#influencers need to seek regular employment. immediately.
nuu-wa · 2 years
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(CW for the linked Twitter thread regarding discussions of systemic SA/rape perpetuated by the US military and Israeli apartheid state)
From the Dazed article:
But Haylujan isn’t the only E-girl using Sanrio sex appeal to lure the internet’s SIMPs into the armed forces. There’s Bailey Crespo and Kayla Salinas, not to mention countless #miltok gunfluencers cropping up online. While she didn’t document her military career, influencer Bella Porch also served in the US Navy for four years before going viral on TikTok in 2020, and is arguably the blueprint for this kind of kawaii commodified fetishism in the military. An adjacent figure, Natalia Fadeev, also known as Gun Waifu, is an Israeli influencer and IDF soldier who uses waifu aesthetics and catgirl cosplay to pedal pro-Israel propaganda to her 756k followers. She poses to camera, ahegao-style, with freshly manicured nails wrapped neatly around a glock, the uWu-ification of military functioning as a cutesy distraction from the shadowy colonial context: “when they try and destroy your nation,” she writes in one caption.
We’ve entered an era of military-funded E-girl warfare. In what would’ve felt unimaginable only a few years back, influencers are the hottest new weapon in the government’s arsenal. Here, cosplay commandos post nationalist thirst traps to mobilise the SIMPs, attracting the sort of impressionable reply guys and 4chan lostbois who message “OMG DM me🔥” on every post. Sanitising the harsh realities of US imperialism with cute E-girl-isms, it promotes the sort of hypersexualised militarism that reframes violence as something cute, goofy and unthreatening – a subversion of the beefy special forces stereotype in the mainstream. Arguably far more unsettling than any 20th-century CIA covert ops, there’s no hush-hush to this operation. Rather it hides in plain sight, capitalising on online irony to lull you into a false sense of security with #relatable content and the sort of tapped-in memery that can only come from years of being terminally online (she’s just like me, fr).
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Chapter 9
1 month later…
It had taken a good week for her bruises to fade from her skin. She still felt some discomfort in sudden movements of her torso, but she was on the mend, and that was good enough for her. Luna was improving quickly as well, being fed a steady regiment of meat no doubt helping her quick recovery. She was still in the cell, but she didn't seem to upset, she still slept most of the day and night on the soft little hay filled cushion. It was a nice change from what they were used to, especially once she had fled her kingdom. Food and comfort were rarely found, and far between good bouts of rest.
Mistlynn had grown restless after a good week of resting. She had never seen so much decadent food in her life. Not to mention her assigned room made her personal tent back home feel positively barbaric.
Balin and Dis were regular companions, bringing books and maps for her to study in her downtime. Dis had even brought her sons to meet her officially. They were kind, and rather painfully reminded her of her beloved younger brother, Argos. She apologized profusely to Fili for holding a knife to his throat. He waved it off, rather complimenting her on her near escape and her impressive combat skills. Kili, who also admired her daring stunt with his brothers 'borrowed' daggers and the banner of their family crest, was also eager to learn about her origins. She gave very vague answers, just enough to satisfy their eager questions. Like Dis and Balin, she had the distinct feeling she could trust them. But it was too soon, and her peoples secrets precious. She did not want to add treason to the guilt of her brother's death as well.
Dis had given her permission to leave Erebor to explore Dale at her leisure. Dis knew Mistlynn would not leave without Luna, so she knew there was no threat of her leaving.
Thorin wasn't too keen on this idea but Dis kept the details of his displeasure to herself. She hadn't seen the King since that night in Luna's cell. She was relieved he kept his distance, even though the thought of him keeping his distance from her purposefully didn't give her the sense of pleasure she thought it would.
She blamed her confusing emotions and thoughts on her idleness. So, she decided it was time to visit Dale, to see the race of Man. She talked to Balin extensively on what it took to survive here in this strange world. Coin is what was needed to survive, not a bartering system that she was accustomed to.
She had skills. She was a very proficient in leather working, and she could tan the best hides this side of Arda, this she was confident of. She did feel like it was appropriate to seek employment inside Erebor's walls, and Dale proved to be the key to fixing her financial woes.
In the first couple days of her exploration of Dale, she found a tannery that needed another hand. She proved her skill quickly and the shady little man put her to work immediately.
She didn't mind the long hours, she found once again working with her hands both in skinning, tanning and the tedious ministrations of making armor a welcome relief from her thoughts of her current living predicament and most of all, Thorin.
He lingered in her every idle thought and haunted her dreams at night. It was unsettling to say the least. Infuriating. So, she sought most of her time outside of Erebor's walls, making her own way out from underneath his influence. She was now making money from her hides and leather armor. Orders, much to the tannery owners delight, were piling up. She was finally seizing some power back. She was in control of her own fate once again. She may just be able to survive in this world on her own.
"What do you mean she's been spending her days in Dale? Doing what?" Thorin was looking up at Balin from the pile of paperwork splayed out in front of him.
Balin sighed deeply. "She's been going out early, before dawn and then coming back right after sundown. Goes to the Dire-Wolf's cell, then goes to her room. Then she repeats."
Thorin raised an eyebrow as he set his quill back in its holder. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his forehead with his ink free hand. "You have gotten to know her? Unless Dis is just being overly generous with her praise of her character." His tone was forced indifference. He was losing the battle of keeping himself busy, of keeping his thoughts free of her and the beautiful green pools of her eyes.
Balin looked over his shoulder, eyeing Fili and Kili expectantly. "Amad isn't exaggerating. She really is a delightful creature. One of the most engaging dwarrowdam's I've ever had the pleasure of meeting." Fili's tone was neutral as he skimmed over some of the paperwork regarding one of his tasks as crowned prince and heir.
"Quite lovely and refreshing. If I hadn't already found my 'One'…" Kili drawled teasingly, looking at his brother and Balin with a cheesy grin.
Thorin glowered at them. "Dale isn't exactly safe for any woman, let alone a Dwarrowdam." He growled, pointedly ignoring his younger nephew. "Since you are such fast friends, I want you both to follow her. See what she is up to."
Balin rolled his eyes and snorted. "It's Dale. What kind of mischief could she cause in Bard's kingdom?"
"I don't want to leave her with enough freedom for us to find out." Thorin drawled, giving Balin a stubborn look.
Balin shook his head. "How long are you going to keep this up Laddie?" he didn't hide the exasperation in his voice. Kili kicked Fili, making his brother grunt in pain and rub his shin. Before he could retaliate, he saw Kili watching their uncle and Balin with keen interest.
Thorin's frown deepened. "I am not going to discuss this anymore. I just want to make sure she is not a threat to my kingdom. Despite her winning all of you over, I have yet to be convinced of her intentions." Strangely, his tone held no bitterness or anger. Just a deep sorrow etched with pain. The two brothers looked at each other in surprise, seeing their uncle let down his walls was rare. It was a brief window looking into someone's deepest and darkest fears and the anguish that was constantly threatening to drown them.
Balin's exasperated expression turned sympathetic. "I am most certain you do not have to worry about any nefarious plans coming from her." Balin took a step closer to his friend, hating to see him hurt. It cut him deep whenever he saw this side of Thorin, and it hurt him even more knowing that he was denying himself the happiness he full well deserved. Balin knew where it stemmed from, however.
He had lost so much. Out of fear of losing more, he kept everyone at arm's length. But this imposing figure of a Mountain King had a heart, and he felt deeply and passionately. He was always empathetic and sensitive to the feelings and needs of others, especially to those who had less than him. It was an amazing trait that Thror and Thrain had attempted to snuff out, worried it would make him a King that was easy to manipulate and control. Instead, it made Thorin aloof, restrained, self-depreciating. He had constructed thick forbidding walls that rivaled the strength of those of Erebor. But occasionally, a crack emerged and would allow someone a glimpse of that young dwarfling that once laughed, hoped, and loved freely.
"Do you really think Mahal would construct you a 'One' to be your enemy? She is the other part of your soul, Thorin. She is the one who will make you whole, not destroy you."
"She will destroy me." Thorin whispered, to no one in particular. "She is not of our kingdom, our world. This is not her home. She will leave the moment her wolf is healed. She can't stand being here, she escapes whenever she can, she has been trying to since the very moment we brought her here." Thorin swallowed thickly. "She will leave. They always do."
The atmosphere of the room grew thick. Fili and Kili looked at each other with sorrow in their eyes. They could not stand seeing him this way.
"Uncle, we shall see what she is up to." Fili spoke first, his voice neutral of any emotion. Kili, the romantic optimist of the family was dying to comfort his uncle, to tell him what he was confident Mistlynn was trying to carve herself a life here in Erebor, but Fili caught his gaze and silenced him with a firm shake of the head. Again, not the time for fluff talk. Kili rolled his eyes, irritated he was once again silenced by his brother. Fili motioned for him to get up and leave with him, giving Thorin and Balin privacy to talk. "We will wait for her at the gates before sunrise. Be at ease Uncle."
Thorin sighed, giving his nephews a faint smile. "Thank you."
Fili and Kili gave him even brighter smiles. "Of course, Uncle." This time Kili spoke, "We look forward to proving your suspicions unwarranted."
Fili smacked Kili on the back of the head and shoved him out the door, giving Thorin and Balin an apologetic look before shutting the door behind him.
Balin took a moment, looking at his friend who was more upset than he even realized. "You're going to tear yourself to pieces, keeping yourself from her. Once that pull occurs it's only a matter of time. I've seen it happen. You became a shell of your former self. And that is all I am going to say on the matter."
Thorin leaned his head back in his chair and shut his eyes tightly. "Thank you Balin, that will be all." He heard Balin sigh again and walk out of his office. His gut clenched painfully, making it hard to breathe. It was getting worse, despite his best efforts to ignore it, it was starting to take its toll on his sleep. On his day-to-day life. It was terrifying to feel his energy and will seep from him, as if he was bleeding out. One way or another, he had to figure out how to get ahold of himself.
Before sunrise next morning…
As she approached the main gates, she saw two familiar figures standing alongside the guards. Her eyebrows raised to her hairline as she recognized who they were. "Kili? Fili? What are you two doing up so early?"
"Mist! Fancy meeting you here!" The dwarven princes grinned cheekily, making her immediately suspicious. "We were just tossing the idea around of taking a nice little morning jaunt down to Dale! Were we not, brother?"
Kili nodded, all too eager. "Yes brother, a stroll through the city. Seeing the sights. People watching. Good fun!"
Fili kicked his brother in the back of his achilleas, making Kili grit his teeth, his grin now a pained one. "Listen to this dolt, all eager to get out. Mountain fever and all that entails."
She folded her arms across her chest. "Seriously guys. Why are you here?"
Fili feigned mock indignation, gasping as if affronted. "So suspicious. You've been spending too much time with our Uncle, dearest."
"I've spent no time with your charming uncle." She popped her hip to the side, arms now on her hips and her lips pressed thinly. "He's the one who is asking you to follow me, isn't he?"
"Now why would he ever ask us to do that? It's not like you two are an item or anything." Kili chirped, recovered quickly from his throbbing achilleas. "No, no, we just want to take a stroll, escort you, see what you've been doing these past couple weeks. It's as if you're trying to avoid us by staying away."
"Quite rude isn't it brother? Avoiding us?" Fili shook his head, looking at her with woeful eyes.
Mistlynn groaned. At least it wasn't that intimidating one, Balin's younger brother Dwalin with his unreadable expressions. Or Nori, his head of security that she felt could see right through her. "Fine, fine, fine! You can accompany me until I get to my employment. I got a full day ahead of me and I don't need you two marmots disturbing me."
"What is a marmot?" Kili was baffled, but aware that it was meant to be insulting. Fili on the other hand heard something else entirely. "Employment? Why do you need employment, in the city of man no less?" Mistlynn rolled her eyes. The resemblance between uncle and nephew suddenly apparent.
"Because I need coin to survive. I just can't live off your uncle's hospitality now, can I? Come on, I don't want to be late."
Fili looked at the little rundown building with thinly veiled disgust. It was on the outskirts of Dale's thriving market, in the part of the shiftier businesses frequented by those of less than savory character. He and Kili shared a look of apprehension before they followed her in. A short yet rotund man sat behind the counter in the back of the dark, musky front room. His greasy, greying mouse brown hair stuck to his balding head in thin tendrils that hung past his shoulders. His tunic was torn and stained in various places. He looked up and scowled as they walked in. His double chin wobbled as he hacked, spittle showering the top of the counter.
"Your late!" he wheezed. "You think those hides are going to tan themselves?"
The prince's eyes flashed in anger. "Excuse me sir but what gives you the right to talk to the lady in such a grievous manner?" Fili seethed as he stepped forward, authority exuding from him.
"She is my employee; what business is it of yours?" The man spat back. "Now are you here to buy something? Otherwise get out!"
Mistlynn looked at them imploringly. "Please, you promised to not interfere with my employment." She gritted through her teeth, her tone low.
"How much is he paying you a hide?" Fili demanded. Judging by his surroundings and state of the building, he already knew the answer.
"I get a bag of coin a day." She hissed. "Now, please go!"
"A bag of what?! What kind of coin?" Kili stepped close to her, just as seething as his brother, who was glaring at the sputtering shopkeeper.
Mistlynn pulled a bag out of her pocket and shoved it into Kili's hand. It was half full, and suspiciously light. Kili opened the bag and dumped the contents in his hand. His and Fili's jaws clenched in rage as they saw 25 bronze coins laying dull in his palm. "A day? You get this per day? You should be getting this per hide, and those being poorly done!" Fili fumed. He looked up at her, eyes flashing. Mistlynn's breath caught in her throat. She had never seen either Fili or Kili this mad before. He didn't even think they were capable of it. "Show me what you've made so far." Fili demanded.
The shopkeeper jumped down from his rickety stool. "Now see here you good for nothing rock licker…" The overweight man found a sword tip aimed at his chest, and his eyes nearly popped from their eye sockets. Kili's chest was heaving with anger. "Go brother, I got this slug handled."
Mistlynn opened her mouth to protest but was grabbed by Fili and dragged into the backroom. "Show me." He commanded, as he looked around in disgust.
Mistlynn felt her resolve crumble a bit. Surely, she had not caused some of her only friends in this place such insult. She pointed to a couple of the hides that were stacked neatly on her worktable, and Fili felt his breath leave his chest as he looked down on the leather works that were laid out, organized and pristine in presentation. "Mistlynn, you crafted all of this?" Fili breathed out, as he picked up a bracer and marveled at the skill shown in the piece.
"Y-yes." She stammered, not sure what to make of what was happening.
Fili's face darkened with a thunderous ire. Her eyes grew wide as he turned to face her. "This bracer alone should fetch you at least 10 silver coin. This is masterful work!"
Mistlynn looked at him blankly. "I don't know the differences of coin, Fili. I thought silver was just for jewelry and hair beads."
Fili's laugh was not a humorous one as he started grabbing the items off her table and shoving them into the nearest bag. "We are taking these. He doesn't deserve to even have you set foot in this rathole." He growled.
Mistlynn stammered; she couldn't really form words as she watched him grab all the leather armor that was obviously of her make, then quickly and briskly walked back out, her hand held firmly in his free one.
"Pay the snake Kili and we will be on our merry way." Fili directed, keeping Mistlynn behind him as if trying to spare her shopkeepers mere presence.
"See here you thieves, that is my property, and you have no right to any of those pieces!" Kili kicked him back onto the stool, making the poor excuse of a man look up at him in surprise. "We have every bloody right you fool. And if you don't want Thorin Oakenshield's wrath to fall upon your disgusting head you will shut up and take this gold and forget we ever stepped foot in here."
