coptorthodox · 2 years
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And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Matthew 28:18 #coptorthodox #bibleverse #bible #bibleversedaily #dailyverse #coptic #orthodox @coptorthodox #inhim #throughhim #tohim #matthew #matthew28 #matthew2818 #matthew28v18 #allauthority #allauthorityhasbeengiventome #inheavenandonearth https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn_TkHpv3ZW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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letspraynow · 1 year
Learn about Who you are in Christ and what belongs to you. These In Him scripture will bring fresh life and anointing in your walk with the Lord. Confession brings possession. Let's pray and meditate in the word. God bless.
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sapchats · 6 months
ok fine i'll be honest and say what we've all been thinking: i think sapnap could beat tenz in a 1v1 . this is my truth
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spirithaus · 7 months
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m-v3nus · 3 months
something something hanzo isn't a narcissist hes actually an echoist he is so avoidant of all forms of help and assistance even when he desperately needs it but when things pile up he gets need panic something something
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theiloveyousong · 10 months
honestly im not really a max jagerman fan I AM IMMEDIATELY SHOT IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD
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carsmg · 6 months
I don't know anything about p3 tell me
GHDOLD UP i havent actually finished 3 becauseto keep myself from going insane ihave to microdose it periodically. smthing about p3 dude is so entrancing and intoxicating to me i feelmyself getting lost inhim
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zvdvdlvr · 1 year
they were watching some movies and then she just falls asleep on his shoulder 'n he carries her to bed and tucks her in <33
as she flopped around in her bed, vance would linger in the doorway just for a second to think of just how far they both have grown. sometimes even tears would pool in his eyes at just how much trust his little sister puts inhim and vance never wants to disappoint her :(( <33
he’d kiss her forehead and she’s just out like a light! vance always makes sure to tuck in the blankets just right so his sister doesn’t fall out of bed and hit her head (that’s probably happened before).
big brother!vance>>
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rebka18 · 10 months
Saw an image that gave me an idea of a serirei fic premise,with simple involbed,what if seri when he met simple didint got along while being also jelaous cause dimple could talk and get along dith reigen,fast foward to some years in witch seri thinks their dating witch ends inhim telling dimple and dimple hitting him in the head cause he is crazy
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onetwistedmiracle · 2 years
LGBTQ youth want role models. Queer elders have a lot of advice.
By Jamal Jordan, February 10, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EST
Young people in the LGBTQ community long for older role models. We found several, and they all have stories to tell.
When I think back to coming of age as a queer man, I most remember the lack of “possibility models.”I had no idea what my life could look like.
I had never seen — in real life or media — positive reflections of what it meant to grow old as a member of the LGBT+ community. Growing up in the shadow of a generation of gay men who were lost to the AIDS epidemic, I longed for something that said: You can grow old. Life will be okay.
The challenge of generational isolation is common in today’s queer youth. Young queer people without positive role models are at much higher risk for “psychological distress” in their adolescence and depression in adulthood.
When the Trevor Project, a nonprofit that provides information and crisis support to LGBTQ youth, asked young people what brings them joy, respondents consistently pointed toward examples of the future. They cited things such as, “Happy LGBT Elders,” “Queer role models” and “Learning I’m not alone and that there are more people like me” as sources of hope.
This exchange of hope goes both ways: Many older queer adults enjoy sharing their stories with younger people.
“When I talk to older people, they often feel forgotten, invisible,” says Michael Adams, chief executive of SAGE, the country’s largest LGBTQ+ aging organization. “A large part of that is because they often have no connections to young people. They have no sense that younger generations care about what they have to say and what they’ve done.”
A wide array of research suggests that finding ways to transfer wisdom from generation to generation is vital to improving the overall health of the LGBTQ community. This summer, I visited with five queer seniors across New York City to hear their stories.
Here’s what they had to say.
Bernie Brandáll, 86
Brandáll beams with pride as he shows me a photo from his early days as a traveling performer, taken sometime in the 1950s.
“I used to be gorgeous,” he says, laughing. “Now I look in the mirror, I look at my wrinkles, my skin sagging, and I don’t mind it. Do you want to know why I don’t mind it? Because I have lived a life. I can settle into this age knowing I didn’t miss a thing.”
