#uk clipping path
ukclippingpathltd · 10 months
At UK Clipping Path, we specialize in the art of photo editing. Our services include precise clipping paths, background removal, and expert retouching. We understand the visual impact your images can have, and we're here to help you make them truly exceptional. Trust us to bring out the best in your photos, whether you're a business, photographer, or individual.
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patheditprovider · 3 months
5 Photo ECommerce Tips Photoshop, Photo Editing Company.
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5 Photo ECommerce Tips | Photoshop, Photo Editing Company
Enhance your eCommerce photos with these expert tips from Path Edit Provider:
Clipping Path Services: Use precise clipping paths to isolate your products from their backgrounds. This technique ensures clean, professional edges, making your products stand out.
Cut Out Background: Remove distracting backgrounds to keep the focus on your products. A clean, consistent background improves the visual appeal of your product listings.
Transparent Background: Utilize transparent backgrounds to seamlessly integrate your product images into any web design. This flexibility is especially useful for promotional materials and product catalogs.
Natural Shadow Service: Add natural-looking shadows to your product images to create depth and a realistic appearance. This makes your products look more appealing and tangible.
Image Resizing Service: Ensure your product images are optimized for different platforms and devices. Proper resizing maintains image quality and ensures your products look great on any screen.
Path Edit Provider offers these services to help your eCommerce business thrive. Our skilled designers are committed to delivering high-quality results that enhance your product images and attract more customers.
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softzenia · 1 year
How UK Photo Editing Services Can Transform Your Images
In the current era of information, a picture is worth a thousand words. Whether you’re a novice online merchant or a seasoned photographer, it’s impossible to overstate the significance of outstanding visuals. Photo editing services uk provide a realm of limitless imagination. We will explore how these services can improve your visual game. UK Photo Editing Services Exquisite aesthetics result…
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lilynovaph · 2 years
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firstclippingpath · 2 years
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Professional Super Complex Clipping Path Service
However, First Clipping Path offers a solution to this. We can get your images done within a short deadline. And guess what, you are getting an unbelievably low price from us. So, if you’re tense about the images that are supposed to attract customers, leave it to us.
Wondering what else you can get from us? Give First Clipping Path a try.
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car-lozsigns · 1 year
A few minutes more (Pt19)
A few minutes more (Pt19)
Synopsis: You and Carlos had crossed paths more than you thought was possible over a short weekend but time was not on your side. A love story that’s about the slow burn and companionship built connection, and how sometimes right place wrong time is the best of the available options
Author Note: I'm back after a break from writing. Part 19 and 20 have been in draft for ages but here the first one is below. Thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy <3
Warnings: Quarantine and covid mention
Previous parts: Link to Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18
Part 19
Quarantine in the UK was much less fun than your time in Spain. Carlos’ home was an apartment not unlike your own, out of the way of the city centre but not quiet rural. It wasn’t much bigger than your own with an extremely small second room that Carlos had converted to a home gym. It was very apparent that this space was not lived in, majority of its contents were work related, logos strewn across everything. It has a very unloved and borderline desolate feeling to it.
Carlos closed the door behind him, sighed knowing that this was going to be more uncomfortable than he wanted. His apartment did not have access to his own courtyard or communal one and in order to meet both the teams and governments requirements , neither of you were allowed outside unless it was private space.
You hadn’t bothered stopping past your apartment when you both landed, Carlos’ place being, one closer to the airport, and two you had already purchased anything you might have needed whilst staying at the Sainz’s.
Dropping both your bags inside and closing the door behind you, you both tried to steel yourself for the next two weeks.
Both you and Carlos feel into a similar routine, except this time both of your days were work filled, as if you were both working regular jobs, majority of your time spent on your computers. You had claimed a corner of Carlos’ kitchen as your work spot, getting primo position as you had the most conventional job of the two. But both tried to alternate where you worked as days passed. You were conscious of Carlos appearing in your background of your calls which resulted in a few doggedly tilted camera angles and experimenting with the default backdrop setting when you heard his shuffling in from the other end of the apartment to see if you were free to distract him from his boredom.
It also turned out that he was quite a loud worker with all of his meeting broken up with impassioned burst either from one of his team or himself inputting their thoughts on whatever they were discussing. Hearing how much Carlos enjoyed his work couldn’t help but make you reflect on your own situation. You had always thought you enjoyed what you did. You had not dreaded waking up and working since moving to the UK but hearing how well Carlos got on with his colleagues made you reconsider. Even prior to covid the tone was much more subdued. You had an amazing boss but never were the conversations in that friendly tone that transcended work civility. It was always clipped at the opportunity for too much personal information shared. You had unintentionally curated your personality to suit this while at work, and one afternoon with Carlos walking into the kitchen laughing away at something about something said on his phone made you realise you had never laughed that deeply while at work. You tried to push this aside but instead of focusing on your screen whenever Carlos roamed around the apartment you found yourself distracted and wishing you had what he had.
Carlos had noticed you watching him and liked the attention so slowly reduced him stepping into a separate room when a team call happened, passing it off as pacing through the call to help his fidgeting through the often hour long team meetings.
