petproductpro · 1 year
See the World Through Clear Eyes: Natura Pets Eye Cleanser Will Do the Trick
Tear stains in dogs are a common problem that can make our furry friends look less appealing. These reddish-brown stains usually settle around their eyes, causing concern among pet owners. Tear stains are caused by excessive tear production, which is technically known as “epiphora.” Normally, your dog’s tears drain through the eyelids and into the nasolacrimal duct, which then empties into the…
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Whistling in the school halls (The Big, Big Bang, Part 2.)
Series summary: Sometimes, you might feel lonely in the entirety of the universe; of all of the stars, planets and constellations… Until it comes. The big bang that turns the world upside down, the reason why all the stars collide and why you, in the first place, are alive.
Part summary: Walking back to Hogwarts always feel like coming home - whether you are a student, a teacher or a member of the staff... As you hoped soon to be. 
A/N: I am back... For now; I hope I won’t get any other obsession for at least a week.
Word count: 2.6 K
Tagging: @notaliteraltoad​
Series playlist: H E R E
Series masterlist: H E R E
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A few days ago:
Life of a freshly-out-of-school wizard in England could get pretty harsh. Especially when you didn't train to be one of the Ministry's office rats and had chosen a different path you wanted to walk in your life. Since you did know from the very start you might not be suitable for the coolest wizard occupation, which was an Auror obviously, you didn't even raise your personal bar that high. When your house professor asked you what you'd like to be doing (it was on one of the profession-regarding interviews when they told you on which OWLs you should be concentrating on), you sat there for a moment before you started to laugh hysterically. And you weren't able to stop yourself for at least a minute before you told them that you didn't know.
For some time, you've been quite interested in being a news writer; a smaller office for a smaller magazine full of not-so-well-known editors sounded about right. Then, you've tried to convince yourself that you'd be a pretty good Quidditch commentator and told your professor about considering a radio-related career. But then you realized - no, that wasn't your stick either. And that was how it went until one evening, you helped madame Pomfrey with one of your ill classmates on the Infirmary. And she notices it too - your knowledge about various illnesses and wounds wasn't bad at all and you had just the right amount of tolerance and strictness to go big in this career.
It was the first time when you didn't start laughing at the profession-related interview (you've been there more than five times since your house professor was sure you don't know what your dreamy career is). Both your OWLs and NEWTs turned out very well since you liked to learn about the topic of healing and helping others. It was just after your last school year when you wrote Dumbledore a letter, asking him if he'd consider taking you under madame Pomfrey's wings as an apprentice (madame was obviously informed about this question beforehand). And while Dumbledore, during one of his many Infamatory visits) told you that he thinks you're not quite ready just yet, he told you that after taking a three-years-long period of training in a hospital facility of any sorts, he will gladly take you as an apprentice and more, if you'd be a great addition, he'd lend you a job as the second nurse at the Hogwarts Infirmary.
Madame Pomfrey, like everyone else, was slowly growing older and it was handy to have a second nurse on hand, in any case, anything would go bad (and as everyone knew, the Quidditch matches could get a bit messy, so it would definitely help to have two paramedics inside the school). He also said that it will be a pleasant change for the students, to have someone fairly young around, so they could maybe talk to you about more personal matters.
And as Dumbledore advised you, you did. For a time, you travelled around Europe and got various medical-paramedics gigs in hospitals all around the continent - you've been working in a school in Romania, in a hospital in France, a Quidditch paramedic at Scotland... In the end, the list you've sent Dumbledore was quite impressive, to say the least. You've done quite a lot in the past three years; jobs other wizards would be rightfully proud of as well. You've attached the long list and recommendations along to a letter you've sent to Dumbledore from the Netherlands, where you've been working as a personal paramedic to an old witch who could barely walk and waited for the response.
In any case, you knew you'll have a job - yet you hoped that Dumbledore would give you a job as one of the Hogwarts staff members. If he wouldn't, you also sent your CV to St Mungo's in London who told you almost immediately that they had a few jobs to offer you if you'd be interested. The old lady you've been taking care of had found another wizard to watch over her as you tensely controlled the owl post every single day.
It almost seemed that Dumbledore not only won't give you a chance but that he forgot about you altogether. You've sent the letter at the start of the summer, filled with high hopes. These slowly faded away during August and at the start of September, you simply knew you'll have to take the job at St Mungo. It wasn't a bad job at all, you didn't mean that, yet there was something particular about Hogwarts... The school have you so much happy memories, friends, experience and the happiest time of your entire life. It felt like home and you wished you could repay the school everything that it had taught you and what it had given to you. In many ways, it felt like home and you'd do anything just to get back there.
