#including their evil boss with the power of the key to heaven in his hands then you have to save your girl and you go back in time
cometrose · 1 year
nobody has suffered in kingdom hearts like sora did in the last 5 hours of kh3
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incarnateirony · 4 years
DM questions, a new round.
"i am very curious for the vids on amara right now, because I feel like I did not understand a lot of the underlying text from her plotline."
My Amara heavy vids are Reflection (S14 orig)/Destiny's Reflection(S15 update), End of the Line, and Xanthosis. However they're more how she interplays to the storyline for the mains rather than a breakdown of the mythological significance at large. I'd say check my talk on Absence. Somewhere I do have a cosmogeny post from like S13, where I break down the Qabbalah on this but I can’t seem to find it at the moment and would be a bit extra. Almost overcomplicate things right now since it went into the tree of life and pillars, even if that’s quite predictively mapping out our path right now episode by episode.
I will say: not all mentions of “absence” on my blog are specifically in regards to Amara, but rather, to a collective mindset. The fandom -- frankly, humans in general -- tend to think in dualities. A subtle point in the subtext of this all is that dualities are often more a matter of being and unbeing. Darkness isn’t a thing, it is an absence of light. Death isn’t a thing, it is an absence of life. Evil isn’t a thing, it is an absence of good. It wasn’t by magic that I pre-quoted Cas in well...Absence once I saw the episode title while dealing with Jack being soulless. (x) This is something to learn moving forward-- or uh unlearn. Be absent of former dichotomous coding.  This is critical in other things like The Absence of Life which is going to be incredibly crucial to grasp coming up. (x)
Many authors talk about the Absence of Cas as a narrative tool, and while this is very valid, I find it’s almost too targeted. It’s a valid tool to start thinking about empty space: absence of Cas in AUs, the loss of Cas in the alternate future, and more--you’ll find me showing how Amara’s exit itself paralleled Cas and both handled Absence. But this is a very large scale idea that also impacts the sum of our cosmogeny really. You don’t think of it being “Cas” and “negaCas”, it’s just... absence. Something that isn’t there. Now expand that on these ideas.
I once etched this out on paint to try to streamline it when it comes to our Alpha and Omega (11.23), aka our Form and our Void (11.2).
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"For the graphic, i just watched a few vids on alchemy and the 'souls' 'occultum' and 'eden' stand for 'soul' 'mind/spirit' and 'body' respectively right? But I am a bit confused about the end of the second paragraph, because from one of your posts I gathered that the souls are collected/destroyed/taken by amara and then "returned" to the empty. But in the graphic you seem to be implying the exact opposite? I think? Anyways it was very helpful to put all the different info into context thanx!”
They're pulled out into Absence, Absence is the lack of Being, Being is the created world. Beyond the created world there is the Empty. In the Empty there is only the Shadow.
And you're kinda close on the soul stuff. I'm at work so pardon if I'm going to be brief, I have a boss in my ear on a conference call but the long and short of it is... soul, mind/grace, body. But body is also the physical world. As above, so below.  Everything, and I do mean everything, ties into this. Souls, heaven, how reality is structured -- if you haven’t yet, check my heaven meta as it tries to communicate this but also make sure to read through the rest here. (x)
The soul is the foundation of all things, the mind reflects the soul and identities grown of it from the creative collective, body/earth is the perception of the world and vessel in which we grow.
Visit the interior parts of the earth; by rectification thou shalt find the hidden stone.
Or, “loosely translated,” In order to be in the Occultum, the Occultum must be in you.
The alchemists often referred to this as the “Marriage of the Sun and Moon,” which symbolized the two opposing ways of knowing or experiencing the world. After this Marriage of the Mind, the initiate experiences an increase in intuitive insight and the birth of Intelligence of the Heart. This newly found faculty produces a sense of reality superior to either Thought (Mind/Grace), or Feeling (Soul), alone.
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The soul lights and powers the mind, the mind perceives the body, the body is vessel of the world and gives meaning and form for the soul for the mind to receive, relive and understand, as opposed to the unformed and seeking Shadow in oblivion wondering if it even exists that just wants to sleep. This is also not so different from the world orbiting around the sun despite previous confusion, if sun = soul, but the moon reflects the sun’s life and is a key catalyst for making life achievable on earth in many ways. Wherein moon = mind. Hmmm what was it that led Cas right to the occultum before it passed in the same order as the last sphere this year?
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"Yes! I believe I actually understood everything you just said perfectly fine! (Three hours ago this basically just would have been gibberish to me, for real!) but for real, tysm for explaining, you really have a way to get everything down short and precise, even if i have to read a few things double. Just one more question, you saying they are pulled out into absence, and then the circle gif: does this mean in the grand scheme of things that the circle is finished by the time "a soul goes back to the empty" (very loosely described). Or is the circle a bigger one where it began with "the empty" / "the ink man(was one of 'his' names I think)" waking up -> everything forming out of nothing. And will end at some point with everything returning to nothing. Just to start anew - and therefore cause another unrelated circle? Sorry I this makes absolutely no sence at all "Waking up" referencing the big bang of course - "everything returning to nothing" meaning the collapse of the universe - and the "start of another circle" meaning a second big bang"
There's actually two takes on this! Very good question! Ironically, most gnostic branches believe the ascent does return you to the formless shadow, and it's called a Nihilistic view. Basically you return to the source of the machine as the one. On the other hand, more hermetic structures are called Optimistic, in that the machine is self-created by us to learn and master ourselves through and achieve enlightenment by returning to a *reflection* of the core. In supernatural, this would be the Garden, where the unconscious shadow being built over in creation reaches down as the subconscious serpent and asks who you are-- man returning to the garden.
In fact, Jack’s role in this (including the Luciferian parts I’ll talk below) in being the one TO return to the garden corresponds with phanes and the orphic egg, the (remastered) being that CAUSES that big bounce. (x) Why yes, I AM going to just keep throwing season 14 posts at you because this structure is a few years building at this point.
The Shadow may be the source but a still raw and unformed one, it's the fish before it crawled out of the cosmic water if you will.
Whereas the question of Being or Unbeing, first sourced in ideas like Chuck and Amara, came as thought. Thought and Mind made the world in Being.
So Chuck Had A Dream, and built it, but off the back of a primordial Shadow soup that already existed before him.
So the Thing that wonders why, or even if it exists, does exist as a formative Prima Materia, first material, on which the mind itself was made, but in reaching into the created world also has a new form. There, the crossroads of man and divinity, the Garden, where Jack reclaimed his soul.
Chuck is the first Mind to create by Grace and the Word (Logos, notice the book between Dean and Castiel) and half of the first question. Abraxas: Abrahadabra: I speak, therefore I am.
Chuck would thus be (half of) the Shadow's mind in its first form, but lacks the actual essence that defines the Shadow, and the Soul. Some schools of gnostic thought believe that humans were originally created, their body forms, by the Demiurge (Chuck), but they had no souls. So the Shadow descended as a serpent, sometimes Lucifer sometimes not (I don't think SPN is doing that part--or more, as above, is using Jack, the orphic child, as Phanes), to teach them the difference between good and evil, but that forbidden fruit wasn't an apple or whatever, it was giving them a soul, because the soul is the one true good and foundation of it all.
There is no evil, there is only the absence of good.
But the acquisition of that made them more than Chuck's dream, but able to have their own.
Hope, art, dreams. Those are human things.
Yes, they are.
The soul breeds the mind, the mind perceives the body, the body shapes the experience OF the soul as perceived by the mind, and these things make our heavenly thrones, thought boxes if you will
Supernatural is actually asking the audience to ponder the meaning of life.
What about all of this is real? Is it our circumstances? 
No. The where isn't significant as much as what we do with it. 
What about all of our Lives is real? 
People, families. We are. 
This is real.
Why do we exist? What is the meaning of it all?
The meaning is what we make between each other.
Who are we when we are first born? Are we as an infant who we become? Would I be a completely different person if I lived a different chain of circumstances and knew completely different people? How many lives must I live to find my way?
Chuck wants them to believe that the Gold they have made in this world and their interpersonal relationships cannot stay. Perhaps in his world that may be true. But man and his soul and his mind is a mortal beyond the body of this world
If they break Heaven from the chains he put around it then he has no power over man. It's the same reason he sealed Amara away. He knew they were equals and he couldn't stand it.
Man has the same right to the throne that Chuck has. Only his propaganda machine and keeping people in the ecosystem of his boxes is what gives him Authority. But as Fortuna says, don't play his game. Make him play yours.
As Dean said when he threw Michael in the Box. 
My mind, my rules.
In that box, Dean was God. Everyone else was just All The Same. Michael couldn't snap his fingers and nuke them all, he didn't have Chuck's given right of being a wavelength of intent across the realm.
"In this place, I'm God!" cried the mayor in Peace of Mind.
Each and every heaven box is a potential world made by man, a timeless place shuffling their greatest memories and ideas, but left empty by the lack of other souls in it. The souls remain the one true thing and he who has the most souls is god.
Man is god, end of story, Chuck's just... an architect. 
And every human can be one.
Perhaps my greatest frustration in this fandom is trying to slam out post after post explaining how wall to wall this incredibly deep philosophy is, to try to point out its resounding and powerful message to an entire audience, only to be met by resistance over silly fan warring about wanting or not wanting a ship like. Honestly, I don’t care if someone doesn’t like ~Destiel~ like. Get over it. You can see it as a long series (15.09, 15.13, etc) of platonic bro marriages of the platonic bro mind for their cosmic taxes to get a discount on the loan for their galactic fucking refrigerator at this point, but you are fundamentally doing yourself an entire assed disservice on the very moral bone structure of this show to not be willing to absorb this, much less prepare for how this will usher out our ending.
I don’t care if you ship Dean with Anna or Lisa or some other ancient shit, I don’t CARE if you prefer some Cas ship from 1492, tuck all that away. Please, for the love of everything holy, try to understand these lessons that the writing crew are even using to try to help counsel everyone through the ending of a show that took up much of our lives and, beyond that, learn how to carry these lessons into the real world in a way that just might maybe make you a better person who is able to have a better experience in their life.
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player-1 · 5 years
Ephemer, the Graveyard Janitor
Obviously includes KH3 spoilers, theories, and a slightly confirmed rant, so beware.
I came off as more of a surprise for everyone when Union X's Dandelion boy revealed himself in the Keyblade Graveyard and helped Sora in KH3, but that got me thinking about the situation as a whole... What if Ephemer was in the Graveyard through the entirety of the series (After the timeline shift in UX, around the time of BBS and onward), and his possible connection between the ancient battleground.
In short, as the title explains, he's the janitor, cleaning up after every micro war and ass-kicking carnage that goes down there.
To make this easy for everyone, there are three examples with the Graveyard getting utterly decimated, and how his janitorial duties effected the environment and characters around him.
Exhibit A: Birth By Sleep
(The battle of Three [and two halves])
For the protecter of Light and Union Leader of Unicornis, it would be extremely easy for him to recognize a threat to that delicate balance. Enter Master Xehanort, an old fart of an extremist with a one-track mind about the ancient War that tore the Worlds apart and theorizes how to kickstart the second apocalypse. (But the game should let him time travel and possess people, because why not?)
While Ephemer would have done far more than an intervention when Xehanort was "training" Ventus, and later on Vanitas in the Badlands, I guess he was too weak to make a proper appearance. So all he can do was watch in the sidelines, letting Xehanort's plan unravel and lead Ven, Terra, and Aqua to their final battle.
Now that’s where the fun begins. And who says there can't be a war with five people? While the battle was an emotional wreck for the Wayfinder Trio, they had a clear environmental disvantage as well. Pulling a giant mountain out of the ground, Ven getting extreme frost bite, the surfboard of graves, a whole lot of craziness from that evil goblin-man. And to makes matters worse, the destruction of the X-Blade “rips apart the landscape”, so it very well leave behind a mountain of rubble in the process.
Exhibit B: Lingering Will, Vanitas Remnant, and Dark Inferno 
(The "Too Angery to Die" Club)
Though it may not be in canonical order, I’ll try to explain the obvious and/or speculated connections.
Lingering Will (KH 2: Final Mix)
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(Credit to freezeprides)
If he breathes, he’s ready for an ass-kicking, and I’m sure that no one wants to be on the recieving end of his Ultima Cannon. When it comes to this frustrating KH2 boss, there’s two things that stick out to me surrounding his appearance. One, a portal to the boss is avaliable in Disney Castle, a portal of Light invading the room where the Cornerstone of Light is housed (which the Cornerstone is said to connect to the world’s past). Second, the change in location in the Graveyard, more specifically away from the Crossroads and in a open and empty space (personal speculation seems to be the Badlands). 
The reason? When it comes to a brooding suit of armor, it could take a lot of time and energy for Ephemer to relocate LW somewhere more secluded (even when he had the eleven-year span from BBS the end of 358), but there would be no other way to make sure this incarnation of pure rage doesn’t go beserk. If it meant connecting the world to a powerful source of Light, he may temporarily have enough power to keep LW’s resentment at bay.
Vanitas Remnant (BBS)
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Unlike Lingering Will, however, this angsty ball of Darkness is more of a shut-in case, as well as it being surprisingly easy for Ephemer to contain. While both LW and VR could be in the Badlands, they’re situated in the different areas so sparks don’t fly between the two of them. As long as no one touches it’s Absent Silhouette, no one will get hurt.
