theblackchuckbass · 12 years
Dear God
Please look over Jordan, Jarvis and the entire Smith Family as they bury their Grandmother/Mother/Aunt today. Give them peace in this time of sorrow. Comfort them as only You know how. In Jesus' name Amen
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trackaintsafe · 12 years
Marvins Room : Mom Remix : F*ck those jordans that u want so bad, Im not buying them u better ask ur dad. I'm jus sayin u can wear sketchers
I got a good laugh out of this lol
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theblackchuckbass · 12 years
My Deepest Condolences to Jordan, Jarvis and the entire Smith family!!!!!
Loosing a loved one is NEVER easy. Words of comfort, no matter how well intentioned, can never ease the pain. I'm here for you guys ok!!! Love y'all!!!
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theblackchuckbass · 13 years
Just waking up....I feel like shit!!
So I had a crazy weird dream about Jordan and her brotherJarvis last night.... Jordan was in the dentist chair and me and Jarvis were doing what we do, acting like two 6 year olds, running around the office messing with things we had no business messing with. We get back to Jordan and we see that she is missing teeth....like not missing teeth in a cute "in the back of ya mouth/wisdom teeth who gonna see it" type of way. But like in the front!!! Like every other tooth was missing!! After the obligatory period of laughter, Jarvis and I went on a mission in the Dentist office to find her missing teeth... It was hilarious because Jarvis kept saying "at least I don't have to kiss her" and laughing at me because guess who did have to kiss her........EXACTLY!!! Long random story short, I remember Jordan saying it's ok we didn't find her teeth because the doctor is giving her a partial denture anyway.... I think I had this dream because I am DETERMINED to get veneers!!! And NOT the Steve Harvey, horse looking type. I want the veneers that TI has!!! And not because my teeth are messed up either. Quite the opposite, I just want them. And I think it was Jordan in the dentist seat because she HAS NO CAVITIES and PERFECT TEETH!!!....-___-!!!! Jarvis was just there for comic relief haaaa!! And because before I went to sleep he told me to do something so I think it's that whole Freudian psychological "last person you talk to you dream about" type of thing.
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