#but it turned out good so it was worth the suffering ig
spigosaur · 1 year
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here's the matching crowley
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kaymarie-bell · 6 months
TWST Book 7 Chapter 6 spoilers and reactions ahead
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You know, through all the updates people have been wondering "where is OB Malleus? is he seeing the dream too? why is he not interfering despite our group being 'awake'? does he even know about all of this?" it might seem crazy what I'm about to say-
This update started with a banger giving us Baul knighting Sebek and giving him an armor that's just like his after fighting off the Silver Owls together
Btw I'm currently on a mission of stealing all the gel in NRC to keep Sebek from putting his hair up again. If you care.
Silver carrying an injured Lilia on his back while Yuu and Grim look after the egg instead of leaving him behind like he asked. I'm ok I'm ok.
Sebek got to show off his UM training. I'm so proud of him 🥹
They killed my hot wife.
Fighting as Meleanor vs The Knight of Dawn felt so sick and twisted knowing what the outcome was.
FUCK THE SENATE. TF YOU MEAN "Filthy bat" "Don't touch Malleus" "get out of the capital and don't show up here again" I'm genuinely upset, what the fuck leave Lilia alone 😭
Maleficia's magic was not helping with hatching the egg, and touch and love is more effective so of course the responsibility falls on Lilia. Huh, who would've thought-
Lilia and the egg communicating. Did y'all see that. Is anyone else being totally normal about it.
Meleanor knew what she was doing when she left her child to Lilia.
Also what do you mean his own grandmother couldn't provide him the love he needed to hatch? 👀
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Lilia's numerous travels around the world were all to find something to help hatch the egg. And he got discriminated against by both humans and fae everywhere oh I'm so sick-
Egg!Malleus feeling lonely even before hatching. Lilia being the only one who hears him crying. Lilia running to him despite it being dangerous. 😭
Oh so the egg seems to gain strength only whenever Lilia shows up around it? What a coincidence I wonder what could this mean
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Lilia's VA did a phenomenal job. I started ugly crying too. The 200 years were worth it to Lilia 😭😭😭
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*Silver voice* I'm sure we were all wondering, "if these dreams are supposed to be happy then why have we seen nothing but pain and suffering so far?" well, it turns out Malleus being born is his happiest moment in life.
not a single thought behind that baby's eyes (he's 1 minute old)
Leona was right he sure *is* a lizard
not the senate suddenly praising Lilia as a hero 😒 I haven't forgotten what y'all said earlier.
Oh shit OB!Malleus is back. I got so caught up in the euphoria of seeing Malleus' birth that for a moment I forgot about overblots.
Malleus has his mom's looks and his dad's voice according to general Lilia
OB!Malleus is absolutely pissed at his grandma and the senate. Good for him.
Malleus offering Lilia a dream where Meleanor and Levan are alive...
If anyone is wondering "how are we supposed to win a battle against OB!Malleus?" the answer is: you don't. We only survive 😔 (for now ig)
Silver is able to secure the entire group in his arms. So normal about it haha.
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we have reached 100 chapters. I can't wait to see what Idia's victory strategy is going to be
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reginageourge · 1 year
May i ask why?
oh god ... so the whole story is long and weird so idk if I'm doing it justice by condensing it down into a few short sentences, but basically, me and another one of the gs server girlies accidentally doxxed goldstarsappho (she'd gone awol for almost a year, we wondered what the hell happened to her so we snooped around on her reddit account, which she'd let me know, found her instagram from the reddit, and her instagram ... had her entire name and face on it. which confirmed something we'd been wondering for a while, which is that she was race-faking).
we were pretty mad, especially bc a lot of the ppl in the server are actual woc and she was not only trying to sit with us but acted like she'd suffered sooo much bc of her ethnicity when she really was a white canadian.
fast forward a few months, and it's the time of year when a certain transgender "charity" (which is run through Instagram, has no vetting process, and is essentially just tras buying stuff off of troons amazon wishlists) takes place. goldstarsappho and a few of the other server members had participated in scamming the charity the year prior, and goldstarsappho herself had notably managed to scam literal thousands worth of goods, she milked it for all she was worth.
we knew that she was probably going to scam the charity again next time it came around, and sure enough she did. to a ridiculous extent.
many of us were also scamming it, so it wasn't so much the "lying about being trans for freebies" thing we were mad about. however, we were mad that she'd race-faked and made up a bunch of random trauma, and seeing as she'd gone entirely offline for a year and we couldn't yell at her, the only way we had to get her back for being racist was to go yelling in the comments section of this charity about how "[goldstarsappho] is a liar pretending to be trans to scam you"
but to our surprise, someone had beaten us. there were a couple of tras all over this instagram page talking about how goldstarsappho is a cis woman and a scammer.
we were surprised that someone else outside of the server was onto her, so sunlight-beauty (who mods the server with me) dmed one of the tras complaining about gwen being a scammer. turned out they lived in the same building as her on her uni campus, had noticed a lot of packages with weird names arriving for her and figured she was scamming again (from what they said she seems to have a history of it). then bc goldstarsappho was an idiot and kept sharing instagram posts of her lying about having a transona on her ig story to try and get her followers to buy things off her wishlists, they realised she was scamming this particular transgender charity. and bc they were a tra, they were mad.
we had a lot of questions about goldstarsappho, one of which was whether she was a lesbian or if she was lying about that too. she'd told us a lot of contradicting stories about her sex life. some of them were things that basically made her sound asexual, like not being into sex and preferring to just hold hands, and some of them made it sound like she fucked, such as being nicknamed the "pussy slayer." she'd talked about only having had sex standing up over corpses in prison (which is one of the things that set off our bs alarm), but she'd also talked about only having sex with dental dams and rubber gloves on (which perhaps I'm just a nasty who doesn't care about safe sex as much as I should, but that sounds so unsexy), and she'd talked about liking to have sex in baths so big they were basically "hot tubs." a lot of contradictions all around basically.
sunlight-beauty asked the tra who lives in her building about whether she was a lesbian or not, and got this response
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the daddy dom sex also lines up with suspicions we had about her being an adult baby. I'm unsure if she was pretending to be a lesbian to get material for conversion therapy role-play with her male lovers, or if it was just another case of her pretending to be a minority bc she loves preaching at people and pretending to be the most oppressdest person ever, as evidenced by various other lies she's told about her identity. but either way: she ain't gay
screw you gwen, if you're reading this
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helenapsent · 1 month
SO!!! I passed the second game in the "Dark Parables" series, it's called "The Exiled Prince"
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And, about the expert mode: it's not worth it. I'll explain why, but first let's go over the pros and cons:
Plusside: I've already said that the plots of the line are just fucking great, and in this part the developers have bored so that our KERMIT (actually it's a bum from rublevka, you should have seen how overgrown he is, and he lives in a ruined hovel, atas ig) IS DAMNED TWO TIMES. That is, it would seem, everything was okay, there is a princess, there is a frog, there is a smack and a happy ending? NO! No happy ending, the prince goes through a frog-transformation-death-of-lover cycle. How the fuck he didn't go so fucking crazy, and he turns out of desperation. And then BAM! all of a sudden he is cursed again, but now he has suffered the fate of King Midas: turning all living/dead things into frogs (pity it's not gold). Interesting stuff! Very fresh; saving works; YOU HAVE A MAP OF THE AREA AT YOUR FINGERTIPS THAT TELLS YOU WHERE TO GO, so you get less braindeadness and it's very cool; the puzzles are also good, really cool, there are some that break your brain, but that's okay; there are a lot of items to find, but the main cimis of collecting is vessels with frogs, flowers, crowns and… something else, I forget what
Downside: EXPERT MODE. Why? Because the whole point of it is that as soon as you get the key to the bonus room you get to an empty but cool place, you find another key there, you think it opens, and what's your surprise when this key leads not to an additional quest, but TO A ROOM WITH CONCEPT-ARTS! Like, expert mode for the sake of a room with pictures, are you serious??? No, on the one hand it's a cool feature, but, THIS IS KILLING. For starters, the entire game is downloaded along with all the game file folders, which contains EVERYTHING, INCLUDING BACKGROUNDS AND CONCEPT-ARTS. You can just go into the game folder at any time and browse through all the content folders. So guys Expert mode for the sake of concept-arts is not worth the candle :^)
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
itachiyama hcs <333
. . . .altho they're really just sakusa, komori, and iizuna headcanons LMAAAO. anyways!! happy birthday komori motoya!! i absolutely adore him and he deserves all the love!! so let's go!!
sakusa accidentally called iizuna 'dad' once and couldn't look him in the eye for two whole weeks after and you bet your ASS iizuna milked it for all it was worth
iizuna: sakusa!! do you see me as a father figure? sakusa: NO I SEE YOU AS A BOTHER FIGURE BECAUSE YOU'RE ALWAYS BOTHERING ME komori: hey! show your father some respect!
komori does NOT help at all btw he's like "oh my god!! does this mean you're my uncle now, iizuna-san?"
it catches on tho bc one day iizuna tells sakusa, no, you can't hitchhike all the way to hyogo just to murder miya atsumu for sending you memes, and sakusa just mutters "i hate this fucking family" and iizuna and komori RIOT
after the training camp komori and sakusa set up a gc with kageyama because "he's so much like you when you were younger, kiyoomi!! we should look out for him!!" (never mind the "motoya, he's only one year below us what are you talking about")
iizuna is so PROUD when he finds out
komori is the friend who goes "EXCUSE ME, THEY ASKED FOR NO PICKLES"
(yes, he used to do it for sakusa all the time)
sakusa and ushijima DO have each other's numbers and their convos are 75% volleyball 10% venting about their Family Issues™️ and 15% exchanging tips
ushijima: Yes, my father took off and left me and I try not to hold it against him because I recognize that he was struggling here and my mother's family did not treat him as they should have, but the burden fell on me as a child to comfort my mother through the shame of being a divorced single woman while her family still thought I was the devil. By the way, how do you get vinegar out of bedsheets? Tendou tried to pull off a prank and it failed horribly sakusa: damn that's rough. so you want to rinse with cold water-
everyone gets SCARED when sakusa and komori fight bc. they usually don't. but when they're avoiding each other and look on edge and like they're about to break lightning at any second the entire team SCRAMBLES to fix it
komori really really likes exploring the city. he's got an ig account documenting everything he finds: a random stationary shop tucked in a tiny plaza, some bookstore event he stumbled across, a cute cafe hidden in a back alley
(lots of these pics are just candids of sakusa)
suna follows the account and he is NOT slick at all LMFAAO
he sees a new post and drops EVERYTHING to text komori like "oh hey the waffles at that cafe you went to look good, you should take me there next time"
he also. comments like that on all of komori's posts and every single time sakusa wants to reach through the screen and strangle him bc "dear lord can't he flirt in private why must i bear witness to this"
actually. sometimes i think it's really funny that sakusa and komori don't look alike and don't have the same surname because. how the fuck else are you supposed to know they're cousins.
cue suna wanting to strangle sakusa in turn because "who is he why does komori spend so much time with him ugh can he just take a step BACK"
atsumu knows but he doesn't say anything bc he likes watching suna suffer
(they clear it up. in true romance manga fashion, it ends with a confession and a promised date to the waffle cafe)
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eructophile · 11 months
Fine whatever. Here's my funny hcs for elec snake and plant bc those r the bots I want carnally. Haven't written anything like this in actual Years so it might be a bit rough 👍 just enjoy them ig
Again this is like.... All based on the idea they can eat and get sick and etc. Just because. Wouldn't it be funny if this weird metal guy could eat and burp.