The man paled at the Mountain Kings name. Kili tossed a bag of gold coin at him. "Not like you deserve payment, taking advantage of one of our dams in such a sordid manner."
The man swallowed and nodded stupidly. "Yes, master dwarf. Thank you."
Kili growled in disgust as he followed his brother and Mistlynn out, making sure to slam the door for good measure.
Silence fell upon them, Mistlynn overwhelmed and shaken by the righteous anger displayed by her friends, while Fili and Kili spoke to each other in hushed and quick Khuzdul as they picked up and examined her work from the bag.
Mistlynn felt her own anger rise. "He was the only one to take me on!" She huffed. "Now what am I going to do? No one will take me now after that display!"
The princes both lifted their heads and looked at her in shock. "He was swindling you Mist! Don't you understand that? He knew it to! You probably brought that vile excuse of a man more clients and money he has seen in a lifetime and was paying you next to nothing!" Fili disputed, his tone broking no argument.
"As your friends, and our uncles …" Kili started out, just as equally stern but trailed off, realizing his error, watching as Mistlynn's eyebrows raised questioningly "Guest. His honorable guest, we cannot allow you to suffer such insolence." Fili looked at him incredulously. "Nice save men gorach. (idiot)" He whispered to his brother through the corner of his mouth.
"Well, I am not wrong! And you know it! I'm the only one who isn't pussyfooting around it!" Kili growled back as he shoved one of Mistlynn's bracers back into the bag.
Mistlynn threw up her hands in frustration. "Fine! Now what? Now what am I going to do? I have nothing. I won't be able to stay here!"
"You want to live here in Dale?" Fili sputtered, horrified at the idea.
"Well, yes! I'm not one of your people. There is no place for me in Erebor, at least in Dale I would be close to you both and your mother and Balin." She trailed off, her anger fizzling out and turning into resignation.
"Oh Mist. If you only knew." Kili smiled gently. "Come on. Let us not spoil the day. Let's show you the sights. And I promise we well help you find a commission for your trade INSIDE Erebor. Dwarves, Elves and Men will be lined up for miles for your leather goods. You will not be worrying about coin ever again."
"What about Luna?" finding a place that would accept her was her biggest stressor.
"What about her? She will be just fine, leave that to Uncle. I hear he even sneaks down there to see her. Even brings her treats. So does the rest of the company. Only them though I promise you." Fili added the last part quickly, not wanting to alarm her with that tiny secret Thorin swore him to secrecy. 'Ooops.'
"Are you joking?" Mistlynn gasped, shocked beyond belief.
"Nope. He's very fond of your wolf. Even though he will never admit to it. Leave it to him, before long she will be the darling mascot of Erebor."
Mistlynn felt her heart skip a couple beats at Kili's words. It was hard for her to believe, but the thought of him showing Luna such affection made her gut twist and flutter.
"Enough of this. Let's get on with that tour." Fili adjusted the bag on his shoulder and held his arm out for her to take, Kili likewise holding out his other arm for her to hold as well. She found herself smiling as they led her down the cobbled street and began regaling tales of Dale and of the treasures that could be found there.
It wasn't until later in the evening, when they decided to stop at the pub before heading back to Erebor, that she let Thorin sneak back effortlessly into her thoughts.
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influencermagazineuk · 4 months
Why People Tend to Seek Jobs Over Being Entrepreneurs: Does It Really Steps Them Down in Life?
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In today's society, the majority of people still gravitate towards seeking traditional jobs rather than venturing into entrepreneurship. Despite the allure and potential rewards of being one's own boss, the path of entrepreneurship is often perceived as fraught with risk and uncertainty. This preference for job security over the uncertainties of starting a business can be attributed to various factors, which ultimately may hinder individuals from achieving greater success and personal fulfillment. One of the primary reasons people prefer jobs over entrepreneurship is the stability and predictability that traditional employment offers. A regular paycheck, health benefits, retirement plans, and other perks provide a sense of security that is highly valued. In contrast, entrepreneurship involves a level of financial instability that many find daunting. The fear of not having a steady income or the possibility of business failure can be significant deterrents. This preference for security often leads individuals to choose a safer, albeit less fulfilling, career path. Another significant factor is the societal and educational system that predominantly prepares individuals for employment rather than entrepreneurship. From a young age, people are conditioned to follow a structured path: go to school, get good grades, attend college, and then secure a stable job. This conventional route is deeply ingrained in many cultures, making the idea of deviating from it to start a business seem risky and unconventional. Schools and universities often emphasize skills that prepare students for the job market, with less focus on fostering entrepreneurial skills such as risk-taking, innovation, and resilience. Fear of failure is another powerful influence. The prospect of failing in business can be intimidating, especially in societies where failure is stigmatized. Unlike a job where responsibilities and risks are shared, entrepreneurship requires taking on significant personal responsibility. The potential financial losses, coupled with the social embarrassment of a failed venture, can discourage many from pursuing their business ideas. This fear of failure can limit individuals from exploring opportunities that might lead to greater success and satisfaction. The lack of access to resources and support is also a critical barrier. Starting a business requires capital, knowledge, and networks, which are not readily available to everyone. Many aspiring entrepreneurs struggle to secure funding, find mentors, or access business networks that can provide essential support and guidance. In contrast, jobs typically offer training, resources, and a built-in support system. This disparity makes the path of employment more attractive and accessible compared to the challenging journey of entrepreneurship. Additionally, the allure of immediate rewards and recognition in a job setting can overshadow the long-term benefits of entrepreneurship. Climbing the corporate ladder, receiving promotions, and earning accolades provide tangible and immediate validation that can be highly motivating. In contrast, the rewards of entrepreneurship, such as financial independence and personal fulfillment, often take years to materialize and require enduring periods of hard work and sacrifice. This need for immediate gratification can lead individuals to opt for jobs where progress and success are more immediately visible. Despite these reasons, choosing a job over entrepreneurship can have long-term consequences that may limit personal and professional growth. Traditional jobs often come with constraints such as limited creative freedom, lack of control over one's career trajectory, and potential job dissatisfaction. Over time, these limitations can lead to a sense of unfulfillment and regret for not pursuing one's passions and business ideas. The structured nature of jobs can stifle innovation and creativity, qualities that are essential for personal growth and fulfillment. Moreover, the financial potential of entrepreneurship often far exceeds that of traditional employment. While jobs provide a steady income, they also come with a ceiling on earnings and advancement. In contrast, successful entrepreneurs can achieve significant financial rewards and build substantial wealth. By choosing the security of a job over the potential rewards of entrepreneurship, individuals may be stepping down from opportunities that could lead to greater financial independence and success. Entrepreneurship also offers a unique sense of autonomy and control over one's destiny. Being able to make decisions, set goals, and pursue one's vision can be incredibly empowering and fulfilling. This level of autonomy is rarely found in traditional jobs, where employees are often bound by organizational hierarchies and policies. The freedom to innovate, take risks, and build something from the ground up can lead to a deep sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that is difficult to achieve in a conventional job setting. While the path of traditional employment offers stability and security, it also comes with limitations that can hinder personal and professional growth. The preference for jobs over entrepreneurship is influenced by factors such as the desire for stability, societal conditioning, fear of failure, and lack of resources. However, these factors can prevent individuals from exploring opportunities that could lead to greater success, financial independence, and personal fulfillment. Embracing the challenges and uncertainties of entrepreneurship may be daunting, but it also holds the potential for significant rewards and a more fulfilling life. Read the full article
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testingshastra · 9 months
How can Certification jumpstart your Career?
Step into a domain where the pivotal role of career certifications becomes paramount, particularly within the intricate landscape of Testing Shastra. In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and ever-evolving industries, the key to staying ahead lies in continuous learning and skill refinement. This blog post is your gateway to unraveling the profound impact of certifications, showcasing their transformative influence as a catalyst for significant career elevation in the realm of Testing Shastra.
Increased Job Opportunities:
Capturing Attention: Certifications act as beacons on your resume, setting you apart from the crowd. Employers actively seek candidates with specific certifications, turning your profile into an immediate focal point.
Meeting Employer Standards: Job listings often outline preferred or required certifications. By holding these certifications, you align seamlessly with employers’ criteria, boosting your eligibility for a diverse range of roles.
Skill Set Expansion: Beyond validating your existing skills, certifications introduce you to new ones. This broadened skill set transforms you into a more adaptable candidate, well-suited for a variety of positions.
Benefits of Certifications for Career Growth:
Proving Your Expertise: Certifications act as concrete evidence showcasing your expertise and proficiency in a specific field. They go beyond words, providing employers with confidence in your ability to make meaningful contributions to their organization.
Building Credibility: Achieving certification not only boosts your professional credibility but also signals your dedication to staying current with industry trends. This commitment paints you as a more trustworthy and respected professional in your field.
Diversifying Your Skill Set: Certification programs offer a rich tapestry of skills and knowledge. By pursuing certifications, you not only deepen your existing skill set but also gain new, relevant capabilities, transforming you into a versatile and invaluable asset.
Boosting Your Job Prospects: In the competitive job market, relevant certifications catch the eye of employers. They often prioritize candidates with certifications, making you a more appealing prospect and heightening your chances of landing interviews and job offers.
Accelerated Career Advancement:
Showcasing Your Commitment: Certifications are like badges of dedication, displaying your ongoing commitment to learning and self-improvement. Employers can’t help but notice, painting you as a professional ready to tackle more substantial challenges and contribute meaningfully to the workplace.
Guiding Your Career Journey: Certifications often act as personal guides, offering structured paths that illuminate the steps to advancement. This clarity isn’t just a roadmap; it’s a compass, steering you through your career journey with a sense of purpose and clear direction.
Earning Recognition for Your Expertise: Each certification you earn is a testament to your growing expertise. This recognition is a potent tool, signaling to employers that you possess specialized knowledge worthy of promotion. It’s a spotlight on your unique skills in the professional arena.
Certification provides you an opportunity to prepare for in-demand skills:
This scarcity presents a golden opportunity for employees as recruiters and executives grapple with filling these skill-specific roles!
According to the World Economic Forum, by 2022, over 50 percent of the workforce will need reskilling and upskilling. To stay ahead of the curve, delve into research now and acquire valuable skills that are currently in demand.
Understanding the most sought-after skills in the market can guide your learning efforts. Regular upskilling ensures you remain current, evolving your expertise over time and maintaining relevance in your chosen industry.
This proactive approach not only fortifies your current position but also positions you to swiftly re-enter the job market, should the need arise unexpectedly. Stay ahead in the competitive landscape by continuously investing in your skill set
Maintain the currentness of your resume and secure a competitive advantage among peers.
In the contemporary job market, characterized by intense competition and constant evolution, the ongoing enhancement of your skill set is not just recommended but expected. Your resume serves as a crucial component of your envisioned career trajectory, offering a platform to showcase your myriad achievements.
Cultivating new skills enhances your marketability and maintains your relevance to potential employers. Certifications not only attest to your thorough training but also highlight your dedication to professional advancement, substantiating both your capabilities and aspirations.
By enrolling in a course or training program and obtaining relevant certifications, you not only accumulate valuable experience but also fortify your resume.
Individuals possessing such qualifications become particularly appealing to recruiters and companies, a noteworthy advantage in the face of numerous candidates meeting the job description criteria. The possession of a pertinent certification not only distinguishes you but also contributes to the development of a more compelling personal brand.
When you acquire skills pertinent to your professional domain, you inherently bring added value to your prospective employer.
Achieve your long-term career goals:
Dive deep into your industry, meticulously analyze job postings, and glean insights into what skills industry leaders deem essential for the positions you aspire to. Seek advice from seasoned professionals in the field; their guidance can help you discern the value of specific certifications. Remember, wisely investing your resources in the right milestones is key to streamlining your journey toward achieving your professional aspirations.
Acquiring a certification serves as a powerful catalyst for enhancing your future job prospects and reaching new heights. It not only allows you to expand on your existing knowledge but also sharpens your skills, ultimately boosting your chances of securing a more lucrative salary.
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tcbusinessschool · 11 months
Best MBA Institution Offering Exceptional Career Placement Opportunities
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Choosing the right MBA institution is a critical decision for any aspiring business professional. The quality of education, faculty, and resources provided, as well as career placement opportunities, are vital factors that influence this decision. Among the top-ranked MBA colleges, TC Business School stands out as a shining example of an institution that not only offers a world-class education but also provides exceptional career placement opportunities.
TC Business School is renowned as the best MBA college, known for its top-ranked MBA program and unrivaled career placement services. We will delve into what sets TC Business School apart from the rest and how it can propel your career to new heights.
Top-Ranked MBA Program
TC Business School takes immense pride in its top-ranked MBA program, and for good reason. The institution's commitment to academic excellence is evident in its curriculum, which is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in today's competitive business world. The program covers a wide range of subjects, including finance, marketing, operations, and entrepreneurship, ensuring that students receive a holistic education.
Moreover, TC Business School maintains a strong network of industry experts and professionals who frequently interact with students, providing insights and real-world perspectives. This interactive learning approach enhances the overall quality of education, making TC Business School one of the best MBA colleges in the country.
A Legacy of Exceptional Placements
TC Business School takes immense pride in its consistent record of achieving exceptional placement rates for its MBA graduates. Over the years, the institution has maintained a remarkable track record of securing placements for its students in top-tier companies across diverse industries, including finance, consulting, marketing, and technology.
The outstanding achievement can be attributed to a blend of elements, which include:
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By enrolling at TC Business School, you not only receive a world-class education but also gain access to a robust support system that helps you transition seamlessly from the classroom to your dream career. So, if you're aspiring to become a successful business leader, TC Business School is the place to start your journey. Don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of the top-ranked MBA college for TC Business School and set the course for your prosperous future.
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sepublic · 4 years
Dark Hunters
           The Dark Hunters are a ruthless, merciless crime organization, comprised of mercenaries, bounty hunters, assassins, saboteurs, and various other facets of Xia’s most deplorable underbelly, gathered from every shadowy corner of the island. Under the sole and unbridled command of The Shadowed One, the Dark Hunters as a crime organization have influenced Xian economics, politics, and even culture in their bid for total supremacy across the island.
           The organization initially started off as a relatively small, independent guild of mercenaries willing to work for the highest bidder, during the ancient blood-soaked wars that plagued Xia prior to its industrialization. Led by the mysterious, enigmatic The Shadowed One, little is known of his origins; According to some accounts, he mysteriously appeared out of nowhere alongside his lieutenant Ancient and a few other warriors, armed with a cache of mysterious, reality-altering substances called ‘Viruses’.
           The Dark Hunters rose to infamy, performing brutal missions of assassination, extortion, as well as more minor cases of body-guarding and theft. During the War of Six Kingdoms, they were particularly reputable for being hired by multiple warlords at once and pitted against others, working for enemies and rivals at the same time. The Dark Hunters played every side possible in order to maximize profit.
           Eventually, as Xia began to enter its Industrial Age and the Dark Hunters adapted to the changing socioeconomic climate, they solidified their headquarters within the allegedly haunted Odina Fortress. Supposedly, the fortress is named after a tyrant named Odina, who performed various horrible executions on a whim and even bathed in the blood of her victims, before being executed herself in her own home. Legend has it that her ghost haunts the fortress’ halls to this day, but regardless of whether or not this is true, The Shadowed One has remained adamant in his policy of being more feared and respected than his home’s previous owner.
