#individual photoshop lessons
heathersdesk · 2 months
The FOMO of MyKayla Skinner
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MyKayla Skinner is a former gymnast and silver medalist from Team USA. She is a Latter-day Saint. She is also getting every one of her holes handed to her—in some well-deserved schadenfreude—from her former team mates. Let's talk about it because it also involves a needed discussion about LDS racism.
MyKayla Skinner got the dog and pony show that LDS Olympic athletes often get in our community. At that point, she didn't just become a representative of Team USA. She became a global ambassador for our faith. Which is really unfortunate because she's bad at representing herself well, let alone other people. So let's learn together how not to repeat the mistakes of MyKayla Skinner in public. Let's be prepared to answer well for her behavior, since she has become an emissary for us on the global stage and is doing it badly.
It's unwise to criticize a team to which you no longer belong in any kind of official capacity. But if you must, avoid opening yourself to the entire US women's gymnastics team dog walking you in public for your feedback. Never say anything that Simone Biles could ever use against you in an Instagram caption.
Also, never call Gabby Douglas a monkey in any way, shape, or form. Not in word, not with Photoshop, and not via stupid little monkey emojis. In case you haven't been exposed to the lexicon of racism and slurs, that's a deeply offensive racial slur for black people. And I'm not giving Skinner the benefit of the doubt on this one. It is a knowable fact that NBC got themselves into hot water for the portrayal of a monkey doing gymnastics in an ad that also featured Gabby Douglas back in 2012. The condemnation of that portrayal as a racist slur is something MyKayla Skinner would know about. This isn't poor wording or ignorance on her part. Skinner knew it was racist when she did this to Gabby Douglas in 2016. She still did it anyway.
And as a Latter-day Saint, I condemn what Skinner has said and done to her team mates. She has every reason to know better and do better. I reject the notion that her proximity to the LDS Church and its past failures with race are an excuse for this. This is her failure and she should take responsibility for it. She owes sincerest apologies and restitution to those she has harmed with her words. That's what the Church teaches. That's what her religion teaches her duty and obligations are.
MyKayla Skinner is clearly a deeply competitive person. It has gotten to the point of irrational and self-destructive jealousy. She can barely contain how she feels about not being able to compete in Paris. She cannot bear to see anyone else succeeding in this moment if she can't. And for all of the apologies she's had to give over the years, she doesn't appear to be learning the right lessons.
When people talk about there still being racism in the Church, this is what they're talking about. This is what it looks like. It's what happens when individual members, of whom the Church is composed, engage in the moral licensing and hypocrisy to justify their own racism. The racism, not the envy, came first. The envy only illuminated the racism that was already there.
Team USA has world class athletes, gold medalists many times over, on their women's gymnastics team. Directing racism at any of them is wrong, no matter who does it—even when it's one of our own. Especially when it's one of our own.
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adapembroke · 7 months
You Also Are Psyche: Beauty and the Shadow Self
I was a teenager the first time crop tops and low-rise baggy jeans were cool. In my eyes, everyone in my school was a clone of Brittney Spears, and I felt like a hideous beast. Because I couldn’t go around with a bag over my head, I did my best to hide behind books.
One of those books was Till We Have Faces by CS Lewis. It is a retelling of the myth of Cupid and Psyche from the perspective of Psyche’s sister Orual. Orual was angry and bitter, and she was actually allowed to wear a veil to hide her face. Best of all, since she was a queen, there was no one to tell her not to write an entire book about it.
Till We Have Faces was the perfect medicine for that time in my life. I drank up Orual’s bitterness like illicit beer. I reveled in her self-righteous anger.
Her life was unfair. And she was allowed to file a complaint with the gods!
As she prepared to present her argument, I cackled with glee, convinced that the gods would see the rightness of her cause and... I wasn’t sure what I wanted them to do, exactly. Just the possibility that Orual might be right was enough.
Spoiler alert.
Orual doesn’t get what she wants, exactly, but she does get what she needs. After she is allowed to repeat her rant at the gods over and over again, she realizes that “the complaint was the answer.” She is not actually the righteous victim. The story (and her involvement in it) was more complicated, and she was (unknowingly) complicit in her sister’s suffering. Then she is taken to receive judgement from Eros. Reunited with Psyche, they look into a reflecting pool together, and she sees identical reflections.
“You also are Psyche,” the god says, and that is his judgement.
Orual receives, not mercy exactly, but a lesson in the interconnectedness of all things. She learns that gods and people “flow in and out of each other,” and, so, justice cannot assign blame to a single individual. The ugly sister and Psyche and Venus are one, and their beauty and ugliness and suffering are experienced by each other in the same way a body feels the pain of its hand or foot.
Psyche as the Shadow
As an adult, I have come to realize that Lewis’s version of Cupid and Psyche is about the paradoxical nature of the shadow. When we say “shadow,” we usually mean something ugly or wicked, but the shadow is anything about ourselves we can’t accept.
The difficulty I had with fashion as a teenager was just an outward manifestation of my inward struggle to see myself in my entirety. For whatever reason, it was (and continues to be) easier for me to admit my faults than participate in beauty. Attempts to put my “best foot forward” and present myself “in the best light” feel disingenuous. Like Orual, I am happy to show off my intelligence, but wearing makeup and fancy clothes and sitting in front of a camera feels fundamentally wrong.
It can be more difficult to accept the beautiful in us as it is to accept the ugly, and I get a lot of support from the spiritual community for my position on beauty. In a landscape rendered flawless by filters and Photoshopping and AI, refusing to participate in the beauty game seems humble and honest, but my motivations are anything but honest.
“If I can’t play the game well,” I say to myself, “I’m not going to play at all.”
For me, hiding from the camera is a subtle way of engaging in spiritual bypassing and, in the process, supporting the position that “only the beautiful deserves to show up” that I claim to stand against.
The Astrology of Psyche (Or, You Are Psyche, Too)
“You also are Psyche” is true in a mythical sense, but it is also true in a more literal sense. There is an asteroid named Psyche, which means the Goddess of the Beauty of the Soul appears somewhere in everyone’s chart.
In my chart, Psyche appears in my 10th house, close to my Midheaven, which means that my relationship with the myth of Psyche is an aspect of my soul that is a highly visible part of my personality--visible even to people who don’t know me personally. Psyche is close to my Mercury, giving me a “way with words” and making it easy for me to own the mercurial side of my nature, but Psyche is “close but not close enough” to my sun and Venus making it difficult for me to identify (sun) with Psyche and see her beauty (Venus) in myself.
Being able to see the astrology of a favorite story playing out in my life has helped me to begin the life-long journey of hiking to Psyche’s reflecting pool and seeing her face in mine, and I would like to help you, too.
If you’d like to learn more about asteroid Psyche in your chart, check out my workshop on Cupid and Psyche, or let’s chat over tea!
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sanversandfriends · 2 years
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One way to spark a writer's enthusiasm about a WIP is the promise of accompanying fan art. Not only is it exciting to see your story brought to life, but to paraphrase @Morganastorm24, even a small shift in perspective can inspire you to take a wildly different approach. Today, she'll share some of her inspirations along with advice on how to get started or unstuck.
Tell us a little about yourself. How long have you been creating fan art? What were some of your first subjects and what ships/characters in the SG universe have you illustrated?
I mentioned in my writing answers that I've been doing it for as long as I can remember, and the same applies with art. I'm generally a very creative person - writing, drawing, crafting - you name it, I'll happily do it. 
