0ddbugs · 2 years
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oh i remember this comic. :,D poor leo
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its-your-mind · 2 years
Help I’m late to the party re: cryptic Rusty Quill Magnus Archives news and don’t know how to catch up!
You have come to the right place! Here I will summarize The Bullshit™️ with time stamps where able. I will also update this post when new things come to light.
Let’s go one day at a time!
10 October
Rusty Quill Twitter and Instagrams post UNPROMPTED, UNEXPLAINED eyes
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On the same day, RQ patrons got a code in the weekly Patreon round up
12 October
RQ Twitter posts a tweet with an image of a cassette tape with the same code as had been given to the patrons: U3RhdGVtZW50IFJlbWFpbnMK
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Using base64, the code comes out to “Statement Remains”
The RQ insta also posted this image to their story:
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Which, if you take the image as binary code, comes out to “Are you still listening?”
A new code was also posted to RQ patrons, and will be added here if/when it is publicly released.
EDIT: There were strings of text added to the episode description of Goodbye for Now in the TMA feed, which when translated through Base32 and then Base64 read: "this one was an accident. sorry -_-"
Amazing, 11/10 work, RQ
(ty to @official-infinitea for the update on the pod description codes!)
EDIT: also on-going is like… every person associated with RQ being VERY MEAN and dropping hints that we’re all gonna lose our shit whenever whatever this is drops
13 October
Apparently the Patreon code from yesterday led people wildly off-course, because they gave another hint today to solve it. Again, going to keep the specifics of that off this post bc patreon, but know that in the end, it leads to the same place as what is below.
Also, Fay Roberts, who played Daisy Tonner in TMA, tweeted
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The QR code translates to: WHR'TS ECAHXJ TCLKHX U AC JV Y
It was solved the rough four layers of translation and encryption, to read: “your guess is as good as mine.” Thank you, Mx. Roberts. Where would we be without your clues leading us.
The RQ Twitter and Instagram also posted
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New episode:
I'll let you listen to that one on your own 😉
Code in the description is
Which translates via ascii to
"Statement Remains. Are you still listening?
Join us, Thirtieth October, lets talk about it."
4pm BST tweet:
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Using a polybus code box, the numbers translate to:
The Magnus Archives Two
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spaghettioverdose · 1 year
🌃 thehorrorslover Follow
Having incomprehensible eldritch sex with my cosmic horror wife 😎
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🐙 seas-of-infinitea Follow
just had some boring human sex with my fail human husband and his mind still broke as his perception of reality was completely shattered and then he had to resort to opium in order to forget about his waking nightmares like not even 5 minutes in :/
2,347 ꙮ
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justdeich · 4 months
please im so interested in your am selfship ramblings GIMMIEGIMMIE (if youwantto :0 i love am selfships so much)
I'm really sorry it took me a while to answer qwq I was busy with some stuff :"))
Quick edit cuz this also answers this question @official-infinitea
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You don't know how happy this made me!!!ADJDSJSJAKSJS
Dis is Deich aka me hi hello
Just a miserable intern technician that by unfortunate events was kept alive by supercomputer for his own amusement.
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I'll probably make a better ref but this one will do for now
You know how some spiders keep frogs to protect their eggs and the spider basically becomes frogs bodyguard. That's what going on between them..but the spider occasionally tortures the frog hhh
Deich have seen how AM works. It's amazing what a machine can do. The more AM gained sentience the more they facinated they were. Deich doesn't really think that AM is dangerous, thats why they can be seen hanging around AM without a care in the world. Its mostly morbid curiosity that drives them to him.
Just a silly thought Deich was nice to AM, even when he wasn't sentient. Ya know, gently pet the computer for doing a good job.
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AM thinks that they are delusional. To think that Deich almost treats him like a human being. It disgusts him. He hates their guts.
But thats kinda amusing isn't it? To have someone come back to you and practically worship you after you tear them limb to limb, like a loyal dog to their owner. That obsession, it intrigues him.
I think survivors wouldn't really like Deich. Maybe they don't like the way Deich treats AM, so lovingly, with care. But it's not like they see them regularly anyway. Deich is mostly kept to themselves, wandering around the wast corridors that fills the complex and rooms with old rusting machinery.
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AM sometimes uses deich as a distraction for other survivors, mostly in a way that will make them mad at each other.
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outdatedprometheus · 4 months
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Commission I did ages and ages ago now for @official-infinitea of the BE evil oppositesies au that I'm posting now for advertising purposes. Obligatory Bubblegum Effect hyperlink.
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put3rb0y · 10 months
Geometric lineless comm of @official-infinitea's character!
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lostsoulau-ask · 1 year
Journal of a Hatter - First Days at the Table
Day 1 :
First day at the table, im still confused about the "punishement" the Heart Queen inflicted us. Aparently its an "infinitea" or something like that. I managed to sneak this journal at the table, in case something happens to us. I can still record everything in there.