Not that you realised his change in schedule trying to be more visibly present during the working hours. What did garner your conscious attention was when Carlos mixed up his workout by doing his circuit in the living room, in full view if you looked in the mirrored tinting of the apartment windows.
It wasn’t until it happened in a team call when he had finished his session and moved to splash his face with water at the kitchen sink in front of you that you pieced together that it was all for his benefit and to boost his ego. Carlos’ will power was weaker than yours but you both had agreed to let your personal lives stay private for now, not letting them interact with your professional ones, at least where there was a video call.
Day 8 of quarantine was when news came in from the teams changing your plans about career separation. Carlos had been sent the additional contracts received from the FIA for Carlos to sign. Each of these had been printed out and placed in a thick white envelope dropped off with Carlos’ mail. These new forms were on top of his pre-existing McLaren contract and included race specific information all participants had to abide by in order to be allowed to race. Carlos had mentioned that this was the case for a few of the tracks in the past, but based on the size of the envelope it appeared all seemed to adopt this additional security policy in response to the pandemic.
Carlos was flicking through them one evening while you were reading next to him, where the quicker shuffling of papers grabbed your attention. Carlos was flipping between each of the contracts seemingly trying to find something in each. As he placed the last of the papers down, you asked him what was wrong. “The contracts, they’ve changed since I last spoke with the team about it” you had known these would be required, you’d overhead, it was hard not to eavesdrop when Carlos was on the phone. “What’s changed in them?” Carlos looked at you, stressed. “Some tracks won’t allow anyone to be present aside from essential personnel.” He pulled out some that he had separated from the pile
“July, August those races have no attendance” he spoke more to himself, “the races after then don’t have the same clause in the contracts barring personal team members”
You stood up to find where you had drawn out the rough calendar on the flight home, finding it and flattening it against your thigh as you sat back down.
“So the earliest one I might be able to be there with you is middle September, Tuscan Gran Prix.” Carlos looked over at you sadly in response. “At least I can see you race in Italy, that’d pretty cool”. But you couldn’t hide the disappointment in your voice.
Your plans were thwarted, September was months away still, it seemed an impossible barrier. The clause that had been placed in the contracts were dependent upon local authority directives. They had the power to change these requirements however the timing of which was unknown. You read through them and a few other clauses had been added, blanket in all, one regarding no public attendance, onsite quarantine procedures and even specific processes that had to be following when travelling between tracks.
The tension hang heavy in the air for the rest of the evening, making you long to be back at the Sainz’ home walking off the headache that had formed. Laying next to Carlos that evening he held you tightly trying to soothe you with gentle rubbing of his thumb across your shoulders. You slowly fell into a doze knowing that at least for now, you were safe in the arms of another. Carlos’ embrace stayed tight as the headache still pulsing settling you into a lighter sleep than normal.
It was you in the morning that woke up before Carlos normally, getting coffee ready for you both, setting down a cup on the bedside table next to him, letting the aroma wake him up whilst you took a shower before work.
It turned out that Carlos had been as restless as you, him only drifting to sleep in the early hours. His gentle unwrapping of his arms with yours roused you, you not opening your eyes in time to see him leave the bedroom but the muted click of the door against the jam and warm light spreading in at the gap of the floor was enough for the temporary calm from earlier dissipate.
You rolled over to check your phone but found the beside table empty, phone forgotten in the living room likely tucked underneath the contracts. Stupid pandemic you told yourself. Life would be better if it had never happened you thought but caught yourself. Would it really have been? You wouldn’t have had the opportunity to see Carlos as much as you had, let alone fall in love with him in not only one, but two countries? You wouldn’t have been able to see his relationship with his parents or even have had the chance for your relationship to grow into what it is now. Sure you would have gotten there eventually you had no doubt but knowing Carlos schedule it may have taken years instead of months.
You still hated the pandemic but recognised that the circumstances you had found yourself in had landed you a boyfriend and loving in-laws at a time when you knew you would have struggled more than you had if you had been isolated in your apartment far away from your family and friends from home.
You were going to try to roll back to sleep in the warmth left behind by Carlos’ absent body but as you did, you heard Carlos’ voice soft from the other room. You couldn’t quite make out what he was saying, but as you strained to focus it was clear that whatever was being said was important, volume increasing and speed of speech quickening. When the volume reached a pitch that was clearly no longer a whisper you pulled the blankets off to see what was happening.
Carlos was standing facing the bedroom door. His face already held in surprise and it didn’t come from you joining him. He gestured you to come closer and once you were within arms distance, he pulled you in tight to his left side , right hand holding the phone. Carlos pulled the phone from his ear and hit speaker. What was being said wasn’t in English or Spanish, it was a different language and after a few more sentences you picked up it was Italian. Carlos responded back to the man on the other line ending the conversation. He waddled you both closer to the kitchen and put the phone down on the counter. With both his hands now free, he shifted you from a side hug, up into the air in front of him, feet lifted from the floor. His hands were tight on your upper arms and as he lifted you higher and began to spin you both in a circle. Whatever was said over the phone had put Carlos into what was the happiest mood you had seen him in weeks, happier than the blissful moments after you confessed your love to each other. As he began to deliriously laugh you couldn’t help but break into a smile, infecting you with his joy.
