#hero little kaiju
littlekaijus · 1 year
A masterpost of my current rescues/babies! Will include info on their personalities and likes/dislikes!
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Backstory: The one who started it all! We adopted her when she was 1 year old from a now-closed rescue called The Gecko Sanctuary. I wasn't looking for a gecko, I was actually turtle hunting on the adoption wavelengths! But I saw her eyes and just...she broke me lol. I researched until I was confident, reached out to the rescue, and here we are several years later! Lost about 1.5 feet to horrible stuck shed from her previous life [has half of her front right foot still]
Likes: Water, worships anything water related like a god. Women, very devout liz-bean. Watches screens the most out of everyone. Loves to watch video games played by anyone, however Markiplier is her favorite youtuber.
Dislikes: Being told she can't go somewhere, her multivitamins, being woken up from her holy slumber
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Backstory: Rescued from an extreme reptile hoarding situation in Georgia, this lil man was shipped all the way to my neck of the woods along with his former "roommates" by the lovely HerpHaven Reptile Rescue. We adopted him after falling for his scrunkliness, and he's surprised us everyday.
Likes: Warm hands, especially my partner's. Actually just really loves my partner. Big talker too, the most vocal lil kaiju! Loves to stare at people with intense love in his eyes.
Dislikes: Having to get help for his bodily functions that he otherwise could not accomplish. Will piss and shit and cry about it.
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Backstory: I was given a crazy job opportunity at my local school district to care for their animals within their science program. It's been a blast and a half, but starting out I got so worried sick about this lil girl. She was older and did not have the best care over her life, and grew ill. The person in my position before me did their best attempts at care, but ultimately she was left blind and with a little wobble after I stepped in and got her recovered enough. Due to this, she graduated from the program and we happily welcomed her with open arms to our funky family.
Likes: Tight spaces, the smaller the better! Anything she can fit in her mouth as well. Will sit and just listen to anything, great lil therapist. Loves sleeping anywhere cause everywhere is dark and safe in her eyes! Very loving and calm.
Dislikes: Being held, currently a slippery lil bean.
Former Kaiju:
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Backstory: Our second gecko who unfortunately passed away from a seizure. He was a sweet baby, and paved the way for us to adopt his other siblings, as he would have wanted. (Lil dude was social, but stictly through glass barriers) He was a biiiiiig boy, part giant and missing most of his teeth. You're always missed bud.
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Calmness ✧
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Plot: Ken and you have a real daughter.
A/N: kinda short :(
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Soft evening light filtered through the den, casting everything in that warm, nostalgic glow you'd come to associate with pure contentment over these past few blissful years together.
Ken's attention remained transfixed on that vintage baseball game rerun flickering across the flatscreen.
Body settled deep into those overstuffed couch cushions with one leg casually crossed over the other in peak middle-aged dad repose.
But it was the tiny, swaddled bundle cradled against his barrel chest that held your rapt fascination from the archway.
Soaking in every precious detail of their serene tableau with an overflow of maternal adoration swelling in your breast.
At just three months old, your newborn daughter remained utterly oblivious to her surroundings - cherubic features smoothed into perfect repose while bronzed lashes fanned over porcelain cheeks.
One little fist tucked up beneath her chin while the other tiny starfish hand rested atop Ken's broad pec, rising and falling with each of his steady rumbles.
Her doting father absently brushed the pad of his thumb in soothing circles over the minuscule knuckles. Never once taking those transfixed mahogany pools off your slumbering miracle's face as if committing every microscopic shift to eternal memory.
That singular worshipful reverie you'd immediately recognized and fallen hopelessly in love with all over again these past few weeks.
The exact same soul-deep look Ken once bestowed solely upon the orphaned kaiju he'd raised before watching her depart for greener pastures - now magnified tenfold through his unbreakable connection to your shared offspring.
A permanent reminder of the family you created together from that cosmic loneliness.
"She's not at all like Emi was , is she?" You murmured, footsteps barely audible across the plush carpet until dropping onto the open cushion space beside him.
Ken responded with only a low rumbling hum from his broad chest while immediately unfurling that sheltering arm around your shoulders.
Cocooning you into his solid, familiar warmth until your cheek smooshed comfortably against the firmness of his shoulder. Close enough to press a wandering caress across your tiny miracle's silken crown.
"No - she's not. She's ours." A meaningful pause preceded Ken's soft, gravelly rasp ghosting across your hairline. "Our daughter...our real baby that you gave me, sweetheart. One I'll guard with my life the same way I do for you always."
Melting into the tender, possessive squeeze encircling your trim waist, you craned your chin up against his collarbone to receive that lingering brush over your puckered lips.
Ken's soulful gaze locked onto yours - swimming depths of protective ferocity tamed only through utter reverence for the two solitary souls anchoring his universe now.
The unspoken mantra of doing anything to safeguard the loves of his life until extinction itself.
"You've already given me more than enough happiness to last a trillion lifetimes, babe. Thank you," he whispered hoarsely against your skin.
"For being everything I could've dreamed during those cold, empty decades..."
You stifled the tiny sniffle by reclaiming his questing mouth in a searing, needful communion - conveying through satin caresses alone just how desperately you treasured this man and the profound sanctuary of family he'd bestowed upon you.
Your Ultraman, protector, partner, and living legacy of insurmountable love all in one. Cradling you both to his gallant hero's heart for eternity.
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champagnefountains · 3 months
Secret(s) — K. SATO
Prompt: Kenji finally decides to come clean with his feelings and (sort of) confesses to you...except, it doesn't go the way he planned.
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Word Count: 2.9k+ words [Damn, I lowkey popped off on this one...] Pairing: Kenji Sato [Ultra-Man: Rising] x Fem! Reader Genre/s: A tiny bit of angst with fluff. Misunderstandings. Mutual pining. Warnings: Swearing. Maybe OOC Kenji (?), not sure tbh...also, I sort of change perspectives weirdly in this one but I tried to make it work the best I can ;-; Plus, I feel like the pacing's weird ;-;
KENJI SATO HAD TWO BIG SECRETS. Number one; he was none other than the Ultra-Man, begrudgingly taking over the momentous mantle after his father was injured. Unlike his booming baseball career, the whole 'superhero' thing was honestly a humbling experience, as Kenji realised the numerous beatings and immediate danger that comes with the spotlight. Though, after what was the unique experience of baby-sitting a kaiju and finally mending his relationship with his father, did Kenji come to terms with and welcome this responsibility. Gladly, Kenji finally found that much needed balance in his life that was necessary and soon, his life didn't seem as bad as it was before. It wasn't lonely anymore either, he thinks.
And number two; he has a massive crush on you. The both of you knew each other since you were little kids, growing up and going to school together like true best-friends did. Initially glued to the hip, you were then forced apart when he had to abruptly move to America with his mother. The transition was difficult to say the least, as little Kenji was thrown into what seemed like a whole new world. Other kids would talk constantly about the way he looked and acted behind his back—about how different he was, and whilst Kenji eventually grew out of it, he couldn't help but miss home. You, included.
When Kenji returned to Japan after many, many years, his feelings for you resurfaced when you surprised him during one of his baseball games. Amongst the crowd, you had been sitting by the front row when Kenji suddenly locked eyes with you as he entered the batting field. He had to do a double-take because God, the years treated you so damn well (And you were even wearing his jersey. His jersey). Whilst he wanted nothing more than to run to and scoop you into his arms, Kenji had a game to play. He had a strong urge to show you his best performance and damn it, did he deliver. He was the Ken Sato, after all. He never disappoints.
The both of you had your heartfelt reunion after the game as he held and spun you in his embrace, in all his sweaty glory (it was honestly a bit gross, but you let it slide this once for the sake of celebration). Excited, you both decided to catch up at Tonkotsu Tonki after he washed up. And to his relief, it was like you never changed. You were still the amazing, humble and kind you — and even though he thought you of beautiful then, you were practically glowing now.
Despite the piling stress he was enduring then — with having to juggle between being Ultra-Man, baby-sitting Emi and some career troubles — your presence alone was like a breath of fresh air. Whenever he was with you, whether it be on the phone or in person, he wasn't the famous celebrity, Ken Sato, or the beloved Japanese super-hero, Ultra-Man. He was just Kenji. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
So with that all being said, with months-full of excruciating pining, Kenji finally made the big decision to confess to you. Today. He invited you out to Tonkotsu Tonki for dinner one spontaneous night, booking a private space away from watchful eyes and any possible distractions.
"So, [Y/n]...I have something to tell you," he suddenly brings up after you finished your meals. His hands start to feel clammy as you avert your attention from your phone, staring up at him with curious eyes. Kenji was normally confident with most things, but vulnerability wasn't exactly his strong suit. He was usually flirtatious and a tease in nature, always flashing a dashing smile and blowing kisses towards the camera and his fans. But today was different. Heck, he couldn't even look at you right now without his head turning into complete mush.
On the other hand, the tone of his voice surprises you. It was noticeably a stark contrast to the light-hearted conversation you had just minutes prior. It must've been important, you think to yourself. And it made you nervous. "Oh," you lamely say, blinking at him, "uh, sure. Shoot." You clasp your hands together to keep them from fiddling too much, your nerves tingling at your fingertips. The thing is, you had an inkling of an idea as to what he was going to say, which was something you've been itching to hear for the past month. '...Was he actually going to follow through?' You think in quiet anticipation.
"Right. So, um..." Kenji throws some gestures in the air in attempt to gauge the right words, "...well, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while. It might be a bit...surprising–heavy, even. And I'm worried that it might change a lot of things between us–which I really hoped it wouldn't, but I guess it's inevitable."
He keeps an attentive gaze on you, studying how your features slowly became more tense. Funnily and strangely enough, he thought you looked a bit constipated and perhaps in another circumstance, he would've laughed at you. Though, he knew he wasn't doing any better himself – the restaurant suddenly felt like a sauna and his heart was practically pounding out of his chest as if he were in a game.
Kenji unknowingly continues to babble on. "I-I wanted to tell you sooner, but I didn't want to scare you off. But now, since I've come back from America–and am planning on staying here for good– and-and we've been given a chance to reconnect these past couple months...I think it's a good time to finally come clean and tell you the truth—"
"I already know," you suddenly intervene, surprising Kenji and even yourself. You mentally reprimand yourself for abruptly inserting yourself in the midst of his dialogue, cursing your lack of patience.
"You...you already know?" He asks sheepishly, clearly taken aback, "what–what do you mean you already know? Like, was I being too obvious or something?" He couldn't help the nervous chuckle that escapes his lips. He felt like he was going to implode at any minute as the embarrassment rapidly crept up his neck, dusting his cheeks.
You wince a little. "W-Well, no. But I guess I already had my suspicions. I noticed that you've been acting kinda weird recently and I sort of just...y'know, connected the dots," you shrugged, looking apologetic. He honestly didn't know how to feel about that.
"Oh...right. I forget how perceptive you can be sometimes. It's kinda scary," he attempts to flash you a smirk but it comes off as an awkward smile instead, as he raises a hand to rub his nape. You notice this and try to offer some consolation, reaching out to grab his hand. The action alone causes butterflies to flutter erratically in Kenji's stomach and for a moment, he feels hopeful.
"Hey, for what it's worth I'm actually glad that you told me, Ken. It must've been hard keeping it to yourself," you say warmly. Kenji scoffs in response – that was an understatement. "Oh, God. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to get this off of my chest," he huffs incredulously, unconsciously melting into your touch.
There was a brief second of pause and soon, Kenji couldn't help but feel as though there was something...off about this whole exchange, especially with how casual you were being at the moment. After all, Kenji literally just confessed (well, kind of) and you just sat there, smiling at him without giving him a definitive answer. Was...he forgetting something? Was he even doing this right?
"Y'know, you seem a bit...nonchalant about all this," he points out, "because if I'm being completely honest with you, I feel like I'm about to pass out." Brows furrowed, you straighten up in your seat. "Wait, Ken, I didn't mean to make it seem like I don't care or anything," you attempt to affirm with the wave of your hands, "i-it's just...slowly sinking in right now. Even though I told you I knew, hearing it from you straight is still overwhelming."
Overwhelming? At that, Kenji frowns. "Well...I did warn you, didn't I?" He says disheartened, letting out a deep sigh whilst running a hand through his hair. "Look, [Y/n]. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, nor do I want to pressure you for an answer right now. I just thought I'd tell you–"
"Woah, woah. Wait a minute. Pressure me?" You question with raised brows, now acutely confused, "pressure me into what?" Kenji rapidly blinks and tilts his head to one side, almost gaping at you, "Uhm, pressure you into reciprocating my feelings?" Crickets. Literal crickets. It was only after a few passing seconds that the both of you realise that you were talking about very, very different things.