The day when the letter came was a cold one with one of these grey-like where the skies are black to describe it the best and when you really realize that the autumn has come. For a few days now, you've been living back at your parents - it was until you'd find yourself a small place somewhere. Your interview at St Mungo was set to happen three days later, so for now, you've been enjoying a cuppa as you sat in the kitchen of your parents' small house while listening to some radio. There was still no ideal flat, no response from Hogwarts and not a single idea about what job proposition you'll be offered in the end.
Dumbledore's approach to the situation was confusing you, to say the least - you always knew that he's a nice, calm man and this simply didn't make much sense. He'd send you at least an owl with declining your offer, right? Right? But there was dead silence from his part. As usual, your mind started spiralling into the most absurd scenarios - what if the letter wasn't delivered? What if it got lost somewhere? What if someone who wasn't supposed to read Dumbledore's personal correspondence had read it? At that moment, you cried out at the feeling of sudden pain.
Your eyes turned into a grumpy owl who was sitting in front of you. Presumably, given the expression it had in its eyes, she was sitting there for quite a moment. It had a massive letter tied up to its claw and it was shifting weight as it waited for you to pay it any attention. Where did it come from was no mystery; the window behind you was open widely. And from whom it was was no question either - you'd recognize the green ink and heavy envelope anywhere. With shaky fingers, you paid the owl and sent it off, sitting down to read the letter. Before you opened it up, you mumbled a short prayer; you hoped that Dumbledore will still accept your offer and that he might invite you to his school as a paramedic apprentice.
As you read the neat, curvy handwriting, your brain couldn't quite wrap itself around it. You had to read it out loud for a few times before your mind realized that 'I would like to invite you for an interview in my office, tomorrow at noon. I sincerely hope that it is not too late - I was travelling for the whole summer and got to my mail just recently. With regards...' meant that you still had a chance of getting the job you'd like to keep one day.
Just like he asked you, you got ready for the interview tomorrow, telling both your parents about it as soon as they got back from work. As it usually is, you prepared everything the evening before, making sure you will make it on time. And you did make it on time... Until you apparated in Hogsmeade and got carried away with all of the cool stores in there. At first, you were sure that you had a lot of time on your hand... Half an hour in Honeydukes couldn't hurt anyone, right? This was why an hour later, you've been running on the forest road connecting Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, barely catching your breath. You could just walk there and enjoy it, but you had to forget to check your watch, hadn't you?
When you entered the long-ass bridge leading to the school, you had barely five minutes on your hands. And a grey sweater that suddenly felt too warm for your liking. Damn, you hadn't run as quickly for some time and you were maybe about to pass out just in front of Dumbledore's door. You chanted that the password is 'Sherbet Lemon', but what was that good for when you wouldn't have enough breath to squeal it at the gargoyle? To make the manners even better, you poked two girls in the courtyard, accidentally making them fall on the ground. As soon as you started to say sorry, they just laughed it off as they got up. - "I am so sorry! I will buy you a lollipop or something!" - You cried out, getting mentally prepared for the last stop of your race - the endless staircases of Hogwarts. You've yelled a breathless greeting at everyone you knew and stormed in front of the gargoyle.
"Sherbet Lemon! Sherbet-!" - You cried breathlessly. The stone statue looked at you with caution, almost asking you if you were doing alright, but in the end, it moved away and let you in. The wall disappeared as well, showing you yet another staircase. You've been ten minutes late because you had to stop now and then to take a breath. Your skin was glistening with sweat, you couldn't breathe normally and your knees were all shaky as you knocked on principal's door. It opened up without hesitation, letting you into the small circular room. Dumbledore was sitting at his desk, sending you a graceful smile as you tried not to pass out on him.
"I... Am... So... Sorry... Professor..." - Immediately, you've sat into one of the big plushy chairs, smiling back at him. - "I... Lost... The track... Of time back in Honeydukes. It's totally my fault." - Once again, you sat straight and pushed your back more into the chair as you tried to present yourself in a bit flattering way.
"Oh, Honeydukes, you say?" - Dumbledore asked with a small smile, signing some papers while he talked to you. - "I am not surprised, Honeydukes have always been my favourite place in Hogsmeade." - The man smiled and you nodded at what he had said, trying to read into his words, tone and actions. As far as you could say, he wasn't mad at you - which was a good sign. It could also be caused by the both-sided faux pas; first, he wrote you back after an entire of the month and you came later than you were supposed - that was kind of vetoing everything, wasn't it? - "So, dearest miss Y/L/N... Tell me..." - At that moment, you've been expecting a somewhat professional question that would ask "Why do you want to work in this school?" or "What is your expertise?" and "What makes you believe that you're suited to get this work? It's a lot of responsibility." Instead of that, Dumbledore asked:
"How were you doing in the last couple of years? Long time, no see and as I read in your portfolio, you've been quite busy."