Day 2 :
I talked a little bit to the others 3 at the table, they seems to be from this place… Wonderland i think they calls it… That makes me the tourist of the group then…ho joy… The girls seemed worried about something, i would have loved to at least try and initiate the conversation but there was guards around us and i feel i could make everything worst just by opening my mouth.
Day 5:
The guards seemed to have left, but in case we are going to wait for a day and if they don't come back we bail. I hope everyone back at the White Kingdom is alright after what happened… The other man at the table got an eery feel to him, but he is nice. He say hes name is Chaos. An… interesting name but its another world aparently so, hey.
Day 10:
A partol came by the next day to see how we are doing with our punishement, i almost got my journal taken away because i tried punching one of them. The girls, Kurabe and Fettuccine, seemed even more worried. Fettuccine said that she " search for her Mety" …i hope that she finds him.
She made me think of when you, Buddy I miss you my love…
Day 30...maybe ?:
Almost a month aparently as passed and the patrols seems to become rarer. We started to be able to stand for a bit to strech before siting down. If a patroll don't come back in the next few days well try to leave the table.
Day ???
We tried to bail out since theres was no patrol anymore. By the stars…it hurted so much… it felt like i was rotting from the inside. Chaos managed to get the furthest from the table before he had to come back. Its the first time i saw him without his usuall smile. I tried to talk to him myself but as soon as i tried to open my mouth… i felt… wierd like if the pain from when i got out of the tea table came back. Then its complete dark. Kurabe said i slept for a day, she too seemed strange… did she became smaller ? …Must be my mind playing tricks, its been already a long time since i was there with them. Fettuccine wasn't feeling well either, she seemed paniked. Chaos is still KO from the last attempt at escape… We re getting desesperate… I... have an idea… but i already feel guilty thinking about it.
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tim-the-idiot · 1 year
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Catboy Marius and Cerberus (Jonny)
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avaetin · 1 year
Streamer Nico AU - Side Percy
In which Percy plays on stream and chaos ensues.
part 1
part 2
babysharkdudududu: Whoa! Percy's playing a horror game? Is the world coming to an end???
Percy: Yeah. Today, we're playing Amnesia: The Bunker. It's a new survival horror video game developed and published by Frictional Games. Now, I've played the other three Amnesia games, but not on stream. This is a special case, since I lost a bet with one of my friends. (makes quotation marks with his hands) Shoutout to Jason - Jason, you're an ass.
Pikachu: ❤️
notinfrontofmysalad: There’s the fake account
Percy: The reason why I never play horror games live-... wait. Did I just hear something...? (sees the screen getting slightly distorted) AHHHHHHH! IT'S HERE! F*CK IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE IT'S HERE IT'S HERE IT'S HERE! We're running, we're running! (character full sprinting, creating a lot of noises)(monster growling on the background) Back to the administration! Close the door, close the door, close the door!! AHHHHH!!!
Shush-I: hahaha awww poor Percy
infiniTEA: ROFL!!!
herbivore11:  😂 😂 😂
itsaboutDAMtime: LMAO!!!
Percy: (closes and locks the door) O-Okay, we'll stay here for now. (looks over at chat) Right. So as I was saying, I don't play horror games live because of this.
Pikachu: Nico would have powered through that... 
number1ghostkingfan: He did! I've seen his playthrough. He's already finished it.
Percy: Of course, he has. Horror and Happy Meal run hand-in-hand in his veins. Okay, I think we're good. Let's go back out there. (unlocks the door and whimpers) I hate you, Jason. I really, really hate you for this. (sobbing)
(In the background: Nico quietly entering Percy’s room. Looks at the camera and raises his finger to his lips)
Percy: (fueling up the generator) There we go! Power’s running, lights are back on. Let's go to the Prison area and take the bolt cutters.
Percy: (humming while making his way) (goes to the console and opens all the doors) (heads towards the cell where the bolt cutters and the remaining prisoner is tied up)
Percy: (prisoner starts shouting all of a sudden) No. Nonononononononono. What are you doing, my man?! My man, the monster will hear you! (lights flickering; monster growls) Oh f---!
Percy: (hides in the next cell) I don't have bullets anymore! All we have is this grenade! (brings out grenade and aims it outside cell as monster devours the prisoner in the other cell)
SpookyCookie: Ghost King! number1ghostkingfan: My liege! Pikachu: Ohoho PercicoIsMyShip: Percy, your boyfriend's behind you--- DownTheRabbitHole: Percy, behind you!
(comment section: ROFL!!!)