"Y-You have feelings for me?" You gawk as you point to yourself, a bright blush now evident across your cheeks. Kenji wanted nothing more than to disappear into thin air. "I–Yes! Yes, I do–I thought I made that super clear?!" He panics, balling his fists, "what the hell were you talking about then?!"
Ah, shit. This was awkward, but there's no point in turning back now, you think to yourself, grimacing. You look around the both of you in caution and thankfully, the cook behind the counter was nowhere in sight, presumably having gone back of the kitchen. You leaned close towards Kenji. "I was talking about you being Ultra-Man!" You harshly whispered between your cupped hands, and it causes Kenji to bang his knee against the countertop, eliciting a loud thud.
You gasp. "Shit, Ken, are you okay—" "Fuck-What the actual fuck?!" He whisper-shouts, his eyes growing as wide as saucers as he aggressively rubs his knee. "how-how did you know about that?!" Maybe Kenji should've initially tried to deny the accusation, but his better judgement was severely trampled on, alongside his ego, by his failed attempt of a confession.
Now it was your turn to fumble. "W-Well, first of all, every time you would abruptly leave when we hang out, Ultra-Man would just appear out of nowhere and it would always be when there's a kaiju in the city! Like, come on, the timing was always coincidentally impeccable!" You explain, your arms messily flailing in the air, "And don't even get me started on the lame-ass excuses you make! What? You needed to water your plants? You couldn't even conjure a single sprout, let alone a pot plant even if you tried—"
"I–Okay, first of all, that is so not true–"
You raise a digit, causing him to halt mid-sentence, "And not only that, but maybe you should–I don't know, work on being more discreet with your identity because I literally saw you transform near a freaking construction site!"
Kenji's eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. "Shit, you saw me? When did you–"
"Over a month ago, with that pink dragon-looking kaiju." You were referring to Emi. At that, Kenji squints his eyes at you, "You knew for a whole month and didn't tell me!?"
"Shh, lower your voice, Ken! Someone's gonna hear us!" You hush, "And I was planning on telling you at some point! Believe me, but I-I just didn't know how to bring it up! It's not exactly the smoothest conversation starter, y'know?" You look at him guiltily, your voice growing quiet, "I was kinda hoping that you'd tell me over time...when you were ready."
Kenji was now sporting a migraine, his mind trying to wrap around all the information you've just spewed at him. "You...you didn't tell anyone else about this, right?" He then asks anxiously. You were quick to shake your head, "No, of course not, and I wasn't planning to. I know how dangerous that information would be if it landed in the wrong hands—"
"And you do realise that you knowing all this would put you into danger, right?" Kenji says seriously. His own comment causes him to slump over at the counter, sighing heavily as he holds his head in his hands, "...it's why I never wanted you to know in the first place."
A small pang of hurt hits you as he admits this, but you decide to let it slide, knowing where Kenji was coming from. "Hey, come on, I'm stronger than I look, Ken. At least give me some credit over here," you attempt to liven up the mood, nudging him with your elbow. "Apart from kaiju, there are some really dangerous people out there, [Y/n]. You and I don't know what they're capable of," he mumbles into his arms, his gaze remaining on the table. Having you roped into his Ultra-Man business opened a lot of opportunities for danger to strike at any angle. Kenji wouldn't forgive himself if something were to happen to you, knowing that it could've been avoided in the first place. Heck, look what happened with the KDF.
Your eyes soften at his concern, pressing your lips into a thin line as you let out a small huff. "Look, we'll figure something out. But in the meantime, it'll be okay. I'll be fine, Ken."
"But—ow!" Kenji winces as you flick him on the forehead. You click your tongue in mild annoyance, speaking once more to reiterate as he rubs the reddened spot on his head, "I said, I'll be fine. So, enough with the brooding, Ken. What's done is done, okay? Nothing's going to chance the fact that I already know, and there's no point in entertaining the 'what if's." You then cross your arms against your chest, before softly muttering under your breath, "...and plus, you definitely gotta work on that transforming gimic of yours. You're gonna give yourself away with that clumsy technique."
Kenji initially gave you an unimpressed look, but he couldn't help the small grin that grew on his face as he spotted the mischievous glint in your eyes. You were definitely poking fun at him now. He lets out an audible scoff in response. "Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try. I bet if you were in my place, your identity would already be headlining all the news outlets within minutes!" You roll your eyes at this but you end up joining in on his laughter, chuckling alongside him.
Soon after, there was a brief and quiet moment of contemplation, and you found yourself staring at Kenji's profile. His confession wasn't left forgotten as your mind slowly picked up the pieces from earlier and soon, you found yourself growing increasingly flustered at the memory. The thing is, you did in fact reciprocate his feelings. With his success, you didn't think he'd even so much as spare a glance in your direction, expecting him to settle for someone of his calibre. You always thought that he was way beyond your league, so of course, you had your insecurities. But now, even if it was only for a brief moment, they all seemed to have dissipated and was now replaced by a warm, fuzzy sensation.
"Hey...so, uhm...about your confession," you quietly muster, unable to look at him straight in the eye, "...I guess I should give you my answer, huh?" Kenji's posture straightens in response as an uneasy expression takes over his features, having been reminded of his humiliation, "[Y/n], wait. Like I said, you don't have to say anything right now if you don't want to—" You didn't really comprehend what he was saying at that point, distracted by the loud thumping of your heart against your ears.
You bite your lip nervously, adjusting yourself in your seat to face him properly as Kenji continues to waffle on about your regard. Before your nerves could've forced you to back down, you were quick to dip forward and place a small peck against his cheek, just at the corner of his lips — you also made sure to have it linger a bit to send your message across better. Kenji stiffens as a result, shutting him up completely as a dumb-struck look strikes his face. "I like you too, Ken..." you say when you pull away, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
It takes a few moments for Kenji to fully comprehend what just happened, before a shy, boyish giggle escapes his lips. "Well...I did not expect this to go the way it did," he airly says in a mixture of shock and amusement. You smile widely at him, finding his expression very endearing. "Oh, yeah? Then what did you have planned for me then, hot-shot?" You tease lightly with newfound confidence, leaning against the counter as you rest your chin on your hands. Kenji smirks. "Well, I was planning on serenading you and sweeping you off of your feet, and then carrying you off into the sunset," he jokes lowly, mirroring you. At this point, your faces were just centimetres away, and Kenji could practically feel the warmth radiating off of you. His eyes then dart towards your lips, thinking about how plush and inviting they looked, before looking back up towards your face. You also found yourself doing the same.
It was magnetising, the way you both naturally closed the gap between yourselves. His lips perfectly moulded itself with yours as his hands found its way to your cheeks, pulling you closer towards him. Your own fingers crept its way up the base of his neck, interlacing them as you also tugged him into you.
Ans so, after this eventful aftermath, and at the end of the day, Kenji (begrudgingly) had no more secrets to hide from you.
A/N: YALL...the absolute chokehold this man has on me is INSANE...but otherwise, thank you for reading! As always, constructive criticism is much appreciated!!
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kiwiikato · 3 months
mommy’s here // ken sato x reader
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Chapter Seven
warning: suggestive names??? slight boss bitch reader (dom) BUT FOR LIKE A TEENY TINY BIT 0.o NO MATURE CONTENT HERE…. unless??
kenji wakes up during the night, groggy from the lack of a full nights rest in the many days that he's been taking care of the baby kaiju with you. and this being another one of those days.
he woke up to tapping on his face, opening his eyes to meet with mina who had a little mechanical hand tap at his chiseled cheek. "ken, the baby is awake. she is not calming down to videos or pictures of you and y/n. she needs you." mina 'whispers', trying her best to not wake you up in the process.
ken could only groan but not his head to which nina floats back downstairs. he turns to see you cuddled up next to him, one of your hands around lazily around him as the other one lays on the pillow above you.
ken slowly moves away, trying his best to not wake you up out of sympathy for the slight eye bags that your eyes adorned. he gently pulls your hand off his frame, laying it back onto the bed as he gets up. noticing your frog plush on the floor, he picks it up, dusting it off as he places it against your chest for you to hug in the time he is gone.
slowly stepping out of the room, he makes his way down the hallway. it isn't long before he's in the elevator going down to where the baby kaiju and mina now were, with the baby crying.
he walks up, instantly making her jump as she sniffled, he clapped his hands in a jingle as he transformed into ultraman. reaching into the containment unit, he pulls her out, resting her on his chest. he rubs her back, slowly tapping it to make her feel better.
it wasn't that long till she burped, a bit of saliva coming out of her mouth to which he groaned to, but chose to ignore in the time. it's been so long that he's been taking care of her with you, that he could tell when she just needed a good burp before going back to sleep.
but she didn't go to sleep. she stayed awake as she babbled from being placed back into the containment unit. she whined for him but kenji was too tired, tired from the lack of sleep and the events of the previous day. "mina, turn the videos on please." he mumbled as he walked away.
the videos worked as the baby happily watched, cheering occasionally at the clips of her dad playing baseball. kenji moved towards the couch he had in the room near them, throwing himself down.
mina floated to him, worried for his health and the events that happened to him a couple hours ago. "a simulated therapy session perhaps? i have several in my database." he looked at her aggravated, tired from everything. "really?" "maybe call someone? a friend?" mina insisted.
"yeah, wish i had one of those." he said as his slammed against the cooler cabinet under his seat. "you have friends. y/n is a friend." mina said as he fought the cabinet.
his calf slammed against it, making him wince as he fell down. he grunted but looked at mina, while grabbing the ultraman figure nearby him. "y/n isn't just a friend. she's my co-parent, like my partner in crime... well saving." he said as he ran his hand through his hair.
mina nodded, letting him be. kenji sat, his thoughts consuming him as he thought about what he could do. what could he do? he didn't really talk to anyone. he was popular but being a hero meant having to be distant with people. who could he call? then it hit him. he searched for his phone in his pocket, until he found their number.
a phone rang in a cozy themed room. a hand dived into the piles of magazines of famous athlete ken sato. "whoooo!" a cheerful child ran through the room as their mother answered. "hey settle down. hello?" she whispered as she put the phone to her ear.
"ami, it's ken. ken sato." the receivers eyes widened through her circular glasses at the call. "um, mr. sato. hi!" she enthusiastically responded at the call. "look, if this is about my comments, i can only judge you on what i see. if you want to set the record straight-"
she was cut off. "can we just chat? like, off the record?" ken's hand ran through his hair as he spoke, staring at the figure in his hand. on the other hand, a mother dealt with her child who ran around the room. "whoo! schuwatch! take that gazoto!"
she stared at her child as she sat on the couch. "i'm really busy right now... put that down!" she cut herself off, yelling at her child. ken stared ahead, his eyes widening slightly as the child yelled "boom! scatter drones!" whole throwing toy pieces up into the air.
"it's just... you're the only person who'll talk to me." his head flashed to the idea of y/n who laid asleep in the room above, knowing he couldn't ask her for advice as the both of them were struggling to take care of the baby kaiju.
"i'll make you a deal. i'll give you five minutes. but you have to give me a follow-up. a real interview this time." ami spoke into the phone as ken cheered, happy to have someone to talk to. "done. whatever you want!" he said smiling.
"okay, we are off the record." ami said.in that moment, the baby kaiju cried, sad that the videos of her ken were finished. "please mina, keep her busy." ken hurriedly whispered to mina, while pulling the phone away from his ear.
the baby's crying was cut short, but not early enough as you had found yourself waking up to it. you turned to see that you were the only one in the bed now, giving off an empty feeling. it felt weird, to grow so close to someone, only to unexpectedly loose that warmth over night. you shook your thoughts away, knowing you were only being dramatic in that moment from being tired.
getting out of bed with a creak, you exited the room, making your way to where your baby kaiju was. her crying was no more but you still wanted to make sure she was okay, especially since you had grown a fondness for her.
the doors to the elevator opened, showing her happily watching videos of kenji playing baseball. it was an absolutely adorable sight as you walked to her. your eyes drifted off to see kenji, awake, with his phone pressed against his ear from a distance. you waved at him, giving him a soft smile as he waved back, only to then point at his phone and then put his hand in front of you like a stop sign.
the hand signs were choppy but you understood that he was on the phone and wanted you to wait a bit before he went over there. you turned back to your unofficial official baby, seeing her coo. kenji watched from afar, a soft smile on his lips, slowly brought back to reality.