I inherited my creativity from my grandparents, or so I'm told. My grandfather used to drive buses back in the 50s and 60s and on his breaks he'd park up somewhere and sit and sketch his surroundings. For no reason other than he wanted to and liked doing it. He also enjoyed woodwork and crafting miniature models of things out of wood. He built me my very first dolls house and I helped him to decorate it and furnish it with miniature furniture.
My grandmother was a seamstress for the theatre and made all the costumes for various productions. She'd sketch the designs out first, and then sew all the costumes by hand. She was also a writer, though she kept her stuff very private, because it was a hobby for her but not one that she felt comfortable enough to share. Sometimes, I can understand why, because I feel the same. Growing up, I loved spending time with both of them because they shared their skills with me. 
What are your favorite mediums to work with?
Photoshop is a big favourite of mine, because you can do pretty much anything, so long as you can find the right images to merge together. I also love using pro-markers and other comic book markers.  What kinds of scenes do you enjoy illustrating? Do you have any favorite tropes or themes? Imagery that you like to work with?
I love to do anything, as long as I have a clear vision of it in my mind (when using photoshop), or I have an image I can use as a reference (when I'm drawing by hand). The only thing I can successfully draw freehand without any reference is a horse (my lifelong love of the animals showing through there). When I worked in a children's nursery, we often drew large images for the kids to decorate which would then be displayed on the walls. I was always the one who ended up drawing said images, and to be honest I loved it. When I left that job to start my current one, I was gifted two of the last things I'd drawn - the rose from Beauty and the Beast, and the Coca Cola Christmas Truck. I've kept them to this day, and they're in a protective folder in storage. 
Any advice for aspiring fan artists?
One thing I learned in art lessons when I was at school (and it has stuck with me to this day), is that if you're struggling to draw something, change the perspective. My art teacher told us the following story about a disabled man, and I've tried and tested this method myself. It really does work!
A young man in a wheelchair was asked to draw his wheelchair. He hated the thing, saw it as a hindrance that cut him off from everything that he'd been able to do before he was confined to it. It was a reminder of his past life and everything he had lost, so when he tried to draw it, he was full of anger and resentment, and eventually threw his pencil down in frustration, declaring that he couldn't do it.
Instead of giving up on him, his teacher took the wheelchair, turned it upside down and told him to try again, but don't draw it as a whole. See the individual shapes and draw those. Focus on one shape at a time. So the young man did. He drew what he could see - circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, cylinders - and when the teacher took his piece of paper and turned it round, he had drawn a wheelchair.  All because changing the perspective of the subject and breaking it down into basic shapes had made his brain approach the task differently.  So if you're ever stuck on something and you don't know how to move forward, or do what needs to be done, try looking at it from a different angle. It could be literal, like turning the chair upside down, or it could be figurative, like seeing a circle instead of a wheel, a tube instead of a handle, that sort of thing. Change the perspective and you might just surprise yourself.
Thanks for sharing with us, Morgana--and for making us continue to swoon over Alex!
And Maggie!
And Lena!
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cristinazar · 1 year
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I attended the Notting Hill Carnival (27 Aug 2023 – 28 Aug 2023) for the second time and high expectations were met. It was a great time, but I must admit, my interaction with the carnival isn't quite like most people's. I go there to photograph and document the event, but I do it as part of my “artistic expression” (sorry for the fake highbrow). While others revel with friends to party, I'm more of a memory hoarder and archivist for the carnival. A girl with a hump and cap looking through a camera.
Don't get me wrong; I dance, admire the stunning costumes, and have fun, but not quite in the typical way it's intended. It's my way of enjoying the carnival, and I can't imagine going and not photographing it. That's my main desire at the carnival—to be a mirror for it, a tiny grain looking outward into that vast sea of energy.
For the past two years, I've focused on a photojournalism style because the event itself and the people within it are fascinating to me. I want to reflect the carnival as it is, but even in this approach, it's still very subjective photography. I choose who to photograph, under what circumstances, how to frame the image, and later, I select and edit the pictures. So, it's not reality, but it's the carnival through my experience.
Btw I welcome any notes or comments on this series :)
I observed numerous photographers and videographers on-site and had the pleasure of discovering their work on social media. It's a joy to see their personal reflections of the carnival. Capturing this incredible party filled with culture and people who open their hearts and identities for the camera is like a gift for a photographer. They reveal themselves in all their euphoria, and it's an unforgettable experience to be a part of.
One of the reasons I feel very fortunate to be living in London (or more like surviving London) is the opportunity to attend this J'ouvert. It's one of the few parties where I have an absolute blast.
This year, it took me a while to process my own work and edit it. Part of the reason is that I took more pictures and spent more hours at the carnival than last year. However, this doesn't necessarily mean the pictures are better; there were just more to go through, and I needed to take my time. To be honest, I'm a little disappointed with this year's photos compared to last. I'm not sure if it's because the novelty has worn off a bit or if I wasn't at the top of my game those two days. I'm quite rusty since I hardly take my camera out anymore and I really should do it more since even the camera's batteries die on me from lack of use!
My success depends on finding stories and interesting individuals at the carnival and being able to react quickly to capture the moment. Many times, I've seen something worth photographing and fumbled the opportunity. I hate when that happens, but it's bound to occur.
Additionally, while editing the pictures, I quickly realized that I had used the wrong camera settings (What a delight!). The pictures were noisy and looked of low quality. They seemed fine on the tiny camera screen, but on the computer, they resembled images taken with a 2000s Nokia. Lesson learned, or maybe not so much, as it seems I did worse than last year. But I'll certainly be more cautious in the future, ensuring I set the right parameters on the camera and invest in a better lens for fast-paced events. There should be no excuses, but as I mentioned last year, I often have mere seconds to capture a shot, dealing with whatever light conditions the sun or tree shadows throw at me and the speed at which my subjects move. So, it's not easy.
The AI noise reduction tool in Photoshop has helped salvage some of these photos that might otherwise have been discarded due to cases of "this person looks amazing, but the picture is shit". So, if you notice unreal smooth skin or odd lines in shadows, it's probably the AI at work.
As I write this text, I'm using an AI to assist me (hi chat), and it will be processed and grammatically corrected by it. Thus, both the images and text in this series bear the touch of artificial intelligence. Part of it is due to my mistakes, lack of time and skill, but it's also because AI is a valuable collaborator. I appreciate the style it adds to the photographs (and the grammar haha), making it a great creative partner for now. Let's see how it evolves in the future…
Another noteworthy aspect is that I've been sharing a lot about my experiences at the Notting Hill Carnival with a close friend, Carmen (too humble/shy to share last name). She always provides interesting interpretations and insightful comments on everything I tell her. She seemed amused by my stories and photos of the carnival, so I asked her if she'd be interested in creating some text based on the photographs.
Carmen has done some great work to accompany one of these series, the LOVE series (the text is in Spanish btw). She has never attended the Notting Hill carnival, so she based the experience on these pics. I really like how she writes, so I was very happy to have her included here.
I hope you enjoy the photographs and the information I tried to dig up on the culture behind the costumes and the traditions I saw. Of course, if you want to know more do your research and don't stop here, as there's lots to discover. Also, I want to make a disclaimer that the specific meaning of these scenes at the Notting Hill Carnival can vary widely among participants. Carnival costumes and symbols are highly individualistic and can be influenced by a person's cultural background, personal beliefs, or creative inspirations.
Thank you for reading!