Cold, pragmatic and cynical. This guy isn't ashamed of most bodily functions, and rarely apologizes after a loud belch.
Well, actually, it depends on the company - if he's among friends, people he's comfortable with, he won't bother covering them up at all. If he's among people he doesn't know very well, he'll apologize politely about it. Still lets them out, sure, but he's not a complete jackass.
His stomach is tough, what with his diet consisting of whatever the fuck he can survive on while working. I'm convinced it can eat through steel, if it has to. Very hard to upset, but not impossible.
Due to being snake themed, he should be able to eat quite a lot. Not like, a cartoonish amount of food that leaves behind an unrealistic bulge, but he'll go for thirds and fourths - maybe fifths - on a good day.
And when he's full, his belly gets *loud*. Like, "drowning out a movie if the volume is low enough" loud. He thinks nothing of it - he's not ashamed or proud, it's natural. Belly rubs after eating can churn out even louder gurgles, making him chuckle softly. He has to admit they're quite amusing.
Snake also takes the longest to notice something's wrong with his guts. Usually, he's so focused on his job that everything else gets tuned out - it takes an especially sharp pain to snap him back into reality.
If he's unwell, it's unusual for him to keep working. "Working through it" is useless to him, since he can't focus on a mission at all. He knows better than to let himself suffer for something that isn't worth it. This also means he won't mourn for a day lost in bed or hovering over the toilet - it wouldn't help anyone to walk around sick and bloated.
Won't hesitate to ask for help, but only if he needs to. He won't turn down an offer for tummy rubs, but he'll only actively seek them out if he can't take care of himself.
Likes cuddles and general warmth, especially after a particularly large meal. Again, snake themed and all. It helps him digest, and lulls him into a comfortable, sated sleep.
He doesn't show it because it's not in his nature, but he likes to be pampered. A lot.
Oh so shy and sweet… This guy will turn beet red if his stomach so much as burbles when he's with company, so you can imagine how embarrassing burping is for him.
Plant man can be described as a "reverse vegan", i guess. As in, he'll only eat animal-based foods - like meat, milk, and eggs. Literally just because it'd be funny as fuck. His stomach is very active after any meal, which embarrasses him even more.
Due to his diet, he gets full and sleepy fast. All those steaks will make your stomach work overtime, sapping your energy all at once.
Has to take a nap after lunch, or else he'd lose an entire day's work. It's easy to get him bloated and burpy if his meal hasn't had time to digest properly, and his mood tends to sour when he's sick without relief - overall, not a good situation for anyone involved.
His stomach is more delicate than Snake's, but still pretty tough. He'll handle dairy and heavier meals well, if only for the energy drop mentioned earlier.
Still, he's a picky eater, and prefers his food prepared in a specific way. Not that he'll complain if he has to eat something different (as long as it follows his dietary restrictions), since he doesn't want to be rude. His stomach will clench and gurgle around the dishes it's not used to, however - serving only to embarrass him for not speaking up.
Honestly, Plant is quite needy. If he's with someone that's earned his trust, he'll ask them to rub his stomach to help it process all the heavy food he's eaten throughout the day.
If he's feeling sick, he'll still try to force himself to work - his garden needs him, after all. But, as mentioned previously, he doesn't last long in the field with a bellyache.
If you try talking him out of work, he might snap at first, but don't hold it against him. Feeling off in any sort of way makes him annoyed and exhausted, he needs to be handled with care. It doesn't take long to convince him to rest, as long as you promise someone else will take care of his duties. Once he's feeling better, he'll apologize profusely for being a jerk.
He loves cuddles when sick, in fact, he needs it. Feeling safe, warm and comfortable helps him relax, making it easier for his stomach to do what it needs to. Likes being the little spoon, but also cuddling belly to belly, so to speak. It warms his tummy and feels great.
His stomach is not the noisiest, but the gurgles are wetter, whinier. You can hear liquid, sloshy burbles if you were to press your ear to his belly, since it looks and works a lot like a pitcher plant. It's so wet and humid in there…
Oh, delicate stomach, through and through. Also has a noisy stomach that makes him gassy and bloated when upset, and is extremely embarrassed to betray his image because of some tummy trouble.
He's very picky about his meals, and rarely ever eats something that might upset his insides. He likes to play it safe with comfort foods, but that luxury isn't always viable.
He'll work himself to death before skipping work, though. His role in power plants is genuinely important, and he knows his absence will affect the workplace. No - if he's needed, he'll be there. His stomach can whine and gurgle all it wants, he'd rather embarrass himself.
Of course, it's not always his decision. He's gotten bellyaches that left him immobilized before. All because he didn't allow himself to lay down and rest, and now the pain is 20 times worse than before. Hes had to be carried out, bridal style, multiple times. He doesn't like remembering those instances in the slightest.
Prefers taking medicine instead of seeking help, and will often downplay his symptoms before accepting any. Stubborn and self centered bastard he is. Of course, if you poke and prod enough, he'll eventually resign.
He says it's only to shut you up, but honestly, he does like being taken care of. It's funny, you'd expect him to love the attention, but he's pretty meek under the magnifying lens of a caretaker. Let the man keep some dignity, please. Not that he's ever had any.
Once you've got him right where you want him - head on your lap, little spoon, head on his chest as you massage his stomach - he calms down. He forgets just how good it feels to be held in this manner, but his pride always gets the best of him.
His stomach pains can get pretty severe, as you've probably guessed. He's woken up to the feeling of being stabbed in his guts before, after going to sleep with an upset stomach.
His burps are airy and strained, sounding like he's getting little to no relief from them. With patience and care, you can knead some longer, more productive bubbles from the depths of his stomach, but the organ can be just as stubborn as the person it's attached to.
His stomach isn't very loud, not usually. Little burbles and whines are all you'll hear, and if it's upset, the noises will only really ramp up in volume, but not change all that much otherwise.
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darrowsrising · 2 years
🔥 + cassius
This is one of those times where people kinda ruin the perception of a character for you to the point that all joy is sucked out. So you numb yourself to said character, because it's not worth investing emotionally anymore.
Very unpopular opinions here, so no tags for my reluctance to deal with stupid drama:
What I am trying to say is that Cassius grew out of hypocrisy and I very much appreciated that and came to like him a lot. I also appreciated the growth he underwent in exile, but...for me, all the joy I used to feel poofed off. I was happy he went to save and sass Darrow, but now it's just...glad you could fucking do something, I guess.
I think Cassius has grown, but that means jack shit if he cannot apply that growth, make amends. Everybody acts like the entire Red Rising Universe owes that man something, for making his own choices and suffering the consequences of said choices.
There is this general opinion that Cassius is better than Darrow. Or should be. At something. Anything. If Darrow gets to have Virginia, Cassius should be the best swordsman, or have the best relationship with Pax or at least WHEN Darrow dies, he should take over. Why? Because Cassius has all the traits of your classic (boring) hero and some people like that type so much that they always want to see him win. At something. Anything. Because they are so used to this type getting everything they want, that it cannot connect that this is not that kind of story.
Well, to break it down a bit, Cassius au Bellona is a crashing car. He keeps making the classical hero choices and gets bitten on the arse for them, because this is not the universe you get to cry about your twin being killed in the Passage when you yourself killed someone and had no problem with it. Because you don't get to raise the heir to a fascist empire in exile and expect him to turn out ok, away from a society for the rest of his life - regardless of how much of a personal sacrifice it is for you as well.
I am not saying that Cassius shouldn't get a happy ending or that he won't. I am also not saying he should change who he is. I am saying that his happiness does not look like you would expect - basically having Darrow's life. I am saying he is responsible for his own choices and that he needs to learn and earn things like trust and friendship and make amends with people he has hurt with his bigotry and lack of awareness.
Yes, you read that right, Cassius is not a complete human being who did no wrong in IG. He should implement some of his growth in his relationships - especially considering he hasn't been around groups of people much.
What Cassius needs and gets from his allienace to the Republic is what he always wanted as a kid - he has a liege to defend and serve, someone worthy, he gets to be a knight, as he always wanted, he gets to protect a status quo worth protecting and bettering. And on top of this he can build a lot of happiness. But it isn't owed to him, by anyone.
I don't know, I am just tired of trying to like this dude, when everyone is shoving him down my throat as somehow better than Darrow, when he isn't. He is different than Darrow and that's the point. Even in couple talks, people make Cassius somehow better than Darrow. That he is so good that Darrow doesn't deserve him and all that bullshit.
Putting aside that the only person that deserves Darrow is Virginia au Augustus, I would actually buy into Da/ssius if it was...genuine, not another way of one-upping Darrow somehow. Darrow has a tendency of putting his beloved on a pedestal, but some of those are not like the other. Some like it for the rivalry aspect (classic trope), which I can appreciate and like, though.
I am fully aware that Darrow said that Cassius is a better man. In Golden Son. When he was at rock bottom emotionally. And his abandoment issues flared up like a fire tornado. Again, not saying Darrow can't consider Cassius a better person, it's just that it shouldn't be used to one-up Darrow, especially when writing a loving relationship.
All of these things really numbed me to Cassius. I don't hate him, I just think that my unfortunate interactions stripped away at my openness.
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enevera · 2 years
E F H U :-)
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
u ask this like ive completed a fic ever in my life hsabjdl
but yeah none of the fics ive completed are all that worthy of a sequel in my eyes ig, but i did have an idea for a sequel for aootd where quentin and eliot get back to their own timeline and have to just like figure out if the whole thing they just experienced happened at all. also is quentin alive? who knows, great question to ask someone not me hbjdfs
(dont watch the magicians dont do it if anyone looks at that fic summary and goes oh that looks interesting but i'll have to watch the show first stop right there dont do it its not worth it the suffering is not worth it literally DO NOT)
the rest is under the cut bc this got soooo long asbhjkd
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
jsdbnlkf okee taking this as a sign to talk abt my satoshouko convo thank u for enabling meee hehe >:D
“Stop that,” she says, frowning. “Don’t lie like that to me, it’s creepy.” “And you know all about creepy, huh?” he teases and feels the ground under his feet come a little closer. Unimportant conversation is an old comfort and he clings to the offer presented to him. “More than you,” she returns cooly. “Now get up. You’re coming back to my place.” She begins walking around the morgue collecting her own things. “I— What?” He stutters, all of him at once, fingers twitching and eyesight shaking. He’s still too many feet above the ground for this, it seems. “Why?” “You’re a mess,” Shouko explains, throwing a packet of cigarettes in her work purse; she has a nicer one that she brings out shopping and to cafés, he knows, that Utahime bought for her when they first started dating. The one she has for work is heavily worn and a dull brown; she’s had it since high school and they both pretend to forget where she’d gotten it from. “I don’t trust you by yourself and I don’t think you want to worry your kids, so you’re coming home with me.” “I’m fine, Shouko,” he tries to protest, but she shoots him a sternly unimpressed glare and walks back over to get in his face. “No you’re fucking not, don’t even try that right now. It won’t work. Besides…” she straightens up and turns away from him, tugging her bag’s strap up her shoulder. “You’re not the only one who needs some company tonight.”
