magical-gf · 7 years
Pending URL change, would prefer a pseudo name as opposed to my actual name.
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gingerkyuketsuki · 6 years
so i found a blog on here (@/inrin) and they’re a fucking amazing artist and i dont think anyone’s really noticed them yet so HERE I AM TELLING YOU TO GO LOOK AT THEIR BLOG BECAUSE ITS BEEN HOURS AND IM STILL SCREAMING
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owarus · 7 years
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Smol Rinrin » dedicated to Seda ♡
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rogi-baba · 7 years
Tagged by @inrinity ♡
Rules: answer 30 some questions and tag 20 some blogs you would like to get to know better.
1. Nicknames: Bobby2Hands
2. Gender: Male
3. Star sign: I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that astrology is bullshit.
4. Height: 6′3″
5. Time: 9:50 PM
6. Birthday: August 31st 
7. Favorite bands: some of my faves are Weezer, Sex Pistols, The Clash, My Chemical Romance
8. Favorite solo artists: Harry Styles, Gerard Way
9. Song stuck in my head: If you’re wondering if I want you to (I want you to) - Weezer
10. Last movie I watched: Just saw Blade Runner 2049
11. Last show I watched: Archer
12. When did I create my blog: Um... idk a few months ago.
13. What do I post: Nerd shit
14. Last thing I googled: "Jiggypuff plush” for Rin ahaha <3
15. Do I have any other blogs: Nope
16. Do I get asks: No, not really
17. Why I chose my url: There’s a whole story behind this name. Not worth the time to write it out lol
18. Following: all sorts of classified shit
19. Followers: not many :////// but the ones i do have are bitchin
21. Average hours of sleep: ~8 i guess
22. Lucky number: Luck ain’t shit
23. Instruments: I own a bass, that’s as far as it goes
24. What am I wearing: Basketball shorts/t shirt
25. Dream job: Astronaut/Cosmologist
26. Dream trip: Scotland just cause, Australia to see Rin, and Tennessee/Ohio for Josh/Bre
27. Favorite food: I wouldn’t say I have an overall favorite food, but I do have favorites within the types of food.
28. Nationality: American
30. Favorite song right now: uuuhhhhhhhhhhh probably Colours by Grouplove, maybe?? idk????
lemme tag uh: @anyonebutgracie
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NEW That ‘70s Show FanFiction- Happy Father’s Day, Mr. Forman
Hi everyone, thanks for your input yesterday on this post. I’ve posted the mini Red and Jackie Father’s Day fic. It’s short and sweet, I hope you like it! Enjoy!
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Title: Happy Father’s Day, Mr. Forman
Summary: Unable to spend Father’s Day with her own father, Jackie gives a little gift to the other father figure in her life. 
Rating: K+
Pairings: Red and Jackie (family/friendship)
Links: FFnet and AO3
Tagging those of you who were interested in reading the fic yesterday, thanks again!: @jo-sirius-potter @geekylainelove @those70scomics @yikesabikes @minnesotamiracleman96 @redrosalie1 @preciousmila @nadinelamignonne @conversesweetheart @garowl77 @jupiterhyde @inrinity @khelskhels @elycenavidad
And a peek inside:
“Here Mr. Forman, this is for you.”
Red frowned at the blue envelope that had been placed on the table top in front of him. “What the hell is this?”
“Open it,” Jackie replied, his gruff tone never flattening her beaming smile.
As a cautious left hand reach out to grab the envelope off the table, Red gave the young woman a skeptical look and continued to do so between moments of flipping open the flap of the envelope. She just kept smiling as she stood beside where he sat at the kitchen table, eagerly watching him open her little gift.
With the envelope now open, Red pulled out the card that had been placed inside. However, taking out the card for a better look didn’t erase the furrow of Red’s brow.
There was a smiling cartoon bear on the cover and it had its arms wrapped around itself; the words printed above the image read “I just hugged you in my mind! Hope you felt the squeeze!” And then flipping the card open Red found inside the preprinted words of “Happy Father’s Day!” as well as the hand signed “Love Jackie”—with a tiny heart placed over the letter ‘i.’
“Jackie, this uh,” Red cleared his throat awkwardly as he closed the greeting card. “This is a Father’s Day Card.”
She smiled back at him, “I know. Happy Father’s Day, Mr. Forman!”
