#indoraptor bitty
the-comfort-den · 8 months
indoraptor bitties!
Indoraptor: They are fast, strong, cunning, and can easily be malicious and sadistic if treated wrong, but protective(well, more overprotective-) when treated right, there are different breeds you can see below!
They do vary in color a lot but will always have a 'racing stripe' down the sides of their body of a much brighter or contrasting color! Black or white with gold stripes are the most common colors though,
Military breed: The first variant is the more aggressive and sadistic one, while other breeds become like this due to abuse these are born like this(and much worse) and take a lot of time(and precautions) to avoid death or torture by their hands, and even then they will often only respect/care about their owner, and will still take joy in tormenting other bitties, they are also much more aggressive when it comes to protecting the ones they care for, so they really arent for those with a weak stomach, many get them to listen via pain like with cattle prods and/or shock collars, they are all rescues due to the military breeding this variant, note that they are not only bred by the US military, as other militaries and labs that do inhuman experiments also breed this breed of Indoraptor, they tend to be bigger than other breeds,
The most common size is about the size in the movie or bigger
Companion breed: the second variant can be a massive sweetheart, they're bread more for companionship and are massive sweethearts, they are cuddly and often love taking naps in your lap! They do well with other bitties and often refuse to eat live, needing their food in a bowl or on a plate, and tend to not be to picky when it comes to food, but it's advised against feeding them kibble of any kind due to the lack of nutrition, though they rarely refuse to eat it, they protective of those they care about but will take the more passive way of just getting between those they care about and the threat if they can and only bite and claw if they feel like they have to
The most common size is about house cat-large dog sized
Guard breed: This bred is bread for strength and their extra protective nature, they are known for attacking anything/anyone they don’t know on sight, so it's very important to make sure they know when company is expected,
The most common size is about the size you see in the movie
Service breed: This breed has extra sensitive hearing and sense of smell, and are often trained/used as seeing eye bitties or bitties to help with mobility, they can easily grab things and are incredibly smart so they are great for fetching anything their owner would need, they very a lot but are obedient and listen to just about any owner unless they are abusive,
The most common size is about that of a large dog,
Police breed: This breed is bred to be sort of similar to police dogs, they have extra sensitive smelling and are expert trackers, and their hearing is also heightened as well, making them very sensitive, they prefer working alone or with one or two other bitties at max with an owner, they will always respect their owner but after they bond with someone it is difficult to get them to bond with someone else, though having another indo around that listens to their owner seems to help a lot, with other dinos also helping but not as much as other indos, though if another bitty doesn’t listen to their owner it can make it harder to get them to listen to them,
They have to be retired to be owned by anyone,
The most common size is about that of a large dog,
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the-comfort-den · 9 months
Dino bitties
Im making dinos bc i can!
All dino bitties vary a LOT when it comes to their size and colors, the dinos can be as big as bigger than shown in the movies or irl counterparts or as small as a normal bitty! 
And like all bitties they are just as sapient as humans/monsters, and many can
Indoraptor: here
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