okay on top of the brainrot writing this sparked in me my favorite favorite thing to write is characters with differing goals and they have very differing goals. i like when a character has already made a decision and i like writing characters disagreeing a bit. i just loveee when i get to write different motivations and i love them i love this convo and i like writing shouko mhm
H: How would you describe your style?
uhhh thats difficult lol but like i know i lean pretty hard into being very descriptive and i like a lottt of metaphors and imagery, but my main goal is always to get my mental picture across as much as i can, so i guess thats why. i like to keep dialogue on the sparser side, though. most of the time people dont monologue, so i try not to let the characters do it and i spent a lot of time rlly figuring out how ppl naturally speak so that i could do that ljsfdhb <33
U: Share three FOUR !! of your favourite fic writers and why you like them so much.
djhbsvjhdfbjv uhhhhhh shit lolol i dont usually read all that much by the same fic authors bc i jump fandoms p often (before jjk anyway, usually hyperfixations only last like 3-4 months for me, this has been like. eight or so; not counting dr who i come back to that a lot sbhjkd), but i will try my bestttt
yukiiiiii <33 obvi obvi echo's writing is so good that i read their bsd fic and i know like nothing abt bsd sfjbhd
biscaaniii!!! admittedly ive only read their jjk works but theyre so so so good highly recommend!!
krissssssss!!!! hi hi hi kris writes naruto stuff but u should read it everyone should read it her writing is soooo gooddddd!!!!!!!
also u habibi bc though i admittedly havent read all ur fics the ones i have read have been sooo good i love them v much i need to finish the miminana fic and read the rest dbjhf <333
ask game!!
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gamble74vilstrup · 2 years
replica kelly bag 29
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Something for my wife
Warnings: NSFW, blow jobs, car sex, the pp worship you all know and love that comes from my fics, only Jotaro gets off, Jolyne's in jail and he needs help destressing, and no stinky priest nonsense AU, and ig it's worth noting Reader is Jolyne's mon
I forgot JoJo was also Jolyne's nickname but I do not apologize for anything. That's what he gets for naming your daughter Jolyne
The ride down to the Aquarium was silent. Jotaro wouldn't even indulge you in letting the radio play. You loved the man but you wish he didn't have to be so awkward sometimes. Yes, you were going to see your daughter in jail, but music could make the mood a little less of a downer!
He was stressed. He blamed himself for Jolyne ending up in prison. Acting out because her father was rarely home. You wished he would stop making himself suffer in literal silence, for both of yours sake.
"JoJooo, could'ya just let me turn the radio on already? Even a little bit? The silence is killing me!" You drawled his nickname out in a whine.
Jotaro stayed silent and didn't take his eyes off the road. You sighed and placed a hand on his leg, massaging and gently squeezing his meaty thigh. "Jotaro, I get you're stressed. But tension builds tension, we should stop and take a breather before meeting Jolyne, I don't want to make her even more worried during all of this nonsense."
He huffed a little and still didn't meet your eye. "I want to get this done and over with."
As stoic as always.
"Jotaro, I think I know how to ease you up." You suddenly spoke with a lewd but fun game coming to mind. A hand of yours came up to rub at his left pec, warming him up.
"If you think I'm going to stop the car just so we can fuck then you're wrong."
"Oh, don't worry about that sweetie! You can keep driving if you want, I'll just have my own fun with you."
The hand that was on his chest moved down to rub his groin. Not even hard there was still a huge lump where his dick was. You squeezed and rubbed a little more, feeling his girth and size in your tiny hand. It was hot. Just thinking about his cock got you horny immediately.
You built up a wad of saliva in your mouth while your hand unzipped his snake skin pants and played with him some more. All the while your husband was silent with a strong grip on the wheel. He wasn't complaining. You knew he wanted this too. Good...
Once his cock was let loose from his boxers you lazily played with it in your hand to get the blood pumping. He was heavy, and his member bent at an angle once he was completely hard. Thinking about having this inside you... It made you salivate more.
Lewd noises slipped from your lips once you finally fit your mouth over his cock. You took a moment to take in the feeling of him pressing into your throat, a moan slipped out. The drool escaping your mouth made it easier to move up and down. While you worked, your free hand played with his balls. They were stiff and heavy. It really has been a while since you've both fooled around.
You pulled back to give his cock head a hard suck like he was a candy. He pulled out all the way for you to tongue at his slit, tasting his bitter cum already beginning to flow out in a steady drip. Guess it didn't take much nowadays to get him going. You could remember the good days when he could use you for hours on end... Sigh, but it was nice and domestic to be able to grow older with him. He turned into quite a foxy dad.
"You seemed to be enjoying yourself... Why'd you stop?"
"Hm? Oh, I was just thinking about the old days, twenty something years ago when we were doing this in your dad's car." You winked and added a flirty kiss to his dick, which made a nice smack when it hit your lips. More kisses were placed on his dick, each adding more tongue than the last, until you were picking down the underside of him. You added more kisses to his balls before starting to suck on them. Your hand meanwhile took your place on his cock and started pumping him at an unforgiving pace. You felt him suddenly hump into your hand slightly with a choked grown but he settled himself quickly. Jotaro sighed heavily, and you saw him comb through his jet black hair, knocking off his hat to tumble somewhere behind the seat.
"Mmmmm, you like that? Want me to jerk you off more? Want me to go faster?"
Only your hand did the opposite, and slowed down to a painful pace. He growled down at you, showing his pearly whites off. "I'd rather have your mouth back on my dick so I didn't have to hear you bitch."
"We both know you love hearing my voice, honey bun."
Jotaro voiced his famous tic, and you felt him haphazardly pull over to the side of the road and put the car in park. Then his hand came down to your hair and forced more of himself down your throat.
"Less talk, finish what you've started."
His heavy hand did a sloppy job of guiding you up and down but you didn't care, you wanted to taste his load already. Your head was getting fuzzy again... No more quips, you wanted him to cum already.
It didn't take any longer, one final good fuck into your mouth and your husband choked you with his thick load. In only a moment your mouth was already filled with his cumshot, and you were forced to pull away before he could suffocate you. You guzzled down whatever was already in your mouth and watched the rest froth at his cocks tip, pooling to his pants and ruining the print. Jotaro meanwhile fell back into his seat, slumped a little, breathing a tad heavy. After licking your lips (and maybe his length) clean, you gave him a soft little peck on his cheek and began to feel at his shoulder massaging away the rest of his tension.
"Love you, you big hunk. Remember to let me help, so you don't end up stressing yourself sick again."
Jotaro was still taking his deep breaths, but he nodded in understanding, and gave you your own kiss.
"Jolyne doesn't blame you for any of this... So let's go see her. We've been keeping her waiting for long enough."
"...Right." Jotaro fixed his pants, and twisted to get his hat off the floor of the car. He dusted it off before placing it back on his head and starting the car again. Everything was more lax now, he even let you turn on some soft jazz now. You were buckled back up, still staring at your beautiful husband.
"Have I ever told you how sexy you look without your hat?"
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mohluskiepedard · 4 years
Rating ATLA Characters literally only from what I’ve seen in fandom
or: posts that probably shouldn’t be on my writeblr except I don’t have a sideblog
the context here is it’s half midnight and I have never seen ATLA except I have opinions now apparently so here we go whoop de do- 
I’m also not actually rating them like numerically that’s too much work i’m just stating opinions I know I’m a fraud
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- A child?  - A son?  - he is Baby. but also. he has had It Rough  - would make the updog joke - has unspeakable power or smth and everyone says he’s better than the Korra girl who comes after him but honestly tastes like sexism to me - doesn’t kill people because he’s like twelve, right? he’s like twelve so he refuses to kill people - I stan honestly - less twelve year olds should kill people - Some people say his name WRONG and they are BAD but i don’t actually know what the right way or the wrong way is so. have fun w that yall - lived in peace unTIL THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED 
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- She is also like twelve???  - Is everyone here twelve - Cortana?? Katana?? Catbug??  - She has good hair, - Her mother is dead??? her mother is dead n she has a brother but she cares about her mother being dead WAY more than him (or apparently the entire fandom??) - Badass - She seems soft. good. sweet - she’s a water breather or whatever??? her brother is NOT but he is a meme - I love her 
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- NGL looks like a fuckboy  - The meme brother! does not do the water things, but he has an aXe???  - dates BAMF lady - ngl until I talked to my ATLA watching friend I thought he canonically dated Zuko  - kinda mad he doesn’t - I haven’t actually seen anything about him except like. in zuko ship posts and also Suki appreciation posts - joined the white lotus not-a-cult by accident???  - dark ATLA tumblr show me more Sokka posts - is his name prounounced the same way as Soccer or isn’t it I need to know - HIS FIRST GIRLFRIEND TURNED INTO THE MOON - (AND THAT’S ROUGH, BUDDY) - He and Suki are a good ship, but also, Sokka Has Two Hands
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- the BAMF herself - she says STOP in that photo but also to sexism - Rlly all I see of her in fanon is abt her teaching Sokka to drink his respect women juice and I appreciate her doing that but also it’s sad she never gets talked about outside of what she did for a man - I hope she has other badass moments w/o him it would suck if she didn’t - she is NOT the girlfriend who turned into the moon, she is the one who didn’t - I don’t know much else about her ATLA Fandom y’all should appreciate her more
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- Look at him... my son... - He has a good redemption arc - he and his sister are evil lesbian and redeemed gay guy??? - has a straight canon ship but should’ve been with Sokka this boy is gay - I Want To Protect Him - That’s literally it - he has a cool uncle and his dad sucks  - people ship him with Katara and I Do Not Get It that’s his sister in law except not really - “We don’t trust Zuko’s change of heart” [the next day] “so Zuko is my closest friend now,”  - His dad was like “fuck up the avatar to prove your worth to me” and Aang was like “counter argument you already have worth and we should fuck up your dad” and I think that’s beautiful - he becomes the fire man and he’s very good at it - Zuko for President 2020 - in the words of myself, half an hour ago: “ I was like "that kid with the burn on his face seems like a sad but then happy mlm who needs found family" and I was RIGHT” - took too long to find a happy picture of him :( Zuko rights NOW please - His mother’s story got compared to an OC of mine and all I can say is oh no and they deserve better based on that alone - I have had Zuko for five minutes but if anything else happens to him I will kill everyone in this throne room and then myself
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- She is badass but like also will murder you while laughing maniacally? - for some reason reminds me of Nott from Critical Role, another show I Have Not Seen - Is blind but gets more out of making jokes abt being blind than she would from being able to see - “Sight is just a cheap tactic to make weak benders stronger!!!” - Literally the opposite of Aang and has killed many people?? - She Can Tell When You’re Lying. But I do not know how and Am simply mildly threatened by this - Therapist: Toph’s ability to know if you’re lying isn’t real and can’t hurt you. Toph’s ability to know if I’m lying:  - She and Zuko.... buddies???  - if not they should be - tiny sad boy needs friends like toph
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- Evil Lesbian Culture - [BDG Voice] You committed a war crime! Oopsie! - took be gay do crime too literally - her and Zuko have accurate sibling writin except instead of “you ever want to murder your sibling for breathing in the same space as you,” being a Joke Azula took it seriously - okay but with a name like azula she should be the blue bender this ANNOYS me she should NOT be red bender - AZULa  - AZUL - IT MEANS BLUE - She was half of y’alls gay awakenings and it SHOWS - Should have maybe been redeemed too??? Jury is out no one knows - Was she gay for Ty Lee or wasn’t she I can’t tell how much of that Audio is a joke - IS SHE ALSO TWELVE??? IS EVERYONE HERE TWELVE?? IS THIS TWELVE YEAR OLD COMITTING ATROCITIES? 