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scotianostra · 2 years
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William Notman the pioneering Scottish photographer was born on in Paisley March 8th 1826.
WIlliam Notman photographed upper-class men and women in rich surroundings, but also too pictures of ordinary people, nature and the construction of Montreal's Victoria Bridge.
Notman was born and raised in Paisley where he received a decent education, which included lessons in painting and drawing.. After leaving school worked in a family firm but when it ran into financial difficulties  Notman hoped to pursue a career as a professional artist. His hopes were thwarted by the expectation that he would join his father’s cloth design and manufacturing business. As it turned out, however, during a severe economic downturn, Notman fabricated client orders in order to pay down mounting debts. Fraud charges were then laid, and in 1856 he fled Glasgow for Montréal in part so that responsibility for the fraud could be laid on him and the rest of the family could avoid prosecution.
An amateur photographer, he quickly established a flourishing professional photography studio on Bleury Street,kn the city, a location close to Montreal's central commercial district, where he attracted clients who were members of the political and business elite.
His techniques predated Photoshop by about a century, but just because we can achieve in a few clicks what would have taken William Notman days of painstaking photography, painting, and literal cutting and pasting, should make his legacy more impressive, not less. 
In 1858, he was commissioned by the Grand Trunk Railway to photograph the construction of Montréal's remarkable Victoria Bridge. Notman gave the Prince of Wales a maple box containing an image he had taken of the construction of the bridge as well as scenes from eastern and western Canada, which were apparently eventually shown to great acclaim to Queen Victoria.
You would imagine his studio would have been a small business, due to the era, but no, Notman's staff was some 55 strong in the 1870s) and included apprentice photographers.
He established 14 branch studios in eastern Canada and the United States, all managed by his trainees. Notman won many medals for his work in exhibitions at home and abroad. To meet the demand for landscapes and other views, he sent his photographers across Canada, recording the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the rise of the western cities, the life of the plains and coastal Aboriginal peoples, the lumber trade of the Ottawa Valley, East Coast fishing, rural activities and the bustle of the cities.
Notman also became famous for the composite photographs of the snowshoe and curling clubs produced by his studio. These large creations were made up of 300 or more individual photographs, cut out and pasted onto a painted background, the first cut and pasting perhaps!?
Always community minded, Notman was involved in art associations, church societies, sports clubs and other Montréal organizations. He was also a backer of the Windsor Hotel and copartner in large holdings in Longueuil, where he had a summer home. Of his seven children, all three boys became photographers. William McFarlane Notman, his eldest son, took over the business at his death. The Notman collection, containing over 400,000 photographs, plus office records and family correspondence, forms part of the collections of the Notman Photographic Archives housed in the McCord Museum of McGill University.
When William Notman died suddenly in November 1891 after a short bout of pneumonia, management of the studio Wm Notman & Son was left to his son William McFarlane Notman, an experienced photographer in his own right
In 1957, the Notman Collection was purchased by McGill University. The 200,000 negatives, 43 Index Books, 200 Picture Books and assorted memorabilia were transferred to the McCord Museum of Canadian History.
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90363462 · 2 years
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Are You Judging Yourself During Sex? Here's How To Stop.
Repeat after me: Judge less. (Self) Love more.
Shellie R. Warren
Nov. 08, 2021 05:33PM EST
Self-deprecating. Afraid to take risks. Never really satisfied. Constantly comparing yourself to other people. Worrying. Not stating your real needs and desires. Can't accept compliments. Super defensive. Overthinking. Unforgiving (including when it comes to self). Do you know what all of these things have in common? They're all telltale signs that someone is way too critical of themselves, that they judge themselves too often and/or too harshly. Now take a moment and think about how these 10 things translate in the bedroom? 
If you know that you are more self-deprecating than you ever should be, if your partner has brought up to you that you don't take enough risks, if you can pinpoint several times when you have overthought yourself out of an orgasm, if your partner is getting more and more frustrated because you don't tell him how to meet your needs or because you shoot down every compliment that he gives you — chile, this was written with you totally in mind. Because the reality is, a lot of people aren't satisfied in bed and it has nothing to do with the person who is on top, underneath or beside them. It's all about the one who is staring at them in the mirror before they get in bed to begin with. 
If you know that's you, it's time to make the self-judging madness stop. Here are seven suggestions on how to get onto the path to doing just that.
First Up: Where Did You Get Your Body Image From?
Once upon a time, I was a teen mom director for the local chapter of a national non-profit. That's a long way of saying that I would go into public high schools and help young women (sometimes young men too) to understand the power of their sexuality from a mental and emotional standpoint. One of the things that I shared with them is adolescence is such a fragile time and teen hormones are so rampant (and borderline reckless) that it's important to really learn how to love your individuality on your own before sharing your body with someone else. It's sad how many of them — and us — have to learn this lesson the hard way by allowing others to affect how we view our bodies because we share ourselves with them before we understand our true value.
That's why I think it's important to start right here. If you know that you are hypercritical of yourself during sex, first explore how you define body image, how you feel about your own body, and where you got the ideas that you currently have. Because the reality is if you've not a negative view of your body, it didn't come out of nowhere. Something or someone (usually several "things" and "ones") got you to feeling the way that you do and once you get to the root cause of these kinds of things, the easier it is to do some self-love journaling and mental reprogramming (check out "Self-Love Journaling & Why You Should Be Doing It" and "These 10 Hacks Will Help You Love Your Body More") so that your body image isn't from childhood brokenness, wacked out messages in adolescence or some sort of fear or trauma. 
You can cultivate your body image from a much healthier space which will definitely help you to be less judgmental — both in and out of the bedroom.
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Secondly: Stop Comparing Yourself to IG Models. Men Aren’t As into Them As You Think They Are.
I watch a lot of YouTube Black manosphere content and if there's one thing that the majority of them do not sing the praises of, it's IG models. Hey, I'm not knocking them. I'm just saying that I see video after video after video of men saying that they feel like between the photoshopping, filters, and agendas in the bios, they aren't really impressed beyond those ladies being something pretty to look at before they move on to something else. I think this is important to put on record because if there's a part of you who is too hard on yourself because you think that being sexy means you should have perfect skin, a tiny waist, and the biggest ass on the planet — please free yourself of that illusion and delusion. All of this reminds me of my favorite scene from the movie500 Days of Summer where one of the characters describes the woman of his dreams, then he explains what his girlfriend doesn't have that his dream girl does and then he ends with how his girlfriend is so much better at the end of the day because she's real — most importantly, they've got something real…together.
Listen, we've all got people who we think are fine and some mo' fine. I'm also willing to bet that you've come across some hotties on your socials. Yet how ridiculous would it be for your partner to withhold sex from you or not give his all in bed because he feels bad that he doesn't look like some random in a picture? Social media has its pros. It's also got its cons. Causing people to constantly critique themselves, especially to the point where they project their negative thoughts onto their partner, is definitely a downside. No doubt about it.
Third: Men Are Not Nearly As Critical of Us As We Are: Sex or Body-Wise
Speaking of what men think — take this how you want but I really do think it's interesting how much a lot of us spend time, resources, blood, sweat, and tears on stuff that men aren't all that drawn to. And before you blow a gasket, if you are honestly and sincerely getting BBLs, extensions, long eyelashes, breast augmentations, and whatever else you're interested in for yourself — do that. I mean that. All I'm saying is I talk to men, every day, on some level, for a living. And something that about 80 percent of them tell me is they like natural beauty — natural hair, natural bodies, not a ton of make-up. And the fact that hearing that triggers a lot of women fascinates me because how would you feel if men tried to tell you that what you prefer is wrong?
