#inner sloth/heather
stabbystiletto · 2 years
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Rest your head on her healing thighs and be soothed ~ 🖤🖤🖤
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vicecityhq · 3 years
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WITNESS(ES) SAY HE REMINDS THEM OF: the feeling of walking through a bare and silent forest full of fog, the shadow of a black cat casted along your window, the gentle shwit of a tarot card pulling. With a slight resemblance to KANG SEULGI of/the RED VELVET.
Last Name, First Name: Valkyrie So-bong Alias: Circe, Mishil Realm of birth (if earth, nationality): Earth, English-Korean Age: 27 Date of Birth: 10-28-1994 Gender: Cisfemale Preferred Pronouns: She/Her Species: Witch Occupation: Chemical Pathologist at Asan Medical Center, Mother & Chemist of the Ivory Lotus Sexual Orientation: Unlabled
Skin Color: tan-ish Eye color:  heather purple with slight gold around the iris Scars:  a weathered scar on the meaty part of palm from using her blood in certain potions and spells Piercings:  reference [ x (left).  x (right)] Tattoos:  naked ladies dancing around the moon on her bicep , a black cat in hands on her rib cage , little girl holding her head on her upper thigh near her hip, custom design down her spine (w/o the words), various other small tattoos , ivory lotus lotus on her inner middle finger. Hair color: black Abnormalities: eye color technically Horns/ wings/ etc: Transformed form:  if she uses a great amount of her power her eyes mist over the same color as her iris’ and begin to glow, along with the symbol of her coven on her forehead, the ends of her hair began to flicker like purple fire.
RELIGIOUS BELIEF: would be pagan but is not sure
SINS:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  /  lust  /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath
VIRTUES: chastity  /  charity  /  diligence  /  humility /   patience /  justice
KNOWN LANGUAGES: English, Latin, Korean (still not all the way there)
SECRETS: She escaped her coven as they were more of a cult than a coven.
SAVVIES: chemical engineering, cooking, writing, reciting literature
Powers & Abilities:  Powers include, but are not limited to based on the witch type: Healing, Potion Creation, Spell Casting, Animation, Creation, Inscription Casting, Magic Channeling/Detection, Summoning/Banishment, Portal Creation (only to the spirit world if their witch craft includes connections to it.), Reality Warping/Psychosomatic Illusions and Precognition. She has a specialty in Dark Arts so other powers of hers include:
Blood Magic
Curse Magic
Dark Alchemy
Dark Energy Manipulation
Poison Magic
Spirit Magic (these powers were given to her during the ceremony at her birth)
Traits:  + Intuitive, Intelligent, Cultured - Quiet, Nonchalant, Loyal
Date of Birth: 10-28-1994
Date of Death: n/a
Crime Record:
tw: blood, gorey-ish descriptions, death, cult like activity, teen pregnancy
The sound of a stone door scraping shut behind her had become a constant mantra in her earliest memory. She’d found herself wrapped in the arms of a family that had placed her on a pedestal much too grand for a child to bear.
Living in exile had become a prominent part of  So-yeon’s life. She’d gone from settled in the nest of her family home, the power of the realm trickling down her matriarchal line and dreaming that one day she’d pass it on to a daughter of her own. But so young she became nothing more than merely a vessel, bred and left to her own devices and finding herself alone in a world where he magic didn’t stand up to the foundations in society that science had began to claim
She’d trekked the long journey to Castle Combe, belly round and swollen, trying to find a place where she’d belonged, solely and utterly herself. 
‘She will be our salvation,’ they’d said, fawning over the way power had surged from the young girl's aura. They would take care of her, they’d said, and with nowhere else to go, the echo of the stone door sealed shut behind her. So-yeon had fallen into their routines, basked in their rituals as the pampered the teen for her oncoming child, they told stories of the throne that she’d sit upon and bowed to her as she walked past. Women of all ages washed her feet, and combed her hair, held her belly up for just a bit of relief as time ticked and ticked on. 
‘I want to name her Mishil, after my grandmother,’ So-yeon beamed, only for the polite smile on her face to fall at the intense glare that the counsel women had bestowed upon her. 
‘Our master has already picked a name for the child,’ they’d said, faces full of an enhanced seriousness, and even though the young girl's face and ears burned with fury she couldn’t bring herself to protest.