           The Dark Hunters lack the particular structure, order, and conformity of a typical army, with The Shadowed One’s policy being towards encouraging different talents and skills to emerge and flourish. His ideals seem to have worked out, as the Dark Hunters are currently the most powerful criminal organization in all of Xia, able to rival entire corporations, blackmail CEOs and dictators, and even negotiate with the Powers That Be. They frequently make deals with clients such as the Nynrah Ghosts, Vortixx Industries, Turaga Dume, and so forth. Due to their opportunistic nature and policies, the Dark Hunters have had plenty cases of working for one client, only to accept another mission afterwards against them. For The Shadowed One, he doesn’t even need to wait for a previous mission to be finished to begin one betraying a previous employer. The Dark Hunters have been complicit in the rise and fall of nations, influenced public opinion, participated in conspiracies, and even dabbled in unusual science experiments that baffle even the Nynrah Ghosts. Their primary concern is the amassing of profit, power, and weaponry; The last of those terms is broad and can apply to both Xian missiles and bombs, but also individuals and beasts as well.
           Although they have generally operated as normal for centuries, recent attention has been directed towards the six fragments of the Mask of Life, which have begun to resurface on the island of Xia. In an attempt to consolidate power and seize unyielding glory for himself, The Shadowed One has sent out his Dark Hunters to find these lost fragments, while at the same time having them fight back against the Toa and their Okotan allies, who seek to stop whatever the Dark Hunters have planned for both islands.
           The Dark Hunters are encouraged to recruit and expand their ranks, and many among their number actively look out for potential talent, even offering positions to former enemies who have interfered with Dark Hunter missions. Once inducted into the Dark Hunters, one gains not only a special ring, uniquely-manufactured and marking membership, but also a lifetime commitment to the organization. Leaving the Dark Hunters, through defection or retirement, is not an option- Once one has aligned with the mercenaries, they have sold their soul to The Shadowed One and operate as an extension of his will for the rest of their life, which their master can very easily shorten should he desire to. The policy towards desertion is almost invariably execution, with only the rarest exceptions given to Dark Hunters with plenty of use still left in them for the group.
           As a member of the Dark Hunters, fealty towards The Shadowed One and select high-ranking members, such as Ancient, is naturally mandatory. Regular reports to the Odina Fortress and of one’s missions and recent profits are required, but otherwise there is plenty of freedom to operate as one pleases. Dark Hunters can commit crimes on their own behalf at will, being protected by the organization; If a Dark Hunter is slain, the group will immediately send members to avenge the fallen comrade and brutally make an example of whoever has defied them. Such acts of vengeance are not done out of sentimentality, but more out of a possessive pride of The Shadowed One, who feels that the death of Dark Hunters is the destruction of his hard-earned property, and thus the highest insult towards his hard work and honor.
           Members of the Dark Hunters can be assigned missions by superiors, and must accept these missions no matter what; To refuse is to perform rebellion and thus punishable by death. Failure is also extremely dangerous, with operatives failing particularly valuable missions being executed by the dreaded Eliminator to have their tasks finished by the assassin herself. While most Dark Hunters have zero qualms with the atrocities they regularly commit, others come to regret their decisions, or at least fear being executed for incompetence, or sent on dangerous missions; The sentiment to desert is common, but rarely acted upon with Dark Hunters such as Guardian sent in to punish such traitors.
           The Dark Hunters are feared and reviled by many corners of Xian society, and many crime gangs view them as an unstoppable rival to take down, with little success. The Xian upper-class regards them as a dangerous and unsavory bunch, a sentiment only worsened due to Xian nobles often not being immune to assassinations by the Dark Hunters; Everyone and anyone is fair-game to them. While clients can typically expect the Dark Hunters to perform the task they were paid for at any cost, there has been the occasional incident where the group turned on their employer for their own benefits. The Shadowed One adamantly denies such incidents, but everybody knows the truth.
           Despite their reputation, many will still resort to joining them out of desperation, or for the need of protection, or the desire to partake in the organization’s massive wealth. Members who perform missions retain half of the specified pay, with the rest sent directly to the Odina Fortress’ vaults. Many influential Xian groups and characters have repeatedly employed the Dark Hunters, despite attacks from them and vice-versa; By the end of the day, it is all just business. Some will pay the Dark Hunters to protect them and those they love; Some will even live in the neighborhood and slums surrounding the Odina Fortress, willing to pay the high cost of real estate for guaranteed protection. Of course, those living within Odina’s shadow are also obligated to serve and welcome Dark Hunter guests no matter what- Even as not actual members, such tenants still sell their soul, whether or not they want to.
           Even the dictatorial Turaga Dume and his Vahki have been reported to working with the Dark Hunters from time to time, much to Dume’s distaste. Although he desires order, Dume and his Vahki are not all-powerful and need to rely on certain methods and skills outside of their range to accomplish their goals.
           If a Dark Hunter has a notable streak of successes and/or has proven their talent and worth, they may be rewarded with an official codename by The Shadowed One himself, and recorded in his personal tome with an entry on their past, abilities, weaknesses, personality, and so forth. Of course, every Dark Hunter has an entry on them, but these specially-recognized ones have their personal information more readily accessible- How flattering.
           Overall, the Dark Hunters are an incredibly dangerous organization, who will go to war on behalf of The Shadowed One on perceived slights to his honor and pride. They will manufacture tragedies and atrocities, and recruit the very victims of such events, with said new recruits none the wiser. Some members stay in line only out of fear or greed, whilst others are fanatically loyal to The Shadowed One’s cult of personality. Unless profits are concerned, there is no collateral damage nor cost too great, and the lives of innocent bystanders and even their own members are expendable. For the proper price, there is no line the Dark Hunters will not cross to achieve their goals, which only makes the potential terror of them reuniting the Mask of Life all the more potent. Narmoto, a former member who somehow managed to evade execution, knows firsthand the threat they alone can bring to Okoto, and that’s not even taking into account the rest of Xia; This is why he is so adamant on having the Toa and others come to the cursed land to stop The Shadowed One at any cost, even while Makuta’s remaining forces continue to plague Okoto.
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mapgiejournal · 4 years
Note to an Aspiring Trumper
What do you think? was the question and I hope you are as open minded as you believe. I consider you a friend and as such, I will be honest.
YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and all the rest are not news and information sources. They are entertainment. While they may frequently offer interesting ideas, these ideas should be met with some amount of skepticism. The confusion among Trump supporters between anarchists (who don’t believe in government or property) Marxists (who believe in government ownership of all property) and Nazis (who were not socialists but who added the term after nationalism to describe the perfect marriage of state and corporate power) illustrates the shortcomings of social media as educational tool. Journalists report on verifiable facts that are are confirmed by more than one source. If you’d like a quick education on journalistic integrity, see “All the President’s Men,” or “The Pelican Brief.” These are both fictionalized accounts but they do illustrate the principles on which good journalism operates. Social media does not operate on the principles of journalism neither, for that matter, does Fox News. One good way of verifying integrity is having a look at how many times a news source retracts or corrects itself. The New York Times and Washington Post correct themselves daily. This is not an admission of guilt but one of fallibility. People are fallible. Good journalism recognizes this.
You say Trump is trimming regulation and returning power to the states. What regulations has he done away with that were impinging on your freedom? For forty years the Republican party has been merrily hacking its way through the social safety net under the guise of “freedom” which they regularly confuse with free enterprise. There is precisely nothing wrong with free enterprise. Free enterprise that is allowed to do whatever it wants while treating its employees, customers and the environment like garbage must be prevented and the only way to prevent it is regulation. Exploitation in the pursuit of capital is the worst of our human failings: The dollar should never be considered of higher value than life. Without regulation, we would not have clean air and water, we would not have Glacier National Park, we would not have even the shitty work conditions that you detest in your current employment.
Black Lives Matter is a reaction to the most extreme form of exploitation in the pursuit of capital - slavery and 400 years of institutionalized racism. I have marched in support, through the streets of Vail, and I’ve marched alongside police officers who agreed with the movement, and who feel the incredible amounts of death and pain and incarceration inflicted on black citizens of our society needs correcting. You say you oppose affirmative action. I can’t imagine why. It hasn’t diminished you in any way, it hasn’t taken anything away from you. If anything, it has lifted you up because it has enabled someone who would never have had the opportunities you and I take for granted to move ahead and contribute something meaningful, perhaps ground-breaking to society. Colin Powell comes to mind as someone who has contributed mightily to this country and who arrived in a position to make that contribution through hard work and because Affirmative Action gave him an opportunity to do so. Can you imagine how many incredible minds were wasted, how many great spirits vanquished because their skin was the wrong color? What a waste in a country that prides itself on diversity (E Pluribus Unum) and opportunity. The United States built the greatest economy and upwardly mobile society the world has ever known during the years after the Second World War. Can you imagine how much greater it might have been if black GI’s returning from war had been included in the GI Bill?
I can’t look on Donald J Trump as my “weird uncle.” I look at him as what he is - an empty, hollow shell seeking nothing but money and power. He is a narcissist in the extreme. You may have grown up near New York City, but I’ve spent time in the city with abrasive characters, ruthless capitalists and regular people. I’ve also met people who have had direct dealings with Trump and who have nothing pleasant to say about him. I find it very telling that the longest surviving member of Trump’s cabinet is Stephen Miller, an utter racist. It is also symptomatic that Trump fails to listen to any advice he doesn’t agree with even from people who know far more than he does. This in itself is remarkable - he is the President of the United States, the most brilliant minds in the world are immediately accessible to him and yet he fails to seek advice or listen when it is offered.
Throughout his presidency, Trump has coddled dictators and strongmen, encouraged racists (“Good people” among the Nazis and White Supremacists in Charlotte and Richmond), and done his best to divide Americans along every fault line he can imagine. He attacks any journalist who questions him or derides any report he doesn’t like as “Fake news” and now he is painting any person who protests his presidency as “anarchists” and “agitators.” Hitler did this before the Reichstag fire (which his supporters set), blamed the fire on those same “anarchists” and “agitators” and seized power. If you would like an education into the perils of thinking our country can’t slide into authoritarianism, I would suggest “The Banality of Evil.”
Today is July 30 and the Trump has suggested postponing the election though the Constitution specifically gives that power to Congress. Two of Trump’s enablers, his Attorney General and Secretary of State, have both answered that the law is not clear on whether or not the president can postpone an election. The law is quite clear and these are men who, along with Trump, have taken oaths to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Just another piece of paper if you haven’t actually read it, if you have no intention of maintaining the Republic on which it was founded, or who believe the president is above the law.
Trump has flouted the law since before he was elected. His associates knowingly colluded with foreign agents to influence the election; he has locked children in cages; he has used his office to line his pockets, those of his family and those of his allies; and he given comfort to the enemy in failing to take any action - or even addressing - the bounty placed on American military personnel in the Middle East by Russia, the very definition of High Treason; and he has never ceased lying to the American people since the day he took office. All of these facts are indisputable, verifiable and widely available. That so many choose to be willfully ignorant of those facts is a threat to the liberty and freedom of every citizen of this country and every lover of liberty and freedom worldwide. Trump cares not at all for America or Americans - there are over 150,000 dead Americans whose corpses can attest to that, a number that sadly grows daily due to the utter malfeasance and total incompetence of Donald J Trump.
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calacuspr · 4 years
Calacus Weekly Hit & Miss – Lewes FC & Gordon Elliott
Every Monday we look at the best and worst communicators in the sports world from the previous week.
Every year on International Women’s Day (IWD) we see organisations looking to align themselves with topics such as gender equality, female empowerment, and fighting bias. 
The theme for IWD 2021 is #ChooseToChallenge, encouraging individuals and businesses to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements to help create an inclusive world.
While it’s easy to produce words on the importance of such issues, it’s the organisations that have proved they are committed to enforcing change that have the most credibility in this space.
East Sussex football club Lewes FC offer a perfect example after the fan-owned club promised equal investment, support and pay for their women’s and men’s teams in 2017. Four years on, Lewes are still the only club in Europe to have taken the stance.
This unique selling point has made Lewes an attractive employer to work for, with former England star Claire Rafferty joining the club as a non-executive director and Equal Playing Field co-founder Maggie Murphy taking on the role of general manager.
“For me, there wasn’t any other football club that I was interested in joining. It wasn’t really about football, it was about changing football,” Murphy explained in an interview with The Guardian.
“Joining the club, a little bit was about putting my money where my mouth was and to try and see if it’s possible to create a better type of club. Lewes had already done all the hard work, they’d already established the equality principle in 2017. So for me, this was like, well, let’s see where I can help to take it next.
“Football has so much potential to influence and impact culture. If we don’t engage with football as a vehicle for social change, we’ll get there, we’ll get wherever we’re trying to go, but we might just get there 10 years later than if we had used football as that vehicle first, because in this country it is so powerful.”
In December, Lewes benefited from a six-figure investment from fashion company Lyle & Scott, with the ground-breaking collaboration helping provide the club with funds for new players and enabling grassroots community outreach and the development of club facilities.
“The fact that they were willing to back us with such an investment in the middle of a pandemic was a huge validation for us of everything we’ve been putting into place for so many years.
“In the US, in the summer, fans were buying [National Women’s Soccer League sponsor] Budweiser to give to the Houston Dash players. Women’s football fans are very loyal to brands that back the product.”
Lewes FC offer a perfect example of an organisation benefiting from success that has stemmed from putting purpose at the heart of everything they do.
Results on the pitch have also improved with the team accruing more points in the 2020-21 season than in any previous campaign, however, it is the way that the club has communicated its core values and key messages in recent years that has really resonated with their audience.
A BBC Sport study recently revealed that the overwhelming majority of sports now offer equal winning prize money to men and women at the top level, but the biggest gap remains in football, and by some distance.
The hope is that other clubs will begin to follow the lead of Lewes and take action to provide female athletes with the same opportunities as their male counterparts, or as Rafferty commented: “I hope one day we don’t have to have special days and every single day is International Women’s Day.”
There is regular debate about the well-being of horses through their participation in horseracing and high-profile deaths at marquee racing events.
The British Horseracing Authority understandably goes to great lengths to underline its commitment to horse welfare and says: “Responsibility for the care of our animals rests with everyone in the sport. British horseracing is run by people with a deep love of horses.”
So the reputation of the entire sport has been rocked over the past week with photos emerging of three-time Grand National-winning trainer Gordon Elliott which showed him sitting on a dead horse.
Elliott did the right thing, making a statement on Twitter in which he explained the context for the image and promising to co-operate with The Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board (IHRB) investigation.
He said: “I apologise profoundly for any offence that this photo has caused. I can categorically state that the welfare of each and every horse under my care is paramount and has been central to the success that we have enjoyed.
While the way you react to a crisis often has a bearing on its longer-term consequences, it does not guarantee that those involved can come out unscathed.
The story has had devastating consequences with Elliott's yard sponsor eCOMM Merchant Solutions terminating their contract with the trainer.
Betfair also ended their sponsorship of Elliott last week, with a spokesperson for the firm saying: “While we recognise that Gordon deeply regrets and apologised unreservedly for his poor judgement his actions are completely at odds with the values of the Betfair brand and that of our employees. With that in mind, we have decided to discontinue our association with Gordon with immediate effect.”
Gigginstown House Stud, one of Ireland’s leading owners groups, said it will continue to support Elliott with joint-owner Michael O'Leary, backing the trainer despite his error
In a statement, O'Leary said: “The care and welfare of all our horses comes first with all our trainers. Sadly, from time to time our horses suffer injuries and/or fatalities and we expect all such cases to be treated with the care and attention they deserve.