Dark Inferno (KH 3)
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If I could explain the Dark Inferno in a understandable manner, this blender with roller skates (and there should not be more than one, Jiminy!) it should be described as the Graveyard’s guard dog. If the theory that Dark Inferno could be Ephemer’s Heartless is true (and that was the most heart-crushing but plausible theory so far), whether or not it’s been around before the final battle, it may be an extension to him; an active and powerful force whose only purpose is to keep intruders away. Maybe that’s why in the endgame, it’s found near the Fissure, the main entrance to the Graveyard’s battleground.
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Exhibit C: Kingdom Hearts 3
The True Armageddon* 
Imagine the scene:
The sky darkens, clouds covering every inch of the heavens as Heartless descend in swarms.
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With a wave of the Xehanorts’s hand, the earth opens its maw, ruins of a bygone civilization enclose the battlefield, creating a natural maze as the uprooted Keys fall to the dirt. 
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As the denizens of Darkness mix and coalesce, creating an unstoppable army, the Tempest snatching up all that tremble before it.
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High above the lost souls, unbeknownst to all, a light of the past looks upon the scene with dead mercy in his eyes, the forgotten momument  being the unfortunate battleground to simple legends and fairytales.
Enough was enough.
With his gathered strength over the decade, he reaches out to the despairing Hero of Light, hoping to turn the tides to this desolate prophecy. 
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While it was nice of him to defeat the Heartless, maybe he was too done to care about their personal battles (though he may “interrogate” Ven and Lauriam on why they were so adamant on this hellscape)...
But think of the mess...Poor kiddo.
If you just skimmed, here’s the short story: Ephemer the janitor may have solved one of the greatest inconsistencies in the Keyblade Graveyard (and you should be proud of all his hard work). 
Bonus: ReMind
(Possibly after the final battle, or relates to the timeloop theory, idk)
[Ephemer, 110% done with war activists and mindless teenagers with swords]
"Alright, if that's what you want, fine! I can play your games...Just don't touch anything else... The pillars are fine, completely unethical, but fine. Want something else!? HERE'S A BENCH!"
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"It's a nice touch, right? You can just kick back, relax, put your feet up, and you can all look at THE MESS YOU MADE!! You know, a little 'thank you' will do WONDERS for me right now!"
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A Bloody Fine Caning Unauthorized cbt Orgasm The Disciplinarian Whos That Girl Capsized Cock Sucker Spellbound Tit Trance Introducing the Spanksticks Chastity Cock Shock Holly De Veaux L8TX SOLO Cum First then Fucked Boot Devotion Tools of Discipline Czarina Gia Hosiery Bend Over Bitch First Time LockUp No Relief Leather Slavery Evil Smoke Maniacal Used Cock Punishing Latex Nurse Leather Domina POV Bad Aby Sissy Maid Servitude Predicament Meets The Cane The Devils Contract Extended Caning Scene with The Biters for the Music Video Hold On Human Ashtray Gag Breaking the Male Ego Making You My Cock Sucking Bitch My Leather Gloved Hand Over Your Mouth Drone for My Decollete Bitches Wear Stripes Part 1 Spanked by the Head Mistress PantyHose Persuasion Ball Busting Birthday Trample The Chastised Maid Ball Skewering Heavy Rubber Nurses Pantyhose Whore Immobilized orgasm Take This Vampire Cock Pt. 1 Hot and Cold Dangling Dick Sucker Ball Busted Advancement Through Mind and Cock Control When the Smoke Clears Cranked Yanked & Chastised I Have Come to Enslave You Screen Evil Dick Pricked and Fisted in the Clinique Strap On Virgin CEI Suckle The Truth Hurts Practice Makes Perfect Last Breath for Subby Hubby Behind the Scenes Stretched Hogtie Good While he Lasted Barefoot Adoration Single Tail Out Takes Predicament Bondage Forced Orgasm BITTEN Dream State Seduction Drowning the Male Ego Shock Suck Spray Submit to My Cock Bound To The Cross Bound Broken and Chastised Cum & Clean These Boots Screen I Dream of Dirty Boots My Therapist is a Vampire Accept Your Submissive Heart Obedient Slave Training Nice and Easy FemDom Cock Commander Bicep Fetish Complete Cock Control Chauvinistic Pig Vampire Glamoured into Submissive Drone Sissy School Episode 1 Mesmerized JOI Exacting and Cruel cbt Double Domme Discipline Erotic Vampire Queen Controls your Cock You Said you Would do Anything Ball Lashing Black Leather Mistress Cock Sucking Sissy Training Part 3. His First Double Penetration Doctors Orders Smoking Dress the Part Edged and Controlled Inverted NT Ass Fucked Cum Eating slut FemDom Boss Disciplined and Controlled Ass Fucking Attitude Adjustment Clamped Rode Hard Put Up Wet Over Her Knee Elegantly Draining Your Wallet 24 Seven Chastity So Many Vices Hell Bent for Cock Work For It Boot Slut Therapeutic Rewards Plugged and Chaste Sissy Maid Slut Trained Slave Boy Cheaters Get Fucked Are You Ready to Serve Ride My Cock Part 3 Cum for My Cock Mouth Raped in Rope Bondage Mistress CandyXXX cock & Ball Busting Barefoot Trample Pantyhose Attraction Breath Control Forced Orgasm Slave to My Back Seam Vampiric Alpha Female Upstairs Firemans Carry The Collared Slave Slave to My Ass The Capable Foot Slave Cruel Cbt Experiments by the Latex Nurse Sissy Schoolgirls First Exam Fur Goddess Earn Your Stripes My StrapOn Romance Cum Eating Instruction Owned By Her Boots Slave to My Soles My Cock or Oxygen Part 1 Sissy Fuck Jaw Dropping CumShot Scarred for the Privilege The Graduation How to Lace a Corset Foot Worship Reward Shocked & Showered Shoe Fetish & Shoe Fuckery Cock Tied & Electrified Love Potion Number 9 Bound to Cum Size Queen Black Cock Thigh High Boots Are Made for Walking Forced to Suck Forced Into Foot slavery Bad Boys Get Spanked Ram Rod Attitude Adjustment Ass Blasting Forced O Cock Whipping FemDom Forced Bi Obedience & Devotion Bend Over Boyfriend You are My Human Ashtray POV Figging Taking His Cherry Multi Task Those Cocks Whore Forced Bi Fur Ensnared by Her Furs Part 2 LollyGagging Knob Lobber Smoking on human ottoman Sky High Stilettos Cum in Your Mouth or Not at All Soul Stealing Vampire Taste the Lash Surrender to the Leather Mistress Marked by the Paddle Screen Spank or Fuck Jerk Off Smack Down The Sissy Maid Ashtray The Ultimate FinDom Screen The Terms of Engagement Balls of Fire After School Voyeur Smoldering Mistresses Stocking Submission Sucker Punch You Wont Mind if I Smoke Pegged in the Sling Screen Tormented and Forced by the Latex Nurse One Way Out Strapon Venus Fucked & Sucked Fireside Foot slave Corseted & In Control Come to Bed Rope Crucifixion Jeans and Pantyhose Serious Bondage Mesmerized CEI Descent into Darkness Bound Strapped and Sucked The Sissy Assignment Need for Chastity Latex Stroke CBT Mesmerized into SubSpace Damn Good Bondage Golden Shower Brainwashed by Breasts Devil in a Blue Dress OTK Caned to Cum Holly De Veaux and Balls of Steel Keyholder Worthy Hands Free Hosiery Cum Chastity Test Pass Double Domme De Fete Eat It Birthday bitch CBT Cum Training Pantyhose Addiction Drilled Mouth and Ass Shoe Fancy Strung Up Tortured Denied & Locked into Chastity Strung Up Spanked and Caned Long Nail Fascination Penis Enlargement Clinic Foot Face Fuck Latex Smother Spit Shined Ensnared by Her Furs Part 1 The Trap Crushed & Controlled Ice Bucket Challenge Satisfying Tease and Denial The Imprisoned Heart Owned by My SpankSticks Part 2 Suspended in the SleepSack 6 Different Lifts Balls of Steel Taste it Dont Waste it For The Love Of Leather The Ultimate Humiliation Ensnared by Her Furs Part 3 Edged to Consume Love My Lipstick Enslaved to Nylons Face Down Ass Up Ball Busting Stiletto Surrender Your Company and Your Soul to My Cleavage Bound Drained and Forced into Chastity The Biters, Extended Medical Scene Strong Tits Weak Cock Seduced into Destruction Boots in Bed Vampire Glamoured to the Glory Hole Hosiery Heaven The Meaning of Objectification Intense Intro Smoking Hot Cock MindFuck Screen Mean Feet Entranced Surrender Caged Tease and Denial What Aby Dreams are Made of Long Hair Tease Pay and Obey Pimped Between Ecstacy & Annihilation Irresistible Undulating Strap on The Sensual Servant FemDom Induction Deep Dicking Bad Ass FemDom 2014 Gender Reassignment Pussy Whipped Chastity Test Fail Mouth Load Caned into Submission Caught in the Hamper Sissified Life Chap Boot Lust Elegance and the Ashtray Gag My Human Ashtray Vampire Glamoured to Eat Cum Stranglehold Panty Sniffer Forced Hands Free Multiple by Strapon Pegged into a Puddle Flame Job The Doctors Wife Trained for Cock Sucking Suspended and Spanked Frustrated Jerk Puppet Glam Public Lift and Carry Humbled Captive Male of FemDom Vortex of Ass Worship Addiction Breast Wishes Black Bull Turned Bitch Leather Whip Mistress Long Hair and Lovely Hose Part 1. Proliferation of the Penis He Goes Down Punished Thighs Single Tail Sadist Happy New Year cock sucker Rewarding Denial Cruel Shoes Merciless Leather Whip Mistresses Inflated and Drained Cum Consumption for a Slut in Training Hosiery The Slave Breaker Shine Agony of de Feat U R My Urinal Toilet Slavery 6 Foot Massage Smoking Venus in Furs Ruined by Tickle Torture More Than a Mouth Full Feature Presentation Overnight Captivity Shocked Cock Forced to Cum Trained for Cock Gagged Spanked & Fucked When I Say Latex Slut Thoroughly Fucked The Interrogation of Hoodman Shoe Fuck Fail, Back into Chastity The Key Holder Ass Owning Pile Driving Mistress Will he Ever Learn Bound Forced and Ruined Shoe Worshipping sissy Softly Taking You Down Take Your Medicine Cum Fast Cum Slow Ball Stretched Bitch Cbt and Permission Ripped Stripped and Whipped Bitch Slapped Cock Shock Kiss My Fabulous Ass Hypn0 Fag Suck it Sissy Boot and Glove Lovers Delight Whipping Pig Nipples Awaken the Submissive Within Across the Miles Scrotum Pincushion Cleavage vs The Car Title Shibari and Single Tails Mommys MouthSoaping Cbt Hoe UpSized Tit Worship Savage Clamps Season of the Witch Deleted Foot Fetish Scene from The Biters Music Video for Hold On Sissy Maid Programming Hangem High Cbt Instruction Quick Fix Sissy Foot Fetish Overload Captive Male Desires Mesmerized into Chastity The Flogging of a Work hard Play Harder Control Top Object of Tickle Torture In Preparation Caning 101 Sensual Strap On Domination Secret Cuckold Therapy The Sissy Exam Waterboarding in the Afternoon Marked for the Strapon Stroke to FemDom Bare Foot Trample Lick Boots Kiss Ass Two Cocks 1 Slut Welcome to the Stable So Hot it Hurts Mesmerized by FemDom You Can Not Escape My Wolfords Caged Chastity Double Vision Hang Tough Golden Nectar Ass to Mouth Sissy Maid Now Youre Mine Controlled by Cleavage Inverted Ass Whipping Skydive Dickhole Extinguisher Be My Hitachi Oiled Tickle Torture Breaking Your Pathetic Cock The Cougar and Her Prey Foot Fetish Fantasy Be My Leather Slave Spanked Mesmerized Feminized Stretched by Ass Hook and Humbler Goddess Cheyenne and Mistress Candy XXX cbt & nt You Need Discipline Screen Sissy Maid Motivation Panties and Punishments Racked and Ruined My Doctor My Home Wrecker More Bounce to the Ounce Ball Busting Tea Time All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go but Down Triple FemDom Boot and Shoe Lick Strapon Lovers Under My Heels Take This Vampire Cock Pt. 2 Pennys Punishment You Need a Spanking Strawberries & Cream Queen of the Night Caught in the Act Yes Maam Forced Bi Boyfriend Strap On Prep Leather Opera Glove Lust Chastity for the Married Man If you are Going to Act Like a Baby... Slut Boy Jim Take It Slut Cock Sucking Sissy Bootblacker Star Whores FemDom Strikes Back CEI Sissy Bound for Ass Pounding Corporal Punishment Wet and Luscious Pile Drive the Bitch in Chastity Tight Sweater Tit Worship The Psychology of Finance Vampire Leather Mistress Worship Web PantyHose Fetish Suck My Strap On Black Magic Faggot Its Time for Your Exam Smothered Pantyhose Domination Carried Away Open Wide Forward Thrust Track Fan Trample Owned by the Strap On Bound Spanked Sissy Mesmerized Forced Bi Back Bend CBT Bastinado Suspension Brutally Broken by BullWhipping Upskirt Tease and Denial The Weaker Sex Anniversary Cane Strait JOI Objectified Programmed for Cock Violet Wand Duo Spanked by Hand Swallow for Me Prescription Strength Cock Control Elegant Smoking Anal Training and Nipple Training Session Whipped Balls Spinner Boy Prove You Are Worthy Report to My Office Lick My Boots Cock Pain Cum Home Wrecker NOT House Keeper My Cock or Oxygen Part 2 Lick the Dirt from My Shoes Owned by a Vampire Snack Cake Crush Banged Sissy Bitch Rubber Sucker Double Dom Dicked Requirements of Sissy Service Ass Out Stocked and Humbled Forced Orgasm Fallout Ashes to Asses Fuck Hard Beauty Ruined Forced Orgasm Choke or Suck Strapon Abduction Boot Bitch Leather Mistress cbt in Chastity Pump You Up Bastinado Action Packed Ass to Mouth Ignored Human Ashtray Captive Male Retro Trample Fuck My Boots Hanging Hooded Man Screen Gagging Cum Licker Bitch Slapped Cock Sucker Highly Arched Feet Athletic Shoe Trample Caged Foot slave Into the Fold Mistress CandyXXXs Slave Boy Tickle Me Latex Lover Rachel DD Pashas First Session Leather Mistress Strapon Discipline What a Slave Wants Swallow Your Load Sensual Mind Control for Slave Training Enslaved Sissies & Maids Reflections of a Pantyhose Slave Leather Mistress HandGag Ride His Ass Part 2. Anal Expansion Winter is Coming Bound Chaste Male Reprogramming Double Domme Barefoot Trample HellFire The New P.A. Weight Swinging Balls TiTmatized Leather Mistress Icy Hot Handjob Both ends My Ashtray Forced Feminization Making Him My Bitch
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enterinit · 4 years
New Xbox One Games for April 21 to 24
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New Xbox One Games for April 21 to 24.