Brandáll immigrated from Cuba to Miami with this family at age 10. He wanted to be a dancer, but faced pushback from family — particularly his older brothers, who ridiculed his “feminine tendencies,” a remnant of the homophobia rampant in both the cultures of Cuba and Miami at the time.
At 17, he moved to New York City to find work as a performer, quickly snagging a job dancing in a nightclub/cabaret show, but the dream didn’t last long — after two weeks of not being paid, the proprietor of the show “disappeared,” leaving him alone, broke and aimless.
He eventually found a day job as an elevator operator and triedperformingagain, but this time with a twist — instead of being a dancer, he would make his mark as a magician and female impersonator. A prolific scrapbooker, he takes me through decades worth of photos from his act. Looking back on images from one of his last shows, he says, gently: “I was a pretty woman.”
This work took him across the country and the world — from Las Vegas to Rio de Janeiro to Paris — and he recalls the long list of friends and lovers who instilled inhim a deep sense of contentment. “I had to be strong to build the life I wanted to live. But I’m so glad I had that strength, because I can be happy now. I did everything on this earth that I wanted to do.”
His advice for the next generation: “We are a strong people. But you have to remember that being strong is a choice.”
Guy Lawrence, 70
Lawrence feels that his whole life has been one big learning experience. “My youth was like the hippie days,” he says. “We didn’t have to think of the things that came on later, like you guys.”
“The whole world is different now,” he says with a sweeping gesture. “You didn’t have to worry about HIV, you didn’t have to worry about terrorism, you had spaces where you could go and meet other gay people — even if they were owned by the mafia. But we had them! And I feel like I spent every day discovering new things.”
He enjoys speaking to young people in the LGBT community, because he’s afraid that they are losing a sense of connection to the older people who made their current freedom possible.
Recalling, for example, the bittersweet feelings he experiences each year during Pride, he says, “I always tell young people: ‘Learn your history! And continue to create a new history so no one else can dictate what you can and cannot do.’ ”
His advice for lifelong learning: “Everything is changing day by day. Never be afraid to ask a question.”
Barbara Adams, 78
Adams learned to shoot a gun as a 4-year-old in Jacksonville, Fla. “Even then, I never wanted anyone to think of me as small,” she recounts, as we listened to smooth jazz in her home. “I always wanted to be a woman who took care of herself.”
Growing up poor and around women who suffered from loneliness, low-self worth and constant workplace sexual harassment, she knew that she had to escape. In her teen years, she saved all of her extra money in hopes of leaving. She stashedcoins and occasional dollar bills in a Chock Full o’ Nuts coffee container that she kept hidden.
She arrived in New York City in 1969 with $600, five new articles of clothing and a yellow steamer trunk. “I’m always so amazed that I did that,” she says. “I’d never seen anything other than the neighborhood where I grew up. But I knew I wanted to do something other than what my family was doing.”
So, steamer trunk in tow, and no real plan, she asked strangers to help guide her to Harlem, where she eventually found a place to stay — a tiny room in a less-than-savory boardinghouse near Central Park. “When you opened the window, there was a brick wall there — just like the movies,” she remembers, fondly.
The following decades were filled with the normal challenges — and triumphs — of adulthood: Buying her co-op, getting her heart broken, finding a stable job, making and losing friends.
“It’s hard for me to look back and remember any low moments because I always did my best to make everything fun,” she says. “I’m just so glad I wasn’t afraid to venture out to find my life, because I would’ve missed out on everything.”
Her advice for adulthood: “You get to create a life for yourself.”
Vernon and Robert Waldron, both 83
When I asked Robert and Vernon to share their most important lessons about love, their memories led to the beach in Aruba.
During the ‘80s, in the very early stages of their courtship, Robert was diagnosed with HIV. Leaving the doctor’s office in a haze, he decided to put on a strong face and immediately went home and informed Vernon. They were in the midst of preparing for their first trip together — but how could he travel like this? He felt that his life was falling apart and didn’t know what to do.
Unable to cancel plans or get refunds, they decided to go on their trip anyway. As soon as he set foot on the beach, Robert recalls, he began to sob uncontrollably as his mind filled with questions. How am I going to do this? How am I going to tell my sister? How am I going to tell my family? Am I going to survive this?
“I was sitting on the grounds of the most beautiful resort hotel,” Robert recalls. “And there were the most beautiful birds.” Finding one of his first moments of serenity since his diagnosis, he poured his heart out to Vernon — honest, for the first time, about the depths of his fears — and they cried, together.
