automatarkad · 7 years
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Automat: Halloween (Fall 2017)
After a couple of years of hiatus, Automat returned to the world of the living. This time around, we hope to set up several events each semester. It was great to get back on track again and we learned a lot from this event. 
Games showcased:
Witchball by Stephen Clark 
Badblood by Winnie Song
Crawl by PowerHoof
Enbarr Mac Lir by Erik Einebrant
The Rekindlers by Kevin Andersson & Emil Nilsson
The Valley by Mårten Jonsson Thanks a lot to UNF Kravall for providing alcohol free drinks and bootleg delicato balls. Thanks to Indiespel GBG for being a great community. Thanks to RISE for letting us use your tech. Thanks to Mustafa and Joel for driving the old but trusty volvo 240 that I must remember to thank my neighbors for letting us borrow. And of course, thanks to everyone who showed up! We can’t, won’t, shan’t do this w/o you!
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automatarkad · 7 years
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So, I guess we’ll call this my devblog while this project is active. This here is a 3D model of the Wang Cabinet that I’m trying to build this semester. I’m very new with Blender so i got some weird shades on the model. But whatever, the important part is that this allows me to visualize the scale and stuff (and possibly check dimensions for when I need to buy the plywood?). The design is very simple and this is because this is my first project building something like this on my own. I built the Bennifer Cabinet together with Johnny Karhinen, but that was mostly slapping chopped up computer parts on a table and disguising it. This project will require some sawing. Below is a picture of the logo of Wang Electronics CO., LTD., the nonprofit org that runs Automat indiearkad. The logo is also the face of a lion, which can clearly be seen below. What can’t quite clearly be seen is that the cabinet is the lion, holding the control panel in it’s paws. It seems that I am starting a trend of making cabinets that are also animals. Neat!
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Well, that’s it for this time! Next time (in a month or so) I hope to have pictures of plywood and buttons!  Thanks for reading! //Kjell
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