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wiltingboy · 7 years
sdkfjhsdkghsdkgh "fang" maybe? sdg
that just gets me emo kid vampire necklaces 
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theoreticalcrowns · 7 years
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Handwriting Tag Tagged by: @berna-di-angelo Tagging: @ivegotthislove, @stellartadashi, @ravenclawasfuck, @milkdudsnotdrugs, @cthulhuplays, @inrinity, @artsymbti, @infjvent
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50 PALABRAS PARA DEFINIR LA LLUVIA.Quizá ningún otro idioma se compare al japonés en su nivel de sensibilidad para definir ciertos aspectos de la realidad.
雨  あめ  ame  lluvia
白雨  はくう  hakuu  aguacero
急雨  きゅう  kyuu  aguacero
俄雨  にわかあめ  niwakaame  aguacero
降雨  こう  kou  cortina de agua
Lluvia según su intensidad
弱雨  じゃくう  jakuu  lluvia débil
小雨  こさめ  kosame  lluvia ligera
小降り  こぶり  koburi  lluvia ligera
微雨  びう  biu  lluvia ligera
小糠雨  こぬかあめ  konukaame  lluvia fina
煙雨  えんう  enu  lluvia con neblina
細雨  さいう  saiu  llovizna
多雨  たう  tau  lluvia fuerte
大雨  おおあめ  ooame  lluvia fuerte
強雨  きょうう  kyouu  lluvia más fuerte
横降り  よこぶり  yokoburi  lluvia al conducir
吹き降り  ふきぶり  fukiburi  lluvia al conducir
篠突く雨  しのつくあめ  shinotsukuame  lluvia intensa
集中豪雨  しゅうちゅうごうう  shuuchuugouu  aguacero severo y localizado
Lluvia con…
風雨  ふう  fuu  lluvia y viento
雨氷  うひょう  uhyou  lluvia congelante
雨後雪  あめのちゆき  amenochiyuki  lluvia y después nieve
雪交じり  ゆきまじり  yukimajiri  nieve con lluvia
雨混じりの雪  あめまじりのゆき  amemajirinoyuki  nieve con lluvia
晴後雨  はれのちあめ  harenochiame  claro y después lluvia
雨露  うろ  uro  lluvia y rocío
Lluvia fría
涼雨  りょうう  ryouu  lluvia fresca
冷雨  れいう  reiu  lluvia fría
寒雨  かんう  kanu  lluvia fría de invierno
氷雨  ひさめ  hisame  lluvia muy fría o granizo
Lluvia de primavera. Tsuchiyama, 1836
Tipos de lluvia
夜雨  やう  yau  lluvia nocturna
梅雨前線  ばいうぜんせん  baiuzensen  lluvia de temporada
春霖  しゅんりん  shun rin  lluvia de primavera
春雨  しゅんう  shun u  lluvia amable de primavera
緑雨  りょくう  ryokuu  primeras lluvias de verano
五月雨  さみだれ  samidare  primeras lluvias de verano
秋雨  あきさめ  akisame  lluvia de otoño
秋霖  しゅうりん  shuu rin  lluvia de otoño
凍雨  とうう  touu  lluvia de invierno
十雨  じゅうう  juuu  lluvia refrescante una vez cada 10 días
恵雨  けいう  keiu  lluvia inaugural
人工雨  じんこうう  jinkouu  lluvia artificial
放射能雨  ほうしゃのうう  houshanouu  lluvia radioactiva
天泣  てんきゅう  tenkyuu  lluvia de un cielo sin nubes
El tiempo y la lluvia
雨模様  あまもよう  amamoyou  lluvia que se anuncia
雨催い  あまもよい  amamoyoi  amenaza de lluvia
雨上り  あまあがり  amaagari  después de la lluvia
雨後  うご  ugo  después de la lluvia
雨間  あまあい  amaai  una pausa en la lluvia
晴一時小雨  はれいちじこさめ  hareichijikosame  breve lluvia ligera
霖  ながめ  nagame  lluvia prolongada
霖雨  りんう  rinu  lluvia prolongada
長雨  ながめ  nagame  lluvia prolongada
陰霖  いんりん  inrin  lluvia prolongada
夕立  ゆうだち  yuudachi  lluvia vespertina súbita
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chinshyguy · 5 years
(He hi #tumblr draft ah a lo in safe ngat a, ka post hman hma in ka password ka theihnghilh nge ka hre chhuak zo tawh lo. Ka thar thawh leh e.)
Providence Higher Secondary School
Zarkawt Basketball Court
 School Games tur atana inbuatsaih nan thenkhatin Basketball an practice a, a sir kil khatah chuan kan pahnihin kan thu a, basketball practice chu kan thlir dun a, a phone chu earpiece a ngaithla in kan in be lem lo a. Ka va melh zauh a, min lo en reng a, nui seih phahin hnuailam a bih daih a.