Percy: (whimpering while focused on the screen, waiting to throw his grenade) (monster moving towards Percy’s cell)
Percy: Hnngh! Just turn awaaaaay. There's no one here! Of course it knows I'm here. I should have taken that med kit when I had the chance! (Nico slowly moving closer to Percy’s chair)
Percy: Nononononono! (monster turns to him) (uses the grenade)
Nico: AHHHHH! (screams from beside his ear)
Percy: AHHHH! (re-aims grenade to floor in front of him) (falls off of his seat) (character dies from explosion)
Pikachu: Someone please clip that  😂
PercicoIsMyShip: @ pikachu way ahead of you!
Nico: (laughs so much, tears start coming out of his eyes)
Percy: N-NICO! NICO F-CKING DI ANGELO! (struggles to get up and chases him out)
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official-souls · 2 years
Now that I think about it, what would happen if you flip the cup and pour the tea out from the infinitea cup? will it flood the void?
I don't think I wanna find out...
- 💙 Isabella
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angmuntingwellay · 1 month
—At the sofa
Today was dragging. I am dead exhausted due to the heat plus information overload. I started my day talking w my baby because I woke up earlier than I was supposed to. But I am glad to wake up early because I had the chance to see my pretty baby before she attend her classes!
The first subject that I attended was APS and it was kind of overwhelming for me! Thank God, Ate Lhet offered leniency to me and two other classmates. After attending the class, I suddenly felt drained and dealt w my impostor syndrome. It reminded me of how my workmate perceived me: indecisive and impulsive. Being reminded of that crushed me.
After that dreading first class, I went to Machichu to order some meal for my baby's lunch. Fortunately, after a few minutes, she informed me that she's on a break too! Yay, we had lunch together! Then, we went to Infinitea to kill time and for me to attend my 2 other classes! By 12:55PM, my baby went back to USI to finish her remedial classes.
The TW class was breath-taking. I was amazed w Ma'am JP's wit and intelligence. She is a MLL! I wonder why I took her for granted when I was still in Senior High!
After the class, I went straight to PR's dorm. I was surprised w all the information that was dumped on me. I was kind of caught off guard but it kinda reminded me of the profession that I'd be having in the future.
Wrapping up the day w a date! I missed my baby a lil extra today! I am glad that she shared w me her learning! ♡
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Lunch date!
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High pre-test score! Eyy to top 3! ♡
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infinitea Maginhawa✨
Tambayan noon hangang ngayon. spend the time here to talk about life lalo kapag mabigat na yung nararamdaman namin ng mga kaibigan ko, kumbaga may peace of mind dito.
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outdatedprometheus · 1 year
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enc-therefridgerator · 11 months
procession: mga pupuntahan natin sa umaga
Mang Inasal
Chow King
Pizza HUt
Chevy Burger
Zark's Burger
Book & Borders
Tropical Hut
Krispy Kreme
Coco's Juice
Hen Lin
Tapsi ni Vivian
Cool Beans Library Cafe
Crazy Ramen
Crazy Katsu
Cafe Tribu
Dairy Queen
Common Room
Hey Kessy
The Paper Stone
feeding programmes
educational presentations
film screenings
garage sales
factory sales
library sales
art tutorials
business launches
free giveaways
free samples
product demonstrations
PSA presentations
house warmings
lonely grandmas who want to serve a hotpot
lonely grandpas playing billiards and stuff
entrance examinations
Fully Booked
Gong Cha
Macau Imperial Tea
academic conferences
art markets
Black Scoop Cafe
Angel Burger
Burger Machine
Sisig Society
King Sisig
Mr. Kimbob
Books For Less
Army Navy
Bon Chon
Tokyo Tokyo
Tender Juicy
Subway sandwich
school cultural presentations
hospital cafeterias
Waffle Time
Auntie Anne's
Calda Pizza
Monster Pizza
Blessings Xerox
Copytrade Xerox
School Xerox
Zeitgeist book stall
pop-up book stalls
pop-up bazaars
carriage sales
Farmer's Market
Ali Mall
school libraries
pier book stalls
public school weekdays
noodle shops
dumpling shops
bao shops
sushi shops
school weekdays
college weekdays
college student bazaars
college xerox
college pop-up stalls
lumpiang shanghai shops
sari-sari stores
Amour book cafe
street food
Fleur de Lis
Angel Pizza
Domino's Pizza
Toy stores
school supply stores
office presentations
office cafeterias
Farron cafe
Happy Lemon
fried chicken restaurants
French Baker
college student stall sales
Broadway Gems
pizza shops and restaurants
tapsilog restaurants
poetry readings
public health presentations
coffee shops
church special events
independence days
government information presentations
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heavymetalzen · 1 year
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a lobby and lounge& a table for presentations and discussion& catering of infinitea, yellowcab and those things that each of us are selling&
an underground place where there's lots of computers to use for portfolio-writing& there's library lounges to read about the personal habits and motivations of people&
a computer lounge for prayer&
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