kjellhaften · 5 years
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Some pictures from this year’s Automat event! Thanks everyone for coming! Stay tuned for more shenanigans!
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automatarkad · 5 years
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Hey look it’s some more pictures from Automat 2019! Who knows maybe we’ll make a third post with just pictures!? Lots of love, the Automat.
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byggnordengarden · 9 years
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Hej Spelskapare!
Nu är det ett nytt år och det är dags för nya projekt och spelkvällar!
Bygg Spel - Spelskaparkurs (tisdagar kl 17:00-19:00) För att utveckla spelbyggandet, så har vi ändrat om lite i strukturen. Istället för att köra varannan gång Scratch-kurs och varannan MaKey MaKey-kurs, kommer vi arbeta med ett projekt under hela våren som delas upp i två delar.
Första delen innebär att vi bygger spelmaskiner med inbyggd dator, skärm och knappar och spakar med hjälp av våra MaKey MaKeys. Under den andra delen använder vi oss av Scratch för att göra spel till våra färdiga spelmaskiner. När maskinerna och spelen är färdiga ställer vi ut dem på Automat Spelfestival som kommer att äga rum den 10-11 juni på Nordengården.
Anmälan krävs för att medverka på dessa spelbyggartillfällen, men de som har varit aktiva och medverkat på kurskvällarna under hösten har förtur och är anmälda automatiskt till första tillfället (separat mail skickas till dessa).
Spelkväll (varannan onsdag (undantag 14/4 & 12/5 som är torsdagar) kl 17:00-20:00) Spelkvällarna är som vanligt öppna för alla och kräver ingen anmälan. Vi tar gärna emot tips på spel som ni vill testa under spelkvällarna, men tyvärr kan vi inte släppa genom alla spel. Om intresse finns kommer vi även ta in brädspel och kortspel.
Automat Spelfestival (10-11 juni) Under Automat Spelfestival kommer vi förutom spelmaskinerna få ta del av en mängd olika spel och lekar, närproducerade spel, föreläsningar och workshops om spel och spelkultur samt livemusik och en alkoholfri bar för alla åldrar.
Online-spel Vi håller just nu på att fixa bredband till Nordengården och den beräknas vara installerad och klar i slutet på februari. I mars kommer vi därför börja introducera onlinespelande på egna servrar, bland annat Minecraft (OBS eget konto krävs), men även andra spel.
Nedan kan ni läsa preliminärt schema på alla hittills inbokade tillfällen.
2/2 tisdag Bygg Spel - Introduktion
3/2 onsdag Spelkväll
9/2 tisdag Bygg Spel
16/2 tisdag Bygg Spel
17/2 onsdag Spelkväll
23/2 tisdag Bygg Spel
1/3 tisdag Bygg Spel
2/3 onsdag Spelkväll
8/3 tisdag Bygg Spel
15/3 tisdag Bygg Spel
16/3 onsdag Spelkväll
22/3 tisdag Bygg Spel
29/3 tisdag Bygg Spel
30/3 onsdag Spelkväll
5/4 tisdag Bygg Spel
12/4 tisdag Bygg Spel
14/4 torsdag Spelkväll
19/4 tisdag Bygg Spel
26/4 tisdag Bygg Spel
27/4 onsdag Spelkväll
3/5 tisdag Bygg Spel
10/5 tisdag Bygg Spel
12/5 torsdag Spelkväll
17/5 tisdag Bygg Spel
24/5 tisdag Bygg Spel
25/5 onsdag Spelkväll
31/5 tisdag Bygg Spel
10-11/6 fredag-lördag Automat Spelfestival - terminsavslutning och utställning av vårens spelprojekt
​ Vi ses snart! /Kjell i källarn
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automatarkad · 5 years
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Don’t sleep on this!
Automat goes neon this saturday!
Automat invites you to Sweden's only experimental GAME PARTY! Play our mindaltering alternative games and meet the fantastic people behind them! There will be snacks and soft drinks. A neo arcade for playful people of all ages. A great big thanks to our long time supporters and friends at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden for allowing us to use their venue for this event.
Click me for event link!
C U 5P4C3 C0\/\/B01
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automatarkad · 5 years
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Bennifer sightings
Bennifer is a triangle animal from outer space. They can jump through dimensions and they can never die. They are a very playful and mischievous person. They are also the official mascot of Automat.
Their appearace will change slightly to fit into the new dimensions they visit, but they will always be recognizable wth their long, wedgeshaped body with legs underneath.
(image 1, 2, 3) Ess Mattisson’s website: http://mtsn.se
(image 4, 5) Kjell Håftén: http://haftens.com
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kjellhaften · 6 years
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Hey we’re making a Game Jam!