 Khami nia a incheina kha ka theihnghilh theilo, Providence tee-shirt eng leh jeans a ha a, Converse a bun bawk a. A thiante knee cap chu a chawnah duh dah takin a hreng bawk. Khua alum deuh avangin a sam chu chunglamah a bawk a, a then rawn uai thla chu a nghawng velah a kawi ngiai a. Class 10 hmeichhe ho zingah amah hi chu ka hmu ve zauh zauh thin, chuti teh chiam a tha ka tih pawh ka hre lo. Vawiin ni a kil khata nu em em a a lo thu erawh ka inrin hmain ka lo va melh leh thin. Ka thutna ni a sat avang chuan a awmna lamah chuan ka in sawn phei a. Rei tawk fang in be lem lo a kan thut hnu chuan amah zawk chu a tawng hmasa ah a rawn tang a.
  ‘Enga ti nge I khelh ve loh?’
Ka chhang lo. Ka nui ringawt a.
‘I thiam vak lo em ni?’
‘Aw’ tih chauhin ka chhang a, kan ngawi leh rauh rauh a. Miin nel taka min kawm laia lo tih deuh hmuk kha ka inthiam leh ta chiah lo a, rei tawk fangah chuan,
‘Eng hla nge?’ ka ti ringawt a, a earpiece lehlam chu phawiin, ‘Maw?’ a rawn ti ha a.
‘Eng hla nge?’
‘John Mayer’
‘I duh a mi?’
‘Duh lutuk.’ a ti a. ‘I duh ve em?’
‘Duh tho.’
A earpiece pakhat chu ka benga a rawn vuah a,
‘Ka va hre ngailo ve’
‘A hla thar a nia’ mi rawn thut hnaih sat sat a.
‘A nalh ka ti’ ka ti a. Hla chu basketball thiante khelh en phah chuan kan ngaithla dun a.  
 I am an architect
Of things that haven’t happened yet
I can’t believe a month is all it’s been
You know my paper heart
The one I filled with pencil mark
I think I might have gone and inked you in
Little by little, inch by inch
We built a yard with a garden in the middle of it
And it ain’t much, but it’s a start
You got me swayin’ right along to the song of your heart
And a face to call home, a face to call home
You got a face to call home.
 Chu chu bul kan tanna a ni.
 School ban hnu dar 4 vel bawr a ni a. Ruah a sur ka rin avangin an hostel thleng thlah ka tum a, hostel kan thlen hma chuan ruahpui vanawn chu a rawn thleng ta mai. Tuikhuahtlang Forest Office balcony ah chuan kan tlan lut rawk rawk a, kan din fe hnu pawh a a la sur nasat avangin inhnuai panna step-ah chuan kan thu lut deuh a. Hnunglam atangin ka pawm a, a khurh deuh dar dar avang chuan ka blazer chu ka hak tir a. Khua a thim dawn hnai, ruah erawh a la tam hle mai.
 A awma ka kuahna ka kut suih chu a fawp zauh a, hnung lam atang pawh chuan a thla a muang hle tih ka hre thei. A samah chuan ka hnar ka phum vang vang a, a rim a va tui em, a sam rim kha ka theihnghilh thei lo. Khua a thim ta, ruah erawh a la bang lo.
 ‘I hlau em?’
Chu zawhna min zawt chu ka nuih a za deuh hlek a, ‘Hlau lo e’ ka ti a. ‘I hlau deuh em ni?’
‘Hlau lo e’
Ka nui hawk a.
‘Ka huai ti raw?’ a ti a.
A rawn thle a, ka dar chu a ngheng ar ar bawk a. Zawite chuan a hmuiah ka fawp a. He khawvelah hian kan pahnih bakin kan awm ta lo.
Providence School, Zarkawt
 Nikhat chu tarmit a rawn bun a, mak ka lo ti deuh khawp mai a. Principal Laloo-a hmuh lohin ka hruai hrang a a chhan ka zawt a, a mit a rawn fiahloh thut thu a sawi mai a. Kei lah ta pek chuan tarmit bun chu a inhmeh ka tih loh thu chu fiamthu ti tak deuhin ka lo sawi ve ngawt a. A lungawi vaklo a niang a kal sawn ta daih a. Chumi kar chu kan in be tam lo hle. Ka text mi reply lo a, call a la thei hek lo. Kar tawpah vawi khat erawh mi a rawn phone a ka lo la duh bik lo a.
