#incredibly funny that i - a horse girl - have never seen mlp actually
philosophiums · 4 months
definitely didnt mess up the first time whaaat.,,, anyway sits at ur feet again. 3 and 25 fr both ur boys pls :>
3. What genre would your OC do badly in but it would be hilarious or interesting to watch?
Chuuya would do horribly in a romantic comedy but the absolute train wreck would be so so funny (to me). He has no sense of being flirted with and "doesn't have time" for romance anyway, so watching a theoretical romantic interest try to engage with him would be,,, truly great. Umbrius would do poorly in the horror genre because he doesn't scare easily and is also the Can And Will Fight And Win Or Die On My Feet Having Tried type of character. So he'd be being hunted by some murderer and he would just,,, fight them. Immediately. Turn the tables and become the hunter himself (he is a dog/wolf after all).
25. What would be your OC’s My Little Pony cutie mark? (i've never seen MLP so i had to google this)
Chuuya's would be a nuclear blue comet (his name uses 宙 which is space/sky/time/etc), "his" color is nuclear blue, and the comet itself is a symbol of him being locked into a life course that will result in him rapidly burning up to his core until there's nothing left :D Umbrius' is much more straightforward - it would just be a black wolf paw print, with a shadow to make it look sorta 3D probably. His name is literally (essentially) "Shadow," and he is A Dog, and also he has limited shadow walking magic, so like... easy and simple for him.
OC ask meme!!!!
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