#indian goddess
alyssavul · 3 months
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Hold me 💖💘💝
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2ndborn1st · 2 months
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aahanna · 2 months
"I feel the urge to escape from everything, but I've been reminded that Indian girls, who embody the spirit of Durga and Kali, don't run away; they face challenges, fight, and emerge victorious in battles."
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footzoned · 5 months
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bishh-kanya · 2 years
𑁍Shailputri : Navratri Day 1
Daughter of the mountain 🏔️✨
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2ndborn1st · 9 months
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mondaymilfs · 7 months
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aahanna · 2 months
Why goddess Saraswati is never shown standing.
This signifies Stability
Goddess Saraswati always shown as seated because once you gain knowledge, it's forever yours, no body would able to steal or use your knowledge except ourselves
So always respect the knowledge you have ,good knowledge is gonna be forever with you , people will go and come but knowledge and wisdom will never leave you ,use it smartly [ KNOWLEDGE IS POWER]
Happy Basant panchami 🦢🪷📚📿
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ramayantika · 11 months
–✦– 𝙂𝙤𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙨, 𝙍𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙒𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣 –✦–
Usha Lakshmi Gargi Ratri Saraswati
(@krishna-sahacharini had figured it out 💖)
Amidst my box of pink, peach and nude shades of lipsticks, the bold red lip colour stands out. It appears as if it wants to mock me. 'You purchased me from Ladies Corner two months and I am still sitting in your box with an unbroken seal. Are you afraid of a colour?'
I have worn red sarees, red frocks and even red tops. I have red clips and rubber bands, heck even red sandals, but the prospect of applying red lipstick scares me. It makes me nervous. I have heard this boy tell me that you look gently and dainty in pink and peach shades like a fairy. The other day while coming back from college, I heard an aunty comment on a girl, saying, "God, did you see that bold red shade on her lips. It looks so improper. Girls should wear light shades that makes them look graceful."
But I remember applying the same red shade on my lips after borrowing her lipstick. She was reading a book then and I was trying out her lipstick. The colour suited me so well! For the first time, I got goosebumps when I saw my lips in red. It felt as empowering, liberating, bold as well as beautiful. My friend was observing my reaction and cheered, "You must wear red colour too you know. The shades you wear look pretty, but red has that charm which no other shade has." I blush and mutter a thank you. That evening I bought a red lipstick for myself.
Never wore it after I purchased it though. I always make excuses to myself. I carry a gentle, sweet, cotton candy persona so red isn't suitable.
Like always, I pick my light pink lipstick to retain my natural colour. I look at the black saree with golden borders carefully placed on the bed and then at my reflection in the mirror. Open tousled hair, black blouse, white petticoat and golden jhumke dangling down my ears. I bring the pink lipstick near my lips when suddenly the mirror turns black.
Gasping, I touch the mirror. I pinch myself to ensure if I am active or dreaming. The slight pain tells me I am actively experiencing this. My heart paces in panic. This feels like a scene from a horror movie and for a moment I brace myself to prepare for a ghostly attack when the black fades away only to reveal a lady dressed in dark red robes. Her outfit reminds me of sculptures of dancers, apsaras and goddesses from ancient Indian temples and paintings.
Her skin is as fair as milk. Well drawn arched eyebrows between which a red circular dot called bindu is carefully applied. Deep kohl highlights her beautiful pair of eyes. On her neck, I see a nuptial chain and a couple of jewelled necklaces reaching below her bosom. A thick strip of deep red cloth is tied around her chest. On her waist, I see a loosely tied waist chain and her hips sport a jingling hip belt. She wears a dhoti styled draped cloth which reaches till the knees to cover the lower half of the body. There was a specific name to it which I had read in a book. Sadly, I can't recall the name anymore.
I stare at her matchless beauty. She gracefully steps outside the mirror and stands behind me. Her thin fingers gently place themselves on my shoulders, and she whispers in my ear. "Did you recognize me?"
Stuttering, I try to form an answer. "Apsara Menaka?" She looks like a sculpture reborn alive from a temple after all!
The woman chuckles and taps my cheek with her index finger. "I am the Goddess of Love, my darling."
My lips part in shock. I gaze at the reflection of the woman beside me. "Rati...." I murmur.
"Absolutely correct! Thankfully, you remember me. Many women don't -- atleast not in today's generation."
Hundreds of question circle my mind regarding why is the Love goddess here in my room on a random Saturday afternoon when I am to leave for an outing in an hour.
"My my, did you forget about the lady in red from your visions? I am here for that only," I hear the goddess say.
She snaps her fingers and the lady in red appears on my mirror. Her face looks eerily similar to mine. I hear Devi Rati again. "Do not look away from the mirror until the lady in red disappears."
The woman looks mesmerizing. She doesn't have the perfect zero figure like models do. I see her belly rolls and love handles. There are a few stretch marks on the side of her waist where a thin chain lies. But God, the confidence on her face and eyes makes me shiver. Her eyes makes me want to get lost. This was the woman, I wanted to be and not someone who pinched at her love handles and looked up hundred ways of removing stretch marks from my hips and thighs while fretting over my slight double chin and non existent jawline.