 A karleh thawhtan ni chuan amah ka hmuh mai loh avangin ka zawng deuh a, school erawh chu a kal. Tlai lam school ban chuan ka lo nghak a, rawn lan tih a nei ta miah lo. An class-a a thiannu pakhat chu ka zawt ta ngawt a, a hnar a thi avangin a lo haw tawh a lo ni a. Rilru nuamlo leh pangkhing zetin ka haw a, zanah chuan ka phone ta nghal a. A that thu leh a hnar chu a khawn palh vanga thi a nih thu a sawi a. Tha deuh in kan in bia a. Dan pangngaiin min ngaih em em thu a sawi tel bawk a. Kei pawhin ka ngai.
Kar 2 vel a liam hnu chuan school a rawn kal ngai ta miah lo a, a phone lah a tlang thei si lo. Ka mangang hle mai. School banah an hostel ah ka chho a. An warden chuan Lungleia a haw thu min lo hrilh a. Eng vanga min hrilh lo nge maw a nih le, nge a damlo zawk. Rilru a hahin ka buai hle mai.
Ni ni hnih thum a liam a, zana ka lehkha zir chu, Law of Demand leh Law of Supply ka hriat hran theih loh avangin a diagram nen ka zir a. Kartluana a chanchin ka hriat loh avangin ka awm hle hle thei tawh lo. Ka phone chu a lo ri a, a number nilo atang chuan min rawn bia  a.
 Amah a ni tih ka hriat ve chuan ‘Enga ti nge? Buaina i nei em ni? Nge i damlo?’ ka lo ti nghal tawng a, ka thin a rim hle a ni.
‘Ni lo, ka dam lo a’ a rawn ti chuai raih a. A aw chu a thawpin a zawi hle mai.
Chawp leh chilhin ka thinurna chu lainatna leh hlauhthawnnaah a in let thut a, ‘I enge na? Damdawi te i ei em? Doctor te in pan em?’ ka lo ti nghal sawk sawk a.
‘Aw, pan e. Ka damlo em a ni’ a rawn ti chuai leh raih a.
‘Lungngai suh, i dam leh vat mai ang’
‘A pawi ka ti hle mai’ a ti a, a aw chu a chauh hmel hle.
Ngaihtha lo zetin, ‘engmah pawi tih tur a awm lo e. I natna chu enge ni a?’ tiin ka zawt a.
Lehlam atang chuan a ngawi vang vang a, min chhang dawnlo emaw ka tih hnuah chuan, ‘Ka thisen a cancer’ a rawn ti zuai raih a.
Tuboh lian taka hem sawk ang ka ni, ka thinlung chu a na nghal vawt a, ka kaiza tha a dul hnawk bawk a. Ka pum atang hian mi rawn tham er er a, sawi tur reng reng ka hre lo. Lehlamah chuan a in sut hraih tih ka hria.
  Christian Hospital, Serkawn
 Hospital cabin-ah chuan a nu in a chala puanthem huh a depin a lo awmpui a. Min hmu thut chu an nufa chuan an phu nasa hle mai. A mitmengah chuan a beisei, a beisei ngam siloh a hmu tih ka zu chhiar thei a. A hmelah chuan hlim hmel ka hmu thei. Chumi zan chuan zan dar 8 thleng ka awm a, ni 2 cham in damdawiin ah chuan ka awmpui chawt a. Ka awm avang chuan a chhungte pawh chuan awmpui tur chuan min ring deuh nghal mai a, kan pahnihin balcony-ah chuan thuin, khua kan thlir thin a. Kan kut chu kan in vuan a. Khang hun lai khan enge kan sawi ka hre chhuak zo tawh lo. Ka thinlung hnim lutuk leh a na tuar ka hmu khan min ti chiai zo vek mai a ni.
 Aizawla ka phei leh hnu in inbiak tawhloh a rawt a, keiin ka lo hnial a. Thian ang chauha en turin min ti a, keiin chutiang ka duh si lo. Zan tin ka call a, min thlah tial tial a. A chang chuan a nu in ka call chu a lo la leh zauh thin. A dinhmun chuan that lam a pan theilo. In lamah an inenkawl a, amah biak pawh theihna zawng zawng a ti tawp vek a. A chanchin zawt a a nu ka phone tih loh chu a mah contact theih dan ka nei ta lo.
   Greenwood Hospital, Aizawl
Kum a vei a, kan inbiak lohna pawh kum khat zet a liam ta. Ka u malpui zai awmpuiin nilengin Greenwood Hospital ah ka awm a, tlai lam chuan ka u chu a thiante an rawn len avangin kil khatah games khelin ka lo thu a, number chauh hian phone call a lo kal a.