Obey Me – April 21
Heaven and Hell are locked in an eternal conflict where the souls of mankind are at stake. Vanessa Held, a lowly Soul Huntress, and her Hellhound companion, Monty, could be the ones to tip the balance of the war with their own hands. Embark on a journey in city fraught with peril, slashing, kicking, and biting your way through hordes of foes, consuming their souls to unlock new combos, skills, and transformations.
Gato Roboto – April 21
Pounce inside of your cozy armored mech and set off on a dangerous trek through an alien underworld full of irritable creatures and treacherous obstacles in a valiant effort to save your stranded captain and his crashed spaceship. Tiptoe outside the friendly confines of your technological marvel and follow your feline instincts through tight tunnels and mysterious waterways to scavenge for new weapons and gear. Adventure awaits the most curious of cats in Gato Roboto!
Brutal Rage – April 22
BRUTAL RAGE is a scrolling beat’em up. Cross the city and beat all enemies on your way. Use your skills and weapons to realize epic combo ! When you’re ready use your rage to crush your enemies. Discover the story of cops wrongly accused for a crime they didn’t commit ! Embark on a brutal path of blood for retribution. Escape from the prison and prove your innocence. Find out who trapped you ! Features: 3 different game modes (Training, Story, Brutal Club)3 playable characters with their own fighting style6 episodes in more than 18 different locationsUse your rage to beat your enemies and bring justiceUse a variety of weapons including bats, knives and gunsAll game modes can be playable in local co-op
Guard Duty – April 22
Tondbert, loyal Guard to the Castle of Wrinklewood, is having a rough day. A little too much ale at the local pub, a lapse in judgement, and the next thing you know a hooded figure has slipped into the kingdom and kidnapped the princess. A thousand years later, in a small orbital station, Agent Starborn is a member of a resistance group embarking on a last-ditch effort to overthrow evil and take back the Earth. Discover how these two characters’ fates are intertwined and how they might save humanity in the process.
Help Will Come Tomorrow – April 22
Game focuses on the survival of the characters: meeting their needs, gathering resources, expanding the camp, exploring surroundings. In order to win player needs to learn the personality of the characters and work out relations between them, mitigating conflicts and taking care of the morale. Manage scarce resources and stay alive in frosty wilderness of Siberia before help arrives. Features: Immerse yourself in touching story set in 1917 pre - Bolschevik Imperial RussiaGuide 9 unique characters coming from different social origins and grouping in three society classesDiscover 10 intimate story-lines and past of all survivorsBuild facilities and upgrade survivor’s campManage dozens of scarce resources and try to stay alive in frosty Siberia until help arrives.Overcome class animosities between your party members, handle an innovative class relations building system.Face dynamically changing weather conditions and unforgiving Siberian wildlife affecting survivors life. https://youtu.be/G2Sp5JKuGd8
MotoGP 20 – April 23
With MotoGP™20, experience all the thrills of the more-complete-than-ever Managerial Career mode and decide whether to join a 2020 season team and race together with the official riders or join a totally brand new team. Discover more realistic physics, improved graphics, new 3D models of riders and face scans of official MotoGP™ team managers, plus new animations. Learn to manage gasoline and tire consumption. Customize your bike and your suit! Find the best combination of sponsor and livery, and choose colors and materials. Coordinate everything to win in style! Compete with legendary riders! New historic content and a new gaming mode await you to let you relive MotoGP™ history. Challenge your friends, create custom events and become the Race Director thanks to a brand new multiplayer experience supported by dedicated servers! https://youtu.be/pn6RntgChy8
Deliver Us The Moon – April 24
Deliver Us The Moon is a Sci-Fi thriller set in an apocalyptic near future, where Earth's natural resources are depleted. A lunar colony providing a vital supply of energy has gone silent. A lone astronaut is sent to the moon on a critical mission to save humanity from extinction. Will you save mankind or be forgotten in the dark abyss of Space? • Tackle real world issues • 1st and 3rd Person gameplay, including driving numerous vehicles • Vast, open moonscape to explore and discover • Claustrophobic, suspense driven action • Anti-gravity gameplay sequences • Clever, challenging puzzles • Haunting, orchestral soundtrack • Powered by Unreal® Engine 4 https://youtu.be/s4nv_9zwrxY
Archaica: The Path of Light – April 24
As the Light Bearer, your quest is to walk the legendary Path of Light and explore an ancient and beautiful world. The light is the key to open the secrets of this mysterious civilization. You have to understand how various devices work to manipulate the lasers and direct them into the right triggers: Tesseract: deflects the path of lightDivider: separates the laser in two beamsConverter: modifies the light colorTeleport: brings light into another TeleportSpherule: moves platforms to change the level’s layoutAnd many more to discover… You will often have to bend your logical thinking and perceptions to combine the powers of the artifacts and solve the unique challenge of every riddle. Features: Dive into the captivating aesthetic of a mysterious civilization. Every place has a singular design and encourages further exploration.Challenge your logical thinking to manipulate a lot of different devices, combine their use and solve riddles. Each level is based on a separate mind-bending idea.Discover an intriguing narrative. Unveil pieces of the story by finding hieroglyphs or by completing harder levels
Georifters – April 24
The ground is your weapon in the fast-paced battle arena of Georifters. Team up with or against your friends to punch portals, twist tunnels, flip lasers, and steal the ground from under each other using a unique arsenal of weapons and abilities in this ground busting adventure.
Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition – April 24
"LOSE YOUR MIND. EAT YOUR CREW. DIE. Take the helm of your steamship in a Victorian Gothic roleplaying game of discovery, loneliness and frequent death. Find your father’s bones. Determine London’s destiny. Defy the gods of the deep sea. Build up your story across generations of zailors who braved the sea and lost Real-time combat against ships and Zee-beasts, spider-crewed dreadnoughts and sentient icebergs Stray too far from civilization and your crew will grow fearful and eventually lose their sanity Upgrade your steamship with powerful engines, cannons and pneumatic torpedo guns Hire unique officers, each with their own story Discover the treasures the zee has claimed Choose a ship’s mascot Trade or smuggle silk and souls Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition includes the base game and the extensive underwater expansion." Features: Find your father’s bones. Determine London’s destiny. Defy the gods of the deep sea.Build up your story across generations of zailors who braved the sea and lostReal-time combat against ships and Zee-beasts, spider-crewed dreadnoughts and sentient icebergsStray too far from civilization and your crew will grow fearful and eventually lose their sanityUpgrade your steamship with powerful engines, cannons and pneumatic torpedo gunsHire unique officers, each with their own storyDiscover the treasures the zee has claimedChoose a ship’s mascotTrade or smuggle silk and souls
War Theatre – April 24 – Xbox One X Enhanced
War has come to Kasalli. As endless conflict rages, seven warriors discover an ancient power that promises mastery over any battlefield. War Theatre expands classic turn-based strategy gameplay with RPG elements. Choose your hero and take to battle in single-player campaigns set in a continent ravaged by ceaseless war. Complete quests to earn perks and unlock deeper customization options to refine your strategy and dominate opponents. Directed by Luc Bernard
Quest Hunter – April 24
Quest Hunter is an isometric action-RPG where your choice drives the story. Find tons of treasures and secrets, solve puzzles, equip your character, level up your skills and finish off enemy bosses. Play on the couch, alone or with friends, or make it an online party for up to four players! Basic Features Story-driven RPG: influence the storyline, choosing the answers in the dialogues. Untangle the insidious plans of your enemies and bring them out into the open. Save the world from the eternal darkness!Cooperative mode: play the game online with your friends, or on couch on one screen (Up to 4 players). Fight against evil shoulder to shoulder or make a mass grave in the enemy’s lair!Random generated dungeons: try your luck, see if you can find the way out of the dungeon. Where could it be this time? Who’s waiting for you around the corner?Quests and puzzles: move, turn, light, switch over, dig up… In short, solve a variety of quests and puzzles. Search for treasure maps to become the richest man in the camp!Skills and super powers: upgrade the character attributes and explore new skills. Become an invincible killing machine and turn your enemies into dust!Weapons, armors and items: find, create and upgrade your weapon and armor. Cook potions or make bombs. Take a shovel and a straw hat or a sharp blade and a helmet – it’s up to you to decide!Monsters and bosses: mysterious beasts from the darkness – light the torch and they will scatter away. Insidious bandits – give them your money and you’ll stay alive. Cunning bosses – find your approach to them!Treasure and trophies: stuff your pockets with trophies of your defeated enemies. Find all stashes and hiding places. Dig up all the treasures of the Dark World! And remember: you are safe only by the light of the torch!
Quern – Undying Thoughts – April 24
Quern introduces reusable puzzle mechanics to the classic genre, making the player think about the game as a whole, and not just as a series of individual challenges. Quern – Undying Thoughts invites you on a journey to explore it and solve its challenges. Put your mind to the test with the increasingly complex puzzles and unravel the mysteries of the island. Follow the hints of the past as you delve deeper into the story to understand the importance of your presence. Read the full article
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spinneryesteryear · 5 years
Spinner plays FFXIV Heavensward
- I made sure to unlock and lvl DRG before starting HW because reasons
- I… don’t really understand why people love Foulques so much? I can only presume it’s because they find him attractive
- at first I wondered why the lancers’ guild quests emphasized courage so much, but once you realize lancer upgrades to dragoon it all makes sense: they’re training the absolute maniacs who jump headfirst at DRAGONS; of course they’re going to emphasize courage
- the literal first thing I did as a dragoon after getting my soul crystal and the jump action was to launch myself into an AOE so clearly I’m playing my job right
- the drama between Alberic and Estinien was the only reason I made it through the 2.1 - 2.3 slog, tbh
- I picked up GLD/PLD somewhere in there, too, but the GLD quests weren’t exactly riveting and the PLD quests weren’t any better. I was just biding my time for DRK
- meanwhile I had hit like lvl 62 on WHM thanks to running lots of roulettes with Adventurer in Need: Healer so I’d switch to that while wandering through a lot of the HW regions so the mobs wouldn’t attack me. I did the HW story on DRG but ran dungeons as WHM the first time bc it’s my comfort role. 
- I’m… still not sure exactly how to do the mechanics on the Steps of Faith. Whoops. Fortunately, all but once I was WHM when I got it in roulette and I could just heal/spam Holy. The exception was on DRG and I just kinda… derped around killing what adds I could.
- those cutscenes at the end of 2.5, though. Dude. Duuuuuuude.
- it did give us Pipin Tarupin, however, and he is Best Lala.
- So, like… what exactly did Ysayle expect would happen when she broke Ishguard’s magic wards and opened it to assault by hordes of dragons??She seems genuinely regretful of the innocent lives lost when spoken to in the MSQ later in HW proper, but when she actually did the deed she was channeling ‘deranged witch’ for all it was worth and talking about how the sons should pay for the sins of their fathers. Did this incident give her a rude awakening about the Dravanian desire for vengeance?? Idk, maybe further quests will explain this.
—– me: *just arrives in Ishgard*
—– me: *taking the grand tour of the city*
—– me: *notices mob near cathedral, inquires about it, learns about recent violent death of heretic*
—– me: *finds heretic corpse*
—– me: *derails grand tour of Ishgard by slaughtering my way through the streets and through various chapels, laughing maniacally as I enjoy the greater reach of my brand-new greatsword and spam Unleash*
—– me, standing amid the broken corpses of a few dozen temple knights: Count Fortemps is probably gonna regret letting me into this city.
- that one dude in Camp Cloudtop who’s entirely too obsessed with the menu deserves to be booted off his lookout platform. I’ll even rescue him via flying mount before he splatters on the ground (however far down the ground happens to be, idk), but I really want to kick him off at least once. He gave me far too many fetch quests and my inner Fray is disgruntled, to say the least.
- me, just trying to make my way across the map: WILL EVERYTHING IN COERTHAS STOP CHASING ME???
- other people think the gaelicats are too cute to kill them. I, however, just want to kill them all the more. I’d be perfectly content to leave the mobs alone and continue on my merry way, but, nooooooo, they have to attack me. So I respond in savage kind.