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- A Good Man - Finally, Some Good Fucking [Adult Figures]  - he has the tea. literally and figuratively - Ozai is like “and I will permanently disfigure my son and throw him out” and Iroh is like “What The Fuck, Ozai,” thus voicing the entire audience’s thoughts - Literally the only adult in this that I trust - I? I love him. this is all I have to say. my love for him is unending. Some1 protect this man from all harm   - he’s Zuko’s uncle (and also Azula ig) but he does not seem related to Ozai. is it just a theme in this family that one sibling is chill and one sibling commits horrendous atrocities against your fellow human beings or  - something happened to his son???? :((((( I Don’t Want Him To Have Suffered Like This
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- A BAD MAN - Uh Oh (stinky)  - THE WORST OF THE MEN  - I do not like him - Bastard man. nasty. committed war crimes and then went “but what if - get this - i also abused my son,”  - I would like him to Not Be Like This - by Like This I mean present and alive  - :/ 
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- She’s NOT the There Is No War In Ba Sing Se lady and I don’t know why i thought she WAS but until I looked up her photo I thought that was her  - She looks like a sweetheart tho - I hope nothing bad happens to her????  - talks about auras??? or smth??? let her vibe - She would talk animatedly to me about warrior cats if she was in my year seven class and I was sat alone and I would understand none of it but appreciate her anyway - if azula bullies her I’ll be :( at Azula and Azula will not care because she has Mommy Issues and therefore is slightly unhinged - She seems like that one kid with no trauma vibing at the edge of [every other kid having trauma] and not really getting it but trying her best - Is she also twelve?????? She maybe looks twelve
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- HIS CABBAGES - fulfills my favourite trope: ordinary person repeatedly has life disrupted by the inconveniences of relying on actual children to save the world - probably has a campaign post canon for letting trained adults fix the worlds’ problems in the future - or sets up the Very First Cabbage Insurance Company - look at him. he loves his cabbages so much. you go you funky lil cabbage man
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- LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO GOOD - small. fluffy. big ears - Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty: his Momoness - a Good Boy...
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- he looks so soft... - he can fly but he just does it by??? vibing through the air?? motionless??? iconic - I saw that one post about mishearing it as Abba and thinking he was Aang’s dad and he looks like he would be a good stand in dad ngl - he’s so LORGE - a chonky boy - love him
that is everyone I have heard of it and if I left someone out it’s a sign that y’all should talk about em more bc I have no clue they exist put more ATLA On my Dash ig I’ll do Legend of Korra ig maybe apparently that one has canon wlw and i love me some canon wlw
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siriuslydimwitted · 3 years
Liar, Liar, Liar // d.m
a/n: disclaimer: this blog is not for draco, i just wanted to write for draco but i will write for other characters too
warnings: manipulative sad boi draco, underage drinking, swearing ig, this is unedited so pls be kind, thank you
summary: you gave him too many chances
word count: 1k
I promise I’ll change hmm…
How many times have you ever heard those words come out from the same lips, from Draco Malfoy’s lips
He always says those when he did something that might hurt you, but he’s doing it over and over again. I will never be an asshole again, I promise. The moment he says ‘I promise’, you will melt and will believe every lie he said
Of course, he promised so he will never do it again, a promise shouldn’t be broken.
“Your boyfriend’s drunk again,” you heard your friend shout from the top of her lungs, the commonroom was filled with loud sound and chattering “and eyeing someone again,” she continued to shout whilst drinking her whiskey every yell
You didn’t respond and the only thing you could do was to look at your boyfriend’s dancing figure and a girl clinging on his body like a leech. Tears started to flow from your eyes down your chin
I promise I promise, I promise. In the end, it was all just words from a liar’s mouth
Unconsciously, you walk forward them with your fist folded. Every pace you make, the faster your heart is pounding, the closer they got to each other
You did something you don’t know you could do, your hands ran up to the girl’s hair and grab it fistful. As if the girl was not there you yank her away and face the tall, pale, blond boy who were shocked. Ignoring the gasp from the other student you spoke “Let’s talk,”
“Hey, hey let me explain,” he quickly said after following you outside, his eyes were painted with worry. Afraid that you might leave him that you might cry, that he might hurt you again. Which he did.
“I don’t need an explanation, Draco,” you spat dangerously, but your body couldn’t move. Your heart is bursting with resentment and sting. You wanted to end this but you’re sure as hell you will be the one who will miss him the most “Let’s end this,” risking it wouldn’t hurt him
That’s what you thought, not until you heard a light sob from him “please,” his voice was soft as a pillow “you know I can’t find nobody else as good as you,” sob, sob, sob until he got on his knees and hold your waist. “I need you to stay,” he never did this before, you know he’s in pain but you also know damn well that he’s manipulative
“One. Last. Chance,” how foolish of you. How many times have you ever said those? But you still gave him another chance
For the last few weeks, you can say that he’d improved. He always helps you with your homework and always peppering you with kisses and so on. They said once a cheater, always a cheater, he might not have cheated on you sexually but he does mentally
“Draco!” you snapped at him when you see him looking at someone
“s-sorry I was just thinking,” he said making an alibi which you didn’t buy that much but you still wanted to believe that he’s changed
Weeks have passed and the old Draco came back, the deceitful one. The coldness hit your cheeks, he said he will make it up to you. He wanted to take you on a date at least once a week, that’s why you’re at Madam Puddifoot’s waiting for your boyfriend
Other Hogwarts students started to come and go but a blond Malfoy is nowhere to be found. Maybe he doesn’t deserve all the chances you gave him.
At last, you decided to go back to the castle instead of waiting for him. Too many sacrifices are made and too much pain had suffered, enough is enough, another chance was not worth to give and it’ll never be worth it if the person you had given a chance is always tossing it away
But your heart is always ready to forgive and to grieve another pain for him not until
“draco?” all you can do is whisper his name, you can’t move an inch as you saw the person who caused you pain is doing something to hurt you again. That’s the reason why he didn’t show up, because of another girl. Because of a temporary happiness
His arms are wrapped around her much smaller waist and the other are holding her neck to deepen the kiss. Both of their eyes are shut and their lips are dancing in harmony like he wanted it forever. He forgot everything for an impermanent pleasure
“Is it good?” what kind of question is that? But you ask it anyway the moment you arrived in front of them. You felt a cold zephyr again like what you felt outside earlier but this time, it’s in your heart that causing it to suffer more
“y-y/n?” draco spoke in a raspy voice, “let me explain, love,” blah blah blah, you already saw it! What else do you need to hear?
“we’re over,” you said it again but this time it’s real and no hesitation. All those pain you’ve suffered and all those chances he chose to jerk away, another chance wouldn’t heal anything
Draco called you continuously but you didn’t turn back, he called you but never ran for you. He’s not in love, he just wanted to feel your existence and the attention you’re giving him
“Please don’t leave me,” you know it’s a shit idea, but you waited for him at the commonroom “i can’t live without you,” that’s when you know, he’s not worth it
Beg, beg, beg, he begged you but all you can do is to stand there and remain silent. He stood up and hold both of your cheeks, he kissed you, he moved his lips in hopes you will reciprocate it but you didn’t
“h-hey,” he chuckles bitterly as you wipe the saliva on your mouth “hey, I love you, I’m sorry, I’ll change I promise,” promises are not rules but it was meant to be broken… for him.
You turn away from him and didn’t say anything, it’s over. He will never change.
requests are open
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razzle-berry · 3 years
I have to get this off my chest cuz damn if no one wants to say it, I will! We all know how shitty Quirk society is when it comes to mutation quirks, being quirkless, subtle quirks, or quirks that are just perceived as evil. So I’d like to request hc’s of Shoji, Shinsou, Aizawa, and Fatgum with an s/o that hates people that judge quirks or try to let the bullshit slide.
For example, Shoji’s s/o dislikes Pony from Class 1-B for how she insulted Shoji’s appearance despite not knowing him at all, so she tends to keep a stone face or glare on anyone like that unless they apologize. Would deadass say “He’s not the monster here, you are.”
Shinsou’s s/o would openly call people cowards/idiots for antagonizing Shinsou’s quirk when it could be used for interrogating villains and subtletly get information from enemy sources, so she’s more than happy to defend him and others like him.
And Aizawa’s/Fatgum’s s/o just openly points out the bullshit ethics of the society for how no one should be discriminated or ranked for their quirk since they can’t help being born with whatever quirk they have and even calls out pro-hero’s that holds the whole “flashy quirk >” mindset *cough*Endeavor*cough* since it could demotivate and make others insecure about being a hero or even using their quirks at all.
This was long but quirk discrimination got me heated and I rarely see anyone talk about it or do hc’s about it.
I feel you. I hate this so much too especially because so many people have or may have suffered in the show because of this! I was actually just talking about this with one of my friends earlier lol.
There's going to be a bit if a stylistic change with this hc so bear with me please.
Warnings: Discrimination, swearing, Y/N is about to go off on someone, slight angst ig
Character(s): Shoji, Shinso, Aizawa, Fatgum
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Mezo Shoji
Let’s just start off by saying that anybody who has the audacity to call Shoji a monster can catch not just his your, but my hands as well. This man is so strong, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well to not let the blatant discrimination turn him away from wanting to be a hero. (Absolutely no hate to those who did go down that path because of it though, they still valid)
Shoji can, for the most part, handle himself in these situations. While they hurt, he grew up having to deal with it and is sadly used to it
But the first time you went off on someone for judging him, it made him fall deeper in love 
“How dare you!” The cafeteria chatter and traffic in the mall seemed to freeze in time as your voice carried out. In front of you was a rather tall man who could have been considered attractive if not for his ugly words. Mezo stood behind you, looking at you in shock at how angry you had become. 
“Mezo is an amazing hero, and even better person, and you have the absolute nerve to insult him because of how he looks?” 
The man started to sweat underneath your heavy gaze, as well as the whispers that started to grow around you two. Mezo decided to step in and placed a hand on your shoulder. 
“Darling, it’s okay.”
“No it’s not.” You sent him a brief smile before turning you glare onto the stranger. “You’re not the monster here, he is.” 
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Hitoshi Shinso 
He’s used to people referring to him as a villain the second they know what his quirk is and by the time we the audience meet him, he’s accepted it
He’s fallen into such a deep pit of insecurity, it’s a wonder he even managed to accept that you weren’t afraid of him, let alone have romantic interest him 
The first time he saw you jump to his, or any other person that's like him, defense he was in shock.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Hitoshi stopped and stared at you in shock.
A small villain had tried to keep the restaurant hostage for some reason or another and had a woman at gun point as he talked to the police outside. While currently not on duty, Hitoshi still had his licence and controlled the villain to safely return the woman to her family and turn himself in. He tried to go comfort the woman and see if he needed anything, only for her to scream at him for having such a villainous quirk. Naturally, he was upset but he was willing and ready to move on from the unfortunately common situation and just go back to his lunch date with you. Seemed like you had other plans.