 ‘Hello. I dam em?’ chu aw chu hriat ka inbeisei tawh loh, damlohna avanga tham chir chiar mahse tu aw nge tih ka hai ngai loh a ni.
‘Dam tha e. Enge i an tawh a?’ phawk hle chung chuan ka ti hram a.
‘Ka ngai reng. ka cher lutuk a min hmu la chu min hai hial ang’
‘Engtikah mah ka hai ngailo ang che’
‘I van ti lawmawm’
Kan ngawi dat a.
 ‘Nikum chhung deuh thaw khan Aizawl Cancer Hospital ah kan rawn inenkawl a, Aizawl ah I lo awm si lo a…’ a tawp lama a sawi chu hriat har khawpin a zawi a. Ka chhan hma chuan amah chuan, ‘Ka ke dinglam  ka mal a chin kan tan a’ a rawn ti tham tiak a.
Ka hit sawk a, han chhan let dan pawh ka thiam lo. ‘A va pawi ve’ chu bak sawi tur ka hre lo.
Amah chu a rawn nui hak a, ‘Weight lost nan a tha khawp mai’ a ti a.
Chu fiamthu nuihzat thlak loh zet chuan tlem a ka hamhaih lutuk pawh a ti ziaawm ve deuh. Ka chhan hma chuan amah zawk chuan, ‘Kan topic thlak ang, damloh lam ringawt sawi tur che pawhin ka rawn phone lo che’ a rawn ti hak a, a aw pawh a zangkhai viau tawh, ‘I lehkha zir i tluang em?’ tiin mi zawt nghal a.
‘Aw, tluang a ni mai. Kan khuaah English Medium Teacher in ka awm a’ ka ti a.
‘A va ropui ve.’
‘Hahah..chutia maw’n le’
‘Laloo-a ang kha chuan sual ve kher lo la’ kan school principal chung chang chu fiamthu ti tak deuh hian kan sawi dun a. Keiin kan principal thlavang ka hauh lain a niin a sual zia thu kha a sawi fiam vel a, zirtirtu fel tak niturin min chah ve lawm lawm mai.
‘Tehreng mai, ka fel dawn lutuk’ tiin ka lo chhang fiam ve bawk a.
 Kan inbiak dan chu thian hlui satliah inbiak dan mai a ni. Mahse a phenah chuan thinlung taka inbiakna a tel si. A aw te chu a danglam zoin ka hria a, mahse ka thinlunga amah chu adanglam lo. Ka hmangaih em vang ni pawhin ka hre lo, ka lainatna leh khawngaih vangin ka thinlung hian a hre reng a, kha hmeichhe awmnem tak khan dam ve reng chu a thlahlel em em tih kha a tawngkam leh chet ziaah a chhiar theih a, thu dang dang kan sawi a, kan nui bawk bawk a, darkar khat the meuh kan inbia. Kan inhriat chhung kha a reilo hle mai, thla 4 pawh a tling lo ang. Mahse ka rilru ka kawma keimaha ka awm apiangin a lo tel ve thin.
 Kha mi tuma min rawn biak hnu kar 1 velah khan khawvel a chhuahsan a, suangtuahna a amah ka ngaihtuah mai loh chu hnutchhiah min nei lo. A hun tawp dawn tepah pawh a rilru ah ka awm reng tih ka hriat avang erawh chuan nuam ka ti a, ka hlim hle a ni. A tana ka tih theih ve sang ber chu mihring ka nih chhung chu ka hre reng dawn a ni. Khawvel hi chu tiang mai hi a ni si a.
 Vanglainiah a thlalak leh a chhung ten an hriatreng thu an chhuah chu lusun chhungte pual column-ah ka hmu a, ka ngaihtuahnaah thil a lo thar a. Thuthlengah thuin ka maimitchhing a, hmana basketball court sira kan pahniha earpiece in tawma hla kan ngaihthlak lai hunah khan ka kir leh ta vang vang a.
 “You got a face to call home”
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wiltingboy · 8 years
inrinity said:
Fucking christ, are you running a chemist or some shit
nah, I’m just really Mentally Ill™
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magical-gf · 7 years
OKAY I have 2 URL’s so far... (both magical girl themed because I’m trash)  1 > magical-gf or 2 > stars-guardian 
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wiltingboy · 8 years
inrinity said:
Literally you redrew the characters of Killing Stalking into lesbians, l i k e
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