- me, doing sidequest chains and getting mildly attached to extremely minor characters: So, I kinda ship Ayleth and Saintrelmaux now…
- ever since I unlocked it, I get Dusk Vigil all the time in lvling roulette so I’m now an expert on ice age megafauna, undead knights, and murderous griffins of the non-Sloppeh type
- Ravana is my fave HW primal, hands down, and his theme is definitely among my fave primal music. I would say it’s my absolute fave (I have listened to it on repeat for hours at a time, but I’ve done that with other music, so it’s not conclusive evidence) but it has stiff competition in the form of the Ultima theme, Leviathan’s theme, and the Knights of the Round theme.
- going on a life-changing field trip with Alphinaud, Estinien, and Ysayle was amazing. All we needed was Zuko.
- far too many side quests in Tailfeather. Far too many. And that one quest chain ended up with the poor dude’s pet baby chocobo as chicken tenders? If I didn’t hate chickens so much IRL that would have been super painful.
- the moogle quests required to progress the MSQ weren’t that bad. The sheer amount of moogle sidequests needed to unlock flying for that zone and their beast tribe quests, however…. well, I’m completely on board now with any plans Sidurgu might have for utter moogle genocide.
- lol, the moogles were about to give us more chores to do but Estinien’s sheer murderous rage panicked their chieftain into sending us on our way. I love him. (Estinien, that is. Not the moogles. I love to hate them.)
- Estinien is just… I love him so much. It’s more than his armor. It’s more than his jumps. It’s more than his sass and swearing. No stereotypical elf qualities to be found here, folks. Honestly, he could give some elves from The Silmarillion a run for their money, with even his own equivalent of Angband PTSD post-Nidhogg. I also immensely love that he’s a character on a power level similar to the WoL. (I don’t actually enjoy the main character being the most powerful person in the world, without equal. I like someone else being better in at least some ways and that being okay.) Heck, when possessed by Nidhogg he’s the final boss of the expansion + patches. And he lives. (Which is in itself a pretty powerful moment and Alphinaud and the WoL’s desire to save him lifts the whole plot point/theme into something more sublime. It would have been easy to kill him regretfully, both from a Watsonian and a Doylist perspective. The devs had no problems throwing painful deaths at us in this expansion. But we took the harder route. And it was worth it.)
- low-key painful Heavensward moments (bc heavens know there’s enough high-key painful moments): Alberic is extremely worried about his adopted son, whom he last saw nearly possessed by a dragon’s millennium’s worth of hate and rage, and who then vanished in an explosion, but he can’t do anything about it so instead he helps another retired dragoon worry about his own missing daughter
- ngl there was some red herring foreshadowing that the primal Archbishop Thordan planned to summon was actually Halone, the Fury, Goddess of Justice and Patroness of Ishgard. Which would have been badass. But I’m pretty sure Square Enix is going the Dragon Age route of never confirming/denying the presence of the Maker with their Twelve, Halone included, so I deemed it unlikely even as I secretly hoped. A lot of players probably missed these fake hints and would wonder what I’m even talking about. 
- I couldn’t even get mad about all the bad things that happened during the Vault because the characters were juggling Idiot Balls. (1) Aymeric thought his father, who has been consorting with Ascians and plans to summon a primal, could be reasoned with. (2) Aymeric went alone to go reason with him and was correspondingly captured and tortured. (3) We fought three of the twelve Heaven’s Ward in the Vault itself and NO ONE APPARENTLY QUESTIONED WHERE THE OTHER NINE WERE. Plus, said three have clearly already been tempered and are feeding off primal energy for their second forms, even if the mechanics are unknown. Those without the Echo should have promptly skedaddled after rescuing Aymeric. (4) After a dungeon full of ambush mobs, no one thought to secure the little airship landing behind the Vault before arguing with Archbishop Thordan. In Ishgard, city of verticality with its gravity-defying dragoons, personal airplanes, and millennium-long war against flying dragons. Everyone involved should have thought to check the nearby roofs for hostiles. Am I seriously the only person who has ever thought tactically about this situation??? (5) The WoL and Haurchefant rush forward to delay the Archbishop, again without considering the whereabouts of the rest of his presumably also tempered bodyguards or whether any hostiles remain in the building behind us. And so events happened as they did.
- Regula van Hydrus has a cool name and a cool silhouette with that helmet. Better than Varis, anyway. 
- the Vundu are probably my fave HW beast tribe. The moogles are the crafting tribe so Imma do them anyway (and have fun tricking them into doing work) but I’m actually looking forward to the Vundu. I’m just benevolently apathetic towards the Gnath.
- I just, like… did not care about Azys Lla in the slightest. It was more Allagan BS and I hated the map. (I still don’t have it fully explored??? What am I doing??) The ‘terms and conditions’ bit with the node was amusing, but… the entire place got old almost immediately. Finding Tiamat and talking to her with Midgardsormr was the only high point.
- why isn’t there an option to have Hrasevelgr come and talk to Tiamat to persuade her to abandon her self-chosen imprisonment??? Or to have Estinien later come and talk to her to possibly give her Nidhogg’s perspective? Bc I think Nidhogg would have some insight into her situation, definitely. She summoned elder primal Bahamut out of grief at his loss, while Nidhogg launched a millennium-long war out of grief at Ratatoskr’s loss, and now they’ve both abandoned their vengeance. 
- idk, man, the Aetherochemical Research Facility is such a weird conglomerate of things for a dugneon. Firstly, you got Allagan tech and machines. Then you got mutant creatures the Allagans made (bc, if it was mad science, then the Allagans were all over it). Then you got Ascians, evil ghosty dudes who laugh evilly and throw standard Evil Ascian Attacks at you before doing the fusion dance from Dragonball Z and becoming a Giant Evil Ascian. Igeyhorm has a feminine voice but is she(?) actually female or is she just presumably possessing a female body? Do Ascians have gender or do they even care about such things? (I am very much Not Thinking about Solus/Emet-Selch reproducing here.) 
- Archbishop Thordan reveals the millennium-old, perfectly preserved corpse of Haldrath, the original Thordan’s dragoon son, with NIDHOGG’S OTHER EYE FUSED INTO THE CORPSE’S CHEST, and, like, no one really comments on it in- or out-of-universe???? What happened??? Haldrath gave up the throne, apparently because he wasn’t 100% on board with his dad’s treachery against Ratatoskr and consequent decision to kill all dragons to maintain power. Dragoons were apparently already a thing at this point (HC: to combat the voidsent infesting Abalathia’s Spine and the mountains between Coerthas and Gridania, e.g. Witches’ Drop), so what happened to Haldrath? Is this explained somewhere and I missed it??? Did Nidhogg hijack his mind? Estinien had Nidhogg’s eyes (both of them, incidentally, which Haldrath didn’t have to deal with) fused to his arm & shoulder but Haldrath had an eye fused to his chest. To his HEART. What happened.
- And then Archbishop Thordan somehow turns Haldrath’s corpse + armor + Nidhogg’s eye into a sword, the primal version of presumably Ascalon, King Thordan’s sword, somehow designing it to eat primal/Ascian aether. And then he kills Lahabrea, which, no great loss there. But it leaves my questions unanswered.
- Thordan + Knights of the Round is such a cool trial, I love it to death and not because it’s easy. It could be as hard as Nidhogg Normal and I’d still love it. I wish I had a static with whom I could do Thordan Ex and other more complicated content.
- finishing that fight and the cutscenes after, however… man, I didn’t know how to feel. I was screaming internally and torn in at least three different directions. Couldn’t get through the patch content fast enough to fight Nidhogg.
- had to fight Raubahn as DRG to represent my decimated Knights Dragoon brethren and my missing possessed dragoon brother and restore their honor. I’m also 100% convinced Raubahn learned of Ifrit’s nail trick and decided, “I can totally do that with Tizona.”
- has Aymeric ever done a dragoon jump? No? Then he’s not a real Azure Dragoon even if he has a nice color scheme and has ridden a dragon. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if he can do a dragoon jump (he’s survived years as Estinien’s friend somehow, and I can’t help but imagine he’s dragged Estinien off more than one rooftop), but until he does it I’m not budging on this. 
- Aymeric getting stabbed by a rando with a pocketknife and nearly dying was (1) surprisingly realistic and (2) made him look wimpy next to all the punishment so many of the other characters take without dying. Sorry, man. It had to be said. I love you, Aymeric, but still.
- standing there on the Final Steps of Faith, on the broken bridge to the Gate of Judgment, staring down Nidhogg while that beautiful music plays (TELL ME WHY BREAK TRUST, WHY TURN THE PAST TO DUST) and waiting for the queue to pop… that was a powerful emotion unlike any other. Stormblood couldn’t match it.
- Nidhogg is such a fun fight because it’s still hard and I hate that I don’t get it in trial roulette more often. (Trial roulette is my favorite, actually. I love almost all trials - with the notable exception of the Chrysalis bc everyone runs around like chickens with their heads cut off on it and rages in chat, and with the possible exception of non-Final Steps of Faith.) Akh Morn is still a killer, I sometimes just want to watch bodies hit the floor, and Final Chorus is such a badass moment even as we’re all dodging for our puny lives. We’re fighting Bahamut’s brother. 
- Estinien takes advantage of Nidhogg’s temporary aether depletion to regain enough control over his body to try to kill himself before being used to wreak any more havoc. Estinien survived weeks, possibly months of possession via ancient angry dragon, and having two giant dragon eyeballs embedded in his body and feeding him enormous amounts of foreign aether. Estinien survived his body being aetherically remade into the shape of an enormous dragon and then into a giant dragon-man hybrid. Estinien survived the Warrior of Light. IMHO he doesn’t get enough credit for this. 
- do u ever wonder about Hraesvelgr and Estinien later meeting and Hraesvelgr identifying the spirit of his brother lingering within Estinien? Bc I think a lot of us have headcanon’d that Estinien is not as free of Nidhogg as one might think, what with his red fiery aura in SB and all. On the other hand… some of us further theorize that Estinien can’t be tempered now, so he could help us fight primals. It’d be awesome.
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prekese1spiritum · 7 years
17 Miracle Prayer Points That Make You Rich
Imagine if you were to somehow possess the "golden key" to heaven's back door
       "You're only 3 seconds away from discovering jealously guarded prayer secrets, hidden from you... until now"
17 Miracle Prayer Points That Make You Rich
WOW, These Prayers Work - My Testimony! October 11, 2013
It was just about 10 days ago i got to know about Elisha Goodman's prayer leads through an email from a God-sent senior sister, colleague and friend. I decided to take up the '17 Miracle Prayer Points That Make You Rich' because i was at what i considered the lowest point and most pitiable state in my finances. And right after the prayers i got a note of victory in my spirit over all the setbacks and challenges and i became expectant to receive the full manifestation of answers to my prayers. However, i faced even more harassment and bullying from my boss the next day at work so much so that i resigned by the third day. With no savings, no other job in view, it could have been easy to worry about what life is going to be like for a single lady who has no other source of livelihood apart from her job. But i was so confident knowing that right after those prayers, the Lord has ushered me into a new season of joy and gladness. Two days after my resignation, i received a huge sum of money promised me over a year ago and my office also paid me off an amount of money bigger that i expected and i am currently in a discussion for a far much better job than what i had before. In summary, i have had a zero balance in my account as at the time i prayed the '17 Miracle Prayer Points That Make You Rich' and in less than 7 days my bank account was transformed in to a 6-digit balance. Now i can feed, pay my rent, settle my pressing debts and i am at peace. Halleluiah!! This is simply a miracle! Thank you Elisha for the great work you are doing. God bless you and the sister that sent your email to me.
- Susie, Lagos, Nigeria
   Someone asked me the other day what was the most effective prayer point to pray and become wealthy.    I did some digging around and found out that the most powerful prayer points for wealth are the ones prayed by a (then) little-known entrepreneur over a decade ago.    He wasn't prepared for what happened after.    Here's his story...    He was waiting on the Lord (kingdom-speak for prayer and fasting) for 40 days when the Lord spoke to him the words of Ps 2 verse 8, which says:    "Ask of me and I will give you the heathen for thy inheritance and the outermost part of the earth for thine possession." That was his blank cheque. He asked. And asked. And asked. How did he ask?    He converted that piece of scripture into what some people call a prayer point (I call them prayer bullets). He came up with 17 of them based on just that one Bible verse.    Then he began to shout it in a very aggressive and violent manner (the violent takes it by force, remember).
   What was the result?
   - Within a few year, he founded a wireless communication business.    - The Lord gave him amazing favor. And fought all his battles for him, and gave him astounding victories.    - Today that business is worth billions of dollars and operates in 3 continents!    And, oh... he was named as one of Time Magazines' Top 100 influential persons of 2002.    Along with such household names as Oprah  and Michael Dell.    I'm going to give you the 17 prayer "bullets" in a moment.    All you desire in life, including inter-generational wealth can be yours, depending on theprayers you pray, the life you lead, and the Scriptures that saturate your DNA!    Prayer bullets are the missing secret in the body of Christ today.    That's why most Christians have never received a tangible, verifiable miracle!    Even when they do, they find it very difficult to retain, sustain and keep them for long.
   What's a prayer bullet?    A piece of scripture converted into short, sharp, bite-size prayers that can be prayed over and over again - No, this is not vain repetition because it is the  Word of God.    - It packs real power. It carries fire.    - It can build your marriage or relationships.    - Build a church, or a skyscraper.    - Flood your life with divine favor.    - Or get your body healed.
   - Open doors of opportunity you never knew existed.