"ken, you still there?" "yep! i'm still here, im here," he sighed, "so what's the secret? how do you do it? juggle everything. your job, your kid?" he said going back into a more serious mode. don't you ever just want to jump out a window?" his voice rang through emi's ears as she watched her daughter play on the wall, doing a supported handstand, only to cartwheel into the room near it.
"ken, do you have a secret love child? because that would be a story!" ami spoke hushed with her hand cupping over her mouth. her eyes widened, excited at the idea like a middle school gossiping with her friends again over a new crush.
kenji on the other line nervous chuckled, scared to be caught in a sense. "ha ha nooo. just, uh, curious." her said trying to play it off. ami smiled, a small laugh leaving her lips.
"honestly, it's not easy, ken. they're like little monsters sometimes." ken smiled at the irony of his baby being a little monster, a kaiju to be precise. ami's daughter tumbled to the floor, a small 'mama' emitting from her lips in a cry, as she rushed over to ami to hold her. she laid her head on her lap, whining from the pain.
"but they can surprise you too. they have hearts and minds of their own. they're trying to discover who they are and what they want. and the only support they have, is us. imperfect, messed up us, dealing with our own issues, trying to figure out who the heck we are."
kenji stared at his baby kaiju who cooed at the videos of him, watching as you and her both playfully swung your hands with a bat motion. a soft smile came to his lips as ami's words rang through his head.
"and you know what? that's the beauty of it. i look at my daughter sometimes and think that i'm learning as much from her as she is from me." the baby kaiju swung back and forth, making sounds of joy as kenji's eyes widened, his phone in his hand moving down in awe. "amazing."
"yep, they sure are." ami responded, unaware of the thoughts that flew through ken's head. he rose from his seat, walking to mina as he whispered. "lower the containment unit." and so it did as it slowly went into the ground, leaving the baby out to the open.
your eyes snapped towards kenji walking to you both, confused and unaware of the revelation he was experiencing. the baby kaiju cooed, confused by stared at her dad with curiosity.
"and before you know it, she won't be interested in toys anymore and your heart will break. i'm sure you have no idea what i'm talking about ken." but he did, and it made him happy. he ran to the side, pulling out a giant kids baseball bat. it was colorful blue. he handed it to the baby kaiju, making her jump as she help it in her claws.
"ken? ken? and your five minutes is up. you gonna honor your part of the deal?" ami spoke, her voice echoing from his phone against his ear, practicing bat hits as the baby mimicked. you smiled seeing them play, deciding to join their side.
"oh uh uhm yeah yeah. tomorrow night?" ken responded distracted as he watched you jump with the baby. "oh uh sure." ami responded shocked at the sudden time. "great. tonkatsu tonki. 7:00? bye." he hung the phone up instantly, playing with the baby still as he shoved his phone in his pocket.
kenji turned to you, happy at the sight in front of him. "y/n! do you see this? she's copying me!" he said childishly excited as he ran over to you, leaving mina to play with her. "i see it, she want to be just like you." you said teasing him as he gave you a toothy smile. "yeah, she wants to be like me..." his words were hushed to himself, almost like he couldn't believe that he had became a role model.
a figure of imitation. he was now someone that a baby looked up to. he was like a dad. he's a dad now. his eyes swelled up slightly, almost like he was holding back tears as he rubbed at his eyes. you chuckled at his emotional reaction. "aww don't cry, i thought she was supposed to be the baby, hmm~"
his cheeks flushed red as he pouted at your teasing. "well maybe i want to be your baby..." he whispered softly, but yet you still heard him. almost like a chain reaction, you blushed making him blush more. "oh-" you said stunned, shocked even. "i don't mind-" you said with a sort of newfound confidence, only it didn't last long.
almost like a switch flicked in him, his head snapped to you in shock. his shy expression changed into a smirk as he wiggled his eyebrows at you. "oh really, huh? you wanna call me baby, don't you?" he said, his voice was husk as he teased you.
he boldly strutted to you, getting rid of the distance that separated the both of you as he now stood behind you, his body towering over you as his leaned down to your head. "you wanna call me baby, y/n? i think i'd prefer if you'd call me daddy." he voice was smooth, sweet and seductive all at once.
your skin heated from the emotions you felt, almost lime you could pass out in that second. "so? hm?" kenji was like whiplash, so sweet and gentle one second, than childish and silly, to a whole 180 as he switched to seductive and bold out of nowhere.
it was then that his words flashed through your head. "call you daddy huh? seems like someone else wants it more, don't you think?" you said as you turned around and pressed a finger against his chest, hooking it into his shirt roughly. he could only gulp, turning back into the shy and sweet kenji you were used to.
"oh! would you uh look at that- she's using the bat!" kenji nervously ran from you with his face red, hiding his face with his blue cap. you laughed at his reaction, smiling and trailing behind him as he faced mina.
"uhm mina, load up a park. maybe start her out with one of the older simulations." he said, acting as though nothing happened earlier. mina listened to him as you stood next to them both, watching g as the once dark, black-like room turned into a children's baseball park. it felt homey and cute, you couldn't help but relish in the sweet feeling.
you heard cheering to the side, noticing a holograph of a women show up. you recognized her, it was kenji's mom. you remembered those days where professor sato would ramble to you all the sweet little stories they went through as he searched for her after suddenly disappearing.
you couldn't help but frown at the idea but shook it off hering kenji praise mina. "nice touch mina." he said softly, running to the base in the middle, getting ready to play a game of baseball with the sweet baby kaiju you both grew to love.
note: a/n! i'm sorry if the chapter seems rushed, i just wanted to get one out to you all so you all won't have to wait that long :( ALSO FBNABDSJ THE WHOLE DADDY AND THEN SLIGHT DOMINANT READER - that's on me y'all, it's the voices in my head 👹 so i guess it's a teeny bit 'mature' but well, who doesn't mind some fan service >:3 also i won't be posting till after june 29 since i will be busy that whole day so i hope u all understand <3 I PROMISE U ALL THE WAIT WILL BE WORTH IT!!! trust me >:3
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yzzart · 3 months
୭˚. ᵎᵎ content warnings: F!reader, mention of Mina and KDF, news about Ultraman, Kenji referring to reader as his wife, reference to Telesdon and Aboras, fluff.
"In the company of the KDF, Ultraman managed, drastically and efficiently, to end yet another Kaiju invasion. However, causing countless damage and devastation throughout the city, and…"
The news is interrupted, not by an urgency or warning of new attacks, but by a turbulent and unexpected grumble, also considered as a scream; reliving a sequence of firm and smug grunts. — As if they had been imprisoned for a long time. — Surprising you.
The image, which remained frozen, showed the aircraft, small drones — Kenji has already seen several of them being destroyed and thrown in some circumstances by Kaijus — of the large organization arresting Telesdon; and behind them was Ultraman, rising from a building. — It seemed as if he had been defeated by the creature, something that was not true.
But, it was something that KDF wanted to convey to citizens; and they did not have the coherence and relevance to disguise this. — Even taking advantage of the hero's small, perhaps big, slip-ups.
"Huh, yeah, in their company." — He declared sarcastically, furrowing his eyebrows with revolt mixed with regret, getting tired of his own emotions. — "They just decide to show up when i'm close to controlling everything!" — Kenji felt a twinge of reason shining through his words, and even if, indeed, he did, he knew there were uncertain things between them.
"Controlling everything isn't about causing a lot of damage, Ken." — Removing the projection that showed the news, Mina spoke to the boy, who clicked his tongue, like a child, feeling reprimanded, with understanding. — "Focus is key."
"Mina, please…" — He begged, giving up sitting on the sofa to lie down on it and put his head in your lap, knowing it would be more comfort and warmth; perhaps, support from you against the robotic assistant's sermons.
“She’s right, Ken.” — Adjusting your posture a little and getting comfortable on the sofa, your hand ran up to your lover's soft black curls; knowing the pressure and tension that was going through Kenji's mind, you tried to comfort, care for him and reassure him.
And it always, always worked; Kenji knew that you were his refuge, light and peace. — Something he will protect and feel protected.
“I’m going to pretend i didn’t hear that coming from your pretty mouth.” — He closed his eyes, wanting to bring the caresses he received closer, feeling a comfort that could never be explained; It felt like paradise.
“Oh, are you going to pretend you don’t remember that time you simply decided to distract yourself, while fighting Aboras, to talk to me?” — You reminded him, arching one of your eyebrows, wanting to see if any response or anything would come out of Sato; quickly, he opened his eyes.
"What?" — Kenji looked stunned by the way he was placed against the wall. — “No, no, i just waved at you…?” — He wasn't sure, this could be considered self-sabotage.
“Go back to the house, young lady.” — He imitated him, making, or trying to, a deep and loud voice, wanting to reference Ultraman. — “The streets have been very dangerous lately.” — Kenji couldn't contain his laughter at your mockery of him. — “And they still wanted to interview me because of it.”
“It’s not my fault if i can’t resist my wife.”
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cutiekaijumuseum · 3 months
A little trivia for those that just got introduced to Ultraman thanks to Ultraman Rising
You know that part where baby kaiju Emi is shown a kids cartoon with an earworm of a song?
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That cartoon is real!! It's called Kaiju Step Wandabada and it stars cute kid versions of different monsters from different Ultraman series (mostly the original from 1966 wich Rising is also based on). The opening shown in the movie is in stop-motion while the cartoon itself is in 2D.
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The Ultraman heroes don't appear in person, but bizarrely enough they seem to exist as fictional superheroes in-universe, with the kaiju kids having toys and dolls of them. It's no surprise Emi liked it so much! She would be right at home in this show!
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The episodes are 5 minutes long, there are two seasons of 26 episodes each for a total of 52. The official Tsurubaya channel has the first episodes of both seasons uploaded...
...but the rest were sadly only up for a limited time cuz gotta sell the dvds. What is officially available online right now is a series of educational shorts.
Some years ago Marvel Comics got the rights to make Ultraman comics and made a mini-series called "The Rise of Ultraman" (no relation), and these Kaiju Step designs got to appear as part of in-universe instructional videos about dealing with monsters and aliens:
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So let's have a quick rundow on the little monsters and where each comes from:
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Pigmon or Pig-chan is the main protagonist and new kid in town (forest). This coral-looking guy is one of the most iconic and recurring ultra monsters and the go-to kid-friendly one, as he stood out among the original set of kaiju for being friendly and heroic (as well as human-sized). He has the bad habit of dying in many of his apperences but fortunately that's not the case here.
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Kanegon or Kane-chan is the second member of the protagonist trio, and the most energic and simple-minded. A coin purse monster that eats money, and usually a human kid under a curse. He actually pre-dates Ultraman, appearing in the black-and-white anthology series Ultra Q wich had monsters but not superheroes. Fortunately this one doesn't need to eat money and was born a kaiju.
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Alien Dada or Dada-chan is the reliable but temperamental inventor of the trio, he dreams of building a rocket ship. One of the most iconic villains from the original 1966 Ultraman (and that's saying a lot), it's a weird alien with weird powers looking for human subjects for his weird experiments, like testing his shrinking ray. He really earns the name of a weird art movement.
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Gomora or Gomo-chan is probably the most iconic ultra kaiju of all. Remember how in Ultraman Rising there is this whole sequence where the dad omniously talks about fighting him? There is a good reason for that. Gomora had the only two-parter in the original 1966 series, and was able to actually defeat Ultraman in their first figh. He's essentially Godzilla if he lived underground rather than underwater (He's even been a good guy and had a robot counterpart). Here, however, Gomora is a chill guy who's passionate about agriculture. (btw, you can also spot Gomora in Rising on a screen around an hour and eight minutes into the movie).
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Red King or just Red is another iconic ultra dino, that looks like corn. In the show he's brute but well-meaning, and has a friendly sport rivalry with Kemur-chan. But in the Ultraman series he's a sadistic and murderous bully who beats up weaker monsters but gets his butt kicked rather easily by Ultraman (although more recent incarnations have have been more positive, both in his fighting ability and sometimes even becoming a loving father). (and yes, you are right, he's not red).
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Jamira or Jami-chan is a passionate archeologist and fossil collector in the show, whereas in the original Ultraman he was a human astronaut that got infected by a virus. He hasn't appeared much beyond his debut... but doesn't need to, as his episode was very memorable in how sad and tragic it was. I can't imagine the target audience's whiplash seeing this cute creature one moment collecting fossils and the next having a horrible sad death. I guess one could say the same for most of the characters, but this one takes the cake.
