#sco good posts
scopop08 · 2 years
Sausage, in Spanish: I'm not drunk yet I've just had a ton of coffee. I love coffee
Jevin, knowing 0 Spanish: either this dude is drunk or had like 30 cups of coffee
Prime clown to clown communication
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diviinitatis · 2 years
just a reminder that i’m more active on my personal rn @elysiicns it’s a sideblog to this blog <3
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fuck-customers · 1 year
My discount grocery store just got new self checkouts, and the old customers are SO against them it makes me laugh. They are convinced that they're gonna mess up so bad, but these are by far the easiest self checks I've used. The interface is so user friendly and it walks you through every step so we barely have to step in for assistance.
My customers love me (not to toot my own horn but im pretty good at pretending to like people) so I somehow have convinced a bunch of these old people to use them, and some even turned to other older customers and said it was super easy! So we're getting them on board.
We still get people being super rude saying that we "need to hire more cashiers not put these in" well too late Susan. They're in and they're not giving us cashier hours. Or people say they'll cut our hours. Actually no, im on forums with other employees of this chain and no ones hours have been cut noticeably. The difference between our store chain and others is that we are all cross trained for every task, so we're still working. We can just finally get everything fully stocked and we're not constantly getting called up to ring. And customers have noticed that. And we can keep everything cleaner too.
I love coming back at the people who say our hours are gonna get cut bc of them. No honey were just able to do other things.
A few people also said im a good teacher with the self checks and it made me feel super happy bc thats what I want to do for a career! I want to teach high school! So it means a lot whenever someone says that.
So while some people are just bitches about SCOs, its gone over mostly well. Just fuck the people who flat out refuse to use them. You're rhe reason shits not getting done today.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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lovewillthaw-j · 1 year
Do you see anything wrong with these gifs of mine? Tumblr does.
(click on the link)
I have been having problems posting gifsets recently. 3 of my posts were affected. After posting these posts did not appear on my dash or in tags. They do appear on my personal page, but otherwise the posts are invisible to the world.
After analyzing I found that there was 1 gif in each gifset that would cause the post to be invisible. I test-posted the gifsets without these gifs and the posts behaved completely normally. I collected these 3 gifs into the post above (which, again does not appear on my dash)
So what's offensive with these gifs, tumblr??? Is your porn filter labeling them as porn? Seriously?! What gives?
It's really upsetting to post and realise later that it's invisible for no good reason. How am I supposed to know when a particular gif will be flagged?
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ofieugogyshz · 1 year
debating opening up $5 500 word commissions, but I'm also worried that
a) adhd will get in the way, esp if i get a high volume
b) I will forget
c) I will need to do too much research to know how to write some people's F/Os!
and sometimes d) the words just don't stop coming and they don't stop and they don't stop and they don't stop--
that all said, I also haven't written in a very long time anything I could publish (a year? two???!?), but it might make good stepping stones on getting back into a writing groove.
but uggghhhh fuck man i really need to start finding a new income that's not fucking. another fucking job. or having to change departments for more fucking money, bc i sure don't want that. and i don't think i'm worth getting a raise out of, but like.... ugh. maybe. but it wouldn't be enough to offset the difference, i think. esp not when constantly doing sco drives me fucking insane and it's the place they put me the most in the front end and i, ugh.
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mrbensonmum · 6 months
TV Shows - CSI: Las Vegas VII
I had to take a little writing break because my wrists were starting to feel the strain from all the writing (I have to write a lot for uni, and I also need to fill up my own page). But of course, I didn't stop watching CSI: Las Vegas, and that's why we're already in the middle of Season Four!
Tumblr media
You can tell by now that the characters have become very well-established and developed. Many of them don't seem as young and inexperienced anymore, and that even applies to Greg. I find him the most interesting here because he has developed to the point where he's even taken out into the field, and we know that he'll soon leave the lab and go into the field. He hasn't left behind his outgoing nature but has used it to progress. His exceptional knowledge about various things also comes in handy!
Nick and Sara are now applying for a higher CSI class, and they are overshadowed by Catherine, as Grissom assigns her an important case. She brings in Greg, which further frustrates Nick and Sara. However, by the end of this episode, you can see that, due to past episodes, it's no longer just a team here but rather friends in a somewhat familial relationship (even their time together during breaks or after cases shows this). Because it's patched up, you understand why it was Catherine and why she brought in Greg. (Nick and Sara have another story connecting them, but that's more related to the actors, but more on that later!)
At the beginning, it was still a bit rough, and sometimes even a bit rough when switching between cases. But this is absolutely not criticism at this point, just an observation. Because this has also been ironed out more and more, and you always switch at just the right moment, so one case doesn't "wear out," and you have to immediately deal with the other one. As a viewer, you're always kept on your toes, which is good because with crime series that handle only one case, this can sometimes be very exhausting over the intended 45 minutes. This danger rarely exists here.