   If you want to test drive those prayer bullets, like Susie just did this October 2013, here they are:
The 17 Miracle Prayer Bullets
1. O Lord, let my cries attract angelic assistance today. 2. Let my angel of blessing locate me today in the name of Jesus. 3. My angel of blessings will not go unless he blesses me in the name of Jesus. 4. Let every satanic hindrance targeted against my angel of blessing be dissolved by fire in Jesus' name. 5. Let every dead area of my blessings receive resurrection now in the name of Jesus. 6. Let the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ come upon the works of my hands in Jesus' name. 7. O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, manifest yourself in your mighty power to bless me. 8. Let every generational curse and covenant of poverty hiding in my life be broken and be cancelled by the blood of Jesus. 9. Every rage of the enemy against my coming breakthroughs be disgraced now in Jesus' name. 10. Every power in the heavens, earth or underneath the earth conspiring to abort my divine destiny, receive the fire of God's judgment now in Jesus' name. 11. Every evil message coded in my DNA to destroy me, be nullified by the blood of Jesus. 12. O Lord, stretch forth your mighty hands to perform signs and wonders in my life. 13. Blood of Jesus, block every doorway of poverty 14. My life, receive the power and anointing to get wealth in Jesus' name. 15. Angels of the living God, search the land of the living and the dead and recover all my stolen wealth in Jesus' name. 16. O Lord, anoint my eyes to see the hidden riches of this world. 17. Holy Spirit, order my steps into divine prosperity Sounds different? Right?
You can prove it yourself to see what happens. Be An Overcomer elisha
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Have you Ever wondered ‘IF’ something STRANGE is going on in our world? Is there A Secret or ” Shadow movement”, Behind the scenes of the world stage?  Is there a New World Order? a Babylonian Illuminati?  An Unseen HAND?  A force so POWERFUL, so Intertwined, That those aware of it  dare not speak about it above a whisper.  Is there an Evil that is HELL-BENT, on bringing the nations of the earth to their knees, forcing all governments to merge  into a ONE World Government, One World Financial System and One World Religion?  What about HAARP and Weather modification, Animal / Human DNA manipulation, and The CERN project in Europe?  WITH YOUR BACKING AND HELP!!! ALL of these topics, and MORE,  will be addressed and EXPOSED in THE SECRETS OF AKKADIAN ISLAND!  You will discover MANY of the situations , conflict and Game Scenarios, Within ” The Secrets of Akkadian Island”, seem RIPPED from Today’s Headlines!  Secrets of Akkadian Island is Based on DECADES of research and evidence, from some of the World’s BEST and TOP Researchers!  PLEASE help us FINISH this GAME and Get the TRUTH of what is going on in our world OUT THERE, to COUNTLESS MILLIONS of GAMERS!!!
Akkadian Island is an open-world game, similar to hits like Fallout, Far Cry and Just Cause, yet with some refreshingly new game play features:
1. Your mental perception can be altered by the paranormal powers of hybrids and super soldiers who are hunting you down. Hallucinations and fear can cloud your thinking at certain points of the game. You will seek to discover what they have created on Akkadian Island. AND Why are the ELITE of the earth racing to find, and steal bodies, from ancient tombs around the world?  Is there an EXTINCT, Ancient, DNA strand they are hoping to resurrect?  Are they seeking help , through a doorway, or stargate, to the other side?
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2. Dark areas and creepy settings combined with paranormal , and Demonic enemies.  Will kick up the fright factor to keep you on the edge of your seat!  You will need to learn the Spiritual Secret to stop and DEFEAT these powerful Demonic FORCES! There is a FAR Superior force than these demons and , in that NAME, you will PREVAIL!
3. Using high tech glasses, you will control your self aware, GHOST drone.  As you accomplish various missions( Both on Top of Akkadian Island, and in the Hidden Shadow Government base below) in the game.
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 4. Stealth combined with invisible camouflage (which can only be used for short periods of time) in some difficult areas will make for some interesting challenges.
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 Due to recent anomalies in the air and around the region of Akkadian island, several local scientific teams have asked a well respected geographer , Dr Colm Macklin to investigate the mysterious and rarely charted ” Akkadian Island”. Though he is a scientist, Dr Macklin was trained for years in military combat and covert skills.
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Dr Macklin then lands on Akkadian Island in what The Underground Movement calls  ” Ghost Armor”. This is a high tech armor designed by the Underground military to make a soldier  almost invisible. Dr Macklin releases a stealth drone called a ‘ Ghost Drone” that he must use to avoid detection.  These are critical Recon.missions , to Discover the carefully hidden and cloaked entrances to Akkadian Island, These entrances will not be discovered easily!
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You will want to avoid detection, by above ground robotic sentries, Created by the Shadow Government called ‘ TECH REAVERS’. These cyber electronic creatures are based on ACTUAL TECHNOLOGY being engineered and built by the military today… in the real world, To create an almost unstoppable KILLING MACHINE!
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Macklin will meet and rescue Physicist Dr Adelle Tabor. Dr Tabor doesn’t know it YET, but she is UNDER God’s Guidance. HIS Guidance will lead her out of the LET corporation and into the Christian Underground movement! her Knowledge of Akkadian Island will be a ” KEY” to Surviving and Completing your mission on Akkadian Island!
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  As  Macklin discovers hidden entrances into the underground base, He finds dozens of earth diggers.  Lucent Edge Technologies corporation, and the shadow government, have used these to build a MASSIVE underwater Hadron collider!  The Collider runs for miles under the ocean FLOOR!     The supercollider begins and ends at Akkadian Island.
With this CERN-like device, LETCORP has opened an Inter-dimensional Stargate in the base at Akkadian Island! AND, When the collider is activated…it sends shockwaves out across the ocean floor and Land mass around Akkadian Island. Unleashing small Tsunamis, to the surrounding regions.
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 Macklin will come to learn they are using this collider and stargate to open a dimensional rift.  Not to explore other worlds… BUT INSTEAD… to bring back the ancient “FALLEN ONES” from the Spiritual Nether World.  These spirit beings will also need bodies to inhabit.  Macklin and Dr Tabor will eventually discover , to their horror…   that the Babylonian Illuminati are creating MODERN , six fingered six-toed , NEPHILIM !!.  Re-creating them FROM recovered ANCIENT DNA, found in Lost Tombs from around the WORLD.   Macklin’s mission becomes all too CLEAR! This base and startgate… MUST be DESTROYED! He will also uncover plans for a Scalar Weapon that will have the ability to STRIKE anywhere in the world , without warning!  These plans lay the Ground for the Ultimate weapon of the anti-christ , mentioned in the Book of Revelation Chapter 13:4 and 13:13 ” Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him? … he doeth great wonders, so that he makes FIRE come down from heaven, on the earth, in the sight of men, ”  No Matter what , at all costs, The Underground MUST find and Destroy this Weapon! Or else the time of the END, may indeed, be Upon US ALL!
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   With this project, we want to ensure its success, so we have our minimum goal of $34,000.  From this lower total we can create a spectacular game which includes all the main features we have listed already. This will allow us to Deliver a workable and Playable Short Version of this game to the STEAM PLATFORM.  As with MANY other successful video game projects of the recent past, we believe this will SPRING BOARD us into a TERRIFIC BUZZ within the gaming community. Then we can take this TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY UNIQUE GAME AND STORYLINE… to the NEXT LEVEL! 
Should we reach our Stretch Goals? MANY other highly SUCCESSFUL PROGRAMMERS Would like to JOIN us in this Undertaking!  More on them and their accomplishments in the TEAM description below!
With YOUR Donations and HELP, these new levels will contain.. MORE HIGHLY Successful Programmers and Animators!  MORE complex high tech gadgets, extended level play, easter eggs, characters and other game surprises!  so we have made various stretch goals that go past the minimum in creating this awesome game. PLEASE HELP US turn this fundraiser into an AMAZING, one of a kind game and STORY!!  ONE NEVER BEFORE SEEN in the gaming WORLD.  REVEALING MORE of the HIDDEN things Going on in our WORLD, THAN have EVER BEEN REVEALED BEFORE, in a video game!!!
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$49,000 – Enhanced graphics, up to 10 more hours worth of gameplay
$65,000 – More bosses, more items/weapons, special mission rewards for a better experience.
$90,000 – Multiplayer (local co-op), some weapon customization, more things to do on the island to expand on multiplayer
$115,000 – Porting to XBox and Playstation becomes possible here
$140,000 – At this point we will start making seasons/episodes each as long as the original game. Episodes take place in alternate parallel universes that tie into the original game. We also lay the groundwork to start adding in game modes, more enemy types, and re-playable fun missions.
$190,000 – A truly cinematic gameplay experience. Everything from the ground up gets an intense overhaul… everything… This also includes additions such as a lot of crafting and a “Survival Mode”, all with the option of two player coop where one person plays as the drone, the other as the main character. In Survival, your job is to survive the night. The enemies are smart, they are strong, and they are searching for you. Hurry and craft yourself some weapons. Daylight is one hour away. Surviving rewards you with special boosts, and a chance at a very rare weapon or gear piece to use in game.
$240,000 – Additional game modes such as a unique Survival/Defense mode. Survival/Defense comes packed with a special set of levels which you can find yourself on a ghost ship at sea fending off various creatures, or even a smaller island full of surprises. You have to survive as long as you can while crafting defenses to protect your area’s beacon. Fight endless waves of enemies, and every 10 levels fight a boss that drops special timed gear. Every 50 levels you get a boss drop that grants you a story mode item to use in game, permanently. Getting to 50 is no easy task. 
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   Every dollar raised from this Kickstarter Campaign will be used for the creation and development of this game, “Secrets of Akkadian Island”. We are vary serious about this project and spent a good deal of time seeking out the right programmer, along with project director and marketing/design lead to ensure this game will be a success.
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 Also, Because of our Lead Programmer Justin, we have many other Top-flight animators and programmers with INCREDIBLE Programming backgrounds willing to work on our Project, once it is FUNDED above the $100,000 dollar plateau.  Among these titles ( these additional programmers have  worked on are)  Call of Duty, Hunger Games Mockingjay, Transformers Fall of Cybertron, and many more. PLEASE Help us reach our Goals and Stretch Goals, and we can produce .. By God’s direction and Grace, A Mind-Blowing Game that will compete with ANY game being produced out THERE! ( from a Graphics and Gameplay standpoint) BUT a COMPLETELY Original Storyline, NEVER before seen in Video Games !!!
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  From Top Left to Bottom Right:
Assault Rifle: 5.56 Bee [An advanced adjustable assault rifle with semi or fully automatic fire. Can be silenced at the cost of range/damage. Medium damage against all targets at medium range. High accuracy. Optional customizations including SMG conversion on the fly for less range, but more fire rate]
Grenade Launcher: Six-Zero-Mitch2 [A 60mm tactical grenade launcher that can fire HE, Chaff, and Smoke grenades]
Pistol: .45A Scott [.45 caliber handgun that has high damage, high accuracy, very low ammo pool, and loud]
Shotgun: 12g Driver [12 gauge pump action shotgun sporting extreme damage against soft targets, or medium damage + stagger against armored targets. Has low range/fast damage drop over distance]
Marksman Rifle: 338LT Flat-Liner [When you REALLY need to put a big hole… through 1/2 inch thick steel… from 200 yards away… you use a custom 338 Lapua Thermite round]
Rocket Launcher: Tinker[Because who needs a bunker?]
OS: Windows® 7 (SP1) / Windows® 8 / Windows® 8.1 / (64-bit only) or Higher
Processor: 2.6 GHz Intel® Core™ i5-750 or 3.2 GHz AMD Phenom™ II X4 955
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD5850 (2 GB VRAM) DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 20 GB available space
* ( The above is for PC only. If we receive enough funding we will also do a MAC Version and later also, we potentially will have a Playstation, XBox and/or other potential console versions. )
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 There are 11 different reward levels for pledging anywhere between $10 and $1995+:
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  INFORMATION PROVIDED BY Kickstarter.com and Kicktraq.com VISIT PAGE SOURCE
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
saints row iv pc
saints row iv pc
Saints Row 4 cheats & more for PC (PC)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Saints Row IV cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PC cheats we have available for Saints Row IV.