"This man just saved you, and you want to call him a villain? How much of a child do you have to be to think that someone's quirk determines what they become. Hitoshi is a wonderful hero, and his so called 'villainous' quirk has helped save hundreds of people!"
Hitoshi took your hand and started pulling you away from the woman, as you were getting closer.
"Calm down, it's fine. I'm used to it."
"Well you shouldn't be! It's people like this that create the villains in this society. Not everyone is as stubborn as you, hearing that you're going to be a villain based on nothing but something you can't control would break someone enough and have then actually turn into a villain!"
You looked at the woman in absolute rage and disgust.
"I hope you're proud of yourself."
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Shota Aizawa
He someone who not only grew up with a non flashy quirk, but also is a hero without a flashy quirk. Barely anyone knows who he is because of that, as well as his underground career. While that's a good thing, all things considered, he was and is still a victim of hero society's discrimination
Shota doesn't like UA's entrance exam because it's impractical, and we know he knows that the bias allows for talented potential heroes to slip through because they're not flashy or physically strong. He would have first hand knowledge of this since it almost happened to him.
You, on the other hand, weren't a hero. At least not one like him. You helped people like him know that they're still able to become heroes, no matter what other may say about their quirks and he loved you for it.
"He might not have a strong physical quirk that allows for flashy moves to appeal to an audience, but that doesn't mean he isn't useful, or powerful."
You two were on a date when a fan, if you could even call him that, had walked up to Shota and started asking questions. All was okay until he asked if he ever felt bad for not being as powerful or useful as someone like All Might or Endeavor.
"Yeah, but he's-"
"His own person with his own accomplishments that you probably never even heard about because the media didn't care enough. He's worth so much more than a fancy quirk and a camera ready smile. Now, go back to whatever you were doing, we are busy."
Shota chuckled and allowed you to pull him along.
"You didn't have to do that, you know."
"Doesn't matter, you are an amazing hero and I don't appreciate anyone saying otherwise because of something so stupid as a flashy quirk. Especially when they compare you to fucking Endeavor of all people!"
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Fatgum/Toyomitsu Taishiro 
Toyomitsu has a quirk that, on the surface, doesn’t seem very useful for hero work. I imagine that he was made very aware of that growing up, and even as he debuted as a hero.
Not to mention that his quirk, when activated, makes body shape turn into an almost oval, vague snowman shape so that might have set some people off. For such a friendly guy, that would have been a cause for insecurity at one point seeing as he genuinely wants people to be happy.
You were someone who never saw him like that and held him through tougher nights when the media got too harsh on him. You were even someone not afraid to get in front of a reporter’s camera and tear them a new one.
“What kind of a ridiculous question is that?” 
It was a few weeks after his debut and some people were still mocking him for his quirk. On the surface, fat absorption didn’t seem like much and for someone who doesn’t know Toyo- excuse me- Fatgum (he’s a hero now, you thought proudly), it might even seem useless. But you knew better, and you thought that it was about time others did too. 
“Just because Fatgum’s quirk isn’t flashy and destructive, it doesn’t mean he should feel inadequate next to someone who does have one like that, and I don’t appreciate you insinuating that he should.” 
The reporter recoiled slightly, and tried to stutter out a response. 
“I'm- I'm not-!"
"Fatgum is already an amazing hero, and he's only going to get better. So you can take your prejudice and find a new job because clearly being a reporter is not a good field for you!"
"Sugar, it's okay!" Fatgum placed his hand on your shoulder and smiled. "I'm just going to have to prove them wrong!"
His cheery demeanor was enough to calm you down a bit, but still you couldn't resist shooting the chastised reporter a sharp glare, causing them to shrink back. You smirked at the sight.
"You already have."
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drawlfoy · 3 years
Wonders of Ohio P.10
masterlist request guidelines
pairing: draco x reader
request: no way 
summary: american high school senior y/n y/l/n is in for a surprise when her british exchange student is a little...odd. 
warnings (AYO please pay attention to these this time it’s not just swearing): swearing, underage drinking (no i do not condone this ig), beginning elements of smut but def not too explicit, i think you can consider it dubcon ?? if both people are drunk bc i don’t think you can actually consent if youre drunk (plz rest assured tho they are both 18 hehe)
a/n: “hey where did this come from” yeah so hey yall ive never written such an intense scene before but i’ve spent so much time w these characters that i decided i kind of had to. there’s no like...real sex in this and i don’t imagine that i’d describe it in this much detail if i ever decided to write it but um.. anyways. i hope y’all enjoy. thanks for suffering for this long ! i hope i’ve made it worth it 
word count: 4k
music recs: 
cloud 9 -- beach bunny
the adults are talking -- the strokes
anything from the strokes tbh 
tags ! :) @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @straightzoinked @imintoodeeptostop @naiomimoonshard @jejegu @ophelia-enthusiast @alwaysbeanunknownfan @nearly-memories @litty-dumb @callieclearwater @malfoy-wife15 @charlenasaxen @belladaises @fiantomartell @writeandtranslate @erisdogwood @loveissupernatural @sycathorn-slush @big-galaxy-chaos
“Thank fucking god for the generator,” said Y/N as she flew around the kitchen, banging pots and pans together in her quest to make New Year’s Eve breakfast. Draco was sitting, unamused and completely silent, at the table. They’d been snowed in for a few days now with her parents nowhere near able to make it to the suburbs. For some reason, the entire city of Cincinnati had decided that the day before Christmas was the best time to schedule maintenance on literally every single one of their plows. “Can you imagine living here without heat? Or power? I’d die.”
Draco hummed in response. A glance over confirmed that he was deep in thought, a scarlet colored letter clutched firmly in his hand (hello, Nathaniel Hawthorne). Jealousy curdled inside of her as her thoughts turned to a dark place--it was Pansy, that Pansy Parkinson. 
Knowing her intuition, she was probably his grandmother or something. Why else would she have written so many letters?
After she finished plating all of the pancakes, she allowed herself to sneak a peek at the envelope. 
Astoria Greengrass
She frowned. Astoria? She’d never seen that name before. 
“What is this?” asked Draco as he picked up his fork to poke at the pancake on his plate.
Y/N’s jaw dropped. “Have you never had a pancake before?”
“A pancake?” He gave his plate a stern look. “It looks...like a soggy pastry.”
“Fuck you, I made that,” responded Y/N. “Try it with butter and maple syrup. And then tell me it’s a soggy pastry.”
She took out her fork and knife, demonstrating very clearly what she meant as she spread butter over the top of her pancake. She’d learned that Draco was too proud to ask what she meant when she introduced him to American/muggle foods--the last time he tried to deduce something himself, he ended up pouring ketchup over the top of his hamburger bun instead of actually putting it on the patty. 
A sense of satisfaction flowed into her as she saw him follow suit, spreading the warmed butter and dipping a cut piece in syrup. He raised it to his lips, taking a delicate bite.
“Americans really have this for breakfast?”
“Yeah…is something wrong?”
“Nothing. It’s just…” He grimaced. “This isn’t breakfast. This is dessert food.”
“God, your life must be so sad back home,” said Y/N. “What does your family make you eat--just straight unbuttered bread under the guise of it being a real breakfast food? Do they let you dip it in your unsweetened, weak tea if you’re good?”
He scoffed. “You have no idea how I live back at home.”
“And, judging from this conversation, I don’t have any desire to know any more.”
They ate in silence for the next few minutes. Y/N smiled when she saw Draco reach for a second pancake.
“Two desserts? Draco, I know it’s New Year’s, but don’t get too off the hinges,” she teased. 
He rolled his eyes, but she could tell her was fighting back a smile. “Speaking of which, how do you celebrate New Year’s?”
Draco looked up and met her eyes. “Sorry?”
“How do you celebrate tonight? With your family or your friends, or your...whatever.” The cold reality of the fact that she did not really know if he was dating someone back home set in.
“Oh, I don’t usually. It’s not really a big thing in the magical community,” he mused, unaware of her sudden panic.
“Well,” she said. “I always celebrate New Year’s with my friends. I didn’t tell you this sooner because I didn’t think that you were going to be here, but I’m kind of hosting a party here tonight. With anyone who can walk here.”
“Oh.” He took a sip of his tea. “Will it be like the Halloween party at Sylvia’s?”
“What do you mean?” She smiled. “Do you mean, will there be drinking?”
He shrugged in response, avoiding eye contact.
“There definitely can be,” she continued, her smile widening. “Last year we played this dumb drinking game over this card game--if you lost, you took a shot. It was fun. We could do that again.”
She settled down to eat, digging into two of the pancakes. They were really good--she wasn’t Gordon Ramsay by any means, but she did breakfast food pretty well. But at the mention of her friends, a realization hit her. “Oh. Draco?”
He raised an eyebrow and met her eyes.
“Um, can I tell you something?” 
He dipped his head in recognition while Y/N cleared her throat.
“So, um, I forgot about this,” she began, “but while you were gone, I kind of had to scramble to figure out what to tell everyone about why we were avoiding each other before you left. And why you left so suddenly and why I didn’t know.”
He was still watching her in curious silence. 
“So, I really didn’t want to slip up or say anything about...you.” Y/N paused to take a sip of her tea, deciding to not try to look at Draco again. “So I decided to tell Sylvia and Lizzy that I told you my feelings for you and you didn’t return them.”
A clang startled her enough to look up. Draco was staring, completely frozen. His fork had fallen into the syrup on his plate, handle and all.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. 
“I mean, oh, fuck. Um.” She smiled at him, hoping it was going to distract from her audible stumble. “Obviously, I made it all up. I mean, both sides! But what’s important is that they bought it, and now they’re probably going to give you a little shit for not liking me ‘back’. So I’m sorry about that.”
“Made it all up, huh?” His voice had a surprisingly teasing lilt. 
“Yes, that is in fact what I said,” she responded, hoping that her cheeks weren’t as red as they felt hot.
“Is it really now?” 
He rolled his eyes. “I’ll be back. I need a new fork.”
“Just wipe off the handle of the one you have now--Draco, why are you getting up? Stop!”
To her disappointment, none of her friends were able to show. Sylvia and Lizzy made a concerted effort to try and convince their family to let them brave the walk, but once another flurry started up outside, it was hopeless. Her face turned pink whenever she thought about the fact that she hadn’t even needed to tell Draco the thing that made her slip up in the first place. 
Y/N, disappointed but not surprised, told Draco that she still wanted to celebrate, even if it was just with him. He’d snorted at this--asking her why she made it seem like such a burden--but once she produced a yellow glass bottle and a deck of cards and told him she bet that she was going to beat his sorry ass, he caved.
She started with a heavy lead, but once Draco learned the rules and strategies of the slightly convoluted Go Fish game, he proved to be a worthy match. They played until around 11:45 when the bottle was about 3/4 full and Y/N was feeling the pleasant warmth of being slightly intoxicated. Once she noticed the time, she threw her cards on the table. 
“Let’s watch the ball drop,” Y/N said with no further explanation, even when Draco looked to her for one. She grabbed the bottle and his hand, pulling him up the stairs to her room. The remote control for her TV was a struggle to find--it was all the way tucked back in her nightstand drawer--but thankfully the channel was already set. 