They’d held her hand as her daughter readied herself to be born, and just shy of her seventeenth birthday she held a hiccuping child in her arms. But it wasn’t long that she’d be able to clutch to her newborn, the child torn away from her within minutes of her arrival, pulled away still wailing into the chamber, the same echo of stone bouncing off the underground walls. They’d chanted her name, various words and spells trickling into the damp air, the infant lay upon their altar, still crying out for her mother who’d just been behind the door.
The room swirled and surged with power, a black cloud forming over the crying baby’s body crackling with purple lightning and boisterous thunder. As their words grew louder and louder, so did Valkyrie’s cries, each and every coven member bowing to her, their own powers sucked into the cloud that danced angrily above her, hungry for a new vessel. The sigil began to etch itself into her forehead, eyes and mouth glowing with the same purple hue that rippled like lava in the inscription in her skin, and all at once, just as the symphony of sound reached its climax, the cloud swarmed down the infant's throat, power trickling into her veins and leaving the chamber in dark, eerie silence.
So-yeon believed this meant it was time to see the child she waited so long for, but the doors never opened, and instead she was dragged away to meet a fate that she felt she was destined to be granted her entire life. 
‘It is you who will rule us, you who will be our salvation,’ they’d told the child, much too young to comprehend let alone listen.
She’d spent her life being treated as royalty, paraded through the village streets, covered in a black veil as their new savior’s beauty could not be seen by just any lowly human. Placed on a pedestal that could only be granted to deities and gods, the moment she’d entered the world. Every member of the coven bowed to her, asked her for advice and forgiveness, begged to die at her hand, and for a while it was all she could go along with. They’d taught her everything she’d known, everything she’d thought she’d ever know. About witchcraft and witchcraft only. 
But in a modern world she’s subjected to modern schooling, and in that she’d fallen in love with the foundations that had exiled her young mother all those years ago. She’d found interests in chemistry, enlightenment in biology and ecology, and as she tasted the world above ground, the one below had begun to sour.
It was common knowledge that women around her weren’t the same, she had stark black hair in a sea of red-heads and blondes, and soon itched to know more about what life had been before she’d become their master. Rifling through her mother’s old things she’d come across the book that would become the salvation of her own. Bound in black leather and weathered pieces of amethyst, the pages worn and well loved, generations of spells and potions littering it’s pages. But the book had brought on other things, a memoir of her mother sprinkled into the margins:
‘I wanted to name her Mishil but they won’t let me’
‘I think they’re going to take her from me,’
‘When will I get away from here?’
‘They’re going to kill me’
The ones who had been her family all along, were nothing more than women on a path conjured up in their own minds. But what was she to do now? She’d just reached the age her mother was when she’d found them, only ever knowing the prospects of being their deity, their chosen child, their….salvation.
With a wave of her hand, the stone door echoed open, just enough for her slender form to slink through, the last of her mothers existence in her arms and a backpack slung over her shoulders. Stepping into the world above ground, she was alone now, wandering to a place she’d never known, though it called her all the way from the east sea, awaiting her return. 
It felt like an eternity had passed when she’d finally walked past signs riddled with Hangul, she’d finally found the home where she’d actually belonged, but now that she had, what would become of her? She was alone now, completely and utterly, clutching nervously to the money in her hand at the currency exchange, freshly twenty-one, and in hopeless solidarity. Held up in group housing and hostels until she could stomach low income housing, Valkyrie was to make an entire life from absolutely nothing. Where was she supposed to go? In what direction was she supposed to float without guidance. 
The young witch had chosen school, finding out quickly that in this new world there is not much to make of yourself outside of a document, stamped with the country's seal. She’d dove into the very curriculum that she felt led to her own ultimate salvation.
Before long she’d found a stable job at a bar, as graduation lingered in the distance and everything she’d ever worked for slowly came to fruition. It had been a slow night when the embodiment of lustrous evil strutted through the doors, the gentle click of heels along the tile floor of the bar, settling on the stool in front of her. She was an unnatural kind of beauty, that fogged into the establishment under a black mist. It made Valkyrie feel sick to her stomach, and yet she was the first to approach...it. What else could she call her? There was nothing normal or natural about the feeling of dread the woman had brought with her, and yet she was drawn to her in a way that made her knees weak, subordination, a feeling she’d never felt before.
Their voices went from covering the sound of a locking door, talking until the establishment closed, to breathless moans and hopeless whispers conjured inside of a bed as big as the one she’d remembered was back in Castle Combe. Her devotion came from the feeling of loneliness, slowly dissipating from her shoulders, no longer riddled with the guilt of leaving because of it. And as final exams turned into residencies and internships, she found herself granting the being with other means of satisfaction. 