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Miclas or Mic-chan is the youngest character, a baby, and loves bugs. He was one of the "capsule monsters" from the second ultra series, Ultra Seven. Sometimes the titular ultra wouldn't be able to fight himself so he would summon up to three very loyal monsters from little capsules to do the fighting instead (or at least buy some time, they weren't very strong). One was a triceratops, another was a robot bird, but the most iconic had to be Miclas because really, what even is he? Some kind of bull toad hybrid? (By the way, fun fact, the capsule monsters were one of the inspirations for Pokemon).
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King Joe (yes, that's his name) or Joe-chan is a robot controlled by alien invaders and is to Ultra Seven what Gomora is to the original Ultraman: he's the subject of a two-parter and was able to beat the hero to a pulp at first, made harder to fight by his ability to divide into three flying parts. Fortunately this Joe is very shy and very friendly.
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Eleking or Ele-chan from Ultra Seven is another of the "mascot" ultra kaiju. If two ultra kaiju have to appear in anything, chances are they will be Gomora and Eleking. In fact, in Ultraman Rising you can see Eleking in a monitor right next to Gomora (around an hour and eight minutes in). It's a dinosaur-like eel monster with (of course) electric powers, and the enforcer of an all-female bug-like alien species set to conquer the earth, that are nonetheless very affectionate towards their pet-weapon dino-eel. The fact that Eleking's masters are always women may explain why the Kaiju Step one is a very femenine and elegant girl despite having King in the name, though no less dangerously electric.
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Alien Guts or Guts-chan here is a very little alien bird child who can multiply into three separate individuals to cause all the destruction in their sincere attempts to help out. The original duo from Ultra Seven meanwhile are ruthless alien invaders that are infamous for freaking crucifying the aforementioned hero, leading to decades of japanese media having christian imagery for the sake of looking cool, most notably Neon Genesis Evangelion, because these birds did it first and it looked so cool.
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Alien Kemur or Kemu-chan is a very agile alien that comes from the distant future of 2020 to consume humans and extend his lifespan. Here he's a friendly but competitive ninja from the present, and has a rivalry with Red King being the speed to his strenght. Like Kanegon, he pre-dates Ultraman, being from Ultra Q.
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Motokureron or Kureron-chan originates from the whimsical, fairy-tale like Ultraman Taro. A kid found him as a baby and fed him until he grew to giant size, but when the kid couldn't feed him anymore he turned destructive; fortunately he was easy to pacify with food, including the kind that made him shrink. He retains his glutonny and clumsiness in Kaiju Step, often doing the bad thing (tm) so the others can teach the kids in the audience why you shouldn't do the bad thing (tm).
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Nova or No-chan originates from the surprisingly dark Ultraman Leo. This creepy and bizarre ghost-like alien created a red mist that made people go crazy, and manipulated a kid with illusions of his deceased family, and under his cloth there are lots of tentacles and a scythe. So of course, in Kaiju Step she's a happy and energic little girl that loves to sing.
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Mugera or Muge-chan is by far the most obscure kaiju of the cast. She's from the 2001 series Ultraman Cosmos, the one where the titular hero protects monsters instead of fighting them. Mugera is an ET-like cryptid that lives in an amusement park that only kids can see, with the ability to fix toys and heal wounds with her magic. After the amusement park closes down she phones home and the protagonists have to protect her from the goverment wich is a little too eager to shoot down the UFO that came to pick her up. In Kaiju Step she likes reading and plants.
And that was your daily dose of kaiju sugar, that may be overdose because you probably already met Emi. Cheers!
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keiitllyn · 23 days
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I draw My Hero Academia fanarts, especially my AU of which I merged them with Kaijus, inspired by Horikoshi Kohei's drawings of Bakugou as Godzilla and Midoriya as Mothra. This account is still baby, so I'm starting by posting a little baby as well.
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So many lonely people on Kaiju No. 8 had found companionship with Kafka.
He's the personification of support. A senpai, a role model, a hero, a friend, a cadet, a reliable worker, even a crush. He's someone you can trust and someone that wants to be there for you. Even the comedy relief guy or the saviour of the day!!
In the latest manga chapters he was a plushie for a little girl.
There's Reno who lost his entire family. Kafka took the role of the senpai with him: guide and teach the guy, talk with him, show him how to survive and inspire him. Reno met a genuinely good guy that was openly offering his help and friendship, so he went back to thank him and do the same. Hey, your dream is not over, Reno said. What did he get in return? Kafka sacrificing his life for him, telling him to run, giving up the most important thing in his life for Reno.
There's Mina, who is terrified of being alone. She found a personal clown in Kafka, yes, but he was also the boy who helped her keep her hope and made things easier. He would always go with her to the shelter during a kaiju attack, even if he was in another school. He told her she didn't have to kill kaijus all alone. He promised to be by her side. Mina was thrown into a world of giant burdens and expectations, where her failures could mean death and destruction. Kafka saw her not as the weapon she was, but as Mina.
Hoshina was constantly disrespected, overlooked and ignored. He gave Kafka a chance because he reminded Hoshina of himself. For his troubles, Hoshina got a guy that would work hard to reach his expectations, that would rival him, that would call him first thing and spend all that time worried and would apologize before turning into a kaiju to save their lives. Kafka became a friend of sorts to Hoshina through hard work and respect.
Kikoru was used to all types of reactions from the people around her, but not to the level of worry and pride and trust Kafka gave her. It was not for show, he was completely open and sincere in his feelings. Kikoru you're an asshole, Kikoru you're amazing, Kikoru pleaseeee take care of yourself, Kikoru I won't disappoint you, Kikoru you have my permission and gratitude if you kill me if I ever lose control, Kikoru I trust you to finish this battle.
The first thing Kafka did during the second part of the recruitment was support Aoi and Haruichi during their subjugation of a kaiju.
He saved Minase's life by partially turning and risking his life for it. He saved Iharu and Reno that day against No. 9.
Narumi told Kafka that only they knew the weight of the burden they carried for being there the day Isao Shinomiya was killed. Freaking Narumi, who wouldn't share that burden with anyone else.
Like it was noted by his boss while he was still part of the Cleaning Corps, Kafka would do his job after complaining, but he'd do it perfectly and do it again if asked to.
He's reliable. I know I said it before, but he is.
In a world where anyone can die any minute, in the Kaiju Country, Kafka is a presence you don't want to vanish. It's what Mina says: everything is easier with him around, anything is possible.
When in the first chapters Kafka tells the little girl to not be afraid because he'll go and everything will be okay— the girl thanks him. In the anime, the little girl even asks Mina to please not hurt the good kaiju. Once people have met him, they don't want him to go. They'd do anything for him not to go, not to die. When Kikoru saw him losing control and remembered her promise, she decided that she'd rather believe in him 'til the end. When Isao was about to disappear, he thought about Kafka and said he'd leave things up to him too.
Isn't that what it means to be a hero? To be able to say "leave it up to me" but also trust others to help you when you need it? Inspire people to support you because you supported them first?
The only thing scarier than the kaijus is to be left alone in the world— and Kafka fights that.
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woniverse-writes · 3 months
Ken Sato WiPs
title: "Daddy's Here"
pairing: Kenji Sato x Younger!Reader summary: having a slightly younger, slightly bratty girlfriend with daddy issues is the only thing keeping Ken Sato going sometimes tags: fem!reader, slight angst, mentions of shitty fathers and bad relationships with them, age gap (Ken is 26 and reader is like, 19 - 22), smut (lord... i'm scared for this), daddy kink, size kink, pet names (sweet girl, baby, babygirl, darling, angel), this is basically just a slutty comfort fic lmao status: started 7/5
title: (tbd)
pairing: Kenji Sato x Figure Skater/Hero!Reader summary: Ken Sato has experienced many challenges since moving back to Japan. Joining the Giants, taking on the role of Ultraman, raising a giant pink kaiju- you get it. Yet right when his life starts to calm down, his biggest challenge arrives... and it's a 20-something-year-old figure skater who's got an even worse ego than he did... and suddenly the cocky, arrogant Ken Sato is back in action, cuz who else is gonna put you in your place? tags: fem!reader, lowkey crack sometimes cuz they're both stupid little assholes but in a funny way, slight angst, age gap (guys I'm sorry I just love to project), suggestive at the very least (i can't decide if i want there to be full on smut yet), these bitches be beefin, cocky/arrogant reader (literally Kenji's mini-me and he hates it lol), return of cocky ken sato hehehe status: drafting (7/5)
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ammoniteblue · 2 months
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Not a Hero, Just an Author (p.3)
kenji sato x reader
Her latest novel a flop, Y/N is starting to worry she wasn’t meant to be an author. She’s 24, lives alone and most of her college friends are either married or in more traditional jobs. she feels like she’s being left behind. That is until a charming baseball player finds his way into her life and shows Y/N that it takes more than talent to be a star.
tagline: @aise-30 @spencerrxids @scarasw1f3 @m3lodyxo @no-lessthan3 @ladyaaliy
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Not even a week had gone by since you were last caught in an attack, and yet here you were. Frozen stiff. Surrounded by crowds of screaming fleeing people. Unable to look away from another beast that looked like it had been pulled from the deepest darkest nightmares.
It was massive. Scaled with eyes the colour of poison.
As if swatting flies, the dragon-like monster had knocked down two helicopters. They fell through the sky, weightless, hitting the ground in loud fiery explosions.
People had been in there. Pilots. Men and women. Was there anyway that theyd survived a fall from hundreds of feet in the air ?
Chaos had erupted around you.
People were pushing and shoving to get through the exits. The wails of small children filled the stadium. The little girl next to you, who’d stared at Kenji with wide adoring eyes, cheering and laughing, was now sobbing her eyes out, cradled in her mum's arms.
All the players had cleared the field. All but Kenji.
He was still there, stood by the home plate. Like you he was frozen still, eyes locked on the Kaiju as it flew over the stadium.
So often in life you felt small. you felt it at conventions, watching fans crowd around their favourite authors. somehow your table always seemed empty. You felt it at Q&As, when you’d only be asked maybe one or two questions and always about the same thing:
“what’s it like being a young author in the publishing industry ?”
You felt it in the streets, watching hundreds of people live their lives always seemingly with more conviction and direction than you.
But stood there, under the towering shadow of a beast, that must’ve crawled out of the deep bowels of hell, you realised for the first time what it felt like to be truly small.
an ant to a snake. a man to a god.
The last time this had happened, only a week ago, it had been your drive to save the old lady that had saved you. Seeing her, keeled over on the street, had pushed you into action. but here there wasn’t anybody to save. No. It was just you, alone, still and unable to look away as the beast opened its mouth and roared.
Orange lit up the sky. it bathed the darkness in a hellish light. flames licked up the sides of the stadium. they caught fire to treetops and burned them to ash.
If you stayed there would that be you too ? a pile of ash on the floor ?
Move damnnit. You could save the old lady but you couldn’t save yourself ? how did that work ? save a stranger but not yourself ? why?
did you maybe, somewhere deep down, not think you were worth saving…..
“You need to move !” Hands fell onto your shoulders, clutching so tight you could feel nails dig into your skin.
Something tugged at your right hand. Warmth slipped into your palm. Skin against skin. Then you felt yourself be pulled away, away from the pitch and towards the exits.
Only a few people were still scurrying to leave, and with ease Kenji dragged you out of the stadium, over the ticket barriers and into the car park.
It was chaos outside too. Sirens wailed in the distance. Some people had stayed, transfixed by the burning red sky. Others rushed to their cars, the squeal of tires grinding against tarmac making you wince.
Your chest heaved. Breaths came out in short sharp gasps. An iron taste filled your mouth, a burn punctured your lungs. Smoke was thick in the air. It burned your eyes and scratched the back of your throat.
“Y/N ! Y/N !” Kenji waved a hand in front of your eyes, calling out to you.
You blinked and realised he’d been talking to you. You watched his lips move, parting and closing so slowly. His voice sounded distant like he was screaming at you over a great distance. Everything felt slow. From the way he shook a hand in front of you face to the people running past you.
What was going on ?
“Y/N you need to take a deep breath.” Kenji turned you around, so you were facing with your back to the flames.
You couldn’t see the Kaiju anymore but you could hear it. It’s furious roars, the tremors of its steps. The earth shattering under a giants feet.
“Look at me,” Kenji demanded, “Y/N damnit look at me.”