Anyway, where I'm going with this is a lot of times overthinking leads to being hypercritical, and being hypercritical leads to us creating movies in our minds where we think men have a problem with breasts that don't sit up underneath our necks, hair that isn't down to our butt or skin that doesn't have one stretch mark on or dimple in it. As a husband of 15-plus years once said to me, "All of this 'I don't think you're attracted to me' stuff that my wife sends me through is unnecessary. If you don't feel good about yourself, let's get you there but don't put your insecurities on me as if I have the problems with you that you have. I chose you. I'm still choosing you. I'm not thinking about the changes your body has gone through nearly as much as you are. Hell, I just wanna enjoy the body I've been blessed with." I hope the people in the back heard that. 
Oh, and if you need some help with feeling better about yourself, outside of what your partner thinks, check out "10 Sensuous Ways To Boost Your Sexual Self-Esteem".
Fourth: Turn the Light on Sometimes. No, Really!
How about I know a woman who has been with a man for almost five years now and he's still never seen her fully naked. What in the world? She prefers to have sex at night, in pitch-black darkness. Even then, she finds some sort of reason to keep a T-shirt or bra on because she doesn't look how her breasts look during sex. Recently, she told me that it's starting to take a toll on her relationship (gee…ya think?) because her partner is finding her hiding herself to be somewhat juvenile and borderline ridiculous.
"What you need to do is have sex with the lights on," I told her. Yes, she looked at me like I was crazy, but I meant what I said. For one thing, no one said that you had to have bright overhead lighting going on. A blue, red, or purple light bulb or some lit candles can create a really beautiful and romantic setting. Secondly, men are stimulated visually, so while feeling your body is definitely a turn-on, seeing it can take his entire experience to another level. Third, I find that sex with the lights on can help to cultivate intimacy in a more profound kind of way because it's easier to maintain eye contact that way. And last, if you're someone who constantly judges yourself during sex, you're not gonna get past that by always hiding in the dark. 
Once you "bring things into the light", it'll be easier for you to come to the realization that the fear that you had wasn't as big of a deal as you initially thought. That will help you to become more confident which will make you feel sexier which will make sex that much better — for you and for him.
Fifth: Be Intentional About Not Seeing Sex As a Competition
If you've read my content on this site long enough, something that you've definitely heard me say before is, "If I said that you were cute, I just judged you. That's how I know that people don't have a problem with being 'judged'; they have a problem with being criticized and/or held accountable for their words and actions." Just think — beauty pageants have judges. Dancing with the Stars has judges. You get where I am going with this. And judges are there to decide who did something the best.
OK, but why would you or your partner be in this kind of headspace during sex? What I mean by that is the two of you shouldn't be "judging each other", you should be enjoying each other. And if there's a part of you that's like, "I hear you, Shellie but I can't help but wonder how much prettier, sexier or better skilled the women who came before me were" — again, he's with you now and you didn't have to twist his arm (right?). Besides, every single sexual experience is different. Therefore, whatever you bring to the table — bed, shower…wherever — is gonna be unique all on its own because you are. So, while it may be human to have those kinds of thoughts, try not to dwell on them too much because since there's only one you, there is chemistry, energy, and a dynamic that only youcan bring into his life and set of memories. This brings me to my sixth point.
Sixth: Treat Yourself As an Honor and a Privilege. BECAUSE YOU ARE ONE.
One of the reasons why casual sex, on many levels, triggers me, is because it causes people to treat their partners like a literal definition of the word — apathetic. When you're apathetic, you're indifferent. When you're apathetic, you show little emotion. When you're apathetic, honestly, at the end of the day, you don't really care all that much. And when you're actually allowing someone to enter inside of your body while they have this kind of attitude and energy, do you see how that word (and frame of mind) can be problematic as hell?
Not everyone thinks that sex is solely for marriage or a long-term serious relationship. Understood. At the same time, there is no way that you're going to improve your self-confidence, as far as sex is concerned, if you don't go into each and every experience as seeing yourself as an honor and privilege for someone else to experience. And in order for that to happen — you've got to vet your partners more thoroughly, set standards for what are clear sexual deal-breakers (check out "These Are The Deal-Breakers You Shouldn't Hesitate To Have In The Bedroom"), and make sure that you are treated with a level of respect before ever disrobing.
You know, a "con" to casual sex that isn't discussed enough is the fact that sometimes being in a casual experience with someone who sees you casually is that you can start to see yourself that way too. And here's the thing — you should never allow words like careless, offhand, shallow, superficial, and yes, apathetic to be how you allow others to treat you or to define how you choose to see yourself. When it comes to the sexual decisions that you make, please always keep this in mind.
Seventh and Final Point: Stay in the Moment. Let Go. Enjoy the Ride. Yes, Literally.
I can already tell you — shoot, almost guarantee you — that if you go into sex already looking down on yourself or overthinking every little detail, you're not going to have all that much of a good time. Your partner isn't going to either. Something that I tell my clients often is if there is a time and space when you should just chill out, let go and have as much fun as you possibly can, it's when you're having sex with someone.
So, as difficult as it might initially be, please take all of what I just said to heart and try and just be in the moment with your partner. Verbalize your secret desires. Add some ambiance. Let him show you what he adores most about your body from head to toe (trust me, he's got some favorite spots). STOP THINKING SO HARD. Again, stop judging and do more enjoying. The more you make that your sex mantra, the easier it will be to replace judging yourself and sex with loving yourself and sex. Feel me? Somehow, I bet you do.Email AddressGet Our Newsletter
Shellie R. Warren
Shellie R. Warren is a lover of quotes, lip gloss, graphic t-shirts, silver jewelry and Pumas. She's an author with two published books (thus far) on matters of the heart. In fact, 2019 was the 15-year anniversary of her first release ' Inside of Me: Lessons of Lust, Love and Redemption' (she's seriously mulling over penning a sequel to it) and 2020 marked her 20-year anniversary of being a (mostly) full-time writer. Aside from that, when Shellie's not tellin' all her business, she's helping couples (marriage life coach) or assisting with birthing babies (doula). Her byline is all over cyberspace, but where you won't find her is on social media. Like anywhere. At all. If you need to hit her up, she's (usually) reachable at missnosipho at gmail.com, though. HOWEVER, pitches for xoNecole need to go to editor@xonecole. Hit her up for *strictly* Shellie-related stuff. Again, pitch article ideas to the site addy NOT HER. Much appreciated.
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elioratechno25 · 26 days
Unlock Your Future with Online Courses at Eliora Techno
In today's fast-paced digital era, the demand for flexible and accessible learning has skyrocketed. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to upgrade your skills or a newbie eager to enter the IT industry, Eliora Techno offers a wide array of online courses that can help you achieve your goals. With industry-aligned curriculums, experienced mentors, and real-world projects, Eliora Techno ensures that you gain the skills necessary to succeed.
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In this blog, we’ll dive into the benefits of online learning at Eliora Techno, explore the top courses offered, and understand why it’s the best choice for learners looking for IT online classes in Nagpur.
Why Choose Eliora Techno?
1. Flexibility and Convenience
One of the greatest advantages of online learning is flexibility. Eliora Techno offers courses that fit around your schedule, making it easier for you to balance education, work, and personal commitments. Whether you're in Nagpur or halfway across the globe, Eliora Techno's online IT courses can be accessed from anywhere.