“You forgot the cups,” Draco said, staring down at the opened bottle held in his hand.
“You can get them if you want,” she managed.
“You should! You forgot them.”
“Too far,” she whined, flopping to lean back on her pillows while Draco followed suit. His hair smelled like peppermint. Without much more thought, she moved close enough that their shoulders were touching. He didn’t move away--instead, he lifted the bottle to his lips and took a drink directly. 
“Your New Year’s traditions are weird as fuck,” he murmured as he watched Savannah Guthrie on the screen. He didn’t have to speak very loud for her to hear him, and it seemed like he knew this.
“Oh, you haven’t even heard it all yet,” said Y/N. “We’ve got a tradition to kiss someone going into the New Year. New Year’s kiss, I guess. I’m sure you can imagine the kind of drama that creates.”
“What d’you mean?”
“You don’t have to be dating to kiss someone, sometimes people just...do it. As friends.” Y/N reached over to the bottle and took a swig herself, feeling the warmth trickle down her throat.
“Take it easy,” he tutted, pulling the bottle away from her before taking another drink himself. 
“Hey! Says you!”
“Because I can actually hold my liquor well,” he teased, giving her a shove.
“The fuck are you talking about?”
“You just kept getting worse and worse at whatever that game was,” he told her matter-of-factly.
“Give it here,” she said, reaching across his chest to where he was holding the bottle, out and above his head. She hoped he couldn’t tell how much this side of him filled her with glee. “That’s not fair!”
“Not fair, huh?” He raised an eyebrow and met her eyes as he held it up even further into the air. His voice was startlingly low. “So what are you gonna do about it?”
Before she could muster up a response, the TV began playing the audio for the New Year’s Countdown.
Y/N wasn’t sure if she was supposed to answer--or if he was just...flirting?
He managed to set the bottle on her nightstand without taking his eyes off of her.
The hand she had used to reach across him with was now pressed into his side of the bed, supporting her as she hovered over him.
Without moving any part of her body, she dared to glance at his parted lips.
Maybe telling him about the kiss tradition was a stupid idea.
His hand, warm and soft,  reached up to brush a piece of hair away from her cheekbone. 
His fingers lingered on the outline of her jaw.
He was kissing her before the cheers from the TV even had the chance to bounce around the room, both hands cupping her face and pulling her in so desperately that it took her breath away.
Her hands found his shoulders, then the back of his neck, and then, eventually his hair. It was just as soft as she imagined it to be. They started out innocently enough--closed mouth kisses and only their hands touching each other above the shoulders--but once she tugged on his hair (mostly by accident) something...shifted. 
Suddenly he was on top of her, and suddenly her leg was wrapped around him as he tilted his head, deepening the kiss. It occurred to her that this was no longer just a New Year’s kiss. He tasted of lemon and sugar--and was notably better at what he was doing than any of the people she’d kissed before. Or maybe it was the alcohol clouding her judgement. Regardless, she liked whatever was going on. His hands had drifted from her face to her neck to her hair to her shoulder, gently tracing the outline of her bra strap. She brushed her hand down his chest, pulling gently at the collar on his shirt. Only when his leg pressed up into her and her breath hitched did she realize the weight of their situation.
The way he pulled away to hover over her signaled that he’d had the same revelation, his eyes wide as he stared down at her. “Um…”
“Yeah?” Dread crept into her despite the pleasant haze she was in. 
He swallowed, hard. “I can’t believe I did that.”
Draco was on the other side of the bed in seconds, wringing his hands and keeping his eyes fixed on her floor. “Oh, my god, I can’t believe I did that. I’m sorry. I’m drunk and I’m not thinking straight. I’m so sorry.”
“Is something wrong?” She didn’t know if he wanted her to touch him, but she wanted so badly to place a steadying hand on his shoulder. “Did you not want...it?”
He scoffed and turned his gaze up to the ceiling. “I had too much to drink. I’m sorry.”
“Oh.” Y/N felt the blood drain from her face as she fell back on the bed.
That’s all it was. A drunken mistake. 
Tears pricked at her eyes as she surveyed her options. Despite the fact that she was drunk off her ass, she knew she couldn’t just tell him to leave without making her feelings clear. She never explicitly told him that she wanted him and it wasn’t like she moaned his name or anything--thank god--but what other option did she have? She didn’t want to cry in front of him, and if he stayed in her room any longer he would without a doubt witness her alcohol induced cry fest. 
NBC finally switched to ads, and Y/N granted herself permission to mourn the fact that Flo from Progressive would forever be ruined for her. 
It was dark enough for her to quickly reach up and wipe her eyes undetected, granting her enough confidence to sit up and look at him directly. “You don’t get to just...kiss me like that. I hope you know that.”
“I know,” he said. His hands were clasped tightly together and rested on his nose. “Fuck. Of course I know.”
“But you can tell me you meant it to be just as friends,” she told him, hoping he couldn’t see how hard she was fighting back a new wave of tears. 
“As friends,” he repeated, his tone flat. 
“As friends,” she said. 
“I don’t think either of us are daft enough to believe that.” 
Her stomach twisted. “What do you mean?”
“Maybe things are different in America, but I don’t see you doing that sort of thing with Lizzy.”
“We can forget about this. It’s fine. I know you regret it.”
He exhaled, his breath long and shaky. “I didn’t stop because I regretted it.”
“Then why did you?”
“Is it because I’m a muggle?” His silence was everything she needed for an answer. “Okay. I had a feeling.”
“Y/N, it’s not like...I don’t know how to explain it.” He still wouldn’t make eye contact with her. “I just don’t know what to do.”
“About what?” 
“About this!” he said, dramatically gesturing to her. “About everything!”
“I don’t understand.” The tears began pricking in the corners of her eyes again despite her best efforts. 
Draco finally looked at her. She was shocked by how genuinely distressed he looked--the last time he looked at her like this, she’d been laying on the ground outside of the antique sore. “I don’t expect you to.”
His tone was low, careful. He was holding back.
“Can you just tell me how you feel about me, then? Just so I know?”
“It’s not that--” He stopped himself, sucking in another breath before he continued. “I shouldn’t. It’s not right of me.” He groaned, flopping onto his back and covering his face. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“Hey,” Y/N said, reaching out to awkwardly pat his shoulder. “I meant it when I said that we could just forget about it. We’re friends, Draco. Just friends. I know you didn’t mean it. Let’s just pretend this never happened, ok?”
He was quiet for a bit before responding. “Did you...want me to kiss you? Did I make you uncomfortable?”
“As in, did you want me to stop?”
“Oh.” Y/N cracked her knuckles. “You didn’t violate me if you’re asking to gauge how guilty you should be.” 
“I’m glad to hear that, but that’s not why I’m asking.”
“Okay,” she said simply. He was still laying in her bed, and she hated the fact that her bed was going to smell like him until she washed everything. 
“So?” He raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t answer.”
“We’re friends, Draco.” She sent him a weak smile as she repeated her previous sentiment. “I trust you, so you didn’t make me uncomfortable.” 
She was aware of the fact that her sentence didn’t exactly track, but she wasn’t particularly concerned with the literary quality of her speech.
“That still doesn’t answer my other question.”
“I…” She felt her throat dry up. “I want--I wanted you to kiss me. I’ve wanted you to kiss me for a while now.” 
At this, he finally sat up and looked her in the eyes. She thought she could see the briefest glint of relief pass over his face before he managed to rein it back to a neutral expression.
“Did you want to kiss me?”
“I was the one who kissed you, not the other way around, yeah?”
“That still doesn’t answer my question,” she snipped, hoping he caught on to her mocking. She’d missed sparring with him. 
“Yes, I kissed you because I wanted to, not for some weird ulterior motive,” he responded, rolling his eyes despite the fact that his cheeks were clearly very pink, even in her dimly lit room. “Though I agree it’s best if we just stayed friends.”
“Yeah.” She felt her face fall, but she managed to catch it before she looked too devastated. “It’s all water under the bridge. Now we know not to drink together again.”
“That too.” He shifted, clearing his throat before making eye contact with her again with an uncharacteristically soft expression. “But the damage is already done, I suppose?”
“I suppose,” she echoed. “You wanted to kiss me? Actually?”
“Should we really talk about this? After what we just said about staying friends?”
“We’re going to feel regret tomorrow morning no matter what we do now, “ said Y/N. “Might as well.”
He smiled one of his rare smiles--the ones where his eyes went all soft and he dipped his head to hide it. “Yes. I really do. Want to kiss you, that is.”
“I really want you to kiss me,” she blurted out before slapping her hand over her mouth in shock. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that out loud.” 
His smile morphed into more of a smirk as he crept closer, his hand resting on top of her knee. “So can I do it again?”
“Draco…” She sighed.
“The damage is already done,” he repeated as he reached his hand up to brush a lock of her hair behind her ear, his fingers dragging down her neck. The smug look that formed on his face after she drew a quick breath in confirmed that he knew what he was doing, that fucker. “You said it yourself--we’re just friends.”
“I’m going to hate myself in the morning if I say yes.”
 Draco’s hand drifted over her jaw, his thumb pausing to trace over her bottom lip. “You can hate me instead.” 
This time, it didn’t surprise her so much when he leaned in. He was notably less desperate, taking time to draw breaths in between kisses and lacing his fingers through hers, squeezing. Once he seemed satisfied, he lifted her chin and brushed the hair away from her neck, kissing down from her jaw to her collarbone. She shivered, and he drew her closer by wrapping his arms around her until she was sitting on his lap.
“Wow, you’re such a good friend, Draco,” she managed to joke. She could feel the smirk that formed on his lips as it passed over her clavicle.
 “Shut up.” His teeth grazed over her delicate skin before he sucked, eliciting a gasp from her. She could feel him smile again. 
His hands teased the bottom hemline of her sweater, his fingers tangling in the fabric but not moving it. She sucked in a breath, feeling his hands ghost over her skin. 
“Are you okay with…”
“Yes!” The answer came out much quicker than she would’ve liked, but the grin on Draco’s face made it completely worth the momentary embarrassment as he helped her out of the thick cable-knit sweater. “Now is your chance to dote on me and tell me how beautiful I am. As a friend, of course.”
“You stole the words right out of my mouth,” he said. He looked like he was positively glowing as she smiled and leaned in to kiss him, slow and deep. His hands found her back and hesitated over her bra clasp.
Before he had a chance to do anything, Y/N started fiddling with the buttons on his white shirt, successfully undoing the first two before she noticed that Draco had frozen completely.
“Is something wrong?”
“Kind of,” he said. “Maybe...not now, okay?”
“I had a feeling that was too much,” she admitted, reaching for her top before realizing he’d tossed it across her bedroom floor and suddenly feeling very exposed.
“It’s not that…” he said, trailing off. “I just...should probably tell you some things before my shirt comes off. And I don’t think tonight is the best time for that.”
“Oh.” Y/N tried to make herself look like she understood whatever he was on about. “Yeah, of course. Oh! Is it about that tattoo you tried to gaslight me into believing didn’t exist?”
“Y/N!” he exclaimed. “I didn’t gaslight you!”
“Here you go again,” she huffed. “I rest my case.” 