Finally, you did. Your eyes drifted to his and only then did you realise that the Kenji Sato, a legend, an untouchable god, was scared. Something fragile settled in his dark blue eyes, giving them a glassy quality. The hand holding yours trembled. it was ever so slight but it was still there.
The Kenji Sato, scared just as shitless as you.
“How did you get here ?” His voice is firm but the shake in his hands, the look in his eyes, it betrays him.
When you speak it’s not you. It’s automatic. The noise is foreign to your ears.
“Car.” that’s all you can say.
Your mouth feels numb. Everything feels numb. If you ran would your legs even work ?
“Right,” this time you hear the panic in Kenji’s voice, “fuck you can’t drive. you can barely stand. fuck. fuck ! what am i gonna do ?”
He runs his free hand through his hair, tugging anxiously at the roots. The helmet he’d been wearing has long since been discarded, stranded on an empty pitch. a burning blackened pitch.
you want to reach out, to pull his hand from his hair, to tell him not to hurt himself. you want to do so much more. anything that would get rid of that terrified look in his eyes. it doesn’t look right, not on him, not on Kenji Sato.
“Please.” You’re just able to whisper, gently tugging his hand away from his hair.
Now both your hands are in his. Theyre warm. So warm. you can feel the hard edge of callouses, built up from years and years of throwing and batting and training. Along one finger you’re sure you feel the thin jutting line of a scar. you want to ask how he got it. you want to ask so many things.
were you about to die ?
your gazes are locked. despite the crowds fleeing, the sky burning and a monster stalking towards you, you both stand there.
For a moment you think he might kiss you. you realise you want him to. but instead you watch as something shifts in his eyes, a look of….resolution ? the fear is still there but now it’s diluted by something like determination but also resignation. as if he knows he has to do something but he really doesn’t want to.
You open your mouth to ask what’s wrong. But you don’t get the chance. Not when Kenji suddenly darts forwards and places a kiss on your forehead. it’s startlingly intimate, and even in your current situation you can’t fight the blush from your cheeks. It feels like the kind of the gesture a soldier makes to his lover before he goes off to war.
It’s so eerily similar and then you realise why.
Kenji Sato. baseball player. international heartthrob. a living legend.
He steps away from you and with your gazes locked, you watch as his body is engulfed in a ray of bright light. It's unearthly, the way it shoots out of seemingly nowhere, swallowing Kenji whole. It burns to look at but you cant look away. You're sure you hear yourself scream his name, feel the shape of it on your tongue.
There’s a rush of heat, of something electric and when you turn back Kenji is gone, in his place a being several metres tall, taller than the stadium, taller than skyscrapers.
Kenji Sato is Ultraman.
It doesn't register at first. It doesnt matter that you just saw Kenji be surrounded by a light that could only have appeared from something not of this world, to find Ultraman in his place. Your mind refuses to make the connection. It cant. Because eveyrhting would change. Something that had onyl just started, was meant to start today and it would be gone.....ruined.
A strangled gasp passes through your lips as you watch him turn and charge towards the Kaiju. They collide with a bang so loud you have to cover your ears. It takes all your strength not to fall to your knees.
Ken- Ultraman whichever, threw the first punch, bringing a fist into the Kaiju’s stomach. The beast roared, a pained cry that shook the ground. Kenji went for another hit, but he wasn't quick enough.
“Kenji !” You screamed as the Kaiju opened its mouth and engulfed him in fire.
Thankfully nobody else was around to hear you so carelessly scream out his identity. everybody else had the common sense to flee the scene. but you couldn’t. not when Kenji was there, a hundred meters tall, in red and white and silver.
Kenji. Kenji was Ultraman. Ultraman was Kenji.
How ? How was that possible ? How was any of this possible ?
“Ma’am you need to come with us.” A paramedic finds you, trembling among the smoke and flames, terrified as you watch the Kaiju wrestle Kenji to the ground.
“N-No !” You cry out, trying to resist as another paramedic comes up to you.
Together the pair drag you away from the scene. It doesn’t matter that you beg them, plead with them to let you stay. that you have to stay. They don’t care. they don’t listen.
Youre piled into an ambulance and can only watch through a window as kenji becomes smaller and smaller in the distance. eventually the fire becomes nothing but a candle flame in the distance and even the smell of smoke fades.
Perhaps from exhaustion or perhaps from sheer shock, whatever the reason, you find it hard to keep your eyes open. An unnatural heaviness settles over them and with every attempt at keeping them open they become even heavier.
When you fall into the darkness you see flames and smoke and amongst it all him. His navy eyes, his cloud white jersey.
When you awake it isn’t too fire and debris and pillars of smoke. The sterile smell is what hits you first. the scent of chlorine, of cleanliness and bleach. it’s bright. oh so bright. you wince as you blink, eyes slowly adjusting to the light.
There’s a pounding in your head like nothing you’ve ever felt. Worse than any hangover. the beeping of something robotic, a monitor maybe, in the background only amplifies the pain.
“Auntie !” A high pitched voice cries.
You grimace, a hand coming to your head as if cradling it will make the pain go away.
“Chiho this is a hospital. indoor voices.”
A hospital. You were in a hospital. But why ?
A small figure, no taller than knee height clambers up to your side. you peered down from the bed to see your niece's smiling face blinking back at you.
Chiho…..which meant Ami wasn’t far behind.
Speak of the devil. In through the doorway she came, her usually smooth hair frizzy and unkempt. She was wearing pyjamas, the set you got her for christmas two years ago. a coat was hazardously thrown on over top. And you realised after glancing at Chiho again, that she was also in her pyjamas. Had they just woken up ? What was going on ?
“Oh thank god you’re awake.” Ami cries, rushing to your side.
you startle when she flings her arms around you. It’s not like you guys weren’t close but she rarely showed this amount of affection. Ami was like that, headstrong, all business. Hugs from her were rare and savoured moments. she had the ability to make you feel like everything was going to be okay with just a hand on the shoulder.
“Ami,” you were startled at how hoarse you voice was, “what’s going on ?”
Her face paled. She quickly glanced at Chiho, who was distracted by a magazine left on one of the tables, before speaking.
“there was an….incident. A kaiju, it attacked the stadium. I-I didn’t know you were there. I would never have left-t I can’t believe i didn’t see you.” She’s close to tears as she speaks.
your big sister, the ice queen, nearly crying because of you.
“I’m sorry.” it’s all you can say.
This time you reach out to her and she settles into you like two halves of the same shape, of the same coin. Your big sister.
When, after several exams at your sisters insistence, you're finally discharged Ami refuses to let you go home. There’s no argument. She shoves you into the backseat, among piles of stuffed toys and picture books, even putting the seat belt on for you.
Your mum was at her house and when you came in it was Ami all over again. She wept, clinging to you, kissing your sore forehead, pushing you into a bed. Who’s you didn’t know. The three of them stood around you, like you’d disappear if they looked away even for a second. It was only after Chiho yawned that Ami relented and took her daughter to bed. Your mum though seemed to make her sleep perfectly comfortable in the chair by your bed.
When you asked if she intended to stay there all night she merely shrugged and told you to shut your eyes.
Who were you to argue ?
Sleep sounded so good. It was just a shame that even in your dreams all you could see was Kenji in his shining red and silver suit, towering over the world.
It wasn’t just that night Ami made you stay at her place. She kept making excuses.
“You might be concussed !”
“Umm okay then why did you let me sleep ?”
“….don’t talk back to your older sister.”
“I need someone to babysit Chiho.”
“Yah babysit me auntie ! We can play ultraman and Kaiju.”
You didn’t miss the way Ami glanced at you, her usually cool eyes soft, as if worried the mere sound of his name would send you bawling. She didn’t know, of course she didn’t. You hadn’t been able to say the words aloud let alone tell someone. But any mention of Kaiju or fires or Ultraman had sort of been prohibited.
She, your mum, they were worried. You weren't doing good before. Maybe they thought the smallest thing would be enough to push you over some imaginary edge. maybe they were right.
So you hunkered down in her house for a few days, allowing Chiho to braid your hair in a hundred different styles, or paint your face with makeup that definitely wasn't stolen from Ami's dresser. You chopped up vegetables while your mum roasted meat, listening to her rant about this or that. Just like Ami she was full of opinions and observations. You joked that’s where she got her natural born journalist instincts from.
You, for the first time in forever, let your family take care of you. it was nice. you’d forgotten what it felt like.
Of course you couldn’t hide from it forever. whether you liked it or not, the truth was there. Hiding behind doors, peeking out from the closet. A metaphorical boogie man.
Kenji Sato was Ultraman, and to save your life, to save the city he'd revealed this information to you.
You hadn't dared reach for your phone since that day. It was in your purse, sat atop Ami's dresser. Undoubtedly, it would be teeming with missed calls and messages from your editor Sana. Would Kenji have called you ? Texted you ?
You didn't even know if he was okay....
The last time you saw him, the Kaiju had him pinned to the ground, and you just left him there. Like a coward. You should've fought the paramedics harder. You should've stayed.
It was only once you knew everybody else was asleep that you slipped out of Ami's room that night. She was sleeping in Chiho's room, letting you take her big bed. As you crept down the hall you could hear her soft snoring, your mother's garbled words as she mumbled in her sleep. It wasn't till you reached the balcony, sliding the door quietly shut behind you that you let yourself breathe.
With shaking hands, you opened up your phone. It wasn't the 27 missed calls and texts from Sana that worried you.
''we need to talk.''
So he was alright. Tension eased from your shoulders. At least it was one worry put to bed. But now you had to face the fact that Kenji had let slip a secret that could shock a nation, maybe the world even. This was beyond anything you'd ever dealt with before.
You didn't know what to do, so you swiped on his contact and pressed call.
It rang. once, twice. your heart constricted in your chest.
''I was hoping you would call.'' He's there, same smooth voice, same teasing lilt to his words.
you aren't sure if you want to cry or scream.
''You're okay.'' Its all you can say.
He laughs, its a tired sound.
''Yeah, I'm okay,'' a pause and then, ''are you ?''
You look out onto the dark streets of Tokyo. in the distance the Tokyo tower peeks out, a bolt of red against the navy sky. Are you okay ? Your life, which was already tearing at the seams, had somehow taken a massive 180 in the last two weeks, and it had all started with him. him in that damn ramen shop, a baseball card and smile that made your heart float.
''Yeah, I....I'm okay.'' To tell the truth would be too hard, too long.
Even though you cant see him you know he's tired. you can hear it in his voice. he sounds like hes aged fifty years in just three days.
''Y/N...'' Why did he always have to say your name like that ?
''Yes ?''
You know where this is going, you both do. the question is who will admit it out loud first.
''I'm Ultraman.'' He says it clear, direct, voice exhausted.
its not how you imagined someone would admit to being a beloved hero, an icon of the city. he says it like its a burden, a mantle thrusted onto him without a choice. it makes your heart squeeze.
''I know Kenji,'' you suck in a deep breath, ''I'm not going to tell anyone. I promise.''
There's silence from his end. For a moment you think the call has disconnected, until finally you hear him sigh.
''Do you want to come over ?''
That's how, an hour later, you find yourself sat outside in your car, in front of a mansion that belongs inside the pages of Architectural Digest.
The front door slides open and Kenji, in flesh and blood, stands in front of you. He's alive, he's okay and when he sees you he smiles.
stay tuned for part four, there's a little surprising twist. It's cute though, very wholesome. thank you to all who've kept up with the story so far. i hope you're enjoying it <33
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strawberrystepmom · 4 months
nsfw - minors/ageless dni, i will hard block you. narumi x f!reader. they are online dating. gen is so cringe fail loser online boyfriend coded to me and i'm utterly obsessed enamored in love with him. back and forth, mentions of mutual masturbation and sending nudes, suggestive conversation, open ended to write more about them. | divider thanks to cafekitsune, wc 1.7k
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Gen’s phone pings with a notification on this desk. His eyes widen despite the fact he is mid digital conflict, tossing fireballs at the final boss of the latest game he’s managed to master and beat in roughly three days, muttering to himself while clicking the direction pad with one hand and sliding his phone haphazardly into his lap with the other. 
A tiny piece of him is hoping that the notification is thanks to new results showing up under his saved search for Captain Narumi though he isn’t angry at what he does see on the screen when he looks down at it for the briefest moment, ignoring his handheld boss battle. 
fallingstarwishes: you are always online at the strangest times…
The little icon of a cartoon version of you, the character you play in the game where the two of you originally became friends, next to the message stirs a little warmth in his face. He presses his lips together to hide a smile and turns back to the fireballs being hurled at the titular hero of the game, dodging them expertly, inevitably going to win this battle just as he wins all of the rest. 
