#ineffable chairs
spigosaur · 1 year
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here's the matching Aziraphale
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ineffableaddiction · 3 months
Can I just say, Aziraphale is so freaking sweet towards Muriel.
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He’s patient and kind towards them, even when Crowley is getting Muriel all flustered.
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Bonus: The look on Aziraphale’s face when Crowley talks to Muriel about love. And that little exhale, with the once over.
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veil-of-lament · 2 months
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he's fine (he's definitely not)
old little thing I kinda gave up on months ago, but oh well
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moonyinpisces · 9 months
honestly though, isn’t it SO in-character for crowley to tempt aziraphale with the ox ribs, then have that IMMEDIATELY backfire when he watches it happen and accidentally tempts himself by proxy. president of the never doing anything correctly club
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aduckwithears · 8 months
I am actually so emotional about this moment.
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Not only do we have the introduction of the adorable Muriel, an angel who has miraculously (heh) not been drained of all spontaneity by the blandness of Heaven, but we get one of the best examples of the season of current day Aziraphale and Crowley just being... together. A united front. Looking at this scene (and the promo picture that came out pre-season) it's no wonder that we were thrown for a loop by the relative lack of ease between them in much of season 2.
They are just so! On the same page! Together! Their side! help me
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Wow, friendos
Well this has been a wonderful and surreal 24 hours. Reposting these as a set, because we all know they belong together.
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mizgnomer · 7 months
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Parallels - Good Omens Seasons One & Two - Part Three
Link to [ Part One ] [ Part Two ] [ Part Four ] [ Part Five ]
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shoemakerobstetrician · 6 months
David Tennant sitting on things correctly!
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Because there is no incorrect way to sit with Michael Sheen between your legs, it’s all good! 😳
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His feet not touching the ground!
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spigosaur · 1 year
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here's the matching crowley
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princeloww · 5 months
I drew @mrghostrat 's Streamer AU Crowley :D
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I kinda don't like how this turned out, but after The Great Art Block of 2023, I'm trying to recover with a sort of "any art is good art" outlook? Like, "I'm not too proud of this, but I'm proud that I am drawing"
So any art at all is a win right now 💪💪💪 (+ I'm so obsessed with And They Were Streamers right now it's unreal)
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armageddidnt · 8 months
A Quite Nice and Fairly Accurate List of misconceptions Crowely and Aziraphale probably have about each other because these two idiots are Literally Incapable of Communicating (seasons 1+2)
[Aka I am going insane about their absolute inability to Talk Out Loud With Their Mouths and now you can too]
-Crowley probably thinks Heaven discorporated Aziraphale and burned down his bookshop instead of Shadwell doing it accidentally in 1x4 because Aziraphale never told Crowley what actually happened to him
-Aziraphale probably didn’t realize how upset Crowley was when he thought Aziraphale was gone for good in 1x5 and Aziraphale probably didn’t even realize Crowley was referring to him when Crowley said “I lost my best friend.” This is because it doesn’t seem like Aziraphale could actually see Crowley when he appeared to him in the pub and Crowley never stated this explicitly to Aziraphale
-Aziraphale doesn’t know Gabriel told him to “shut [his] stupid mouth and die already” when he tried to burn ‘Aziraphale’ in hellfire in 1x6 because Crowley never told him
-Aziraphale doesn’t know that Heaven threatened to ‘book-of-life’ anyone who was found helping Gabriel in 2x1 because Crowley never told him. Aziraphale also doesn’t know that this is the only reason Crowely came back to help at the end of the episode because Crowley never told him
-Crowley doesn’t know that Shax implied Crowley was risking destruction by helping Aziraphale in 2x4 because Aziraphale never told him (Aziraphale: “Nothing happened to me. Very uneventful journey indeed, no strange things at all”)
-Aziraphale doesn’t know any of the things Crowley discovered in Heaven in 2x6 because Crowley never told him. This is including but not limited to:
Gabriel decided he didn’t want another Armageddon and was immediately derobed, cast out, and memory wiped because of it, the Metatron decided to enact this punishment, the fact that Heaven is planning another catastrophic end to humanity in the first place, and that Gabriel as the Archangel had basically no real power at all because the moment he disagreed with Heaven he was ejected without a second thought (If Aziraphale had known this, Crowley’s pleas of “when Heaven ends life here on Earth, it’ll be just as dead as if Hell ended it” and “they’re toxic” might not have fallen on deaf ears)
-Bonus: not really a miscommunication but Aziraphale didn’t see that Look the Metatron gave Crowley when they were leaving the bookshop to go to Nina’s in 2x6 so Aziraphale probably has no idea how the Metatron/Heaven really feels about Crowley (and by extension, whether the Metatron’s offer to “restore” Crowley back to an angel was genuine)
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p4nishers · 9 months
the only unrealistic thing about good omens is crowley being able to be in a room with aziraphale without proposing. like not even once?? REALLY?? didn't even TRY?? couldn't be me
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itsscottiesstark · 5 months
Something I love about Good Omens (the list is loooong people) is how David somehow got away with the way he sprawls sits on chairs and whatnot. And now, it's not just David's way of sitting. It's also Crowley's.