One of the big mysteries of the series has now also been revealed; we know who Catherine's father is. The casino mogul Sam Brown! Catherine found this out about Greg with a not entirely legal DNA investigation, and of course, Sam Brown immediately tried to bribe her after being acquitted of a murder case. I vaguely remember that there's still a lot to happen here, and I'm curious how the gaps in my memories will be filled. Don't worry, otherwise, I won't get on any Catherine rage train today. Since the episode with her ex-husband and daughter, she has been reformed, and you can see that in her character, which is calmer and even more grounded. Although there are still outbursts sometimes, but that's human!
What we're increasingly seeing now is the famous CSI effect. I've worked with people in the lab for a long time, and it's fascinating what you notice in such a series. It starts with the absolutely wrong use of gloves because when you wear them and work with materials, you absolutely don't touch anything else and don't even touch your hair; it would all contaminate. Then also the quick processing of analyses through various devices, including DNA comparisons. Yes, the operation of the devices is okay, and the devices are real, but everything is very much accelerated, which of course also happens in terms of storytelling. But normally, such analyses would take much longer than shown here. What's really interesting is the many reports that this was actually demanded in the real world by law enforcement agencies because, as you could see here, it's possible. There are also statistics showing that the number of students enrolled in scientific studies has increased. This shows what power and impact such a series can have when it's well done.
I'm considering whether I should also make a post about the music. I wanted to do that with Dr. House, but then I forgot. Because the individual pieces chosen are really good, plus then some scores contribute a lot to the mood of the series and to individual scenes.
Oh, come on, here's a little preview. In the first season and in the famous roller coaster scene of Grissom (the end of season one), you can hear this song, and as far as series go, it's one of my absolute favorites.
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Your OC accidentally helped a mob boss change a flat while transporting a corpse and was rewarded with a "favor." They then find themselves in a position where they need to make that call. -What is the situation and how bad does it have to be to make that call? -Is it a successful mission or does it require a few steps to complete? -What if the mob wont let your OC go afterwards? Is your OC willing to make peace with that fact or find a way out of it?
This one got away from me I'm not gonna lie. It's close to 2000 words. I'll RB this with the AO3 link once I post it over there. This prompt was *perfect* for my old RP character, so I couldn't help putting her (and her right hand man) in as supporting characters.
Under the cut: Envy Greenberg's Dance with the Devil.
Skid Row, Los Angeles, California - 1989
Envy turns the bolt and yanks on the front door to make sure it won’t budge. Another late, hectic night on the books. Running a bar (especially a dive like Cobalt) is simultaneously the most rewarding and most frustrating thing she’s done in her life. The day that she doesn’t have to get physical with a customer will be… well, probably the day she opens another bar.
She does another sweep and lets herself out the back. Go home. Sleep. Eat. Do it again. Before her keys are out of the lock, she sees a car rolling up in the steel door’s reflection.
“I know you ain’t bouta rob me right now…” she mutters, popping the door back open and grabbing her nail bat from inside. Won’t stop someone who’s really hurting for cash, but it’ll make them think twice about it. Envy locks up again and slowly walks out into the lot, bat at hand.
A long, black sedan sits in the middle of her parking lot, tilted down on one side. Flat tire in the back. The driver steps out and stares. Tall white dude, medium build. Nice suit. Either a Family man (and she thought she left those on the East Coast) or an important cop. She’s not sure which is worse. If it’s the former, she could probably take him if he’s not carrying. The latter would just take a while. Probably want to see her paperwork. Then he’d want a drink. She’d be lucky to get home before the sun’s up.
Her keys jingle when she moves. He whirls around. “Hey! You work here?”
“We’re closed.” Maybe if she keeps it short and doesn’t stop walking, she can get out of this.
“I don’t want trouble. I got a flat, was wondering if you’d help a pal out. I can make it worth your while.” The only thing that’s worth her while right now is her bed. Envy keeps walking. “Didn’t I see you at that protest last month?”
“No you didn’t!” She calls over her shoulder. He thinks he’s real slick, huh? He didn’t see her if she was there, that’s for sure. There might not be that many big black queens with battle vests and locs this side of town, but this one kept her damn face covered.
“Listen!” He exclaims as she reaches her trunk. “I got friends in high places and no spare in the trunk. You help me with this, I’ll scratch your back one day. I promise.”
“Here’s some help: There’s a pay phone down 6th. Call your friends. Or a tow.”
“This isn’t the kind of thing I can trust a tow with. Please. I'm good for it.”
Against her better judgment, Envy puts her spare on the mobster’s car for $20 and a phone number scrawled on an old receipt. The guy vows over and over that if she calls, he’ll help her, but she’s not counting on it.
Hollywood, Los Angeles, California - 2006
Envy pushes up her reading glasses and rubs the bridge of her nose. Agreeing to add playrooms to her new goth club sounded like such a good idea from the outset. Club Hedonism’s been looking for a place to run secondary events and host meetings during their more ‘controversial’ events (looking at you, Willy’s Wild ‘n’ Wet Watersports Week), and it seemed obvious to offer Midnight up.