Devi Rati speaks again. "Look at her, love. Her bold red dress stands for the feminine energy she carries within herself. Do not confuse her sensuality with lust. Her eyes are bright and playful. She needs no man no woman to tell her how gorgeous she looks or how modest she has to look. She saw you look at the 'flaws' of her form, but she is beyond flaws and perfections of the flesh. She knows the trivial nature of beauty. It only lasts until the age of youthfulness runs. But does that mean one should not appreciate beauty? Should one not wear good clothes and adorn themselves?
"They should and everyone has the right to feel good about themselves. Do not cover or hide yourself. If you love a colour, a dress or a jewel, wear it. If the world has to judge you, they would just do it for a minute and forget about you in the next minute." She picks the red lipstick from my box. "Your life is too short to be spent in worry if a boy or that old woman down the lane will call you bold for wearing a simple red shade."
She gently applies the lipstick on my lips. Her eyes meet mine and what she says next gives me goosebumps once again. "When they tell you to cover yourself on their narrowed understanding of modesty and culture, remind them about me, Rati, the goddess of Love and Beauty. Remind them of the goddesses and their sculptures from the same temples they love to visit. Remind them of apsaras and beautiful maidens who were clever, wise, knowledgeable and beautiful. Remind them of the same golden ancient culture that looked upon the female form, every female body as divine and everlasting."
The goddess makes me stand up and removes her hip belt and ties it around mine. "Do not let them dim your shine. This powerful red shade intimidates many. This power, this divinity and beauty is your reminder that we reside in you. Your body is a temple for the divine Shakti. You are the legacy of us Goddesses, queens and maidens who carried wisdom and power equally. Do not let them take away or make you hide this powerful radiance from your mind, heart, body and soul."
Rati snaps her fingers once again and the mirror shows my reflection. I am dressed in the same red saree, bold dark kohl lined eyes, red lipstick, jingling anklets and roses in my hair just like the lady in red from my dreams. She winks and says, "I not only make two people fall in love, my love. I also teach how to fall in love and admire oneself."
"Thank you, Rati..." My eyes well up with tears. It's not because I look so pretty. It's because for finally acknowledging my identity, my power and my connection with these divine women and Goddesses who have looked after me and every woman on earth. I promise myself that I shall let no one especially a man to take away my strength and pride for me, not when I carry the power of the Goddesses in my bones.
"Now now, i would hate to see that kajal drip down your eyes."
I laugh and wave at the goddess. Time to show the world sakhis!
******** ***** ****** ******** ****** ***********
Look, I am really excited for this. For a while before writing about Sarawati, I thought maybe I shouldn't write Rati because I was afraid if I would do justice to her.
But as every piece of art that I do is inspired and dedicated to the gods. Nothing of it is mine, somehow the Goddesses made me do it skskkanskakasmsmsmsks so here I am. Mein jaa rahi nahane ab :)
Tagging all of you because I want all of you to read this 🤧: @inexhaustible-sources-of-magic @tumhari-bhairavi @sanskari-kanya @krishna-sahacharini @krishna-priyatama @mere-heera @morally-gayy @shut-up-rabert @arachneofthoughts @thegleamingmoon @flowerheadkiller @ketchup-jar-ka @kaal-naagin
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oyeevarnika · 2 years
मां दुर्गा की तीसरी शक्ति हैं चंद्रघंटा। नवरात्रि में तीसरे दिन इसी देवी की पूजा-आराधना की जाती है। देवी का यह स्वरूप परम शांतिदायक और कल्याणकारी है। इसीलिए कहा जाता है कि हमें निरंतर उनके पवित्र विग्रह को ध्यान में रखकर साधना करना चाहिए।
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माता दुर्गा ने मां चंद्रघंटा का अवतार तब लिया था जब दैत्यों का आतंक बढ़ने लगा था. उस समय महिषासुर का भयंकर युद्ध देवताओं से चल रहा था. महिषासुर देवराज इंद्र का सिंहासन प्राप्त करना चाहता था. वह स्वर्ग लोक पर राज करने की इच्छा पूरी करने के लिए यह युद्ध कर रहा था. जब देवताओं को उसकी इस इच्छा का पता चला तो वे परेशान हो गए और भगवान ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और महेश के सामने पहुंचे. ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और महेश ने देवताओं की बात सुन क्रोध प्रकट किया और क्रोध आने पर उन तीनों के मुख से ऊर्जा निकली. उस ऊर्जा से एक देवी अवतरित हुईं. उस देवी को भगवान शंकर ने अपना त्रिशूल, भगवान विष्णु ने अपना चक्र, इंद्र ने अपना घंटा, सूर्य ने अपना तेज और तलवार और सिंह प्रदान किया. इसके बाद मां चंद्रघंटा ने महिषासुर तका वध कर देवताओं की रक्षा की.
ॐ देवी चन्द्रघण्टायै नमः॥
शारदीय नवरात्रि का तीसरा दिन 🪷
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