“What …” you started as he spun you round once more before putting you down and pulling you in closer for a kiss.
Drawing back and taking a breathe, Carlos said “I think we have a solution to our problem”. You don’t know what was said, clear bemusement and confusion across your face. Carlos pulled you to the couch and opened up his laptop, clicking to his emails, and opening one that according to the date had been sent and received early this morning just after 1am. Your eyes darted to the corner of the screen and saw it was close to 3 in the morning. Whatever was in this email was important, important enough to call about.
Carlos double clicked it and opened it up, twisting the laptop to you him indicating to you to read what he had pulled up. You couldn’t read much at all scrolling through to see if there was a translation at the bottom of the message like there commonly was in whole company communications you received from work. No such luck, the email was relatively brief with a few attachments at the top, all titled with Carlos’ full name and a set of numbers. You recognised Carlos’ address and details at the top of the letter format but beyond that couldn’t decipher what was said. What you did recognise was the logo on the top right hand of the letter, a bright yellow crest with a black horse reared on its hind legs in the centre.
You looked back to Carlos, “Ferrari ?” Was all you said to him. The grin re-emerged. “I was on the phone to Mattia Binotto, the Ferrari team principal, the negotiations have been finalised and they want to have me in their team” Carlos had divulged in his discussions about his career what he wanted to achieve many a time; to get a seat, to win a race, to win a championship but what he wanted just as much was to achieve that with Ferrari, and here it was, opportunity in front of him.
“Did you say yes?” You asked back knowing it was probably covered on the phone call. “I did and need to sign the negotiated contract” he pointed at the screen. You hadn’t know he was in negotiations with Ferrari and thought it was a goal he had further in his future. He had told you his contract with McLaren was only to the end of 2020 but beyond that hardly talked about it. You knew his industry moved at a speed that was opposite to your own but it still surprised you he was ticking off one of his ultimate career goals, in your mind, very soon in his career.
But here it was in front of you, Ferrari wanted Carlos and you knew nothing short of them asking him to chop off his own hands would stop him from donning red next year.
“Have you read the attachments yet?”
Carlos shook his head
“I saw the email and called Mattia straight away. I probably should have waited for Caco but wanted to let him know I had seen it and will respond after reading through everything.”
You gave him a pointed look, if you were Carlos’ manager you’d have wanted to be told first. Carlos didn’t even bother to look sheepish.
“I wanted to tell you first, if you hadn’t come out, I would have woken you up with the news” he was beaming with a sense of accomplishment, and even though you felt extremely proud of him that he had achieved his dreams, the thoughts from earlier creeped back in, jealous that he was able to be so happy with his career choices. You wanted it, that, to feel what Carlos was feeling. You nodded at Carlos as he pulled the laptop back towards him, clicking open the attachments reading them through slowly.
You mind was far away, Carlos had achieved something that was practically impossible , only 2 out of 20 which had then been whittled down could drive for Ferrari. If Carlos had such self believe and confidence in achieving that impossible dream, why couldn’t you?
Luckily the contract had come through early Saturday morning, relieving you from having to work with this career dilemma on your plate. You couldn’t even busy yourself with Carlos’ news and plans, he was in call after call with his manager and family to ensure that before he signed everything was correct, and with the excitement, your rudimentary Spanish couldn’t keep up to be of help or even to follow along.
Knowing work wouldn’t help you, and nor could Carlos, you sat down to try to articulate your feelings. You weren’t usually one for written planning, you had seen your sister do this whenever she felt unsure of what to do. You wrote out a three columned list, a pros, a cons and dreams about your job.
After the first few points were written, your thoughts flowed freely. You wrote down item after item and found that after the cons heavily outweighed the pros. You had expected that, the dissatisfaction and jealously you were feeling should never be there. Jealous was a feeling that happened to those too scared to be courageous you mum had said to you when you first were toying with the idea of moving abroad. Your thoughts soon spilled away from the columns, you filling line after line with broken thoughts, irritations, dreams. They quickly turned from jealousy, to something more self-reflective. You didn’t have the dream of being a formula one driver but it was the start of helping you try to work out what you wanted to do.
Carlos had walked back into the room filling a glass with water from the tap giving you a little wave before settling himself back on the couch. You were perched at the counter laptop open, albeit it screen blank with paper in front of you, he had assumed you were working.
You re-read your thought and looked to your dreams column. It was empty. You had never had the opportunity to have a dream job. Your familial situation was very middle class, enough to afford you a good education but it was through long hours by your parents and saving at all times. You had afforded the move with you company subsidising the moving costs, only leaving you with the rent and perishable costs once settled. Without that you wouldn’t have been able to even be here.
You looked at your dreams, and thought ok maybe not a dream career, but what are other dreams. You filling in the gap on the page To be happy To be healthy To have loving family and friends For them to be healthy To be fulfilled
It was the last one, you had all the above ones but how to be fulfilled? You didn’t know, you underlined the last item before pushing the paper away , tucking it near your other work gear, standing up and joining Carlos , him wrapping an arm around you while you tried to think of what does fulfilled look like?