So we’re collaborating with Elisabeth Tegner of http://neohouse.se and her event Tidsvåg. It’s a pretty darn cool happening with lots of playful installations and other stuff. Also, it happened in the 1990′s. And now it’s happening again at Vetenskapsfestivalen in Gothenburg this year (2019 for those reading this from the future). Anyway, we got in touch with Elisabeth a while back and decided that Automat should host a game jam and then showcase the results at the Tidsvåg event. We came up with two themes: utopia and crafts, but couldn’t decide on which we liked best, så we ended up merging them into “Craft Your Own Utopia”.
Above are some pictures of our marketing process for the game jam. Making the picture was very much a brainstorm process where we just came up with ideas and made them into objects that we then put into the picture.
Let’s talk again soon!
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automatarkad · 6 years
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Oh hi there, didn’t see you come in. Welcome to my extremely improvised home woodworking studio.
What’s this I’m building? It’s the arcade of tomorrow! I call it the “Instant Arcade - just add venue!”. It is inspired by the Babycade which was made by my dear friends at Glitchnap. But I want to make Automat’s version a bit more versatile. 
The idea is to have a complete indie arcade kit that you can easily transport on a tram or possibly in large car I guess. It must contain everything you might need to set up an indie arcade. This list includes: arcade cabinets (probably small ones), a f*ck-ton of controllers, wired power (with a long-ass cable), speakers, projector, lights, soap bubble machine? and whatever we find that’s funny and interesting! Oh and it should also look very cool and interesting! We’ll get to that later.
The materials used to build the machine so far are our old babystroller, a wooden table-like board and a chopped up drawing board for kids that I found in our trash room. #trashgames amirite? See you next time players, lovers and friends!
XOXO Kjell
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automatarkad · 7 years
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Automat är tillbaka!
Kl 18:00 - 22:00 fredagen den 27 oktober släpar vi in arkadmaskiner, VR-stolar och en alkoholfri bar till Kompani 415s lokaler i Kviberg. Vi bjuder er till en helkväll med läskig musik, jumpscares, kamratlig kamp och närodlade spel från Göteborgs frigående spelskapare. I vår alkoholfria bar kommer ni kunna köpa alkoholfria drinkar och veganska äggmackor och fika.
Vår spelutställning består av både uppsökta spel från när och fjärran och resultatet av ett gamejam som anordnas inför Automat: Halloween. Länk: https://www.facebook.com/events/803100459867717
Rekommenderad åldersgräns: 15+
Biljetter kostar 50:- / besökare och betalas i entrén.
Evenemanget är ett samarbete mellan Wang Electronics CO., LTD., Indiespel GBG, UNF Kravall och Sverok Väst.
Länk till evenemanget på facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2195771290649981
Automat is back!
At 18:00 - 22:00 on Friday October 27th we haul arcade machines, VR chairs and an alcohol free bar over to Kompani 415 in Kviberg. We invite you to an evening filled with spoopy music, jumpscares, jolly competition and locally grown games from the free range game devs of Gothenburg. You will be able to buy alcohol-free drinks and vegan egg sandwiches and fika at our alcohol-free bar.
Our game exhibition consists of curated games from near and far as well as the result of a gamejam taking place before Automat: Halloween. Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/803100459867717
Recommended age: 15+
Tickets are 50:- / visitor and can be bought at the entrance.
The event is a collaboration between Wang Electronics CO., LTD., Indiespel GBG, UNF Kravall & Sverok Väst.
Link to the event on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2195771290649981
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automatarkad · 7 years
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Automat: Halloween (Fall 2017)
After a couple of years of hiatus, Automat returned to the world of the living. This time around, we hope to set up several events each semester. It was great to get back on track again and we learned a lot from this event. 
Games showcased:
Witchball by Stephen Clark 
Badblood by Winnie Song
Crawl by PowerHoof
Enbarr Mac Lir by Erik Einebrant
The Rekindlers by Kevin Andersson & Emil Nilsson
The Valley by Mårten Jonsson Thanks a lot to UNF Kravall for providing alcohol free drinks and bootleg delicato balls. Thanks to Indiespel GBG for being a great community. Thanks to RISE for letting us use your tech. Thanks to Mustafa and Joel for driving the old but trusty volvo 240 that I must remember to thank my neighbors for letting us borrow. And of course, thanks to everyone who showed up! We can’t, won’t, shan’t do this w/o you!