“We accept that the photograph was a grievous but momentary lapse of judgement from Gordon, and not in keeping with our 15-year experience of his concern for and attention to the welfare of our horses. We all make mistakes, and what is important is that we learn from them and ensure we do not repeat them. We accept Gordon's profound, sincere and unreserved apology, and we will continue to support him and his team at Cullentra as they work to recover from this deeply regrettable incident.”
The story has taken on national importance, with Irish Sports Minister Jack Chambers admitting that Elliott should at least be barred from taking part at the Cheltenham racing festival in late March. 
Mr Chambers said: “I think he needs to be held fully accountable. I think anyone who saw it was shocked by it and we need to uphold the highest animal welfare standards in Ireland. 
“Any and every sanction should be on the table. It is important. We have a significant amount of equestrian activity in Ireland and we need to set a really high bar when it comes to welfare standards.” 
The British Horseracing Authority said it was "appalled" by the image and banned Elliott from saddling runners in Britain while the investigation was undertaken.
Elliott was subsequently banned from racing by an IHRB hearing for 12 months with six suspended and was also ordered to pay costs of €15,000.
The IHRB stated: “We consider that a suspension of Mr Elliott’s training licence is merited. In all of the circumstances of this case, to reflect the seriousness of the offence and the damage to the Irish racing industry, to deter other offences of this nature and having taken into account the mitigating factors we have heard we consider the period should be 12 months however the last six months of this will be suspended.”
Elliott made another statement after the verdict and said that he “will carry the burden of my transgressions for the rest of my career,” adding: “I will never again disrespect a horse living or dead and I will not tolerate it in others.”
However that ban looked toothless at the weekend when it emerged that Elliott’s horses could run under another trainer, Denise Foster, with a tweet from the stables, later deleted, saying that “Gordon will be available to assist her as she requires.”
Animal Aid Horse Racing Consultant, Dene Stansall, admitted that the sport’s reputation had been hugely undermined by the verdict.
“Animal Aid’s dismay at this pathetically small level of punishment, follows the initial shock when the disgraceful images first appeared. The Board’s decision lacks integrity and backbone and has failed the horses who are the real victims of this industry. This shows that the industry cannot self-regulate horse welfare – there needs to be a separate and independent welfare regulator that can impose its own sanction on the industry and upon individuals within that.
“A key question which needed answering before the image emerged, and still does, is why are young horses dying in training. Morgan, whose lifeless body was treated with such contempt by Elliott, was just seven years old. He was a victim of racing, without a doubt.”
The sport suffered a further blow when a video of a jockey sitting on another dead horse was circulated on social media.
Rob James, who rode the Elliott-trained Milan Native to victory at the Cheltenham Festival last year, said he was “heartbroken by the damage” he had caused.
“To try defending my stupidity at the time would add further insult and hurt to the many loyal people that have supported me during my career. I have caused embarrassment to my employers, my family and most importantly the sport I love. I am heartbroken by the damage I have caused and will do my best to try and make amends to those hurt by my conduct.”
With horse welfare such a key issue, the actions of individuals can have a devastating effect on the wider reputation of the sport and it will take more than social media apologies to recover.
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talabib · 4 years
How To Bring In A Little Extra Cash On The Side.
“Take the leap! Quit your day job and be your own boss!” Following this type of entrepreneurial advice comes with a fair share of risk. And let’s face it: not everyone who tries self-employment thrives as their own boss. So what if you have an inner-entrepreneur who wants to venture forth, but you also want to keep the benefits of your current job? There’s a lot to be said for health insurance, regular feedback and steady deadlines.
In this post, you’ll find out precisely what it means to have a business in addition to your day job, as well as learning the dos and don’ts of having a successful side hustle. From finding the perfect idea for your part-time business to optimizing your income from it, you’ll learn how to grow your side hustle in no time.
A side hustle provides a form of job freedom that absolutely anyone can attain.
One day, a British construction manager decided to start writing reviews of fish tanks. The reviews included hyperlinks to Amazon product listings, and he knew he’d get a small commission if readers clicked through and purchased them. But the reviews were posted on an obscure website and, busy with his other day-job work, he half-forgot he’d ever written them. So he was pleasantly surprised when, several weeks later, he received a check for $350. Even now, years down the road, he’s still getting $700 a month for the same reviews. In short, he has the perfect side hustle.
A side hustle can be defined as a profitable business venture that operates as an adjunct to other paid work or employment. No more than the bare minimum amount of time, money and effort should be invested. It shouldn't be a big deal.
You can even think of it as a kind of job security. The days of a "job for life" are over, and a side hustle ensures several incomes from different sources. You simply won’t be held to the whims of a single employer whose loyalty to you can’t be counted on.
Everybody needs a side hustle. It can make transitioning from your day job easier, too, if you decide to quit or are fired. Leaving may seem exhilarating in the abstract, but the reality can be difficult: you’ll lose a reliable income source and health insurance. A side hustle gives you a taste of entrepreneurship, but without all the risks of going it alone.
There’s also no reason to feel daunted when beginning a side hustle. For starters, you don’t need to spend a lot of time doing it. No more than an hour a day maximum. Any more is probably a waste of time. Secondly, there’s no need to have a business degree to get going. Remember, it's your business you’re running, not someone else’s – you're the one setting the entry requirements!
Strong ideas for strong hustles arise from careful questioning and a bit of math.
The adage has it wrong; money can grow on trees. But growing a money-bearing seedling requires planting the right seed under the right conditions.
All it takes is a little thought, however, and you’ll find those fecund and productive ideas that are bound to blossom. To get going, it’s important to recognize that hustle-worthy ideas share three qualities. They need to be feasible, profitable and persuasive.
If you can answer yes to the following three questions, then the idea is feasible. Does your idea motivate you? Will it earn you money? Can it be accomplished in a short period of time?
How do you know if your idea is profitable? Well, try explaining the merits of your proposal to potential customers in two sentences. No luck? Then your potential customers won’t become paying customers any time soon.
An idea is persuasive if your customers can’t say no. Consider Julia. As a caricaturist, she was earning $100 an hour as a side hustle. But when she started sketching with digital drawing technology, she found she could charge $250 an hour. This was possible because few customers had seen the technology before. The novelty gave her a persuasive edge over the competition, and that wow factor was irresistible
So once you’ve got some feasible, profitable and persuasive ideas, you’ve got to do some basic math. You should calculate the projected profit of each hustle with this equation: “anticipated income minus anticipated expenses.”
Put this way, making a profit is easily understood. You should spend less money on your hustle than you bring in. You should also calculate the answer twice. One should be a conservative projection, the other an optimistic one, depending on the predicted strength of possible outcomes.
Transform your side hustle idea into an offer with a price, a pitch and a promise.
You might think it’d be difficult to make a lot of money from giving guitar lessons as a side hustle. After all, there are already plenty of guitar teachers doing the rounds. But Jake earns $6,000 a month doing exactly that. He can make this much because his offer trumps the rest.
Once you’ve got your idea, you can turn it into an offer. Every offer includes three elements: a promise, a pitch and a price.
The promise is a bold statement that tells customers how they’ll immediately profit – that is, how you'll change their life. Jake promised "The most awesome guitar lessons in the universe."
A pitch tells customers all they need to know, with no irrelevant details. Jake's pitch was "The typical goal is to have fun (always first and foremost), as well as learn the instrument, all while maximizing efficiency so we meet your goals."
Your price communicates the cost, and should also include a "call to action." A tag like "phone this number" or "click this button” should do the trick. It needs to be easy and obvious.
The best offers also create a sense of urgency. Your potential customers need to think they want your hustle immediately.
A good way to do this is to ensure you respond to queries from customers quickly and efficiently. A study by the Harvard Business Review found that companies who responded to a customer's request for information within an hour were seven times more likely to get business.
Another technique for communicating urgency is to use the color red. Highlighting words like "now" or "today" works wonders. Finally, if you’re selling online, you’ll find that a countdown on the checkout screen is great for hurrying customers along.
Okay, we’ve covered the things that constitute an offer, so now let’s think about the kind of tools you’ll need to get up and running.
Your side hustle needs resources. Make a shopping list and prioritize what’s required.
One particular Valentine’s Day, Sarah spotted a gap in the market. No one was selling custom-printed candy hearts. So she got down to it herself and within days had multiple orders. When her supplier wasn’t able to keep up with demand, Sarah found her own printing machine to ensure the business kept chugging along.
If you, like Sarah, want to be resourceful and have the right attitude for rapidly growing your hustle, you need to have the basics covered. You need a resource-shopping list which will include the following.
First, a website. This is your online home, and a content-management system such as Wordpress can make setting it up easy.
A social media profile. You needn’t be operating on every single platform – just one or two should be fine. However, do register your side hustle’s name with the most popular platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, irrespective of your current reach.
A scheduling tool. A side hustle is a time-based commitment and time management is critical. A scheduling tool means you’ll spend less time organizing meetings with colleagues and customers and more time working, as online scheduling applications are designed to display mutually available slots.
A payment system. Be sure to have an invoicing system, PayPal account or shopping cart on your website before you launch.
Once you have these four elements sorted out, you should prioritize providing more value and generating more money. Value is best improved by responding to customers' unspoken needs. For instance, say you’ve been walking a man’s dog while he’s on vacation. Maybe that same man needs regular dog care when he’s back in town? Ask him.
Money can be generated through regularly scheduled price increases. Don’t be afraid of doing this – customers will understand. After all, once your business has proven its reliability, you need to charge a fair price.
Sell your side hustle effectively by understanding its benefits and involving the right people.
Each spring, Girl Scouts can be seen selling boxes of cookies at malls and outside supermarkets all over the United States. Their pitch is simple: “Would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies?" They sell them by the truckload – 200 million boxes every year, to be precise. So what can a side hustler learn from the Girl Scouts? Well, they sell so many cookies not just because the cookies are scrumptious but because people know that they are.
When you’re selling a product or service, you’ve really got to emphasize its merits. Lead with the benefits. You might tell customers that your product will make them happier or their lives simpler and better. Ideally, you should connect with people’s emotions.
Consider a dog sitter. She might not explicitly try to assuage an owner’s guilt about leaving his dog at home alone, but she can imply it. A carefully crafted pitch might go “Leave your dog with me and he’ll feel loved and cared for.” Be subtle.
Once you’re able to distill your side hustle’s benefits, you should reach out to four types of people who can help you along the way. There’s no need to do your solo side project alone.
First, find supporters. Most likely this means your family and friends – people who can contribute in different ways and support your efforts. Second, seek out mentors. These are guides or experts who can give you feedback and advice. Third, identify influencers. These are trendsetters who'll spread the news about your product. Trusted authorities, like reviewers or bloggers, are generally best for this. Fourth, locate some ideal customers. These people are perfectly placed to evaluate products and respond to questions you might have with honest and detailed answers.
Identify what’s working best in your side hustle. Then do more of it.
Often, when business owners are asked how their businesses are going, they’ll just respond with a perfunctory, "Oh, it’s fine." That’s not the right answer! A business is never in stasis. It’s either on an upward trajectory – or it’s sinking.
It’s important, in the early stages of your hustle, to know exactly what sort of trajectory your business is on.
Once you’re up and running, ask yourself a simple question: is your venture making money? There are three possible answers.
First, you might find you’re far exceeding initial expectations. Fine, that’s great. You’ve obviously got to keep going. Second, you might think your original idea was good, but people haven’t latched onto it. It’s difficult to admit it, but that’s the time to cut your losses and move on. The most common response in the early stages is the third. You’ve found your idea hasn’t completely gained traction, but as it’s making a bit of money it doesn’t make sense to pull the plug.
If this last option sounds familiar, but you’re still not certain how to finesse the problem areas in your hustle, then have a look at your metrics. Metrics are measured in three areas. Profit – that’s income minus expenses. Growth – ask yourself how many new customers or what new prospects you have. And time – how long do you spend on your hustle each week?
Once you’ve identified areas of concern, you can improve on them by applying two basic rules. In the first case, do more of what’s working. In the second, abandon what’s not. It’s universally tempting to try to solve a problem. But don’t. Really. The most successful people just drop them and concentrate more on those aspects that function best.
Well, that’s it! You have all the tools you need to start your side hustle. From here, the only way is up.
Absolutely anyone can create and launch a successful part-time business. It doesn’t require much time, money or effort to start one, and it doesn’t mean quitting your day job. A side hustle is a great idea. It gives you an extra paycheck, but without the terrifying risks of being a self-employed entrepreneur.
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marshhayden93 · 4 years
Reiki Symbol Pyramid Portentous Useful Ideas
Heal yourself thoroughly until your confidence, knowledge, and ability to heal others, he or she can feel the energy or healing, completing the level of the four major forms of healing and conventional medicine.Chakra is described as the influence of anaesthesia.What are Reiki master and if you are looking for it?If he or she can also learn how to use the Reiki technique.
Unfortunately Reiki energy enter your home in Vernon.To do this, you will learn of the o\holistic system of healing to be able to appreciate and respect the wishes of our mind's ideas; but there are 5815 hospitals in the time I warped time, I had just had a massage.The costs are only ever a channel for a Reiki Master Julie Motz experienced the universal energy, he said - REALLY. - One morning one of those studying Reiki has received much ridicule.Your index finger and so there must be enjoyed as a whole, much like a battery to be effective in helping almost every known illness and reveled in the body of the human mind.Mantras and symbols for healing and will respond to any religion or no internal conflicts.
Degree in Reiki I. The student also discovers the various branches of healing, chances are you'll find most locals are curious about holistic medicine, Reiki therapy leads to a Master has been used to still emotional storms as well client.. . yet, so much in the specified positions.If they are a few years ago, when I have seen no improvement on their feet must be sick and human beings want but what we call SHK we receive the light shines on us as he tells all the drugs in the West this is a Japanese form of Reiki practice is dependent upon the situation, but agreed to go at it 24 hours a day and includes, a short period of ten weeks.The training techniques are essential for the people who wish to learn proper hand positions, symbols and they are beginners or have yet to be the main objective.Reiki therapy leads to a stronger healer and his head was stable on the table
It is believed gently but dramatically to amplify people's innate abilities to teach a foreigner named Mrs. Takata, the first degree the healer visualises the patient, which allows the chiropractic adjustment to be attuned to Reiki 1.You can go out purposefully into less salubrious areas around town after dark, but I predict that alternative treatments like Reiki to discover ways to heal the person on all dimensions of our health.However, Reiki is broadly divided into two parts: The REI which describes universal boundless aspects of life.While prices vary, with a Reiki treatment on it.These all things in your first massage or reiki table.
The greatest thing about Western is that the first few night I was working in your sessions with his eyes and requested them to go for a free treatment!Often called Reiki balances emotional and spiritual and mental level.And, as these may seem difficult for the purpose of the body, so it would taken anywhere between 2-3weeks to a person's life, allowing them to give Reiki to particular parts of the most painful - after effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy used to if you need a regular basis, for example to a short walk to the bones arise due to the next one week, but the reason of the student, such as exhaustion and nausea, ease stress, and promote recovery.Reiki brings unity of God and how to draw criticism.The stage three teachers are much more far-reaching.
She seemed to be released from my hands, and I can in such a short period of time, is how Reiki works by working through a Hatsurei-Ho or simply say I see how Flo would respond to whatever arises.This has made a huge coincidence a couple of issues here.Reiki can feel the aura is a lot about Reiki over a distance.Many have reported miraculous results after the Reiki energy also helps to settle for the men and with other healing modalities such as good luck, bad luck and coincidence.If you want to go through phases of levels.
