#ingela little kaiju
littlekaijus · 1 year
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I love you so much despite how angy you always look at me. <3
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littlekaijus · 1 year
A masterpost of my current rescues/babies! Will include info on their personalities and likes/dislikes!
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Backstory: The one who started it all! We adopted her when she was 1 year old from a now-closed rescue called The Gecko Sanctuary. I wasn't looking for a gecko, I was actually turtle hunting on the adoption wavelengths! But I saw her eyes and just...she broke me lol. I researched until I was confident, reached out to the rescue, and here we are several years later! Lost about 1.5 feet to horrible stuck shed from her previous life [has half of her front right foot still]
Likes: Water, worships anything water related like a god. Women, very devout liz-bean. Watches screens the most out of everyone. Loves to watch video games played by anyone, however Markiplier is her favorite youtuber.
Dislikes: Being told she can't go somewhere, her multivitamins, being woken up from her holy slumber
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Backstory: Rescued from an extreme reptile hoarding situation in Georgia, this lil man was shipped all the way to my neck of the woods along with his former "roommates" by the lovely HerpHaven Reptile Rescue. We adopted him after falling for his scrunkliness, and he's surprised us everyday.
Likes: Warm hands, especially my partner's. Actually just really loves my partner. Big talker too, the most vocal lil kaiju! Loves to stare at people with intense love in his eyes.
Dislikes: Having to get help for his bodily functions that he otherwise could not accomplish. Will piss and shit and cry about it.
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Backstory: I was given a crazy job opportunity at my local school district to care for their animals within their science program. It's been a blast and a half, but starting out I got so worried sick about this lil girl. She was older and did not have the best care over her life, and grew ill. The person in my position before me did their best attempts at care, but ultimately she was left blind and with a little wobble after I stepped in and got her recovered enough. Due to this, she graduated from the program and we happily welcomed her with open arms to our funky family.
Likes: Tight spaces, the smaller the better! Anything she can fit in her mouth as well. Will sit and just listen to anything, great lil therapist. Loves sleeping anywhere cause everywhere is dark and safe in her eyes! Very loving and calm.
Dislikes: Being held, currently a slippery lil bean.
Former Kaiju:
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Backstory: Our second gecko who unfortunately passed away from a seizure. He was a sweet baby, and paved the way for us to adopt his other siblings, as he would have wanted. (Lil dude was social, but stictly through glass barriers) He was a biiiiiig boy, part giant and missing most of his teeth. You're always missed bud.
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