Unfortunately, the City of Los Angeles has decided to fuck her instead. The building changes she’ll have to make in order to accommodate the playrooms have totally changed the scope of the project. For once, it’s not a money issue, thanks to Hedonism’s contract and her new submissive’s insistence to help— She needs to get new permits before any work can continue, and the city’s not budging.
She starts to punch in the submissive’s number (Isn’t her brother Dethklok’s manager? Maybe she can get a referral for a better lawyer. The one she’s got now hasn’t done shit), then stops, pulling a crumpled receipt out of her desk drawer. That’s right, the time she changed a mobster’s tire. Well, if the guy’s still alive, maybe he can pull some strings with the city. That’s what they do in the Family, isn’t it?
After two rings, a woman with an alluring voice answers. Envy almost hangs up at her Hello? but figures there’s no harm in trying.
“I’m looking for a Rob Muratori?”
Her tone drops instantly. “How did you get this number?”
“He gave it to me after I changed a flat for him in ‘89. I understand if—“
She gives a world-weary sigh and says, “You’re lucky he’s here. Hold on. Rob, vieni subito qui!”
They shout back and forth in Italian for a moment, then Envy hears the telltale sound of a phone being handed over.
“Hey, this is Muratori. No funny business or I’ll find ya!” He laughs, but it’s clear he’s serious about it.
“You might not remember me. I changed a flat for you outside a dive bar called Cobalt in 1989. You gave me this number and said I could call you for a favor.”
“No, I remember you,” he assures, warm tone not quite hiding the menace beneath. “You’re Envy, right? Envy Greenberg. Last weekend, you hosted a rope tutorial at Club Hedonism.”
Envy holds her hand over the phone’s receiver and murmurs, “What the fuck?” to herself before bringing it back to her ear. She replies weakly, “Yeah, that’s me.”
“Cool, just making sure I got it straight. What can I do for you, Envy?”
“Do you know anybody that could help me get some permits through the city? Zoning’s blocking my new club. I didn’t really know where else to turn.”
“As a matter of fact, I do. My uh, friend that answered the phone is real good with contracts. She can grease some wheels downtown and get your project back on track.”
She should be glad it’s working out, but she feels like she’s signing a pact with the Devil. Envy forces a smile into her words as she replies, “Great.”
They make plans for his lawyer-friend to meet her at Club Hedonism the following weekend, as it turns out she’s a member. Envy books them a room. Some things are best discussed in complete privacy. Before they get off the line, Rob makes sure to tell her not to invite anyone else along. It kills her plan to invite her new submissive as buffer before it can crawl.
She waits in the negotiation room for what feels like an hour, jittering her knees until they might bruise. When Muratori’s friend finally shows, she’s not like any lawyer Envy’s ever seen. The lingerie is typical Hedonism fare, but she struts on platform heels like she just got off the pole. Let alone the Az-worthy blue hair. In fact, she would’ve asked her to leave if it weren’t for the gangster rose tatted on one of her arms and the hard look on her face.
“I trust you brought the paperwork,” she says in lieu of introduction. Her voice is back to sultry, but it doesn’t have the same effect now that she can hear the criminal underneath. She’s the sort of fierce beauty that Envy’d normally go silly for. It isn’t getting her blood pumping this time.
“Yeah. Plans and stuff too, in case you need to double check I’m applying for the right zoning permits.”
“That won’t be a problem. Rob’s taking care of my retainer for this, but I do still need you to sign a few things.” She sniffles a little. She bets she knows where that retainer’s going.
“For sure.” It would’ve been nice to have Sunday here, if only to make sure she isn’t signing herself into a corner. That’s probably why Muratori insisted she meet the lawyer alone. 
She learns the woman’s name through the paperwork, at least. Darian Ambrosia. Envy would prefer to take her time and read everything over, but Darian’s piercing stare makes her rush. Steel grey eyes follow her every movement. Envy starts to sweat. Stiletto nails drum the table with coked out impatience. Envy reads a little faster.
When they finish, Darian softens those killer eyes and asks, “I try not to mix business and pleasure, but are you taking clients right now?”
Thank God for Sunday, Envy thinks and answers, “Not right now, I just took on a new submissive. It’ll be a while before I’m available for new play partners again.”
“I wonder if Ms. Mourning knows how lucky she really is. Let her know Rob and I are fans.”
“Uh-huh.” Damn, they’re gonna bring her subs into this? Guess it’s hard to get at her family when they’re all on the East Coast.
Despite the thug behavior, Darian and Rob are as good as their word. Envy only has to live with a pit in her stomach for three weeks before the permits go through and she’s back to expressing her stress with a sledgehammer. She stays glancing over her shoulder, though. A few years later, the other shoe drops.
