#inkember cc
yutopia-eleftheria · 10 months
Criminal Case Inkember 2023
Day 28/30 : Atlas (Meme)
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Why was it the best occasion to do this seriously ?
Anyways I have loved this ever since we saw it for the first time. Thanks Shikimori for creating this awesome meme OMG !
I found it to be so fitting with these two honestly ! ♥
Also ; my OC is included ! Meet my main character Jarper McEnroe ! ♥ Alongside Atlas' own OC ♥
@thewifeoftessgoodwin on Instagram !♥
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trulyatessfan · 11 months
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On Instagram, there's an event called Inkember where you draw CC characters with a prompt and this year, the prompts and characters were my suggestions so please go check @/ inkembercriminalcase on Instagram!!
Day 1: David Jones (Anger)
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blugnettabutterflies · 11 months
Inkember CC 2023
Day 1: David Jones (Anger/Ira)
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- Anyway, Jones got mad and drew his gun. So I tackled him. While we were struggling on the ground, his gun went flying. + And Jones just left it behind? - I told you he wasn't himself! When he realized I wouldn't cooperate, he ran towards the dome's security checkpoint, crying revenge! Season 5, Case 34, "Death By My Hand", Additional Investigation.
Let's be honest, if it's not this case, then what. I know that in Case 52 he has a whole "Going Solo" where he is also in a big anger situation but here... HERE! is when everything went downhill in his brain.
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asharkapologist · 10 months
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will
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I was THRILLED when I saw that Giulietta was a character to be drawn in Inkember, considering she's my favorite character of all time in CC. I knew immediately I was going to draw her. I decided to draw her in her That Sinking Feeling dress for the prompt, because we learn she ballroom dances in that case.
Giulietta's wardrobe is so incredible 😭 she's gorgeous
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katrinahood · 11 months
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Inkember Day 15: Morgana Blackhawk (Wand)
I think what drew me to this specific villain (as opposed to CC's other villains) is because not only did she not start off evil at first, also, after her arc wrapped up, she went on doing more evil shit.
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celestiarambles · 11 months
Alright, since the prompt for CC Inkember day 4 was about Rachel Priest - Truth (nice prompt btw!), I would just like to talk about her murder case, The Secret Experiments and the circumstances surrounding her death. (and maybe CC’s representation of [female] journalists in general?)
She was an honest, fearless journalist who did everything in her power to get to the truth to open the masses’ eyes to the corruption and evil in Grimsborough. Sadly, she had to die for it.
Rachel’s story leading up to her death just hit too close to home. Our country’s pretty much the most dangerous place for journalists. If you write a story against the government (even if it’s backed up by evidence), you could be branded as a ‘terrorist’, jailed, or even killed. I used to be a campus journalist back in high school, and the press freedom is so poor to the point that those things even happen to people my own age back then. I heard stories about my fellow campus journalists being sent to the principal’s office because of an article they wrote about the president and people I know having guns pointed at them just because they were voicing their opinions. Hell, even my own parents would chastise the articles I wrote and call me a ‘terrorist’ because of it.
What doesn’t help as well is the rampant misinformation and disinformation going on too. Because of this, journalists get discredited and the people are losing faith in them. Even the first NOBEL PRIZE WINNER in our country is being discredited and criticized just because she exposed the corruption regarding the war on drugs in our country.
However in our country, I can’t blame the lower classes because honestly, proper media literacy is a privilege to them, and our government is taking advantage of their vulnerability.
They may say that journalism is supposed to be fair and neutral, but I disagree. That’s why I admire Rachel Priest so much; her unwavering tenacity to the truth despite all the warnings is so admirable. However, she was quite lucky that Jones and the player were able to sense something was up with her and investigate her case, exposing Alden Greene, the marshal and inevitably Crimson Order as well. If they never discovered the story behind her death, then they could’ve twisted the story in their favor.
Another thing that bothers me is Carl Ackerman’s role in Rachel’s death. I know he didn’t know that she could’ve possibly died for it, he was underpaid and he felt guilty about her death in the end. While he was a journalist too in his own way (he filmed Rachel’s journalistic stories), he should’ve not sold her research to the person she was investigating in the first place. But at the same time, he was also an underpaid journalist. The fact that Rachel wasn’t able to pay him properly also shows that Rachel was also being underpaid in a way. It doesn’t excuse what Carl did, but it also shows the reality of being a journalist; sometimes, they have to sacrifice their oath to the truth and their integrity just because they’re being underpaid.
To a lesser extent, I also love Katherine Woolf and her role as a journalist in MoTP. Like Rachel, she was bold and tenacious to the truth. And when Lawson banned the freedom of the press, once again it felt too close to home xD She was also jailed and almost executed for being outspoken during Lawson’s regime, but luckily the Flying Squad was there.
That being said, I really love CC’s realistic portrayal of journalists in seasons 1 and 4. However, since it still is fiction, those journalists were lucky that their truth still came out no matter what happened to them. But despite real life barely having happy endings, it’s nice to know that CC motivates future journalists to fight for the truth that the common people deserve to know.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 10 months
Criminal Case Inkember 2023
Day 27/30 : Céleste Alouest (Identity) / (Identité)
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Céleste Alouest said "Trans Right" !
Céleste is one of the characters who have transitioned from one gender to another : being born a male and transitioned as female (hence the Transfem flag).
Honestly though ; Am I the only that wonders what was her real name back when she was a boy ?
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