Another ping distracts him, at least momentarily, and the screen in lap lights up. 
“Shit, just give me a minute,” he mutters impatiently toward his phone, red eyes flicking down to see another message from you. 
fallingstarwishes: don’t you ever sleep? it’s so late (early?), silly.
It may be 4 am for him and roughly 2 pm for you but what you don’t know is that an hour ago he was spearing through the technicolor core of a kaiju four times his size that leveled three city blocks with just the sound of its roar using just his bayonet. He can’t leave blanks about who he is and what he does for much longer. As badly as he’s wanted to boldly brag to you about his prowess, he has always known it can make or break the two of you when the truth comes out. 
The right time to mention the whole life threatening and dangerous job thing hasn’t quite come up yet, though. You know he’s in the military although he has never been entirely forthcoming about what that entails and you’ve never asked.
He thinks about how fresh things still are between the two of you. Less than a year of knowing one another, a chance meeting in a large server for a big title slice of life game that came out last year, that has since turned into late nights (for you) messaging, gaming, and eventually voice chatting and giggling together until one of you is forced to go - either to bed or work. 
He fires off a few more fireballs at the boss, dodging the weakly tossed few they return, and the screen goes into the cutscene that effectively declares yet another victory for him. Smiling, he sets the handheld console aside, and curls his fingers around his phone. The screen fills with the conversation between the two of you, messages sent all hours of the day every day, the last one a picture of you laying in bed last night in a suggestive position claiming to be thinking of him. 
His gaze fixates on the photos for a moment, greedily looking at what he was only able to glance at before he left for his mission. He slides down to the chat bar and smirks, seeing your status go from idle to online when you notice he’s typing back to you.
captaincool: Aren’t you at work right now?
You grin from miles away, discreetly looking around the office to make sure nobody can see you using a messaging app that is very obviously not work related during your paid hours. It’s not like you’re in danger of getting caught but there is something particularly delicious about having your own little love affair nobody else has to know about. It’s just the two of you, always, in a world (or worlds, when you consider how many hours the two of you have spent across games) you’ve created to enjoy together.
Tapping out a message, you furrow your brow and jiggle one of your ankles where it’s crossed over the other. 
fallingstarwishes: stop answering my questions with new ones of your own!
Gen smiles down at the screen, thumbs tapping the edges of his phone, anxiously waiting to see what you’ll say next. 
fallingstarwishes: now, what are you doing up? 
fallingstarwishes: bored? 
fallingstarwishes: lonely? 
fallingstarwishes: need me to sing you to sleep?
Chuckling at the singing suggestion, he scrolls back up enough to see that pretty picture you sent him and hisses to himself, his adrenaline finally coming down to a normal enough level he can focus on something else besides the rapid beating of his heart and the thrill of the battle.
captaincool: A song? Just for me? Aren’t you sweet
Raising a brow while firing off his message, he wonders what the two of you actually are. There are times he absolutely considers you his girlfriend or something like it. You’ve discussed crossing the ocean to come and see him more than once though the concept of actually having a girlfriend makes him unexpectedly anxious. Someone to remember birthdays and anniversaries for. Someone who wants you where she wants you when she wants you there. Someone with demands, a comically large pair of scissors to cut his wings and keep him from being himself.
Although you’ve never given him any indication you’d want to do that, it’s something he has to reflect on. His feelings are real but so are the ties that come with them if he were to act on them.
fallingstarwishes: that isn’t even the sweetest i’ve been to you this week. did you forget last wednesday night already?
Damn, you make it hard for him to not act. 
captaincool: How are you going to tell me to sleep and then remind me of that?
Of course he remembers Wednesday evening for you (early in the day on Thursday for him). He remained locked inside of his room for an hour while your soft moans of his name filled his headphones over video chat. Begging him please, telling him how badly you wished it was him instead of your short fingers…he remembers every last moment.
He remembers most of all the sound of his name from your mouth. It’s what sends him over the edge every single time the two of you are able to sneak in a session of mutual masturbation from all these miles and hours away. It also is what he cums to when he’s simply listening back to videos and voice notes or his own imagination.
fallingstarwishes: :) <3 just making sure you remembered who you’re dealing with. you didn’t even react to the picture i sent! 
Gen scrolls back up to glance at the photo, sliding downward in his chair, thighs spreading instinctively. He places his phone down on his desk and slides his hand beneath the waistband of his sweatpants, pulling them down enough that his half hard cock pops over his underwear. Reaching for his phone, he positions it so that the camera captures just the cut of his Adonis belt and the barely visible crown of him, snapping a picture to send back to you. He holds the phone back from his face and smirks appreciatively at his own artistic ability, happy with the subtle gleam of his arousal beginning to flow and bead on the tip of his dick. 
The photo is fired off with an accompanying cheeky message.
captaincool: Is this confirmation enough that I liked it?
Your eyes widen when the photo comes through, hands shaking slightly. He isn’t the only one who recalls the sound of a name from a pair of lips they wanna feel on every inch of their body in this scenario, now is he?
fallingstarwishes: you should have spoilered that! what if my boss would’ve walked up?
Gen chuckles at your response, pulling down his underwear and letting his now fully erect cock spring free. He’ll handle this and then he’ll be more than ready to pass out although he wishes he could stay up all through the day just to talk to you. He throbs, needy and wanting for a fist that he knows would grip him just right that sadly exists an ocean away and only in his mind. He taps out a message with his free hand, rubbing the thumb of his opposite hand over his slit and moaning low in his throat.
captaincool: Then you would have to explain why you are on your phone during work anyway.
Giggling to yourself, you know he’s right. You spare a few more seconds to glance at the pretty picture on your screen, thinking about your attachment to the man and his penis both, wondering if there will indeed be a day where you are faced with them both in person. Your thumb swipes across the screen, a small gesture that is full of longing while your heart beats in time with your rapid thoughts, and you finally respond.
fallingstarwishes: handle that and then get some sleep. i’ll be around tonight and hope we can spend some time together. sweet dreams gen ♥️
His fist works up and down his shaft and he reads the message with a satisfied half smile, discarding his phone to focus on how good he feels imagining bouncing you up and down on his cock. He’s powerful and strong, more than you could even imagine, and he’d make quick work of you if he were to have his hands on you.
God, he needs his hands on you. He whimpers and shuts his eyes tightly, the slick sound of his motions bouncing off of the clutter and boxes in his room that he’ll eventually get to clearing out. It doesn’t ever take him long when he pictures you, his balls tightening, threatening to spill across his fingers in damn near record time compared to how long he likes to make himself wait when the two of you are doing this together.
But don’t worry, when he finishes, he’ll make sure that you see his pearly release all over his knuckles with a message promising he’ll have sweet dreams because you will be in them.
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patroxlos · 2 months
home base . ch1
"friends who have dinner once a week" - 2.5k words
ultraman: rising (2024). kenji sato x reader
master post. ao3 link.
next: ch2. "friends who reconnected and who certainly don't want to be more"
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where you're left sitting alone at a restaurant and your best friend thinks it's funny to use ultraman-caused traffic jams as a reason for why he's late.
30 minutes. You told yourself 30 minutes.
30 minutes and then you’ll stand and leave because you have the dignity not to wait around.
Because you know that if he doesn’t show up by then, he won’t show up at all.
You are seated at the corner of a neighborhood restaurant. It is family-owned, with recipes that boast three-generation longevity, yet it still maintains a calm and quiet atmosphere at this hour in the evening. Just enough for a celebrity to blend in without risk of being hounded by overeager fans. You have carefully taken this into consideration when you selected the spot. When you had proposed the time and place to him, you particularly noted that he may like their famous yakisoba.
You wonder whether he places as much thought about you as you do with him.
“Hello, are you ready to order?” You are asked. You have only had a water and a side of popcorn karaage.
It’s time. Half an hour of sitting all alone in a booth too big for you was getting a little humiliating. You should stand and go.
“Yeah, I’ll have a platter of the signature yakisoba?”
Oh what the hell.
You gave a smile to the waiter.
“The solo serving?”
“Oh no, I really do mean the platter.” Your smile aches a bit as the waiter kindly reminds you it is good for two to three people. “Yes, I have company.”
And if said company does not show, you will have the noodles packed up and sent to his house. How sweet.
You slump in your seat as the waiter leaves. You’re trying your best to be understanding— you really are, but this is getting too much for you. Your eyes flicker towards the TV above the restaurant bar, playing the news of a Kaiju attack in Roppongi.
Maybe he got stuck due to the traffic? You soothe yourself as the screen shows Ultraman getting struck by the tail of the raging monster.
You scoff. No way. It’s too far from the Dome.
Everyone uses Ultraman as an excuse to be late to work. You will not put it past the amazing Ken Sato to do the same.
He stumbles into the restaurant half a serving of yakisoba later.
You pause mid-chew to watch how his eyes dart all around the restaurant, frantic and panicked. You glare at him even if he can’t see you. You did pick a booth that would be easy to hide in. It is working well in your favor as you see him hopelessly look for you. At least he has the decency to feel bad about arriving an hour and a half late.
He talks to the waiter, who starts guiding him towards your booth. You sit up straighter, ready to give him the coldest shoulder you could muster. Ready to tell him off for his perpetual tardiness. For wasting your time.
His eyes finally meet yours, and his posture fills with relief. “Hey!” He leaves the waiter behind as he jogs towards your table. Fuck.
“Took you long enough.” You do not know why you greet him so warmly as you stand up, and he leans in to give you a side hug before sliding into the booth with you.
“I was so scared for a minute that you already left.”
Your smile stretches a little tighter. “I was just waiting for your usual text saying you can’t make it. I guess I got a little worried since you didn’t send me anything this time, Ken.” You try to keep your voice even and pleasant, wrestling down any inner goblin that threatens to spill out what you truly feel.
“I am so sorry, it was a little traffic with the KDF and the Kaiju business. Got really distracted trying to dodge the debris on my bike.” He sounds genuinely apologetic. He always does.
“Did you see Ultraman?” You ask.
“Huh? What about him?” He has a little jump at the start.
“He fought the Kaiju?” You tilt your head. “In the middle of the streets.”
“Oh yeah, he did. Quite heroic I must say, from what I saw.”
You wish you could call him out for lying like that to your face, but you notice the rigidity of his shoulders and the forming bruise on his face. You decide to let it go. Again.
“Rough practice?” You say, sympathetic. He looks like a wreck. Maybe he just lied so I wouldn’t have to worry.
Ken makes an exaggerated stretch, his cocky attitude seemingly unbruised. “You could say that again. But don’t worry, I’m on top of my game.”
You remember the news coverage of the past few weeks saying that he is at an all-time low in his career. Every poorly timed dive into the dirt and rough swing of his bat have been televised for the nation to see. He notices the concern etched in a growing frown you couldn’t control.
Even if it has been a few months since he arrived in Japan, he knows you well enough to brace himself for your eventual comments about his deep-set eye bags. You don’t say anything.
“Yakisoba?” You push the platter towards him. “The noodles aren’t that warm anymore though.”
“I’ll be fine. Haven’t eaten all day so I just need something in my gut.” He waves off your comment as he begins feasting like a man starved. He groans, delighted with the savory sauce and chewy noodles. “Man, you sure know how to pick ‘em.”
Your chest puffs a bit at the compliment. You were about to reply when his watch beeps red. You glance down at the watch face as it says ‘CHECK-UP NOW’ at the front. “Am I keeping you from an appointment?”
He inhales two more mouthfuls before saying “Nah. Wanted to get here as soon as possible. I’ll get to it after we call it a night.”
“You’re keeping your doctor waiting?”
He snorts, holding his chopsticks in one hand and reaching for his water with the other. “She’ll manage. I want to be here with you.”
On any other day that would have warmed you up, but this time it left a sour taste on your mouth. “Really? I wouldn’t have been able to tell.” You say before you could stop yourself.
He pauses, before setting down his glass. “Huh? What do you mean by that?”
You panic. You do not want it to come out like this. Avoiding eye contact, you fumble to find the right words. “I-It’s just…you’ve been leaving me hanging lately that it…yeah.” You finish lamely.
“Ah…” He looks like he got slapped across the face, cringing from the guilt. “I’m so sorry— I don’t mean to. You know how much you mean to me. You’ve been my only friend since I’ve moved back here.”