Check Xbox 360 cheats for this game
Check PlayStation 3 cheats for this game
Official Title: Saints Row IV Developer: Volition Publisher: Deep Silver ESRB Rating: Unknown Release Date: August 20, 2013
Currently we have no tips for Saints Row IV yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Hub Cheat Codes Effects List
cheese : $100k instant cash in your pocket (can be used multiple times) fryhole : All of the dead bodies lying around start to raise up into the air goodygoody : Removes the Notoriety from you at any time letsrock : Gives you a full load-out of randomized weapons runfast : Your super-sprint doesn’t exhaust your Stamina superblast : Super Blast is unlocked superbuff : Buff is unlocked superdfa : Death from Above is unlocked superstomp : Stomp is unlocked supertk : Telekinesis unlocked unlockitall : Access is granted to all unlockables vroom : Indestructible cars
World Chaning Cheats
ASCII Mode : ascii Big Head Mode : bigheadmode Disable Glitch FX : noglitchcity Drunk Pedestrians : dui Evil Cars : evilcars Fast-Forward : fastforward Giant Player : imhuge Heaven-Bound : fryhole Hide HUD : hidehud Insane City : insanecity Low Gravity : gravitykills Mascot Pedestrians : mascot Pimps and Hos Pedestrians : hohoho Player Pratfalls : ragdoll Smash Vehicles Easily : isquishyou Super Explosions : bigbadaboom Tiny Player : ittybitty
Vehicle Codes
AB Destroyer : givedestroyer Alien Hover Car : givehovercar Alien Hover Tank : givehovertank Alien Jet Bike : givetrouble Alien UFO : giveufo Attrazione : giveattrazione Crib Ship : givecribship Crusader : givecrusader Crusader (Cyrus Temple Version) : givecrusadercyrus Crusader (Saints Version) : givecrusadersaints Eagle : giveeagle Eagle (M16 Version) : giveeaglem16 Eagle (SWAT Version) : giveeagleswat Gunslinger : givegunslinger Gunslinger (Police Version) : givegunslingerpolice Key : givekey Lightning : givelightning Monster Truck : givemonster Oppressor : giveoppressor Oppressor (Angel de la Muerte Version) : giveoppressorangel Oppressor (Police Version) : giveoppressorpolice Pony Cart : givepony Recursor (Green) : giverecursorgreen Recursor (Purple) : giverecursorpurple Recursor (Red) : giverecursorred Relic : giverelic Snipes 57 : givesnipes Snipes 57 (Killbane Version) : givekillbanejet Stiletto : givestiletto Thompson : givethompson Tornado (Assault Version) : givetornadoassault Tornado (Morning Star Version) : givetornadomorningstar Tornado (NG Version) : givetornadong Tornado (Police Version) : givetornadopolice Tornado (Saints Version) : givetornadosaints Turret : giveturret Turret HS : giveturreths Verminator : give verminator VTOL : givevtol VTOL (Cyrus Temple Version) : givevtolcyrus VTOL (Saints Version) : givevtolsaints Vulture : givevulture Vulture (Morning Star Version) : givevulturemorningstar Vulture (Saints Version) : givevulturesaints Vulture (Spotlight Version) : givevulturespotlight Whitehouse Turret : giveturretwh Woodpecker : givewoodpecker Woodpecker (Luchadore Version) : givewoodpeckerluchadore
Player Cheats
All Unlockables : unlockitall Clear Notoriety : goodygoody Disable All Superpowers : nosuperpowers Disable Super Movement : nosupermove Disable Wardens : nowardens Give a Set of Weapons : letsrock Give Cash ($100,000) : cheese Instant Warden Notoriety : instantwarden No Vehicle Damage : vroom Repair Current Vehicle : repaircar Unlock “Blast” Superpower : superblast Unlock “Buff” Superpower : superbuff Unlock “Death from Above” Superpower : superdfa Unlock “Stomp” Superpower : superstomp Unlock “Super Saints” Superpower : supersaints Unlock “Super Sprint” Superpower : runfast Unlock “Telekenesis” Superpower : supertk
Cheat Mode
While you’re playing the game, open your phone (press the “BACK” button), and thengo to EXTRAS. Select CHEATS and then ADD CHEAT. You can then enter variouscheats! NOTE!!!! You will disable autosave and achievements when you turn on cheat mode.
Currently we have no unlockables for Saints Row IV yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Saints Row IV yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Saints Row IV yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
ments: Enter The Dominatrix
All Too Easy – Kill Zinyak in less than 5 minutes in ‘Save the Planet’. – 10
Bow to the Boss! – Kill the Dominatrix in ‘Escape the Dominatrix’. – 15
Friend of the Raptors – Complete all five missions. – 20
Health Inspector – Destroy all the green polyps inside Paul in ‘Pop His Top’. – 10
Hello Little Friend – Get 250 kills with the Minigun. – 5
Indomitable – Complete ‘Meet the Dominatrix’ without dying. – 10
OMGWTFBBQ – Get 100 kills with the Flamethrower. – 5
Rigging the Race – Destroy all the rival pony carts in ‘At the Races’. – 10
Ultimate Hot Potato – Get 100 kills with the Grenade Launcher. – 5
Walking the Dinosaur (secret) – Spent 30 minutes with Chicken Ned’s prehistoric ancestor. – 10
Steam Achievements
A Real Cluster. – Find 100% of all Data Clusters.
About Time! – Complete ‘Welcome Back’.
Actor-Turned-Politician – Do everything you can for your Veep — Quests, Loyalty Missions. everything.
And I Ran. – Super Sprint for 250,000 meters.
Back in the Day – Spend 2 hours outside of missions with past Saints Row characters as your homies
Benjamin [CENSORED] King – Do everything you can for Ben — Quests, Loyalty Missions. everything.
Betrayed – Complete ‘All Hands On Deck’.
Better This Way – Customize the style of all the weapons on your radial.
Blast from the Past – Complete ‘A Game of Clones’.
Bouncin’ with an Old Friend – Do everything you can for an old friend — Quests, Loyalty Missions. everything.
Bringin’ the Heat – Kill 100 Aliens using the Fire Buff Super Power.
Chill Out – Freeze and Shatter Kill 100 Aliens with the Freeze Blast Super Power.
Destroyer-In-Chief – Complete ‘The Saints Wing’.
Didn’t Need to See Him Naked – Complete ‘Matt’s Back’.
Don’t Look Down – Be airborne during Super Jumps for a combined 10 minutes of gameplay.
Don’t Panic – Complete ‘The Real World’.
Double Team – Play Saints Row IV Co-op for 5 hours.
Elementary – Choose a new element for all of your superpowers.
Epic Jump Quest – Jump from the roof of 3 Count to the Nuke Plant, without touching the ground or other rooftops.
Experimental Tech – Kill 25 Aliens with each – Dubstep, InflatoRay, Bounce Gun, Disintegrator, Abduction, and Black Hole.
First of Many – Buy your first Upgrade from the Upgrade Store.
Fist Meet Ground – Kill 100 Aliens with the Death From Above Super Power.
Fourth and Forty – Spend over 40 hours in the Simulation.
Ghost in the Machine – Download a new ally into a robotic body.
Half Way Home – Complete all open world gameplay in two districts of the Simulated city of Steelport.
Here! Catch! – Kill 100 Aliens with the Telekinesis Super Power.
How It Should Be – Complete all open world gameplay in the entire Simulated city of Steelport.
I Am Become Death – Kill 1000 Aliens with any combination of Super Powers.
Imperator – Complete ‘Grand Finale’.
Keymaster – Complete ‘Batteries Not Included’.
Machine Man – Do everything you can for CID — Quests and. everything.
Maximum Stopping Power – Upgrade one weapon to the max.
On Her Saint’s Secret Service – Do everything you can for Asha — Quests, Loyalty Missions. everything.
Ooo A Piece of Candy! – Find 100 Data Clusters.
Paranormal Bromance – Do everything you can for Matt — Quests, Loyalty Missions. everything.
Poodle Skirt – Complete ‘Hello Teacup’.
Pounding the Pavement – Kill 150 Aliens with the Stomp Super Power.
Saintified – Create and share a character online.
Saints & Sensibility – Complete ‘Grand Finale’ after completing all Homie missions.
Super Power Team Up! – Beat all Missions in Co-op.
Switch Hitter – Play for at least 2 hours as a male character AND 2 hours as a female character.
The Challenge King – Complete ALL of the Challenges.
The Face of the Saints – Do everything you can for Pierce — Quests, Loyalty Missions. everything.
The Full Kinzie – Do everything you can for Kinzie — Quests, Loyalty Missions. everything.
The Twin Saints – Complete ten Quests together in Co-op.
The Two Shaundis – Do everything you can for Shaundi — Quests, Loyalty Missions. everything.
The Whole Story – Find ALL Audio Logs.
There Is No Pancakes – Complete ‘A Pleasant Day’.
Where’s My Cape? – Purchase all Super Power upgrades.
Woah. – Get your first Super Powers.
You Chose. Poorly – Surrender when given the chance.
Zero Saints Thirty – Complete ‘Zero Saints Thirty’.
Zoo Keeper – Kill 25 Wardens.
0 notes
enterinit · 5 years
Animus Stand-Alone and other games coming to Xbox One this week
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Animus Stand-Alone and other games coming to Xbox One this week. Age of Wonders: Planetfall (August 06, 2019) The Star Union: once a vast empire connecting thousands of worlds, but its people have been left isolated and stranded following the Collapse. Hundreds of years later, separation has turned siblings into divergent alien species - independent factions who are setting out to rebuild the world as they see fit. Emerge from the cosmic dark age of a fallen galactic empire to build a new future for your people. Age of Wonders: Planetfall is the new strategy game from Triumph Studios. Build your empire with one of six unique factions, ranging from the militant Vanguard to the dinosaur-riding Amazons and the cyborg-zombies of the Assembly. Progress through each faction’s missions using your wits, military strength and diplomacy, exploring planetary ruins and encountering other survivors as you unravel the history of a shattered civilization. Fight, build, negotiate and technologically advance your way to utopia in a deep single player campaign, on random skirmish maps, and against friends in multiplayer. Key Features: Turn-Based Sci-Fi Combat - Perfect your combat strategy in intense turn-based battles featuring a large cast of factions, customizable units, and destructible environments.Discover a Rich Science-Fiction World - What secrets will unfold when you uncover the history of the fallen galactic empire? Discover the fate of the Star Union by exploring lush landscapes, wild wastelands and overgrown megacities. Encounter rival factions and discover hidden technologies long forgotten in abandoned places.Planetary Empire Building - Steer the future of your colony with a mix of technological advances and social development. Will you create an environmental paradise or a perfect military order?Multiple Paths to Victory - Achieve your end goals through conquest, diplomacy or doomsday technologies.A Multitude of Game Modes - A deep single-player story campaign alongside random map generation makes for endless replayability. Try new play styles in skirmish mode, and play multiplayer your way - online, hotseat, and asynchronous! Metal Wolf Chaos XD (August 06, 2019) The country is in peril as President Michael Wilson defends the nation against a full-scale rebellion led by Vice-President Richard Hawk and the mechanized legions he commands. As the 47th President of the United States, it is your sworn duty to take your country back by any means necessary and end this unjust coup d'etat! Battle in your advanced mech - armed to the teeth - across iconic American landscapes including the Brooklyn Bridge, the Grand Canyon, and the front steps of the White House. FromSoftware originally released Metal Wolf Chaos in December 2004, appearing exclusively in Japan. The game went on to become somewhat of a legend as it was hard to acquire and even harder to play outside of Japan with most fans experience of the game through Let's Play videos and the occasional screenshot. Devolver Digital and FromSoftware have partnered together with developer General Arcade to modernize Metal Wolf Chaos with updates to the game including upgraded visual fidelity, refined controls and gameplay, a new save system, and 4K + 16:9 support for modern displays. Animus Stand-Alone (August 07, 2019) Take on the role of an anonymous warrior — caught out of place and time — on a journey to bring an end to a broken world. Gather your weapons and choose with care: distance, timing, combinations, stamina, and attributes will determine the outcome of battle. Animus: Stand Alone is an Action RPG comprised of quick stages and compact boss battles. SA is a companion piece to the world and lore of Ire: Blood Memory. You may be new to this fractured world, but foreknowledge of Ire is nonessential. We hope that all fans of ARPGs can find enjoyment in this game. Features: Fantasy Action RPGDifficulty: 4 levels (Day 1 to Day 4)End boss: 3 (+1 additional in Day 3)Area themes: 4Quests: 24 main quests per DaySidequests: 13 to 17 sidequests for farmingProgression: Quests, skill tree, equipment drop, reinforcementStrategy/Tactics: Collect, combine, and balance equipment suited to the map or enemy. Sagebrush (August 07, 2019) Inspired by real-world cults, Sagebrush is a first-person narrative-driven adventure game which thrusts players into the role of a truth-seeker who must investigate the tragic circumstances of the Perfect Heaven cult’s mass suicide. Set in New Mexico, players explore Black Sage Ranch, the former home of Father James, the revered prophet of the Perfect Heaven cult, in order to uncover the truth. Features: An Immersive, Lo-Fi 3D WorldA Whole Compound to ExploreMoody, ambient soundtrackReal world inspiration from apocalyptic cults The Forbidden Arts (August 07, 2019) The Forbidden Arts is an action adventure platformer with a focus on discovery and exploration. When the hero of the game, Phoenix, seeks the counsel of a druid to make sense of his visions, she awakens the latent pyromancy within him. This begins an epic journey from Phoenix’s humble beginnings as he seeks to master the element of fire. Channel your pyromancer flame to cast devastating spells upon enemies and bosses, protect yourself from harm and manipulate the environment.Explore massive worlds with the ability to save your progress nearly anywhere and any time. You will alternate between 2d gameplay while in dungeons and 3d gameplay while exploring the world map.Test your agility as you scale walls, jump gaps, climb vines and maneuver through several distinct environments filled with obstacles and challenges.Progress through a captivating storyline following a young man who seeks the truth about himself and finds a grand adventure of ancient magic.Embark on quests from friendly NPCs and solve puzzles you encounter along the way.Discover long-forgotten secret items and locations to unlock abilities and earn achievements.The time has come to summon your inner fire and prove to the world you have what it takes to be called a pyromancer. Play The Forbidden Arts today. Features: 5 Worlds6 Boss Fights30+ unique enemies12+ hours of gameplayCollectibles5 unique abilities of pyromancyEngaging and evolving storylineHigh quality hand-painted art style Must Dash Amigos (August 07, 2019) Experience a Loco top-down Battle Racer filled with Piñata Stampedes, Avocados and mayhem for up to 4 Players! Must Dash Amigos is a humorous, family friendly fun-fest with controls so simple that anyone can play! - Leave rivals eating your dust as you blaze past them in Race Mode! - Dish out the damage in Battle Mode to prove your might! - Compete in Tournaments to truly uncover the worthiest champion! To survive in this world you cannot just run; you Must Dash Amigos! Features: 1-4 PlayersLocal MultiplayerRace ModeBattle ModeTourney ModeTime Trials: Test Your SpeedChallenges: Test Your Skills4 Unique Characters16 Different Outfits12 Race Maps8 Battle Arenas18 Tournaments Damsel (August 07, 2019) Cause distress in this fast-paced, challenging action platformer! Speed through dozens of missions as Special Agent Damsel, the first and last line of defence against the seedy world of corporate vampires. Rescue hostages, disarm bombs, hack servers and dispatch the undead with precision, speed, and style. Balance frenetic action with split second choices, and pay attention, you never know where the next vamp will come from. Enter a fully realised comic book world and help Damsel take on Red Mist, the powerful vampire corporation that’s adding a new (and illegal) ingredient to their popular vampire drink. Uncover the secrets of the new recipe and stop the corporation from achieving their ultimate plan, the total dominance of vampires on Earth! Use Damsel’s powerful ultraviolet shotgun, quick reflexes, devastating melee, and lightning fast dash to string together stylish attacks. Tight and responsive controls let you move around each arena while avoiding the deadly hazards fiendishly placed to stop you in your tracks. Experiment with each mission to discover that perfect sequence of moves and attacks that maximise your effectiveness. Master Damsel’s speed and precision to carve the perfect path through each arena, with every move counting toward that perfect score and a place at the top of the leaderboards. Damsel is a ballet, and you’re the choreographer. Features: Classic Arcade Vibe - Bite sized gameplay that’ll make you say “Just one more go” (although you said that a few tries ago…) Comic Book Campaign - Learn the secrets of Red Mist and put a stop to their evil plans. Competitive Arcade Leaderboards - Master your abilities by perfecting your runs and become the top agent. Chill Out Time - Chillout mode lets you take the edge off and enjoy the game without worrying about pesky things like dying. Extra Challenge Modes - For the discerning slayer, take the difficulty up a notch! Pumping Synth Soundtrack - Gothic grooves to slay too! Subdivision Infinity DC (August 08, 2019) Step into the cockpit of an intergalactic fighter and explore the great expanses of outer space. With more than 30 engaging story missions and side-quests spanning several star systems, Subdivision Infinity is an action-packed journey brimming with dogfights, boss battles, and more set against the stunning wild outer reaches of the cosmos. Complete exciting missions in the main storyline and explore mysterious sectors of the galaxy.Tight space combat gameplay - fight massive space battles against different enemies: drones, fighters, dreadnoughts capital ship and more.Explore stunning locations, each with a different feel and atmosphere.Find lost relics to build new ships, harvest asteroids and sell their minerals for profit, or use them for crafting.Boss battles - hone your combat skills facing most powerful enemiesPrepare for the fight - enhance your ship and equip with diverse selection of weapons available for upgrade. Roarr! Jurassic Edition (August 09, 2019) Bringing fast & furious old-fashioned approach to brawler genre, ROARR! THE ADVENTURES OF RAMPAGE REX hits Xbox One with sharp graphics, fast combos, a lot of deadly battles and vicious enemies. Be ready… this game will make Jurassic Park look like some fairy tale for kids! When the aliens arrived, they didn’t come in peace. The invasion was immediate and so overwhelming that humans didn’t stand a chance. One thing it wasn’t though, was quiet… A terrible rumble from upstairs woke Rex up from her slumber. For millennia she was hibernating in his Cozy Cave but the incessant crescendo of the alien invasion was too much to sleep through. It was time for Rex to go upstairs and give her new neighbors a piece of his mind! ROARR!’s fast and dynamic gameplay is a modern tribute to the good old brawler games we all enjoyed (or heard about from the older brother!) on classic Nintendo platforms. With a load of terrifying bosses, twenty five types of enemies and six completely different Isles to explore, ROARR! is a brawler heaven (or hell!) for any gamer with appetite for destruction! Not to mention that it’s a perfect game for any wild gaming party up to four players on the coach! Features: Vicious modern take on a classic brawler gameplayTongue-in-cheek story with serious gameplay that’s easy to pick upCountless combos, swarms of enemies, 6 towering bosses and one very angry dinosaur!6 different isles to explore from the ruins of human civilization to hazy jungle and frosty ArcticThe perfect party game with drop-in coop up to 4 playersA slick retro style with polygons as sharp as Rex’s teethPlenty of Rex variants, each with unique moves and animations. Become a Gentleman Rex than quickly change to Punk Dinosaur or even crazy Ballerina styleFully destructible environment that will let you unleash your jurassic power… Roarr! Read the full article