Las Vegas, Nevada - 2010
The downturn hits Turquoise the hardest of her establishments. Figures. Vegas is not quite as recession-proof as Hollywood, and a decrease in tourists means a decrease in money all around. She’s having the opposite of a pleasant vacation. Laying off a bunch of cocktail waitresses isn’t her idea of a good time. Doing it in person with severance is the best she can do, and even that’s not as much as her girls deserve.
All this to say that by the end of her tear-soaked, chlorine-scented day, Envy’s feeling rotten to the core. All she wants to do is get in her car and spend the five hour drive back to LA shouting along to old Misfits CDs, but God has something else in mind. 
There’s a couple in dark suits leaning against the car next to hers. Darian’s hair is platinum blonde now, but she can’t miss the gunslinger’s glares on her and her companion’s faces.
“Mr. Muratori, Ms. Ambrosia. Enjoying a weekend getaway?”
“Something like that,” Rob Muratori agrees, flashing his killer’s grin. “Get in the van.”
“I’m good. I got a long drive back to LA, and my submissive’s waiting on me for an appointment.”
“That’s interesting, since the news won’t shut up about Nathan Explosion proposing to her at Paris Disneyland,” Darian drawls, checking her manicure. The tattoos have crawled down to her hands now. Between those and the hungry look in her cheeks, Envy doubts she’s been doing much legal work lately.
“Ms. Greenberg, it’ll be easier for everyone if you come along. Your car will still be here when you come back.”
Rob’s reassurance does little to soothe Envy’s nerves. She didn’t want to get mixed up in this to begin with, and she’s not going to do favors back and forth with them forever. He’s skinnier than she remembers, too. She stands firm. Might be able to take him on if he tries to grab her.
He shifts to put a hand on his hip and Envy catches a glimpse of a pistol inside his suit jacket. Never mind, she’s going along for this one. “You promise I’ll be home in time for dinner?”
“If everything goes like it should, I’ll make you dinner myself. You like Italian?”
“Who doesn’t?”
It turns out he needs her as backup muscle for a deal. She stands at a door with a gun on her hip while Rob and Darian ‘convince’ a debtor to pay up. No blood is spilled, yet she feels filthy once they’re done. She’ll be scrubbing herself raw in the shower tonight.
Rob’s pleased with the results and promises Envy another favor. She silently vows never to be down bad enough to take it.
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workofthediesel · 1 year
Please could you do some post 2018 rusted brakes? If not, maybe Electra and Rusty? 🧡
Rusty winced as he lowered himself into the bath. His rust patches had been bothering him for the past few days, and he’d finally decided to do something about it. Baking soda baths never fully solved the problem, but they did stop the itching and helped shrink the patches down a bit. Sometimes, that was all he needed.
Still, the patches were a bit raw. Despite everyone telling him not to scratch them, Rusty couldn't help himself; they were just too itchy. The natural consequence of that were the dozens of little scratches he had itched into his skin–the exact thing everyone had been trying to prevent.
It didn't hurt too bad, and Rusty had been taking care of the scratches so there was no risk of infection. Even so, the overall itchiness and tightness and slight stinging of his skin was starting to get too much.
Baking soda baths weren't his favorites, but he had to admit, they did help.
He sunk down into the water, trying to get comfortable. He was going to have to soak for a while. 
He wouldn’t have minded that so much if he’d had his hands free, but since he had some particularly stubborn patches of rust on his wrists and around his knuckles, he’d need to keep his hands under the water, too. That changed the experience from a relaxing afternoon when he could catch up on some reading to an exercise in boredom.
He sat in the tub for as long as he could stand—by his best estimate, it had been about an hour. His skin was feeling much better by that point, and with any luck, it would have been long enough to loosen up the rust enough for him to scrub it off.
He grabbed the scouring pad off the edge of the tub, dumped some extra baking soda onto it, and raised it up to his neck. The patch there wasn’t as bad as some of his others, so if anything was going to come off, it was probably that. 
It worked well enough. After a minute or so of scrubbing, he scooped a little water over the area and was able to wash off a good amount of rust. Another minute of scrubbing and the patch was all cleared up.
He moved on to some of his other lesser patches next. The bad ones could use the extra time to soak, and besides, he was somewhat dreading the amount of work it would take to get those ones off.
At a certain point, however, he couldn’t put it off any longer. With all of the easy parts done, there was nothing else to do but start attacking the hard ones.
He started with his knuckles. It was easy enough to scrub the backs of his hands, but it was significantly more difficult to get between his fingers. He got frustrated with it pretty quickly, but after ten minutes spent alternating scouring his hands and dunking them back into the water, they were clearer than they had been in weeks.
By the time he’d gotten to his elbow, Rusty was ready to call it quits. He was bored and frustrated, and he just wanted to be done with this already. 
Distantly, he heard the front door open. Caboose had been out with Electra for the afternoon, which had been part of the reason Rusty had chosen today to do this. He was supposed to have been out for three or four hours, so Rusty was anticipating being done before he got back. The fact that he wasn’t doubled his irritation. 
Moments later, Caboose called, “Rusty?” from the front hall.