It had begun with just the occasional chemical slipped into her bag, one or two vials of something up her sleeves, but as her permanency at Asan began, it was opening the doors of the mortuary, faking documents and getting rid of bodies. A terrible obsession that was bound together by her touch on Valkyrie’s skin, and the satisfaction in her smile when she’d done everything she could for her. 
Obsession, is what you’d call it, the witch riding herself off the crowned deity her coven had given  her and passing the title on to the being that had consumed her life with blackness. She’d do anything for her, anything…
“I’m not going to kill you,” she said sweetly, almost appalled that the woman  groveling at her feet would accuse her of such a terrible endeavor. Valkyrie’s chest shook in relief only for the air her lungs consumed to be knocked from them in one swift motion. The woman’s shoulders sagged in relief, but only for a moment,
“She is,” both gazes burned into the witch’s skin, her own violet eyes scanning her goddesses face, who was she to deny her?
Her hand raised, palm facing the woman that begged for her life, only for black pustules to bubble along her skin, the sound of it sizzling as it melted away in front of them both. Matching veins spidered up her neck and along her jaws, taking up the white space of her eyes as blood sputtered out of her mouth. Crimson liquid dripped from her cornea’s before finally spraying over Valkyrie’s and the being’s faces, dark roses blooming in her chest at the satisfied smile she’d come to love. Anything…anything for her.
It was then she was offered a seat at her table, and at her side for added measure, granted the bowing subordinates she’d grown used to as a child. She is alone no longer, trudging through the toxic black, obsession that her new master had created.
INTERVIEW QUESTION (para sample): “Just run us through what happened that night”. - Officer
Cat-like eyes rolled at the officers before her. How dare they think she’d turn on her so quickly, throw away the only real family she had ever known.
“Look we have her on cctv footage rolling a black bag out of the back of the hospital. So you can just give her up.”
Valkyrie could almost laugh at their bluff, it was her on the camera footage, the bag filled to the brim with dismembered limbs and chemicals, for her leader yes, but she knows well that they were doing whatever they could to turn on her.
“I told you guys, I haven’t seen her since last week,” a lie, she’d been in her bed just the night before, readying herself for her shift in Mistress’ bathroom earlier that morning. 
“If you just tell us she was surely involved, we’ll even put it in as anonymous tip, she wont come after you, but we can’t take her down without her help.” 
The witch only looked at them with pity, shrugging her shoulders and then shaking her head, “I don’t need an anonymous tip put in, because I don’t know anything, she wouldn’t have been in the hospital without coming to see me, so I’m absolutely sure it wasn’t her,” The officer sighed, sitting back in his chair before opening up the manila folder in front of him. He tapped the edges of the photos onto the metal surface of the table before dealing them out in front of her like a skilled Blackjack broker. They were faces she’d recognized, faces she’d seen the life drain from, faces she’d sucked the souls from at her command.
But she didn’t flinch in the way they though she would, only sitting up off the matching steel chair, “Kim Minhyuk,” she said, tapping a pointed black nail onto the picture furthest to the left, “Park Hoyeon, Rodolfo Cruz, Noah Monsario, Do Inguk.” The officers faces lit up in astonishment, the belief they would be getting a confession so easily floating about their minds.
“All died of a blood poisoning disease after working in the Gae-won factory in Daegu. They were subjected to terrible work environments and were made to use chemicals that were able to be absorbed into the skin and then the blood stream because of the lack of proper equipment. I would know since I testified in court for the multi-million dollar wrongful death suit.” These were all lies, but the looks on the officers faces and the way their bodies deflated in defeat were enough for her to cross her arms over her chest in triumph.
“I have thier entire files, tests and results in my office...and so does my superior.” She added, covering her Mistress’ tracks so easily. Valkyrie fought the smirk that twitched at the corner of her pretty lips.
“We-we’re going to need a copy of those reports to compare your story.”
“I’ll have them faxed over in the morning.” 