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enterinit · 5 years
Madden NFL 20 and other games coming to Xbox One this week
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Madden NFL 20 and other games coming to Xbox One this week. Madden NFL 20: Ultimate Superstar Edition (July 30, 2019) WAYS TO PLAY Face of the Franchise: QB1 - Be the Face of an NFL franchise where the decisions you make matter in your journey to become an NFL Superstar. Create your own College Quarterback to play through the College Football National Championship playoffs and the NFL Combine for your shot at the NFL Draft and to be the face of a franchise in a new and personalized career campaign centered around you. Once selected to a team, engage with Madden’s new Scenario Engine which generates personalized playable scenarios, events, and dynamic challenges that build the story of your unique NFL career. Franchise - Simulate a full NFL career and leave your legacy as a player, coach or owner with single-player and multiplayer online-connected leagues. Compete with up to 32 teams in your quest for a Super Bowl Dynasty. Complete with an annual Pro Bowl and Seasonal Awards. Ultimate Team - Compete in the ultimate NFL fantasy team-building mode featuring your favorite NFL players from the past and present. Play games, collect rewards, and upgrade your team with daily, fun and engaging challenges with live NFL content all year-long. Exhibition - Compete in head-to-head online and offline games (single and multi-player) or single player offline against the CPU. Customize your game settings including time of quarters, rules, stadiums, and uniforms. GAMEPLAY Superstar X-Factor – Feel the emotion, personality, and power of NFL Superstars with Superstar X-Factor, an all-new abilities progression system that reveals special abilities for today’s most exciting NFL Superstars when certain objectives are met in games. Combined with authentic personality & real player motion, the stars of the NFL truly come to life in Madden NFL 20. Take full control of player development with new ways to customize player abilities. Unique Playbooks – Playbooks are calibrated to be more unique from team to team providing more variety for strategic game-planning and in-game adjustments. Run/Pass Options – Run/pass option plays are now available to call, bringing even more NFL authenticity to today’s play-calling. On-Field Trainer – Learn how to improve as a Madden player with this cohesive, modernized teaching system that introduces new in-game mechanics over time as you progress through your gameplay experience. New Pump Fake mechanic – Pump-fake to a specific receiver and fake out defenders with a new double-tap ‘throw cancelling’ mechanic. NFL Pro Bowl – Play the annual Pro Bowl within Franchise mode and ‘Face of the Franchise: QB1’ featuring all-stars from the AFC and NFC. Superstar-Driven Play-Calling – Play-calling tailored to the Superstars on your team to quickly get your stars involved when you need them the most. New celebrations – Over 20 new TD and First Down celebrations added to bring more swag to the biggest plays on the gridiron. Mutant Year Zero: Seed of Evil (July 30, 2019) Seed of Evil is an expansion to the award-winning tactical adventure game Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden picking up where the original game ended and offering hours of more gameplay, new locations to visit, and a new leading character! Continue the main story and explore many hours of all new content. Expand your team with the veteran stalker Big Khan the moose and get ready to defeat a new threat to Dux, Bormin, Selma and all the others. In Seed of Evil you must solve the mystery of the powerful and ominous roots which have taken over the Ark. Discover huge new maps, battle new enemies, improve your mutations, get your hands on all new gear, defeat foes trying to take back lost ground and face off against a vicious new adversary. To play Seed of Evil it is highly recommended to have finished the main story in Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, because of story spoilers and the level range of the new content. Continue the main story See what happens after the ending of Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden. Continue into a new future for Bormin, Dux, Pripp and all the others at the Ark. How will they deal with what they have learned?New mutant: Big Khan You can now add Big Kahn the moose to your squad of mutants. He is a veteran stalker who has been exploring the Zone alone. He is not only skilled at doing critical hits but also has the unique mutations Ground Pound and Flame Puke, which make him excellent at dealing with groups of enemies.Face a new threat The Ark has suddenly become enveloped in mysterious roots and many of its inhabitants do not seem to be their normal selves. Even the Zone Ghouls appear to have been taken over by this new menace and it is up to your team of stalkers to set things right!Hours of new content Take on new enemies in places like the Hall of Electric Coffins and Mausoleum of Suburbia. The new story in Seed of Evil offers a host of new challenges and brutal fights. Get ready to rethink your tactics as you face off against brand new enemies.Improve your mutations Upgrade Bormin’s Hog Rush to Bear Smash for increased power and Corpse Eater to Corpse Feaster so that regaining lost HP no longer costs an action. Upgrade Dux’s Moth Wings to Wings of the Sniper which removes all range penalties.Retake lost territory Revisit places like the Spear of Heavens or Sea Titans as Zone Ghouls and police bots once again encroach upon places you have already cleared. This time they are stronger than ever! The Blackout Club (July 30, 2019) The Blackout Club is a first-person co-op horror game centered around a group of teenage friends investigating a monstrous secret beneath the skin of their small town. 1-4 players explore procedurally-generated missions against a fearsome enemy you can only see with your eyes closed. Features: A Modern Horror Setting To Explore: A beautiful and modern neighborhood full of houses, woods, and a very mysterious subterranean network of tunnels.Cooperative Gameplay: Drop-in/Drop-out multiplayer sessions for 1-4 players.Each Night A New Adventure: Missions are procedurally-generated and vary according to player level and progress.Richly-Simulated World Supporting Many Play Styles: Players have the freedom to go through the game at their own pace and choose the paths they take through the world.Character Growth & Customization: Players get to create their own character and customize them by unlocking new clothing, gestures, and hairstyles.An Unseen Threat: If players are not careful and draw too much attention to themselves, "The Shape" will come for them. Super Wiloo Demake (July 31, 2019) Wiloo and Agatha need to rescue their dog from the clutches of Dr.ETvaldo! Roll, fly, jump, and shoot your way across a variety of different platforming levels using unique power ups to reach the end of the level. Can you defeat all 5 bosses and rescue your buddy? With 3 different difficulties, experience the quest that you desire with easier or devilish challenges. Features: Traverse 50 levels across 5 different worlds with unique themes.Vibrant 8-bit visualsConquer 5 malicious bossesPick from 3 difficulties to suit your playstyleUse fun power ups to defeat enemies The Tower of Beatrice (July 31, 2019) The life of a thief isn’t easy: always hiding in shadows, clients cheat, traps bite… Working on a contract for a mysterious client, you'll need to infiltrate the tower of the powerful sorcerer Beatrice, steal her Book of Recipes, and get out alive. Along the way you will enter a demon's dreams to discover his most intimate desires, accept a gift from a Granny-spider, start the Clock Tower, feed a snail, make a tea for a demon, piece together a skeleton, and finally fix your own fatal failing. Features: Six floors – each with its own atmosphere and moodSurprising and charming residents – demons of Fire, Frost and Dream, Iron Maiden, Hungry Chest, and many othersAlchemy! Discover many interesting recipes!Unique puzzles ranging from simple to brain bendingAtmospheric and immersive soundtrackMany allusions to famous games, movies and books – spot them all! Pilot Sports (July 31, 2019) PILOT SPORTS, brilliant gaming fun for the whole family! Split screen mode for up to 4 players, over 50 different courses, the widest variety of aircraft and thrilling challenges provide for all sorts of gaming enjoyment! Features: 7 TYPES OF CHALLENGES! Beat the best times in the different game modes!OVER 50 COURSES! The key emphasis is on variety. Complete over 50 courses and set your sights on new records.8 CHARACTERS! Choose your favourite pilot and explore the tropical island paradise together with your favourite figure!FLYING FUN USING DIFFERENT AIRCRAFT! Soar through sensational and tricky courses with the double-decker, a jetpack, parachute or hang glider!BONUS: Beat records and unlock new courses for explorers! Solo: Islands of the Heart (July 31, 2019) Solo: Islands of the Heart is a game about love. About love as fuel, the force that drives us. Love is a universal feeling, but each of us experiences it in a different way. Solo – Islands of the Heart explores the theme of love in an introspective way, allowing players to identify and reflect on their own experiences. The world is divided into archipelagos, with each island representing a unique puzzle. Solving puzzles will award the player with a Sleeping Totem, awakening them to answer a question about love and relationships. As with love, most puzzles have no unique solution. Using boxes, each with different properties and behaviors, players can build their own paths to the Sleeping Totems on each island. Nature and contemplation are also a huge part of Solo: pull out your camera and capture the moment, play the guitar, feed the animals or just sit on a bench and think. The Church in the Darkness (August 02, 2019) No one is forced to join a cult. It welcomes you. It understands you. It envelops you until the words become more than truth—they make you whole. In the late 1970s, the charismatic Isaac and Rebecca Walker lead the Collective Justice Mission. Labeled radicals and feeling persecuted by the US government, they relocate their followers to the one place they believe they can create a socialist utopia: the jungles of South America. There they build Freedom Town. But relatives left behind in the US become worried: what exactly is going on at this compound in the jungle? You play as Vic, an ex-law enforcement officer who has snuck into Freedom Town to check on their nephew, Alex. Whether you choose stealth or violence, you must infiltrate the commune, find out what’s going on within, and locate your nephew, before it’s too late. How dangerous are the Walkers? How far will you go to uncover the truth and save Alex? Could it all have turned out differently? Features: What ending will you get? Will you get Alex out, whether he wants to go with you or not? Will you confront the cult leaders? Will you join the cult?Unlock every ending for each scenario by trying different play styles or making different choices.Multiple ways to play: Avoid detection completely, taking out guards and civilians non-lethally, or kill anyone who gets in your way. Interview characters from Freedom Town and search for clues. Documents and letters scattered around camp will clue you into the true nature of the commune.Fully voiced game, starring Ellen McLain (best known as GLaDOS in Portal) and John Patrick Lowrie (the Sniper from Team Fortress 2) as the cult leaders, Rebecca and Isaac Walker. Varenje (August 02, 2019) "All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it." ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Get yourself a little summer's day with a raspberry jam adventure! Varenje is a cute colorful adventure with a number of puzzles and mini-games made by artists for anyone that considers games to be an art. Eight unique & gorgeously hand crafted chapters await you. Hours and hours of game play will take you to a far away enchanting place. Our hero was spending summer happily at the cosy cottage until curiosity forced him to sample an unknown berry at the stream. Before he knew it, everything had become incredibly large, and he was reduced to the size of a bug! Trying to understand what happened and how to return things back to normal, we set off into the invisible to the human eye tiny world, where worms, beetles and spiders live their life, and build bizarre vehicles, in disguise so that humans do not realize. Our new friends will surely help us by discovering the secret healing potion, which will return us to our previous dimensions. All we need is to collect enough raspberries to cook grandmother's jam. And as we all know - this is a remedy for all ills! Asdivine Menance (August 02, 2019) A century after the events of Asdivine Dios, peace has finally settled in. That is, until a visitor from another world suddenly shows up proclaiming the entire universe is about to be destroyed. Hearing this, Izayoi sets off in an attempt to reverse this seemingly pronounced fate with a trio of very idiosyncratic spirits as they criss-cross four worlds in search of an answer. But what is the answer they find...? Experience immersive turn-based battles with cooperative attacks and new limit break skills! With all quests, collecting and crafting, the battle arena, and even post-game content, Asdivine Menace comes packed with enough elements to satisfy JRPG-hungry gamers. As Izayoi deepens his bonds of trust with his spirit companions, their fates together move in new and meaningful directions! Features: Travel the galaxy to bring the truth full circle in an epic fantasy RPG!Experience immersive turn-based battles with cooperative attacks and new limit break skills! Meow Motors (August 02, 2019) Meet the kitties, the main heroes of the new go-kart racing game! You will take to the track and play as one of a dozen colorful cats memorable for their different characteristics and unique personalities. Overcome various difficulties of the tracks drifting through mines and bombs, stop and slow down your competitors by blasting them with bubble gum and other astonishing weapons. And don't forget to gather power-ups along the way if you want to be the fastest driver on the track! The game will amaze you with: Dynamic gameplay that has three different modes: circle races, drifts, and 'strike' mode20 different tracks where kitties will compete10 kitties with unique abilities that will help you gain an advantage10 power-ups with unique effects to defeat your competitorsCharge your power-ups and get a more powerful effect!Overtake opponents, drift and get bonuses for it. Go grab your kitty and start your first crazy ride! Super Star Blast (August 02, 2019) Super Star Blast is a space shooter with challenging levels of increasing difficulty. All enemies must be shot down to finish a level and go to the next one. A scanner around the player tells roughly where the enemies are located. The player ship can fly forwards to attack and backwards to fight during the retreat against the opponents. After clearing a level you can purchase equipment to boost the ship, as well as extra shields and firepower or more ships. In local multiplayer mode, up to 4 players can fight together trough the levels (campaign mode) or can get each other in a battle (competition mode). Features: Massive challenging levels of increasing difficultyEnemies with unique flying and fire characteristicsUpgrade center (agility, fire power, shield, ships)Single player campaign2 – 4 player local multiplayer coop mode (split screen)Simple and clean 3D space graphics Read the full article
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
saints row iv xbox 360
saints row iv xbox 360
Saints Row 4 cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Saints Row IV cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Saints Row IV.