“And I am not getting into that now,” he said. “I didn’t want to talk about it for very good reason.” 
She reached up to his shoulders, dragging her fingertips over his collarbones and watching as he gazed up at her. “That’s okay. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
The corners of his lips turned up at this, and she took the opportunity to press a chaste kiss on the edge of his mouth. “I think we should go to sleep. We have enough material to regret for tomorrow at this point. Any more and I think we’ll be getting greedy, so--”
Draco cut her off with one last kiss, his fingers splayed out across her back, pulling her impossibly close before finally releasing her.
“Agreed.” He let out a sigh before sliding her off him and standing up to grab her runaway sweater. “Do you want to sleep in this? Or do you want me to get you something else from your dresser while I’m up?”
“Um…” She was frozen at the prospect of him watching her change clothes. “Probably something else. Top left drawer--just pick whatever.”
He sifted through her piles of random T-shirts before settling on one with the UChicago logo and tossing it to her. 
Y/N pulled it over her head, grateful for the fact that he wasn’t staring at her with only a black lace bra that barely did its job. 
“So, uh, I think I should probably go then,” he said. 
She fought the urge to ask him to stay. “Yeah, that’d be best.”
His mouth opened like he was about to say something, but he closed it and frowned. “So I guess this is goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Draco,” she replied. “I’ll look forward to agonizing over this in the morning.”
Once the sounds of his footsteps heading down the hall faded, she finally allowed herself to flop back onto her now Draco-scented sheets.
What the fuck just happened.
final a/n: hellooooooo ! it finally happened! i hope this didn’t seem rushed or unnatural to you guys but like. it’s been over 30k words and i thought you guys deserved something. yes i am going to be leaning into the whole “we’re just friends” trope while definitely not being just friends. yes i am going to drag astoria into this i’m excited i hope yall enjoyed
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corrupt-fvcker · 4 years
Good Grief (Din Djarin x fem!Reader)
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Good Grief ( Din Djarin x fem!Reader )
Warning: angst!angst!angst!, sweet ‘n fluffy ending
Word Count: 3.3K
Author’s Note: inspired by bastille's song good grief as well as this one sad poem my sister read to me a while ago that i just can't remember the name of. i originally wrote this as a din x ofc but i didn’t like it as much. 
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Nothing would ever be the same. His absence like a lost limb; a supposed constant, something you relied on — but now it's missing. He's missing. And it still catches you off guard, making your heart stutter tightly in your chest with the shock of it, sharp like twisting a rusty knife. You are no longer sure of which pain was worse — the piercing shock of what happened or the longing ache of what never will.
You can still hear his voice echoing in the caves of your mind, urging you to take the Child and run. Asking you to leave him behind, granting him his wish of a warrior's death even if that meant leaving you in return.
Perhaps it was selfish, but you had refused to leave him for death. Because Din Djarin was not the Grim Reaper's to take. He was Mando, your Mando. The father of your adopted green child that ate frogs and almost killed Cara with some sort of fucking magic because he thought she was hurting his dad. The Mandalorian that removed his layers of beskar so that you could feel something new, something other than cold cuffs around your wrists and the incessant emptiness that had hollowed out your chest all those years ago. The man that trusted you with his entire life despite your reputation of being dishonest and greedy. Din Djarin, who you loved even though you’re reluctant and too stubborn to ever mutter the three words that always caught in your throat whenever you looked at him.
And you selfishly didn't want to lose him.
You didn't want to feel yourself missing him whenever you heard his favorite song on the radio -- an old tune by some one-hit-wonder that had been popular decades ago. You’d always catch Din tapping his foot to the beat when it played in dingy cantinas despite claiming that he didn't like music because it was just orchestrated excess noise. And maybe that was true with all the other songs in the galaxy, but this one particular song managed to seep through the thick layers of beskar and sneak into Din's ears. But if he left you, you could only grow to hate the song, dreading to hear it because you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from instinctively turning your head to flash a teasing grin where he would've been standing, tapping his foot along. 
But more than you could ever hate a song, you’d hate yourself. For allowing someone to hold such a firm grasp around your heart when you know that they could be ripped away from you at any moment, surely taking your heart along with them. But most of all, you’d hate yourself for not being enough — fast enough to save him, brave enough to give him the final goodbye he wholly deserves.
He had collapsed, lying helplessly on top of a table that only Cara was strong enough to lay him on. You couldn't see the blood but you could smell it, flooding and then suffocating your senses until your head spun and you felt yourself stifling back a sob until a coarse lump lodged in you throat.
"This is the Way," he told you, choking through the phrase as his visor steadily focused on you after you insisted on removing his helmet so that his head wound could be treated. And you could feel a shred of dignity wither and welt as the words left your quivering, chapped lips. You knew just as well as Din what it meant to break such an oath, you knew how deeply Din was devoted to the Creed. Din was a Mandalorian, he was before he met you on Arvala-7 on the vapor farm. When he had met you all that time ago, he had intended to die a Mandalorian and some things just never change.
Your muscles had turned to stone as you stared down at him, your lips parted but no air filling your restricting lungs. You didn't need to remove his helmet to know that he was gazing up at you through the black visor, memorizing every curve, freckle, blush, and blemish of your face because he had the feeling that this was going to be the very last time he would ever have the pleasure of admiring your beauty for a long while.
Tell him, the voice in your mind prodded, tearing through your dazed state.
You blinked, your wide eyes lining with tears that threatened to spill over. A shaky breath hissing through your clenched teeth as you unwillingly cried, salty droplets streaking down your soot and blood dusted cheeks before dropping off the edge of your jaw.
Din's heart tightened. In all the time he's known you, he's never once seen you cry. You shed no tears even when a blaster bolt had hit you directly in your torso, stumbling to the ground and seething with pain. Your eyes were dry from the point the plasma struck you up until Din was spraying a thick layer of bacta over the wound. He had thought it was strange that you had never cried, wondering if you just bottled up your emotions until you are in the privacy of the 'fresher or if you had a weird anti-crying medical condition that you didn’t like to talk about. All Din knew was that he never wanted to see you cry — but now you’re bawling and it was because of him.
Words strangled through thick and heavy sobs, your hands lifting to press against your eyes, rubbing at the tears, and blocking your vision. "What's gonna be left of the world if you're not in it?"
His chest deflates. 
You hear him call your name, though between the thrumming of your heart and the crackling fire surrounding the two of you, his voice sounds distant. 
The cracked leather of his hand startles you as it brushes against the soft skin of your wrist before seizing your trembling hands. His grip is strong and firm, his thumb stroking the lines of your palm as if he was trying to determine your future so he could promise you that you’d be okay. Even though you knew you wouldn't be.
And as you clasp your other hand over his, holding him in place, the painful lump solidifies in your throat and blocks of any words that your mind is desperately trying to push through your paling lips.
"You need to go," Din told you, giving your hand a squeeze that was supposed to be reassuring but only made your chest rack with another pathetic sob.
Now or never.
"Din," you mutter in a broken voice, savoring his name on your tongue like it was your last meal. His helmet tilts slightly, his grasp on your hand tightening as he awaits you to say your goodbye. Because even though you are dreading the three words that you could only ever think quietly in your own mind, Din was praying for them because he wanted so desperately to know. He would've told you if he surely wasn't going to die, it would only be cruel to tell you now.
You swallow thickly, the lump strangling you. You pause, forcing yourself to kriffing breathe before squeezing your eyes shut tightly, focusing on the feeling of his hand.
You choked. "Thank you."
It's like the entire world— the entire universe stops. Halting as Din gives your hand one last final squeeze and nodding because he too would forever be grateful to have stumbled across someone as beautiful as you on Arvala-7. He'd forever be thankful for you for being so easy to love.
And then you left, stumbling through the kicked open grate without daring to turn to look over her shoulder, leaving the only man you could ever love behind in thick clouds of smoke. 
Your mind is broken, all you knew was that you had to get to Cara and Karga.
You’re sprinting faster than you’ve ever in your life, tears streaming down your face as you race through the tunnels. 
Karga and Cara lower their raised weapons when you round the corner of the tunnel, your usual mischievous and calculating eyes bloodshot and burning.
Your heart is pounding in your ears, deafening loud as your footsteps falter and you nearly fall flat on your face if it wasn't for Cara's strong arms that caught you. You’re still sobbing, uncontrollably and you can't fucking hear or see now because the tears are so damn thick and your heartbeat is so loud.
In the distance, hidden in the thick and constant thrumming of your heart, you can hear Cara calling your name. Her voice was fainter than a whisper, despite Cara nearly yelling in your numb face as she shakes your trembling form. But every word Cara spoke slipped through your ears, your thoughts on Din who was now only a memory that would involuntarily fade in time.
He's dead. He's dead. He's dead.
Din and probably the Child. Your weird little family that you had accidentally found was gone. Like it was never there to begin with. Leaving you with nothing but the sweet memories that would surely turn painful.
You didn't know how long you were in Cara's arms, losing all control of your senses and your words. You don’t remember when but you’re suddenly begging Cara to help you, grabbing at the arms that are pulling you into former-shock trooper. Pleading through your tears, asking over and over again like a chanting of a prayer to help you. Save you from this misery and put you in your place. Show you what you need to do because there's nothing else that you want to do.
You’re about to ask Cara to just put a bolt between your eyes — because nothing is worth it if you had to suffer through such emptiness for the rest of your life — when you are yanked from Cara's embrace, too numb to yelp or fight back as two strong arms heave you into a solid chest.
Tears are still streaming down your face unable to care to stop them, not that you could have if you even wanted to. Your mind too hazy to fully understand the blur of it all. Din's arms wrapped around your waist and the Child cradled by IG-11.
Your world had been torn away from you so quickly that when it all snapped back into place you were still stumbling, the sudden shift of everything knocking you over again.
You’re suddenly back on the Razor Crest, you’re still in Din's arms but everything else is different. You’re no longer on Nevarro, on another planet that you don’t remember the name of. The Child wasn't in the arms of droid but rather tucked away in his pod sound asleep. Din isn't wearing any armor, not even his helmet, the two of you basked in the safety of darkness as you laid in your shared cramped cot. You’re not crying and you no longer feel the blinding numbness of grief, but rather an aching pull of guilt.
Din calls out to you again, propping himself up on an elbow with a small grunt so that he can tilt your chin to face him. You can't see him in this degree of darkness, and luckily he can't see the look of pain etched in your features.
"What's wrong?" His voice is familiar and solid, grounding.
You don’t answer, not even willing to give him the simplicity of a dismissive "it's nothing."
Din puffs out a small breath through his nose, fanning faintly over your face. You close your eyes, focusing on the comforting warmth that radiates off his bare body like a furnace. You don’t want him to pry because you knows that no good could come from it. You feel too guilty to face him, but yet you are still too cowardly to admit your feelings. You’re not sure that it's rejection that you fear but rather the spoken acknowledgment of your attachment to him. Because once you speak of your love and the words are out in the open, the universe is free to rip your love away from you.
He leans forward, his nose brushing against yours delicately as he rests his forehead atop of yours. The action was stabilizing, pushing your broken pieces together and sealing them back in place. But you felt intoxicatingly lost in his touch, his skin invitingly warm yet you knew that if you allowed herself to touch him you’d completely lose it.