“Only?” You cannot believe it. It has been more than two decades since the two of you were sneaking around his father’s laboratory, trading baseball cards underneath a steel table as your parents discussed science and business. More than two decades of him in the States, where the only contact with each other is limited to video calls and your occasional family trips to Los Angeles (you do not count your impulsive flights).
He sucks in air through his teeth. “Hurts to admit it but yeah. I haven’t…vibed with anyone else lately. I’ve just been swamped with all this work and—“ he took a deep breath. “—At least I didn’t leave you hanging tonight?”
You bite your tongue. Not now. Don’t say anything now. He obviously has so much on his plate.
But can’t he understand that you are busy too?
“Yay…?” Fuck. Why do you sound like that?
He fully put down his chopsticks now. “You’re kind of off tonight.”
“Oh, I’m off?” You feigned ignorance.
“Yeah…you have a problem?” He raised one perfectly sculpted eyebrow.
“I should be asking you,” You try to be sincere, because you are. You are worried about how hard he has been pushing himself lately. Instead, your words are stilted, defensive. “Well…You…”
“I— I mean how has adjusting back home been?”
He seems uncomfortable when you say the word home . Ah. You slump back into your seat, cursing yourself for making this awkward.
“You don’t have to answer that I just…”
“Is this about my stats?” His words are sudden, cutting.
You blink, lost at the direction this conversation is suddenly going. “I’m sorry?”
“Because I’m well aware this is my weakest season and I don’t need a lecture from you right now about how it’s been going.” The yakisoba was growing cold on the table.
“Kenji you know I hate talking about business when it’s just the two of us. This isn’t about your play.”
“Oh so this meeting wasn’t about pulling my player sponsorship?” He barked sarcastically. “Because that’s just what I needed! On top of the threat from Coach to trade me to the Tigers. Me, Ken Sato. Traded!”
You throw your hand up, signaling a pause. “Woah slow down, I don’t know anything about that. You’re going to the Tigers?”
“No!” He snaps. “My coach just threatened me.”
“Why would he threaten you?”
“Because of my stats this season! God I thought you were paying attention.”
“I am! I have to because I have to monitor your progress.”
“So this is about your sponsorship.”
“It’s not about the sponsorship! I only wanted to see you!” Your heart is pounding. You forgot he can get mean. Really mean. You know he was like this but he was never like this with you. “Fuck, man, can’t we just be friends who meet up for dinner once a week?”
He senses his mistake, and tries to reel himself back in even if he already got himself worked up and overheated. “I just don’t need another thing on my plate right now. Hell, I didn’t feel like going tonight but I dragged myself out here for you.”
If he can be short-tempered, so can you. “Do you want a fucking medal?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“If you don’t want to see me then I think we’re done here.” You grab your bag and stand up. “I paid for the meal already. Get it packed. It’s still good microwaved.”
“Where are you going? Sit down.” He begins standing up himself. “I didn’t mean it.”
The waiter stands awkwardly nearby, unsure about whether he should intervene. Both of them are drawing attention. Some other dining customers surreptitiously pull out their phones. That’s the baseball player right? Ken Sato. And that’s the scion of the—
He follows closely behind as you leave the restaurant. You see your bodyguards already preparing the car to leave, but before you can approach them he quickly grabs your wrist. “Wait. Please.”
Sighing, you turn around to face him.
“Can we talk?” He was careful with his words this time. “My bike is parked there. Can you at least hear me out before you go?”
“ Please .”
Something is different about him tonight. Or maybe it didn’t start tonight, but it has been like this ever since the season started. For a moment, you can place yourself in his shoes. You feel his constricted breaths, his fatigue. Something is wrong.
“Okay.” You signal to your guards to wait, before following him towards his bike.
The gravel crunches beneath you both. He leans against his bike as you stand in front of him, arms crossed.
He takes a breath, before saying a concise “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For talking to you like that.”
“I didn’t realize the famous Ken Sato apologized.”
He scowls. “Can you make this anymore difficult?”
“Okay, okay. I’ll ease up. Now what’s going on with you?”
He wrings his hands in the air before letting them fall to his sides. “I … A lot has been going on. I can’t explain everything but. I know that I’ve been messing up a lot lately and I really don’t want to mess this up too.”
“Kenji,” you say softly, taking a step forward. “You’re an ass but we’re still friends.”
He groaned. “God thank you—”
“Wait,” you cut him off. “I’m still…hurt.”
He stood up straight at your words.
You shrug. “I have also been really busy. It isn’t easy following in my dad’s shoes, running the family business. I’ve only been doing this for a few months and already I feel like I’m ready to quit.”
Ken laughs. “I understand that way more than you realize.” There is a hidden meaning behind his words that you’re not sure you can pinpoint at the moment.
“Despite all that, I also know that I want to reconnect with you. It’s been so long since we’ve been in the same location, and I knew it would be hard for you to adjust back to living here. I want you to feel like you can rely on me but now it feels like I’m only a second thought when I constantly put in the effort to put you as a priority.”
“You’re my oldest friend,” he admits. “I didn’t mean for you to feel like that.”
“I know you didn’t and that’s the worst part.” You are somber.
“I can’t— I can’t put in the time to fix this now.” He is resigned, yet realistic about what he can offer at the moment. “But please give me time.”
You nod, bringing up a hand to rest on his arm. “Kenji, I’m not the type of person to abandon a friend when he’s obviously going through something. It hurts but I understand.”
The relief seems too much on his body that he takes a step forward and engulfs you. You hear your guards at a distance start to shuffle forward, but your hand signals for them to stand down before you return Ken’s shaky embrace. He is hunched over to rest his forehead on your shoulder.
“If you need me, all you have to do is say so…” You murmur close to his ear. “I’ll give you the space you need, just don’t forget that I’m here for you.”
He seems to shake a bit more in your hold, almost as if he’s struggling not to cry. He doesn’t though, and he releases you from his arms. “I’ll call you?” His voice much smaller than normal.
“The famous Ken Sato? Calling me?”
He cracks a smile, rolling his eyes. “Shut up. I’ll email your secretary for your availability so that the next time we meet, I will be the one adjusting to you.”
Huh. “That’s…oddly considerate of you.”
“You act like I’m normally not.”
“...So you’ll send an email?” You quickly change the subject, which doesn’t go unnoticed by him.
“I am considerate!” He defends himself.
Both of you stand in the parking lot well longer than a few minutes. You have said your goodbyes at least three times by then, but it is natural after the tense moment in the restaurant to just take in each other’s presence. You wave him off as he finally got onto his bike, exchanging promises that you will give each other time to figure out whatever you both needed to figure out. You trace the red of his rearlight through the streets until it no longer could be seen.
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kiwiikato · 3 months
mommy’s here // ken sato x reader
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Chapter Four
your eyes followed him as he slowly walked over to where you sat. he took a seat next to you, not to far but not too close. a good distance for the strangers you were to each other. "who are you?" he looked at your face, examining your features from the color of your hair to the shape of your eyes and face.
you could only sigh at the tension in the room. "i work with your father. my name is y/n l/n. your father has been training me for some time now when he was still known as ultraman as a back up plan in case you did not want to step up for the position as ultraman. i have only shown up now since your father thought it best to have two heroes instead of one."
kenji could only stare at you, his eyes sharp, almost focused like a lion stalking it's pray. you gulped as you waited for him to make any comments. "but why? why would my father have a backup plan for me? why didn't he tell me about you when he asked me to take up this position?" he looked at you confused by all the new information.
"your dad knew that you liked playing baseball. he did not want to force you to choose between the two. we met many years ago, during his hero days, and had created a plan for me to take up the job so you would not lose your dreams of being an athlete in case you were to deny. i genuinely mean you no harm and i do not plan to reveal who you are to the public."
he sighed, rubbing his hands through his hair. "but how can i trust you?" he said looking at you. "you can't. but you can learn to trust me." you smiled at him, making him return a little smile back. "besides, i can help you take care of the infant kaiju as well. better two than one. i can take care of her when you're out for your games. also big fan by the way."
he could only laugh at your last comment, finding it funny how you didn't mind to praise him during a serious conversation like this. "i don't know much about you, but i would appreciate the help. i hope i can get to trust you y/n. please prove me right." you nodded your head, watching him stretch from crouching down as he sat down. "you can trust and count on me ken."
after a bit of talking and getting to know each other a little bit better, ken offered for you to stay with him in the duration of the baby kaiju being here. he didn't know how long she would be here but in his head she wouldn't be here long before she is dropped off at kaiju island.
you didn't know whether to believe his idea of it not being that long but you agreed to stay there with him. he showed you a spare guest room he had, telling you that you could temporarily live there if you wanted to, unless you would return back to your house in the city.
you decided to stay, worried for the safety of the baby kaiju and any issues that kenji would face in taking care of her. so there you were, currently laying on the bed that kenji offered to you as you heard the cries of the baby kaiju finally end.
your eyes were red, tired from staying awake so late, as your hair stayed slightly messy. you laid in a spare shirt and pair of joggers that kenji gave to you out of pity for your uncomfortable jeans and blouse that you wore long before the two of you met.
your eyes finally moved to close, taking the chance to knock out. peace and quiet enveloped your body as you felt yourself relax. or so you thought. a loud cry erupted through the house as you heard ken yell right after. you rose from bed, going to the door and out the hallway that led to the living room.
your eyes landed on ken who slammed his face in a pillow in annoyance. his hair was messy and covered part of his face. "can't sleep, huh?" you croaked out. he could only groan in response as his hand fell to his side. "nope, but by the looks of it, you couldn't too." you laughed at him.
the both of you sluggishly went to the tube like elevator, slowly going down towards where the baby kaiju was. you both walked out grudgingly, as mina floated to the two of you. "she settled down for a minute. then started right back up." her voice yelled over the crying that was happening.
"yeah! i can hear it!" ken's aggravated voice yelled through the crying as he set a box of food down of the steps. "she's still scared of you both, ken and y/n." you could only frown at the scene, fixing the blanket that wrapped around your body.
he groaned and then turned to you. "follow my lead please." you nodded and watched him as he yelled for the baby kaiju's attention while clapping his hands. "hey hey hey!" you walked backwards with him.
"before." he opened his arms wide. you quickly caught onto what he was trying to do. "after!" you both changed into your ultra forms, with kenji hitting his head. the cute pink kaiju stopped crying and smiled at the two of you. she jumped slightly in joy as you waved at her. "hi baby." she could only coo in excitement.
you and kenji both went back to your human forms making her cry. and then you both went to your hero forms. kenji repeated before and after as the baby kaiju went from crying to jumping to joy to crying over and over. it wasn't long till the both of you stood in front of her in your normal forms and she smiled.
"you see. it's me. us." he said as he walked closer to the containment unit. you followed behind him, sitting next to it as you tapped the glass. the baby kaiju could only reach for you as you tapped the glass back at her, making her mimic your actions. "hi baby, its me. everything's okay." you said smiling at her. she smiled back making her cheeks look chubbier and cuter.
she then turned to look at kenji, watching him as he ate from the box of food he brought down with him. her stomach grumbled as she whined while hitting the glass. she pressed her cute face against the glass, trying to eat the food that she couldn't reach.
"what now?" kenji grumbled to himself. "she must be starving." mina responded. "do i look like i have any idea what to feed a giant pink lizard baby?" he sounded annoyed but you could tell it was from the lack of sleep.
"lighten up kenji. she's just a baby. she can't control when she's hungry or not." you said as you pulled out a donut from the box next to him. he only playfully glare at you before sighing and turning to mina seeing the baby kaiju throw a tantrum.
"mina, hurry! give her something to eat before she stomps another car!" you couldn't help but cackle at him worrying about his already destroyed cars as mina brought out a table inside full of different types of foods.
"nice! maple and brown sugar oatmeal. new york strip. mmmm. go on, try it!" ken pointed at the food that rotated in the table, trying to sell off the food for the cute kaiju to eat.
"ken- i don't think she can eat that." you said worried for her. "shhh y/n, no one can resist a new york strip." he said putting a finger to your face playfully to shush you, which you slapped away while rolling your eyes.
the baby kaiju cautiously picked up a piece of meat from the table. she took it into her mouth, taking small bites. ken turned to you with a cocky smirk on his face. "see, she likes it-" the meat she ate was spit out in front of ken, only missing him because of the glass that separated them.
"uhuh, you were saying." you smirked at him, putting your hands on your hips jokingly. ken went to make a remark only to stop when the baby kaiju slammed the table of food against the walls, making the plates breaks. "hey stop that!" she could only cry more as he yelled at her.
