#innocuously leaning over Tango to see whatever he was working on
scopop08 · 2 years
Not feeling good and can't organize my thoughts well so i might write something for this later cause I'm thinking about it so hard but.
Tango proudly showing Jimmy Decked Out, and Jimmy being in absolute awe of how incredible it is. Having a little "And you said you weren't a builder, huh" moment as Tango leads him through the catacombs, making Jimmy listen to all of the sound effects and showing him the redstone so proudly even though Jimmy has no idea what it is in the slightest. He's just happy to sit back and listen as his soulmate goes on about something he cares so much for, watching how a sharp smile breaks across Tango's face after showing each new thingamajig redstoneinator and how the dungeon master attempts to hide the way his cheeks flush every time Jimmy stands a little too close and leans over him to compliment his work.
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