“In the bath,” he shouted back. 
Not even a minute later, Caboose was pushing open the door to the bathroom; Rusty must have forgotten to lock it. He leaned in the doorway for a moment before coming in. He came to a stop next to the tub, tossing his hat to the side and kneeling down to be on level with Rusty. His eyes flicked to the water for a moment, and it was clear that between the cloudiness of the water and the scouring pad still in his hand, he was able to put together what was going on. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Okay enough,” Rusty said, resuming his scrubbing at the inside of his elbow. 
“And that’s why you’re attacking your skin with a scouring pad.”
Rusty sighed, dropping his arms back down into the water. “It’s just a flare up. You know they happen.”
“Yes, I do,” Caboose said, reaching into the water to grab Rusty’s hand. “And I also know that I told you to let me know when it started to get bad.”
“It’s not that bad,” Rusty said defensively.
“But it’s bad enough that you’re taking a baking soda bath.” Caboose splashed his face with a bit of the water, an act that toed the line between playful and punishing.
With his free hand, Rusty wiped off his face. Despite his best effort, he couldn’t keep the smile off his face. “It’s just a little itchy.” In this instance, a little itchy also meant a little painful, but Caboose didn’t need to know that. 
As always, Caboose knew exactly what Rusty wasn’t saying. He watched Rusty with a knowing look for a moment, but all he said was, “Okay. I don’t believe you, but okay.”
Rusty was happy to let that be the end of the discussion, but it was at that moment that Caboose let go of his hand. Seconds later, Caboose pulled his hand out of the water, and Rusty saw that—without him realizing it—Caboose had worked the scouring pad out of his hand under the water and was now holding it in his. 
He only had a second to process that before Caboose said, “Lean forward,” placing a hand on his back and pushing him into the position he wanted. 
“You don’t have to—” Rusty started to object even as he let Caboose manhandle him.
“Oh, I know I don’t have to,” Caboose said, grabbing the box of baking soda sitting on the edge of the tub. “But I want to.”
With no further discussion, Caboose started sprinkling a little extra baking soda on the rust patches on Rusty’s back and got to work scrubbing.
He was a little rough with it, but Rusty knew that was what he needed to get the rust to come off. Besides, even after soaking them, the patches were still a little itchy. Having them scratched was satisfying.
Gratefully, Rusty let himself relax into Caboose’s ministrations. In contrast with the aggressive way he was scrubbing at the rust patches, the hand he was using to brace himself was gentle on Rusty’s shoulder. Whenever he poured water over the area to wash away the flakes of rust he’d managed to get up, he followed it up by running his hand over the area, rubbing it with a light touch.
“That feels nice,” Rusty said softly, his shoulders sagging as he relaxed even further.
Caboose chuckled. “Good. I’m glad.” He planted a gentle kiss on Rusty’s back before scooting to the side a bit and reaching for Rusty’s arm.
Rusty gave it to him without a moment’s hesitation, and Caboose got to work on the patch on Rusty’s elbow. While Rusty had been nothing but frustrated with that one in particular, Caboose didn’t seem bothered, scrubbing off the patch without a single flicker of irritation crossing his face.
Rusty watched him, taking in all the details of his face, trailing over his sharp cheekbones and the pointed tip of his nose. Even though he seemed deep in concentration, Caboose’s face was calm, the barest hint of a smile playing at his lips. Seeing that, Rusty couldn’t help but smile, too.
They passed a few more minutes in silence before Caboose deemed Rusty’s arm to be as good as it was going to get. It was certainly better than Rusty would have gotten it. 
“Thank you for this,” Rusty said, reaching up to take Caboose’s hand. “You really didn’t have to.”
“For you? Anything.”
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eskelwolfed · 1 year
We're down to twenty drafts on Eskel. I think it's a good time to give myself a break again for a week or so. I'll be around on my multis to work on those drafts instead.
Usually I'm always logged in to Eskel, but from tomorrow I might be logged out for periods of time when I work on my multis.
So, it's not really a break I'll still write some replies, mostly multi replies for my main partner Morphy and my affiliated partner Julian.
Mutuals may add me on d*scord if you haven't already! Please let me know via DM what your d*sco handle is, to avoid confusion.
(Hehe it me, being confused 24/7.)