"Kal Viinir'ika," Din coos, running the calloused pad of his thumb along your cheek as his fingers weave through your hair. Blade Runner — a title given to you by mercenaries and bounty hunters because you are fast on your feet and even faster with your swords, but you had never been too fond of it. But then you met Din and he had somehow managed to turn it into a teasing nickname that you grew to adore when it came from his mouth in his native tongue.
His nose grazes your nose before he presses it into your cheek, kissing you purposefully on the corner of your lips. "Please talk to me."
And his words shatter you, breaking you into a million pieces so that you are too far gone to repair. The lump in your throat is firm and strong, scaring you of what your voice might sound like in his ears.
"I'm sorry." It comes out as pathetic as you had expected, barely a whisper and wavering, you aren’t even sure that Din heard you.
Din's eyebrows draw together, lifting his head up and gazing down at you blindly. "For what?"
He doesn't know why you’re practically shaking in your small bed, you had seemed more than fine a few moments ago. You had fallen asleep in the cockpit and Din had somehow managed to carry you down to bed without waking you.
"For being a coward," you replied weakly, your eyes screwed shut to keep yourself from crying. You refused to cry in front of him for a second time.
Din would've laughed if he didn't hear the unadulterated pain and sincerity in your voice.
"What?" Din scoffed, cupping your face in his warm hand. He was confused and a little hurt that you’d even try to speak that way about yourself. "Cyar'ika, what's the meaning of this?"
Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.
"I couldn't say goodbye," you murmured, your throat aching as your muscles restrained a sob from racking through your form. Your whole body was shivering, Din's warmth unable to break through your unforgiving emotions bottled in your chest. "You were dying, and I couldn't say it."
And then it clicked, the mixed puzzle of Din's brain coming together in an instant as the words stumbling from your lips. All of it made perfect sense. How you wouldn't look at him in the eyes for days after you’d left Nevarro. The way you would practically hide from him, not wanting to touch him or speak to him, closing yourself off from him to keep yourself safe — maybe to keep both of you safe. He had initially thought you were just pissed at him for some reason that he must've missed, but this, this made sense.
"You're not a coward," Din assures, brushing his fingers through the wisps of hair that framed your face. He can feel your gaze on him, burning through his silhouette like a beam of plasma. He kisses you softly on her cheek, his facial hair prickling your soft skin. "You're the bravest person I know."
You shake your head, ripping his words to shreds. "I couldn't say it."
A heavy breath swells in Din's chest, pressing himself a little closer to your trembling form. "Then tell me now, cyar'ika. I'm here, I'm alive, so tell me now."
Your body stiffens, your muscles tightening at the thought. Why does it have to be so hard?
"I can't."
Din huffs out a chuckle, shaking his head. "Yes, you can, Kal Viinir'ika."
It should've been simple, it was three simple words that carried great weight. You had never spoken them before, the only times they were spoken to you ended with you running off. You didn't do love. Love was dangerous, it would kill you.
"Tell me," Din urges, pressing his lips delicately against yours like he was wary that you might shatter if he applied too much pressure.
It hurt that he was so sweet to you, it hurt to know that you were denying the one thing that he deserved to know.
Din Djarin deserved to know that he was loved unconditionally and completely by you. 
You swallowed thickly, praying that the words don't get caught in your throat because you suddenly feel like you might die if you lose him and never got the chance to tell him.
Din hummed, waiting patiently for you to speak.
You quickly wondered if anyone had ever told him before.
I love you. You think it, questioning if those words were even ones you deserved to speak. Probably not.
Din nudges you softly. "Cyar'ika—"
"I love you."
Your blood runs cold and you feels like the entire universe freezes over, trapping you in this insufferable moment of vulnerability. And you wait for the urge to flee to take you, or for it to instead seize Din, but neither of you move.
"You love me?"
The question hurts a lot more than it should. 
You nod, not knowing whether your voice would work if you tried speaking. Your silence followed by an eternity of nothing except for an uncomfortable tension that makes you beg that Din does something, anything. Tell you to leave, storm out of the room, kriffing shoot her— absolutely anything.
And thank the Maker, he moves. His thumb brushing against your plush bottom lip, applying the smallest amount of pressure before dipping his head forward. His kiss strange, almost out of character, but it sets you on fire nonetheless. It wasn't the first kiss you’ve shared and you prayed that it wouldn't be the last.
His lips are desperate, pouring every flicker of affection and adoration out of his body and into yours, filling you with his love. It's intensely carnal, yet almost too sweet for you to comprehend that it's Din Djarin kissing you.
Then he's pulling away, ripping his lips away from you painfully and sudden, gazing down at you half in a daze as you whimper at the loss of his warmth. You crave his affection.
"Cyar'ika." Not even the darkness can hide Din's grin, his forehead resting atop yours as an airy chuckle shakes through his chest. It's heavenly. You relish in the sound of his rare blissful laughter, wishing to bask in the warmth that fills your chest as it echoes in your ears. And for the first time in your life, you feel nothing but peace.
His deep baritone voice is lifted from a mixture of relief and bliss.
"I love you too."
━ ━ ━ ━
so... this is no edited, hehe... i’ll tryyyyyy to edit tomorrow but i always forget. i originally wrote this in third person but i changed it so there might be some weird sentences. i’ll proof read tomorrow. pinky promise :D
Also, quick PSA, if you ever find that my “reader” isn’t a true reader insert (i mean if i have description about the reader that may not fit everyone), please tell me. i want all of my readers to feel welcomed.
translations: Cyar'ika = darling, beloved, sweetheart Kal Viinir'ika = Blade Runner
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CW: gore, abuse and rape mentions.
So I recently played the original Tsukihime visual novel (it’s being remade so I might as well check out the original right?) and I wanted to talk about some of my general impressions and thoughts on it. 
TL;DR for people who don’t wanna read any spoilers (or if you just don’t wanna read through my long-ass post): I thought it was good and there were lot of aspects and themes that I found interesting. I did have problems with certain aspects of it however, and I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone since it’s really violent and...well just see the CW for yourself. But if none of that deters you, then I think it’s worth checking out!
So, like I said above the cut, I enjoyed it overall. The story was interesting, with the focus being on vampires and some more information on the church for example (fate tends to focus more on the grail war, so other aspects of the Nasuverse are inevitably glossed over or not mentioned at all). This also had a psychological horror aspect, with Shiki having dreams where he kills people just to give one example. But then there are certain indications that what he’s seeing is real, leading him to believe that he could be unconsciously killing people. And he doesn’t WANT to see these dreams, he actually hates them to the point that there are a few scenes where he straight up avoids going to sleep altogether. The problem is that he has no idea how to stop seeing them, or even what’s happening to him. Also other characters often hide stuff from him or lie for his “protection”, so that really only adds to the uncertainty (this dude kinda gets gaslit a lot, come to think of it). 
I remember seeing some people say that the artwork for this vn isn’t as good as what you get in fsn, which makes sense given that it’s older and thus earlier in Takeuchi’s art career. And I can see what they mean, but there’s legit some good CG’s in this one. Also it does this interesting thing where instead of drawn backgrounds, it has real life pictures that have been edited/stylized. I can’t quite articulate it, but it gives the vn a different vibe that really works for it imo. I like it.
In terms of characters, I gotta say that Hisui was one of my favorites. I guess I just kinda relate to her in a weird way. She’s quiet, isn’t super expressive (or at least it seems that way initially), and doesn’t like being touched. I used to be like that (I’m still like that sometimes but I’ve gotten a lot better), though obviously she has....very different reasons for being that way. But at that point my brain had already gone “that one” with her.
Speaking of Hisui, I really like Kohaku too. If we’re comparing Nasu’s works here, I feel like she’s kind of comparable to Sakura. Mostly in a thematic sense, seeing as how she’s someone who appears normal enough but there’s a lot brewing beneath the surface that we don’t fully see until her route (and by that I mean she suffered sexual abuse from Shiki and Akiha’s father when she was a child). I don’t want to compare them too much tho, since they are different characters at the end of the day. It’s just something of a common thread I noticed. Though with Kohaku, you do actually get a glimpse into what her deal is in Hisui’s route (mainly in the epilogue), which then leads right into Kohaku’s route. 
Outside of the two maids, Arcueid was another favorite of mine (if Hisui is my favorite, I’d say Arc is a close second) because she looks elegant at first but then you realize she’s a fuckin dork the moment she opens her mouth (and I love her for it). Ciel was cool too, and it was interesting to have a member of the church who’s more sympathetic than Kirei Ketamine over there (though as her route reveals, the church is still kinda fucked). I liked Akiha as well. It was really interesting seeing her develop across the 3 “far side of the moon” routes. At first you think she’s normal then op, turns out she’s part vampire and is actually pretty fucking powerful! That said, I did have a few problems with her route...
...which leads me into one of my criticisms of this vn. Akiha’s route was my least favorite out of the 5. Again, and I cannot stress this enough, it is not because of Akiha herself. Akiha good and cool. The issue here is Akiha and Shiki...basically fall in love and also fuck at one point. Did I mention that Akiha is Shiki’s little sister? Because she is. “Well Shiki was adopted so it’s not technically incest” don’t make me tap the sign:
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Like yeah, I know “romance happens between Shiki and the main heroin of the route” is a common thread here but I’d like it if they made just one exception. Sibling relationships are good too, you don’t need to resort to romance. 
And, well, now that it’s been brought up already: this vn has sex scenes! And they were just as bad as I expected! I did read through one or two, but after that I just started either skimming through them or skipping entirely. A lot of them don’t really effect the story much (except for like, one which is actually kinda important) so most of them aren’t really worth it unless you just want to laugh at the weird lines. Not a big deal but I felt like it was worth mentioning at least.
Moving on, Tsukihime did have some problematic elements outside of the whole incest thing. Fate/Stay Night had its own issues and obviously Tsukihime will have them too. Tbf to Nasu, he did say he later regretted some of the stuff he wrote in this early period. It’s good that he’s grown as a person and a writer, because looking back there are definitely a few lines here that are really fucking bad. One that stuck out to me was this line from Arcueid’s route where Shiki is arguing with Ciel and then he just suddenly says something along the lines of, “if you try to stop me from going, I’ll rape you right here”. It’s right the fuck out of nowhere too. And like, the reasoning was that he could barely walk at that point so he just came up with some super threatening thing to say, but it was just really unnecessary. 
Actually, I think the same could be said about some of the sexual violence depicted. Like, there’s a whole recurring thing where Shiki will just suddenly get possessed to murder someone (because his vampire step-brother basically lives in his mind rent-free) and he mentions the arousal he gets from doing so. At several points he even acts on these impulses, and winds up getting hard and cumming as he cuts someone up into pieces. It’s...really fucking weird and I’m not sure what it adds by being there. It adds a creep factor for sure, but ig it’s a question of how necessary it actually is. Some of it is integral to the story, as is the case with...certain aspects of the Arcueid and Kohaku routes for example. So don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying remove it entirely, I’m just questioning some of the extra stuff that doesn’t seem totally necessary to me.
So all in all, while I did have some problems with it, Tsukihime isn’t bad by any means. Like I said before, I think it was good overall and I enjoyed it.  You can acknowledge the problematic elements of something, but still otherwise like it. But yeah, certainly not for everyone, but still worth playing in 2021 I think.
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