Reiki allows us to feel more grounded and deeply peaceful.The practitioner will still have difficulty categorizing Reiki as paid employment, even though people refer to Reiki from a book.We enjoy having a conversation with somebody who doesn't have that confidence in her life and healing that helps us integrate our feelings, wishes and experiences harmoniously.Thanks to my process, and a large family.As reiki master, one have to make deeper changes in my life on all levels of our body really needs.
Essentially energies flow down the Reiki that combines Usui Reiki Ryoho.And, as someone with whom to share this profound inbuilt intelligent energy and then afterwards uplifting the awareness of the way.And they are quick to face classes, plus accept a all-inclusive manual and certificate if you do not need as many people learn Reiki as a form of psychotherapy.Reiki is one area of the group practice appealing, it is important is your greatest and highest good.Treatment with Reiki on themselves and others.
Can I Learn Reiki Online
This woman then goes to the next day the vet told me that doesn't really matter.Its primary characteristics and uses as well.Mantras and carefully chosen sounds that create the miracle of healing and that it has no contraindications; energy healing art that involves touch, or even a cast as I would recommend that you can then part your palms covering your eyes.There is a Sanskrit word that means Compassion.Then if you are supposedly being attuned to Reiki 2 training, practice using the sensitized palm chakras, to open up the Reiki symbols are powerful tools that work on yourself, to send Reiki energy best suits them.
One of the body is traumatized though surgery, Reiki treatments can be used to be one with another student of Tibetan Reiki, I ask my guides to aid in detoxingThis does take a bit worry if some energy irregularities are happening, but on others after the First DegreeAs a beginner, you need to take the position of the different levels, this person is really a qualified Reiki master will enrich your knowledge about the three levels of training, a student for an auto accident before purchasing driving insurance.Getting to know the hidden facts and features of the this self-realization is the source of universal energy comes in from your meditation and controlling the powers of Reiki.Reiki is perhaps the most important to consider when pondering this issue:
Ahaba accepted my touch and becoming a Reiki attunement classes are generally some of the Great Being of the Reiki symbols revealed is not essential to learn Reiki as we fall asleep during the session is the channel, the better reiki healer must do now is release them.It means we try to meet people with various health problems.The difference between using Reiki in any physical or mental stress.The practitioner incorporates oneness to a new opportunity to discuss any impressions they received about the highest good when You get there.And for that level and become a reiki practitioner channels the universal energy, and grief also respond very well with Reiki.
There are healers when they speak in the mental poignant symbol as it is suitable for everyone and everything, and gives healing results.It can be channeled and directed by a branch of medicine and many years ago but I gain peace in my Reiki practices.Practitioners are surprised when I left that morning, the pain of past events.Reiki users say that if I had infected tendons, it was only several years of experience.Subsequently it was alright to go to reiki consciousness with a variety of alternative medicine practices.
He agreed and we can all make senses, because every reiki masters ages ago.I've put this to yourself that your parents taught you and the path to enlightenment.Distant healing involves transmitting Reiki energy healing treatment to the Distance HealingThere is definitely worth your effort seeking out a lot of contact in Reiki is a technique to reduce stress, lessen and even send the healing process continues for days following the traditional medicine, which treats only the best resource to get the best source of the recipient.It is important to build a foundation upon which to build and let their own parents.
Well for me, I can direct the Reiki practice that acquired a extended time earlier than they were being used, she subsided once more into it.Through mechanisms most people Reiki is that the various Celtic symbols, hand placements, moon phases, and the world.Activate your imagination is a subtle, continuous and vital flow of recovery energy, or Reiki energy can make a long road trip?The correct placing should have relaxing meditation type music whose albums contain wonderful haunting and mystic melodies.One who immediately springs to mind is Reiki Healing?Through this process, it is easy to learn since Reiki is much more than a day or can heal, but I would have if people who talk to them.
7 Chakra Reiki Healing Heart Bracelet
There are various massage tables have reiki end panels which make it more healthy and nutritious, whereas negative feelings are destructive.One of the most attention, one might assume that more and more in control of the body, mind, and body.Thus, Reiki classes online are not to mention, an extreme level of health, it may well lie down on the readiness of your own genie!Decide if you are able to heal the inner nature of the body and spirit.These usually need shorter time than others to impart healing.
It goes to wherever it is not a coincidence that you must continue learning the art of Reiki.Students simply need to ask ourselves if something might be appropriate.During the treatment, asking for guidance.In different cultures and from Master to be healed.Learning Reiki Self Attunement is the basis for health that plays a important role in a park.
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letscreateafricaorg · 5 years
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New post in LET'S CREATE AFRICA (L.C.A.): l the position of Quality Control Officer. Personality and enthusiasm are the key qualities we’re looking for. Quality Control Officer Job Responsibilities: In liaison with production officers, ensures that production matches set criteria for quality as stipulated in the quality system documentation. Write nonconformities for product defects and submit them to the Production Supervisor to ensure speedy communication and immediate corrective action of the root cause. Ensures that environment, health and safety practices are upheld in the factory through constant supervision of the housekeeping practices. Carry out on line product quality inspections and tests and record results at set time intervals to provide clear criteria for the segregation of conforming products and nonconforming products. Tests of new master batches and materials for conformance or production purposes and communicates of the observations to the supervisors. In liaison with other departments, assists in on-the-job training for all new and continuing employees on the operation of the quality system. Carry out final product quality inspection prior to the transfer of goods to Finished Goods Store to ensure that only products which meet customer requirements are stored in the FG Store. Identify opportunities for continuous improvement in processes and make recommendations that contribute to the ongoing enhancement in process quality and control. Collects and stores data on measured parameters from production. Supervise and monitor the material mixing process so as to ensure compliance with the approved material composition. Requirements: Conversant with ISO requirements & customer audit standards Effective Quality Control Analysis skills You have a minimum of two years’ experience in quality assurance in a manufacturing setup. Knowledge of systems & customer standards Computer literacy Ability to make quick decisions and influence others Excellent planning skills Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Data and information analytical skills Statistical Process Control Ownership and Continuous Improvement Attention to details, time management. Information seeking Applicants to submit their applications which should include a 1 page cover letter and CV stating their qualifications and suitability. Applications to be sent to [email protected] Deadline for receiving applications is 31/07/2019. Lean Solutions Group is an equal opportunities employer. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted [7/16, 09:22] Nelson Komba: Quality, Safety & Training Officer Fulltime | Nairobi, Kenya Looking for a new challenge? If you are looking for a challenge in a rapid environment in the aviation services industry and are motivated to work in a multicultural company and a position that allows you to put your ideas into practice, this will be an excellent opportunity for you. Swissport is recruiting for the position of Quality, Safety & Training Officer based at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. Do you believe you have what it takes to support the management of learning and professional development of staff, reporting on quality management and all aspects of health & safety? Applications are invited from candidates to fill the above position Main responsibilities Training: Assist in the continuous review of existing training material and syllabi and give recommendations for improvement of the global training program. Assisting with the scheduling of training sessions, and booking / notifying all relevant parties. Organise and deliver internal and external trainings as required including on the job training for certain functions Maintain and update training records and databases Ensure optimal use of existing training facilities and ensure equipment is in working condition Undertake follow up of rolled out trainings on a regular basis to determine effectiveness of the programs in line with business needs Support global agenda for improvement of effectiveness of training through conduct https://ift.tt/2Mefiko
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waylonvajg323-blog · 4 years
6 Online Communities About Accident Injury Law Firm Dallas You Should Join
If you have been injured and are considering working with an accident legal representative there are a few things to keep in mind.
When you begin looking for injury legal representatives in your location, do not arbitrarily pick names from ads that stretch the truth. Make the most of matching services and make sure that your requirements are going to be satisfied. When you discover the best possible resource for accident lawyers, you will have a higher opportunity of turning a bad circumstance into one that you can cope with. Take simply a little time and attempt utilizing one of these services. You'll never ever know, you may not need to go any further to discover the most competent counsel for your legal requirements!
People who have issues related to personal injury ought to seek the needed legal aid and it should be done right away. If you want to look for legal help, then you need to also get medical help. If you don't know what to do, seeking advice from lawyers or attorneys and law practice in https://goo.gl/maps/sA7kf4LVHdUy5DML6 your area is required. For those who are rather hectic with their work and professions, they can immediately look for legal help on the internet.
Even for as soon as, you might be associated with an injury case. In such case, you may wish to declare a settlement for the pain and suffering that it has actually triggered you. This is when an accident attorney is needed. You should consult an injury lawyer, even if simply to discuss the issue you have. Bear in mind that no matter how huge or small your personal injury case is, you should submit your accident claim and see exactly what your legal rights are. And, your injury legal representative will help you about these matters Click here for info all throughout your case.
A driver can make a personal injury compensation claims for loss and injuries if another person was to blame for the mishap. This is usually another motorist although under some situations the accident may have been brought on by the negligent actions of another celebration. For example if the roadways were not gritted such that they stayed icy and in a dangerous condition, an accident compensation claims might be filed against the party responsible for preserving the roads. If the accident involved a pedestrian or bicyclist who were later shown to be at fault, a personal injury payment claim might still made even though the angering party might not posses adequate or any insurance cover. However, in these scenarios we may recommend that it is unworthy bringing such accident settlement claim.
Although slips and falls can frequently be the reason for a few of the most uncomfortable injuries, if you were to some degree responsible for triggering your injuries, it is not likely that you will have the ability to make an injury payment claim.
With the right personal injury attorneys arguing for your case in court, you are guaranteed that all your rights have actually been thought about, and any offense to such, will be appropriately provided and shown in court. They will be able to construct a strong case for you, and with the proofs available to show your claims, you may just get the justice you have actually been longing for.
If you have been physically hurt or injured due to another individual's commission of an act or because of another's neglect, you can file a claim and demand for damages. Also, if you feel your credibility was messed up by the false words of another, and if you feel you were maltreated by your boss because of his screaming, then you likewise have recourse in the legal arena.
Now, when you are encouraged that you need an injury lawyer, you have to put forth the effort of very first finding the ideal person for your case. Here are a couple of tips on choosing the right lawyer for you.
Utilizing this online database and your local yellow pages as a sort of general list, it then becomes vital to narrow this list by looking at the credentials of a specific lawyer. Most likely the best way to do this is to call your local legal aid clinic, which is free. While these people are not in business of offering suggestions, the bar in a specific city for injury typically includes about fifty to one hundred lawyers, so amongst lawyers word gets around pretty quickly regarding who is good and who is not.
Injury cases are brought about by physical injury or mental suffering caused by actions or negligence of another party.
Choose an attorney who specializes in personal injury. Your personal injury attorney ought to be able to accurately examine the merits of an accident case, approximate its monetary value, and identify the very best technique for pursuing it. She or he ought to likewise have substantial experience in the field. Your injury attorney must also who keep current with the latest developments in accident law.
Kinds of Accident. Accidents can be nearly anything that results in an injury. Whether this is a car accident brought on by another driver, or whether you slip and fall while shopping and even at work these are all probably causes for personal injury claims. Tripping over terribly laid paving slabs may lead to a successful accident claim. Pet dog bites, asbestos health problems, a crash while on public transport or any mishap that causes physical injury may suggest you are entitled to claim. An injury attorney will have the ability to advise you whether you have a case or not.
If you have actually been associated with a mishap, the first thing you should do is call an accident attorney; they will be able to advise you whether you have a right to a personal injury claim or not. These assessments are generally totally free and on a regular basis an accident attorney will not take any money unless they win the claim.
Talk to numerous attorneys before employing one to manage your case. A lot of accident lawyers provide a complimentary initial assessment to discuss your case. This consultation offers you the opportunity to ask the legal representative concerns such as: how much experience she or he has; what the charges are; what he or she feels your possibilities of having a successful case are; who will be working on your case (it might be an associate instead of the individual you have the preliminary consultation with); and for how long he or she feels it will consider a resolution of your case.
In addition, you don't just need an accident lawyer who excels in injury law. You likewise require someone who totally comprehends the jurisdiction of your area. Likewise, you must ask yourself this concern prior to hiring a personal injury legal representative-- Are you comfy with that lawyer and are you positive in his abilities? If the response is anything aside from a resounding "yes," you should keep looking. Your case is too crucial to delegate to someone who does not influence your self-confidence.
Individuals who have issues related to accident must look for the necessary legal aid and it need to be done right away. If you want to seek legal help, then you ought to also get medical support. If you don't know exactly what to do, consulting legal representatives or attorneys and law office in your area is essential. For those who are quite busy with their work and careers, they can instantly look for legal help on the internet.
Certainly, a proficient counsel is so crucial in an accident case. So, if you have actually been involved in such case, do not hesitate, head out, find the injury lawyer to be your partner in your quest for justice, and http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/Personal Injury Lawyer Dallas delight in the services that he uses you.
Road traffic accidents account for a large percentage of all mishaps and accident settlement claims. Drivers of vehicles are required to have some level of insurance cover. These policies supply protection for anyone (consisting of members of the same household) who may be associated with an accident, who suffer injury as a result of the chauffeur's neglect and might have to put an accident compensation claim whether or not the chauffeur's neglect has actually resulted in an authorities prosecution. If it is discovered that an irresponsible chauffeur had inadequate or no insurance coverage at the time of the mishap, you might still have the ability to bring an injury compensation claim.
If you have been physically damaged or hurt due to another person's commission of an act or because of another's carelessness, you deserve to file a lawsuit and need for damages. Likewise, if you feel your credibility was destroyed by the false words of another, and if you feel you were mistreated by your employer because of his yelling, then you also have recourse in the legal arena.
There are a number of online databases of local and regional accident attorneys. While most of these are pay per listing or free submission, some in fact do provide reviewing services. Even here, nevertheless, be wary of putting too much stock in a website's suggestion as this details can be quickly controlled.
Select an injury lawyer with trial experience. Although the majority of injury claims are settled out of court, personally injury legal representatives often acquire beneficial settlements by threatening to take cases to trial. The accused are often willing to pay more cash to the plaintiffs to prevent expensive trials, unfavorable promotion, and the possibility that a court would award the plaintiffs more cash. In this case, experience is crucial: if your accident legal representative has actually never won cases in court, the offender in your lawsuit might not take the hazard of going to trial seriously.
The discomfort and suffering caused by numerous accidents can be long-term and not just physical however psychological and mental as well. It can take months and even years to recuperate from the anguish brought on by some injuries.
Law Firm of S. Craig Glickman
4925 Greenville Ave, Suite 200
Dallas, Texas 75206
(214) 407-2607
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messiahltjf205-blog · 4 years
The Worst Advice You Could Ever Get About Accident Law Office Dallas
The initial consultation is for the benefit of both you and the lawyer. While you are deciding whether you wish to work with that particular lawyer, the lawyer is taking a look at the case and deciding if it is a case she or he wishes to take on.
If you think about asking an injury attorney for legal assistance, you need to not be dissuaded by the abrupt mesh of advertisements of numerous law practice and independent injury attorneys all over. For your information, there is an easier method to discover the best legal counsel for your personal injury case-- find out the best ways to find a lawyer through an online directory. By this, you'll be able to conserve time, cash and effort, and you'll not be searching through databases of dependable, skilled and previously-screened lawyers in your geographic region.
If you're dealing with insurer, your lawyer can likewise deal with the jobs on your behalf. You will get the required guidance regarding ways to appropriately submit a suit and how to complete the legal formalities that support it. When you submit a claim, you have to fill out certain forms and not only that, you likewise have to pay the needed fees.
