more; he's advancing on her quick. “ the reactors… why? how could you? your father… that… that was his life’s work, wasn’t it? then why?! ”
one year's worth of change. look at yourself: what did you become? is it someone to be proud of?
the familiar tightening of his fists comes instinctively again. his gaze, expectant. desperate. “  ⸻say something, yukako!! ” he barks out at the boiling point, his hands instantly loosening up. he wants an answer so badly, to everything that's happened so far, all of it. when did it all get so screwed up? ...but he knows he's demanding too much of her. she's only a small piece of the whole story. he gets close enough to grab her by the arm, but his grip isn't painfully tight like his fists were moments ago. “  you need to talk to me... we're friends, aren't we...? ” tell me, please. how do i save you?
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flamepledge · 4 months
rests her elbow on the princess' head. anyway,
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❝ Oh, you're quite the jester are you now, Tara?! ❞ Cue the tiny princess bristling in annoyance. The audacity!
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tiedobi · 1 year
monomono <3
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Vibrating Kokeshi
A round-headed kokeshi doll that begins to vibrate uncontrollably when you press the switch on the bottom. It looks sort of like a children’s toy, but who knows how you’re supposed to use the thing.
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❝   souuuuuuuda   -   niiiiiiii   !   ❞   juts   the   doll   suddenly   against   his   bare   skin,   smiling   at   the   muffled   vibrations.
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abysslocked · 1 year
"i give, and i give, and i give, i've given up my dreams for this place. when's it MY turn to be selfish?!" (hello geppie)
gepard blinked several times, his mind processing the words that had emanated from the other person. he tilted his head, attempting to discern the best way to respond to the situation that unfolded before him.
was sampo intoxicated? it didn't appear so. perhaps the genuine desperation exuded by the other person was the underlying reason.
however, beyond this intrigue, gepard pondered what had driven sampo to choose him as the confidant for their venting. did sampo seek a sympathetic ear, and did gepard unconsciously radiate an aura of approachability?
collecting a few deliberate breaths, gepard gently moved closer to the other person. with a slow lift of his arm, his hand came to rest softly on sampo's shoulder. "hey now…" gepard's voice carried a careful tone, as he sought to weave together the most fitting words within the confines of this somewhat awkward encounter.
"if you feel the need to prioritize yourself, there's no restraint," he continued, his words flowing with assurance. "no one dictates that you mustn't consider your own needs. if carving out some personal time is what you require, then proceed without hesitation. there are no obstacles in your path." gepard paused briefly, his speech interrupted by a subtle throat clearing. "of course, this holds true as long as your actions remain within the bounds of legality."
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thinksequal · 1 year
despite common assumptions, alhaitham's position has never been one of complete comfort. he prefers not to openly discuss it unless necessary. in a sudden realization, he becomes aware that he hasn't consumed anything besides the breakfast prepared by kaveh earlier in the morning.
having completed his tasks, he gathers his belongings and makes his way to his humble home, fully aware that his companion may not be waiting for him, but rather indulging in the solitude and engaging in activities typical of kaveh.
since this individual became a part of haitham's life, there has always been an underlying turbulence. it feels as if haitham unwittingly allowed a persistent spouse into his life without ever formally entering into a commitment with this person.
nevertheless, as the door to his abode swings open, he lets out a soft sigh and scans the surroundings in search of his roommate.
"kaveh…?" he calls out, his voice echoing. "are you here?"
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jirayus · 1 year
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" cars is the best movie ever made, i don't really care if you think i'm wrong either because i know i'm right. " your arms crossed over chest, you're stubborn and determined to stick by your opinion. " when lightning gave up his chance at winning a piston cup to push the king across the line after chick hit him with a pit maneuver .. that was literally the greatest scene in movie history !! "
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seibmoz · 1 year
open: miew.
" uh, " he looks about .2 seconds away from running back out the door just walked through. he takes a few steps back, still scanning the room for any sign of zombies (a runner in a confined place like this would be hell). " how's the .. um .. end of the world going for ya ? "
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chessmanz · 1 year
i can stay awake all night ,  if need be .