2. Industry-Ready Curriculum
The courses at Eliora Techno are designed with a focus on industry requirements. By taking online IT courses here, you ensure that you’re learning the most in-demand skills that employers seek. From cutting-edge programming languages to digital marketing strategies, Eliora Techno’s online learning programs stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends.
3. Expert Mentorship
At Eliora Techno, you don’t just learn from books or recorded lessons. You get access to expert mentors who have years of experience in their respective fields. These professionals offer hands-on guidance, ensuring that you can implement what you've learned in real-world projects.
Courses Offered at Eliora Techno
Let’s take a look at some of the most popular courses available at Eliora Techno that can help you carve a successful career in the IT industry:
1. Frontend Developer
This course is perfect for anyone looking to enter the world of web development. You’ll learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and advanced frameworks like React.js. Frontend developers are always in high demand, and Eliora Techno ensures that you master both the foundational and advanced aspects of this role.
2. Graphic Designer
Creative individuals can benefit from Eliora Techno’s Graphic Design course. You’ll get a deep understanding of design tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Moreover, you’ll learn about color theory, typography, and layout design, helping you build a portfolio that stands out.
3. Java Developer
Java remains one of the most sought-after programming languages. In this course, you’ll learn everything from the basics of Java to advanced object-oriented programming concepts. This course is ideal for those looking to build a career in software development or backend engineering.
4. Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is an essential skill for any business looking to grow in today's competitive landscape. Eliora Techno’s Digital Marketing course covers SEO, SEM, social media marketing, email marketing, and much more. By the end of this course, you'll be equipped with all the skills necessary to run successful digital campaigns.
5. PHP Full Stack Developer
This course covers both frontend and backend development, giving you a comprehensive understanding of how websites and applications are built from start to finish. PHP Full Stack developers are highly versatile and in demand, making this course one of the most beneficial for aspiring developers.
6. MERN Stack Developer
Master MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js with the MERN Stack Developer course. This course focuses on building scalable web applications and is perfect for anyone looking to work with modern, full-stack development technologies.
Why Eliora Techno is the Best for IT Online Classes in Nagpur
When searching for IT online classes in Nagpur, Eliora Techno stands out due to its commitment to providing high-quality, practical education. Whether you’re aiming for a career change or looking to upgrade your existing skill set, Eliora Techno offers you the perfect platform to excel.
1. Affordable Courses
Eliora Techno provides industry-relevant courses at affordable prices. With various financial aid and installment options available, students can pursue their education without financial stress.
2. Real-World Projects
Each course at Eliora Techno includes practical, real-world projects that allow you to apply what you’ve learned. This hands-on approach not only enhances your learning experience but also helps you build a portfolio that impresses potential employers.
3. Job Assistance
Eliora Techno offers job assistance programs, ensuring that you not only learn but also find opportunities to showcase your skills. With a strong network of industry partners, Eliora Techno helps connect students with potential employers.
Eliora Techno offers a wide range of online IT courses designed to meet the growing demand for skilled professionals in the tech industry. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn coding or a seasoned professional aiming to specialize in areas like digital marketing or full-stack development, Eliora Techno provides the perfect platform for your career growth.
Don't wait—take the first step towards a brighter future by enrolling in online courses at Eliora Techno today!
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majorstudyblog · 3 months
Post 18 - Live Brief and Learning Outcomes
Working in teams, I took on the role of director, ensuring that the project stayed on track and that our team remained organized and focused throughout the process. Individually, I contributed by designing a Fantasy Interior Asset Pack in Unreal Engine, which provided the backdrop for our film. I also crafted the original storyline for our reimagining of Hansel and Gretel, infusing it with fresh, creative elements. Additionally, I worked on three 2D character designs in Photoshop, including their facial expressions, to bring our characters to life visually.
Here are some thing I learning outcomes and challenges during the Live Brief:
Leadership and Team Management: Developed skills in leadership by directing a team project, improving my ability to organize, coordinate, and maintain project timelines. Faced challenges in maintaining team morale under pressure, and at times, had to enforce tight deadlines which led to stress and occasional friction within the team.
Technical Proficiency in Unreal Engine: Gained expertise in creating and implementing Fantasy Interior Asset Packs, enhancing my understanding of 3D environment design and asset integration. Encountered technical issues and bugs that required significant time to resolve, causing delays and sometimes leading to compromises in the level of detail or polish of the final assets.
Creative Writing and Story Development: Improved skills in narrative creation and scriptwriting, learning to adapt classic tales into modern reimagining. Time constraints sometimes necessitated simplifying or cutting certain story elements, which led to compromises on the original vision and depth of the narrative.
2D Character Design and Digital Art: Developed proficiency in character design using Photoshop, improving my ability to convey emotions through detailed facial expressions in 2D art. Due to tight deadlines, there were instances where I had to rush certain aspects of the character designs, which impacted the overall quality and consistency of the artwork.
Project Management and Coordination: Applied project management techniques to ensure smooth workflow and timely completion, gaining experience in delegating tasks and responsibilities effectively. Balancing multiple roles and responsibilities often led to burnout and reduced efficiency, making it challenging to maintain consistent oversight over all project aspects.
Collaboration and Teamwork: Fostered a collaborative working environment, leveraging each team member’s strengths and enhancing skills in giving and receiving constructive feedback. Differing opinions and creative visions sometimes led to conflicts that required mediation, and reaching consensus often meant compromising on certain creative aspects.
Problem-Solving and Adaptability: Navigated challenges and obstacles creatively and efficiently, adapting to changes and unexpected issues with flexibility and resourcefulness. Frequent problem-solving under pressure occasionally led to quick fixes rather than optimal solutions, impacting the overall quality and coherence of the project.
Artistic Vision and Direction: Developed a cohesive artistic vision for the project, learning to guide and inspire the team towards a unified creative goal. Time constraints and resource limitations sometimes forced compromises on the artistic vision, leading to a final product that differed from the initial conceptualization.
Overall, the Live Brief was a transformative experience that provided valuable lessons in both the technical and interpersonal aspects of creative collaboration. As the director, I honed my leadership and organizational skills, ensuring the team's success despite challenges such as time constraints and technical difficulties. While these challenges sometimes required compromises on our artistic vision, they also taught us resilience, adaptability, and the importance of effective communication. This project not only enhanced my proficiency in Unreal Engine and digital art but also deepened my understanding of narrative development and team dynamics, preparing me for future endeavors in the 3D art and design industry.
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mi5019jesspark · 4 months
Overall, I am okay with how this project turned out. I do not think this project is as strong as it could have been, however it IS the strongest out of the other two modules. I have admittingly struggled with trying to distance my work away from the reliance on a more illustrative style as it is basically all I have ever know in relation to my own practical work.
However, I feel as if I have mad the best attempt to meet the learning outcomes of this project evident throughout my work.
Intellectual / professional skills and abilities:
I feel that I have met this learning objective as I have evidenced individual research which then informs decisions within my project. For example, the blood drop and ink splotches on the vampire lips in the first clip reflecting the title card of "Killing eve", the themes of which both collide (blood and danger associated with both killing Eve and vampires due to themes within the show and respective folklore.)
experimental digital design skills
In reference to digital skills I have explored multiple different techniques, for example: Maya mash(eventually scrapped from the project but evident in the blog), after effects kaleidoscope feature, frame by frame digital work, photoshop, procreate, after effects animation and premiere pro / adobe audition use to edit together both video and audio in a more complex manor than other non industry standard software's.