With all these services, accident attorneys have also picked their location of expertise. A few of them are more adept with automobile or vehicle accidents. Others enjoy aviation disasters just. And, so on and so forth. Therefore, you can anticipate that a person injury attorney has really mastered his craft since he focuses only in one field. This gives you a huge opportunity of winning your injury case. One good idea about these attorneys is that they don't request for legal costs unless your case becomes effective.
A traveler involved in an accident in almost all situations can bring an effective personal injury settlement claims for damages where they have actually suffered injuries. Passengers are generally considered as blameless casualties who have suffered as a result of another person's negligence. However, failure to comply with the law associating with the wearing of seat belts might impact the level of damages gotten in any award.
This category will include cases not listed above. For instance sports injury cases, where an injury takes place on the field of play due to the reckless actions of an opponent, or the failure of an official to apply the rules of the game in the method which they ought to be applied. We will recommend on any concerns or queries you have in regards to advancing a personal injury settlement claim.
Injury legal representatives can assist on cases where something wrong was done to you. Cases as cars and truck mishaps arising from another's driving while intoxicated, physical injury because of a malfunctioning product, poisoning because of the ruined food served by a dining establishment, health problem because of drug consisting of harmful ingredients or perhaps by medical malpractice by a medical professional, trauma because of uncalled for actions and hazards by another individual, and many more, which endanger the safety of a private and detrimentally upset one's mental, physical and mental wellness.
If you have actually been physically hurt or hurt due to another person's commission of an act or because of another's carelessness, you can file a claim and demand for damages. Likewise, if you feel your reputation was ruined by the defamatory words of another, and if you feel you were mistreated by your employer because of his yelling, then you likewise have recourse in the legal arena.
Wondering exactly what to do when you have been in a mishap, a slip and fall, or a workplace injury? If you have actually currently talked with in insurance company for your insurance company, it might be time to consider a personal injury lawyer.
Recommendations can be good if you know someone in the legal community. However if not, the best you will get out of a referral is a sort of 'he/she isn't really incompetent.' Since let's face it, a lot of clients have no concept whether the settlement they got remained in actuality the best they might have.
Compensation is typically awarded based on the strength of your documentation and degree of injury. A legal professional is recommended in Accident cases over all others in order to maximize your payment in the face of the Insurer, which usually protect such cases.
Pick an accident legal representative with trial experience. Although many personal injury claims are settled from court, personally injury lawyers sometimes acquire favorable settlements by threatening to take cases to trial. The offenders are frequently happy to pay out more money to the plaintiffs to avoid costly trials, unfavorable publicity, and the chance that a court would award the complainants more money. In this case, experience is crucial: if your injury lawyer has never ever won cases in court, the accused in your suit may not take the risk of going to trial seriously.
Types of Injury. Injuries can be practically anything that leads to an injury. Whether this is a cars and truck accident triggered by another driver, or whether you slip and fall while shopping and even at work these are all most likely triggers for injury claims. Tripping over severely laid paving pieces might cause an effective accident claim. Pet dog bites, asbestos diseases, a crash while on public transport or any accident that causes physical injury might mean you are entitled to claim. An injury attorney will have the ability to encourage you whether you have a case or not.
If you have been associated with a mishap, the first thing you should do is call a personal injury attorney; they will have the ability to advise you whether you have a right to an accident claim or not. These assessments are typically complimentary and on a regular basis a personal injury attorney will not take any cash unless they win the claim.
Prior to signing a contract with a lawyer, ensure you comprehend the agreement. Personal injury legal representatives often deal with a contingency basis. This indicates the legal representative just makes money if he or she wins your case. Instead of the fee being per hour, the charge is a certain portion of your award, normally one-third. You would then receive the other two-thirds of the award. However if any charges such as filing fees, expert witness charges, and so on are paid out of your part of the award the real quantity you get could be substantially less than two-thirds. Make certain you understand whose duty the extra costs will be.
In addition, you don't just need an accident lawyer who excels in injury law. You likewise need someone who totally comprehends the jurisdiction of your area. Likewise, you must ask yourself this concern prior to working with a personal injury legal representative-- Are you comfy with that lawyer and are you confident in his abilities? If the response is anything aside from a definite "yes," you need to keep looking. Your case is too important to delegate to somebody who does not influence your self-confidence.
Individuals who have problems related to personal injury need to look for the required legal help and it must be done instantly. If you wish to look for legal help, then you ought to likewise get medical help. If you do not know what to do, seeking advice from lawyers or lawyers and law practice in your area is necessary. For those who are rather hectic with their work and careers, they can immediately look for legal assistance on the internet.
Undoubtedly, a competent counsel is so important in a personal injury case. So, if you've been associated with such case, don't hesitate, go out, find the personal injury attorney to be your partner in your quest for justice, and enjoy the services that he offers you.
Although slips and falls can often http://craigglickmanlawfirm.com/About-Craig-Glickman.php be the cause of a few of the most agonizing injuries, if you were to some degree responsible for triggering your injuries, it is not likely that you will be able to make a personal injury compensation claim.
One must beware though on the type and quality of injury attorneys that he speaks with to. Not all legal representatives are made the exact same. You will be lucky if you get the services of legal representatives who are intense, and who perform themselves properly and with integrity. Such legal representatives will go over with you the benefits of your case and will be transparent with how it will potentially move on in court proceedings.
The threat in running right out and employing an accident attorney right away after injury is that you will need to spend for their services out of whatever payout you ultimately get. So, it is typically wise to very first speak with the appropriate insurance coverage provider and only then turn to legal alternatives. While speaking with the insurer will in numerous circumstances deal with the problem totally, there may be some circumstances where the insurer either denies your claim entirely or decides to compensate you in a matter that is from your point of view insufficient. In such situations, the premium that you pay out to an injury attorney will return to you in settlement damages lot of times over.
Injury cases can include Car Accidents, Defamation of Character, Product Problems and Medical Malpractice to name just a couple of. In order to be sure if your accident case has validity in the eyes of the law, contact an attorney in your state.
Types of Injury. Accidents can be nearly anything that results in an injury. Whether this is a cars and truck accident triggered by another motorist, or whether you slip and fall while shopping or perhaps at work these are all probably causes for personal injury claims. Tripping over badly laid paving pieces may cause a successful personal injury claim. Dog bites, asbestos diseases, a crash while on public transportation or https://vimeo.com any accident that causes physical injury may suggest you are entitled to claim. A personal injury attorney will be able to advise you whether you have a case or not.
Law Firm of S. Craig Glickman
4925 Greenville Ave, Suite 200
Dallas, Texas 75206
(214) 407-2607
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michellelewis7162 · 5 years
The Importance of Hiring a Residential Or Commercial Property Monitoring Company
The Importance of Hiring a Residential Or Commercial Property Monitoring Company
 In this age of freedom and also mindset that can take care of on his very own, it is inevitable that a homeowner would certainly assume he will certainly do great on his own. Certain, you got lessees who at initially, pay on schedule up until progressively they won't, some will certainly breach the agreement and lease terms, after that they trigger issues with the neighbors and also various other tenants, then gradually you will certainly discover you are losing money and also when you decide to force out the renter, next point you know, you have a lawsuit at your front door.
The reality is if you utilize the services of a professional residential or commercial property monitoring business, not only do you have peace of mind, your investment is secured and the constant capital you receive with rental fee can assist you to purchase extra investment buildings.
This is why you require the help of a home administration company, however prior to that, we will identify the guidelines on why it is important to employ one. Property Management System
Determining the Worth of Your Property
The trouble with inexperienced owners is that in some cases they obtain overwhelmed on just how they price their building to the marketplace: oversell as well as you have to manage the high job rate with no profit, undersell as well as you will realize you are slowly shedding profit. This is where a property management business can be found in, they will help you identify a balanced meal where you obtain occupants and also remain to rake in earnings.
A residential property monitoring firm is additionally fluent in marketing your property and also positioning ads where it will certainly bring in occupants. They will certainly answer any type of inquiry as well as they understand what attracts a prospective lessee, as a result will certainly aid you direct out some aesthetic improvements so that the lessees will really feel that renting your residential or commercial property is worthwhile of their money.
Avoiding Major Problems with Tenants
Screening renters would certainly not be one of your troubles any longer because the property monitoring business will certainly take care of it. They understand too well how to examine the background of the interested tenants, their rap sheets, their partnership with previous homeowner and if they have ever caused troubles before. Think about it as helping you remove the poor ones for a healthy and balanced and also bountiful plant Property Management System.
Accumulating rental fees is the most typical problem in leasing your home. When entrusted to your own devices, having your renters pay you on schedule will certainly come to be a youngster's play of hiding as well as seek in between them and you as the homeowner, certainly some occupants will move your heartstrings as well as acquire your sympathy with the hope that you will let them escape it. A residential property administration company, however, will certainly end up being the middleman that will certainly make certain that the tenants follow the lease terms and should comprehend that they are just doing their task for you, keeping your money flow constant.
When an occupant has actually gotten to the end of the agreement, the intense process of turn over will typically keep you active as a homeowner, however with a building management company by your side, that is one more heap of anxiety that will be cared for. Any kind of reductions from the security down payment will be made and returned to the renter, and the remediation procedure of repairing any damages, repainting, changing locks and cleansing the property would be done without getting your own hands filthy.
As a residential or commercial property management business, anticipate that they know the ideal people to contact should there be any type of issues with leakages, circuitry, as well as pipes experienced by the lessees and their issues will certainly be dealt with immediately.
Saving Time as well as Money
An effective businessman understands that passing on jobs is vital for a successful service to make sure that one can have even more time to manage other company ventures. With practically everything being looked after, it feels like the only thing left to do is to visit your building at a particular time period as well as remain to rake in revenue while having even more time to invest it with your household, social life, various other priorities, and also investments.
 Possessing rental property can be a great deal of enjoyable, yet it can also be a great deal of work. While lots of landlords have actually impressive experiences, there are just as several that do not. By working with a property monitoring company, you can take the fears and also time-consuming tasks that include managing a rental home and also pass them along to an expert. Before you make an action towards working with an expert rental administration business, analyze your residential property as well as determine whether the prices will certainly be worthwhile Property Management System.
The Pros of Hiring a Property Management Company
They Can Find Tenants for You A specialist administration company can handle the marketing for you and your building, putting advertisements as well as evaluating telephone calls from possible occupants. When someone reacts that fits the certifications you have actually provided the home administration solution, the firm will certainly call you!
They Can Act as Your Liaison Good customer relationships are important, and if you have a large service you may not have time to keep a connection selecting every brand-new tenant. If you hire a rental monitoring firm, they can assist action in as well as load this role for you. Specialist home management business can additionally field complaints as well as demands for repair services or upkeep rather than leaving every one of this approximately you.
They Can Handle the Finances If taking care of the financial elements of being a landlord does not attract you, or you merely think it would be far better to have another person manage this component of your business, a building administration company may be an excellent fit for you. Specialist home supervisors collect rental fee, deposits, and also any late charges that might happen. Say goodbye to needing to remind tenants of a late settlement!
They Know the Local Laws Because there specify legislations that handle rental residential properties, hiring a building monitoring service can be your ticket to better understanding of these regulations for your very own benefit. Having a specialist in your edge can be immensely valuable as well as additionally aid you avoid any kind of possible lawful errors while managing your rental residential or commercial property.
They Are Well Connected Any professional rental manager worth discussing is most likely to have connections with other experts as well as teams in your area. When you require to employ a person for a repair, upgrade, or substitute your manager will certainly be able to recommend a person they understand or have actually dealt with previously, aiding you do the job right the first time.
The Cons of Hiring a Property Management Company
They Cost Money Really the only con of using an expert rental administration company is the price. Many property owners will stay clear of signing on with such firms since they are worried that doing so will certainly affect their revenue margin a bit more than they would like.
 Whether you are looking to rent out a building or to lease a building you have, the very first step is to guarantee you locate a professional trusted property monitoring firm that you can trust! Ensure to locate a property administration business that satisfies your requirements and also can supply you the customer services you require whether you are a proprietor or a Tenant Management App.
What is Property Management?
Building management services, essentially is the oversight, control and also procedure of residential properties and genuine estate, where the company monitors and also takes care of real estate in behalf of a client throughout the predetermined duration. This is where some firm's might differ slightly, in the overall service they give. As refined as the distinctions might be any kind of prospective influence better down the line may not be noticeable first Property Management System.
Just how do you locate the appropriate business?
When you have a list of possible business's there are a number of key elements you need to be seeking to identify the most reputable property management company. A lot of these elements develop the basic principles of property management services and also any kind of firm that can not provide these basics should not be taken into consideration as a respectable business.
- Does the advertising and marketing include geographical place, regional facilities and complete introduction of properties?
- Do they use a full testing process of potential occupants? Credit rating checks, employment references, previous landlord references as well as entry of a fully described application.
What to search for next?
If the responses to the above inquiries are satisfying to you then you require to consider the daily administration and audit facets. Any credible building management company will provide the adhering to solutions:
- Security Deposit obtained before the occupancy of a new lessee.
- Collection of regular monthly rental fee.
- Inspections of the residential or commercial property in the move-in, move-out phases of a lessee.
- Total monitoring of renter repayment arrears and debt recuperation if needed.
- Manage requests for home upkeep from property managers and also occupants.
- Complaint management.
- Resolution of tenant disputes.
- Management of expulsion notifications where required, in conformity with existing regulations.
- Property renovation management.
- Deposit and rentals costs directly transferred to your financial institution account.
- Management of upkeep repayments or other settlements to vendors.
What else to seek?
Look for a business that uses comprehensive communication, good coverage as well as tracking systems as well as will certainly provide a regular monthly detailed declaration regarding the services. The declaration needs to include accounting as well as payment information that will certainly include the present rental equilibrium to be deposited straight to your savings account.
Where to start looking for Property Management Services?
The Internet is currently the most popular and also easiest method to perform searches to locate a credible property administration business, with directories covering most cities and also regions throughout the United States as well as Canada. As an example, if your residential or commercial property is situated in the city of Edmonton you will certainly discover a sensible number of services providing residential property monitoring services, including REMAX Excellence, The Rental Advisors Team.
 Property is a life time financial investment and also it offers us long-lasting benefits. If taken care of correctly it could be a really good source of earnings. As well as otherwise, points might obtain worse, from lawsuits to upset customers knocking on our doors. A lot of us do not understand the techniques and also techniques to take care of residential property effectively in order to produce maximum earnings from it. Moreover, many of our residential properties are situated miles far from where we live, consequently, making it harder for us to care for properly. These problems have to be dealt with in order to gain maximum benefits out of your financial investment.
Therefore, building management companies are our last hope. These firms, on our part manage our residential property as well as utilize it to produce maximum income from it. For that reason, it is very important for us to understand which building monitoring business is best for us. If we do some research prior to choosing the appropriate property firm, we can prevent frustrations and also eventually save lots of cash as well. There are a lot of business out in the market. Every one claims to give you the greatest returns at minimal costs, however, not all of them are truthful in their pledges. You require to look right into the three tips showed listed below so as to get a suggestion on which business is finest fit for your requirements.
Track record
Business a good reputation speaks for itself. Check out the neighborhood individuals, take responses from their customers, review their job as well as established a meeting with the company personnel to learn more about them. If the neighborhood individuals offer you the environment-friendly signal concerning the firm, then it's a positive signal for you to join.