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Check PlayStation 3 cheats for this game
Official Title: Saints Row IV
Genre: Adventure, First-Person Adventure
Developer: Volition
Publisher: Deep Silver
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: August 20, 2013
Currently we have no tips for Saints Row IV yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Vehicle Codes
AB Destroyer : givedestroyer
Alien Hover Car : givehovercar
Alien Hover Tank : givehovertank
Alien Jet Bike : givetrouble
Alien UFO : giveufo
Attrazione : giveattrazione
Crib Ship : givecribship
Crusader : givecrusader
Crusader (Cyrus Temple Version) : givecrusadercyrus
Crusader (Saints Version) : givecrusadersaints
Eagle : giveeagle
Eagle (M16 Version) : giveeaglem16
Eagle (SWAT Version) : giveeagleswat
Gunslinger : givegunslinger
Gunslinger (Police Version) : givegunslingerpolice
Key : givekey
Lightning : givelightning
Monster Truck : givemonster
Oppressor : giveoppressor
Oppressor (Angel de la Muerte Version) : giveoppressorangel
Oppressor (Police Version) : giveoppressorpolice
Pony Cart : givepony
Recursor (Green) : giverecursorgreen
Recursor (Purple) : giverecursorpurple
Recursor (Red) : giverecursorred
Relic : giverelic
Snipes 57 : givesnipes
Snipes 57 (Killbane Version) : givekillbanejet
Stiletto : givestiletto
Thompson : givethompson
Tornado (Assault Version) : givetornadoassault
Tornado (Morning Star Version) : givetornadomorningstar
Tornado (NG Version) : givetornadong
Tornado (Police Version) : givetornadopolice
Tornado (Saints Version) : givetornadosaints
Turret : giveturret
Turret HS : giveturreths
Verminator : give verminator
VTOL : givevtol
VTOL (Cyrus Temple Version) : givevtolcyrus
VTOL (Saints Version) : givevtolsaints
Vulture : givevulture
Vulture (Morning Star Version) : givevulturemorningstar
Vulture (Saints Version) : givevulturesaints
Vulture (Spotlight Version) : givevulturespotlight
Whitehouse Turret : giveturretwh
Woodpecker : givewoodpecker
Woodpecker (Luchadore Version) : givewoodpeckerluchadore
Player Cheats
All Unlockables : unlockitall
Clear Notoriety : goodygoody
Disable All Superpowers : nosuperpowers
Disable Super Movement : nosupermove
Disable Wardens : nowardens
Give a Set of Weapons : letsrock
Give Cash ($100,000) : cheese
Instant Warden Notoriety : instantwarden
No Vehicle Damage : vroom
Repair Current Vehicle : repaircar
Unlock “Blast” Superpower : superblast
Unlock “Buff” Superpower : superbuff
Unlock “Death from Above” Superpower : superdfa
Unlock “Stomp” Superpower : superstomp
Unlock “Super Saints” Superpower : supersaints
Unlock “Super Sprint” Superpower : runfast
Unlock “Telekenesis” Superpower : supertk
Hub Cheat Codes Effects List
cheese : $100k instant cash in your pocket (can be used multiple times)
fryhole : All of the dead bodies lying around start to raise up into the air
goodygoody : Removes the Notoriety from you at any time
letsrock : Gives you a full load-out of randomized weapons
runfast : Your super-sprint doesn’t exhaust your Stamina
superblast : Super Blast is unlocked
superbuff : Buff is unlocked
superdfa : Death from Above is unlocked
superstomp : Stomp is unlocked
supertk : Telekinesis unlocked
unlockitall : Access is granted to all unlockables
vroom : Indestructible cars
World Chaning Cheats
ASCII Mode : ascii
Big Head Mode : bigheadmode
Disable Glitch FX : noglitchcity
Drunk Pedestrians : dui
Evil Cars : evilcars
Fast-Forward : fastforward
Giant Player : imhuge
Heaven-Bound : fryhole
Hide HUD : hidehud
Insane City : insanecity
Low Gravity : gravitykills
Mascot Pedestrians : mascot
Pimps and Hos Pedestrians : hohoho
Player Pratfalls : ragdoll
Smash Vehicles Easily : isquishyou
Super Explosions : bigbadaboom
Tiny Player : ittybitty
Cheat Mode
While you’re playing the game, open your phone (press the “BACK” button), and thengo to EXTRAS. Select CHEATS and then ADD CHEAT. You can then enter variouscheats!
NOTE!!!! You will disable autosave and achievements when you turn on cheat mode.
Currently we have no unlockables for Saints Row IV yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Saints Row IV yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Saints Row IV yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
DLC Achievements: Enter The Dominatrix
All Too Easy – Kill Zinyak in less than 5 minutes in ‘Save the Planet’. – 10
Bow to the Boss! – Kill the Dominatrix in ‘Escape the Dominatrix’. – 15
Friend of the Raptors – Complete all five missions. – 20
Health Inspector – Destroy all the green polyps inside Paul in ‘Pop His Top’. – 10
Hello Little Friend – Get 250 kills with the Minigun. – 5
Indomitable – Complete ‘Meet the Dominatrix’ without dying. – 10
OMGWTFBBQ – Get 100 kills with the Flamethrower. – 5
Rigging the Race – Destroy all the rival pony carts in ‘At the Races’. – 10
Ultimate Hot Potato – Get 100 kills with the Grenade Launcher. – 5
Walking the Dinosaur (secret) – Spent 30 minutes with Chicken Ned’s prehistoric ancestor. – 10
Achievement List
A Real Cluster. – Found 100% of all Data Clusters. – 30
About Time! – Completed ‘Welcome Back’ and got the gang back together at last. – 30
Actor-Turned-Politician – Completed Keith David’s Quests. – 25
And I Ran. – Super Sprinted for 250,000 meters. – 10
Back in the Day – Spent some quality time with your homies from back in the day. – 10
Benjamin [CENSORED] King – Completed Ben’s Quests, Loyalty Mission, and Romance. – 25
Betrayed – Completed ‘All Hands On Deck’, as if you needed another reason to want to perforate Zinyak. – 30
Better This Way – Customized the style of all the weapons on your radial and hit the Simulation with style. – 10
Blast from the Past – Completed ‘A Game of Clones’ and defeated shades of the past. – 20
Bouncin’ with an Old Friend (secret) – Completed Gat’s Quests, Loyalty Mission, and Romance. – 25
Bringin’ the Heat – Killed 100 Aliens using the Fire Buff Super Power. – 10
Chill Out – Froze and Shatter Killed 100 Aliens with the Freeze Blast Super Power. – 10
Destroyer-In-Chief – Completed ‘The Saints Wing’ and fought the alien invasion as Commander-In-Chief. – 10
Didn’t Need to See Him Naked – Completed ‘Matt’s Back’ and rescued Matt in the real world. – 20
Don’t Look Down – Airborne during Super Jumps for a combined 10 minutes of gameplay. – 10
Don’t Panic – Completed ‘The Real World’ and escaped the simulation. Now what? – 30
Elementary – Customized the elements of all four superpowers. Now you’re playing with powers! – 10
Epic Jump Quest – Completed the epic jump quest between the tops of the Three Count and the Nuke Plant. Amazing! – 10
Experimental Tech – Killed 25 enemies with each of the best toys. – 20
First of Many – Bought your first Upgrade, now you have the action Kung Fu grip! – 10
Fist Meet Ground – Killed 100 Aliens with the Death From Above Super Power. – 10
Fourth and Forty – Played Saints Row IV for 40+ hours. Pour one out for your homies! – 40
Ghost in the Machine – Completed ‘Power Up CID’ and hacked your own CID. – 20
Half Way Home – Completed half of all open world gameplay, let’s finish the fight. – 25
Here! Catch! – Killed 100 Aliens with the Telekinesis Super Power. – 10
How It Should Be – Completed all open world gameplay, Simulated Steelport is yours! – 40
I Am Become Death – Killed 1000 Aliens with any combination of Super Powers. – 30
Imperator – Completed ‘Grand Finale’ and ruled the universe with terrible majesty. – 40
Keymaster – Completed ‘Batteries Not Included’. Now you’re ready to bring down the Simulation. – 30
Machine Man – Completed CID’s Quests and Romance. – 25
Maximum Stopping Power – Completely upgraded one of your weapons. They can’t repel firepower of this magnitude! – 20
On Her Saint’s Secret Service – Completed Asha’s Quests, Loyalty Mission, and Romance. – 25
Ooo A Piece of Candy! – Found 100 Data Clusters in virtual Steelport. There are so many more… – 10
Paranormal Bromance – Completed Matt’s Quests, Loyalty Mission, and Romance. – 25
Poodle Skirt – Completed ‘Hello Teacup’ and saved Kinzie from a fate worse than death. – 30
Pounding the Pavement – Killed 150 Aliens with the Stomp Super Power. – 10
Saintified – Created and shared a character online, you’re a part of the Saints Row community now! – 10
Saints & Sensibility – Completed ‘Grand Finale’ with the full help of your homies. – 30
Switch Hitter – You were an equal-opportunity offender. – 10
The Challenge King – Completed all Challenges. – 30
The Face of the Saints – Completed Pierce’s Quests, Loyalty Mission, and Romance. – 25
The Full Kinzie – Completed Kinzie’s Quests, Loyalty Mission, and Romance. – 25
The Two Shaundis – Completed Shaundi’s Quests, Loyalty Mission, and Romance. – 25
The Whole Story – Found all Audio Logs. – 20
There Is No Pancakes – Completed ‘A Pleasant Day’ and ruined your first virtual prison. – 10
Where’s My Cape? – Purchased all Super Power upgrades. Super Excellent! – 20
Woah. – Arrived in the Main Simulation and got some Super Powers. – 20
You Chose. Poorly (secret) – Surrendered to the Simulation in the end. – 10
Zero Saints Thirty (secret) – Completed ‘Zero Saints Thirty’ and won the adulation of America. – 10
Zoo Keeper – Killed 25 Wardens. The inmates are running wild. – 10
0 notes