#indie bi smut rp
flawcdexistence · 2 years
open to m/f/nb.
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“here’s the deal,” lilah starts, wiggling her tiny body in between them and the edge of the bar they’re standing in front of, “in about thirty seconds my friend is going to come over here and try to flirt her way into your pants. i love her and she’s hot, but she’s a mess on a good day and truthfully, i just wanted to shoot my shot first before you’re blindsided by how gorgeous her legs are.” next to julia, a tall, gorgeous, leggy blonde, lilah is a pretty gremlin - barely five feet tall, mousy brown hair, but her tits look amazing in the top she’s wearing, the low v-neck drawing attention to her cleavage. “so, what d’you say? can i buy you a drink?” 
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looksgold · 3 months
plots   /   vibes   i   need   immediately   (lms   if   ur   interested   and   i'll   hit   ur   dms   up):
-   best   friends   who   sabotage   each   others'   dates   until   they   finally   accept   they   should   be   together -   party   boy   x   innocent   girlie   who   he   corrupts   lowkey -   influencer   x   influencer   power   couple   who   look   perfect   outwardly/on   social   media   but   also   maybe   he's   toxic   behind   the   scenes -   secret   relationships -   rich   girl   x   poor   boy   who   doesn't   think   he   is   worthy   of   her -   drug   dealer   x   their   best   customer   who's   broke   but   offers   'favours'   as   payment -   honestly   a   messy   ass   black   mail   plot
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monstersxxorxxmen · 8 months
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Usually Elliot didn’t try to help spirits move on, not anymore. The spirits didn’t have to suffer the damn consequences of going up to a possibly grieving person and delivering them a message or whatever it may be. But this ghost had been pestering him, Elliot hadn’t had a moment of peace in weeks and as annoyed as he was he was also sympathetic to the spirits plight.
Which is why he found himself standing around like a creep outside somewhere the spirit said the person the frequented often because he refused to look like a stalker and go to their home. He saw the person he needed to speak to “Remember I do this you leave me alone,” he muttered as he walked up to the person in question “Excuse me! Can I talk to you for a minute?”
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caeruleums · 4 months
open to: w or nb.
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         “i don’t mean to, like, butt in…” yes she did. “but. your boyfriend’s a dick. and, maybe i’m just a huge fucking lesbian, but he’s… definitely too fucking ugly for you. it’s a good thing he’s gone early ‘cause he was really putting a fucking damper on a half-decent party.”
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cigarettesandcoffee · 4 months
muse: elhan demir, he/him, 45, pansexual, a shadow broker who deals in valuable information, generally has a stick up his ass, pleasure dom
plot: y/m has been a cohort of his for a bit of time that he uses to help gather information at high society events by posing as a couple (your muse can be an escort, a model, a celebrity of some kind, etc.) something something y/m catches feelings? 👀 (fair warning, he might be a dick about it at first)
open to: anyone 21+
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"Why do you look like someone kicked your puppy?" He grumbled beneath his breath, glancing over his shoulder at the other. "If you're going to pout all night, I'll go alone."
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angelsdvsts · 10 days
a few tropes/plots that i'm craving ... give this a ♡ if you're interested in any of the plots below & i'll come to you for muse !
♡ coworkers ♡ roommates ♡ sunshine x grumpy ♡ unholy girl x innocent boy ♡ assistant x boss ♡ best friend's brother/sister ♡ enemies to lovers ♡ second chance romance ♡ fake relationships ♡ figure skater x hockey player ♡ athletic x cheerleader ♡ coach's daughter ♡ nerd x jock (like hailey & james from oth) ♡ childhood friends to strangers to lovers ♡ protector x innocent ♡ neighbors ♡ secret relationship ♡ band member x fan ♡ arrange marriage ♡ summer romance ♡ royalty x regular person ♡ celebrity x regular person ♡ bodyguard x celebrity / mayor's daughter / etc. ♡ influencers who fans ship them which leads to them fake dating ♡ fwb -- but one of them just recently got into a relationship ♡ your bf doesn't give you enough attention, let me ♡ also if anyone wanna create like a lil village of our muses -- friendships, exes, crushes, family -- etc. PLS ill give u my left kidney <3
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bittcrsuite · 12 days
open to: anyone ! connection ideas: partner, fwb, ex, best friend, literally whatever you want !
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"you know, handcuffs are surprisingly cheap." morgan grinned as she dangled them in front of the other. she let out a laugh, gently gripping one of their wrists. "they're only like, twenty bucks on amazon. it's such a good deal."
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takeurpickindie · 5 months
open to: f / nb 21+ - blanca and y/m have been on a few dates and are really hitting it off, when blanca feels she has to come clean about her hobby/side job...