PSA mentions:
@witchered @heretoboogie @monmuses
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oflgtfol · 9 months
literally killingmyself
had my first customer get upset with me over self checkout. trying to stock shit while theres no one around and im rationalizing to myself well even if there is someone around they can check themself out now. but then this woman comes over i greet her and inform her about our new self check and shes like oh ok. but then she is hovering over me and eventually is rudely like. Well are you gonna check me out. “its just 3 items” she eventually like snidely says to me as if i shouldve known she wanted to be checked out bc of that?? its just 3 items fucking scan them yourself if youre gonna give me that attitude bitch
then another customer she was nice about it but she didnt realize it takes card only and iknew that a card out self check would be confusing to people especially with no clear indication that its card only until the end of the transaction. theres no label or sign saying card only. so she was a bit rankled about that and she said yeah bur theyre brand new i feel bad for you for having to run back and foeth between stocking and helping me at self check and im like haha its a learning curve for everyone. she leaves i go on my walkie and say yeah we absolutely should put a sign saying card only like i had said before cuz i already got a customer confused by it. Then mt fucking SM gives me fucking attitude and says “we’re the ambassadors we have to tell them, no sign” like huh? that defeats the whole purpose of self checkout if i need to constantly hover over every single person and ask them how they’re checking out. if youre using sco as a way to short staff us then fucking let me as main cashier do things i normally wouldnt be able to do in between customers, like stocking. i still cant fucking do that if i have to hover over ever single person then. Also thats just asking for trouble because just by nature of how crazy shit gets, someone will eventually forget to tell a customer and its no one’s fault its just being a fucking human but by not having it objectively posted that means anyone who gets mad when that eventually happens will then put the blame on the poor cashier. For the love of god for both the cashier and the customers sakes just put a fucking sign up what is your damn problem
AND THEN i have a creepy customer fucking asking me if we’re hiring, “are you guys still hiring Miss Brot?” (after looking at my nametag) i say no he says aw is it cuz /i/ asked i just said no lol its cuz its after the holidays we lose our seasonal hours. And hes acting all like weirdly flirty and he calls me beautiful hes with another man whose just acting as normal and the normal man is the one doing the purchase this weird guy is just standing next to him with him and so im just being normal with the normal guy ignoring the creepy guy but as i say have a good day then this man shouts out like Bye beautiful! like girlie leave me ALONE im in a terrible mood already
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scopop08 · 2 years
Hello Hermitblr.
I have come bearing a gift. A 2 minute long, seven year old video in 240p of mumbo, zed, tango, and impulse attempting to play pingpong.
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mmmthornton · 2 years
I'll let you girlies who are crypto or questioning / afraid in on a lil' secret:
that dreaded callout post that you believe will TOTALLY ruin your life? probably won't.
The people who lose all appreciation of who you are from that weren't good people anyway. Worst case is you'll go through friend breakups that probably would've happened over time anyway.
For anyone else though? there's literally no point to it, except in a counterproductive sense. I'll suddenly see a tag of mine getting spammed with likes from some such fandom that I tag, and usually I can trace it to a "EVERYBODY IN THE BLORBVENGERS FANDOM, BLOCK @MMMTHORNTON NOW! She's a dangerous evil terf!!!" post by someone who probably also blocked me before ever interacting with or reading my posts anyway lol. Its great when they put a bunch of bigger tags on it because the effect is more "God the person who made this post is annoying, I'm gonna see what the blog of someone they hate is like" and before you know it they're neck deep in D*sco El*sium shitposts via my notes.
I see you! Its fine! but maybe we should do more to discourage people from acting like entitled dipshits with a hint of power over anyone else's fandom experience.
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siriannatan · 2 years
Not Your Typical Emperors Meeting - one-shot
I really enjoy writing all these random one-shots lately :}
Am I almost done with yet another one-shot as I'm posting this? Maybe…
Scott was never taught to be a ruler. He was the second son of elven kings, after all, no one expected he'd ever have to rule. His older brother was supposed to do all that while Scott married some foreign prince and secured a good alliance. All Scott was ever expected to be was a polite, well-mannered, pretty prince who could hold a good conversation. He could have his little hobbies but that was after all his usual lessons on art, history, manners, and other such things. Not how to rule.
And then Xor decided to have his 200s rebellion and ran away to some stinking jungle elf prince. Who does things like that? And just a few days after inheriting the throne when your fathers decide they are done and go on a long, long trip. Not Scott.
Scott, faced with his new reality didn't complain or throw a tantrum freezing the whole castle for three days... Okay, maybe he did but once he got over it he sat down for a quick crash course on how to rule from his advisors. And did not go anywhere without them just in case he needed to ask them about things. He knew he could trust them, they have advised his father for years. And if they did start causing trouble he could just freeze them.
A real test of the new system came two weeks after Scott had to become an emergency king. Ruler's meet organised by lady empress Katherine of House Blossom. Scott could not bring any advisors along for that. Not into the meeting room, only rulers themselves were allowed in. At least communicators were allowed in case of emergency situations so Scott could always send quick questions out. Depending on where he was seated...
And so, after a week of learning what little elves knew about other kingdoms - Rivendell did not tend to be too open to other nations during Scott's father's rule. After a discussion with the advisors, Scott decided to be a bit more open. As scary as that was.
Lady Katherine was welcoming, even if surprised that it was Scott and not his brother that showed up. Scott was hopeful he made a good impression on her.
He didn't have much time to wander about the flowering gardens of the fairy kingdom. Not when he arrived late the day before the meeting and with it starting early. And him wanting to be there early to hopefully calm his nerves so he did not cover the whole castle in ice. And to maybe make a good impression.