And I also adoooore how fic writers absolutely RUN with this. It's wonderful how the author will describe his sitting position as something completely inhuman, arms here, legs there, pelvis almost dislocated. And they purposefully make it sound absolutely impossible. But I read stuff like that and I'm like "Yes. This is it. That's how it is. Completely possible. I can see it. So comfy."
And I do see it, in my head. And it makes absolute sense.
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My favorite fic description so far, for your pleasure:
They reclined in tandem and Crowley laid his head on Aziraphale’s shoulder. He contorted around the intruding armrest, tossing his limbs every which way in a windmilled sprawl, and then he seemed to banish his bones and melt where he'd landed.
-What We Make of It (Shotgun Wedding), by charlottemadison
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weirdwaterbear · 10 months
*sets aside the Agony of the ending in a little matchbox for a second* Ok but as avid Ineffable Bureaucracy shippers it was SO FUCKING FUNNY and such a rollercoaster for my fiance and I when it became canon like. There were just so many moments throughout the season where we were joking like "lol ship vibes" because we had LONG since come to grips with the fact that it was basically a crackship and didn't expect to get anything REAL for them AND THEN HELLO???
Like- every time it cut back to Beelz demanding updates on the hunt for Gabriel and sending out search parties and shit I distinctly remember making jokes about them being stressed af like "FIND ME MY EMOTIONAL SUPPORT HIMBO RIGHT NOW IMMEDIATELY SCOUR THE EARTH" especially that bit they said about how nice it would be to have someone to tell you you're doing a good job and i jUST-
The fucking SHIP SPEEDRUN MONTAGE hit us like a fucking BUS!!! "Going faster than a rollercoaster" INDEED BUDDY HOLLY
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My immortal ships
1. Gallavich (Shameless US)
I’d post almost every gallavich scene if I could: best kisses, best hugs, best chemistry, love, sexual tension, arguments, drama, whatever you want from a ship they have it
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And they’re endgame 💛
Ps.: they were my first gay ship 🌈
2. Chair (Gossip Girl)
Pretty toxic but they love each other so much it almost hurts sometimes (and they grew up btw), I can’t get over them
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Ps.: they were my first ship ever
3. Sid and Cassie (Skins)
I always identified a bit with both of them and I always loved how they fell in love with each other weirdness and weaknesses, as a teenager it felt so real and beautiful, they’ll always have a soft spot in my heart
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Ps.: I hate that they weren’t endgame
4. Hyde and Jackie (That ‘70s Show)
I love them soooo much
They’re my favourite kind of dynamic and they’ve great chemistry: I loved the characters growth and the healthy relationship they developed (no: s8 doesn’t exist thank you for asking)
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Honourable mentions
Ineffable Husbands
First of all: no, I’m not over it yet
Second of all: I’m not sure they’re gonna last as long as the others ones, but I couldn’t leave them out since I’ve been obsessing with GO for months
Looking forward to s3, I hope Neil will make us cry out of joy this time
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Sheldon and Amy
I never considered Sheldon and Amy as a ship, but I wanted to mention them because I love their characters so much and, being afraid that I’ll never find someone, thinking that they found each other (and they won a Nobel) makes me happy
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