Negotiations with Carlos and his manager and family lasted all weekend bleeding into Monday. Early Monday morning, Carlos had sent off the finalised paperwork, closing the lid of the computer looked up to you. “So” he started, “How I said we have a solution with you not being able to attend races ?”
Your gaze shifted from your document to him, he was still as happy as he was when the email had arrived, you thought ruefully again I wish I had that. “Yeah” you tried to hide the sour tone but it still emerged a little. “With me being with Ferrari next year, they have asked me to do a tour of the factory before their home race in September, in order to be welcomed to the team.”
You didn’t see how this was a solution
“And what I’ve received permission for is that, can I bring some family along” Carlos had a smirk forming. “They said they would be more than happy to, and that they will set aside a private area for family to watch the races”
It clicked, you could watch him.
“So it’s confirmed?” You hazarded. “They’ve said I can have four people with me, I’ve sent them your details, my fathers, mothers and another friend of mine who is currently living in Italy”
He was so happy, he gave you a kiss to the forehead and sliding off the counter said “it is working out for us, see” as he walked away from you to the other end of his house no doubt to keep planning about Ferrari or something.
You couldn’t keep it up, you had to do something about your career, jealously finally driving you to action. You stood up and followed Carlos out of the room.
He had his phone in his hand but paused dialling as you rounded the corner.
“Carlos, I need to talk to you”
Carlos’ face held its smile but shuttered up a little. “Of course” he said as closing the distance between you.
“I need to be honest with you. I’m so excited you’re signed with Ferrari, you’ve achieved your dream “Carlos nodded seeing where this was going.
As you had gone to sleep on Sunday, he had seen what you had been writing on, the paper left not too out of the way in the small kitchen. “Seeing you, get all this” you waved your arms around “The first thing I thought was ‘why not me’ and that scared me. I’ve always worked so hard and achieved everything I’ve had on my career goals, but I don’t know, seeing and hearing you interact with your work, you love it.” He went to start but you shook your head, not quite finished “I always thought I loved what I do, but after spending time with you and your family, I don’t think I actually do. I’m proud of what I’ve done and achieved but I don’t get the joy out of it like you do, the continued joy even after you’ve ticked a goal, the joy to achieve a different target” Carlos nodded, he knew he was lucky to find his life passion so young and have it the same as his career. He also knew it was not very common. He had seen his sisters cycle though job after job trying to find one they liked enough to stay in. Only one of them had found that so far, the other still searching.
He pulled you closer “you don’t have to stay in a job you don’t like Yn. Life is too short to be stuck in something that drains you. It ok to recognise that”
You heard what he said but as you opened up your mouth to continue explaining, a sob was released instead, you hadn’t known you’d held it in but now you had started you couldn’t stop “Let it out, that’s it cry it out” Carlos soothed, rubbing your back, shirt soaking with your tears.
You stayed like that until your tears stopped flowing and your breaths steadied.
“We have a few more days of quarantine, let’s use that to talk about your career yeah?” He said, hoping he wasn’t over stepping. You nodded into his chest.
You were torn, you wanted change but didn’t know what to do. That itself was the problem you and Carlos worked through. In your time remaining you researched at the end of each of your workdays listing out any possible path to pursue. What it did confirm is that you hadn’t realised so many options were open to you. Seeing Carlos put down options you had always thought were out of reach either financially or competitiveness for positions or jobs that simply didn’t exist when you last had a serious career discussion in the later years of high school made you think how narrow minded you had been.
Carlos was more supportive than you could have imagined, ultimately he wanted you to be happy and seeing you think though every option brought up was drawing a curious spark behind your eyes he hadn’t seen before. Planning future scenarios for you was bringing back a portion of your personality you had long stifled and Carlos coaxing it out you were feeling free. It was actually Carlos that had suggested the side step you would pursue. What you had decided to do was to stay in the general industry you were currently working in, but transition away from broad services into a more specialised sector, one focusing on your strength of energy transition of brown to green projects, but with a motorsports lens, a space that you had always enjoyed but never had the financial capacity to pursue. Carlos didn’t see this as an issue though. With his family long embedded into racing, they were better versed than most on the impact of their sport, by which the family had decided to partner to build a team to be entered into a new division focusing on electrical power rallying, with the aim to spread awareness of major environmental issues globally.
Carlos knew how involved his father was in developing the team, it even being a namesake to be eventually entered once given the green light after covid settled down. And he had to admit now that he had you in his life, he was looking at things differently, one of those being separated from you for extended periods of time. Both Carlos’ had discussed at length whilst in Spain your work and had pulled you into conversations too, switching from talking about the extreme e details to details of your career, which had a good overlap of technical and management experience. Over those long chess games Carlos senior had picked your brain but never asking too much to make you think beyond someone curious about someone’s job.
In one of his frequent calls back home to his parents, he had raised your situation and it was Carlos senior who interjected and said he would start seeing internally if he could find a job for you with his team, allowing you to stay close to the family in work if not physically at races. Something Carlos was proud about, was not asking you to give up your life for his. Which so far you hadn’t, but if you were considering leaving your job, it wasn’t beneath him to plant the seeds of working closer to you than previously was possible.