He was not the first one to arrive. The half-dragon ruler of Grimlands, count fWhip if he recalled the name correctly from the quick course on other rulers, was already in his seat. Sleeping, as Scott judged from the lack of response to his greeting. He didn't let it bother him. Being a ruler, in his short so far experience, was a tiring thing so he let the man rest and looked for where he was supposed to sit. 
Right between Grimlands and Cod Empire. Two empires leading big alliances who happened to not like each other. From what Scott remembered it had something to do with cod and salmon-based religions or something like that. According to his advisors, he should be okay as long as he did not talk to either of them about fish. He could do that.
After that quick check-in with the home base, Scott looked about taking in the meeting room. Just in case he had to get one ready for any reason. Yet, somehow, most of his attention went to the sleeping count. He was not the image of what Scott imagined other rulers to be. He was a redhead and most of his face was covered by either hair or a pair of slightly sooty goggles. There was soot and slight burn marks all over his clothes. He did not wear a proper crown of any sort but Scott guessed the jewellery decorating his dark red and black horns were supposed to be it. Or he hoped it was, he'd feel stupid if he was the only one with a crown of some sort with his golden circlet in the image of stag horns. 
As fWhip started to shift and huff in his sleep Scott forced himself to not look at him anymore. He supposed he might have been handsome under all the soot and goggles. He shockingly did not mind the neatly trimmed beard. But he probably should process that later. When other rulers weren't gathering.
Next to come was the Codfather of the Cod Empire. A weird title but Scott would not comment on it. Or on the slightly funny hat he wore in place of a crown. Or that he looked even less like a ruler than fWhip with his tight, sleeveless shirt and loose pants and sandals. 
"Oh... hello... He's asleep? Good..." Jimmy, as the nameplate on the table said, said. "You're... from Rivendell? My condolences about the whole situation, I wasn't all that ready either when I had to take up ruling," he smiled taking his seat on Scott's left. 
"Thank you, I'm lucky my father's advisors are still around," Scott returned the smile. Jimmy's smile was nice even if most of his face was covered by his funny mask.
Jimmy hummed in response, busying himself with his communicator. He sat on the far end of the sizeable chair. Scott hoped it was because of fWhip and not him. He didn't have to wonder long, not with fWhip waking up with a wide, full-of-teeth yawn, followed by him pulling his goggles down and looking about the room with dark blue eyes. And shifting away as he noticed Jimmy who was completely ignoring him.
"You are... from Rivendell... the new king..." he muttered between a few more yawns. "Sorry, had a long night," he added stretching slightly.
"It's okay, I understand, the name's Scott," he introduced himself. Hoping Jimmy was not offended that he was friendly to his rival. He was just being generally polite, nothing else.
"If you say so," fWhip shrugged. "Didn't Katherine say she did not want any masks at her table?" the half-dragon grinned at Jimmy.
"Katherine's not here yet, I'll take it off later," the cod leader tossed back, not even gracing him with a look. "And behave yourself, you're making Scott uncomfortable with this un-called-for hostility," he added shooting Scott an apologetic smile. It made fWhip shut up with a huff.
Lucky for Scott more rulers started to arrive.
Next to come was lady Pearl of Gilded Helianthia along with king Sausage of Mythland. They looked a lot more like proper rulers which calmed Scott a little bit. They returned his greetings before returning to their previous conversation and pulling fWhip into it since they were his allies. Lady Pearl was sitting on the right of where lady Katherine would sit with king Sausage next to her, opposite Lady Shubble of Undergrowth who just arrived with lady Gem of Crystal Cliffs and separating her from count fWhip. They also returned Scott's greeting before coming back to their chat. Something about magic.
Scott hoped they would not talk about magic with him. Ice elves had a very different approach to magic than even other elves. A lot more casual approach than mages of other races and nations did not like most of the time. Yeah. Another 'no' topic for him.
Soon after them the one person Scott really didn't want to see showed up. Joey of the Jungle empire. King of the jungle elves and the one Xornoth ran away from his duties to be with. He came in with king Pixl of Pixandria who sat opposite Scott, luckily breaking the eyesight he'd otherwise have to share with Joey. Pix quickly shifter his attention from Joey to Jimmy.
And not too long after them the Ocean Queen Lizzie and her husband, king of Mezalea Joel arrived, quickly followed by lady Katherine and the meeting started.
Luckily, other than introducing himself properly Scott didn't have to say much and focused on listening. No one was taking notes so he dropped that idea and focused on trying to remember as much as he could.
Once the meeting was over most of the rulers quickly went their separate ways, back to their empires. But before they did they exchanged some pleasantries with Scott.
"If you ever need something blown up visit Grimlands," fWhip grinned before leaving Scott alone with Jimmy.
"Don't mind him, he's not the worst out there," Jimmy assured, once again donning his mask. A real shame since he was really handsome under it. "It's a bit hard to believe now, that we used to be friends... But that was before the war and stuff..." he added, there was a hint of regret in his voice. "You're always welcome to visit my kingdom if you don't mind some mud... Swamps have a lot of that," he chuckled a bit stiffly and also left.
