hobrien · 9 years
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we found another long lost Hale, the resemblance is uncanny. // [inspired by this fic]
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machtaholic · 9 years
SSO, I got tagged by @infectiouspunk​ so ... get to know me!
Rules: Tag 20 followers that you would like to get to know better!
NAME: Becky, machtaholic
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT:  5′4″
FAVORITE COLORS: Purple, Blue and Green
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: between 6 and 7 hours
LAST THING I GOOGLED: ‘the winter bride is typified’
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Between none and 1.
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: Derek Hale, Harve Specter, Scott McCall, Eggsy Unwin ... probably more
FAVORITE BOOKS: smutty bodice rippers, the Percy Jackson series, the Harry Potter series, Masters of the Shadowlands (BDSM series)
FAVORITE BANDS: Little Big Town, Fall Out Boy, Florence and the Machine ... tons more LOL
DREAM JOB: Singer or author
WHAT AM I WEARING RIGHT NOW: white and grey tank top, maroon thermal pants and slippers
WHAT DO YOU POST ABOUT: memes, fashion, teen wolf (I multi-ship), Suits, cute animals
DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS: Here? Nope, just this one
WHO IS YOUR MOST ACTIVE FOLLOWER: Um ... @fluffygremlin or @cinematicnomad maybe ... 
WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO GET A TUMBLR: I think a friend of mine talked me into it ... 
TAG 20 PEOPLE ... sorry, not going to tag anyone.  If you want to do it, do it and just tag me so I can see it :D
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haletostilinski · 9 years
this is a tumblr hug (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ pass it on to 15 of your favorite blogs to let them know you love them
*hugs you back* thank you
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literaryoblivion · 9 years
SINCE YOU GAVE ME THAT ASK, I'm gonna ask you to pick three of your favorite VILLAINS, (part two) And then do FMK.
oh man... ok. Uhhhhhhhh.
Villains:1. Darth Vader (cause like how could you not)2. Joker3. Loki
F: Darth VaderM: LokiK: Joker
Ask me things!
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machtaholic · 9 years
infectedcolors answered your question:Okay Teen Wolf artist friends ...
I’d have to say older and male. Thought female could rock it too. But totally older than younger.
Yeah, I tend to think male and older, too.  Little worn and battered, but still got that charisma :D
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cryodreams · 9 years
when you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes. check my blog to see what I said about you!
Juu, you are so precious and I love you and I’m going to make an exception because I usually don’t do these but you’re super amazing so i’m gonna do the thing.
emoussie you’re an amazing girl and you seriously always brighten my day with your compliments and positivity and awesomeness. You’re incredibly kind and i know that you’re always just a tweet away if i need you. (Your love for Ian is also all kinds of adorable and I am TOTALLY gonna make you that charm js)
infectiouspunk dude, you’re my spirit animal. You‘re amazeballs, super funny, super cool and I love your writing. I’m really happy to call you my friend and blessed to be able to fawn over actors with you.
candypinkcocks queen of my heart, please write me more panties!derek, because it’s been waaaaay too long. You are beautiful and super funny and intelligent and I can always have a laugh with you!
coughinebrohaus I know we haven’t known each other for very long but it’s been SUPER awesome working with you and skyping with you and you are seriously A+ at music and generally amazing. Hope to talk to you soon
arrowsandlipsticks my friend, I know I can always count on you when fandom is trying to make Grant Ward into a cupcake while he is actually a nazi. Also, your cosplays are super cool and you made my ringcon 2014 an amazing experience.
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mad-madam-m · 9 years
infectiouspunk replied to your post:OKAY, FOR SRS, K FMK- Christian Kane, Tyler...
YOU CHEAT. CHEEEEAAAAAT. *but does think about the three of them banging each other. With Hoechlin in the middle.* *Drools*
RIGHT?!? I mean...
*hold music starts playing again*
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tsumi-noaru · 10 years
I'm sending you number 14! :D
(truth) If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life (consisting of clothes you already own), what would it be? (dare) Tag someone you follow who has amazing fashion sense.
dare:also I would have answered the truth but I'm just to lazy to go through my closet and take a picture xD (it's a black vintage cut dress with white pluses. I love it to pieces. I probably wear it at least once a week as is)but as I have no picture, my dare tag would be Hollad Roden but she doesn't have a tumblr
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sterekhobrienfics · 10 years
I have a PDF of Circle6's Saudade for anyone who might want it.