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makuta-tobi · 3 years
prime numbers prime numbers prime numbers prime numbers
well that's just........prime
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2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? To an extent, but I need to be wrapped up other than that
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Usually receipts or scrap paper
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Yeah, I have a nasty overbite and weird issues with my fuckin uhhhh mouth muscles
7: do you name your plants? I don't have any plants
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? I can't think of any specifically? Damn, I really am boring
13: what’s something that made you smile today? hmmm.... I played the new dungeon in Destiny with Tone, and she made a mistake by pushing a bomb we needed off a cliff and she randomly just ran off the cliff after it
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? this one
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9: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? naw, I haven't in a while, but I used to keep one to track my mood throughout the day to report back to my therapist
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? I don't really have any things to do besides play games and watch tv all by myself lol
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? nothing raelly comes to mind tbh, my friends are nice but idk about anything super special that anyone does
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. This one is so weird, uhhh, I have white socks specifically for work because they're a kind designed for breathability and that way my feet don't get super sweaty, but I have some patterned ones for casual wear
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I'd like a clean one but I'm not really capable of keeping up with it, so it gets messy and then cleaned maybe once every few months
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? Autonomous by Analee Newitz!
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Brandee, of course
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? sauerkraut idk
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? I kind of weirdly associate One Week by the Barenaked Ladies with Brandee
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? Heathers, yeah. And Pulp Fiction. Uhh, I liked them? Heathers has a banging soundtrack
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? I didn't dramatically react, no, but only because you told me to
59: what’s your favorite myth? do people have those?
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? I don't know about given, but I still think the squeaky pig dog thing that sticks its tongue out from that one vine is the stupidest one, and I love it
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Depressed
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? The kind I don't have to drink
73: what are some of your worst habits? teeth grinding and uhh......sloth LOL
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? I still love the playlist Brandee made for me, of course
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. You think I can remember my friends' eyes? I haven't seen any of them in at least a year
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? this goes hard as hell
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87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? cliched as it is, I think Pulp Fiction is a good one to watch eventually
89: are you close to your parents? My mom and I have been alone together most of my life, so a bit, yeah.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? imagine having a place to go lol
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? don't know, pisces, and don't care LMAO
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For me, the Handmade Arcade is like Christmas.  I get giddy with excitement and this was only my second one!  I had already purchased my Early Birdie tickets and my husband came with me again to keep my company (and drive me). There are 170+ vendors!  We arrived way too early, 9:30 and hung out until Early Birdie shopping started.
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With our Early Birdie tickets we were able to get into the free event an hour early, plus we get a swag bag.  This year’s swag bag included lots of various coupons to some of the vendors as well as a sample of soap from Hip Modern Soap, holiday cards from Hey Beast Studio, and a small little canvas, paint, and pin from Artist & Craftsman Supply.
Soap, Mints, and pin in the swag bag.
Printed Holiday Cards in the swag bag.
Cute little artist kit in the swag bag.
My first stop was a beeline to see WillowBrook Alpacas.  I bought some roving from them last year and I have been following them on Facebook and an email list ever since.  They are a local alpaca farm and they have wool and yarn available.  They have an adopt an Alpaca program, where you can “adopt” an alpaca from the farm and you can visit them once a month for the year!  Plus you get a picture of your alpaca,  a birthday card, sample of wool, and discounts.  Too cute!
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WillowBrook Alpacas
Once I had visited WillowBrook, I tried to visit as many booths as possible (and get pictures) before the doors opened for free admission.  Thread + Love is not a yarn or crochet shop, but they had precious little sewn dolls and other items. I ended up purchasing a cute little snow monster for myself to hang on the tree.
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Thread + Love
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Snow Monster
I found a cute crochet shop, Corchet Unique Crocheted Gifts.  She had some cute little stuffed animals and hats.  Everything was charming and well stitched.  Really nice work.
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Corchet Unique Crocheted Gifts
Gingercake Patterns was another shop that I remembered from last year.  She makes these charming lamas.  Last year I bought one for my niece for Christmas.  She also makes sweet dolls, stuffed animals, bags, accessories, etc. and she sells her patterns.  Really nice stuff and one of my favorite shops at the Handmade Arcade.
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Gingercake Patterns
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Lulu Lamas
Stitch Party is a local shop and blog.  They dye their yarn and they also create little knitting kits.  I refrained from buying yarn today, since I barely have the space left to store the yarn I have.  But their yarn was beautiful.  I will definitely save their contact info and will hope to buy some of their yarn in the future.
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Stitch Party
This woman from Heather Rose Sewing Boutique is an amazing artist.  Her stuffed animals look like something that you would buy at any store.  Actually any store is not correct, high end gift shops would be more correct.  Her craftsmanship is amazing.  I’m seriously in love with her stuff.  She had a giant Panda Bear that was incredible.  And the most adorable sloth, that I almost bought.  I ended up buying a narwhal for my nephew, but if there were more kids in my life I would have been buying much more of her stuff.