When you were laying in your bed, thinking about the interview, you always imagined Dumbledore being super-serious, having a straight and emotionless face and furrowing at you the whole time. Sure, he never seemed to be this particular type of a guy, but you've never spoken eye-to-eye during your school years; you've been a good student and rarely got into trouble so serious that your house headmaster would send you to Dumbledore himself. In your dreams, you imagined this will all be a huge disaster, something bad and very uncomfortable. If it would be going according to your scenario, he'd shame you and kick you out of his office because you walked inside a few minutes later. Instead of that...
"You're asking about how I've been doing?" - You could hear your voice getting a bit shaky. - "Naturally. It's the decorum and something that simply tickles my interest." - Once more, Dumbledore chuckled and checked the papers in front of his eyes, thanking the quill for writing the document for him.
"Well, I've been doing good..." - With that, a glass of fizzy soda jumped in front of you - since you weren't sure that the drink's for you, you just thanked nervously but didn't touch the glass. - "I didn't really expect the various facilities looking out for young healers. But they took me in with their arms open everywhere across Europe - it was brilliant." - "Oh, I'm glad to hear this. And even though your adventurous life, you still came back here. How comes?"
Just when Dumbledore asked you this question, something struck you. With you curiousness, you took one good look at the jolly old man sitting opposite you. Was it just your imagination or did you hear the slight flash of interest in his words? The time you tried to get this job, Dumbledore told you that you're not experienced enough - now, when you got enough experience, the headmaster was surprised to see you still trying to get the job? Maybe he thought you're better than ending up in Hogwarts? (Not that he wouldn't love the school, it was his home in the end.)
"I've been on a lot of different places and done a lot of different exciting things, but any of them was like this school, Mr Professor. This complex of buildings, the local wilderness, the people... It still feels like home. Well, I've been staying in this school for seven years after all. There won't ever be quite a place like Hogwarts to me." - At that, Dumbledore nodded with understatement. - "Of course, understandable. Most of the teachers I've talked to when hiring them, told me precisely the same thing - Hogwarts is the home they think about with love. Now, since it's quite late and soon, there will be another class of Care of Magical creatures..." - At that, the old man stopped himself and looked out of the window, searching for something. As his eyes found it, he turned his head back at you.
For a moment it could look as if he's not in the moment - that he's bored by you. Why was Dumbledore such a confusing person for you? So, was he planning on giving you the job or were you there just for the kicks? - "I read through your application and was taken away by the variety of skill you were able to gain through your stay abroad. Before we set on the agreement of employing you as the second nurse, would you like to talk about anything else?" - With that, Dumbledore put a small bundle of papers in front of you; presenting you with a contract. Without a word, you just shook your head and took it to your palms.
"Take this home, read through it and highlight the parts you'd like to talk about then. I'll see you on Friday." - With that, the old man stood up and offered you his palm, shaking yours. - "And, by the way... Would you mind taking me the big chocolate bar in Honeydukes the next time you'll be there?"
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coachcountilfour · 5 years
A volte mi terrorizza la cattiveria di cui è capace l'essere umano, ingenuamente mi dico: esiste un limite a tutto. Invece non è così, non esiste limite alla capacità distruttiva di un uomo soprattutto verso i propri simili, verso coloro con cui vive che dovrebbe aiutare, comprendere, amare. Tremo al pensiero di poter essere ferita a tal punto e tremo ancora di più alla possibilità di non saperlo mai, le peggiori cose mai fatte restano dei segreti. Che abominio è mai questo? La vita tutta sarebbe una grande illusione, un'immensa ed ineluttabile bugia. Potrei accettare tutte le cattiverie, comprendere tutte le angherie del genere umano, ma voglio esserne consapevole! Tanto più terribile è per me vivere lontana dalla verità. Sola, triste, arrabbiata, ma non preda di bugie, questa è la peggiore catastrofe che mi si può assegnare; poiché il tutto significherebbe trasformarmi in un burattino che crede di camminare da solo. Questo mi renderà più triste che felice? Voglio essere triste nella verità e non felice nella menzogna. Tu, che ti proclami mio amico, guardami in faccia, quante volte hai fatto il mio nome in vie infamatorie? Dimmelo! Piuttosto dimmelo, ti sarò molto più grato, mi sarai molto più caro così che non senza saper mai. Posso perdonare quello che so, posso cambiare me stessa nell'osservare la cattiveria che mi circonda, ma immobile non posso alcunché, non posso migliorare nulla della mia persona vivendo un qualcosa che non esiste. Feriscimi se devi, ma dimmi la verità. Sempre.
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claudioghera · 7 years
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claudioghera · 7 years
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claudioghera · 7 years
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