philosophiums · 5 days
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If the sky falls down right now, you're the one that I'll worship...
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yourangle-yuordevil · 11 months
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They are smitten, I believe <3
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wazzappp · 1 month
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I think I hauve covid
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genderoutlaws · 10 months
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Crossdressing party goers in Gaza, Palestine (1960s) | ph: Kegham Djeghalian
This photo was found by Djeghalian's grandson in 2018, along with an entire collection documenting the rich culture and history of Gaza. Djeghalian survived the Armenian genocide as a toddler, fleeing to Syria, then Lebanon, before moving to Palestine, where he lived between Al-Quds and Jaffa. There he would meet his wife Zevart Nakashian, and go on to open the Kegham photography studio in Gaza.
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niurd · 3 months
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apprentice-s · 2 months
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baseball & not baseball
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bkgsdoll · 19 days
bakugou is a super fast eater. especially compared to you!-- the slowest chewer in the country. he could give you a small, itty bitty serving of the dinner he just made and a full plate for him, and you'd still finish way later! sometimes it frustrates him cuz why are u taking so long? hurry up and swallow! other times its cute when hes waiting for u to finish at the table and watches u eat blankly. all of a sudden he gets cuteness aggression bcuz look at those stuffed cheeks !!!
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3m0g1rlyyy · 5 months
Sometimes i look at my $elfharm scars and think “Damn it wasn’t even that deep”
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a lot of you got a kick out of my service dog’s battle jacket, so i thought i’d share some more pictures of the man himself.
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i know people have a lot of stereotypes about what service dogs and their handlers are “supposed” to look like, and it confuses people to see a young, seemingly able bodied punk rocker with a service dog.
but i share this to say, that if you as a disabled person don’t see a life for yourself, you can create one. when i started to realize i was disabled almost 10 years ago, i certainly didn’t imagine this is where i’d be now. in fact, i didn’t even plan to making it to this point.
but a diagnosis doesn’t have to mean the end of the world. sometimes your world is just beginning. some people are of the belief that everything happens for a reason. me, not so much. i’ll never be grateful for the suffering i experienced in this world, but i will always, always be glad i chose to stay in it.
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philosophiums · 24 days
4, 9, 10, 19, 24, 25, 26 ✨
hi mariam!!! <3
4. How would they describe each other if asked? Physically? In personality?
Chuuya wouldn't be entirely complementary on Umbrius' physical appearance, despite being very attracted to him. It's something about the lack of effort that Umbrius has to put in to maintain his form - he chose to look like that, and he doesn't have to work out to maintain his physique (he does, still, but mostly just for something to do). Also, Chuuya puts pride in his outfits and general presentation, and Umbrius does not care at all, which bothers Chuuya a lot. He can force Umbrius to wear a suit, but he can't make him wear it properly (you can lead a horse to water, etc). As far as Umbrius' personality, Chuuya is quick to describe his loyalty and his devotion, but also to point out how damn stubborn he is, and how he's "literally a dog with a bone." Umbrius' first comment is always going to be about how pale Chuuya is. Even though Chuuya starts the story with a healthier, deeper color to his skin, his hair is white from the get-go, and he is paler than Umbrius. Fragile is another word that Umbrius throws around a lot, but it's not necessarily a slight against him; he just sees it as the truth. But he also calls him "pretty" and "delicate," and has at least once described him as "a snake curled up in the corpse of a dove." Personality-wise, Umbrius is likely to roll his eyes and say Chuuya doesn't have a sensible head on his shoulders and is more likely to become an unwitting martyr than a soldier claiming victory.
9. What is one quality they have in common?
Another trait they have in common, aside from being foodies, is that they're both the type of person to take a metaphorical or literal bullet for someone else. Umbrius will only do it for Chuuya, but it's in every situation, every circumstance, deadly or not, physically or not. Chuuya would do it for anyone he's close to, and for him it's not duty or honor or morality, it's just how he places himself on a social hierarchy. It's not a selfless act from him, it's just how he thinks the world works (despite ample evidence to the contrary). (It's also one of my favorite inconsistencies in Chuuya's personality.)
10. What is one major difference between them?
Because of his past and where he comes from, Umbrius is used to doing without. He has the ability and the drive to figure out how to do anything and everything on his own, and he's more than accustomed to living off of scraps and not much else. Chuuya, on the other hand, hasn't wanted for anything in a very long time. He was a kid during the war™, which was an uncomfortable few years, but for well over a decade now he has been employed by the mafia, doesn't pay for his rent, and has really too much money on his hands. He's quite spoiled, these days, and tries to spoil Umbrius as well, but Umbrius doesn't want to get used to luxury just to have it taken from him.
19. Are they satisfied with their relationship? Do they wish they were closer/more distant?
They are satisfied with everything except for the knowledge that it is going to end very soon. Both of them are extremely aware of Chuuya's rapidly approaching end, and they're trying to make the most out of the time they do have, but two to three years is short for a human, much less a hellhound who has already been alive for over a thousand years. It's difficult to comes to terms with, and is definitely a constant cloud that hangs over them.
24. How do these two interact with each other in public versus in private?
They're much more flirty in public (around friends/colleagues). A lot of what they say and how they interact is so in sync and suggestively undertoned that people who share space with them for too long have to either tell them to knock it off or leave the room. Do they do it on purpose? Sometimes KJSDBVKJDBV In private, they're actually quite sweet with each other. Umbrius goes from guard dog to service dog, cooking meals and making sure Chuuya is comfortable. There's a lot of silence, in private, a lot of navigating around each other like they're orbiting planets. Gentle touches and hands on waists to swoop in for a kiss to the cheek or the temple. Chuuya walking around in one of Umbrius' hoodies. Relaxing on the sofa with limbs tangled. The domesticity is just for them.
25. If a stranger saw them together, how would they describe their relationship?
Volatile. Not towards each other, but towards the world around them. They have this way of walking through spaces that makes people hurry out of their path. Silent, staring straight ahead, purpose in their step. In crowded areas, Umbrius always has a hand on Chuuya's back or hooked in his belt loop (if he's wearing pants that actually have belt loops and not, like, leggings). Very "don't fuck with us" energy that radiates from both of them.
26. How would these characters react to being stuck in a small room with each other?
Hm hm hm depends on the circumstance and how small, exactly, the room is. Chuuya is slightly claustrophobic, so I think the early stages of being stuck in a small space would be Chuuya fighting off a panic attack and Umbrius trying to help. If the room wasn't too small, and Chuuya was able to force himself to start thinking, they would immediately start mapping the space and figuring out how to escape. If the space was too small, and Chuuya got stuck in that panicked headspace, Umbrius would have to force himself past his instincts to shield and protect and try to find a way out on his own - the objective becoming to save him rather than to keep him from immediate harm.
oc ask game
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hinamie · 3 months
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theyre soft your honour
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spearxwind · 2 months
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fortunateisle · 4 months
do you feel like your i m m o r t a l i t y is missing an e t e r n a l piece of you g o n e do you feel your bones are t o o r e a l does everything seem t o o f a s t and t o o c l o s e does your world s h r i v e l on the v i n e
there is a c u r e 🤍
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did you know heaven is r e a l ? all your f r i e n d s are there i’m t h e r e i’m h e r e
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niurd · 2 months
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bruciemilf · 7 months
Jason’s protectiveness over his dad comes to bite him in the ass when a rumor chain about Red Hood and Bruce Wayne dating spreads like wildfire.
Everyone is disgusted and amused in equal parts
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cowardlykrow · 7 months
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The other one’s name is Wilhelmina
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