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Heather Rose Sewing Boutique
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Sweet little narwhal
One table had these two rad ladies.  Cobra Cakes had handmade upcycled punk, 80’s, goth, metal clothes and accessories.  Manifesto Moto is a female rider organization and space.  I ended up buying a small bag made from recycled inner tube.  I can always use small zippered bags, especially for my crochet accessories.
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Cobra Cakes and Manifesto Moto
I stopped at Cuppa Stitches, another crochet table.  They had various crochet items, but my favorite was the F bomb.  Fun and cute stuff.
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Cuppa Stitches
BatCat Press is a small press run by an organization for students at a local charter school.  They bind books and make printed items.  I ended up picking up some holiday cards.
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Holiday Cards from BatCat Press
I just want to make a couple more mentions:
Sandi Eaton Art
The Robot Consortium
Anyway, that is just a small sample of what the Handmade Arcade has to offer.  I gravitate towards the crafty, but they also have shops selling jewelry, home goods, pottery, art, etc.  The full vendor list is available here.
We lasted an hour an 45 minutes this year.  Every year I say I want to spend more time, but about 2 hours is usually how long it takes for me to spend too much money.  lol  But I wouldn’t want to spend it anywhere else.  I did not show off all of my purchases (since many of them are gifts) but perhaps once Christmas is over I may make a post on some of them.
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I just thought this was funny.
Handmade Arcade For me, the Handmade Arcade is like Christmas.  I get giddy with excitement and this was only my second one! 
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all asks (if u want)
Thank you anon for saving me from 5 minutes of boredom Fresh milk - What is your age? 400Teeth - What is your gender identity? GirlHoney - Do you have a nickname? I get Liv or Olive a lot Breast - Do you get along with your mother? Sometimes Angelhood - What is one of your favorite memories? MehTranquil - Who do you laugh the most with? My friends Adieu - Who do you dread saying goodbye to the most? My dog Wax - Can you keep a secret? YeahTinderbox - What do you cherish most? Sleep Paper - What is your favorite novel? Don't readBox office - What is your favorite film? Heathers, requiem for a dream, girl interrupted, kill bill, silence of the lambs, trainspotting Stage - Do you have a talent? No Tiger - What is your bravest moment? None Treasure - What is your brightest characteristic? NoneMorale - Is your castle made of glass or stone? What the fuck does this mean Wolf - Do you have an inner monster? Not to be edgy but yh Seven - Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, or Pride? Wow my personality traits in one Trick - White lie or deceit? DeceitIllusion - Do you have a secret? Yh Heart - Are you in love? No Mary - Are you a virgin? No Bedroom - How would you define your sexual orientation? Bit eh this bit eh that Pink - Panties, bloomers, or lingerie? Lingerie Rope - Do you have a fetish? Idk probably Tobacco - Do you smoke? YeahWine - Do you drink? YeahWhisky - Do you drink alone or socially? Mostly socially Poison - Do you have an addiction? Yeah Taboo - Do you have any tattoos? NoMetal - Do you have any piercings? Two on ears, NoseStitches - What kind of clothing do you wear? Casual goth Eau de toilette - What is you favorite scent? Clean linen Murmur - How do you deal with drama? Start it Hiccup - What makes you nervous? EVERYTHINGGazelle - Do you participate in the arts? nah Anomaly - What do you find unique about yourself? Nothing Cedar - What is your favorite season? Winter Balm - Who was the last person you kissed? 👀
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stabbystiletto · 2 years
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Worth it lolololol 🤘🥳🤘
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stabbystiletto · 3 years
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stabbystiletto · 3 years
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stabbystiletto · 3 years
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Let's go tear up someone's lawn 😈🐱
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stabbystiletto · 3 years
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The demon queen of high school 🕯😈🕯
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stabbystiletto · 3 years
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Come join Heather in Hell? 🔥😈🔥
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stabbystiletto · 3 years
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“God Veronica, drool much?” ✨😈✨🖤🖤🖤
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stabbystiletto · 3 years
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she’s a catgirl maid 🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆🤣🤣😂😆😈😈😈🐱🐱🐱🖤🖤🖤
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stabbystiletto · 3 years
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“It’s fine if you don’t agree, but I would fight for you if you would fight for me” 🚬😈🐱🖤💙
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stabbystiletto · 3 years
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“Veronica? What are you doing in my room??” 😈🤨🛌📘🖤
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stabbystiletto · 3 years
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