" i'm sure you can. i bet you could get to the top of the tallest mountain in the world barefoot too. " there's a video playing his computer screen, the same video that's been occupying it for the last two hours. he watches every character's movement with unmatched intensity, like there's a secret hidden, like there's something missing .. and he knows that once he calls it a day with the video he's analyzing (an old match of fnc), he'll boot up his game and play the rest of the night trying to get his rank a bit higher than it currently is (the lowest in the team). he pauses the video to look at the other, blank expression soon broken by a small smile. " .. there's no need. go sleep, pretty boy. really, you don't have to pretend to be interested in this, i know it's boring to most people. "
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fatalelity · 11 months
@shoelacestied said : ❛ not trying to brag or anything, but i can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so… ❜
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" uh huh . . . " gaze remains fixed on her screen, the words taking its time to process. fingers grasp her coffee cup, addison takes a sip as her eyes continue to scan the words on before her. " you're telling me this as a friend or as your doctor ? " briefly, her gaze lifts. " either way, i'm not prescribing you xanax. " a stifled chuckle escapes at the sound of her own joke.
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lunawish · 7 months
the moon approaches the horizons for the first time you've stepped foot on these soils. for the first time in years, the moon rises and looms over moonrise. you still remember how sickened you felt seeing it hang above the skies of last light inn — how you cursed it's very existence and audacity for existing in the lands blessed by lady shar.
and yet, you were all the grateful. of course, you wouldn't admit that to a selûnite. but you were grateful there was a refuge for those that were not as fortunate as you to be loved by the dark lady.
love. the four letter word tastes like blood and bile in your mouth. you feel disgusting, unclean — the grime of the shadowfell, the shadow curse still eats at you.
your entire life was a lie and you were gullible enough to fall for it. you feel pathetic.
your hand trembles at the tight grip around the knife's hilt — you feel your body finally succumbing to the pain, the agony, the torture that was inflicted upon you in the shadowfell.
you run your fingers through your hair and effortless remove a tuft of now silver, white, hueless locks. it must've been the stress taking a toil upon you.
you take a deep breath and you pull it close to your face. your reflection barely visible in the waters and you are resolved to cut.
that is until you see the faint reflection of @clawsextended behind you. you panic briefly, but steel yourself. this is for you. this gesture is for you.
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sldier · 4 months
the bright neon lights sure are a stark contrast from the monotonous, cold-feeling hallways of the shinra building. man, there's so much to look at, so much to do— the gold saucer feels more alive than any place zack has ever been before! but in all honesty, he'd rather be back in midgar, training more. [becoming 1st class and a hero doesn't just happen at places like this, after all.] but he's been working hard lately, too hard in angeal's eyes, and burning yourself like a candle is more harmful than helpful, apparently. [or… whatever that dumb phrase angeal had lectured him with was.]
as much as its reputation of fun precedes it though, it's just a bit too much for zack to digest all at once. thankfully, he doesn't have to do it alone. well, he wasn't alone until yukako excused herself fifteen minutes ago to go find a restroom.
when she finally finds her way back to where they had split up, zack isn't anywhere to be seen in the immediate vicinity. her confusion only lasts so long before his familiar voice rings out from a ways away, a raised arm with a clenched fist waving above his spiky-haired head. “ yukako! over here! ”
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when they reunite, zack's giving a toothy smile as he holds up a ticket between his gloved fingers. “ hehe, check it out! a ticket for the skywheel gondola. and i already know what you're probably gonna say: but zack, isn't that usually for couples? well… sure it is. but that doesn't mean we can't still get on, right? ” and if any staff give 'em trouble for it, a little acting never hurt anyone.
@kudakenai: ❛ i can’t leave you alone for one minute, can i? ❜
zack shrugs with nonchalance at this. “ hey, it's not like i was plannin' on buying it at first. but while i was standing around, waiting for youuu, ” he says with his hands on his hips, leaning in a bit, “ all i'm hearing is people talking about how romantic the experience is. i'm thinking it might be a good place to take aerith… ”
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“ SO—! ” he snaps his fingers and pumps his fist outwards towards yukako, turning it around and splaying his fingers to reveal the ticket waiting on his palm. “ we’re gonna go together! since you’re a girl, you know what girls like. if you’re impressed by it, then that settles it! if you aren’t, then it means i just saved myself from taking a girl out on a lame date; no harm, no foul. ...what do you think? pretty good plan, huh? ” he seems to think so anyway!
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