Teamwork and studio culture:
like other projects, i have engaged with studio culture by both receiving and giving feedback on our projects, the class engages with 'crit sessions' where we present out work and receive feedback both positive and constructive to then strengthen our work. This is also engaged with outside of structured lessons as friends naturally ask opinions on each others work. i have also received help from peers (and provided it when i can), further engaging in studio culture as we share ideas and skills / knowledge.
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maddiecopesblog · 4 months
Final evaluation
This project has been a really inspiring experience. I have managed to fulfil all of the aims I started with and have learned so much about the industry that I’d like to go into. 
I initially started looking at the things women hold physically and metaphorically which led to my research on womens pcoekts, as often women are not able to carry what they own. Despite not pursuing half of this idea, this research fueled my work to produce an outcome that touches on those issues, but not as explicitly as first intended,
Despite the change in my learning agreement, I still managed to touch on important issues that I began with. The lack of functional pockets contributes to the labour women have to endure, so solving this one small issue would theoretically lesson the burden. Focusing soley on the introduction of functional pockets for women was one of the best decsiions I made in progresssing my work, as it allowed me to provide a simple and achivble solution to a problem I had outlined.
I have learned how to successfully conduct interviews which was one of the main driving forces for my project. I found it insightful to gain primary research from individuals like Amanda Fletcher but also my family and peers. Interviewing women brought important insight that helped guide my outcome. I was made aware of issues I hadn’t considered and was able to solve issues that were brought to light during my interactions. 
During my project, I had moments where I struggled to come up with my aim. I was always clear about the subject matter I wanted to cover, however coming up with a specific call to action, target audience and solution proved difficult as there were so many options for me to choose from.
To alleviate this, I found documenting each of my ideas through quick illustrations incredibly useful, some of which I have added to this process book. While they seem frivolous, drawing out each idea, no matter how far-fetched or silly, meant I could reflect on all my options visually, and decide on the ones that would be best to visually communicate my idea. As well as this, I valued asking my course mates for their advice as gaining an ‘outsiders’ perspective, helped to remove any bias I may have. I have found being surrounded by so many talented designers truly inspiring and their input and advice has been invaluable to this project.
Having resrrahce a variety of camapigns which gave me both visual and conceptual isnpration, I was then able to succesfully plan my time. I worked backwards from the deadline which then allowed me to crete ‘to do lists’ daily to sensure I remined on track. This also kept in mind the main outcomes I wanted to create which included my pocket tester, a few OOH examples and most importantly, my presenration video.  I ammaged to not only stay on track, but create my rpesentation video in time for the Creative Conscience dealdine which was on April 28th. 
DUring the outcome production, my adverts went trhough many differernt varatoins as i wanted to ensure the copy was legible and my message was understood clearly. 
The final version is something I’m really proud of, it has a consistent visual language, a clear narrative and succesfully appeals to my target audience with an obvious call to action. I managed to generate two solutions, a brand championing pockets and a free how-to guide on how to extend your pockets. This variation not only proved that it can be done without cost for the customer, but also it allowed me to display my skills with different software. I used Premier Pro for my video, XD for my website, InDesign for my pocekt tester and Photoshop for the adverts.  I’m glad I got to develp my skills using different softwares as I do feel more prepapred for wokr after leaving university.
I feel this project has been a well rounded experience, it has challenged my skills and ideology and I have created a series of physical and digital outcomes that I’m proud of. If I were to do this project again I think I would have trusted my insticnts more when it came to my idea, I spent a lot of time near the beginning lacking conviction and trust in my idea, despite wanting to do my project about pockets from the very start. If I had more faith in my process, I wouldve come to a lot of my realisations sooner. Despite this, I am still grattful for the resrach that came out of that period of procrastiantion, I was still able to explore all the possibilities I wanted to and crate an outcome that I love. 
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annachope · 6 months
Theme Project Proposal
For my theme project, I plan to photograph those who have become my key influential personalities throughout college. This includes (but isn't limited to) my closest friends, inspirational teammates, and strong willed swim coaches. These are the people who have stayed within my environment majority of my time at Fresno State, and shaped who I have become over the last 4 years. I entered college a shy, confused, and scared student / athlete. But because of those who remained within my bubble, I've learned independence, confidence, self-discipline, and a multitude of valuable life lessons.
I plan to photograph these individuals while they are caught off guard or "lost in the moment." I want to capture their true, raw energies to unveil the variety of personalities. Post photography, I plan to take the images I feel best summarize each individual and digitally implement collage-like elements that further exhibit personality / energy. I will manipulate each image to showcase an artistic rendition of each subject's personality. This will also allow for an avenue to practice my own way of artistic expression. While each raw photo may reveal how each person looks, the digital collage aspect will help viewers to understand how I have come to know their true selves. I will achieve this using Adobe Photoshop, Procreate, and Adobe Illustrator.
This collage-like manipulation can include a number of alterations, and what I use for each image will be dependent on how I feel truly conveys each person. This can include cutting out certain objects and replacing them, drawing over the image, adding text, switching up colors, etc. I am excited to see where my brain takes me on this quest, and am thrilled to be able to incorporate elements of graphic design.
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asdcsohail · 6 months
graphic designing,accounting courses, free marketing courses
Title: ASDC Kanpur: In Your Graphic Design Best Way, Accounting and Marketing Course for Free Introduction: Welcome to ASDC Kanpur, Best Way in Graphic Design and aims to develop your plans and design, accounting and marketing skills for free. ASDC Kanpur is committed to equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in today's competitive world by offering a variety of courses designed to meet these needs of students. Let's explore how our course can help you unlock your potential and achieve your career goals. Graphic Design: Inspiring Creativity and Innovation Graphic design is an art form that combines creativity and the ability to communicate ideas and messages through eye presentation. At ASDC Kanpur, we understand the importance of encouraging creativity and innovation in graphic design. Our courses are carefully designed to provide aspiring designers with a solid understanding of design, software knowledge and industry best practices. From knowledge of design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to competitive typography, layout design and branding skills, our teachers teach students practical, hands-on techniques to ensure they are prepared to succeed in the world of Graphic Design. Accounting Lessons: Building a Strong Foundation in Finance Accounting is the foundation of any business, providing sound financial understanding and making good decisions. ASDC Kanpur offers a variety of accounting courses to suit the needs of both beginners and professionals. Our courses cover the fundamentals of accounting, including business finance, business management, taxation and auditing. Through self-directed learning and internships, students gain a solid foundation in accounting and develop critical skills in analyzing financial data and interpreting results. Whether you are seeking a career in finance or looking to improve your existing skills, ASDC Kanpur provides individuals with the tools and knowledge needed to succeed in accounting. Free Marketing: Exploring the Digital Environment In the digital age, effective marketing is essential for businesses to reach and engage with their target audiences. ASDC Kanpur offers a variety of free courses designed to equip students with new ideas and strategies to succeed. From digital marketing and advertising to content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), our courses cover all aspects of marketing in the digital age. With knowledge from industry experts and experience, students gain the necessary skills they can use to fuel the growth and vision of businesses of all sizes. ASDC Kanpur empowers individuals to stay ahead of the ever-evolving business environment and leverage the power of digital lines to achieve their goals. Conclusion: At ASDC Kanpur, we are committed to promoting excellence and innovation in graphic design, business and marketing. Through our comprehensive curriculum, expert guidance, and hands-on learning experience, we provide individuals with the tools and resources they need to succeed in the location they choose. Join ASDC Kanpur today and begin your journey of growth, learning and career success.