Returning to America, Robert felt able to “face reality.” He told his family and friends, began treatment and started his path to a healthy life.
But four years later, he was diagnosed with colon cancer — and then, later, prostate cancer.
Vernon, who doesn’t speak much, finally pipes up when he recalls Robert’s hospitalization during his first cancer treatment. For weeks on end, he would stay in the hospital for the duration of visiting hours — he even bathed Robert twice a day. Doctors gave him a 50/50 chance of survival. And if he survived, he would also have to learn to walk again.
“Vernon had never seen me like this before,” Robert says, expressing his guilt. “I told him to go out, see his friends, and try to enjoy himself.”
“And I said no,” Vernon tells me, haltingly. “Because there was nowhere else I wanted to be but with him.”
Their advice for relationships: “Love, at the end of the day, is just always being there.”
washingtonpost.com © 1996-2023 The Washington Post
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coptorthodox · 2 years
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I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 #coptorthodox #bibleverse #bible #bibleversedaily #dailyverse #coptic #orthodox @coptorthodox #inhim #throughhim #tohim #icandoallthingsthroughchrist #christwhostrengthensme #philippians #philippians4 #philippians413 #philippian4v13 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoRWKjtvxJF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brucedinsman · 7 months
Faith's Checkbook
March 6Guardian of the FatherlessIn thee the fatherless findeth mercy. (Hosea 14:3)This is an excellent reason for casting away all other confidences and relying upon the Lord alone.When a child is left without its natural protector, our God steps in and becomes his guardian: so alsowhen a man has lost every object of dependence, he may cast himself upon the living God and find inHim all that he…
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classicalguitartrends · 10 months
Tomasz Miturski was born in 2014. From an early age he was interested in classical music, he liked towatch and listen to orchestral recordings. With time, piano music aroused the greatest interest inhim. He liked to sit at the piano himself and play by ear favorite fragments of pieces. He started tolearn on his favorite instrument in school year 2021/2022 in Music school in class of Mrs.…
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sapchats · 1 year
Is it mean if I voted no because I am remembering those two picturws where Dream is standing in front of sapnap and his body ENTIRELY covers Sapnap's so you can't even see there's two people in the picture.
yes it's mean he may be small but he is mighty and i beleieve inhim and you shsould too Eveen if the odds of him actually winning are really low ok .
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queencocoakimmie · 1 year
Hidden in Plain Sight
“Hidden in Plain Sight” And little does he know, That the one who will Save his life, With their cosmic connection, That was born in the stars, Will unleash a ferocious love in Him, And be the cure for his Intolerable emptiness. But for right now, She is standing here In the rain, Hidden in plain sight, Loving him from afar. Loving him, Despite it all. Loving him, Even though it hurts. ©️KVP Art: Adham Saad Art
He never notices her,She stays in the backgroundOf his fishbowl world,Fading into obscurity. Fixing what’s broken,Loving and losing himEveryday. He doesn’t seeWhat she sees. He doesn’t feelWhat her heart feels. And little does he know,That the one who willSave his life,With their cosmic connection,That was born in the stars. She’ll unleash a ferocious love inHim,And be the cure for…
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mattspinksjoyblog · 3 years
Some Thoughts On Prayer...
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I’ve been feeling a stirring these last few weeks once again on the subject of prayer, communion, a lifestyle of being aware of God’s Glory, and contemplating in Abba, Jesus, and Holy Spirit!
Have you felt it?
Specifically, I’m getting excited about throwing some more prayer parties! And, I still love the concept of thinking of prayer specifically as a party for SO many reasons!
What I have been sensing is this:
The Church desperately needs to come to see prayer as a preferred relaxing recreational activity! To see communing with God as part of our lifestyle, and also as something that we'd choose to go and participate in for fun, something we look forward to, something that we’d choose on a vacation, or after a long day.
Like, hey do you want to go for drinks after work, or hey, do you want to go to a park later, or go to the swimming pool? Hey, do you want to go pray with me after work, or spend an entire weekend enjoying some prayer with me? Hahaha! Yes! Maybe it’s no coincidence that pray and play are such similar words??? P God’s Presence is a party!
The Gospel also declares that Jesus has already answered our most pressing prayers in Himself.
So what do we pray for now???
What is the point of prayer?