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automatarkad · 8 years
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So, I guess we’ll call this my devblog while this project is active. This here is a 3D model of the Wang Cabinet that I’m trying to build this semester. I’m very new with Blender so i got some weird shades on the model. But whatever, the important part is that this allows me to visualize the scale and stuff (and possibly check dimensions for when I need to buy the plywood?). The design is very simple and this is because this is my first project building something like this on my own. I built the Bennifer Cabinet together with Johnny Karhinen, but that was mostly slapping chopped up computer parts on a table and disguising it. This project will require some sawing. Below is a picture of the logo of Wang Electronics CO., LTD., the nonprofit org that runs Automat indiearkad. The logo is also the face of a lion, which can clearly be seen below. What can’t quite clearly be seen is that the cabinet is the lion, holding the control panel in it’s paws. It seems that I am starting a trend of making cabinets that are also animals. Neat!
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Well, that’s it for this time! Next time (in a month or so) I hope to have pictures of plywood and buttons!  Thanks for reading! //Kjell
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automatarkad · 8 years
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Lost pictures of Automat #1!!!
Today, our digi-archaeologists uncovered a hidden cache containing a lot of pictures of Automat #1 (2013). Taken by Florre Floridan. Since we didn’t post them then, I shall do so now. I will cred the mystery photographer when I discover their true identity. The top pic is of the Crime City Arcade cabinet with MRS. DAD being played on it.
The Automat sign (made by @asomaton) shining brightly in the night.
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@indiearcade cabinets trapping people with alluring design and noisy games.
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Fingers touching Love Hultén’s exquisite wooden controller.
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@kjellhaften playing Johann Sebastian Joust with exhibitors and visitors.
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The Babycade.
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More @indiearcade angles.
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@eriksvedang laying all the cards on the table! The game is called Slice and Dice.
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Players pushing and shoving eachother in Robert Esbjörnsson’s Knô.
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The Buttfighter showcasing LAZA KNITEZ!!.
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trashurechaste · 8 years
One of our oldest members, Bennifer Triangel, is the protagonist of this cool game from 2013. The game was made by Simon Mattisson for Automat. Super cute and gamesy!
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automatarkad · 9 years
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The Bennifer Cabinet
This is a two-screened videogame cabinet made by Johnny Karhinen & Kjell Håftén at Collaboratory. The two screens facing away from eachother makes it a good home for games where you want eye contact with your opponent while keeping information hidden from them. The two buttons flank a joystick in the middle making for a slightly awkward, whimsy and symmetrical controlpanel.
The cabinet is based on the video game character Bennifer Triangle, who travels between games in search of fun. They first appeared in the game Badsalt and has since made numerous apperances in some games made in the Gothenburg area.
Right now The Bennifer Cabinet has 2 games running on it. Doubutsu Ball and Future Fish Course.
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automatarkad · 10 years
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Yo, check these pictures from Automat #2!!!!!!! Jacob Michelsen took them thank you so much!!!!!!! Databrush by Salkinitzor
Twinball 3000 by Axel Bäckman & Niklas Hjelm
Doubutsu Ball played on Bennifer by Gustav Olsson, Kjell Håftén, Ossian Borén & Salkinitzor
ALLA SKA BRINNA by Jacob Froth, Emily Handberg, Niclas Bjurström & Kjell Håftén
FREE by Sarofer Zertaga
Gregor by Idun & Bitslap
Future Fish Course by Ebbe Rutström, Mathias Wahlin & Anders Christiansson
VOMIT CRABS by Salkinitzor
Official Automat Beny Beny Sim by 0c0
Super Pole Riders by Bennett Foddy
Snakes on a Sphere by Patrik Nordquist
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automatarkad · 10 years
INVITRO by @0c0se
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automatarkad · 10 years
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The Automat arcade returns to life with new games to play! Expect DIY cabinets, DATAPUNK, experimental games & possibly waffles. Tickets are paid at the door and cost 40:-/person. Contact Kjell Håftén if you wanna exhibit something. Local MP games and/or experimental ones are premiered, but we like other stuff too!
The list so far:
GAMES Future Fish Course (2-fish co-op) Dōbutsu Ball (First Person Dodgeball) ALLA SKA BRINNA (Goblin burning sim) The Lickening (Making out!) SPORTSFRIENDS (4-player goodness) FREE (2-player hugger) VOMIT CRABS (CRAB SHIELD!) CABINETS Bennifer Triangel (Reanimated Space Ghost) Knô (16-player shoveathon) ELD (scorched trash machine) Gregor (poor giant bug) LIVE MUSIC Sarofer Zertaga (THE GOD OF DATAPUNK)
facebook event linky
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