"you're gonna be in big trouble, young lady!" he raised a finger in a threatening manner, trying to scare her to behave. she didn't bother to listen to him, only to halt her crying as she stood up.
"what is she smelling?" you turned to watch where she moved towards, seeing as she sniffed the air where the fishes from the ocean swam along.
"what? what is it now?" ken asked annoyed from the lack of sleep and events of the day. "hey lighten up, she's just a baby." you said furrowing your brows at him.
you looked to see as your adoptive baby faced the fish. a form of vibration shook the air in front of it, only to bounce back to her after it hit the fish. "what the heck is that?" kenji asked confused.
"it's echolocation, you idiot." you said to him. "who are you calling an idiot??" he raised a finger at you. "you! the guy who doesn't know what echolocation is!" you yelled at him as you both fault like kids.
your bickering was cut short to the sound of the baby crying, causing you both to look at her as an hit the glass and motioned towards the fish.
"you want fish, we'll get your fish!" ken shouted. "we?" you asked raising a eyebrow at him. "yes. we. you're going to help me catch fish for the baby." he said sticking his tongue out at you.
you rolled your eyes and threw your blanket off your body to the side. "fine, let's go get some fish."
you both swam through the water in your ultra forms, chasing after fish that swam away from the both of you in fear. it had taken longer than expected to get the amount of fish you had now. the fish were slimier and faster than you expected in water. you underestimated them.
your body walked over to the top of the container as ken removed the lid from it, showing a happy kaiju reaching to you both in joy. you both dumped the fish that you caught in with her, making her jump with joy as she stuffed them into her mouth.
you both zapped out of your forms, back to your human sizes, as you fell to the ground. you let out a yawn, finding yourself cradle yourself on the ground with your blanket, that you left behind on the floor, now wrapped around you again.
ken fell next to you, not too far from you but not too close as he laid down with you. you both silently stared at the ocean from the windows, taking in the scenery.
the peaceful silence was broken by kenji talking. "thank you for helping me take care of them. i know i dragged you into this in a way but i really needed this help." his voice was soft but you could still hear him.
"of course ken, i told you i'd help you the second we found her. it's not that no one can raise a kid by themselves but it's because the extra support in raising a baby is always needed to feel better. don't feel bad, okay?" you ended your words with a unsaid promise as you stuck your pinky finger out.
ken groaned seeing your finger poking out. "do i really have to do that? i'm not a kid no more." you glared at him from the blanket that partially covered your face. "pinky promise, now." you said sternly.
he sighed but stuck his pinky finger to do the little pinkie promise you asked for. he looked away as his finger intertwined with yours but not without failing at hiding the small smile that graced his lips.
"thank you. now goodnight kenji." you whispered to him. "goodnight y/n, well chat more tomorrow." you hummed in approval letting yourself drift off to sleep on the cold metal floor. sleep enveloped your frame, but not without the feeling of someone fixing the blanket around your body more.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 month
This idea would probably be for soft Boiled and slow boiled, basically any au where Wukong is MK's teacher and not his sibling or parent. Kaiju forms.
I personally headcanon the kaiju forms and projections in the show (Mei's dragoon and Macaque's giant war form) are more... projections of one's soul/true self. So... for those who are not aware, Wukong does canonically have one on the book. It's a giant limbed monkey and with multiple heads and arms. It so is canonically so terrifying that it had frightened both his enemies and his own people so badly he had been utterly heartbroken by the event.
Sometime between s4 and s5, Wukong is working with MK to help him get used to his new monkey form and trying to help him control it. The kaiju form MK took dueint the battle with Azure comes up and MK asks about it. When Wukong explains what it was, MK gets super excited to learn and wants Wukong to teach him except...
Wukong: Sorry kid, I can't teach you how to control your kaiju. You'd actually be better off asking either Mei or, ugh, Macaque!
MK: WHAT!? Why not!?
Wukong canonically does not like his War/Kaiju Form.
The clearest idea I could gt of how it might have looked was from a toy site, I imagine in LMK verse its lot more solid-coloured and vaguely shaped;
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In Jttw he loses all interest in his victory against Heaven when his Kaiju Form scares his own people - and if we add in the Brotherhood, Macaque as well.
We discussed in dms how Wukong's anger under the mountain was likely a mixture of despair (they lost and couldn't save their bros from punishment), pain (fresh from the Furmace yo), and self-hatred.
This newly unlocked form of his - this manifestation of his inner self, was so terrifying that his own people, his allies, his own mate fled at the sight of it.
Macaque did "run off" that day, hence part of Wukong's anger. But afterwards, after the fight, Macaque had to admit to himself that while Wukong's kaiju-form was terrifying it had also been beautiful. Beautiful and sublime like a star going supernova.
Macaque's own Kaiju can be separated from him as a shadow of himself, but he's secretly ashamed of his reaction to Wukong's all those centuries ago. When he does let his Kaiju form take over his real body, it becomes primal, impulsive and brutally honest. Something that honestly helps with how quick he is to dodge confrontation.
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Mei's (and by extension Ao Guang's) "dragons" are literal manifestations of what their true forms may be. Mei could have her own American-Dragon-style dragon form she could flaunt if she worked at it. That or the energy is literally Ao Lie's spirit coming in clutch as a power-up.
Ao Guang's dragon-energy meanwhile looks like his lego set colouration, suggesting homebody just a big lazy to waste his true massive form on them.
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So when Wukong and the gang sees MK's own Kaiju/War-form for the first time during his fight with Azure....
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Wukong is like "NOPE! Not my expertise!" cus he literally only used his War Form twice in the entirety of the book - the Battle of Flower Fruit Mountain, and when him and DBK had a Kaiju vs Kaiju battle together later in the Journey.
When MK prods him about it, Wukong becomes... kinda cold and closed off, telling MK that he's better off talking to Macaque about it.
Macaque is still barely in the "anti-hero" category, so MK is a little hesistant to ask him for help (especially since one of Macaque's teaching methods included a rom hack).
MK even tries going to DBK on the matter first, but the retired-demon king has a similar negative reaction. Seems that even he didn't like the Bull he became when him and Wukong truly fought. It's why he even refused to transform when he was under true duress from LBD or the Brotherhood.
DBK does give MK advice on what a "Kaiju/War form" is though. DBK's mind had been clouded with anger when he was a younger man, so his became a pure-white charging bull that destroyed all in it's path. Sun Wukong does not care for his War Form since it truly scares him to use.
MK thinks that impossible! Why would the Monkey King be afraid of his own super-cool power?
Until DBK asks him something important; "Aren't you afraid of yours?"
MK's complex over learning that he's a "Harbinger of Chaos" hits immediately, and he runs off to seek Macaque's guidance.
Macaque is amused, if not a little surprised that MK ultiamtely went to him for help with his Kaiju form.
MK: "Trust me bro, you're like my third choice. I can't ask Mei cus not even she knows how her's works." Macaque: "Eh. I'll take it. I am curious why yours is so much more taller than mine though."
Hint: it's a self worth thing Macaque developed whilst under the Brotherhood that he needed to "limit the space he took up", he's still working on that.
Some fun mentor-and-son-figure kaiju training occurs, and MK eventually asks a bombshell question;
MK: "Hey when Monkey King said you ran off, what did he mean?" Macaque, stiffens: "I didn't run from the celestial army if thats what you're wondering." MK, remembering what DBK said: "Were you afraid of Him?" Macaque, pauses and sighs: "At the time yes." MK: "At the time?" Macaque: "MK, in that moment, I hadn't known Wukong even had a War Form or even knew what they truly meant. All I saw was this... demon where my best friend once stood." MK: "OH... I mean... that sorta explains why you guys were fighting under the mountain." Macaque: "Yeah. You can see why I called him-" MK: "I mean, I wouldn't know how bad I'd feel if Mei ran away from me cus of my power up..." Macaque: "...what?" MK: "You ran away from your best friend. That's not cool. Scared or not, that was your buddy in there. And if he saw you running or I dunno shadow portal-ing away, I'd get why he was so salty when you popped up later with a peach like nothing had happened. From his view, he was going through something new and terrifying for him too and you abandoned him. Twice if you never came back to check in on him." Macaque: "... you're a smart kid MK. Way too smart for me." (*Macaque portals away to make a long overdue apology*)
Macaque himself seemed to be having a similar revelation when he saw the fight in 3rd person in the Memory Scroll. That his own reaction was more of a build-up of frustration from his treatment in the Brotherhood rather at Wukong specifically.
In Short; these bitches needed a relationship referee to call a yellow car when they tossed their unrelated anger at each other.
Bonus: I love the idea of Wukong's kaiju form being HUGE, and MK's being the medium between him and Macaque. Also, cuddly giant monkeys made of light and shadow.
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startheskelaton · 2 months
Ok two things
1. Does geed still have his human form in this au? (If so, it would be funny seeing the kaiju freak about seeing his human form, lol)
2. I was also wondering how hongo(kamen rider) is doing
Aanyways, I don't really expect this awnsered and also sorry for my bad English but
You make amazing art! And I love it so much, thank you for sharing!
1. Naw, Geed and all the ultras don’t have human forms in this… they’re just… ultras
2. Hongo is retired and doing well!! He’s happy living his life and spending time training his daughter to be a masked rider aug hero just like him!… even if she’s a little reluctant… who is his daughter??? Well….
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Oozepunk is the term I'm coining for the microgenre of urban heroic sci-fi horror-fantasy that first exploded in the mid-80s with movies, shows, and comics like Ghostbusters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Toxic Avenger, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Hellboy, Street Sharks, and others. Lots of natural crossover with Biopunk and Cyberpunk, aesthetically and philosophically.
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Your childhood trauma didn't let you forget Roger Rabbit heavily featured colorful nightmare slime, did it?
A ragtag gang of weirdos (often horribly mutated--more on that soon) band together to save a city that doesn't understand them. Grimy sewers, abandoned buildings and graffiti'd brick walls are lit up by neon lights, streams of mysterious, glowing goo and/or the unearthly lights of futuristic particle weapons--ideally all of the above!
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Beyond the "cracked concrete and gutters full of liquid plutonium" aesthetic, Oozepunk prankishly asks "What if catastrophic aberrations of science, particularly DUMPING TOXIC FUCKING WASTE STRAIGHT INTO THE ENVIRONMENT created fucked-up monsters... but they're HEROIC fucked-up monsters!" These catastrophic aberrations of science grant the heroes incredible powers, but COST them their place in human society. (Ghostbusters and Roger Rabbit eschew character mutation in favor of discovering that the undead and olde tymey cartoons are real [and exploitable!], respectively. 'Busters and 'Toon sympathizers alike are treated like insane idiots and/or frauds in their respective universes.)
Oozepunk heroes are challenged not only by strange supernatural beings, but by human society itself. The Ghostbusters battle with local politicians as much as they do the undead. In the recent (and delightful) TMNT: Mutant Mayhem, Splinter warns the Turtles of humans and their obsession with "milking" mutants for their blood--on top of the villainous mutants they're trying to thwart!
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Crank up the creep factor in Oozepunk and you get awesome anti-establishment goo-horror like 1988's The Blob, The Stuff, Street Trash, and probably a bunch more. Toxic Avenger is a batshit crazy splatter-comedy (i.e. classic Troma)... and still garnered sequels, a kid's cartoon and toyline!
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And there's a Shredder's Revenge-style Crusaders beat-em-up coming out next year??
This looks dope as shit
Ghostbusters and TMNT are the only current, "evergreen" (or radioactive green!) Oozepunk franchises I can think of off the top of my head, but Oozepunk elements are buried in almost all of the stories and settings I love the most. Heroic kaiju like King Kong, Godzilla and Gamera paved the way for our freaky friends, but so did comics characters like Fantastic Four's Ben "The Thing" Grimm, The Hulk and Swamp Thing. Hell, I think I blame SESAME STREET of all things for starting me down the Oozepunk path.
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Surprise! I've loved screaming trash monsters with secret hearts of gold since I was a fucking baby, and they've ALWAYS been there for me!
But it's not just Oscar, Sesame Street as a whole is a proto-Oozepunk utopia, years before the big Ooze-splosion of the 80s. Muppets, monsters, talking animals and chill humans all live and work together to scrape by with a little dignity in a gritty-but-wholesome urban world!
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Sesame Street, a decades-long reminder that educational childrens' programming can and SHOULD be cool as hell looking and loaded with all kinds of friendly mutant freakuloids.
OOZEPUNK! Whaddya think?
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