If anyone wants the pdf to this fic, message this LOVELY person!
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mad-madam-m · 9 years
OKAY, here's one! "I've been watching scary movies by myself and its dark and something just made a noise and now I'm to scared to move. HELP ME."
Derek came in the back door. “There’s nothing out there.”
“Are you sure?” Stiles asked. “You didn’t smell anything? You didn’t see anything? You didn’t hear anything? You actually used all those superior werewolf senses, didn’t you?”
Derek rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. “No, Stiles. I just spent half an hour walking the perimeter of your backyard and your house while wearing a blindfold and earplugs.”
Stiles crossed his arms and glared. “You don’t have to be such an ass about it. It’s Beacon Hills! There could have been a wendigo or a kanima or a…a…a leprechaun or something!”
Derek raised an eyebrow. “This is because you binge-watched scary movies on Netflix, isn’t it?”
“No,” Stiles said.
Derek snorted. “Your heartbeat skipped.”
“Okay so maybe there was a bit of a scary movie marathon but I swear I heard something out there!” Stiles flung his arm out toward the back wall. “Who knows what it could’ve been?”
Derek shoved his hands in his pockets and glared at the fireplace for an interminable period of time. “Fine. I’ll stay here tonight.”
Stiles gaped. “Wait, what?”
“I. Will stay here. Tonight,” Derek repeated slowly. “That okay with you?”
Stiles continued to gape, and then shook himself. “I, uh, yeah. Yeah, that’s fine with me.” He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “Thanks, Derek.”
“No problem.” Derek’s face split in a grin. “Someone’s got to protect you from the eeeeeevil leprechauns.”
“Oh, you ass.”
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machtaholic · 9 years
23: What do you drink with dinner?
Depends on where I am.  If I’m at Eureka, I’m going to be having beer (they have a good rotating beer menu) but if I’m somewhere else, I’m probably going to have water (I try not to drink too much soda)
34:Favorite kind of sandwich?
BLT on sourdough, no mayo, no mustard with bacon, lettuce, tomato (obviously), black olives, pickles, cucumbers and salt and pepper :D
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halekingsourwolf · 9 years
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After some incredibly difficult deliberation, the Sterek Support Network has chosen its first round of members!! We received so many applications that we decided to accept 30 people instead of the 25 we originally intended, and still had to cut 57 applications. We were so thrilled by the amount of interest, and we encourage everyone who didn’t make it in this time to apply again when we reopen applications in the future.
And now for our new members!
annabethlemorte ~ @knoxyd ~ cashasfallenandhecantgetup ~ @detectivesterek ~ @oohlooksooshiny ~ hisvoicebrokemyheart ~ sterekaf ~ j-adore-hale ~ stilesbansheequeen ~ rocketshipposey ~ hoechlinslapsdylansbutt ~ supernim teenshmolf ~ arcane-renegade ~ prettygirlbpd ~ rooming-with-a-narwhal ~ elenaparadox ~ mabmon ~ @kilaem ~ keep-calm-and-ship-sterek ~ derekdeservesbetter ~ allhalethespark ~ @infectiouspunk ~ lyelack ~ iminlovewithlaughing ~ fuchswrites ~ @dontgostakinmyheart ~ straytalks ~ alphaofdragons ~ dustonmyscreen
What now?
SUBMIT your email to us so we can send you an invite to the network chat. Also submit a square icon (size doesn’t matter) and a short description for the member page.
Track the tag #stereksupportnetwork and follow the BLOG PAGE to stay up to date with us and your fellow members!
And welcome all of you to the network!! <3
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mad-madam-m · 9 years
... let's talk about a STEREK / Daredevil AU ...
Anon, I am here for pretty much ANY Sterek AU, but alas, Daredevil was not something I could get through. (I have a very limited tolerance for realistic graphic violence and DD passed that in episode three.)
HOWEVER, let me point you in the direction of my good friend @infectiouspunk, who has been flailing about a Daredevil!Derek and Claire!Stiles AU for the past week and I am sure would be MORE THAN HAPPY to discuss this with you. :-)
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