Your quarantine was coming to an end and with it your deadline to yourself on what to do next. You had decided that you would reduce your work days to part time, allowing you to one provide support to Carlos when his racing season started again, secondly to allow yourself to start seeing a careers counsellor or helping you to flesh out your transition out of your current job into what was next.
You and Carlos had decided to celebrate your final night of confinement with a celebratory dinner, decorating the house with the limited supplies Carlos had, majority of it comprising of paper chains strewn from the doorframes and across the windows.
As you both sat down Carlos poured himself a small glass of wine, his last he said, prior to the season starting. He small treat before the regime was enforced.
“I have some news to share” Carlos started, his body emulating confidence
You raised your glass in response waiting for him to carry on
“Look under the place setting”
You settled your glass of wine down and moved the plate and placemat to the side. Beneath was sitting a piece of paper folded in half, you name scribbled in slanted letters on top in Carlos’ handwriting. You looked up at him and he was still looking at you intently. You opened the paper up and it was a print out of an email message received earlier during the day addressed between Carlos and the McLaren team principal. It read that Carlos had been granted permission for you to attend with him all of the races as part of his personal team, without the limitations placed on the track specific contracts.
You quickly read through again to make sure you hadn’t misread anything, and Carlos was still smiling at you.
“If you would like to attend all the races, you’re able to”
You had considered this, further time away to see if you could find perspective. And now here was the opportunity, literally in front of you, barriers removed.
You picked up your glass “I think I do”
Clarifying you added “I think I’m going to take extended leave to decide what I want, who knows maybe I’ll bump into someone following you around.” That’s exactly what Carlos had hoped for, your career so far was similar to his in similar industries, it was how you met after all, he was sure that once you got talking, you’d be able to find an opportunity. He believed not only would luck be on your side but your charisma too.
He clinked his glass lightly against yours in recognition and agreement to you taking up the plan to travel with him. You weren’t just excited for quarantine to end but were excited for now being able to clear your mind for the next.
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c-40 · 18 days
A-T-4 147 Cut Ups & Megamixes
No posts for a while because I've not been well (plus I fell down a rabbit hole writing a long read, hopefully that'll be done by the end of the year!)
1984 was a great year for Cut Ups and Megamixes building on the work of pioneer DJs like Shep Pettibone and his radio show on Kiss FM, Chuck Chillout and Red Alert also on Kiss, the Latin Rascals on WKTU, Marley Marl on WBLS's Mr Magic's Rap Attack. Outside New York carving their own path Hot Mix 5 and Steve "Silk" Hurley are killing it on Chicago radio station WBMX. In Florida the crew Jam Pony Express have begun playing live shows
In the UK Sanny-X is DMC's megamixer and Street Sounds Electro series are being mixed by Herbie Laidley, better known as Mastermind Herbie, the man behind The Rapologists
This is post Double Dee & Steinski, Malcom McLaren And The World’s Famous Supreme Team, Art Of Noise, and Herbie Hancock's Rockit. You can clearly hear their influence in the cut ups and mega mixes from this year
Getting mixed is Hip Hop, Electro, Synth Pop, Disco, and Italo
(Orig.) Big Apple Production Vol.II - Genius At Work like many of these bootleg megamixes the people involved stay in the shadows. This one is of course the work of the Latin Rascals doing what they did on their radio show
DJ Chuck Chillout - Hip Hop On Wax Vol. I for Vincent Davis's Vintertainment. Chuck Chillout was in The B Boys who had released the cut up track Cuttin Herbie (literally cutting up Rockit) the year before. They also released two other classics in 1983 imo Rock The House and Two, Three, Break. Chillout would return to Two, Three, Break under the name DJ Born Supreme Allah in 1985 with the more explicit cut up Two, Three, Break (Part II - The Sequel)
DJ Red Alert - Hip Hop On Wax Vol. II Red Alert goes berserk on the follow-up to Chuck Chillout's effort - he even cuts in what sounds like The B Boys. Sorry this is the best Youtube clip I can find. Red Alert is a DJ for the disgraced hip hop architect Afrika Bambaataa's Universal Zulu Nation and in 1983 he joined Kiss FM's Master Mix Party, which was originally Shep Pettibone's spot on Kiss. Tony Humphries was the first to take the ropes from the increasingly busy Pettibone and in 1983 Red Alert would alternate with Humphries
D.ST - Megamix II: Why Is It Fresh? The Grand Mixer who provided the scratching on Herbie Hancock's Rockit. I thought I knew what Megamix II was a sequel of but now I'm not so sure. Anyway D.ST brings together his hits along with half a dozen other Celluloid tracks
Z Rock Records - Scratch Party #2 first of three mixes coming from the West Coast. Z Rock Records released three Scratch Party megamixes in 1984. Who knows who put these together
Ian Darby - Break City 7" edit bonkers record by Bobby Orlando who had been trying his hand at hip hop/electro/Art Of Noise style production. There's a longer 12" version but the 7" is tidier. Not really cut up, certainly not a megamix, but I felt it sat alright on this list because of it's nutball samples
Scratchmatic - Sound Of The Street by DJ Antron who Discogs tells me won the first DJ Battle held in Los Angeles at the famous Radiotron event. It shows a preference for the techno style
New York Scratch Masters - Scratchmasters Jam #1 the Italo the mix begins with is more like what Hot Mix 5 were doing in Chicago but not as good. Jam #1 would be followed by three more in 1984 and the final Jam #5 in 85. Jam # 4 (The Rap) is pretty great
Mix-Trix #3 The Break Mixer the first Mix-Trix 12" was released in 1983 with another three coming in 1984. Apart from it coming out of LA I have no info on these
Marley Marl on Mr Magic's Rap Attack in 1984
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letsgethaunted · 25 days
Welcome to the photo dump for Episode 193: Los Pelacaras (Face-Peelers) of Peru! A sensational phenomenon occurring in the Peruvian jungles is finally being reported in western media. Villagers of the Loreto region of Northeast Peru claim that 7 foot tall aliens have been terrorizing them for years, with attacks by these beings ramping up in the spring and summer of 2023. Experiencers have dubbed the violent beings “Los Pelacaras” which translates to “The Face Peelers”. So, what’s behind the Face-Peeler Phenomenon? Organized crime, the drug trade, a PsyOp, serial killers, mass hysteria, cryptids, aliens, or something else?