Surely, I do believe that there are still things to ask of God in prayer, especially that we would fully experience what we’ve already been given. And, we need to know that we can come to our Abba in times of distress and great need. We get to cast our cares upon Him! Truly, there is no wrong way to pray. However, most of us have still been asking God for things that are already ours in Christ! More than that, I think most of us haven’t come to rest in the central purpose of prayer, or should I say Person of prayer. Simply being with Abba, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, consciously enjoying one another’s company as both the means and the end. I often say that my prayer life has moved from asking to basking.
Another phrase that keeps coming up to me lately is, “Prayer is much more of a recreational thing, than a medicinal thing.” If we’ve already been healed by His stripes, then maybe our focus can be elsewhere?? Of course, I still love praying healing prayers, and praying for any perceived needs, from a place of completeness. Yet those are much more of a ‘speaking the Truth into a situation,’ seeing as ‘it truly is done.’ And, as I mentioned earlier, sometimes we just need to come and cast our cares, troubles, burdens and ills upon the Lord. He is so kind and good!!!
Overall, however, I think we’ve just made the things of God into such serious endeavors! Often this is fed by our sense of lack, and the pressing needs of the world. Then also, I think we’ve often bought into lesser ideas of what all recreation and fun can entail in our lives, sometimes we’ve even bought in to straight up counterfeit fun! There are so many invisible joys and spiritual experiences that are available to the "everyman" with God! I'm convinced that there's enough recreational relationship experiences in God to where we could never be bored in all our eternal days with Him!
Also, specifically, still, prayer itself has felt intimidating to most of us, or like we need to keep our minds from wandering, or that maybe we still think it “doesn’t work,” or we’re not sure what is the point, or we grew up with prayer being something “not fun,” or for whatever other reason, and it makes us reluctant to pray. Sometimes we may want to get around other people who are having ecstatic recreational prayer experiences with the Lord, for something of an "activation." I've found this to be especially helpful.
I think the joy, the ecstasy of His Presence, the relaxation, the rejuvination, the addiction IS the only way that anyone could ever truly begin to move towards a life of “praying continually.” God moving from within us, motivating us by the joy of Love! Duty and need based prayer just can’t motivate us consistently enough toward a steady life of conversation with God. I’ve seen it tried. I definitely tried it myself. Falling in love is so much more healthy, happy, and long lasting than the old paradigms that make prayer out to be a work. More than falling in love, even, it's finding ourselves enveloped in Christ, caught up inside Jesus' loving experiences with Abba and Holy Spirit! I think that many of us who have been set free from religion are finally coming to a place where we just want to pray more, as the scandal of Trinitarian Grace is beginning to draw us in to what true enjoyment is, the things that They enjoy. We’ve used our freedom to explore the world, and we’re coming back to prayer, and many other of the old "spiritual disciplines" again, but from a vastly different place.
Prayer as our new relaxing hobby of choice, in a healthy rhythm and flow, not as a demanding routine; this is going to be transformational for the church, for the world, for everyone! It’s time for a new wave of this healthy, ecstatic addiction in our lives...
I'd love to invite anyone reading this to experience our prayer parties some time! There are so many ways we can participate in this together!
We had a prayer party just the other night, and ,my God, we got to a place where we were reading each others minds! It was super fun. Just hearing God tell us things, and knowing what the other was going to say. This has been happening frequently lately, and obviously it is nothing new. But, it's so fun! Over the years, we've seen so many mystical phenomena during the prayer parties!
Our prayer parties lately are different every time, and pretty chill. Lots of quiet, and then lots of loud, and then lots of quiet again… But, thick with His dew! The group prayer party especially seems to be so thick when each of us have been enjoying God personally beforehand, and when no one is judging anyone else's expression of prayer.
There is so much to describe when it comes to prayer… We’re going to be doing a "Prayer Party School" in our Sunday Union Bliss Bible Studies on Zoom soon… Maybe you’d be intrigued to check that out as well! I'm going back through tons of old prayer books and resources in preparation. I've got a list of fifty books I'm sorting through. I found a four part lecture series that J.B. Torrance did in the 1990s that is rocking me right now!
What has Abba been showing you about prayer these days? 
Any thoughts, resources, or recommendations you'd like to share? 
I'm excited to be among a company of friends that are plunging into the recreational ecstasies of conscious communion in Him! Let’s pray!!!
- Matt
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