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"wait, wait, before... before we continue," blanca said and looked at the other. "i really, really like you and i think you like me too, so... i think it's only fair that i tell you where i am on the weekends." she told them. "so, i... have another income, derived from an interest i have. i am... a switch, in bdsm terms and i get paid to dom people or to submit to them in a sex club. so, before you even think about pursuing a relationship with me, i need you to know that. i... am not at a point where i want to stop doing that, and it is something i need in a relationship as well. i wanted you to know, so you can make a decision on whether or not to go further with me with all the information about me." she said, knowing she was rambling a bit but she had to tell them.
she had talked about her work in the bookstore of her grandmother but this job? well, she had kept that to herself.
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flawcdexistence · 2 years
open to m/f/nb. plot: affair plot pls and ty. feel free to pick any muse of mine you’d like! 
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“wait, wait, wait,” she mumbles, hands fisted in the fabric of their shirt in effort to push them away. all she manages to do, however, is pull them closer, her legs wrapping tighter around their waist. “we should think about this. we should--” oh god. their mouth is on her neck and she unconsciously drops her head back, offering them more of her bare skin. her shirt lay discarded on the floor, her bra about five seconds away from being unhooked. “please,” she pleads, a completely different tune from her previous argument because there’s no stopping this. they’re a train barreling toward infinite doom, but oh god, what a way to go. 
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monstersxxorxxmen · 8 months
Open to M/F/NB
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"You... Are being very distracting Sweetheart," the Alpha said eyeing his lover. They were being a temptation in not just looking delicious but the werewolf could smell how aroused his partner was and it made it hard to function. "I'm trying to make us a nice dinner here," William reminded with a small chuckle.
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caeruleums · 4 months
open to: w / nb.
plot: every time your muse gets drunk, she tells davie that if she were gay she'd totally go for her. and then they end up hooking up, but your muse has a boyfriend. based on this song.
suggested connections: teammate, best friend's sister, best friend's girlfriend, etc. bonus points for best friend's mom / coach / any kind of m*lf.
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in the midst of a party, davie hadn't expected to see her show up. she had even pried herself off of the girl she was likely going to go home with just so she could make sure she saw her, essentially cornering her in the near-empty kitchen with a cup in her hand. "i didn't think you were coming tonight," she offered out, a slight smile on her lips. despite half of the girls she knew wanting her, davie couldn't keep herself from thinking about anybody but the 'straight' girl in front of her.
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angelsdvsts · 24 days
˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . open starter: to all ˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ .
♡ muse: henry danielson. mid-late twenties. ♡plot: henry & y/m has unspoken feelings & he's sent to check on your muse -- who happens to be getting married to his brother
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"cold feet's normal y'know.." henry trails off, soften gaze falls over towards them before glancing away. "is there a reason why you're uncertain about this?"
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bittcrsuite · 7 days
reverse starter call ! like this post and i'll reply to one (or a few) of ur opens <3
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tooswcctx · 3 months
open: m/f/nb ( 21+ if romantic, age gaps welcome ) muse: kamila abbasi, model/socialite
"I keep telling them we’re not dating, but they keep telling me friends don’t normally make out when they're drunk." Kamila just didn't believe that. "Apparently, that's just a thing we do." And if that were true, how boring! A little making out between friends was totally normal. Friends or whatever they were, Kami didn't feel the need to put a label on it as long as they kept having fun.
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aconites · 1 year
okay but give me a plot where muse a is in a loveless marriage and has been for over a year. he’s well aware that his wife is having an affair with multiple lovers ( she’s not at all trying to hide it ) but stays with her thinking that it’s the right thing to do for their kid. enter muse b, the babysitter who’s been taking care of muse a’s son or daughter for several months when he’s working late. she’s the biggest motherly figure in that child’s life as his real mother is never home & doesn’t make an effort to be a prominent part of his upbringing. there’s always been insane chemistry between muse a & muse b but it’s never gone past longing looks & lingering touches. it’s not until the night of muse a’s wedding anniversary that the tension boils over when he comes back home without his wife. they’d gotten into an argument over something stupid and she insisted to stay at a friend’s place until tomorrow and muse b can’t help but finally ask him why he stays with her. he explains the reason and she’s there to comfort him and eventually they finally kiss for the first time. muse a is so touch-starved to care that they shouldn’t be doing this and it feels so fucking right. they fall in bed together and the plot follows them going forward. maybe they start dating in secret while he tries to figure out how to end things with his wife. maybe muse b starts having insecurities on if he’ll actually leave her or worries about what people will say when they go public with their relationship. just gimme angst and fluff! 
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screamiingsiilence · 3 months
open to: males & females
connection: ex, friend's boyfriend/girlfriend, someone she had an affair with etc.
do not like my starters
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"we are not doing this," stated everly the moment she realized they were approaching. she had known they might be at the event. she had only agreed to go because her friend had given her a huge guilt trip. mostly because of how she had been working far too much. she forced herself to take a few sips of champagne," i told you before that it was a mistake and that mistakes are not meant to be repeated so lets just forget it, okay?"
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