Swipe through key images and videos from this week’s episode here!
IMAGE 01: Unverified photo of a “Pelacara” posted to Reddit IMAGE 02: Peru on a map, with the Loreto region in dark gray IMAGE 03: Various headlines over the past few years. Could the Pelacaras be related to illegal mining or organized crime in the area? IMAGE 04: The “jetpack”, “astronaut”, or “humanoid” UAP has been spotted all over the world in recent years. Here’s a sighting from Sequoia National Park. Haters will say its a stormtrooper balloon but I reject that theory because I AM A CHAMPION OF MYSTERY AND WHIMSY IMAGE 05: An alleged “jetpack UAP” uploaded by a resident of Kent, UK. Again, haters will say it’s a balloon. IMAGE 06: Some alleged UAP walking down the street in Mexico, as seen in a documentary that aired in the country. OH WHAT’S THAT HATERS? ANOTHER BALLOON??? IMAGE 07: Part 2 of the documentary clip IMAGE 08: Clip from a news report regarding the Pelacaras, including blurred footage of the victim whose body was found intact, but the face was peeled off down to the bone. IMAGE 09: Jetpack man has been spotted over LAX airport in Los Angeles, CA for years now. He flies directly in the path of airplanes that are taking off and landing and he has even been reported by pilots to air traffic control. He has never been seen landing or taking off and LAPD is still no closer to figuring out who he is. Might he be an alien???? IMAGE 10: “La Bruja” humanoid UAP spotted in Chile, followed by a humanoid UAP spotted in the Philippines.
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softzenia · 1 year
Photo Editing Services in the United Kingdom: The Key to Stunning Images
Your brand’s images in the digital age are its voice and should speak to your target demographic. You know the importance of good photography, graphic design, and marketing whether you own an online store or not. For this purpose, professional photo editing services UK are invaluable. This blog will take you on a visual journey into photo editing, revealing the techniques behind stunning…
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radicalbotanicals · 9 months
Guerilla Gardening and Me – My Journey through this Beautiful Movement
I want to conclude my entries into this blog by talking about something that is quickly becoming near and dear to my heart. There are many different types of activists in the world, and I think all of them serve a purpose. There are those who are willing to put themselves in the crossfire, to tear down statues, to stand up to the “man” as it were and have a visceral impact with what they do. That was never my style, as someone who is violence-adverse and perhaps a little too cowardly to engage in such lion-hearted activities, I always preferred the pacifist route. What can I add to the world that will be positive? And my peace has always come from gardening. I think it was after the loss of someone close to me that I found solace in working the land, just as she did, the soil with its earthy richness grounding me somehow. I loved seeing how my labour would create beautiful life and even help feed my family and neighbours. So, imagine my surprise when I learned I could combine these two worlds through guerilla gardening, a practice that has become more and more commonplace here in the UK, but not something I had come across back home.
So what is it, what are it’s origins?
In fact we know that in the 1970s, communities in New York’s Lower East Side attempted to resist the ‘cleansing’ of plots of land by “clipping barbed wire fences or throwing ‘seed grenades’ over them. It was after these efforts that city authority “ultimately succumbed to the protest and legitimised many of the Green Guerillas’ plots into one of the country’s first community gardens, staking a claim for public green space before the onset of gentrification raised the value of the abandoned land and thus transformed the space into a landscape of power and profit.”(Adams & Hardman, 2013). I adore this idea of a community coming together to reclaim their space in a way that actually is useful to said community. Not only are you halting the efforts of greedy developers trying to buy up all the land and sell it back for exorbitant prices, but you are actually providing, feeding the people who live there. It’s such a beautiful idea that really creates change.
As noted in my project, spatial justice is a very intriguing concept to me. How without even realising it, our rights can be encroached on via methods of gentrification or letting spaces deliberately fall into disrepair so they can be sold off since ‘they serve no purpose to anyone.’ With our increasingly individualised society, it is becoming easier to weaken communities as no one feels supported enough to do anything that will enact real change. This needs to end if we ever hope to see improvements in our impoverished urban spaces.