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traibm1 · 6 months
Eighth Class
Our eights Fundimentals Class surrounded Adobe InDesign. This software is very good for page design, which is what we learnt about in this lesson. Firstly, we opened it up, and learnt about columns. We split our page into two columns, and then filled it up with filler text. The filler text is all in latin, so I have no idea what any of it meant. We then changed the font to arial, to make it simpler to use.
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We then edited the paragraphs within the text. Inside of InDesign, a paragraph is defined as the text from when you press enter at the end of a previous paragraph, to where you press enter and the end of the current paragraph. Because of this, you can have individual "Paragraph Styles" for each paragraph. We needed to get rid of "Widows" and "Orphans" at the end of paragraphs. Widows and Orphans are the name for one or two words respectively that may be hanging off the bottom of a paragraph, so we edited paragraphs individually to make them look a bit cleaner. We also learnt specific buttons for more precise text highlighting, which are in my notes at the end of this post.
With Widow Without Widow
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We then got rid of hyphenation in our text, meaning when a word is too long for a sentence, so it gets split onto the next line with a hyphenation. Getting rid of this makes the text much easier to read, and much cleaner to look at overall. After getting rid of Hyphenation, we added headings to sections of our text. We bolded the headings to make them stand out, and then appropriately spaced them from each section of the text. We did all this by creating a new Paragraph Style specifically for headings, and applying it to all the text we wanted to have as headings.
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Next we added a section with Bullet Points. Bullet Points are used to list. We did this again with the Paragraph Style menu, by making a new paragraph style specifically for the sections we wanted to bullet points. We then tweaked our paragraph style to make sure the bullet points fit in properly with the rest of the text.
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We then went onto text styles. This allowed us to make styles like the paragraph styles, but for specific sections of text, like a couple of words. We did this with Italics, which are the slanted words. We also made them bold just to make them easier to see within the text, just for this example.
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Next we learnt about images inside of InDesign. The first thing we learnt was a space saving technique, which summed up is to pretty much never copy and paste images into things, but rather download the image and then open it inside of the programme we use. This saves space, and also means when you edit the image in another software, the edits show up in every other software. This is shown in the images below. We demonstrated this with Photoshop and InDesign.
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Continued in Part 2...
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shiven1236-blog · 7 months
Unlock Your Digital Fortune: The Complete Guide to Online Income Generation for Generation Z 
Gen Zers have countless options to make money online in 2024. In the digital age by utilizing their creativity, abilities, and tech-savvy disposition. Here's a concise guide on how to make money online that is geared especially for Gen Z:
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Content Creation: Gen Z is quite good at making interesting content, whether it's for YouTube vlogs, Instagram stories, or TikTok videos. Use your individuality and inventiveness to gain followers on social media. Make money off of your material as your following expands by selling items, promoting brands, and arranging affiliate deals.
Freelancing Platforms: Gen Z is renowned for having a wide range of skills, including video editing, coding, and graphic design. Investigate freelance marketplaces such as Fiverr, Upwork, and PeoplePerHour to market your services to clients around the world. Use your digital expertise to land jobs managing social media, developing websites, or creating content.
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Dropshipping and E-commerce: With a keen eye for trends and aesthetics, Gen Z can thrive in the world of e-commerce. Start your online store on platforms like Shopify or Etsy, selling everything from trendy clothing to custom-made crafts. Alternatively, try dropshipping to sell products without inventory, focusing on niche markets that resonate with your peers.
Social Media Management: Gen Z has the potential to succeed in the e-commerce industry if they have a good sense of style and trends. Launch an online store selling everything from trendy clothes to handcrafted items on sites like Shopify or Etsy. As an alternative, consider dropshipping and concentrate on niche markets that appeal to your peers to sell goods without inventory.
Online Tutoring and Skill Sharing: Gen Z has a lot to share, whether it's how to master Photoshop or ace maths tests. Provide tutoring services online on sites like Chegg Tutors or make courses on Udemy to impart knowledge on subjects you're enthusiastic about. In the field of digital learning, there is a need for your knowledge in both academic areas and specialized interests.
Gig Economy Apps: Utilise apps like DoorDash, Instacart, and Uber to embrace the gig economy. These platforms provide Gen Zers who want to work for themselves with freedom and fast income, regardless of whether they like driving, delivery, or odd tasks.
Virtual Events and Performances: Gen Z has the opportunity to present their skills to a worldwide audience thanks to the growth of virtual events and live streaming platforms. Whether you're teaching online fitness courses, holding virtual concerts, or providing lessons for digital art, make the most of sites like Twitch, Patreon, or Zoom to make money off of your expertise and engage viewers.
Online Surveys and Market Research: In your spare time, supplement your income by taking part in market research studies and online surveys. An easy and convenient method to earn money online is to share your opinions about products and services on websites like Swagbucks and Survey Junkie, which give prizes for doing so.
In conclusion, Gen Z possesses the entrepreneurial spirit and digital fluency necessary to succeed in the online market. If Gen Zers put their creativity, aptitude, and passion to use, they may start successful Internet businesses. As a result, they will have greater chances to prosper financially and in the digital world.
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mrkhan75090 · 11 months
Dzign Review – Make $521.11 Per Day In Profit
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Dzign Review – Product Overview
Product: DzignCraft
Developed by: Seyi Adeleke
Price: $17 (Front End)
Content Type: Online Design Software
Niche: Design
Bonuses: Extensive Bonus Package Included
Refund Policy: Yes, 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
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If you act now, you will instantly receive [bonuses] worth over $12,879.22
This bonus is designed specifically to help you get 10x the results, in half the time required
​There is nothing else required for you to start earning with Dzign, No hidden fees, no monthly costs, nothing. 
​Remember, you’re protected by our money-back guarantee, If you fail, Not only will we refund your money. 
We will send you bunch of bonuses as a gift just for wasting your time 
Dzign Review – What is Dzign?
Dzign stands out as a revolutionary 9-in-1 application powered by AI, offering an impressive ability to generate virtually anything in less than 40 seconds. It bids farewell to the cumbersome trio of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, liberating users from the intricacies of MidJourney’s complex processes. Dzign not only redefines the design journey by simplifying it and eliminating intricate setups and initial costs but also goes beyond, featuring an integrated marketplace and a repository of over 2,000 Done-For-You templates across various niches. Welcome to an era of effortless and rapid design with Dzign.
Its acclaim is rooted in unparalleled convenience, consolidating various design tools into one platform and eliminating the need for installing disparate software packages. This streamlining of workflows translates to significant time savings. Additionally, Dzign’s AI capabilities empower users to enhance designs through sophisticated algorithms, producing visually appealing and professionally high-quality outputs.
Beyond its functionality, Dzign boasts an intuitive interface accessible to both novice and experienced designers. It provides users with an array of tools and lessons, catering to the refinement of creative skills for marketers, graphic designers, or anyone looking to elevate their design prowess.
How Does Dzign Work?
Login to Dzign Cloud-Based And Intuitive App
Enter A Keyword, And Select What Type Of Design You Want
(Boxshot, eCover, Logos, Websites, Funnels, Ads, Flyers, Business Cards, And More…)
Get Dozens Of Designs Within Seconds.