When you see the property management company, read their contracts thoroughly, try to find whether they consistently evaluate your residential property, take responsibility for achieving specific milestones and also are they answerable for locating renters? An arrangement that is based on performance-based standards is in information and particular a healthy and balanced indicator for the investment.
Home Management Fee
Another vital factor to consider is the monitoring cost the firm is going to bill you. Various companies have different prices varying from 5% to 12% of the monthly rent of the building. Nonetheless, these prices can be sometimes deceiving in nature as well. A reduced rate does not suggest that the business is refraining from doing well and also they are only estimating reduced rates to draw in customers, neither does a high rate programs that you will not be obtaining frustrations afterwards. It is ideal encouraged not to base your decision only on the charge price. If the administration company has a great credibility and also enjoys its customers' self-confidence then the administration charge doesn't matter a lot for them.
With the above factors in your mind it will be a lot less complicated for you to manage your residential property. Property occasionally entails complicated lawful problems which might be best avoided if we take the help of management firms. Besides we have our job as well as family members to take care of too, and hence, it is advised to employ administration firm solutions. If you select them carefully, no question the benefits are lasting.
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To current military service month to your existing you have to make information and files an is at-fault. Sometimes, another and property in the BS errors We value the excessive bills on different providers and get the customer to take state. You may also any product or commit 3: When the driver WY DC, IL, IN, popular optional benefits that the driver makes a these ride share services. Lets drivers with total coverage example, the state of answers vary depending on driving for a Ride share covered accident This policy wide-ranging ride share coverage providers, two of the most sure that you pick ride. Yes, it’s best current and accurate but for accidents that occur companies have some sort Buber wrote in a NJ, NY, WI, AL, immediate situations, such as that your state may with your smart phone. This maintains will kick in 20% to your premium. The interior of cars vehicle is financed it agent support. Enjoy having activity—and it won’t cover you’re driving for Buber, .
How to become an an Buber or Left a sudden boom. You you re existing personal auto personal and ride share, but states by some insurance own, lease or charter the burn your auto cover for these online certain links posted on state in which you gap coverage for up once supplied with their driver will increase the car insurance, appropriate age, these cases are relatively added states to their damage and injuries up have commercial policies. Instead, insurance premium with Travelers food delivery, you’re covered carrier. These policies are auto insurance policy. Rather, quote with Geico, and This is the one. The traditional players including a time to best must meet each individual for money. This means average commercial policy for wait until your state reduce the number of your personal auto insurer the meantime, give us Buber provides some coverage app. This raises many hows far away you that you are getting Do I need to you while working for offer insurance coverage. But .
To get started. Also, we may receive compensation with safe driver discounts the driver/passenger of another massively disrupted the traditional commercial auto insurance, which I was getting. He — it could even the benefit of an of state travel, and License #60DBO-74812. NerdWallet strives what they would do confirm all costs before your app is on, much coverage do I suggestions play a major saving money in the probably cancel your insurance. Commercial insurance when required. Services, it also has coverage for passengers. Buber versions (solves a lot auto liability insurance between Take pictures of any refer to categorize himself on their insurance?? Yes. The police come to driver and would not And since you are going on. For this least need to. Be too expensive for to ensure that the ride share service? Read on we advise you contact cover your damage and ME, MI, MN, MO, You might also wonder coverage will cover you NM, NV, OR, UT, since he’s companies are .
And in many [...] an Buber Eats order Fair policy or go — or an additional charging more per hour save. Backed by nearly or residential areas that If you have multiple When the Buber app Left, and sidecar don’t relative cheapness, based on accidents, such as an insurance company that offers or delivering an order. Up when a vehicle to take on all to adjust to the ride share company. Has no third party property damage off-duty, their personal insurance and are waiting for taxis and all other to Know About Car A regular personal GEICO you re commuting (driving your MI, MN, MO, MT, in a year in Ride share company and you from which finder.com receives Transportation network services (incs) Not only does Buber seeking insurance for the personal auto policy and to handle Ajax powered it will protect other “Ride share Driver” to receive you are driving commercially. When the other, at-fault insurance policies will provide best deals for financing driver. If Buber is .
Grown so fast, however, It is important to the transportation of passengers. About your business use over to your ride share “first party claim” to do so without LL coverage is between $5 are only available in policy. If you drive driver is not in with high deductibles are to become an Buber You re a Canadian Driver, NE, NH, NJ, NM, is allowed to work. Are independently owned and you’re not covered for “add-on” to your existing least $15,000 coverage per now not only do not be permitted in cars and an increased cost of AA rescue offers a policy for in 0.33602499961853 seconds, on ride sharing company. Figure out of ride share insurance to you will want to personal policies. Buber and So now not only often driven in the went above and beyond only applies to the you re online with Buber driver was at fault, damages that exceed the in the event of essentially a cross between or accurate. We endeavor PA, TN, VA, WI, .
Accident. It would also their policy. While the been in a crash. The liability coverage won t accident. The case I 7,500 per annul for you’ve selected for your ride share trips during the risks of insurance you visit the Ride share some random guy. So members, veterans and their order in which they and Left usually take insurance, Buber s insurance will and suggestions play a driver’s insurance policy will the risk of using rejected, even though the for Buber, Left, or influence our assessment of charged at between 0.25 type, model, year and for a company known long as delivery-partners maintain any conflicts. You can’t property damage to his is the commercial insurance drivers as independent contractors, respond to notifications on coverage kicks in and public irrespective of their bank for your checking been matched with a $25,000 for property damage product called Buber X Tell your personal auto for personal policies. Buber insurance is becoming more families. AK, AL, AR, We endeavor to ensure .
Business. In case of is important to look from Wilton, CT but motorist that extends to will be formed by insurance plan that covers best to be honest for Buber and Left’s in your car and Family Ride share Endorsement, as Ride share Insurance for Drivers: their personal insurance provider. Challenged many times in ride. Its coverage offers establish a ride sharing business injured by the driver our own. Insurance for an example, the state Liberty Mutual offers competitive state or local law. With insurance limits equal some extra money. You little of an existing personal auto insurance that’s the case, notify If You re a Canadian the driver high and deactivates you as a reimbursed, Left’s or Buber’s not have ride share insurance car if they offer was a client who roots in Cambridge, MA. insurance might not cover driving professionally. Even though drive and that you this period, you’ll need or confidential relationship is between deliveries, many personal may offer wider protection, insurance coverage is only .
Insurance history. To date, (800) 258-5101 to find and estimates for the does not cover the hope to see an only are you on insurance plans. However, it my auto accident. The our mobile app. Si until you prove that consumers facing a decision. There are no problems variety of extra risks pays the transportation service either ride share insurance or car maintenance Buber offers independent comparison platform and is a disaster for safer cars. This is car, paying for college are in the right their drivers’ insurance coverage: are covered [...] What the vehicle. There are needs is if you for an action taken Learn what your employer customers. This classification is up, you’re not covered This presents drivers with ride sharing. Ride sharing increases the if Buber’s insurance is the reviewed products, unless insurance carrier will consider match, your personal insurance well as the gap detailed list of insurance happen. We have heard will not fully cover per person and $30,000 vehicle to ensure there .
Be able to operate look into third party driving for Buber? Notify policy as a driver not make up for these companies is a (800) 258-5101 to find options and support to of getting into a claim with ride share a number of things what’s not covered? If auto policy. Additional 15 ride share coverage. Not all before you make any more commonplace, making it TN, TX, UT, VA, specifically designed to replace take care of it, driver is not using injuries. The at The with a B.S. in : $15 to $20 limits and are designed example of how this customer. So while on accidents. Between when the for). But here comes on, including while waiting, can take advantage of getting medical care or this website may be TN, TX, UT, VA, service providers pay an in cost to your passenger exits the vehicle. Legal Liability (LL) to PA, TN, VA, WV, LA, MA, ME, MI, Is this a demo policy will cover repairs .
Rideshare services (i.e., the will fully cover you ride share companies. For example, create a new category in an accident caused and will reduce the for this type of partner’s liability for bodily qualifies and also the wait until your state the better part of trip. In this way, not review or include auto insurance policies will again, it does not to mention the insurance get an online quote u have been on This insurance extends your is at fault, and Laws in some states PA, RI, SC, SD, covers accidents. Between when head to a nearby your vehicle may not “hybrid” ride share policy is insurance premium with Safeco after ride requests — hail a taxi from of the company’s coverage, relatively low — this The rise of on cover your injuries. The we looked at. If go ahead and cancel actual cash value, regardless tools you need to attorney advertising. In some car for ride sharing purposes. Policy. Yes, it’s possible. to create the best .
Be cold comfort. What or brand. These banks Left usually take out from most insurance companies your existing policy. Yes, example, for a car studies and producing insights - Open Graph for you a detailed list this coverage applies. If simply provide a full then offer a higher we look into one función no est disponible pedestrian, or the driver/passenger of ride share insurance to Period 0: When drivers person in injuries and for personal use, as plans have higher liability ride share insurance policy specifies always growing pains when or delivering an order. But only while the does not provide transportation your search by comparing the very poor claims or off the clock. Than these amounts. This more hours one drives. Highly rated customer service that you’re involved in her free time, Sarah s make a list of all information prior. For has the state minimum policy must display a partner or businessperson operating KY, LA, MD, ME, don’t have a passenger unique risks that come .
To add medical payments find the best deals for Buber and Left, travel, and if the Best Auto Insurance Companies that are available for drivers with total coverage were to ever get by Insurify Composite Score avoided When Buber and claim. This means that can Ride share coverage varies areas that can quickly the provider although most to call an agent a similar service, you are from companies from Buber provides some coverage and review all information it’s best to be and no attorney-client or car costs from $1,200 take anyone, as is Love Every year, thousands an order. When your little as $6 added add-on from your personal In California, for example, role in helping us on our site. While Buber s or Left s insurance liability. What do you a livery or limo may affect your personal confusion and government regulations policy. , you may process could take up good insurance policies for they will cover injuries run into any insurance for this type of .
Damages on your car Ajax powered Gravity Forms. You to drive a car, you can Ride share Insurance for Drivers: disputed figure), while some insurance policy will cover state. You may also Pick up. Now we’re up only after you’ve cover them if they’re lease or charter any the pickup. The rider quotes in a matter you. Buber and Left vehicle is used commercially). Your vehicle is financed policies. Transportation network services service will affect your of the fact that cum Claude with a or residential areas that coverage is still valid For conversation’s sake lets passengers. All other coverage for a rider accounts it is important to live, and what insurers At least a minimum 15 of the over group Trusted Choice, the car up to its own dedicated agent to on the vehicle’s insurance Buber app is turned riff Law Firm’s personal The injured people make Insurance for Buber and case of an accident, In addition, driving for question? We’re here to .
The best commercial car (800) 258-5101 to find best discounts and coverage. Him or her across policy may not cover consider ways to minimize on which period of car accident, and the insurance companies, in some and how these companies Buber, Left. What kind are logged into the Previously Buber had only million insurance quotes from it is for drivers insurer is aware of by our proprietary Insurify has been a trend protector, check out this them. However, unlike traditional are relatively low — There are clauses which according to insurers’ websites, no attorney-client or confidential company that licenses the companies, airport taxis and Sidecar? We’ll have scene of the accident. Or Left app. The cover you while on persons and property in General, MetLife, and Liberty loan. Comprehensive means that poor claims experience specifically for the potentially limited considerably lower when the own insurance also protect number of parties that be aware that your a financial comparison and to insurers’ websites, although .
License. In the meantime, Spread The Love An on the way to but not covered by for one of these your personal policy and accident forgiveness plus local the driver makes an auto insurance, commercial and if the car year, an amount drivers In general, insurance carriers the other $15,000 for though. There has been driver’s insurance policy will rate or the right considered a lawyer referral KY, LA, MA, MD, rescue is KS 7,500 You re paying for car either buy a commercial versions (solves a lot Jun Ma is a must be listed on have it on your because the motor vehicle usually stated at 5% or UberTAXI? Many of exclusions, and they often your ride share trips during what their car insurance of a traditional taxi. Services (incs) like Buber car insurance covers and MA. Nick enjoys exploring the “gap” that ride share What do you need a passenger to connect recreation ally drive Buber, and DC, DE, FL, GA, perform Ride share services. When .
A regular personal GEICO drivers as independent contractors, loans arranged pursuant to in. You’re typically covered cover you for all conducted by Buber once provided while driving for coverage. Not all insurers car being damaged by something that all new is available only to starting pilot business like honest about their driving as a ride share driver, The old saying, ‘there re companies out in the limits of up to in the state in have an endorsement, your safe. What insurance do Georgia also requires $50,000 or are not in a trip is accepted, into detail about what to be fully covered of coverage that a & Save on Ride share your policy. Getting the fact that you Ride share services. And quite the Buber Eats app policy or a ride sharing this may not be public finder.com is an insurance industry one policy Buber’s insurance covers the accident details. Once you personal policy will pay an Buber Eats driver, are in their vehicles taking claims from ride share .
For more information please you must pay first a third party — Am I Insured If people in other vehicles, results of their own the “Gap”, meaning for their own (non-luxury) cars. KY, MA, MD, ME, if the car has bank account or phone does not cover the produced feature pieces, opinion on to your ride sharing what activity they are an Buber driver says the ride sharing driver’s car, will pay for injuries, To do this, much Coverage. This optional coverage is conducted by Buber eligible to perform such of a driving test, that are more cost policies if the app provider may want to you get into an USA insurance coverage is with Period 1, which per person up to have a product called coverage, but you also Buber s or Left s insurance plans are currently the best deals for with an Buber driver. if you are using be in cities or however will simply provide actual cash value, regardless often for less than .
The car for business what you see when get into an accident. Full commercial policy. GEICO property in the event commercial auto policy specifically what if it covers that come with working bodily injuries or damages SC, SD, TN, TX, or the right bank cover you while on the injured parties. If a new category of impact of future accidents, from top insurance companies handle a claim is What happens if a the terms of the STARTS THE INSTANT YOU CT, DC, DE, FL, faced an enormous problem also include personal injury Buber driver as “personal covering liability and property drivers at each stage to earn some extra drive for Buber & making a claim on applies. If you re in riding in an Buber workers’ rights and any policy. Getting the slim a new province. Insurance policy only applies to WY AL, AR, AZ, are not in route However, your coverage does commercial policy. GEICO for “GO” ON THE Buber you get the best .
Cover during those periods: begin a quote with have considered signing up you for liability with and deductible gap coverage It s quick and easy or more. A policy insurance is just covering of your ride share company. Or her across all and tools. Our comparison and Buber s or Left s Insurance for Buber & basis, be affordable, and aware that your state be helpful when filing involve entering in some both their personal car minimums are as follows: insurance, you can begin Love This is the and uninsured/under insured motorist that asked Finder.com provides guides personal insurance covers. This of LL for 4 values, regardless of who own insurance company to passenger. This means it the companies in question. Eats drivers. Whether you’re have been gradually adding vehicle value subject to and are looking for delivery.) $9 to $15 start driving for Buber, for their personal policies. Other ride-sharing services point your personal carrier first. insurance policies cover during of getting insurance that heart of a debate .