Which is why I respect the efforts of one Ellen Miles, whose Tiktok account has exploded, so much so that I came across her through a Guardian article earlier this year. She is re-igniting the efforts by her predecessors such as Richard Reynolds and informing others on how they could also pick up a shovel and transform the space they live in. “So-called public spaces have been really privatised, and communities actually don’t get a chance to interact with them often. So I think we do have a right to do that in the places we put down our roots, where we live.” Miles stated this in that very article, and it set me down this path that I am currently on.
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Should I continue to develop my project of Radical Botanicals, I would love to see it work to support this growing community. I was given much to think about after I presented my work, and I will definitely need to consider a few things as I work on tweaking its conception and design. For example, considering diverse voices in the space, consulting communities directly to see what they want, and finding the balance between guiding others through this legal grey area and ensuring people do not put themselves in danger as they carry out their activities. I want peace, as stated earlier, I am a pacifist at heart, and I would hate to see others get hurt because of something I created. I am a long way away from having this vision realised, but I thank this class for allowing me the opportunity to explore this idea and really put me in a position I have never been in before, and that is that of an activist. This journey will continue, even if it is just me throwing a seed bomb into a golf course under the cover of night.
Adams, D. and Hardman, M. (2013) ‘Observing guerrillas in the wild: Reinterpreting practices of Urban Guerrilla Gardening’, Urban Studies, 51(6), pp. 1103–1119. doi:10.1177/0042098013497410.
Gayle, D. (2023) ‘I call it botanarchy’: The Hackney Guerrilla Gardener bringing power to the people, The Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/28/i-call-it-botanarchy-the-hackney-guerrilla-gardener-bringing-power-to-the-people (Accessed: 12 December 2023).
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thehutpoint · 10 months
The Last Chapter
So I went trough Smith's bio of The Soldier and inevitably arrived to the last chapter. You know, the one with dreadful revelations. The author is beating around the bush, I will not. Let's state aloud and clear that Smith claims Lawrence Oates raped eleven years old girl in summer of 1899. I find it gross to the point of nausea that the author calls it „a brief liaison” and „a romance”.
One might think that when you sling such serious accusations, you should provide some really solid evidence to support them. Well, no. The last chapter provides as much sources as a gossip column, that means none. But let's analyse things a bit deeper.
The girl was named Henrietta McKendrick, born in Johnstone, and indeed such a person did exist, I checked in Scottish birth registers. Census data though shows that the very same Henrietta McKendrick still lived in Johnstone in 1901, a year after the alleged child was born and six years after she allegedly left her hometown for good.
The details of how Oates and his supposed victim crossed paths are, well, non-existent. We are told to believe that they did, without any explanation where and in what circumstances. Heck, we don't even know where Henrietta lived at that time.
Equally hazy are the circumstances of the child's birth, which was supposed to happen somewhere in Ireland in 1900, but we shouldn't search for the birth certificate because it probably does not exist due to secrecy. That is such an idiotic claim that it made my jaw drop, because, you know, registering births has been mandatory in good ole UK (which Ireland was a part of in 1900) since like 1875 if memory serves me well, any way it was already mandatory in 1900. If secrecy demanded hiding the father's name, the solution was delightfully simple: the space for said name was left blank, or unlucky mother just invented something on the spot. So these claims by Smith have more than a whiff of a horseshit, to use terminology no doubt close to Soldier's heart.
The child was named Kathleen Gray and handed to Blanche Wright and Ellen B. Kingsford who ran a house for out of wedlock kids. Both ladies existed and indeed run such a house, so at least something checks up. I wasn't able to dig up much about Kathleen and her children, John and Gillian (maybe my record-fu got a tad rusty). One curious tidbit is though that Henrietta somehow „had overcome her early motherhood” and married certain Anthony Cooper in 1918. I mean the girl was twelve, TWELVE! when she gave birth, her father was already in grave, but we are told to believe she just somehow „had overcome” it. What was she doing after leaving the child in the orphanage, how did she support herself, how did she bounce from being in deep troubles ad bad material situation, to becoming well off woman and a doctor's wife? No word of explanation, dear readers just believe when autor says she had overcome it. Can you smell horseshit? Because I can.
Another quite funny tidbit is a memory of Gillian who, with her mother and brother John, went to see”Scott of the Anctarctic” in London's Odeon at Leicester square. According to that memory in the foyer they saf the life sized cardboard cutouts and got shocked at striking likeness of the brother with Oates. Well, I searched the et up and down, examined photos, watched the clips and haven't spotted even a single cardboard cutout in that foyer. There were the posters on the wall, sure, but the faces on them belonged to the actors from the aforementioned movie. So Gillian, it seems, got shocked over Derek Bond, who indeed is very much a look alike for the chap from the picture allegedly depicting John, much more than Lawrence Oates.
Overall, that last chapter, devoid of any serious sources, reads more like a tabloid than a part of serious biographical book and I am seriously surprised Smith decided to put such undocumented pile of crap in this, otherwise quite valuable, book. Especially that the allegiations contained in it are very, very heavy and Lawrence Oates, being dead for over a century, cannot defend himself. It certainly stings when I see that uproven claptrap even in The Soldier's Wikipedia article. Shame on you, Michael Smith.