Use It On Your Business OR Sell It On Our Marketplace
Everytime We Put New Designs For Sale On Our Marketplace
We Make Money Like This…
Dzign Review – Features and Benefits Of  Dzign
Generate Futuristic AI Designs With A Click Of A Button…
Turn A Keyword Into (Boxshot, eCover, Logo, Flyers, Banners, Business Cards, Websites, And More).
Never Use PhotoShop, InDesign, Illustrator Or MidJourney Again…
No Learning Or Experience Needed, Dzign Is An Intuitive App…
Never Pay A Designer Again. Do All Your Designs In Seconds…
Use Dzign To Charge Clients $497 For Any Design.
ZERO Limits On Features Or Usages
Dzign Will Line Up Customers For You On Autopilot
Sell Your Designs On Our Marketplace With Thousands Of Instant-Buyers.
99.99% Up-Time Guaranteed
ZERO Upfront Cost
Dzign Review – Who Can Use Dzign?
Marketers: Those involved in marketing can leverage Dzign to create compelling graphics, banners, and promotional materials for their campaigns.
Graphic Designers: Professionals or enthusiasts in graphic design can use Dzign to streamline their workflow, generate diverse designs, and enhance their creative projects.
Online Entrepreneurs: Individuals running online businesses can benefit from Dzign by quickly creating logos, websites, eCovers, and other visual elements without the need for extensive design skills.
Business Owners: Whether you own a small business or a larger enterprise, Dzign allows you to produce professional-looking designs for branding, advertising, and marketing purposes.
Freelancers: Freelancers offering design services can use Dzign to efficiently meet their clients’ needs, offering a wide range of designs without the complexity of traditional design software.
Anyone Seeking Design Solutions: Dzign’s user-friendly interface and AI-powered capabilities make it accessible to individuals with no prior design experience, enabling them to create visually appealing content effortlessly.
How Does Dzign Help You in Your Business? 
Efficient Design Creation:
Dzign’s AI-powered capabilities allow for the rapid generation of various design elements such as logos, websites, eCovers, flyers, banners, business cards, and more.
This speed and efficiency enable you to create visually appealing materials in a fraction of the time it would take with traditional design software.
Cost Savings:
By eliminating the need for expensive design software and the associated learning curve, Dzign helps save on upfront costs.
You can avoid hiring professional designers for every project, reducing outsourcing expenses.
Versatility in Design:
Dzign’s 9-in-1 application offers versatility, allowing you to create a wide range of designs to meet different business needs.
Whether it’s branding, marketing materials, or promotional content, Dzign provides a one-stop solution.
No Learning Curve:
Dzign’s intuitive interface makes it accessible to individuals with varying levels of design expertise.
You don’t need to invest time and resources in extensive training or hiring specialized personnel.
Autopilot Client Generation:
Dzign features a client generator that can line up customers for you on autopilot.
This can be particularly beneficial if you’re offering design services, as Dzign helps attract potential clients to your business effortlessly.
Marketplace Sales:
The integrated marketplace in Dzign allows you to sell your designs to a wide audience of instant buyers.
This additional revenue stream can contribute to the overall profitability of your business.
Time-Saving Workflow:
Dzign’s streamlined workflow, coupled with the ability to generate designs within seconds, saves you time and allows you to focus on other aspects of your business.
Professional-Quality Outputs:
The AI capabilities of Dzign ensure that the designs produced are not just quick but also of high quality, meeting professional standards.
Automation for Social Media:
Dzign’s Social Media Automation bonus enables you to attract social media users to your marketplace without extra effort.
This can be an effective strategy for increasing visibility and engagement on social platforms.
Traffic Boosting Strategies:
The Marketplace Traffic Booster bonus provides tips and strategies to drive traffic to your Dzign Marketplace, potentially increasing sales.
Dzign OTO and My Special Bonuses
Bonus #1 – Dzign 6-Figure In 60 Days Live Event
Get VIP access to our live mastermind event and copy n’ paste our Dzign underground system we use to make 6-figures in 60 days. This alone is worth 5x what you will pay today, and it’s yours for free!​
(Value $1997)
Bonus #2 – Dzign Marketplace Traffic Booster
Discover The Top-Secret Tips And Strategies To Get Tons Of Traffic To Your Dzign Marketplace, and Boost Your Sales! ​ Use this system to solve all your traffic problems and get an avalanche of targeted visitors bombarding your marketplace, and buying your graphics and design… Day in & day out 
(Value $997)
Bonus #3 – Dzign AI Digital Funnel System
Discover how to create an automated digital sales funnel that makes sales 24 hours a day on autopilot.
This is a complete ready to go sales funnel in a hot in-demand niche. You can easily use your Dzign app generated designs  to promote your funnels, and get sales round the clock. 
(Value $497)
Bonus #4 – Dzign Social Media Automation
If you have a social media account You can get paid on automation using the designs (e.g banner, logo, fliers, boxshot, etc) you created with Dzign to attract millions of these social media users to your Dzign marketplace without doing extra work or trying to pitch anybody.
This Automation works on virtually every social media account integrated with your Dzign app. 
(Value $697)
Bonus #5 – Dzign Internet Marketing Goldmine
Discover the easiest way to create a profitable online business that makes you money while you sleep & how to scale up your results to from 3-4-5-6 figures/month.​
(Value $497)
App Powered By Generative AI 
The only app on the market that leverages generative AI to generate any design you want 
(Worth $997/mo) 
Dzign Includes EVERYTHING 
You Will Need…  
ZERO-Skill Designer 
Let Dzign generate any (logo, boxshot, eCover, website, flyer, business card, branding, and more) 
Without you learning ANYTHING
(Worth $997) 
Dzign Client Generator   
Wanna sell Dzign as a service? 
Let Dzign line up customers for you on autopilot… 
And you just sit back and enjoy the results 
(Worth $997)
Dzign Mobile EDITION
This will allow you to also operate Dzign, even from your mobile phone… 
Whether it’s an Android, iPhone, or tablet, it will work…
​(Worth $497)
Training Videos  
There is NOTHING missing in this training… 
Everything you need to know is explained in IMMENSE details 
(Worth $997) 
World-class support 
Have a question? Just reach out to us and our team will do their best to fix your problem in no time 
(Worth A LOT) 
Frequently Asked Questions On Dzign
Do I need any experience to get started? 
None, all you need is just an internet connection. And you’re good to go
Is there any monthly cost?
Depends, If you act now, NONE. 
But if you wait, you might end up paying $997/mo
It’s up to you. 
How long does it take to make money?
Our average member made their first sale the same day they got access to Dzign.
Do I need to purchase anything else for it to work?
Nop, Dzign is the complete thing. 
You get everything you need to make it work. Nothing is left behind. 
What if I failed?
While that is unlikely, we removed all the risk for you. 
If you tried Dzign and failed, we will refund you every cent you paid 
And send you a bunch of bonuses on top of that just to apologize for wasting your time. 
How can I get started?
Awesome, I like your excitement, All you have to do is click any of the buy buttons on the page, and secure your copy of Dzign at a one-time fee
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ukclippingpathltd · 1 year
In this video, we'll go through how to use Photoshop's square brush to bring some cool effects to your project. Today's lesson on creating square brushes and square large brushes in Photoshop is crucial for individuals interested in learning more about square brushes in general and for use in architecture in particular. Everything there is to know about the topic will be covered.
✅ #ukclippingpath #Howto #SquareBrush #tutorial #VideoGuide #DigitalBrush #SquarebrushesinPhotoshop
🙋 Learn More: https://ukclippingpath.com/how-to-make-a-square-brush-in-photoshop/
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