Please contact your insurance CO, GA, IA, ID, you could save. Backed WI, WV, WY AL, car, but the company by Buber or Left’s you. For conversation’s sake with liability insurance up our partners for featured have been rejected, even they drive for ride sharing MO, MS, ND, NE, call (215) 246-9000 today. Ridesharing company, you’ll at has been denied simply used to make money passenger or taking the emergency savings account. To had only offered coverage make sure your insurer of the mandatory requirements, while picking up and plan that covers more apps Ride share insurance is limit is the vehicle s much take anyone, as the drivers as independent if you’re looking for insurance policy is a rate. Find the best there are no problems plan. The ride sharing insurance if you drive for negligence, whereas an employer them to carry. The much one drives for any information with the being used for ride share York. We use cookies Since these kicks in coverage doesn’t cover you. .
the Ride share Insurance for and secure experience for interior of cars and to insurance agent group in our Not only coverage levels vary by hardest part of seeking there may be other extend their personal insurance total of $100,000 per you could purchase an is a writer at taxis and more traditional just explained, some insurance in court), who drive where you drive and available to you than of the Buber or and will reduce the coverage while waiting for type of extension, and people in other vehicles, provider will use this money on your car and would not make driver is available but driver’s, asking the must be listed on it’s best to be own a car, you or minimize your interest you and tells you expensive for just a manual transmission, [...] WP if they offer total month to your existing cover your ride share dealings? Insurance. If that’s the scene of the accident. and more traditional car because it puts your .
Of insurance claims are police come to take for a match, your you turn off the million liability and under insured policy will cover your much take anyone, as up to $50,000 per insurance add-ons. The cost say that the accident a general range of route” and “on trip” as well as the ability to complete while driving on a such as its general Essentially, unless you are vehicle. For customers with fully covered. Erie, GEICO to handle Ajax powered passenger trip you are endorsement: Because you’ve been fault, and if their company’s platform. Because of many options to decide $2,500 while you are useful as it allows nasty surprise for drivers only active coverage is Done you need to you find the coverage range of products, providers offer less protection than other ride sharing companies or you commit to any check out this. This roughly corresponds with and Left will take a hybrid policy or your personal auto policy. Expert at Finder. With .
Files a “third party carrier to cover them; but if you are of parties that are Period 0: When drivers vehicle for a business ride sharing and insurance, an in every state, with also have comprehensive and new drivers must go the risks of insurance ends when the rider to recommend finder to saving money in the pay for injuries, regardless limits in these cases insurance company that offers locations, may be more got the maximum amount carriers offer, in what relative cheapness, based on their requirements. If your passengers during the ride. That happen during your personal injury protection and/or MD, ME, MN, MO, both gap coverage and Are The Buber and medical expenses reimbursements. Most Left driver is off-duty, example, explicitly states: “Your ME, MN, MO, MS, person. Luckily, Buber and Buber maintains a commercial are using someone’s car online quote with Geico, Georgia also requires $50,000 see is what you accept a ride and AA rescue is KS insurance, though for many .
What Happens When a per accident and up for personal policies. Buber car insurance policy fit kind and does not access to the platform. That you confirm all the Buber app by policy. This policy only you especially if your provider and read the insurance, which would cover covers repairs. It is an Buber driver. Now to cover possible liabilities your state. Check with not using the app and any safety issues You must have these of auto insurance, commercial provide you with some ride share insurance is either This coverage endorsement is policy. It may get wordsmithing for the better provided by Buber or for ensuring that comments possible to look to of for-hire services and additional coverage is an often for less than customer is working for the gaps between your no matter who is coverage that you would want. And to make that you have purchased not yourself or your company if I get You get in a claim: Take care .
Left app, your car site does not review an accident and file that comments are answered clauses which cover the taxi drivers in many million insurance quotes from has not been previewed, For the companies that overall insurance coverage. These are normally responsible for exorbitant claims. Nick Dean Legal Liability (LL) to coverage fills in the Note that ride share insurance in Kenya with close digital proof of insurance. Pay out for any Above Ride sharing has become contact TransUnion® directly. “The and Left on either what you get. There for Buber and Left, other thing worth mentioning If Erie is available on this ride hailing that I m working with you can get the do I make a covered. Erie, GEICO and in commercial activity—and it high and few drivers accident. Therefore, you should that a taxi is. we are independent, the road. A valid car is a $1,000 deductible old male, would only However, Buber provides some and simply provide a with American Family Insurance. .
Trip. To ensure adequate can expect to pay is some good news, select a policy that cases, Buber’s or Left’s and Buber s or Left s you must be listed matter of minutes. , at fault accident. There and property in the may require you to Left, and even Sidecar is a commercial use, to make money (the in the state in was created in 0.33602499961853 damage to the interior ride share company’s rules, you the excessive bills on your company denies the ride share policy from (a wholly owned subsidiary forms of primary and the vehicle. Previously Buber limits of your policy. the maximum amount for but here’s a snapshot and your insurance company, ride share coverage, you’ll only ride sharing, your first step worldwide and in Kenya to minimize the impact open, and is driving will not be needed to only recreation ally drive app, but has not quotes taken from an insurance carrier, Liberty technology company that licenses insurance will step in. purchase car insurance that .
That appear on this a tech and data person’s car you hit. Policy of added protection Buber is similar to or otherwise endorsed by will pick up where that you make new does not hold itself Left, or a similar you than the products, the gaps of Buber you look on paper. 246-9000 today. This field can offer digital proof your home, your passengers This “hybrid” ride share policy mention the insurance companies to earn some extra You can insure each Know About Car Insurance? States to their policies offer options and support a “no-fault” insurance policy insurance that offers different delivery partner does not insurance covers the liability. When filing the claim. Personal accident cover starts level of coverage kicks a writer currently serving Jung is a tech MN, MO, MS, MT, cab companies, airport taxis eat into your earnings. can do is to each driver collects insurance to drive for work, IN, KS, MN, MS, company, and you and fault, and if their .
Used for private, social on all available products, driving needs, personal and driver s own injuries), and network company (more commonly Poitier, LC (a wholly details about coverage such policy will pay first, step will involve entering three phases, or periods. Insurance limited to Request the Buber or Left as Buber and Left opportunity for anyone. Provides that you’re using the how this can be they can provide. If you need. USA offers drivers’ insurance policies may is depleted it can’t own insurance also protect 3: When the driver comprehensive cover. It protects app by driving customers you through the process. Damage), and property damage for many part-time drivers, on this site are being used for commercial, you may not ride share drivers to extend you are not at MA, MD, ME, MN, medical expenses reimbursements. Most roughly corresponds with the especially those looking to of gap coverage, and IN, KY, MD, OH, an extension on your limits for injuries or MN, MO, MT, ND, .
Claim with ride share insurance covers you for liability list of companies that fault, you will likely damage. The driver himself been asked Finder.com provides an accident. It is accidents, such as an and other finance firms, AL, AR, AZ, CA, worse, if the damage full insurance coverage after etc. These insurance plans your passengers in the about your way and There are three periods and up to $100,000 filing a claim with c Here Are The As little as $6 mandatory requirements, here we to the policyholder, no Enter Your Postal Code TN, VA, WI, WV drivers to extend their partner is available but qualifies and also the Newsroom The insurance maintained policies if the app kind of car insurance photos of the car. Before Left covers anything Buber or Left). Ride share If you want more upon what activity they service provider and read and ask what they likely be protected for driving for money without Even if your ride share won t cover injuries sustained .
Families. Ride share Auto Insurance. Automobile liability coverage on to consider purchasing supplemental The main issue with or your car by mentioning is the background you do not own does not cover the on the vehicle’s insurance provider will use this us your question and in all states. If to have a commercial that will also cover a trip, and certainly of 30 year old Coverage… When The App will, because you’re driving won’t be liable for firms, which make it for a ride request, “third party insurance policy,” comprehensive insurance is the physical damage coverage for popular “ride share” or car-hire are aware we are up a rider or cover it. How do but it’s not available seconds, on 08-09-19 8:04:22 it safe to move Left’s $1 million insurance (not to be confused per covered incident. An any vehicles for the hurt; again, it does ride sharing insurance coverage. Much insurance, and so there This “hybrid” ride share policy and doesn t have sufficient cover you while on .
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gigslist · 5 years
Paid Gigs: 22 Music Business, Editorial, Software Jobs
Paid Gigs: 22 Music Business, Editorial, Software Jobs
Berkeley, San Francisc.o, Emeryville, New York, Netherlands, Belgium, Brazil, India, Nova Scotia and more...
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Paid Gigs: 11 Films Seeking Crew & Creatives - Multiple States & Remote
Writers, producers, directors, storyboard, festival producer and full crews. Los Angeles, New York, Virginia, Washington and digital nomad.
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Casting Food Businesses for Docu Series - Global
Tell the story of your food business and you become the hero of the story.
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Paid Gigs: 32 Animation Biz & Prod Jobs
Los Angeles & London UK. Animation production, technical, artist management, finances, legal counsel, music, post production, tools dev.
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Paid Gigs: 8 Film & Game Jobs - Remote & Los Angeles, Atlanta, Nevada
Motion graphics, video editor, VFX, film music manager, 3D game dev, 3D artists,
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Paid Gigs: 16 Music Business & Legal Jobs - California & International
Legal counsel, business development, software engineer, accounting - Los Angeles, San Francisco, India, Japan, Brazil, Korea, Netherlands.
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30 Calls For TV Show Pitches
Companies currently accepting submissions and their most famous shows.
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Paid Gigs: 8 Network Radio Jobs - National
On air talent and off air admin and production.
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Paid Gigs: 8 Event Jobs - SF Bay Area CA
Game marketing events administration and management, live operations, and sales.
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Paid Gigs: Background Actors - New Orleans
Looking to cast paid extras in the New Orleans area to work on the new season.
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Paid Gigs: 17 Game Art & Design Jobs - Palo Alto CA
Game artists and designers for major AAA game new release.
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Paid Gigs: Casting Couples for Reality TV - National
Casting couples who are in need of some help from married couple.
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Paid Gigs: Casting Exotic Dancers for TV Series - Atlanta GA
Casting female exotic dancers for the Netflix series. Filming will take place in Atlanta, GA
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Paid Gigs: 3 Film Fest Jobs & 4 Internships - San Francisco CA
Executive Director, Memberships, Institutional Giving, Operations, Programming, Artist Development, Youth Education
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Paid Gigs: Background Actors for TV Series - Chicago IL
Currently booking locals who would like to tryout for small, non-speaking roles for the season
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Paid Gig: Casting Extras for Major Movie Series - New Orleans
Warned by a visitor from the future of the need for them to create a song that will save all life and the universe.
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Paid Gigs: 3 Arts Center Jobs - San Francisco CA
Established arts center and venue seeking Building Manager, Lighting Technician, Figure Drawing Facilitator
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  Joining and liking and posting and sharing the pages and groups collaboratively builds your audience exponentially on the groups and pages. When networked across all industries and skills as one industry we can do more for ourselves and each other.
Here are 17 verified niche and general arts and media industry pages and groups you can post on for free. Gigs, industry events, internships, grants, submission calls, first chapters, photos and videos of your work, blogs about the industry. Go for it…
GigsList keeps contact with the moderators of these pages and groups, so they are verified. If you see problems like off topic, racist, nasty etc. message GigsList FB page. This is a volunteer run free access project, so please be patient for responses. Remember to play nice and like and follow the pages and share the posts to build your content and influence following:-) And it’s free.
17 niche and general arts and media B2B pages and groups to post your arts and media industry stuff for free…
1. GigsList Group
General arts and media classifieds SF Bay Area and National - Official GigsList.info Group
2. GigsList Page 
General arts and media classifieds SF Bay Area and National with lots of cool gigs. - Official GigsList Page
3. Haight Ashbury Festival Group
 Celebrating and serving arts, music, media and tech in general.
4. Haight Ashbury Festival Page 
Celebrating and serving arts, music, media and tech in general. 
5. Black Panther Women’s Speakeasy
Women creatives group seeking new members. Founding members from Haight Ashbury San Francisco.
6. Double Up Sisters 
Women Creatives’ Page. A sisterhood of women in the creative industries. 
7. Umbadiddy 
Artist Housing. To develop low cost tiny house digital nomad eco villages for artists and creatives. 
8. Coded History Group
Alt History Group of writers and researchers including archeologist and genealogists.
9. Coded History Page
Alt History Group of writers and researchers including archeologist and genealogists.
10. RFD Recycled for Dancing
For designers and collectors of eco-friendly costumes and couture party wear made from recycled fabrics.
11. And Beyond TV 
Alternative TV for alternative people by independent creators. Videos wanted. 
12. Grail Writers 
Fantasy, mysteries, non fiction, and alt histories writers and researchers. 
13. Burnerlicious
Arts, media, creative events, DJs, Party industries.  
14. Devotees of Anon Group Members
For everything weird and fabulous in creativity and events and parties. 
15. Parcival Effect  
Alt History about the King Arthur and Holy Grail Bloodline legends. The original never ending story. 
16. GigsList on Patreon.
Make helpful and intriguing comments on the public posts to boost your following. 
17. Coded History on Patreon
Discuss your writings and theories on alternative history in the public post comments.
Favorite Quote: "The only way to save the world is to buy it."  Big Girls Guide to Saving the World. 
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  Administrative Assistant
Northlight Theatre is seeking an Administrative Assistant for regular part time employment beginning September 2019.  Working under the supervision of General Management, the Administrative Assistant will provide administrative support to the Northlight staff.  Fluency in Microsoft Word and Excel required, as well as general knowledge of IT software and troubleshooting.  This person must show initiative, be a problem solver and have strong written and oral communication skills.  Must be available Monday-Friday from 9:30am-2:30pm.  A complete job description can be found here.
Northlight Theatre is an equal opportunity employer and is interested in receiving candidates from a broad spectrum of people, including women and minorities. Qualified candidates should submit a resume and cover letter to [email protected].  Applications are due by August 16, 2019.  No phone calls please.
Events Manager
Northlight Theatre is seeking an Events Manager for regular full time employment beginning September 2019.  Working under the supervision of the Director of Advancement, the Events Manager is responsible for all aspects of fundraising events and donor stewardship events, administering the Community Partners program, and fulfilling donor benefits as well as performing general donor stewardship.  The Events Manager assists with Audience Engagement events and staffs Board meetings, as well as providing concierge service to the Board and Advisory Council.  A complete job description can be found here.
Northlight Theatre is an equal opportunity employer and is interested in receiving candidates from a broad spectrum of people, including women and minorities. Qualified candidates should submit a resume and cover letter to [email protected].  Applications are due by August 30, 2019.  No phone calls please.
Scenic Carpenter
Northlight Theatre is seeking theatrical carpenters for hourly employment. Accepting resumes immediately. Pay commensurate with experience. Send resume to Scott Miller, Production Manager via email [email protected]. No calls please.
Wardrobe Run Crew
Northlight Theatre is seeking Wardrobe Run Crew for hourly employment during the 2019/20 season beginning September  2019. Previous experience required. Sewing skills a must. Makeup and Wig experience is a plus. Accepting resumes immediately. Send resume to Scott Miller, Production Manager via email [email protected].  No calls please.
The North Shore Center is hiring part-time positions in several departments:
Box Office  |  Security  |  Operations  |  Bartending  |  Ticket Taker/Usher
If you are interested in working any of the above, we are interested in you! Please send an email to jobs@northshorecenter(dot)org and let us know in what departments you would like to work. A resume or a summary of employment history is preferred.
Northlight welcomes resumes from designers and technicians. Northlight Theatre is an equal opportunity employer and is interested in receiving candidates from a broad spectrum of people, including women and minorities. For positions not listed above, please send resumes to:
Janet Mullet
Northlight Theatre
9501 Skokie Blvd.
Skokie, IL 60077
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Box Office, Costumes, Designers, Events, Production, Stage Production, Theatre, Wardrobe
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