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ardn631krista · 1 year
Art Lead. (n.d.). Modern classics: Cindy Sherman - Untitled film stills, 1977-1980 | artlead. artlead. https://artlead.net/journal/modern-classics-cindy-sherman-untitled-film-stills/
Asto, J. C. (2020, March 9). Juanita Escobar photographs the story of women in a conflict zone. The Phoblographer. https://www.thephoblographer.com/2020/02/20/juanita-escobar-photographs-the-story-of-women-in-a-conflict-zone/?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=other
Carlson, A. (n.d.). 500px. 500px. https://500px.com/p/ahowc?utm_source=&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=embed&utm_content=web&view=photos
Creations, O. (2023, February 23). Eric LAFFORGUE photography - Bodi - Ethiopia. ERIC LAFFORGUE PHOTOGRAPHY -. https://www.ericlafforgue.com/gallery/People/Bodi%20-%20Ethiopia
David Lachapelle | Portraits. (n.d.). photographs-portraits. https://amateurphotographer.com/technique/portrait_">https://www.davidlachapelle.com/photographs-portraits
Harris, G. (2021, October 10). Capturing the real people behind mental health struggles. Amateur Photographer. https://amateurphotographer.com/technique/portrait_photography/portraits-of-mental-health-struggles/
Ivanova, T. (2023, June 8). 21 famous fashion photographers you should kNo. 2023. ExpertPhotography. https://expertphotography.com/famous-fashion-photographers/
Jackson, D. (2022, December 25). Deana Lawson's photos are stunningly popular. They're also dangerously misunderstood. Artnet News.
Kristine, L. (2023, May 1). Lisa Kristine. https://lisakristine.com/
Nast, C. (2018, January 21). These portraits of people with acne are a powerful reminder of how normal it is. Teen Vogue. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/portrait-series-peter-devito-normalize-acne
Northrup T. (2019, February 28). The Disturbing Story of an Afghan girl photo. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuFKpaV_jjo&t=20s&ab_channel=Tony%26ChelseaNorthrup
TL Team. (2020, May 25). The wonderful world of photographer Julia Hetta. TRENDLAND | Online Trend News. https://trendland.com/the-wonderful-world-of-photographer-julia-hetta/
UK Clipping Path. (2023, February 23). Attention required! Attention Required! | Cloudflare. https://ukclippingpath.com/top-20-famous-portrait-photographers-review-2021/
Z. Robles O. (n.d.). The author — Omar Z. Robles. Omar Z. Robles. https://omarzrobles.squarespace.com/the-author
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dallydaydream · 2 years
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I posted 251 times in 2022
47 posts created (19%)
204 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 248 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#us politics - 12 posts
#anti-monarchy - 11 posts
#uk politics - 8 posts
#puns - 8 posts
#colds - 7 posts
#art by others - 7 posts
#memes - 6 posts
#lgbt+ - 6 posts
#dally's personal life - 6 posts
#ides of march - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#sometimes when i'm doing really mundane things i like to imagine it's part of a studio ghibli movie and i find that quite soothing
My Top Posts in 2022:
Disney Dreamlight Valley is out here asking the important questions, like what would happen if Ariel and Wall-E met, and I am 1000% here for it (though I would be even more here for the pathing to put them both in the same place so they can have the dialogue interaction needed to progress their questline, but hey, the game isn’t finished yet)
8 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
It’s only now that season two is over that I’ve thought to wonder...
How did the Collector get his name?
What does he collect?
11 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Okay but we stop coming last-- and in fact come bloody SECOND-- in the EUROvision Song Contest-- after we LEFT Europe. I don’t understand and at this point I’m not sure I want to.
Europe please let us non-rightwing countries back in and to the bottom of the scoreboards, I’m scared.
14 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
The only thing wilder to me than the fact I pull up the youtube clip of The Chain scene from Our Flag Means Death to watch basically every day is knowing that I am FAR from the only person who does that. As a fanbase we are just collectly wrecked by that scene and I am 100% here for it.
32 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tory government when faced with a pandemic: “Now let’s not be too hasty, let’s just carry on as usual for now and see what happens”
Tory government when the head of an outdated institution dies: “SHUT IT ALL DOWN”
80 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Somewhat gutted but not surprised that my most-tagged topics and most popular post are political in nature
But on the plus side, Ides of March (still political I guess??) made it into my top ten tags, which I think means I'm tumblring right
And puns made it into my top five which means I'm definintely dallying right
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Photo Editing Services Company is your trusted partner in transforming ordinary images into extraordinary visual assets. Whether you require precise photo retouching, complex image masking, or creative enhancements, we are committed to delivering outstanding results that elevate your brand and captivate your audience.
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ukclippingpathltd · 11 months
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Image retouching services can assist you in improving the quality of your product photographs, making them appear more professional and polished. You may ensure that your images appropriately represent your product and business by working with a qualified retoucher. Whether you need to remove imperfections, change colours, or simply improve the overall aspect of your images, We can assist.
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