colonel-killa-bee · 4 years
Tumblr media
@Indzzze (Moved!)
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mureh · 6 years
tumblr related uuuh
thuviel replied to your post “Since Tumblr is self-destructing... I dunno what should I do next. I...”
I don't really see why everyone would leave? I mean it's great for posting everything else, is nsfw stuff really the only thing people care about? :/ I'm not going anywhere at least..
I kinda think like you, but the problem is when tumblr flag your posts as nsfw when it isn’t (I had to check mine and some of them were flaged as nsfw, when it showed just some mild nudity, or nothing at all). I won’t leave tumblr either, but I’m an artist after all, gotta go where everyone go.
lndzzze replied to your post “Since Tumblr is self-destructing... I dunno what should I do next. I...”
You could try artstation?
I have artstation!  Here’s the link > https://www.artstation.com/duonombro < but it’s super empty, im sorry. 
beanjonson replied to your post “Since Tumblr is self-destructing... I dunno what should I do next. I...”
there's pillowfort (currently down for maintenance) which is closer to tumblr concept-wise, and mastodon which is a lot more like twitter
I was checking pillowfort, but since is still on beta, I’m waiting until they have the final site. Hope their project goes well!  And about mastodon... I have an account there? But I felt like everyone went there because it was the novelty, and soon the activity dropped (I don’t know how the things are going there rn) but maybe I should give it a try. Here’s the link > https://mastodon.art/@alssahirat < 
teryster replied to your post “Since Tumblr is self-destructing... I dunno what should I do next. I...”
twitter feels really weird to post art on for me as well, but I got used to instagram a lot! do you have patreon perhaps as well? i've been using it for the art-scrolling a lot lately lmao, tumblr feels like it's counting down it's own demise OTL
haha same! I’m pretty asocial myself, and twitter is a bit too focused on social interactions, so it isn’t really my thing. And yeah, I have patreon! Here’s the link > https://www.patreon.com/duonombro < I post sketches and some stuff related to my original project I’m working on if you’re interested! I feel bad for tumblr but... sometimes we just have to let go.
aaawhyme replied to your post “Since Tumblr is self-destructing... I dunno what should I do next. I...”
i much prefer instagram to follow artists! I dont use twitter that much. Deviantart is having a complete revamp on their site too, so maybe they will return to what they once were?
I was super active on Deviantart looooong ago, but I migrated to tumblr for reasons I don’t remember. I can’t say I would like to return but it’s an option. Maybe I’ll give instagram another chance tho!
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