#influencer sponsored hell. you don't get to keep anything you own
adelle-ein · 1 year
if ribblr has 1 hater i am that hater
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
I don't understand why people think that dragging a member on twitter will do something to their career. I'm genuinely asking because I don't know how media works, but could anything happen to them over hate tweets and maybe a hashtag trending? I don't think investors or sponsors care about people trending something that they only do to uplift their own faves and try to make it seem like the tannies were the bad people. Like if they do something controversial, I understand that they could get backlash from that, because it would be all over in media and such. But these tweets are not that deep and I don't think real/actual media which has influence cares about those... So why do people feel the need to do this? Why would you drag a person who you don't even know, over something that has nothing to do with you, just to try to make it seem like your fave has a better something or does something better,when in reality the people you are trying to cancel are probably friends with your fave too?? I really don't understand. Social media has gotten so far in a bad way, especially the fandom aspect. All this needless hate will result that MAYBE the actual artist will see and feel bad about themselves. Maybe not if they have been in the industry for a long time and dealt with this many times, but it could still make them feel bad and self-conscious. Why the hell would someone willingly try to cause something that. If media doesn't pick up on it, which they don't always, what's the reason?? Are they projecting? Is this their hobby? Is it satisfying to write malicious things about a person you don't and never will know? I just don't understand...
I don't have the right answer to that question because it is not my field of expertise. From my ignorance on the matter, I would say it doesn't influence much, all the hate that Jimin has received per year from one part of the fandom I think proves that but I also think that the people who do that don't do it with the intention of damaging a member's career, they do it with the intention of distracting those who pay attention to what they say about something, they do it to feed their own narratives, they do it to keep those narratives alive. I think that's precisely what's happening these days. It's basically them getting everyone talking about that issue and forgetting about the other drama. Distraction. The irony is that if no one was talking about the other issue if no one was posting the pictures over and over again if no one was trying to prove anything, a lot of people wouldn't even know about it.
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border-spam · 4 years
Leech Lord prompts: Hatred
Tumblr media
He cannot fucking stand the makeup and costume team.
He sits quietly with so much rage boiling in his abdomen as they scurry around him that he's started needing to remove the prosthetic for most pre-stream prep sessions
He told them it's so they could maneuverer easier, that he was sick of them catching on the sharp edges and jostling him as he'd wait in silence for an hour while they worked his face and body, but it's really because of how many times he's splintered an armrest or come far too close to just grabbing one of them when they won't.. shut.. up.
He hates himself for it more than anything because he knows damn well they aren't actually doing anything wrong. He used to do all his own makeup, all his own costume prep, but as years passed and his attention and time had to be stretched further across more responsibilities and daily tasks, Tyreen insisted they give up on running their own prep sessions and leave it to a group with more skill and far more efficiency than a man with one arm..
She was right. There is no argument, she was right, but God he wishes he'd never have to fucking see any of these people again instead of having to endure them daily, controlling his breathing while they swarm about like insects, applying accessories and fixing problems with how he looks.
They have to talk to each other, of course they do, how else can they do this job, but what they talk about? He hates it.
"No, go up a shade, his undereye is darker than yesterday."
"Need a green tone to cover the bruising, A-410m, no *dab* it on, don't smear, his skin's not great today"
"These need to come in another inch they're barely staying up, call in tailoring."
"Define the bridge harsher, yeah, makes him actually look masculine, stops the eyes looking as sunken too."
"This isn't working - it's just drawing attention to how flat this pec is, do we have any contouring shades we can lift the definition with? He's not balanced, right side’s smaller."
He loathes them, and they have no idea how close they come every day to finding out exactly how much.
There are exceptionally few in Tyreen's sphere of influence who can say no to her. Her followers absolutely do not. The sponsors, the business people, the grovelling off-planet mayors and politicians who travel to the Holy City to beg for her ear certainly don't either. Troy? Rarely, and she can usually muddle him enough afterwards with crocodile tears and gestures of care to get what she wants even when he denies her at first, but his Saints?
Some of his Saints... she wants to eat alive.
Ur-Aurum is the worst by far. He's impenetrable. Has been for near a decade, ever since they handed over their first $5k to him in his citrus scented dust-free luxury office on Promethea. She's not sure she's ever seen the little man look intimidated yet alone act it. A stony-faced, immaculately dressed and groomed business mogul who sacrificed any spark of joy he was born with for hard logic a long time ago, and who has no problem telling God Queen Calypso, Holy Mother of the Vault... no.
He's told her no more than any living person has, including her father. Threats don't work and never have, he's never so much raised an eyebrow at what she does to people in his presence. Manipulation doesn't work because for all her skill, he is so much smarter than she will ever be and he damn well knows it. He's untouchable, Solomon runs all of finance at her stupid fucking brother's decision, and reports to him, not her. He has no family, he has no friends, he's a self-contained fortress of a man she can only scream frustrations at when she's denied, when he shoots down a request for budgeting or vetos a new project she wants to push.
She's disarmed around him, powerless because of this horrible little gremlin, this weakling half her size and weight, and she hates him for it. Loathes him for being so strong without needing to hurt anyone, so dominating without saying a word. Solomon commands respect without a gun or threat or nightmarish cosmic power..
He's stronger than her. She hates him.
-- Ur-Machina:// - Mechanica Dept - Internal Com --
U-M : Update immediately - why was 100Ur0B-na blocked with your sign off? That shipment was cleared through lead meetings, it was meant to touch dock 3 hours ago and we're only finding out it was cancelled now. No comms?-
U-C : No need for comms, Saint permission levels are equal, we don't need to send your side updates for every decision made here, remember? Calm down, from what I hear things are stressy enough down in your waste pit without you embarrassing yourself in front of your poor crew by throwing one of your little tantrums.-
U-M : Xan that's very interesting, really. So you without any warning whatsoever cancelled a high-security order that's going to end up causing a major project disruption, and you did this with who's authority? You need to go through Sol to redirect funding and you've left a hell of a messy paper trail here, very easy to follow... did he ok the budget for this new marketing venture?-
U-C : None of your concern, junker. The Holy Father clearly doesn't keep a tight enough grip on your kind's leashes if you don't know your place yet. Necessary channels and processes were followed. We're airtight, you can stop wringing your greasy hands together and put them to some use for once, do some actual work that doesn't involve spreading your legs for a change.-
U-M : Sorry Xan, some of that com text was garbled or something, shame! You should have your techs check out the connection on Marketing's side. Pinged Sol by the way! He's surprised, never heard of this request? I'd expect a call shortly. Honestly, considering who's shipment that was, I'm pretty shocked myself. Maybe I could send you some of my crew over some time, give your team a hand with double-checking data before you dig your own grave in the future!-
//File attached: 100Ur0B-na: Sec code GKT -Personal order- High prio
U-C : We'll have this resolved shortly, thank you for your time.-
U-M : Always got time for you, hun.-
Asks are Open!
(Amazing art from Sick Mick in source)
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