Scott was not quite sure what to think about the whole meeting as he travelled back home. It was good to know what was going on in other empires. And it also made obvious what he still needed to learn. Like about that war Jimmy mentioned. He heard Cod Empire won some big war and that it sparked the animosity with Grimlands but not much beyond that. It would probably be very good for him to understand what has happened there. Just in case... Maybe because he found both rulers very handsome...
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diviinitatis · 2 years
NAME: Giulia / g
I'm currently hyperfixated on Di/sco Ely/sium and it's the first and only media that I've ever fixated on as much as I have CoVT. It was also my very first video game so it'll forever have a special place in my heart❤️
I finally got an ADHD diagnosis and have unfortunately realized that I project it (or some form of neurodivergency) on most of my favorite characters-- D'Ablo most notably, turns out I've been writing him as ADHD for YEARS and just now realized it.
The cat that I say is my cat isn't actually mine, he's a family member's with some I live. However he is my baby and I love him so he's my cat ❤️ It's also mandatory that everyone sees him so pasted a picture under a read more at the end of this post you're welcome.
PLATFORMS USED: Only tumblr. I joined tumblr rp in 2014 and I just like the slow pace, low-pressure format. Discord is too fast (and scary), twitter is too short-form and I am wordy as fuck, also it's twitter so gross.
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: I like a combination of plotting and winging it! Usually the plots come from a meme or an unhinged 3 am message of "guess what I just thought of" and then we cry and scream for a while, and maybe it'll come to fruition, maybe not (and if it doesn't I treasure it regardless).
GENDER: I tend to write male characters more easily, not sure why, but I have no preference in terms of what gender my partners' muses are! Give me all the muses.
MULTI OR SINGLE MUSE: I love running a multi and I don't want to go back. Organization is so much easier, and it's all in one place. There is the trade-off that some people just don't want to interact with multis but we're all entitled to our preferences! I usually tend to interact more with multis as well but I'm not at all opposed to writing with single-muse blogs.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): I am not a fan of animated face claims.
FLUFF: I love me some fluff. I love slice of life interactions, some feel-good stuff, some character exploration that doesn't end in trauma.
ANGST: Speaking of trauma, I do love inflicting horrible trauma on fictional characters, even more than I like slice of life. Instead of slice of life, make it a slice off their body. Or, if that's not available, a slice off their mental wellbeing.
SMUT: I've come to appreciate smut as a good character development tool, so yes I am down for smut.
And to wrap up my kitty is below the cut ❤️
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fyeahcindie · 2 years
So good to hear new music from these peeps!  This is The Shine & Shine & Shine & Shine 閃閃閃閃, and it’s the song “兒時舞 25″ from the new album, Shiori.   =D
This tune is an upbeat rocker, and it seems like a reply to their 2009 song “一瞬之光” (From the 1st album Meet Me When You Are 25.  
Music/Lyrics: 葛亭筠 Ko Ting-Yun (there’s a post on IG saying she wrote the song back in 2015, before the band first broke up.  I’m glad they brought it back!) Arrangement: 閃閃閃閃 Producer: 閃閃閃閃 Vocal Producer: Yile Lin 林以樂 (aka Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑), 鄭平
Full a/v credits backi at YT.
葛亭筠 Ko Ting-Yun-Voc/Keys (also in 傷心欲絕 wayne's so sad, ex-向量單車 Vector the Bike)
阮莉惠 MiMi Ruan-Gtr (ex-熱寫生 heat sketch, ex-Super Tortoise 超級龜, ex-The Tic Tac, ex-向量單車 Vector the Bike)
肚皮 Dupi 杜秉鴻-Drums (also in Wonfu 旺福)
OmOi 張憶文-Bass (also in P!SCO, GOTA)
Links:  New YouTube,  Instagram,  Spotify,  Bandcamp, The Shine & Shine & Shine & Shine - Topic (YT)
The song I referred to above -- I’ve posted this several times, but it’s a classic TW indie song (lyrics back at YT):
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killeroos · 18 days
Alright, so continuing my prev post about Trav's dismissals, only against Afghanistan, he got out on a duck by a right arm pacer (Naveen ul-Haq) in the powerplay. Both in CWC23 and T20WC24.
But they also had Gurbaz wicketkeeping. So that might be the reason for the anomaly.
So ig we can conclude that Trav is null and void against Gurbaz keeping and left arm pacers bowling. 🥲👍🥹😪
On the other hand, Inglis has scored a very good 77(33) against SCO today, and all the 3 wickets SCO took have been by Currie (really something there, huh, what a day he's been having. Can't help but appreciate!)
haha no way! i reckon we can call heady gurbaz's bunny even if he isn't actually the one bowling 😆
also omg!? i haven't had a chance to catch up on the cricket yet but i LOVE that!!!
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